
CSBTS GB ICS List 中国国家標準(GB,GB/T規格)
 ICS 37:映像技術 分野

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中国語名称を表示する場合は、ブラウザ(IE6等)の エンコード日本語(シフトJIS)とし、 日本語のフォントMS UI Gothic等に指定してください。
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
37.100.20 A17 GB/T 788-1999 图书和杂志开本及其幅面尺寸 Formats and their sizes of books and magazines NEQ ISO 6716:1983
37.020 N30 GB/T 1204-1975 光学零件的倒角 Chamfers for optical parts  
37.020 N30 GB/T 1205-1975 透镜边缘及中心最小厚度 Minimum thicknesses in rim and centre of lens  
37.020 N30 GB/T 1315-1977 光学零件薄膜的分类、符号及标注 Thin-film coatings on optical parts--Classification, symbols and designations  
37.100.10; H62 GB/T 2530-1989 照相制板用铜板 Photoengraving copper sheet NEQ JIS H3100-86
37.020 N32 GB/T 2609-1996 显微镜 物镜 Microscopes--Objectives  
37.020 N30 GB/T 2831-1981 光学零件的面形偏差 检验方法 (光圈识别) Surface form deviation of optical elements--Inspection methods  
37.040.20 G80 GB/T 2923-1995 K白照相负片/加工组合ISO感光度的测定 Determination of ISO speed of black-and-white pictorial still camera negative film/process systems IDT ISO 6-93
37.060.20 G80 GB/T 2924-1995 彩色摄影用负片ISO感光度的测定 Determination of ISO speed of colour negative films for photography EQV ISO 5800-87
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 2926-2000 35mm和16mm电影发行拷贝片头和片尾的技术规格 Leaders and run-out trailers for 35mm and 16mm release prints--Specification EQV ISO 4241:1987
37.060 A15 GB/T 2927-1994 电影影片画幅放大或缩小光学印片比率技术要求 Optical printing ratios for enlargement and reduction of motion-picture film images--specification NEQ ISO 4238-1976
37.020 N32 GB/T 2985-1999 生物显微镜 Biological microscope  
37.100.10 J87 GB/T 3264-1989 单张纸平版胶印机 技术条件 Specification for sheet-fed planographic offset press  
37.100.10; H62 GB/T 3496-1983 胶印锌板 Zinc plates for lithography NEQ JIS H4321-53
A15 GB/T 3556-1983 摄影用标准灰板、色板的技术规范 Standard gray and color test chart for photography--Specifications  
37.060.10 N42 GB/T 3717-1983 测长机 Length measuring machine NEQ ΓOCT 10875-64
37.100.10 N47 GB/T 4591-1992 静电复印测试版 Test chart for electrostatic copying process  
37.060 A15 GB/T 4635-2000 35mm电影摄影机片窗在胶片上形成的画面的位置和尺寸 Image area produced by camera aperture on 35mm motion-picture film--Position and dimensions EQV ISO 2906:1984
37.060 A15 GB/T 4636-2000 35mm影片上最大可放映画面的位置和尺寸 Maximum projectable image area on 35mm motion-picture film--Position and dimensions EQV ISO 2907:1984
37.060 A15 GB/T 4637-1994 35mm磁片上三声轨、四声轨和六声轨磁头隙缝的位置和宽度尺寸 Head gaps and sound records for three-, four-, or six-track magnetic sound records on 35mm motion-picture film containing no picture--Positions and width dimensions EQV ISO 162-85
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 4638-1997 35mm电影发行拷贝上画面和光学声迹的位置和尺寸 Picture image area and photographic sound record on 35mm motion--Picture release prints-Position and dimensions EQV ISO 2939:1986
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 4639-2000 35mm单声道电影光学声底上声迹的位置和最大宽度尺寸 Cinematography--Monophonic 35mm negative photographic sound record on 35mm motion-picture film--Position and maximum width dimensions EQV ISO 70:1981
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 4640-2000 35mm电影胶片在摄影机上的用法 Camera usage of 35mm motion-picture film EQV ISO 23:1993
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 4641-2000 16mm电影胶片在摄影机上的用法 Camera usage of 16mm motion-picture film EQV ISO 25:1994
