スティーヴ・ペリー ニュース


Happy 69th Birthday Steve Perry





Thank You Very Much !




Happy New Year !!!



Happy 68th Birthday Steve Perry





Thank You Very Much !




Happy New Year !!!



Fan Asylum に、毎年恒例のペリーからのメッセージが掲載されています。(原文は、下記のとおり)

So far, 2016 has been a really bad year for music.
The timeless contributions from those we've lost will never be forgotten.

I'm busy in my studio working on music....
No finish date yet....
I must finish these songs....
Before Life finds out where I Live.

Many thanks for all your birthday wishes !

Love ya, Steve Perry


Happy 67th Birthday Steve Perry





Thank You Very Much !




Happy New Year !!!



Melodic Rock に、ペリーの新譜に関することが掲載されています。


STEVE PERRY Recording New Album Since March; Due in 2016

Calling in to celebrate 'Uncle Joe's' birthday on LA Radio, former Journey vocalist (and all-round legend)STEVE PERRY has confirmed he has been recording a new studio album since March of this year and hopes to complete that process in the first few months of 2016.  WOW! 



Fan Asylum に、毎年恒例のペリーからのメッセージが掲載されています。(原文は、下記のとおり)

Well another year has flown by. It's amazing how that happens.
To be honest, this was a rough year with a lot of emotions, good and not so good.
That's just the way it is for us all. 
This birthday is a very mixed bag of thoughts and emotions.
I really have been trying to keep Kellie's promises she asked me to make. 
One was that if something ever happened to her, she made me promise to not stay in it too long if possible, and to try and move on.
I never met anyone in my whole life that was so evolved and so unselfish as she was.
It's been two years now since her passing and I'm trying to keep my promise.
She will be loved forever in my heart.

Singing live with the EELS was a very uplifting period of 2014 for me. 
"E"  and the band were so gracious to ask me to share their stage last year. 
They are great and we had a BLAST together.  
The audiences were so great and we all had such fun  ......... I will never forget it...... 
Thank You St. Paul, Thank You Washington, DC and Thank You Los Angeles.

Looking at this picture of me as a baby in my Dad's arms seems like another universe. 
I guess it really was....... I truly loved and miss Mom and Dad.

Thanks to everyone for all your well wishes.......

Thanks for your years of Faithfulness.........



Happy 66th Birthday Steve Perry





Thank You Very Much !




Happy New Year !!!



Fan Asylum にて、メッセージが掲載されています。(原文は、下記のとおり)

Well a big Hello to everyone. Yes it's that time again and this year it's the big 55. { ha }
Kinda not feeling too up about my birthday but I just was told about some very kind and loving posts that really are helping me, thank you!
One coffee birthday morning, I was telling Kellie that my body was aching and this getting old thing is getting ruff. 
She looked at me and smiled and said, "Honey … I would Love to get Old."
Well that kinda puts it in perspective. 

A drummer friend of mine, Steve Ferrone, was going to be inducted into the Guitar Center Walk of Fame, and he had told me that Hamish Stuart {one of my favorite lead voices of all time who was in The Average White Band} was going to fly here from Scotland and that I should come down to rehearsal and meet him.
Well I was not going to miss that.
Then he said that Questlove was not only going to be playing drums too, he was going to do the induction.
Holy S*#T I thought……… So I went to rehearsals and in the middle of a run though Steve stopped the band cause he was not happy with the Background vocals of "Person To Person."
I knew what part they were missing but kept my mouth shut……….
Well…….. At least for a bit. 
Then after they ran though all the tunes……. Questlove showed up and in the middle of the next run through of "Person To Person," I had a musical Tourettes moment and jumped up to a mike and sang the part I felt was missing. 
They all turned around and said…... AHHHH HAAHH!!
At the end of the song Steve Ferrone said in his heavy English accent, "Dats Zit, Your In Dha Band, You've passed the au-di-tion." 
Then they gave me 2 more tunes to sing BGz and play cowbell on. 
Walking out on that stage was a great thrill ……. I loved it so very much…… 
There was soooo much feel and pocket between Steve and Questlove and the band. 
Just about as much feel and pocket that one Portagee boy could ever feel at one time……. SOOOOO GOOD.

Thanks again for all my birthday well wishes and the Love that you all have sent my way……

"You are the Faithful Ones"

Thank You.

Steve Perry


Happy 65th Birthday Steve Perry





Thank You Very Much !




A Happy New Year !!!



■久しぶりの更新となりました。Fan Asylum にて、メッセージが掲載されています。(原文は、下記のとおり)

As I said in my last birthday message January 2013, "There's so much more I'd like to share with you but that will have to come at another time"........

Well, I guess the time is now!.......In May of 2011, I was with Patty Jenkins in an editing room as she was putting the final editing touches on what was to be the closing segment of a Lifetime Channel breast cancer special called "Five."
As the opening scenes camera panned across an outside hospital patio, a narrator's voice commented on their lives and their types of cancer.
The camera came across this girl sitting there laughing….. I saw her smile.

When the scene was over I said to Patty, "Can you roll to the top of that opening scene for me?"
Patty asked, "Is something wrong?"
I said, "No. I want to see something."
As the camera again crossed Kellie's smile I asked her to freeze right there.…….
I asked Patty who that was.
She said, "That's Kellie Nash, a PHD Psychologist who was diagnosed with breast cancer, had a double mastectomy and she's doing a cameo appearance."

I asked if Patty had her email, She said, "Yes" but looked at me strange because she knows I don't do that.
I asked if she would send Kellie an email that your friend Steve would love to take her to coffee or lunch sometime.

Patty agreed to do so but said, "Before I do that I think there's something I should tell you first. After a 3 year battle she was in remission for 8 months then it came back in her lungs and bones and now she's Stage 4 fighting for her life."

I was frozen……. I didn't know what to do…….. I had lost my mom, dad, grandparents that raised me and I was an only child so my first thought was to maybe not send the email; then my heart said, Maybe we could be friends or maybe she could be my shrink.
So I said, "Please send it."

Well Kellie returned an email to me via Patty and we talked on the phone for the first time 2 years ago this May.
It was so great to hear her voice.
It felt like I knew her all along.
She said that her girlfriends had bought her a ticket to Mexico for her birthday and when she got back we'd grab a bite.
I was soooo excited..... I was a little boy who finally found his girl. I waited and 2 weeks later we went to our first dinner ....... Well we started at 6pm and the next thing I know she said "Oh My God! What time is it?" I said, "11:30."
She said, "I have patients starting at 8 tomorrow" ....... So we left.

