When great Horde of Praxians threatened glorious army of KraLor, Emperor Vayobi angered and showed his wrathful aspect toward their inferior beast spirits and proved that Beast Riders could not overcome him by one of Un Lo's own inferior descendants.


[Here is some of my thought on Gloranthan "Mysticism" once found in Hero Wars, but now lost from Hero Quest....as other gloranthan sources, it has some Real World parallels, but it cannot and / or should not be specified to one or limited culture of one historical period, but here is some tendency I guess I found in Greg's subconsciousness.

Though you might not think that is not related to Gloranthan east directly, I feel its necessity for good understanding how innate magic is performed in RW, or how eastern people has mixed various kind of magic in RW, (or how tragically mystics struggled for attaining to Nirvana but cannot abandon worldly desires, thus failed.....)

Efendi said that Japan is famous center for studying Mantra-yana sect among Mahayana Buddhism (See below) and thus Tibet is spot for great concern of japanese mantrayana Buddhism priests and scholars.

(I cannot deny that I am influenced by cultural bias, like buddhism attitude to hinduism, or mahayana sect attitude to "Hinayana" (Theravada)...(for the former appeared from the latter as an antithese of the latter) so I have a bias to buddhism, as a voice of freedom against choking caste hierarchy of hinduism and extreme attitude to reverence which enhances the ignorance of populace. [I know Nenduren and Larn Hasamador are greater than Mashunasan! ]

Degital Dictionary of Buddhism

Indians believe in reincarnation, and that defines social castes while in living, if you meet misfortune unluckily and it was not by the result of your action, it means you did something bad in previous life. (This process of cause and effect is "karma") [Some of Gloranthan Culture (except people like malkioni those who have straight time-historical concept) and accept it  = cyclical time-historical concept as natural, as seasons in annual year, and don't need to liberate themselves from it, but some minority still seek liberation (called Nirvana) from it.]

(Monotheists tend not to believe Samsara, so they don't need Nirvana.) [They are Orthodox mystics in Revealed Mythologies. (Please ignore Manifest Mystics at this moment. See below)]

Historically, the prince was born in the caste hierarchy of Hinduism as Warrior / Ruler Caste (Kshatriya), and taught a teaching that is not concentrated on a specified religion. And he never write his teaching as Muhammad / Christ, or other Great Religion founders didn't. But his disciples began to write down and begin to compile it, so honestly, no one remembering texts "begin" to appear, as original teaching of Christ or Patanjali, [or Gloranthan Equivalent, Malkion or Mashunasan...]

So Nagarjuna taught the way to help others to reach Nirvana as to help yourself. (Mahayana Buddhism) [as Hrestol did in the Gloranthan West], so Boddhidharma came to China and taught the way to reach Nirvana by meditation and riddles [like Nysalorian Riddlers], So Padmasmbhava came from India to Tibet and taught Yoga [though his image hardly called as buddhist, as Saint Jonat as Malkioni saint], so Six Priests of Vikramasila Temple and Atisa taught Tibetan Priests about the Mystery of Yogic Practice and how it can be combined to Orthodox Mahayana Teaching of "Apparent (Paramita) Method" (See below)

So almost all of Major religions began as rather patriarchial, man chauvinistic, denying worship of Shakti Worship to Life, or Sexual Goddesses [like Ernalda or Uleria] and physical pleasure or discipline as inferior. So monastery isolated from ordinary living thrived in each "Fundamentalists". And hinduistic pantheon is positioned as inferior beings than buddhas and bodhisativas. [Maybe this relationship is similar to Dara Happan gods and Lunar Gods in Glorantha.]

Especially, fundamentally dangerous (later yogistic?) Gods like Shiva was carefully watched and sometimes despised as Ashura (Devil) rather than Deva. (But as worship of Virgin Mary in Christianity, Great Mother cannot be ignored clumsily...)

Buddhism reveres the state of "Void" called Nirvana, it is frequently equated with the concept of hinduistic "moksa" (Liberation from Cycle of Reincarnation) Europeans sometimes feel uneasiness to the concept of "Void" (Maybe as concept of Cipher from the point of view of Aristotle School, rejecting Islamic Philosophy), and sometimes it is equated with Nihilism as Schopenhauer did. And hindus are quite likely using this misconcept to their misadvantage....

Greg frequently uses word "Tantric" which meaning is unclear, and differently explained by each of real world sects (I think he uses this ambiguity intentionally, see below) Yogic practice, that is from Patanjali and derived from Indian Hinduism, is later development after Buddhism, but adopted and absorbed for its teaching is too fascinative for it justifies Animistic / Shamanistic, [or Common Magic like (HQ term...useful for every day life)] magic and cantrips, like curse to neighbors or making love portion.....and incorporated into Orthodox Patriarchical Teaching of Major Religions. (See below about the process of historical Changing in Mantra-yana sect.) So I share some feeling that "Unrealisation" is degenerated compromise to Void or Nothingness which buddhism teaches.

