I-2 目次に戻る


I saw three ships come sailing by 

I saw three ships come sailing by,

 Come sailing by, come sailing by,

I saw three ships come sailing by,

 On New-Year's day in the morning.


And what do you think was in them then,

 Was in them then, was in them then?

And what do you think was in them then,

 On New-Year's day in the morning?


Three pretty girls were in them then,

 Were in them then, were in them then,

Three pretty girls were in them then,

 On New-Year's day in the morning.


One could whistle, and one could sing,

 And one could play on the violin;

Such joy there was at my wedding,

 On New-Year's day in the morning.


お船が3そう やってくる


お船に だれがのってたと おもう? 

お船に3人 かわいい女の子


1人は口笛 1人は歌


なんてうれしい わたしの結婚式





Dame, get up and bake your pies,

 Bake your pies, bake your pies;

Dame, get up and bake your pies,

On Christmas day in the morning.


Itsy bitsy spider 

Itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout.

Down came the rain and washed the spider out.

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.

And itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.


ちっちゃなクモさん あまどい のぼった

あめ ふってきて クモさん まっさかさま

おひさま こんにちは あめさん かわいた

ちっちゃなクモさん また のぼった



Itsy bitsy 「ちいさな」。Eency wency、Ipsy wipsy、Teeny tiny、Inky dinkyなどとなっている版もあるが、アメリカではItsy bitsyが一般的。





 オーストラリア映画だけが、歌い出しがEency wincy spiderで、他の6本はItsy bitsy spiderである。アメリカでは Itsy bitsy spiderが広く歌われているようだ。