I never felt like this before....... I had finally found her. She's real and she's right in front of me.

We started seeing each other and Yes, we both knew that we were meant to be together.
My life was forever changed in ways I will explain at another time but it was all because of my Kellie.

She continued chemo from May into December when headaches started and we discovered the cancer had gone to her brain.
She started brain radiation and the chemo continued also.
I've never seen courage like this before.
One night as we were talking she told me she just couldn't do it anymore and would I be angry If she stopped everything.
I was scared for what could happen but I told her that never, to my very last breath would I ever be angry with her and that I loved her and that her choices were torture at best.
She stopped everything.

January and February were rough on her then one day she said she wanted to try one last treatment that was not chemo but it was in New York. I said, "Let's move to New York"....... so we lived there for 9 months and the drug kept her alive with a quality of life.
We had the most Magical summer of our lives together.
She was doing really well till August.
She said, "Something's wrong."
We later found that her cancer was returning like wild fire.
Kellie tried chemo in New York for 2 months but it was useless.
We came back to California in November and I lost my precious Kellie December 14th 2012.

She was so strong, so courageous and we really loved each other so very much.
I've been trying to grieve and not run from this loss so for the last 5 months that's what I've been doing along with recalling everything being in Love with Kellie taught me.

She helped me in so many ways.
I Love and miss her terribly.

Three weeks ago a routine mole was taken off my face and the lab report came back Melanoma skin cancer. I've had two surgeries in two weeks to remove all the cancer cells and I've been told they think they got it all and no other treatments are required.

On Sunday I was a bit depressed because Kellie's birthday was coming up so I went for a drive and ran into Martha Quinn at a street fair. It was so great to see her and in a few short moments I told her most of this story. She asked if I'd take a picture with her and I said, "If you don't mind my face scar." She said, "Not at all." I joked about me and Pirates of the Caribbean and we both laughed.

It was so great seeing Martha........ I was a bit emotionally lost that day and seeing Martha got me grounded again. Thanks Martha!!

Well Fans.......... there's so much more to this story than you know and soon you will know more about it.

Though Kellie and I were only together for 1 and 1/2 years, it was a lifetime of love packed into every moment.

God bless my precious Kellie.
I loved you before I met you-
I love you now-
and I always will!




Nice little plug for the site and my Interview with Steve Perry here too bad the article didn't do any new info: music.yahoo.com/blogs/stop-the-presses/journey-steve-perry-64-hardest-retiring-man-show-182834075.html.


Fan Asylum にて、メッセージが掲載されています。(原文は、下記のとおり)

I’d like to thank everyone for their well wishes for my birthday.
There is so much I’d like to share with you, but that will have to happen at another time.

My birthday present this year was meeting June Foray.
She's a cartoon voice over legend - I love all of her work! She was and is the voice of Rocky the flying squirrel and many other female voices on The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show, and she also did many voices for Disney, Hanna-Barbera and Warner Brothers cartoons, too!
When I was a kid, she was my hero.
Her characters were gentle and loving voices - voices I so needed in my childhood.
It’s safe to say that her work got me through many tough times as a kid.

Thanks, June..... You’re the best!

Love and best wishes to you and yours


Happy 64th Birthday Steve Perry





Thank You Very Much !




A Happy New Year !!!




■当サイトで、見落としていましたけれども・・・・Classic Rock Magazine に(2012年1月5日付け)、以下のような記事がありました。

Former Journey singer Steve Perry is planning to record a new album this year.

Perry is currently installing a studio at his home in Southern California, after which he’ll get down to work on the album, which will feature his first new songs in 14 years.

The vocalist told Billboard: “I’ve written a whole bunch of ideas and directions, all over the map, in the last two, three years. So I plan on getting in the studio at some point and start trying to track these things and see where they go.

“I don’t want it to have pressure, because I’ll worry about it sucking, and then what am I gonna do? I’ve got all this pressure… that I just don’t want on me, so I’ve allowed myself the ability to sketch and write as I go, and I’ll do it at my own pace.”



Happy 63th Birthday Steve Perry



Fan Asylum にて、メッセージが掲載されています。(原文は、下記のとおり)

I would like to thank everyone for their support on the recent ebay charity auctions we've had and also - Thank you so very much for all the birthday well wishes on my 53rd birthday---(hehe).

Look what came just in time for my birthday! Thanks to all of you for making "Don't Stop Believin" the biggest selling classic rock digital download track!

All the very best to you and yours,

Steve Perry


Thank You Very Much !




A Happy New Year !!!





■当サイトで、見落としてしまったんですが・・・Fan Asylum にて、先月末、ペリーはGreatest Hits Vol2等に関する質問を受け付けていたようなんですが、ペリーからの回答が掲載されています。詳細は、9/19付けの内容をチェックしてください。


Wow! We received over 1,000 emails for our lastest Steve Perry Q&A. As we mentioned, five winners will be randomly selected from all emails received to receive a copy of Greatest Hits Vol 1 & 2 on vinyl autographed by Steve! We will notify these five winners later this week and then update this page with their names once they have confirmed.

So, with that - take it away Steve!


■Antigone Risingという女性バンドの元ヴォーカリストCassidyのアルバム"Follow The Freedom"にペリーがゲスト参加したことは、先日も取り上げましたが、MelodicRock.com (8月22日付け)に、続報(?)が掲載されています。どうやら、そのアルバムが完成したようですね。


Singer/songwriter Cassidy's new project entitled Boh鑪e has at last been completed, and the eagerly anticipated solo debut album, is called Follow The Freedom. Hailed by veteran Rolling Stone writer David Fricke as 殿 vocal dynamo,? the former front woman of the once-acclaimed Antigone Rising, will make her album available later this year on her own Band and Mountain label. Follow The Freedom marks an extraordinary new chapter in Cassidy's already remarkable career. With its blue-eyed soul and pop-influenced sound as well as powerful sense of hope and optimism, the album marks a kind of creative rebirth for the Los Angeles-based artist.
Among the album's many highlights is the stunning title track, which features backing vocals from none other than Journey's Steve Perry. The legendary lead singer offered his spontaneous support when he surprised Boh鑪e at the studio during the sessions. 的 walked into the studio one day to find Steve Perry hanging out in my mixing bay,? she recalls still with a bit of disbelief. "Before I knew it, he came up with this cool idea for a backing vocal on 'Follow The Freedom.' We threw a mic up and sang it together!?
WebLink: bohemeartist.com.