Esoteric Buddhism absorbs "oppressed" practice of shamanism / animism, and tries to systemise Orthodox teaching of Mahayana Buddhism taught by Nagarjuna. (See below about Chakra and Kundalini)

Hinduism since Veda text oriented have suffered with relation from other religions like Jainism and Buddhism, etc...but highly developed philosophy and creed (like Upanishad) might not have been there without it.  No one remember who Patanjali actually was (though the ancient gramatist might be same name and same person), but everyone knows he is the Founder of Yogic Tantrism.

(But I don't want to write here about why a sort of "corrupted" version of Yogism was so widespread among esoteric religion outside of India....and it needs more speculation.)

I can find several contradicting explanation for this word:

1) Compromise to animistic / shamanic religions practice of pre-Aryan Invasion
2) Shaktism, worship to Feminine Goddess, and reverence to sexual force
3) Strict Rituals to monasticism, and dedication to mentors (Guru?)

1), 2) and 3) superficially sound distinctly different and contradict for westerners without knowledge of Buddhism I assume. But if you grasp change also occured even limited only in Vajrayana, you might understand it as you do for the change of Christianity.

#Early Age Esoteric Buddhism
Beginning of adopting Sexual Methodology and Images, secular concern is not bad for it can be turned into energy to attain Liberation. Native shamanic / animistic practices (Like shitoism in Japan, Bon in Tibet, taoism in China, etc..) were absorbed and utilised by buddhism priests, but not oriented as a
sophisticated system.

#Middle Age Esoteric Buddhism (Japanese Shinngon and Tenndai Sect can be categorised here.)
Systemised Teaching began and disciples began to worship tutors as if they are living avatar of buddhas. Baptism to disciples and complicated rituals, a Japanese Priest perceived Mahavairocanabhisa teaching and Vajrasekhara Teaching as dualistic concept, and succeeded systemizing it as Japanese Mantra-yana text in Tang Dynasty. (Many scholars pointed out that it might be influenced from dualistic teaching of Chinese Yin and Yang.)

Dualistic Mandala of TarnGatHa and HeenMaroun

#Late Age Esoteric Buddhism (Tantric Buddhism, Tibetan Orthodox Geluq can be categorised here.)
Yogic Practice finally incoporated with newer sutras, Yogistic materialistic concern is finally justified as a method to help people as Communion, as fundamental principle of Mahayana Buddhism by great Tsonkhapa, (from his Geluq sect, Dalai Lama line began.) he taught disciples that Vajrayana (Esoteric) is greater than Paramita (Apparent) as Sun is greater than  Moon, but that only after the strict practice of Apparent (Paramita) Methodology, (Meditation, fasting, etc...), it is available. I think "tantric" can only be applied to this stage, for yogic practice is never mainstream for Eastern Asia, though its sutras can be found among many.
http://mypage.direct.ca/w/wattj/Glossary.htm (In this classification of Sakya and Geluq, lesser level of tantra (Kriya -> Carya -> Yoga -> Anuttrara Yoga depends on more physical level than spiritual, though in higher level, more animistic, curses and sensual symbolism are found among higher level texts......)
Four-fold Tantra Methods Main Texts Note
Kriya (Action) Tantra
Carya (Ritual) Tantra Mahavairocanabhisa Sutra Maybe it can be equated with Japanese Mahavairocanabhisa Mandala....
Yoga Tantra Series of Vajrasekhara Sutra Maybe it can be equated with Japanese Vajrasekhara Mandala....
Anuttara-yoga (Highest-yoga) Tantra Father Tantra
(Producing Method)
Guhyasamaja Tantra Utpakikrama, meditating upon the symbolism of mandala, completing it. (Geluq sect considered its superiority over Mother Tantra...)
Mother Tantra
(Completing Method)
Chakrasambhara Tantra, Hevajra Tantra Utpannakrama Method, sensual (sexual?) and physiological yoga.
Non-separable Tantra Kalachakra Tantra

Sects of Tibet

Joseph Needham objected against typical european simplified categorization about Concept of History by counting difference of India and China. Like West (Occident) is the land of Clear Thinking and Logic, while East (Orient) is Mystical and caring only afterlives. [(In HW, it might be applied to West = Sorcery, East = Mysticism.) Four Magic Forces might be concretely attached to directions, HeroQuest denies this simplization for it reduces flexibilty of gloranthan magical systems. But I don't know whether Pelorian Rashoran(a) is somehow influenced from Eastern or not. ]

Many of ancient chinese sages didn't care anything about afterlife and tried to make good for own secular society, [if Greg still wants to retain "Mystical" flavour to Kralorela, Tibet might be good for parallel. For Esoteric Vajrayana Buddhism thrived under pinnacle of Tang Dynasty (though Taoism was more powerful than it.) and Mongolian Yuan Empire adopted Lamaism as main teaching and many tibetan Sakya sect priests worked in the court of Great hans as tutors, one of them invented mongolian letters for their patrons. (Though Mongolians are foreign dynasty in China...)]

