Takayuki SUZUKI
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    Edited by Peter Cook

Nigel Coates, Neal Denari, Elizabeth Diller, Simon Herron, Thom Mayne, Eric Owen Moss, Takayuki Taki Suzuki, and others....


14th JAN. 2025   



Narratives in Design  设计中的叙事

CUMULUS / International Alliance of School of Art and Design 

CAFA conference 中央美术学院,北京

Parallel conference 湖北美术学院,武漢

Takayuki Taki SUZUKI "Narrative Space for Moon——China and Japan"

铃木隆之 演讲题目:《月与空间的故事——中国与日本》 

We can find aesthetic in literature and architecture for Moon both in Japan and China. Katsura Imperial Villa is said to be designed based on aJapanese poem in Genji Story. 

月のすむ 川のをちなる里なれば かつらの影はのどけかるらむ

Because it is a village falling from the KatsuragawaRiver where the Moon dwells, you can enjoy the shadowsof Katsura-Laurel Trees moving slowly. Legend of Katsura Laurel tree on the Moon came from China. 

24th NOV. 2023  Wuhan, CHINA


Museum Futurism

a talk with Cai Zheli (MVRDV, Shanghai)

moderator : Li Wenshu

interlocutor :  Takayuki Suzuki,  Xu Teng


24th NOV. 2022  Wuhan, CHINA
How Can We Deliver the Reality of Tokyo
for Foreign students Online ?

---The Answer from Our Experiment with oDOMOs.

(message for The 16th international Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1)


Docomomo International Public Discussion videos are on link page.

11th SEP, 2021


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Relational ART MUSEUM with Parametric Design

  Year3 Studio Project in Wuhan University

Fall Semester. 2023 Wuhan, CHINA
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Online Docomomo School 2020+1

Global Online Workshop from Daiikanyama, Tokyo

2021 Tokyo JAPAN and 23 countries
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Gene for the Scene

Studio Project in Wuhan University

Oct.-Dec. 2020 Wuhan, CHINA
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The 16th International docomomo Conference Tokyo JAPAN 2020(+1)

"Modernism is Frozen, Discussion is Opened"

Urbanism and Architecture Under/After COVID-19

Apr. 2020
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(special thanks)

My doctoral dissertation has bound into very beautiful book

Feb. 2020  Kyoto, JAPAN
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City on the Lake

Studio Project in Wuhan University

Oct.-Dec.2019,  Oct.-Dec.2020 Wuhan, CHINA
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Fictive Space

Critique for Architecture, Literature and Film is published in English-Japanese parallel translation

Nov.2017 JAPAN
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The Perfect World

Near-future science fiction novel is published

Nov.2014 JAPAN
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Architectural Workshop in Krasnodar,Russia

Workshop for students and young architects

Feb.2013  Krasnodar, RUSSIA
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Architectural Performance "Mad Tea Party"

We took part in J-FEST in Moscow, Russia

Dec.2012  Moscow, RUSSIA
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Kyoto Seika University Main Building

Complated Kyoto Seika University main building

Mar.2009 Kyoto JAPAN
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Museum of the Second World War International Architectural Competition

2010, Gdansk, POLAND
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Novelist's House


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