MelodicRock.com (8月16日付け)によると、11月にペリー時代の楽曲が収録されたGreaets Hits Vol2 が、リリースされるようです。


  1. Stone In Love
  2. After The Fall
  3. Chain Reaction
  4. The Party's Over (Hopelessly In Love)
  5. Escape
  6. Still They Ride
  7. Good Morning Girl
  8. Stay Awhile
  9. Suzanne
  10. Feeling That Way
  11. Anytime
  12. Walks Like A Lady
  13. Little Girl
  14. Just The Same Way
  15. Patiently
  16. When I Think Of You
  17. Mother, Father (Live In Houston 1981)
Track 17 from album "Live In Houston 1981 (2005)" - Live album
Track 16 from album "Trial By Fire (1996)"
Track 9 from album "Raised On Radio (1986)"
Track 2, 3 from album "Frontiers (1983)"
Track 1, 5, 6 from album "Escape (1981)"
Track 4 from album "Captured (1981)" - Live album
Track 13 from album "Dream, After Dream (1980)" - Soundtrack
Track 7, 8, 12 from album "Departure (1980)"
Track 14 from album "Evolution (1979)"
Track 10, 11, 15 from album "Infinity (1978)"



Steve Perry On-Line(8月7日付け) に、ペリーの最新の写真が掲載されています。(メジャーリーグの試合の観戦をしていたようです。ペリーは、野球が好きですね!)

MelodicRock.com (2月7日付け:少し古いですが・・・(苦笑))によると、スウェーデンのDegreedというロックバンドが、Life, Love, Loss というアルバムをリリースしたのですが、収録曲の中に、ペリーの曲"Captured By The Moment"が含まれていることが分かりました。

■同じくMelodicRock.com(7月29日付け)によると、Antigone Risingという女性バンドの元ヴォーカリストCassidyという人のアルバム"Follow The Freedom"で、タイトルトラック"Follow The Freedom"で、バックヴォーカルとして参加したそうです。


また、MelodicRock.com の原文は、下記のとおりです。
In related news, Journey's reclusive former vocalist Steve Perry will make a rare guest appearance on the upcoming solo album by ex-Antigone Rising singer Cassidy. Follow the Freedom, which is due out this fall, not only features Perry on its title track, but he was involved in mixing the album, as well.

Happy 62th Birthday Steve Perry



Fan Asylum にて、昨年末昨年待つファンからの質問に対するペリーからの回答が掲載されています。

Dear Faithful fans,

Just a small note to thank you for all the Questions ..........All the questions that were sent in were placed in a fish bowl and were drawn at random. 
Of the questions I answered, I will place your names into a hat and I will draw 3. Those 3 will later receive a personalized gift from me ............
In addition to the great questions, thanks for all the wonderful messages of love and support.
Thanks again..........
Love ............
Steve Perry



Thank You Very Much !




A Happy New Year !!!



Fan Asylum にて、ファンからの質問を受け付けていましたね......ペリーからの回答を楽しみにしたいですね。


■久々の更新となりました。Fan Asylum にて、ペリーがファンからの質問を受け付けているとのアナウンスが掲載されています。

Steve Perry Fan Q&A

Since we haven't done this in awhile, Steve thought it would be fun to do another fan Q&A with Fan Asylum.

Here's how it works:

  * One email per person ONLY. Additional emails from the same person  will be deleted.
  * Maximum of three questions per email.
  * Deadline to submit your email is Friday, December 31, 2010
  * Click here to send your questions.

We will post Steve's responses sometime in January, before his birthday.

Happy Holidays!


Steve Perry On-line によると、ClassicRockMagazine という雑誌のインタビューで、50曲の新曲を書き上げたとの発言をしているようです。雑誌をスキャニングしたものがこちらで参照できるようです。


MelodicRock.com (2月16日付)によると、イギリスのラジオ局で再度インタビューが行われたようです。リンク先をクリックすると2/11に行われたようです。

Here is the official link to the recent Planet Rock Steve Perry interview: planetrock.com/Article.asp?id=1694846&spid=11484.


MelodicRock.com (2月4日付)によると、イギリスのラジオ局でインタビューが行われたようです。その模様がダウンロードできるようです。

Steve Perry has surfaced for a new radio interview with the UK specialist broadcaster Planet Rock Radio.
He discusses the iconic history of some Journey tunes including that song that just won't go away and his developing plans for the future.
Download the interview in MP3 at: www.hullrockers.co.uk/forummusic/steveperry.mp3.


Fan Asylumにペリーからのメッセージが掲載されています。下記の通りです。

Jan 21, 2010

Oh my, my…I can’t believe another year has flown by faster than the year before.
Yes, this year I will come clean and finally tell you that I am turning 57.
Or….is it 58? Well….at this age.…denial can be your best friend!!!

It’s been brought to my attention that I’m receiving well wishes for my birthday from many of you.
Thank you all so very much!
In previous years many of you have made donations to wonderful causes for my birthday on my behalf.
For that, I am very grateful.

In light of recent events in Haiti, this year I decided to donate to Oxfam America.
Should you feel inclined to do the same, I respectfully request that you click on the logo below and make whatever contribution you feel comfortable with.
I am sure that any amount will be greatly appreciated.

Happy 2010 to all of you.


Happy 61th Birthday Steve Perry





Thank You Very Much !




A Happy New Year !!!



MelodicRock によれば、今年ペリーの新譜がリリースとありますが・・・果たして、いつのことでしょうね。(ジャーニーも同様ですね。)


久々の更新です。Fan Asylum にペリーからのコメントが掲載されています。6月25日に亡くなったマイケル・ジャクソンに関してです。原文はいかの通りです。かなり長文なので、時間が有れば、日本語訳に挑戦してみたいところですが・・・・

Steve was contacted by various media outlets for his thoughts on the untimely death of Michael Jackson (June 25, 2009).
The following are his comments. Excerpts may appear in other publications such as Life Magazine & Billboard Magazine.