(As a reference, Japanese "Esoteric" Buddhism is not influenced from Tantric "Yogic" Buddhism, though practice of Mandala, and high-systemized Esoteric Buddhism imported from China in Chinese Tang Dynasty. So I hesitate to call practice of Mt. Kouya and Reverend Koubou "tantric"....Vajrayana is good, Mantrayana is better. See above.)

Some europeans feel term "Esoteric" too ambiguous, and use Adamantine or Diamond ("Vajrayana") as sect name for its prefixed sutra is one of main text of it, but it seems not to be prefereble fashion for insiders....japanese scholars prefer to call it "Mantrayana Sect" according to Japanese Main Sect name. Tibetan use both words. (From their Sansrit term Apparent Buddhism is usually called "Paramita-yana"....both of them included inside the category of Mahayana Buddhism, which seeks to help others as well as practitioners.)


Some defined buddhism as Philosophical teaching and clarity of mind training in limited sense, deny all other practices as "deluded" [maybe similar to HQ wizardly concentrated school?]. But for its students, method of Mahayana Orthodox and Esoteric Buddhism aren't standing against each other, and usually students of Esoteric Buddhism never be permitted to learn sexual images of Chakrasamvara, tantric rituals and succession until they would master Apparent (paramita) Methodology perfectly, both in orthodox Tibetan Sect and Japanese Sect.. (that is the term used by pratitioners of Esoteric Methodology.) This classification can't be applied to Hinduistic Practices. (Some Japanese Priests thinks Blood, Bone and Skin are key components for Esoteric Buddhism.)


(IMO as Confucianism, I suppose modern Communism can be called "secular religion". For though both teaching tries to be practical about making good, but they aren't, sometimes. Confucianism has produced lots of dogmatists, fanatics and anachronists.)

Mandala drawing is unique for Esoteric Buddhism, shared by both Japanese Teaching and Tibetan Buddhism.

I don't know whether hinduistic (non-buddhist) tantra practitioners use it or not, but anyway, indian vajrayana buddhists used only sand painting and it doesn't remain long, so only northerners have need to constantly remaining Mandalas, though Tibetans also use sand-painting as well as constant wall paintings and tapestries.

[Though I used word "Mandala" in my "Thalurzni" story as a practice of Taoistic Mapping of Yin and Yang, and Five Elements, (The symbol was called Pakua, meaning "Eight Tigrams" was derived from sketch similar to Pithagoraian School Numerical Mysticism) it seems that some eccentric (?) readers equated it with RW Mandala in Esoteric Buddhism.]

[Ok, here is manifest mysticism, which gamers want to play as in movies, finally. Identification of micro-cosm to macro-cosm is not monopolised consciousness of Indian Yogism, though Greg might think that is the mainstream, (I don't want to argue it and it is likely from India. Though it seems that Greg used term "tantric" equated with combination of Shaktism and Yogism, it is not dominant religion of hinduism, anyway.]

As you know, the control of body attained by RW Yogic Students is a result of effort to attain Nirvana by using Kundalini, (which normally makes people seek sexual and materialitic desire, as if he is a beast. [Tibetans generally believes it helps practitioners to attain more rapidly spiritual development than paramita method and power to help others.] that exists inside of the body along with the backbone of yogists, as a snake, or stream. And its intention is not to attain power, and it finally lets him realise that he and Cosmos in One and Same, Brahman and Artman.

[If Gloranthan Yogistic Martial Artists like Darja Danad have similar method, maybe they also reached the concepts of Chakras and Kundalini, here is some personal thinkng according to Mashunasan's word, RM p.55. Though it has only Five while RW chakras are seven...


Cycles Guardians Chakras
Creation  Atrilith or Durapdur <Brain>
Consciousness War Dogsalu
High Gods Vith <Throat>
Perception War Keltari
Gods Govemeranen  <Heart>
Insight War Oorsu Sara
Demigods Mashunasan  <Navel>
Opinion War Avanapdur
Human <Sexual Organ>
Realisation War Decu Oru?

So, maybe to open the first Chakra, he might experience the illusion of Avanapdur, and finally realise that all of illusions are temporal, after all. To open the Second Chakra of Navel, he might to have to survive depredation of Demon King Agrakasta, and might get power to immune to any physical damage. To open the third of heart, he might experience loss of most beloved thing inside of Middle World stolen by Thief God, it might let you realise that all of good for Middle World can be sublimated even in Mystical World, and to open the fourth of throat, you might to turn into horrible Draconic Body but to woo the Goddess of Life, Yothenara (it might tell you that you and she is one and same), and confront your inner formost urge at the fifth of brain...

