Shinya Fujita (Ph.D)
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    My papers

    [1] S.Fujita, Vertex-disjoint K1,t's in graphs, Ars Combinatoria Vol.64 (2002) p.211-p.223.(PDF)

    [2] S.Fujita, Vertex-disjoint copies of K1+(K1 K2 ) in graphs, SUT Journal of Mathematics Vol. 38, (2002) p.201-p.209.(PDF)

    [3] S.Fujita, Vertex-disjoint copies of K4¯ in graphs, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics Vol. 31, (2005) p.189-p.200.(PDF)

    [4] S.Fujita, Partition of a graph into cycles and isolated vertices, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics Vol. 32 (2005) p.79-p.89(PDF)

    [5] S.Fujita (with Y.Egawa, K.Kawarabayashi, H.Wang ), Existence of two disjoint long cycles in graphs, Discrete Mathematics Vol. 305 (2005) p.154-p.169(PDF)

    [6] S.Fujita (with A.Kaneko, I.Schiermeyer, K.Suzuki ), A rainbow matching in complete graphs and the number of colors, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics Vol. 16(1) (2009) #R51

    [7] S.Fujita (with S.Chiba, Y.Egawa), Minimum number of edges guaranteeing the existence of a K1,t factor in a graph, submitted.

    [8] S.Fujita, On graphs G for which both G and G are claw-free, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory Vol. 25 (2005) p.267-p.272.(PDF)

    [9] S.Fujita (with J.Fujisawa, T. Yamashita), Heavy cycles in hamiltonian weighted graphs, AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics Vol. 1 (2004) p.99-p.102.(PDF)

    [10] S.Fujita (with H. Matsumura, M. Tsugaki, T. Yamashita), Degree sum conditions and vertex-disjoint cycles in a graph, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics Vol. 35 (2006) p.237-p.251.(PDF)

    [11] S.Fujita, Forbidden pairs for vertex-disjoint claws, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics Vol. 18 (2005) p.209-p.213.(PDF)

    [12] S.Fujita (with K. Kawarabayashi, C.L. Lucchesi, K. Ota, M. Plummer, A. Saito), A pair of forbidden subgraphs and perfect matchings, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B Vol. 96 (2006) p.315-p.324.(PDF)

    [13] S.Fujita (with K. Kawarabayashi), Contractible elements in k-connected graphs not containing some specified graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, Vol. 58 (2008) p.97-p.109.

    [14] S.Fujita, Disjoint stars and forbidden subgraphs, Hiroshima Mathematical Journal Vol. 36 (2006) p.397-p.403. (PDF)

    [15] S.Fujita, Vertex-disjoint copies of K1+(K1 K2 ) in claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 308 (2008) p.1628-p.1633. (PDF)

    [16] S.Fujita, Degree conditions for the partition of a graph into cycles, edges and isolated vertices, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 309 (2009) p.3534-p.3540.


    [17] S.Fujita (with T. Nakamigawa), Balanced decomposition of a vertex-colored graph, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 156 (2008) p.3339-p.3344.

    [18] S.Fujita (with H. Liu), Further results on the balanced decomposition number, Congressus Numerantium, Vol.202 (2010) p.119-128.(PDF)

    [19] S.Fujita (with Y. Egawa, K. Ota), K1,3-factors in graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 308 (2008) p.5965-p.5973.(PDF)

    [20] S.Fujita (with K. Kawarabayashi), Connectivity keeping edges in graphs with large minimum degree, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, Vol. 98 (2008) p.805-p.811. (PDF)

    [21] S.Fujita (with A. Saito, T. Yamashita), Edge dominating cycles in graphs Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 307 (2007) p.2934-p.2942. (PDF)

    [22] S.Fujita (with Y. Egawa, J. Fujisawa, K. Ota ), On 2-factors in r-connected { K1,k , P4}-free graphs, Tokyo Mathematical Journal, Vol. 31 (2008) p.415-p.420. (PDF)

    [23] S.Fujita (with K. Kawarabayashi), Note on non-separating and removable cycles in highly connected graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 157 (2009) p.398-p.399.

    [24] S.Fujita (with A. Halperin, C. Magnant), Long path lemma concerning connectivity and independence number, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 18 (2011) #P149.

    [25] S.Fujita (with K. Kawarabayashi), Contractible triples in highly connected graphs Annals of Combinatorics, Vol. 14 (2011) p.457-p.465.

    [26] S.Fujita, (with X. Chen, M. Furuya, S. Young), Constructing connected bicritical graphs with edge-connectivity 2, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 160 (2012) p.488-493.

    [27] S.Fujita, The generalized Ramsey numbers concerning three disjoint cycles and complete graphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 19 #P14.

    [28] S.Fujita (with K. Kawarabayashi), Non-separating subgraphs in highly connected graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, Vol. 117(2016) p.1-p.21

    [29] S.Fujita (with K. Kawarabayashi), Non-separating even cycles in highly connected graphs, Combinatorica, Vol.30 (2010) p.565-p.580.