What are some of your memories of working with Michael Jackson on "We Are The World"

I was originally contacted by Lionel Richies manager, Ken Kragen who told me that Lionel & Michael had written a song called We Are The World for a project they were doing together called U.S.A. For Africa.
He wanted to know if I was interested in joining the choir with many other recording artists.
I said,
Sure...that would be fantastic!
The next thing I knew I was at A&M studios in Hollywood in a room full of so many artists that I grew up with and admired.

After we had done the chorus choir of We Are The World it was time to do the verses.
They told everyone to look at the floor and if your name was there, you were selected for a verse step-out vocal.
I glanced at the floor and written on gray duct tape I saw the names of Michael Jackson, Tina Turner, Ray Charles, Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, Cyndi Lauper, Diana Ross, Kenny Loggins and so many more that I was stunned.
Then I glanced down and saw my own name on the floor and I got prett
y nervous.
ionel Richie had called me earlier and discussed why he wanted me to be there and I believe he had a lot to do with me having a step-out moment.
I wasn
t sure what they were going to have me sing, but from that point on, I was all ears ? trust me!

For the longest period of time, I really wanted to meet Michael Jackson but for whatever reason, it just never happened.
During the recording session, I remember how barraged Michael was with so many artists trying to talk to him.
Out of respect, I left him alone. Instead, I went into the catering room and hung out with Bette Midler and Paul Simon.

Years later during the live rehearsals for the "Bad" tour, I finally got to meet and talk to Michael.
He was very gracious and made me feel very welcome.
I felt so lucky to stand stage left while they ran the entire, full dress rehearsal of the show.
What an experience to watch him perform that close up!*

Do you have a favorite Michael Jackson song?

Michael's total body of work is so beautiful and massive that it's really impossible to have any one favorite.
I know that every single time he released new music, the quality was always amazing and cutting edge.
No artists ever wanted to release their music at the same time that Michael
s was released simply because the anticipation and subsequent sales from his records was too much for anyone to compete with.

How do you feel Michael has changed the music business?

Michael was always reaching for great songs, great vocal performances, better recording and production values, better and better music videos with new dance moves, and great sing along hooks that are still to this day, truly timeless.

I think everyone will remember the first time they saw Michael do the Moonwalk on television.
I could not resist jumping up and trying it at least once or twice because it was such an amazing move.
After many failed attempts, needless-to-say, I never tried that again.

Lastly, I'd like to add that the first time I ever heard Michael Jackson sing was on the Jackson 5 single "ABC."

Immediately, I knew how truly talented and gifted he was.


久々の更新です。Fan Asylum にペリーからのメッセージが掲載されたようですね。僕も日本語訳にトライしてみました。

I am posting this statement on fanasylum.com for its the only site I post my official statements.

Today I was made aware that there was an attempt to perpetrate a hoax on my most faithful fans.

It has been brought to my attention that there was an announcement of a show that I was supposedly to perform at in Hawaii.

This is absolutely a hoax and should be treated as such.

It has also been brought to my attention that several news sites are reporting that my management had cancelled the supposed performance.
There were never any plans for any such performance made by me or anyone authorized by me.

This is the first we have heard of this.

Im only posting this out of concern for my faithful fans.

I encourage all news sites to post this statement, with the hope it will clarify the confusion brought about by this hoax.

I simply wanted you to know the truth.

Steve Perry



Happy 60th Birthday Steve Perry, Jan 22



Fan Asylumには、まだペリーからのメッセージはないみたいですね・・・・



Thank You Very Much !






  1. Oh Sherrie/Oh、 シェリー
  2. I Believe/アイ・ビリーブ
  3. Go Away/ゴー・アウェイ
  4. Foolish Heart/フーリッシュ・ハート
  5. She's Mine/シーズ・マイン
  6. Against The Wall/アゲインスト・ザ・ウォール
  7. Summer Of Luv/サマー・オブ・ラブ
  8. Melody/メロディー
  9. You Better Wait/遥かなる時
  10. For The Love Of Strange Medicine/ストレンジ・メディスン
  11. Missing You/忘れえぬ君へ
  12. Stand Up (Before It's Too Late)/スタンド・アップ
  13. Strung Out/ストラング・アウト
  14. Don't Fight/サンライズ・パーティー

Track 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13 from album "Street Talk"
Track 9, 10, 11, 12 from album "For The Love Of Strange Medicine"
Track 6, 7 from album "Greatest Hits + Five Unreleased"
Track 8 from album "Missing You + 4"
Track 14 from Kenny Loggins album "High Adventure"

僕個人的には、"Lost Angels"が公式音源となってくれることを望んでいますが・・・


A Happy New Year !!!





■掲示板で、毬さんがお知らせしてくれていますが、MelodicRock.com にペリー関連の記事が掲載されています(5/30付け)。原文は、下記のとおりですが・・・・"I started writing music again, at the beginning of last summer." この最初のコメント・・・復活に向けて、やっと動き始めたとみていいのかもしれませんね。

Journey were recently the subject of a feature article in GQ Magazine.
Writer Alex Pappademus interviewed new singer
Arnel Pineda, the band members and also former singer Steve Perry.
The article can be read here:
Now Pappademus has made available the complete
Steve Perry and Neal Schon interviews.
It makes for an interesting read. He also offers his own thoughts on Journey via an audio Podcast.
All this can be viewed via the link:

Out of the
Steve Perry conversation comes news that the reclusive singer has begun work on writing new material for as yet undisclosed project.
Perry states:
"I started writing music again, at the beginning of last summer.
I had not opened that up in over ten years.
I was reluctant to try to write some more, but now I've been doing that, and it's been a real experience.
I got ProTools, and I'm working on stuff.
I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with it yet, but I got a lot of material, and a lot of
it I really like.
I'm in the boil-down process.
I got these ProTools sketches of songs, and I guess it's time to record some of 'em.
I guess I have a desire to sing and write music again, and I'm letting it take me places.
It's been painful.
Sometimes, when I hear myself sing, I sound like Steve Perry, and sometimes that has a lot of memories attached
to it.
I'm serious.
I j
ust told somebody that, a couple weeks ago, a writer that I'm working with my own voice is sometimes difficult to hear.
Because it reminds me of s
o much.
But I'm embracing it.
And I've played some of the stuff for friends, and for some people that aren't afraid to tell me the truth.
And they've really liked it.
It sounds like me, they've said.
And that's great. It's been a love-hate thing. All creative processe
Anything worth anything has got to be that way. Right?"