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 4642-1984 16mm电影摄影机片窗在胶片上所形成的影象位置和尺寸 Image produced by 16mm motion-picture camera aperture --Position and dimensions NEQ ISO 466-76
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 4643-1984 16mm电影光学声带负片的录音位置与尺寸 16mm negative photographic sound record on 16mm motion-picture film--Positions and dimensions NEQ ISO 71-77
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 4644-1984 单边片孔单条16mm影片的磁性声带的录音与还音磁头的隙缝位置和宽度尺寸 Magnetic stripes and recording and reproducing head gaps for magnetic sound records on 16mm motion-picture film perforated along one edge -- Positions and width dimensions NEQ ISO 490-78
37.060.10 A15 GB/T 4645-1994 室内影院和鉴定放映室的银幕亮度 Screen luminance for the projection of motion-picture prints in indoor theatres and review rooms EQV ISO 2910-90
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 5297-1985 35mm和16mm电影发行影片字幕的位置及尺寸 Area for titles on 35mm and 16mm motion-picture release prints--Positions and dimensions  
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 5298-1985 35mm电影遮幅法影片画面的位置及尺寸 Image area on 35mm motion-picture films with masked picture--Positions and dimensions  
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 5299-1985 16mm电影发行影片上的画面面积和光学声带的位置及尺寸 Picture image area and photographic sound record on 16mm motion-picture release prints--Positions and dimensions  
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 5300-1994 70mm、65mm、35mm和16mm电影影片接头的尺寸和位置 Splices for use on 70mm,65mm,35mm and 16mm motion-picture films--dimensions and locations NEQ ISO 6038-93
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 5301-1985 供电视用影片的安全画面的位置及尺寸 Safe picture areas for motion-picture films for television--Positions and dimensions  
37.060.10 N41 GB/T 5874-1986 16mm W型电影摄影机片窗所形成的画面位置和尺寸 Image produced by camera aperture type W on 16mm motion-picture film--Position and dimensions  
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 5875-1994 35mm和16mm磁片的录音特性 Recorded characteristics for magnetic sound records on 35mm and 16mm motion-picture films containing no picture EQV ISO 1189-86
37.080 A14 GB/T 6159.1-1985 缩微摄影技术 词汇 第一部分: 一般术语 Micrographics--Vocabulary--Section 1: General terms NEQ ISO 6196/1-80
37.080 A14 GB/T 6159.2-1985 缩微摄影技术 词汇 第四部分: 材料和包装物 Micrographics--Vocabulary--Section 4: Materials and packaging NEQ ISO/DP 6196/4-80
37.080 A14 GB/T 6159.3-1994 缩微摄影技术 术语 第3部分: 胶片处理 Micrographics--Vocabulary--Section 3: Film processing NEQ ISO 6196-3-83
37.080 N04 GB/T 6159.4-1994 缩微摄影技术 术语 第6部分: 设备 Micrographics--Vocabulary--Part 6: Equipment  
37.080 A14 GB/T 6159.5-2000 缩微摄影技术 词汇 第五部分 影像的质量、清晰度和检查 Micrographics--Vocabulary Part 5: Quality of images,iegibility,inspection EQV ISO 6196-5:1987
37.080 A14 GB/T 6159.22-2000 缩微摄影技术 词汇 第二部分 影像的布局和记录方法 Micrographics--Vocabulary Part 2: Image positions and methods of recording EQV ISO 6196-2:1993
37.080 A14 GB/T 6160-1995 缩微摄影技术 第一代银-明胶型缩微品的密度 Micrographics--Density of the first generation silver-gelatin microforms NEQ ISO 6200-90
37.080 A14 GB/T 6161-1994 缩微摄影技术 2号测试图的特征及其在缩微摄影技术中的应用 Micrographics--Test chart No.2--Description and use in microfilming EQV ISO 3334-1989