Maybe it can be combined with Peter Metcalph's concept about Arkati, though maybe its Kundalini go downward, as the god of its founder, Zorak Zoran....I am not sure how it can be combined with Hero Wars 1st Edition's Challenges of Mysticism to attain liberation, seduction from Three Otherworlds, first from Animistic World, second from Theistic World, third from Sorcerous World.....maybe it is vulgar form of it?

I am not sure why Greg used Kundalini in the Daruda section of RM, simply it is depicted as a snake = Dragon, but it might have more meaning...

And we know modern status for Buddhism is bad, from the beginning of Confucianism Attitude to Tantric Method (Watch japanese prejudice derived from Aum Shinrikyou.....) Buddhism was exterminated in homeland India and its role insisting equality against hinduistic castes was replaced with teaching of Muslim, and Esoteric Buddhism, which Japanese priests incorporated from China, is also extinct in homeland for maybe Chinese practical nature...isn't suited for highly oriented metaphysical teaching of Esoteric Buddhism. Some of Japanese Buddhism Scholar thinks that nature of buddhism coherently causes disbanding country and weakens structure.....And we can't ignore Modern Chinese Communism Oppression to Tibetan Buddhism (it is not coincidental that Confucianism and Modern Communism are both "secular" religion and oppressed "ignorant superstition",  Marx said, religion is "opium" for people...)

Though Japan also have adopted Middle Period Esoteric Buddhism, it was cautiously watched its shakti power despite thrived by mixing with Japanese Shinto and Chinese Yin-Yang Principle. Its practitioners regarded sometimes amoral, no concern to worldly moral affairs....

Anyway, I should study more relationship about Hinduistic Yogism and its influence to Esoteric Buddhism though I know its teaching can be sometimes dangerous (toleration of sexual liberation can be translated as superficial hedonism [as Malkioni Teaching in Ebbeshal]), and oppressed.

[If I hava a chance, I want to write some about Kralorela from POV of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. About Chi Tin court with brilliantly (gaudily? from the taste of Chinese) colored Mandalas. Reigns of Vashanti, Yanoor and Godunya.]


[ If I can roughly and quite crudely divide RW East and South Asian Polytheistic "Mystical" teaching into two....

Indian Practice of Yoga seems to be an object of suspicion by Chinese. As a reluctant supporter to mysticism based on the Indian standard "de facto" of Samsara, indian concentration on personal liberation is uncomfortable in north relatively harsh climate. Mahanaya Teaching (accepting worship of boddhisattva) overwhelmed Theraveda, as original text of highly spiritual and metaphysical Yoga Sutra was ignored and sensual, tantric Hatha Yoga practice (Kundalini, Martial Arts etc..) was only accepted in various regions outside of India like Tibetan Buddhism and Taoism.

North People might blame on south people as selfish who only keep in mind on personal liberation, while south people quite likely condemn that north mystics attachment to material world and illusion to communion (as relation of Mahayana and Theraveda). Greg's notion about failings of Ingolf and ShangHsa that "failed in practice by the illusion of suffering other people" quite likely following southerners view to the relation of person and society, if Greg chose Yoga Sutra for the model of his Vithelan writing. So in HQ category of magical definition, Mahanaya Buddhism and Taoism might be difficult to be regarded as "mysticism" in Glorantha. It might be categorised as Theism, as Mark roughly did to majority of Kralori teaching.

Only magic which achieved the ideal of RW islamic mysticism (sufism) in Glorantha, "all of religion are merely candle lights which overshadow the Creator's face." only in limited sence is of course, lunars in their slogan, "We are all us.". Malion assumed that Great Mystery, like "Great Orlanth" related to such mystical existence and liberation.


[I have tried to apply my view about Mandala and Tibetan Cosmology into Kralorela....

Mark Galeotti keeps attitude to take gaming accessiblity to small community (like small village in HQV) prior to Cosmology, if you want to induce metaphysicality to the scheme, you might want to track down his effort and to make compromise between Greg's Kralorela as a spot of "Unorthodox" Mysticism in RM and Mark's "Theistic" Kralorela. You can alter or reject freely my point of view according to your preference, or simply treat it as minority but still important part of Kralori cosmology. (And I have some note of Peter Metcalph about diverted sects of each Dragon Emperors.