Full Interview and Schon's comments in regards to Steve at:


■掲示板で、naokiさんがお知らせしてくださいましたとおり、Fan Asylum に、ペリーからのメッセージが掲載されたようです。原文は、下記のとおりです。昨年はありませんでしたから、今年はどうかと思いましたが....今年はちゃんとメッセージを寄せてくれましたね!!

My My MY....Well here we are again.
In '06 I told ya I was 43 and since then I've had to come to terms with the fact that I had stretched the truth just a pinch. So I wanna tell ya that today, I turned 49...................again.

I'll tell ya a quick story. When I was a kid, one of my most favorite things was when we went on trips to the snow. I was 8 and living in Hanford Ca. and my birthday was one day away.
I had heard on the news that there was a high possibility that it could snow on the 22nd.
I started wishing and praying that it would.
When I awoke, I looked out my bedroom window and there it was-
SNOW EVERYWHERE!!...........I swear, I swear- this is the truth.
OMG........I couldn't believe it.......!!
You see, it never snows in Hanford and the school buses were not equipped with chains.
School was called off and out I went into my own Backyard Winter Wonderland.
It was only about 2 inches worth but it lasted till 4 PM that day.
What a great Birthday that was. One I'll never forget.

So 41 years later here I am. {heheheh}
I received a call this morning from someone who shall remain anonymous.
It was brought to my attention that there have been many nice {and some Sexy Nice} birthday messages posted for me on various sites. There were so many that they could not all be read to me but please know this.............I appreciate them and thank you all.

I wish you and yours all of the very best of everything in the New Year.


Happy 59th Birthday Steve Perry




Thank You Very Much !




A Happy New Year !!!




■掲示板で、ディーノさんがお知らせしてくださいました。Steve Perry On-Line に、ペリーがジャーニー加入以前に活動していたバンド、ザ・サリーズ時代のメンバーのインタビューが掲載されているサイトがあるそうです。詳細は、こちらになります。

実際に、インタビューに応じているのが、ザ・サリーズのオリジナルメンバーで、ギタリストのFrank Bento(フランク・ベントと発音?)とキーボードプレイヤーのBill Bilhou(ビル・ビルホウと発音?)です。インタビューの他、ザ・サリーズ時代のペリーの写真も掲載されていましたよ。


  ドラムス ギター ギター ベース キーボード
1. Steve Perry Frank Bento Steve Potter Bill Smart Bill Bilhou
2. Steve Perry Rick Stephen   Dave Geffken Bill Bilhou
3. Steve Perry Frank Bento Steve Potter   Bill Bilhou


■掲示板で、naokiさんがお知らせしてくださいました。Fan Asylum に、ペリーからのメッセージが掲載されたようです。原文は、下記のとおりです。

Hello everyone. This is Steve Perry. As you are aware I have yet to launch my own web site and Fan Asylum is still the only credible site for official statements from me. Once again they have kindly allowed me to post this statement. It has been brought to my attention that there is a rumor circulating that I am reuniting with Journey. I want to go on record as saying that I have no such plans whatsoever to do that. What you have heard is only a rumor. Im truly sorry for any disappointment this rumor may be causing.

I also would like to say that your faithfulness continues to warm my heart.

Thank you so very much,

Steve Perry


■掲示板で、naokiさんがお知らせしてくださいました。久々のペリー関連のニュースです。なんでも、ヌーノ・ベッテンコートと曲を作るんだそうです。詳細は、MelodicRock.com (5/30付け)を参照してください。原文は、下記のとおりです。

This should get the attention of a few people out there and start endless speculation, but it seems that Extreme guitarist
Nuno Bettencourt has been involved in writing new music with former Journey vocalist Steve Perry. Here's where things started - Nuno was in conversation with The Boston Herland.com about his new Satellite Party release, a collaboration with Perry Farrell of Jane's Addiction. The debut CD Ultra Payloaded is out this week.



Happy 58th Birthday Steve Perry




Thank You Very Much !




A Happy New Year !!!




■ペリーが12/10にOff The Recordのインタビューに出演した模様ですが、インタビュー内容が、こちらで見られます。



Fan Asylum にて、ペリーが期間限定にてファンからの質問を受け付けていたようです(11/16まで)。僕は、仕事の多忙上、質問を送信することができませんでしたが、皆さんは質問を送られたでしょうか?

ファンからの質問ですが、Fan Asylumにペリーからの回答がアップされております。皆さんもチェックしてくださいね!!

なお、ファンからの質問に対するペリーの回答Part3 を追加しました。本ページに、今後少しづつ、日本語訳をつけていきたいと思います。


■ペリー ソロ2作品も紙ジャケ仕様で発売されるそうです。詳細は、こちらを参照ください。

  紙ジャケ仕様 デジパック仕様 デジパック仕様
Journey 2006/12/06(変更)   -
Look Into The Future 2006/12/06(変更)   -
Next 2006/12/06(変更)   -
Infinity 2006/12/06(変更)   2006/08発売済み
Evolution 2006/12/06(変更)   2006/08発売済み
Departure 2006/12/06(変更)   2006/08発売済み
Captured 2006/12/06   2006/10/03
Dream, After Dream 2006/12/06   -
Escape 2006/12/06   2006/08発売済み
Frontiers 2006/12/06   2006/10/03
Raised On Radio 2006/12/06   2006/10/03
Greatest Hits -   2006/08発売済み
Trial By Fire 2006/12/06   2006/10/03
Street Talk 2006/12/06   2006/10/03
For The Love Of Strange Medicine 2006/12/06   2006/10/03
Greatest Hits + Five Unreleased - 2006/12/06 2006/10/03

※ なお僕は、ペリーソロ2作品 "Street Talk" と "For The Love Of Strange Medicine"を輸入盤で購入しましたが、やはり輸入盤だからなのか、歌詞が掲載されておりませんでした。未発表曲の歌詞を知りたかったところですけど....歌詞を知りたい方は、12月まで待ったほうがよろしいかと思います。


■掲示板で、ディーノさんがお知らせしてくださいました。Steve Perry On-Lineに、ペリー最新の写真が掲載されています。9月18日に、ドジャースタジアムに出没したようです。詳細は、こちらをご覧ください。写真を見た感じ、表情が引き締まった感じに思えました。

■同じく、Steve Perry On-Line からです。Laura Monica Cucu という人によって書かれたペリーに関する本が出版されるようです。

下記が、Steve Perry On-Line に記載の原文です。 

Steve Perry's life journey is detailed in a book called "Steve Perry - A singer's journey" written by Laura Monica Cucu.
It tells the story of Steve Perry's career throughout three decades, both as the lead singer of Journey and as a solo artist.
The book also contains a picture section with original Mike Hausmann photos and a special chapter with real stories written by the fans who attended Journey or Steve Perry live shows throughout the years.
You can buy a copy at
Lulu.com's On-line Bookstore.
Thanks to Joe for the tip.