37.040.20; G80 GB/T 6843-1986 感光材料涂层熔点测定方法 Method for determining the coating melting point of photographic materials NEQ ANSI PH 49.11-64
37.040.20; A15 GB/T 6846-1986 确定暗室照明安全时间的方法 Method for determining safety times of darkroom illumination EQV ANSI PH2.22-78
37.040.20; G80 GB/T 6847-1995 照相胶片和相纸卷曲度的测定 Determination of the curl of photographic film and paper IDT ISO/DIS 4330-93
37.060.20 G81 GB/T 6848-1986 电影胶片片卷片芯尺寸 Dimensions of the cores for motion-picture film rolls EQV ISO 1039-75
37.040.20; G80 GB/T 6849-1995 照相胶片和相纸脆性楔式试验方法 Photographic films and papers Wedge test for brittleness IDT ISO 6077-93
37.060.20 G81 GB/T 6850-1986 未曝光电影胶片片盒标签 最低限度内容规定 Labelling of containers for unexposed motion-picture film--Minimum information specifications EQV ISO 3042-83
37.040 A77 GB 6962-1986 1:500、1:1000、1:2000 比例尺地形图航空摄影规范 Aerial photographic specification for 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000 scale topographic maps  
37.040.10 N30 GB/T 7242-1987 透镜中心误差 Centering errors of lenses  
37.060.20 G81 GB/T 7430-1996 安全摄影胶片规范 Photography-Photographic films-Specifications for safety film IDT ISO 543-1990
37.080 A15 GB/T 7516-1996 缩微摄影技术 图形符号 Micrographics--Graphical symbols EQV ISO 9878-1990
37.080 A15 GB/T 7519-1987 缩微摄影技术 冲洗后的缩微胶片中硫代硫酸盐残留量的测定 亚甲蓝光度法 Micrographics--Determination of residual thiosulphate in processed microfilm--Methylene blue method NEQ ISO 417-77
37.040 N42 GB/T 7553-1987 35mm摄影机画面测试版 35mm Camera test chart target NEQ ANSI PH 3609-80
37.020 N30 GB/T 7660.1-1987 反射棱镜 光轴、光轴长度、光轴截面与光学平行度 Reflecting prisms--Optical axis, length of opticalaxis, axial section and optical parallelism  
37.020 N30 GB/T 7660.2-1987 反射棱镜 分类、代号与图表 Reflecting prisms--Classification code name and chart  
37.020 N30 GB/T 7660.3-1987 反射棱镜 像偏转特性 Reflecting prisms--Characteritics of image rotation  
37.020 N30 GB/T 7661-1987 光学零件气泡度 Bubble classes for optical elements  
37.020 N33 GB 7667-1996 电子显微镜X射线泄漏剂量 The dose of X-ray leakage from electron microscope  
37.040.10 N42 GB/T 7700-1987 16mm电影放映机片轴 尺寸 Bobbins for 16mm motion picture projectors--Dimentions NEQ ISO 3647-76
37.100 A17 GB/T 7705-1987 平版装潢印刷品 The offset lithographic prints for decorating NEQ ISO 5737-83
37.100 A17 GB/T 7706-1987 凸版装潢印刷品 The relief prints for decorating NEQ ISO 5737-83
37.100 A17 GB/T 7707-1987 凹版装潢印刷品 The intaglic prints for decorating NEQ ISO 5737-83
37.060.10 A15 GB/T 7944-1987 电影机械术语 Vocabulary for motion picture machinery NEQ ISO 4246
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
37.040.10 N46 GB/T 8338-1987 照相机快门 Camera shutters NEQ ISO/DIS 516
37.080 A14 GB/T 8987-1988 缩微摄影技术 缩微摄影时检验负像光学密度用测试标板 Micrographics--Test target of optical density measurement for microfilming negative NEQ DIN 19051-80
37.080 A14 GB/T 8988-1988 缩微摄影技术 检验技术图纸缩微摄影质量测试标板的制作 Micrographics--Manufacture of test target for inspecting the quality of micrography of technical drawings  
37.080 A14 GB/T 8989-1998 缩微摄影技术 技术图样和技术文件缩微摄影的质量标准与检验 Micrographics--Ouality criteria and control of micrography of technical drawings and documentations EQV ISO 3272-2-1994
37.080 A14 GB/T 8990-1988 缩微摄影技术 用于“检验技术图纸缩微摄影质量测试标板”的反射率灰板 Micrographics--Reflectance test target used in the test target for inspecting the quality of micrography of technical drawing  