    [30] S.Fujita (with K. Kawarabayashi), Contractible small subgraphs in k-connected graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 26 (2010) p.499-p.511.

    [31] S.Fujita (with S. Chiba, Y, Gao, Z. Li), On a sharp degree sum condition for disjoint chorded cycles in graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol.26 (2010) p.173-p.186.

    [32] S.Fujita (with C. Magnant), Independence number and disjoint theta graphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 18 (2011) #P150.

    [33] S.Fujita (with C. Magnant), Note on highly connected monochromatic subgraphs in 2-colored complete graphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol.18 (2011) #P15.

    [34] S.Fujita (with J. Fujisawa, M. Plummer, A. Saito, I. Schiermeyer), A pair of forbidden subgraphs and perfect matchings in graphs of high connectivity, Combinatorica, Vol.31 (2011) p.703-723.

    [35] S.Fujita (with C. Magnant), Gallai-ramsey numbers for cycles, Discrete Mathematics, Vol.311 (2011) p.1247-p.1254.

    [36] S.Fujita (with C. Magnant), Extensions of Gallai-Ramsey results, Journal of Graph Theory, Vol. 70 (2012) p.404-p.426.

    [37] S.Fujita (with S. Chiba, K. Kawarabayashi, T. Sakuma), Disjoint even cycles packing in large graphs, Advances in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 54 (2014) p.105-p.120.

    [38] S.Fujita (with K. Ando, K. Kawarabayashi), Minimally contraction-critically 6-connected graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol.312 (2012) p.671-679.

    [39] S.Fujita (with T. Nakamigawa, T. Sakuma), Colored pebble motion on graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics, Vol.33 (2012) p.884-892.

    [40] S.Fujita (with C. Magnant, K. Ozeki), Rainbow generalizations of ramsey theory: A survey, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 26 (2010) p.1-30.

    [41] S.Fujita (with C. Magnant), Properly colored paths and cycles, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.159 (2011) p.1391-1397.

    [42] S.Fujita (with H. Liu), The balanced decomposition number and vertex-connectivity, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol.24 (2010) p.1597-p.1616.(PDF)

    [43] S.Fujita (with V. Borozan, A. Gerek, C. Magnant, Y. Manoussakis, L. Montero, Z. Tuza), Proper connection of graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol.312 (2012) p.2550-p.2560.

    [44] S.Fujita (with H. Liu), The balanced decomposition number of TK4 and series-parallel graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, Vol. 33 (2013) p.347-359.

    [45] S.Fujita (with A. Gyarfas, C. Magnant, A. Seress), Disconnected colors in generalized Gallai colorings, Journal of Graph Theory, Vol. 74(1) (2013) p.104-p.114.

    [46] S.Fujita (with M. Furuya, C. Magnant), k-Rainbow domatic numbers, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.160 (2012) p.1104-1113.

    [47] S.Fujita (with M. Furuya, C. Magnant), General bound on rainbow domination numbers, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol.31(3) (2015) p.601-p.613 .

    [48] S.Fujita (with A. Gerek, C. Magnant), Proper connection with many colors, Journal of Combinatorics, Vol.3 (2012) p.683-p.694.

    [49] S.Fujita (with M. Furuya), Rainbow domination numbers on graphs with given radius, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.166 (2014) p.115-p.122. .

    [50] S.Fujita, Some remarks on long monochromatic cycles in edge-colored complete graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 311 (2011) p.688-p.689.

    [51] S.Fujita (with K. Kawarabayashi), A connected subgraph maintaining high connectivity, European Journal of Combinatorics, Vol.35 (2014) p.245-p.255. .(PDF)

    [52] S.Fujita (with H. Liu, C. Magnant), Rainbow k-connection in dense graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, Vol. 93 (2015) p.33-p.52.

    [53] S.Fujita (with G. Chen, A. Gyarfas, J. Lehel, A. Toth), Around a biclique cover conjecture, Preprint- arXiv:1212.6861v1 [math.CO].

    [54] S.Fujita (with L. Lesniak, A. Toth), Further remarks on long monochromatic cycles in edge-colored complete graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, Vol. 93 (2015) p.221-p.225.

    [55] S.Fujita (with M. Furuya), Difference between 2-rainbow domination and Roman domination in graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 161 (2013) p.806-812.

    [56] S.Fujita (with S. Chiba), Covering vertices by specified number of disjoint cycles, edges and isolated vertices, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 313 (2013) p.269-p.277.

    [57] S.Fujita (with T. Nakamigawa, T. Sakuma), Pebble exchange on graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.184 (2015) p.139-p.145. .

    [58] S.Fujita (with M. Furuya, A. Gyarfas, A. Toth), Partition of graphs and hypergraphs into monochromatic connected parts, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 19(3) (2012) #P27.