What is Mandala?
If you let me treat Orlanth as an example, I want to divide him into Three Parts, (not Orthodox Allfather, Adventurous and Thunderous) but Great Orlanth, Orlanth Manifesting and Orlanth with Personality. If I can apply him a mandala, Great Orlanth can be identified with whole of it (nearly impossible to comprehend it.), Manifesting Orlanth might be equated with Main Entity of the Mandala, and each of minor existences (which might be aspects of Great Orlanth, or his sons, Thunder Brothers...) isn't able to go beyond the boundary of the picture, but still holds some personality. Manifesting Orlanth with Personality can by identified with ordinary farmer, loving his wife, met life crisis for made a mistake by killing the King of Fire tribe, so traveled to mend it...

Maybe Kralori dragon emperors are equated with each of such mandala types whole, but perhaps you want to ask me, "Where are dragons?" if I try to divert RW tibetan mandala. Maybe my answers is they are some kind of iconoclasts, and they refuse to depict emperors as big lizards, considering it as blasphemy of FDR and Godlearnish (Worst type of foreigner...) way to make a part as whole, but if you want to (and able to) draw original Kralori mandala by yourself decorated with many lizards (with some exception of Naga King and the Prince, etc...), I hesitate to deny your idea. Religious Diversity should be encouraged, if political unity doesn't need such...I think each of exarchs and archexarchs are minor figures of such mandalas, set with both symbolically and represent manifesting power of avatars, and good but still half-enlightened gods of Vithela might be put on corner of mandala....

(Though in my personal preference, I like stoic and colored with moderate skepticism of Zen Buddhism paradox rather than too super-metaphysical Yoga Sutra and flesh-loving hatha yogic practice....)

1 TarnGatHa
Maybe exceptionally in this mandala, all of previous Dragon Emperors as minor figures of TGH mandala...(No one remembers how it was his teaching, (as Ooduren's teaching of Vithela.) Though he might be equated with Vith by GLs, I think he might be identified with Cosmic Dragon and / or Durapdur.) His mandala might be called Mandala transcending One?

2 HeenMaroun
Maybe in his mandala, minor entities are replaced by impersonal names of Cosmic Order...each of them in later mandala equated with the position of each exarchs and arch exarchs....(I assume dualistically, type 1 & 2 represent the two aspects of Cosmos, Time and Space as in Japanese Mantranaya sect....

3 Metsyla & 4 Shavaya
Eagle Phoenix of Abzered, First and Last human Emperor of Kerendaruth....Not draconic, so maybe not drawn as the Whole or Main Entity of Mandala. (though they might be any of each minor personas....) But culturally from their reigns, foundation of Kralorela began. So for majority worship to them as emperors are okay, as that of Johannes the Baptist in Christianity. According to Alex Ferguson (Ye Booke of Tentacles #2), teaching of NyangMao preceded that of Daruda (I am not sure these are from Vithelan Mysticism, or not), even though I feel uncomfortable to the idea that this Jainistic teaching of former directly related to latter.. Maybe at their reign, concept of Centralised Government (Imperial Court?) derived from the relative difficulty of life in north without unity (like need of irrigation) and Kahar's skeptical and practical attitude to Otherworld. "So what?" I have some image of Zhou Dynasty, that was later idealised by Confucius...)

5 Daruda
(Example, Tibetan Mandala....)
Though he didn't leave any canon (for Unified Kralori character didn't appear until reign of Mikaday (made it) and Vayobi (unified and conquered) as great RW founders of religion, like Christ or Sakyamuni, and I suppose memory of his teaching left many diversed sects which had contradict opinion of their mentor even if they all agreed he was a sort of Mahayana Bodhisattva. (But not relatively, not so brutally opposed each other: Greg Stafford) So maybe he didn't draw any own mandala by himself, at least not in form available for later age, (maybe sandpainting?) But I don't want to refuse later age Kralori believe they found his own, (or just makeup or invent own mandala....) I think his mandalas heavely influenced by Vithelan Gaudy Painting, and characters are drawn as fluid, similar to Spirit World.

Though I suppose neither Peter nor Greg approve my idea, for Daruda first induced mainstream draconism of Kralorela. And modern Kralori teaching is theistic according to Mark's note. But I still cling to the idea that Daruda's catalyst of teaching is derived from ShanShan Korgatsu Hsunchen...later it might be related to Kundalini = Dogsalu by applying Vithelan Concept. (See my note about Chakra and Kundalini)

6 Thalurzni
Negative reaction to Vithelan Influence (Daruda's teaching?), mainly derived from Centric Culture., over-intellectualism of Alchemist Emperor? As brithini atheists, I think he didn't reject the entities of Otherworld, but denied the importance to worship them. (I assume mandala painting art is actually started from his reign, but it might be similar to RW Pakua related drawings (I can't put up the chinese pronunciation of ka-to ("River Map") and raku-sho ("River Text") now....it is similar to numerical mysticism drawing of Real World Pythagoreans.) Maybe his mandala holds only Sacred (Sanskrit?) Characters replacing human and worshipable entities of other mandalas, in Glorantha, Runes, (put on Example of RW, I think his sorcerous notion somewhat exploited by later age NDR. (I feel a bit uncomfortable to Peter's idea that kralori eunuchs are somewhat similar to priests of Kybele, castrating themselves to achieve higher status (hermaphrodite?), for RW Chinese man chauvinistic nature, but Kralorela is NOT China.....