37.040.20; G80 GB/T 9045-1988 感光材料分辨率的测定 Determination of resolving power for photographic materials EQV ISO 6328-82
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 9047-1988 70mm电影发行拷贝上六轨磁性声迹的位置和尺寸 Six-track magnetic sound records on 70mm motion-picture release prints--Locations and dimensions EQV IEC 60386-72
37.040.10 A15 GB/T 9048-1988 65mm和70mm电影摄影机片窗所形成的影像和70mm电影拷贝最大可放映画面的位置和尺寸 Image area produced by 65mm and 70mm motion-picture camera aperture and maximum projectable image area on 70mm motion-picture prints?Positions and dimensions NEQ ISO 2467-80
37.040.20 G81 GB/T 9185-1996 135规格胶片和暗盒规范 Photography-135-Size film and magazine-Specification IDT ISO/DIS 1007-1993
37.060.20 N42 GB/T 9218-1988 35mm电影放映片夹 尺寸 Reels for 35mm motion picture projectors--Dimensions NEQ ANS PH22.4-83
37.020 N32 GB/T 9246-1996 显微镜 目镜 Microscopes--Oculars (eyepieces)  
37.020 N32 GB/T 9247-1996 显微镜 聚光镜 Microscopes--Condensers  
37.040.10 K73 GB 9316-1988 摄影用电子闪光装置安全要求 Safety requirements for electronic flash apparatus for photographic purposes EQV IEC 60491-84
37.060.20 G80 GB/T 9582-1998 工业射线胶片ISO感光度和平均斜率的测定(用X和Υ射线曝光) Photography--Industrial radiographic film--Determination of ISO speed and average gradient when exposed to X-and Υ-radiation IDT ISO 7004-1989
37.100 A17 GB/T 9851.1-1990 印刷技术术语 基本术语 Terminology of printing technology - Basic terms  
37.100 A17 GB/T 9851.2-1990 印刷技术术语 文字排版术语 Terminology of printing technology - Terms for composition  
37.100 A17 GB/T 9851.3-1990 印刷技术术语 图象制版术语 Terminology of printing technology - Terms for image reproduction  
37.100 A17 GB/T 9851.4-1990 印刷技术术语 凸版印刷术语 Terminology of printing technology - Terms for typography  
37.100 A17 GB/T 9851.5-1990 印刷技术术语 平版印刷术语 Terminology of printing technologh - Terms for planography  
37.100 A17 GB/T 9851.6-1990 印刷技术术语 凹版印刷术语 Terminology of printing technology?Terms for intaglio printing  
37.100 A17 GB/T 9851.7-1990 印刷技术术语 孔版印刷术语 Terminology of printing technology - Terms for porous printing  
37.100 A17 GB/T 9851.8-1990 印刷技术术语 特种印刷术语 Terminology of printing technology - Terms for specialty printing  
37.100 A17 GB/T 9851.9-1990 印刷技术术语 印后加工术语 Terminology of printing technology - Terms for post-press finishing  
37.040.20; G80 GB/T 9858-1988 片基与胶片耐折度的测定方法 Method for determining the folding endurance of photographic film and film base NEQ ISO 5626-78
37.040.20; G80 GB/T 9859-1988 K白感光材料感光测定试样条冲洗方法 Method for processing sensitometry strip of black-and-white photographic materials  
37.040.20; G80 GB/T 9860-1995 银盐感光材料吸水率测定 Determination of the water absorbility of silver halide photographic material  
37.040.20; G80 GB/T 9861-1988 感光胶片冲洗过程中抗划伤力测定方法 Method for determining the resistance of photographic films to abrasion during processing  
37.040.20 G80 GB/T 9862-1988 K白航空照相胶片感光度和平均斜率测定方法 Method for determining the speed and average gradient of black-and-white aerial camera films EQV ISO 7829-86
37.040.20 G80 GB/T 9863-1988 彩色反转照相胶片感光度测定方法 Method for determining the speed of colour reversal camera films EQV ISO 2240-82
37.040.20 G80 GB/T 9864-1988 胶片、相纸、乳剂、定影液、污水、淤泥或残留物的银量测定方法 Method for determination of silver in photographic films, papers, emulsions, fixing baths, effluents, sludges or residues  