スティーヴ・ペリーのジャーニーでの生活は、Laura Monica Cucu(ローラ・モニカ・キュキュという発音?)によって書かれた"Steve Perry - A singer's journey" という本の中で、記述されています。
その本は、Mike Hausmann(マイク・ハウスマンという発音?)のオリジナルの写真の頁と、期間にわたってジャーニーもしくはペリーのライブを見たファンによって書かれた体験記も、含まれています。



作品毎にリンクを貼っておきますので、参考にしてください。(1st, 2ndのみ)

また、レアな曲のみ、ピックアップしてリストアップして、リンクを貼っておきます。(Real Player)




■デジタルリマスターCDについて、ジャーニー全13作品、ペリーソロ全3作品 全部で16作品ありますが、作品毎に改めて曲目一覧としてまとめたページを作成しました。リマスターCD詳細 をよろしかったら見ていただき、購入の検討に役立てていただければと思います。


  1. ジャーニー関連の作品については、未発表曲収録のアルバムは、1枚もありません。




  2. ですが、ペリーソロ作品については、未発表曲収録のアルバムが2枚あります。
    Street Talk (1st Solo Album)  と For The Love Of Strange Medicine (2nd Solo Album) です。この2枚は、僕も押さえておきたいと考えています。
    For The Love Of Strange Medicine については、"Lost Angels"も個人的には収録して欲しかったと思いました。こう思うのは、僕だけでしょうか...



  紙ジャケ仕様 デジパック仕様輸入盤
Journey 2006/11/01 -
Look Into The Future 2006/11/01 -
Next 2006/11/01 -
Infinity 2006/11/01 2006/08発売済み
Evolution 2006/11/01 2006/08発売済み
Departure 2006/11/01 2006/08発売済み
Captured 2006/12/06 2006/10/03
Dream, After Dream 2006/12/06 -
Escape 2006/12/06 2006/08発売済み
Frontiers 2006/12/06 2006/10/03
Raised On Radio 2006/12/06 2006/10/03
Greatest Hits - 2006/08発売済み
Trial By Fire 2006/12/06 2006/10/03
Street Talk - 2006/10/03
For The Love Of Strange Medicine - 2006/10/03
Greatest Hits + Five Unreleased - 2006/10/03


  • 2006/11/01発売の紙ジャケ仕様関連は、こちら を参照してください。
  • 2006/12/06発売の紙ジャケ仕様関連は、こちら を参照してください。
  • 2006/08発売済みのデジパック仕様輸入盤に関しては、こちら を参照してください。

オンライン・ストア情報 を更新しております。その中で、リマスター&ボーナス曲入りのアルバム関連について、ピックアップしておきます。参考にしてください。

  • Journey - Greatest Hits (Original Recording Remastered) - Bonus Track "When You Love A Woman"- (Amazon.com / Amazon.co.jp)
  • Journey - Escape (Original Recording Remastered) - Bonus Track "La Raza Del Sol", "Don't Stop Believin' (Live)", "Who's Crying Now (Live)" and "Open Arms (Live)" - (Amazon.com / Amazon.co.jp)
  • Journey - Departure (Original Recording Remasetered) - Bonus Track "Little Girl", "Natural Thing" - (Amazon.co.jp)
  • Journey - Evolution (Original Recording Remastered) - (Amazon.com / Amazon.co.jp )
  • Journey - Infinity (Original Recording Remastered) - (Amazon.com / Amazon.co.jp)

MelodicRock (8/23付け)に、ペリー時代のジャーニーのスタジオアルバムならびにペリーソロアルバムのリマスターに関する記事が掲載されています。原文は、下記のとおりです。

The second round of
Journey re-releases are due out October 3. Also due are the solo releases from former vocalist Steve Perry. The earlier re-issues have been just that - re-issues - not remasters! But in this case there are a few updates to talk of - and some extra details not mentioned elsewhere.
In fact, all the October 3 titles coming out are fresh remasters! Only
Captured features the already released audio source.
I'm told that
Departure, Frontiers, Raised On Radio and Trial By Fire are all remastered as are the three Steve Perry solo releases - Street Talk, For The Love Of Strange Medicine and Greatest Hits.
Now for the bonus tracks.
Departure adds Natural Thing and Little Girl.
Frontiers adds Only The Young (finally!!), Ask The Lonely, Liberty and Only Solutions.
Raised On Radio adds two 'live video mixes' - Girl Can't Help It and I'll Be Alright Without You.
Trial By Fire adds the Japanese bonus track I Can See It In Your Eyes and a very cool booklet I'm told!
Street Talk adds My My My, Harmony and Makes No Difference (all demos from the unreleased Alien Project sessions) plus Don't Tell Me Why You're Leaving and If Only For The Moment Girl.
For The Love Of Strange Medicine adds If You Need Me, Call Me (from Against The Wall, same as on You Better Wait single), One More Time (from Against The Wall, same as on You Better Wait single), Can't Stop (unreleased ballad from FTLOSM sessions), Friends of Mine (unreleased, from Against the Wall)(and an awesome rocker I hear!) plus Missing You (Live).
Greatest Hits + Five Unreleased adds Don't Fight It - Steve's duet with Kenny Loggins.
All releases are with deluxe booklets and in a digipack format.
Definitely something to look forward to on October 3! Expect an over view of these releases upon their release.


