
運河通行 Log Book

パナマ運河 Log Book

Transitting the Panama Canal

0750 Stationed for leaving temp'ry anchorage & transitting the Panama Canal.

0801 S/B eng..

0803 Pilot "BOSARGE" came on board.

0805 Hove up her anchor & left temp'ry anchorage for Lisbon.

0809 Slow ah'd eng. & used ah'd eng. ver'ly.

0827 P'd Framenco sig. station on her starb'd side.

0855 Canal sailors (10) came on board.

0925 P'd Miraflores lock's S.P.E. on her starb'd side. Took the first locomotive line on her starb'd bow.

0927 Took the locomotive line on her starb'd quarter.

0931 Took the locomotive line on her port bow & port quarter.

P'd the lower lock gate.

0936 Closed the lower lock gate.

0945 Opened the upper lock gate & proceeded from lower lock to upper lock.

0946 P'd the upper lock gate.

0952 Closed the upper lock gate.

1001 Opened the upper lock gate.

1005 P'd the upper lock gate & cleared out the Miraflores lock.

1006 Let go all locomotive lines & proceeded to the Pedromiguel lock.

1023 P'd Pedromiguel lock's S.P.E. on her port side.

1025 Took the first locomotive line on her port bow.

1027 Took the locomotive line on her port quarter.

1030 Took the locomotive line on her starb'd bow & starb'd quarter.

P'd the lock gate.

1035 Cosed the lock gate.

1045 Opened the lock gate.

1046 P'd the lock gate.

1048 Let go all locomotive lines.

1050 P'd the Pedromiguel lock's N.P.E. on her port side & cleared out the lock.

1055 Canal sailors (10) left her.

Proceeded to Gatun lock.


1306 Stationed for temp'ry anchoring.

1324 Stop'd eng. & used eng. var'ly.

1333 Let go her port anchor in 25m's depth of water[M]& anchored temp'ly at Gatun lake for waiting to transit the Gatun lock.

Stop'd eng. finally.

1333 Brought up anchor 3 s.s. on the water.

1335 F/W eng. & dismissed the station.


1539 Stationed for leaving temp'ry anchorage & transitting the Panama Canal.

1545 S/B eng..

1550 Hove up her port anchor & left temp'ry anchorage.

1551 Dead slow ah'd eng. & used ah'd eng. ver'ly.

1605 Canal sailors (10) came on board.

1622 P'd Gatun lock's S.P.E. on her starb'd side.

1624 Took the first locomotive line on her starb'd bow.

1625 Took the locomotive line on her starb'd quarter.

1630 Took the locomotive line on her port bow & port quarter.

1631 P'd the upper lock gate.

1635 Closed the upper lock gate.

1643 Opened the middle lock gate & proceeded from upper lock to middle lock.

1649 Closed the middle lock gate.

1657 Opened the lower lock gate & proceeded from middle lock to lower lock.

1701 P'd the lower lock gate.

Closed the lower lock gate.

1716 Opened the lower lock gate.

1718 P'd the lower lock gate.

1719 Let go all locomotive lines.

1721 P'd the Gatun lock's N.P.E. on her starb'd side & cleared out the lock.

1724 Canal sailors (10) left her.

1745 Pilot left her & cleared out the Panama Canal.

Full ah'd eng..

1755 R/up eng. & dismissed the station.

1759 P'd Cristobal East B.W. NW end on her starb'd side.

* S.P.E.:South Pier End (岸壁南端)

N.P.E.:North Pier End (岸壁北端)

B.W.:Break Water (防波堤)

スエズ運河 Log Book

Transitting the Suez Canal

0010 Stationed for leaving port.

0034 Pilot Capt. RAGUI came on board.

0104 S/B eng..

0105 Let go the last bouy rope & left Portsaid for Singapore.

0107 Picked up her port anchor. Dead slow ah'd eng..

Stop'd eng..

0109 Slow ah'd eng. & used ah'd eng. var'ly.ge for Lisbon.

0120 Dismissed the station. Com'ced to transit the Suez Canal.

0200 P'd Ras El Ish sig. station on her starb'd side.

0240 P'd El Tina sig. station on her starb'd side.

0300 P'd Al Cap sig. station on her starb'd side.

0358 P'd El Qautra sig. station on her starb'd side.

0400 Light br'ze & fine . Sea calm.

Round made, all's well.

0507 P'd Al Firdam sig. station on her starb'd side.

0551 Pilot Capt. S. HELMY came on board.

0554 Pilot Capt. RAGUI left her.

0630 Turned out.

0640 Turned to, employed in cleaning living quarter & other var. jobs.

0715 Stop'd work.

0730 Stationed for temp'ry anchoring.

0742 Stop'd eng. & used eng. var'ly.

0750 Let go her port anchor in 18m depth of water & temp'ry anchored at.

0750 Stop'd eng. finally. Brought up anchor 2s.s. in the water.

0751 F/W eng. & dismissed station.

0800 Light air & fine .


0900 Com'ced work, cadet & crew employed in watch & other var. jobs.

1130 Stop'd work.

Noon Fresh br'ze & fine .


1228 Stationed for leaving temp'ry anchorage.

1238 S/B eng..

1240 Hove up port anchor & left temp'ry anchorage for Singapore.

1243 Half ast. eng. & used eng. var'ly.

1251 Stop'd eng.. Half ah'd eng. & used ah'd eng. var'ty.

1300 Dismissed the station.

1315 Resumed work, cadets & crew employed in transitting canal watch.

1328 P'd El Kabrit sig. station on her starb'd side.

1415 P'd Geneffe sig. station on her starb'd side.

1505 P'd El Shaffua sig. station on her starb'd side.

1543 P'd point KM 159.

1550 Let go mooring boat & Suez lights.

1554 Pilot Capt. left her & Pilot Capt. HUSSEIN came on board.

1557 Cleared out the Suez Canal.

1600 Knocked off.

1620 Full ah'd eng..

1623 R/up eng.. P'd New port Rock on her port side.

1630 Searched all around her & found no stowaway & contraband goods.