37.040.10 N43 GB/T 9917-1988 照相镜头 Camera lenses  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
37.040.10 N46 GB/T 10047-1988 照相机 Camera  
37.040.10 N46 GB/T 10072-1988 照相用电子闪光装置技术条件 Specifications of electronic flash equipments for photograph  
37.100.01 N47 GB/T 10073-1996 静电复印品图象质量评价方法 Methods of evaluation for image quality of electrostatic copies  
37.020 N33 GB/T 10155-1988 体视显微镜 Stereomicroscope  
37.100.10 N40 GB/T 10157-1988 复印机械噪声测试方法 Test method for noise emitted by copying machine  
37.040.20; G80 GB/T 10557-1989 感光材料光谱灵敏度测定方法 Method for determination of spectral sensitivity of photographic materials NEQ ГOCT 2818-83
37.040.20; G80 GB/T 10558-1989 感光材料均方根颗粒度测定方法 Method for measuring the root-mean-square (RMS) granularity of photographic materials/process combination NEQ ANSI PH2.40-85
37.040 N46 GB/T 10971-1989 彩色混色头 Color module  
37.040 N41 GB/T 10972-1989 彩色负片冲洗机 Color film processor  
37.040 N41 GB/T 10973-1989 彩色相纸冲洗机 Color paper processor  
37.040 N41 GB/T 10974-1989 彩色分析仪 Color analyzer  
37.100.10 N47 GB/T 10992.1-1999 静电复印机 文件复印机 Electrostatic copying machines--Document copiers  
37.100.10 N47 GB/T 10992.2-1999 静电复印机 便携式复印机 Electrostatic copying machines--Potable copiers  
37.100.10 N47 GB/T 10992.3-1999 静电复印机 工程图纸复印机 Electrostatic copying machines--Engineering copiers  
37.040 G81 GB/T 11500-1989 摄影透射密度测量的几何条件 Geometric conditions for measuring transmission density NEQ ISO 5/2-85
37.040 G81 GB/T 11501-1989 摄影密度测量的光谱条件 Spectral conditions for measuring photography density NEQ ISO 513-84
37.040.20 Y32 GB/T 11541-1989 照相原纸 Photographic base paper  
37.080 A14 GB/T 12355-1990 缩微摄影技术 有影像缩微胶片的连接 Micrographics - Splices of microfilm with image NEQ AIIM MS18-84
37.080 A14 GB/T 12356-1990 缩微摄影技术 16mm平台式缩微摄影机用测试标板的特征及其使用 Micrographics - Test object character and instruction for 16mm microfilm recorder  
37.040.20 G80 GB/T 12682-1990 彩色照相影像色稳定性对比试验方法 Test method for comparing colour stabilities of colour photographic images NEQ ANSI PH1.42-69
37.040.20; G80 GB/T 12683-1990 片基与胶片拉伸性能的测定方法 Method for determining the tensile properties of photographic film and film base NEQ ISO 1184-83
37.040 A50 GB/T 12822-1991 摄影反射密度测量的几何条件 Geometric conditions for photographic reflection density measurement NEQ ISO 5/4-83
37.040 A50 GB/T 12823-1991 摄影密度测量的术语、符号、坐标系和函数表示法 Terms, symbols, coordinate system and functional notations for photographic density measurements NEQ ISO 5/1-84
37.040.30 A15 GB/T 12938-1991 已加工的摄影材料中硫代硫酸盐及其他相关化学残留物的测定方法 碘-直链淀粉法、亚甲蓝法和硫化银密度法 Determination of thiosulphate and other related residual chemicals in processed Photographic materials - Iodine-amylose, methylene blue and silver sulphide densitometric methods NEQ ISO 417-77
37.040 A77 GB/T 12979-1991 近景摄影测量规范 Specifications for close-range photogrammetry  
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 13154-1991 电视用彩色电影拷贝和幻灯片的密度规范 Colour motion-picture prints and slides for television?Density specifications NEQ ISO 6036-85
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 13155-1991 70mm电影涂磁发行拷贝上磁性声迹的录音频率响应特性 Audio records on 70mm motion-picture release prints with magnetic stripes?Recorded characteristics EQV ISO 8590-85
37.040.10 A15 GB/T 13157-1991 35mm影片光学声迹的还音电声频率响应特性 Overall electro-acoustic frequency response for repro duction of 35mm optical sound track?Reproduction characteristics NEQ ISO 7831-86