MelodicRock および CDジャーナルを元に整理しますと、ペリー時代のジャーニーのアルバムとペリーソロ作品が、リマスター&ボーナス曲入りで再発されるようです。(ただし、Infinity/Evolution/Captured はボーナストラックはありません。)詳細は、ごらんのとおりです。


☆Infinity(4th Album) (8月に発売済み)

 Original track listing

☆Evolution(5th Album) (8月に発売済み)

 Original track listing

☆Departure(6th Album) (CDジャーナルでは、8月に発売済み)

 Original track listing with bonus tracks

  • Natural Thing - from album "Time3"
  • Little Girl - from album "Dream, After Dream"

☆Captured(1st Live Album) (10/3に発売)

  Original track listing 

☆Escape(7th Album) (8月に発売済み)

  Original track listing with bonus tracks

  • La Raza Del Sol - from album "Time3"
  • Don't Stop Believin' (Live) - from "Live In Houston 1981: The Escape Tour"
  • Who's Crying Now - from "Live In Houston 1981: The Escape Tour"
  • Open Arms - from "Live In Houston 1981: The Escape Tour"

☆Frontiers(8th Album) (10/3に発売)

 Original track listing with bonus tracks

  • Only The Young - Soundtrack "Vision Quest"
  • Ask The Lonely - Soundtrack "Two Of A Kind"
  • Liberty - from album "Time3"
  • Only Solutions - from album "Time3"

☆Raised On Radio(9th Album) (10/3に発売)

 Original track listing with bonus tracks 

  • Girl Can't Help It (Live)
  • I'll Be Alright Without You (Live)

☆Trial By Fire (10th Album) (10/3に発売)

 Original track listing with bonus track

  • I Can See It In Your Eyes

☆Greatest Hits (Best Album) (8月に発売済み)

 Original track listing with bonus track

  • When You Love A Woman - from album "Trial By Fire"


☆Street Talk (1st Solo Album) (10/3に発売)

 Original track listing with bonus tracks

  • My My My - demo from the unreleased Alien Project session
  • Harmony - demo from the unreleased Alien Project session
  • Make No Difference - demo from the unreleased Alien Project session
  • Don't Tell Me Why You're Leaving - B-Side "Oh Sherrie"
  • If Only For The Moment Girl - from "WE ARE THE WORLD/USA For Africa"

☆For The Love Of Strange Medicine (2nd Solo Album) (10/3に発売)

 Original track listing with bonus tracks (10/3に発売)

  • If You Need Me, Call Me - from AGAINST THE WALL same as on YOU BETTER WAIT single
  • One More Time- from AGAINST THE WALL same as on YOU BETTER WAIT single
  • Can't Stop - unreleased ballad from FTLOSM sessions
  • Friends Of Mine - unreleased, from AGAINST THE WALL
  • Missing You (Live)

☆Greatest Hits + Five Unreleased (Best Album) (10/3に発売) 

 Original track listing with bonus tracks

  • Don't Fight It - Steve's duet with Kenny Loggins

■掲示板にて、steverayさんがお知らせしてくださいましたが、ペリー時代のジャーニーのスタジオアルバムならびにペリーソロアルバムが再編集で、夏か秋に発売されるらしいです。出所は、ジョン・カロドナーのAsk JDK A? であることが分かりました。下記のように、ジョンは答えています。

"Right now Steve Perry and I are repackaging (with original packaging and artwork) and bringing up the masters to the state of the art CD standards for the entire Journey catalog and Steve's solo records. 
They should be released in the Summer and Fall of 2006.


MelodicRock に、ペリーに関する記事が掲載されていました。下線部分、皆さん注目です。ペリーの2ndソロツアーのDVDが発売されるんでしょうか....???

MR-X has been updated. It's been a very slow month - not for updates - but for new members!
Let's see if today's update can't inspire a few new members or some old ones to return.
Added today is a new Feature Album - the rare and long out of print 1990 release from
Jillson - Deadly Girl.
Also added is a 14 track live radio show concert from
Mr. Mister from 1986; plus four rare Mark Free demos and a few advance preview MP3s for some upcoming releases.
And a new Feature DVD has been added - Steve Perry - Live at The Beacon Theater, NYC 1994.
It's an audience shot concert, but the picture is nice and clear and the sound ok and features a memorable set list.

In addition, the following new video clips have been added:
Waltham - Hopeless, Rob Zombie - Foxy Foxy, Missing Persons - Destination Unknown and Rik Emmett 4-Play - When A Heart Breaks, Out Of The Blue, Anyting You Say and Bang On.
All recent updates remain online for a short while longer - that includes all the Crappy Covers Volumes, Soundtrack Classics 4, the
King Of Hearts compilation and much more.


■掲示板にて、Beakyさんがお知らせしてくださいました。MelodicRock (February 15)に、ペリー関連の記事が掲載されています。原文は、下記のとおりです。一緒に仕事をするような感じに取れますが...彼のオフィシャルサイト のニュースのページも参考にしてみてくださいね。

Tommy Denander has another cool update on his website following a memorable working trip to Los Angeles. Included in this update are meetings with Steve Perry, Alex Van Halen, Meredith Brooks, Holly Knight, Moon Calhoun and a trip to the NAMM convention. Check it all out at: www.tommy-denander.com.



Fan Asylum に、ペリーからのメッセージが掲載されています。原文は、下記の通りです。

First of all, I must get one thing out of the way; because of so many recent inquiries, I want to make very clear: "I am not on MYSPACE.COM nor have I ever been." and that's that!! Please don't be deceived. Where were we.....Oh yea....."43" .........{again}!! Time does fly. Last summer as I was working on the Houston Live DVD, it seemed like that show was just the other day. It certainly felt that way. I'm very proud to have been in the band in 1981. We were good together!!!

As I think about my birthday I remember, my Mom and Dad told me once that they always wanted a son but would have been happy no matter what. Well they got a son and between Mom's don't give up attitude and my Dad making me laugh by tickling me to the point of peeing my pants, I always knew I had much love around me. I remember Dad would always sing me to sleep. That was so great. SO..... I guess what I'm saying is..... This is my Mom and Dad's day and I am so grateful for our time we had together. I will always love and miss them very much.

Thank you all for your birthday messages and wishes and all your contributions to so many wonderful charities on my behalf. 

For years now so many of you have always been so Faithful and I thank you so very, very much.

Till next time,

Love ya......Steve Perry


Happy 57th Birthday Steve Perry !




Thank You Very Much !





A Happy New Year !!!