    [59] S.Fujita (with M. Furuya, K. Ozeki), Forbidden subgraphs generating almost the same sets, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, Vol. 22(5) (2013) p.733-p.748.

    [60] S.Fujita (with X. Chen), On diameter and inverse degree of chemical graphs, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 7 (2013) p.83-93.

    [61] S.Fujita (with L. Lesniak), Revisit of Erdos-Gallai's theorem on the circumference of a graph, Information Processing Letters, Vol. 113 (2013) p.646-648.

    [62] S.Fujita (with H. Liu, C. Magnant), Monochromatic structures in edge-coloured graphs and hypergraphs - a survey, International Journal of Graph Theory and its Applications, Vol.1 (2015) p.3-p.56.

    [63] S.Fujita (with C. Magnant), Forbidden Rainbow Subgraphs That Force Large Highly Connected Monochromatic Subgraphs, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol.27(3) (2013) p.1625-p.1637.

    [64] S.Fujita (with M. Furuya, A. Gyarfas, A. Toth), A Note on Covering Edge Colored Hypergraphs by Monochromatic Components, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 21(2) (2014) #P2.33.

    [65] S.Fujita (with X. Chen), Downhill domination problem in graphs, Information Processing Letters, Vol. 115(6-8) (2015) p.580-p.581.

    [66] S.Fujita (with V. Borozan, G. J. Chang, N. Cohen, N. Narayanan, R. Naserasr, P. Valicov), From Edge-Coloring to Strong Edge-Coloring, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 22(2) (2015) #P2.9.

    [67] S.Fujita (with V. Borozan, M. Ferrara, M. Furuya, Y. Manoussakis, N. Narayanan, D. Stolee), Partitioning a Graph into Highly Connected Subgraphs, Journal of Graph Theory, Vol.82(3) (2016) p.322-p.333.

    [68] S.Fujita (with G. MacGillivray, T. Sakuma), Safe Set Problem on Graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.215 (2016) p.106-p.111.

    [69] S.Fujita (with M. Furuya, R. Naserasr, K. Ozeki), A New Approach Towards a Conjecture on Intersecting Three Longest Paths, submitted.

    [70] S.Fujita (with M. Furuya, C. Magnant), General upper bounds on independent k-rainbow domination, submitted.

    [71] S.Fujita (with S. Jiang, S. Chiba, J. Yan), Vertex-disjoint copies of K1,t in K1,r-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 340(4) (2017) p.649-p.654

    [72] S.Fujita (with R. Li, S. Zhang), Color degree and monochromatic degree conditions for short properly colored cycles in edge-colored graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, in press.

    [73] S.Fujita (with J. Ekstein, A. Kabela, J. Teska), Bounding the distance among longest paths in a connected graph, Discrete Mathematics, to appear.

    [74] S.Fujita (with R. B. Bapat, S. Legay, Y. Manoussakis, Y. Matsui, T. Sakuma, Z. Tuza), Safe sets, network majority on weighted trees, submitted.

    [75] S.Fujita (with H. Liu, A. Sarkar), Highly connected subgraphs of graphs with given independence number, submitted.

    [76] S.Fujita (with R. Agueda, N. Cohen, S. Legay, Y. Manoussakis, Y. Matsui, L. Montero, R. Naserasr, H. Ono, Y. Otachi, T. Sakuma, Z. Tuza, R. Xu ), Safe sets in graphs: Graph classes and structural parameters, submitted.

    [77] S.Fujita (with R. Li, G. Wang), Decomposing edge-colored graphs under color degree constraints, submitted.

    [78] S.Fujita (with Y. Bai, S. Zhang), Kernels by properly colored paths in arc-colored digraphs, submitted.

    [79] S.Fujita (with M. Furuya), Safe number and integrity of graphs, submitted.

    [80] S.Fujita (with B. Ning, C. Xu, S. Zhang), On sufficient conditions for rainbow cycles in edge-colored graphs, submitted.

    If you would like to read some of my submitted papers in the above list, please contact me.

    Professional Services

  • Editor for the Theory and Applications of Graphs

  • Editor for the International Journal of Graph Theory and its Applications

  • Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews (American Mathematical Society)

  • I have refereed publications which appeared in the journals, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. B, Journal of Graph Theory, European Journal of Combinatorics, Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, Applied Mathematics Letters, Graphs and Combinatorics, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, SUT Journal of Mathematics, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, IEICE Transactions, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics and Acta Mathematica Sinica.


  • 2006.4-2008.3, Fellowship awarded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for young scientists (B).

  • 2008.4-2011.3, Fellowship awarded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for young scientists (B).

  • 2011.4-2015.3, Fellowship awarded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for young scientists (B).

  • 2015.4-(2019.3), Fellowship awarded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C).

    My research interests: Graph Theory, especially, extremal problems, Ramsey number, domination number, coloring, paths, cycles, matching, factors, algoriths and connectivity in graphs.

    Locations of Site Visitors Last Update: 29 September 2017
  • My old website is here.