37.100.10 N47 GB/T 13334-1991 复印机调试板 A3 Adjusting test chart for copying machine A3  
37.080 N41 GB/T 13424-1992 缩微冲洗机技术条件 Specifications for microfilm processors  
37.060.20 N44 GB/T 13919-1992 35mm电影 磁性声带检验片技术规范 35mm cinematography--Magnetic sound test film--Technical specification EQV ISO 4834-86
37.060.20 N44 GB/T 13920-1992 35mm电影 主观检验片(彩色测试图) 35mm cinematography--Subjective test film (colour chart) NEQ SMPTE /RP33
37.100.10 N04 GB/T 13963-1992 复印机术语 Copying machines vocabulary  
37.040.10 N04 GB/T 13964-1992 照相机械术语 Photographic machinery--Vocabulary  
37.060.10 N42 GB/T 13982-1998 反射放映银幕 The reflective projection screens  
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 13984-1992 缩微摄影技术 重氮和微泡胶片视觉密度技术规范 Micrographics--Visual density specifications for diazo and vesicular films EQV ISO 8126-86
37.040.10 N46 GB/T 13985-1992 照相机操作力和强度 Operating force and strength of camera  
37.040.10 N40 GB/T 13986-1992 照相机焦平面曝光量的光电测量方法 Photoelectric method for measuring exposure in focal planes of camera  
37.040.10 N46 GB/T 13987-1992 照相用电子闪光装置闪光指数的确定 Determination of flash guide numbers for electronic photoflash equipment EQV ISO/DIS 1230-89
37.040.10 N46 GB/T 13988-1992 照相用电子闪光装置与同步线的连接件型式及尺寸 Types and dimensions for connectors of electronic photoflash equipment to synchro-cord NEQ ISO/DP 8581-86
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 13999-1992 35mm电影拷贝上光学双声迹的位置和宽度尺寸 Two-track photographic sound records on 35mm motion-picture prints--Positions and width dimensions NEQ ISO 7343-84【旧版】
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 14000-1992 70mm电影涂磁发行拷贝上磁性声迹还音电-声频率响应特性 Overall electro-acoustic frequency response for reproduction of magnetic stripe sound records on 70mm motion-picture release prints--Reproduction characteristics NEQ ISO 2969-87
37.060 A15 GB/T 14314-1993 16mm影片作直接正面放映时在放映机中的用法 Projector usage of 16mm motion-picture films for direct front projection--Specifications NEQ ISO 26-1985
37.040.20 G80 GB/T 14766-1993 K白相纸感光度和印相范围测定方法 Photography-black-and-white continuous-tone papers--determination of ISO speed and ISO range for printing NEQ ISO 6846-83
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
37.080 A14 GB/T 15021-1994 缩微摄影技术用35mm卷片拍摄技术图样和技术文件的规定 Micrographics--Rules for microfilming technical drawings and technical documentations on 35mm roll film  
37.060.20 G80 GB/T 15059-1994 片基膨胀率和收缩率的测定方法 Method for determining the water expansion and shrinkage of photographic film base  
37.040.20; G80 GB/T 15061-1994 银盐感光材料感光测定通则 第1 部分: 适用于白炽钨光和模拟日光曝光的试样曝光条件 General specifications for sensitometry of silver halide photographic materials--Part 1: sensitometric exposure conditions of films to be exposured for incandescent tungsten and daylight NEQ ISO 7589-84
37.100 A17 GB/T 15110-1994 印刷定位系统 Register system for printing EQV ISO 11084
37.040.10 M76 GB/T 15302-1994 热释电电视摄像机总技术条件 Generic specification for pyroelectric television cameras  
37.040.10 M70 GB/T 15303-1994 热释电电视摄像机测量方法 Methods of measurement for pyroelectric television cameras  
37.060.10 A15 GB/T 15397-1994 电影录音控制室、鉴定放映室及室内影院A环、B环电声频率响应特性测量方法 Measurement methods of A-chain and B-chain electro-acoustic frequency response of motion-picture control rooms,review rooms and indoor theatres NEQ ISO 2969-87
