Althing of Orlanth's Heroes
The Orlanthi deity images by Simon Bray used on this page are
copyright c 2000-2002 by Issaries, Inc. and are used with permission.
Saga of Winter Deer Clan
by Skalds of Yarandros' Court of Tarsh
Ivarne Errarthdottir
I fought, we won.
Jarani' s Lawstaff
Destruction of Sword and Helm
Funeral of living Heort
Hidden King's Death & Enthronement of Highking
Alakoringa Saga
by Skalds of Argrath Dragonfriend's Court
How Alakoring began to hate Dragons
How Ormsland Inhumanking tricked Alakoring and his relatives
How Alakoring flew over the Rockwood Mountain
How Alakoring broke the Diamond Storm Dragon
How Alakoring fought with Dragonfriend and became Highking
How Tobosta Greenbow killed the Highking