RM p. 83 "Thalurzni encouraged diversity among his subjects, as long as they revered him and the exarchs. "

My opinion about Tantrism to Thalurzni and Halisayan, see Vashanti's section and my collection of image: though these are all of ancient China, not Tibetan....

7 Mikaday (call him vagabond Mike)
In his reign, mandarins first appeared by passing of examination, I don't think his "court" (Government) was highly organized and only token of bureaucracy network worked. (In my Kralorela, still petty nobles retain their own privileges and influence.) I still fail to grasp the difference of RW chinese mandarin examinations (See Michael O'brien's writing: http://members.ozemail.com.au/~mrmob/mandarin.htm ) and Kralori esoteric draconic teaching, maybe similar to Mahanaya Buddhism sutras? (Similar to difference of Mahanaya (Try to make good society) and Hinayana (Concentrate on Personal Liberation..)?) I think it is not plausible that kralori examination is about deep introspection of personal conscious, like Indian Yoga Sutra even if it works subliminally and subconsciouslly. I don't think Kralori is dragonewt. So their concern is toward humane arts and society, by identifying themselves with a part of whole society. Not purusa.

And I think even if its draconic teaching is somewhat inscrutable for Real World people, I think extremity destroys the flavor of Kralorela = China, it should be covered by humanistic facets and paradoxical riddles systemised as a style of poetry. Mandarins learn law, custom and courtesy, though it might not help to makeup clever and able bureaus in RW, it certainly helped to found equality of society in some sence without any bloodshed, learned about their tradition and belongings.

I think from his reign, exarchs and archexarchs began to be drawn as somewhat human-styled in mandalas.

8 Vayobi, Warlord
Maybe as Real World First Emperor of "Sina", he tried to unify his empire not only politically, but also culturally. So he wrote down and forced unified Kralori character code as Orthodox Mikaday style. You know Empire greatly expanded before or after (during?) of Sekever's invasions, I think Martial Arts (derived from Darja Danad of Vithela) was induced and practiced by kralori at that Atrocity War age, similar in a sense of hatha yoga teaching. (See below, read Greg's deifinition of Manifest Mysticism and Orthodox Mysticism.Hatha Yoga Pradipika text can be found at: http://www.santosha.com/philosophy/hathayoga-pradipika-chapter1.html)

Manifest Mysticism was induced and incorporated into Orthodox teaching....I think in his mandala, main characters (at least in those of later age) hold Tantric Warlike Styles depicting inner power of the Emperor. (See RW example on the top of this page: Vayobi shows his angry face and defeats Udam Bagur?) but maybe as in my tale, his extravagancy and megalomaniac policy led his downfall.....

9 Vashanti
Web of Righteous Knowledge....(it was called Great Compromise by Hemkarba (DP) foreigners.) but it seems that Vashanti induced it by kicking out all of unfittable to his rule rather than cooperation of Unity Council....

Peter Metcalph described his students wild sages wandering countryside as Mike did, maybe it means that Vas rather idealised Mikaday's "loose" reign. iassume that at his reign, Emperor's wives turned into some kind of worshippable entities in Mandalas, at least in some level of RW tantrism. Why?

Maybe Vas's reign means that foreign dangerous (but still useful) power was equated with a sort of dirty, Sesual Existence, I think it was equated with shakti (woman) under the concept of man dominating culture. As Thalurzni held one wife (Halisayan) and Mikaday might have many wives and concubines.....their practice might be condemned by Vas as some kind of tantric (sensual) Method to achieve Liberation. So Shakti Goddesses might be put on mandalas of his predecessor emperors.

10 Yanoor

As Real World Vajrayana sect always seeks shortcut into Nirvana or Liberation aside from long struggle of Paramita method during samsara, I assume Yanoor induced tool much needlessly foreign influence and it leds his downfall....(you might find my idea at Zin Letter #2 article)

I am not sure who August Dragon was and how his prophecies worked in the reign of Yanoor before Shang Hsa, I assume Tantric Practice and usage of Mandala practiced greatly by his Imperial reign.

11 Godunya
(Golden skinned current Emperor of Chi Tin, (The Metropolis of Silk?) Good Example of RW: derived from mandala of real Llamas like that of Tsonkhapa?) Isolationalism again and tantric practice cautiously controlled (but not banned as Tibetan Geluq sect creed?)