37.040.10 M73 GB/T 15412-1994 应用电视摄像机云台通用技术条件 General specification of pan/tilt head for NBTV camera  
37.040.20? G80 GB/T 15457-1995 胶片与片基润滑度测定方法 Method for determining lubrication of photographic film and film base EQV ISO 5769-1984【廃版】
37.080 A14 GB/T 15737-1995 缩微摄影技术 银-明胶型缩微胶片的冲洗与保存 Micrographics Silver-gelatin type microfilms--Processing and storage NEQ ISO 5466
37.060 A15 GB/T 15769-1995 电影技术术语 Terminology for film technology NEQ ISO 4246-1984
37.060.20 G80 GB/T 15958-1995 K白电影负片感光度的测定 Determination of speed of black-and-white motion-picture negative film  
37.040 V53 GB/T 16176-1996 航空摄影产品的注记与包装 The notation and packing of the aerophotographic products  
37.080 A15 GB/T 16573-1996 缩微摄影技术 在16mm和35mm银-明胶型缩微卷片上拍摄文献的操作程序 Micrographics--Microfilming of documents on 16mm and 35mm Silver-Gelatin type microfilm-Operating procedures EQV ISO 6199-1991
37.060.20 A15 GB/T 16893-1997 16mm电影拷贝可放映画面的尺寸和位置 Projectable image area on 16mm motion-Picture prints--Dimensions and location EQV ISO 359:1983
37.100.10 N47 GB/T 16981-1997 信息技术 办公设备 复印机规格表中应包含的基本内容 Information technology--Office equipment--Minimum information to be included in specification sheets--Copying machines IDT ISO/IEC 11159:1992
37.020 N31 GB/T 17117-1997 棱镜式双目望远镜 Prism binoculars NEQ ISO/WD 14133.3
37.020 N31 GB/T 17118-1997 伽利略式双目望远镜 Galilean binoculars NEQ ISO/WD 14133.3
37.100.01 A17 GB/T 17155-1997 胶印印版 尺寸 Plates for printing--Dimensions EQV ISO 12635:1996
37.100.01 A17 GB/T 17156.1-1997 印刷技术 印前数据交换 磁带上的单色图像数据 Graphic technology--Prepress digital data exchange--Monochrome image data on magnetic tape IDT ISO 10759:1994
37.100.01 A17 GB/T 17156.2-1997 印刷技术 印前数据交换 从电子印前系统到彩色硬拷贝设备的联机传输 Graphic technology--Prepress digital data exchange--Online transfer from electronic prepress systems to colour hardcopy devices IDT ISO 10758:1994
37.100.01 A17 GB/T 17156.3-1997 印刷技术 印前数据交换 磁带上的彩色线条图数据 Graphic technology--Prepress digital data exchange--Colour line art data on magnetic tape IDT ISO 10756:1994
37.100.01 A17 GB/T 17156.4-1997 印刷技术 印前数据交换 磁带上的彩色图象数据 Graphic technology--Prepress digital data exchange--Colour pictures data on magnetic tape IDT ISO 10755:1992
37.080 A14 GB/T 17292-1998 缩微摄影技术 第一代银 明胶型缩微品的质量要求 Micrographics--Require on the quality of first generation Silver--gelatin microforms  
37.040.10 A14 GB/T 17293-1998 缩微摄影技术 检查平台式缩微摄影机系统性能用的测试标板 Micrographics-planetary camera systems--Test target for checking performance EQV ISO 10550-1994
37.080 A14 GB/T 17294.1-1998 缩微摄影技术 字母数字计算机输出缩微品 质量控制 第一部分: 测试幻灯片和测试数据的特征 Micrographics--Alphanumeric computer output microforms--Quality control--Part 1: Characteristics of the test slide and test data IDT ISO 8514-1:1992
37.080 A14 GB/T 17294.2-1998 缩微摄影技术 字母数字计算机输出缩微品 质量控制 第二部分: 方法 Micrographics--Alphanumeric computer output microforms--Quality control--Part 2: Method IDT ISO 8514-2:1992
37.020 N33 GB/T 17359-1998 电子探针和扫描电镜X射线能谱定量分析方法通则 General specification of X-ray EDS Quantitative analysis for EPMA and SEM  
37.020 N33 GB/T 17360-1998 钢中低含量Si、Mn的电子探针定量分析方法 Method of quantitative electron probe microanalysis on low contents of Si and Mn in steels  
