9、1968年 マザーグース豊穣の年(その2)

H Cry Baby Cry (1968年7月 rec.)      ジョン・レノン 意図的引用




Cry baby cry. Make your mother sigh.

She's old enough to know better.

The king of Marigold was in the kitchen

Cooking breakfast for the queen.

The queen was in the parlor

Playing piano for the children of the king.

Cry baby cry. Make your mother sigh.

She's old enough to know better. So cry baby cry.

The king was in the garden

Picking flowers for a friend who came to play.

The queen was in the playroom

Painting pictures for the children holiday. 

Cry baby cry. Make your mother sigh.

She's old enough to know better. So cry baby cry.

The duchess of Kirkcaldy always smiling

Arriving late for tea.

The duke was having problems

With a message the local bird and bee.

Cry baby cry. Make your mother sigh.

She old enough to know better. So cry baby cry.

At twelve o lock a meeting round the table

For a seance in the dark.

With voices out of nowhere

Put on especially by the children for a lark. 

Cry baby cry. Make your mother sigh.

She's old enough to know better.

So cry baby cry cry cry cry baby. Make your mother sigh.

She old enough to know better.

Cry baby cry cry cry cry Make your mother sigh.

She's old enough to know better. So cry baby cry.


 @ Cry, baby, cry, make your mother sigh 

 これは、Cry, baby, cry, make your mother buy というCMの宣伝文句からの引用で、このCMの元ネタは次のマザーグース。


Cry baby cry,            泣け 泣け 赤ちゃん 

Put your finger in your eye.     おめめに 指を つっこんで

And tell your mother it wasn't I   それは私のせいじゃぁないって母さんに言って


 A The Queen was in the parlour他

 次のマザーグースからの引用。「王が女王の朝食を作る」というくだりはエリザベス女王のパロディだろう。ただし、エリザベス女王の夫エジンバラ公は King ではなく

Duke なので、あからさまな王室批判とはなっていない。


Sing a song of sixpence,       うたおう 6ペンスのうた 

 A pocket full of rye;         袋いっぱいのライ麦    

Four and twenty blackbirds,     くろつぐみ 24羽    

 Baked in a pie.            パイの中で やかれた     


When the pie was opened,       パイを あけたら     

 The birds began to sing;       とりがうたいだす     

Was not that a dainty dish,     なんてすてきな お料理  

 To set before the king?        王様に          


The king was in his counting-house,王様 かねぐら      

 Counting out his money;        おかねの かんじょう   

The queen was in the parlour,   女王 おへやで      

 Eating bread and honey.        パンに はちみつ     


The maid was in the garden,     女中は お庭で      

 Hanging out the clothes,       洗濯物 干していた    

There came a little blackbird,    そこへ ことりがおりてきて

 And snapped off her nose.      女中の鼻を もぎとった