8、1968年 マザーグース豊穣の年(その1)



G Lady Madonna  (1968年2月 rec.)    ポール・マッカートニー 意図的引用





Lady Madonna, children at your feet

Wonder how you manage to make ends meet.

Who finds the money when you pay the rent?

Did you think that money was heaven sent?

Friday night arrives without a suitcase

Sunday morning creeping like a nun

Monday's child has learned ot tie his bootlace.

See how they run.

Lady Madonna, baby at your breast

Wonder how you manage to feed the rest. See how they run.

Lady Madonna lying on the bed

Listen to the music playing in your head.

Tuesday afternoon is never ending

Wednesday morning papers didn't come

Thursday night your stockings needed mending. See how they run.

Lady Madonna, children at your feet

Wonder how you manage to make ends meet.


 @ Lady Madonna, children at your feet

   Wonder how you manage to make ends meet




There was an old woman who lived in a shoe,

She had so many children she didn't know what to do;

She gave them some broth without any bread;

She whipped them all soundly and put them to bed.


お靴にすんでた おばあさん

子供が多すぎて どうしたらいいかわからない

パンをやらずに スープだけ

むちでうっては ベッドにいれた


 A Monday's child has learned to tie his bootlace



Monday's child is fair of face,        月曜の子供は かわいいお顔 

Tuesday's child is full of grace,       火曜の子供は 品がいい   

Wednesday's child is full of woe,       水曜の子供は 悲しみいっぱい

Thursday's child has far to go,        木曜の子供は 遠くへ行く  

Friday's child is loving and giving,      金曜の子供は 気前よい   

Saturday's child works hard for his living,  土曜の子供は はたらきもの 

And the child that is born on the Sabbath day 安息日の子供は       

Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.     かわいくほがらか やさしく陽気 


 B See how they run 

 この一節は、ジョンのI Am The Walrusでも用いられていた次のマザーグースからの引用。

Three blind mice,see how they run!   3匹の盲目ネズミ 走りっぷりをみろよ

They all run after the farmer's wife,    農家のおかみさんを おっかけた

Who cut off their tails with a carving knife, おかみさん包丁でしっぽ切り落とした

Did you ever see such a thing in your life,  こんなこと 見たこと あるかい

   As three blind mice?           3匹の盲目ネズミ