37.020 N33 GB/T 17361-1998 沉积岩中自生粘土矿物扫描电子显微镜及X射线能谱鉴定方法 Identification method of authigenic clay mineral in sedimentary rock by SEM & XEDS  
37.020 N33 GB/T 17362-1998 黄金饰品的扫描电镜X射线能谱分析方法 Nondestructive method of X-ray EDS Analysis with SEM for gold jewelry  
37.020 N33 GB/T 17363-1998 黄金制品的电子探针定量测定方法 Method of quantitative electron probe microanalysis on gold products  
37.020 N33 GB/T 17364-1998 黄金制品中金含量的无损定量分析方法 Non-damage quantitative analysis of gold content in gold products  
37.020 N33 GB/T 17365-1998 金属与合金电子探针定量分析样品的制备方法 Method of preparation for samples of metal and alloy in electron probe microanalysis  
37.020 N33 GB/T 17366-1998 矿物岩石的电子探针分析试样的制备方法 Methods of mineral and rock specimen preparation for EPMA  
37.020 N33 GB/T 17506-1998 船舶K色金属腐蚀层的电子探针分析方法 The method of electron probe micro Analysis as corrosive layer on ferrous metals of ship  
37.020 N33 GB/T 17507-1998 电子显微镜 X射线能谱分析生物薄标样通用技术条件 General specification of thin biological standards for X-Ray EDS microanalysis in electron microscope  
37.040.10 N46 GB/T 17558-1998 照相闪光照明光源光谱分布指数(ISO/SDI)的测定 Camera flash illuminants-Determination of spectral distribution index(ISO/SDI) EQV ISO 3028-1984
37.100.10 N47 GB/T 17649-1998 复印机械-图象印位精度及测量方法 Duplicating machines--Registration IDT ISO 3066:1986
37.020 N33 GB/T 17722-1999 金覆盖层厚度的扫描电镜测量方法 Gold-plated thickness measurement by SEM  
37.020 N33 GB/T 17723-1999 黄金制品镀层成分的X射线能谱测量方法 Surface composition analysis method of gold-plated products by EDX  
37.080 A14 GB/T 17739-1999 缩微摄影技术 特殊和超大尺寸图样的拍摄 Micrographics--Microfilming of drawings of special and exceptional elongated sizes EQV ISO 3272-4:1994
37.100.10 N47 GB/T 17861-1999 办公机械 胶印机-印版的安装特性 Office equipment--Offset duplicators--Attachment features of plates IDT ISO 2132:1972
37.100.10 N47 GB/T 17862-1999 办公机械 速印机用蜡纸 基本加印内容及安装特性 Office equipment--Stencils for duplicator--Minimum overprint and attachment features IDT ISO 2133:1976
37.100.01 A17 GB/T 17934.1-1999 印刷技术 网目调分色片、样张和印刷成品的加工过程控制 第1部分: 参数与测试方法 Graphic technology--Process control for the manufacture of half-tone colour separations,proof and production prints--Part 1: Parameters and measurement methods EQV ISO 12647-1:1996
37.100.01 A17 GB/T 17934.2-1999 印刷技术 网目调分色片、样张和印刷成品的加工过程控制 第2部分: 胶印 Graphic technology--Process control for the manufacture of half-tone colour separations,proof and production prints--Part 2: Offset lithographic processes EQV ISO 12647-2:1996
37.040.20 G80 GB/T 18117-2000 照相 已加工照相彩色胶片和相纸照片 影像稳定性试验方法 Photography--Processed photographic colour films and paper prints--Methods for measuring image stability IDT ISO 10977:1993
37.020 N31 GB/T 18312-2001 双目望远镜检验细则 The inspection rule for binoculars  
37.100.10 N47 GB/T 18338.1-2001 办公机械 速印机规格表中应包含的基本内容 Business machines duplicators--Minimum information to be included in specification sheets NEQ ISO 4232-1:1979
37.080 A14 GB/T 18405-2001 缩微摄影技术 ISO字符和1号测试图的特征及其使用 Micrographics--ISO character and test chart No.1--Description and use IDT ISO 446:1991
37.040.20 G80 GB/T 18444-2001 已加工安全照相胶片贮存 Photography-Processed safety photographic films-Storage practices IDT ISO 5466:1996
37.080 A14 GB/T 18503-2001 缩微摄影技术 A6透明缩微平片 影像的排列 Micrographics--Transparent A6 microfiche--Image arrangements IDT ISO 9923:1994
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