False Emperors

Shang Hsa
Sheng Seleris

Emperor Yanoor loved to stay among populace in a form of ordinary forest hermits.


You might know that the vast variety of Esoteric Buddhism Pantheon and its complexity, and maybe doubt its necessity as I. Many of these entities are merely philosophical components that are parts of Greater Cosmological Symbolism (Mandala).

But some others are not, as Meitreya and Avalokitesvara, with enough attributes, folktales and legends and worshippers (bhaktists). So I try to list here most important pantheon members, if you like to use these images for Kralori Emperors. Some of these divinities are well known in north, even in Japan.....but many later entities defined by esoteric tantrism texts are alien to us, (especially "copulation" form is alien for Confucianism standard, see Vajrasattva head.)

Many of Tibetan (and Indian, before they were destroyed by islamic invasion this category included far larger area, for it spreads far to southeast isles of Asia, though later most other areas abandoned it and took Theraveda teaching, read about Mahayana Cosmology of Borobudur architectures) Vajrayana Pantheon is from their rivalry toward Hinduism, as geographical closeness between Tibet and India, many of tibetan "Idam"s have ability to conquer or absorb ability of hinduistic deities, especially that of Shiva (God of Yogism). So "Heruka"s usually have some kind of similarity to Shiva, his horrible wife Kali,  and its "spawns" like Ganesha....or like "Yamantaka", conqueror od Death God Yama. (revered Heruka of Geluq sect, for it was a guardian being of Tsoknkapha..... see below)

Main Images

(Thanka is religious traditional art of Tibetans depicting various Vajrayana Pantheon.)


[Un Lo (Atrilith?) and....perhaps great ancestral dragons of Hexad: Silence, Secret, Being, Experience, Thought, Spirit are all considered as humane figures such kralori worship group...maybe as buddhas in Esoteric Buddhism sect and compose main hexads of their own mandala... many buddhas are not attributed with accesaries as boddhisattivas, for they already transcend such. (So not popular for ordinary people..., I am not sure why TarnGatHa is called specifically "Guardian of Being", as one of Hexad by Alex Ferguson (Ye Book of Tentacles #2).....)

I think Durapdur and Atrilith might be considered such figures, as Un Lo or more superior entities.

Great Mercy of West (So sometimes attributed with Avalokiteshvara, see below), an object of "bhaktism" for Japanese Jyodo and Ikko sects, maybe it is similar to HeenMaroun, for he wait the west (ing) of Kralorela.....Maybe his image can be used as HeenMaroun.....

Buddha of Healing in the Lapis Lazuli Heaven of East. Not popular among tibetans but well-known among chinese and japanese, I am far less sure about its directional attribution to Amitabha and Bhaisajtaguru, but this couple is quite known in "north" Buddhism....less relevant my attrbution to TarnGatHa.....

Translated by Chinese Priests as "Great Sun Buddha" as the main buddha of Middle Age Esoteric Buddhism as in Japanese Matranaya Sect.

Maybe Daruda is depicted as Prince Shakamuni in the form of Cakravartirdjan, as a founder of Religion.....(You can find many esoteric Symbolism that depicts as Lord of Secular Religion, Cakravartirdjan Sakyamuni. For paramita and mantrayana are considered two sides of one coin in Esoteric Buddhism concept.....)

+Historical Buddha, called Sakyamuni
(In Legend, when Gautama Siddharta was born, his father king of Kapilavastu was told by a sage that "if this prince stays in the palace, he will be the conqueror of Three World in the name of Cakravartirdjan, but if he met Three Agonies before he grew adulthood, he will be the Sage who helps everyone to achieve the liberation.")

*Bodhisattvas: [As dragon emperors regarded as bodhisattva in several bits and pieces of Greg and Alex, as they stay Middle World as dragonet inhuman King of Hemkarba.....(but IK don't pretend to help his subject tailed priests, beaks or warriors, bah, another hinayanas.:-)(]

Boddhisattva of Mercy. (See above about Amitabha)

Dalai Lama is regarded as an aspect or avatar of Avalokiteshvara, maybe Godunya was shown as similar aspect?

(As you see in the "Journey to the West (Kuan-Yin)", Avalokitesvara sometimes depicted as "Goddess" figure at least in China and Japan attributed with local religion like taoism and shintoism pantheon, see below about Devis(Shakti).)

Boddhisattva of Wisdom.

Vayobi? See below about Idam (Mahavajrabhairava is Idam of Manjushiri), for Tsonkhapa believed he was an avatar of Manjushri, as he holds both pen (literary) and sword (military)

The Bright Boddhisattva who will be Buddha in Future. Many scholars have pointed out influence and similarity to Persian God Mithra. And Kuukai (Japanese Shinngon sect founder) also greatly revered this entity.) Shavaya?

In China and Japan, Maitreya is attirbuted with potbelly and laughing face symbolises Fertility.....


This is called the founder entity of Esoteric Buddhism, called Siddharta's previous life of reincarnation, as Boddhisattiva, or direct mystical disciple of Gautama.
For its mystical attribution, I quite likely attribute him with Thalurzni the Alchemist.....though you might object me.
Thalurzni? with his wife Halisayan, Vajrasattva is also known in Japanese Esoteric Buddhism as a bodhisattva of Mantrayana secret, and (later, tantric buddhism)

Copulation with his Shakti (Thalurzni and Halisayan? This is not pornography! but don't show it to children or ignorants who don't want to understand its symbolism,)

Underworld Boddhisativa who helps sinners then punished..... Very popular among China and Japan in folktales.
Maybe I can apply the days of Wandering Mikaday costuming poor priest...as many japanese and chinese folk tales.....
(I don't know where Claude got the image for Mikaday....http://perso.club-internet.fr/manzato/pagepersocm/runequest/rq37.html)

At least, I can say too small in number for known Kralori deities, compared with this vast volume of Esoteric Buddhism pantheon......And I, as moderate islander of North, feel uneasy when the southern radicality derived from the extreme change of heat and cold....and Herukas and their dakini....
These meddlesome avatars of buddhas and buddhisattivas forcefully try to enlighten reluctant foolish people, typical mahayana attitude....
(Maybe you can call Shargash as "Idam" of Emperor Yelm....and Alkothite Black King might be their patron of own Yogistic Way...)

*Idam (Tibetan term, not Sanskrit): Maybe it can be equated with Vidya-rajas (Japanese "Myouo"s), You can call their angry faces quite contrary to Buddha's original idea for centrist-moderate way against extremism of Hinduistic Asceticism and Hedonism, One of Two Great Mainstream sets of Tantric Buddhism, "Mother" Tantra (emphasises Femininity and hatha-yogic phisiological transformation) (against "Father" Tantra (emphasises Masculinity and meditating upon symbolism of Mandala)) are centralized to concentrate on these entities.

Once it was another name of Hinduistic God Shiva....below are all revered entities of Late Age Esoteric (Tantric) Buddhism. In Japan, Mahakala is revered as the god of wealth and prosperity.

+Heruka, Yamantaka, Vajrabhairava
Yamantaka is Guardian Being of Geluq sect, conquerer of Death (Yama), some in Dark rumor, Geluq sect has strictly controlled its worship and only permitted its worship (and use of their dark power was rumored by early day Dalai Lamas against their rivals) to qualified who passed all of Paramita teaching......I find difficulty to find Glorantha Kralorela equivalent for such entity except few exception like Udam Bagur (or Demon under the city of Tzu Lung...?), but if Alex Ferguson or others want to use their frenzy power and have ability to control them, I will greatly appreciate their effort....

Vajrabhairava is worshipped as main idam of some "Father" tantra Mandala....

Important Idam of Mother Tantra text, "Chakrasambhara Tantra".

See above about Manjushri, for Tsonkhapa equated himself with an avatar of the Boddhisattva.....

Another Important Idam of Mother Tantra text, "Hevajra Tantra".

Most revered Idam in the latest (and some call, greatest) Tantric Buddhism, (it combines practice of "Mother" Tantra and "Father" Tantra.) in Legend, that was first taught in the legendary kingdom of Shambara.

"Great Illusion", maybe you can call it as a great sarcasm of Tantric Mahayana, greatest obstacle is now an object of worship....

+Mauamayuri (Peacock....Eagle Phoenix Emperor Metsyla?)
*Devis (Woman Entities, Shakti in Hinduism):


Goddess of Sunlight Shimmer? This entity greatly revered as Boddhisattva of War in Japan....


Mother of Small Children, revered as Guardian of Children and smallpox in India, her legend eating other children is well-known in East Asia.


Main God of Ancient Veda as Thunderer, well known among hinduism, though later depraved its role by Shiva and Vishnu....

God of Prakriti in Sankhaya and "Great-self" in Veddantha, theorised.

So my images are:

TarnGatHa (TGH): Bhaisajyaguru?
HeenMaroun (HM): Amitabha?
Metsyla: Mauamayuri (Eagle Phoenix Emperor?)
Shavaya: Maitreya?
Daruda: Shakamuni, Vairocana
Thalurzni: Vajrasattva
Mikaday: Ksitigarbha
Vayobi: Manjushri
Godunya: Avalokiteshvara

I have some difficulty to find equivalent for Vashanti and Yanoor, maybe some lamas or gurus of Tibetan Legend.....? Maybe Dalai Lama 5th and 6th....? Padmasambhava and Tsonkapha?

Any comments?

But names are tibetan, not popular sanskrit.....


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