MelodicRock にペリーのインタビューが掲載されています。詳細はこちらを参照してください。naokiさん、お知らせ有難うございました。



Fan Asylumにて、"Live In Houston 1981 DVD+CD"に関する質問を受け付けていましたが、早速ペリーからの回答がアップされていました。ペリーは回答が早いですね! Fan Asylum を参照してください。質問を出した方、サイトの方には掲載されましたか?なお、日本語訳ページの作成も、計画中です。


Fan Asylum (11月8日付け)が更新されていました。"Live In Houston 1981 DVD+CD" が発売されますが、それに伴い、関連した質問を受け付けるそうです。11日金曜日までの限定だそうですので、皆さんも出してみましょう。

November 8, 2005
Well here we are, the "Journey Live in Houston 1981- Escape Tour" - DVD & CD will be released one week from today on November 15th, 2005. Fan Asylum will leave this email address up until Friday the 11th for all your DVD questions.
The address is:
I'll try to answer as many as possible.
Thanks again for your years of support......Steve Perry

From Fan Asylum:
Steve will not be responding back directly to emails sent. His response to questions emailed will be posted here at a later date.


One of the
Journey message board regulars posted this very cool interview with Steve Perry on the forums, which appeared Saturday in The Boston Globe. The full interview is available via this link: www.boston.com/ae/celebrity/articles/2005/11/05/he_never_stopped_believin.
The majority of the interview is featured here:

How did it feel having the White Sox adopt your song? You are a San Francisco Giants fan, right?
If they love you, I don't think it's wrong to go where you're loved.
The second night, I was sitting in the clubhouse with Crede and Rowand and [relief pitcher Bobby] Jenks and I said, ''Congrats, that's 2 for 2 now." I told them I had to head out and do some work on the disc. Crede looked at me and said, ''Dude, you've got to go to Houston. This may never happen again."
So you changed your plans?
They played five hours and 45 minutes in Game 3, which took me to the edge of insanity.
We won that one. Here we are the next day in Game 4, I'm standing near the warning track near the line and the White Sox are doing their stretches and busting my chops.
I felt like I was one of the guys.
Like being in a band again.
When I was in
Journey, there was a camaraderie.
It had a purpose, it had a mission.
We scrapped and had difficult times with each other and battles over musical differences but that never stopped us from being the best we could be....

...What do you mean a normal life? You're Steve Perry.
I make my own bed when I'm at my house.
I wash my own dishes every day.
And when they pile up it's because I don't wash them.
Do you miss those days?
Terribly. When I heard the raw tapes and I started mixing it, there were times I had to keep my head down on the console.
Those were some magical times.
It was too hard to watch.
And it was 24 years ago and it seems like it was yesterday.
So the Journey thing is over, right?
The divorce is final.
Back when that happened, it was January of 1998.
October is when I had the hip replacement, but January is when I got the ultimatum that they had been checking out other singers.
That made it pretty personal.
But you give each of them solo spots on the concert album. Why not say, forget Neal Schon?
No, no, no.
In the music, they're pouring their hearts out.
I wanted it to be representative of what we once were together because the performances are absolutely magic.
Neal Schon.
Though we're on the outs and we do not speak, it doesn't take away what we were.


■OFF THE RECORD のジョー・ベンソンのインタビューを11月13日に受ける予定があるようです。今度発売される"Live In Houston 1981"について語る予定があるようです。

Sunday (November 13th) OFF THE RECORD with Joe Benson will feature the music of Journey's new DVD "Live In Houston 1981: The Escape Tour" and Joe's brand new conversation with Steve Perry.

■すでにご存知の方も多いと思いますが、先ごろ行われた大リーグ ワールドシリーズは、ホワイトソックスが見事世界一に輝きましたが、その試合にペリーが観戦に訪れていたそうです。それで世界一のお祝いとして、"Don't Stop Believin'"をアカペラで歌ったそうです。そのことが、MelodicRock.com(10月24日、28日付け)に掲載されていました。


The Chicago White Sox won their coveted World Series Baseball title and former
Journey vocalist Steve Perry was there to share the excitement and the love. Steve joined the White Sox guys in their post game celebrations and lead them all in a rousing rendition of the team's adopted theme song Don't Stop Believing. Check it out - cbs2chicago.com/video/?cid=29 Select 'See Scenes From Party' and also click "more" and 'Journey's Steve Perry Celebrates' - some cool footage!
The Chicago Sun Times has also talked about
Jonathan Cain's feelings of watching the team's exploits while parading one of his signature anthems during each game. That article is online at: www.suntimes.com/output/worldseries/cst-nws-brown27.html.


After a call-out to
Steve Perry, it seems the vocalist behind baseball's Chicago White Sox club newly adopted theme song Don't Stop Believin' came to the party!
"There was big money on display at Game One, including people sipping sparkling wine in front-row seats and decadent dessert trays being wheeled into the luxury suites. And there were celebrities, including Liz Phair, who sang "God Bless America" during the 7th-inning stretch, and Steve Perry, the former frontman for the rock group
Journey, whose Don't Stop Believin' tune became a rallying cry in the Sox clubhouse.
"I'm beyond honored," Perry said from his front-row seat behind home plate as the song played over the P.A. "I can't even put it into words."

And from:
"Don't Stop Believin' - How great a baseball fan is
Steve Perry? Let me tell you.
As most of you know, we have been trying to find Steve since clinching the ALCS in Anaheim. It seems several guys, Joe Crede, Aaron Rowand and A.J. Pierzynski among them, have taken Perry's
Don't Stop Believin' as the team's theme song. After we clinched, AJ grabbed me and said, "Do whatever you can to get Steve Perry here for the World Series."
Well, Steve found out about our search and called me the other day. A huge baseball fan, he follows the SF Giants (and now the White Sox), Perry was touched by our team's reaction to his song.
He and a friend hopped on an airplane yesterday and flew in for the game. We snuck him into a room behind our clubhouse and surprised Joe, Aaron and AJ. They loved meeting Steve and everyone posed for photos."




■先日もお知らせしましたLIVE IN HOUSTON 1981 DVDのリリースに関して、Fan Asylum (10月5日付け)に掲載された内容について、日本語訳をつけてみようと思い、急遽ページを作りました。完璧な日本語訳は無理かもしれませんが、よろしかったら読んでください。

ライブ・イン・ヒューストン 1981 エスケイプ・ツアー  こちらのページです。

※ リリースされるDVDですが、ライブ映像だけでなく、メンバーのインタビュー、レアな写真によるスライドショーもあるそうです。ブックレットの内容も豊富なようです。ファンには必須アイテムなんではないでしょうか....


■掲示板にて、naokiさんがお知らせしてくださいました。Fan Asylum (10月5日付け) が久々に更新されていました。様々なサイトで話題にもなっていたヒューストン公演(1981年エスケイプツアー)のDVDの発売が決まったようです。DVDのジャケットも掲載されています。発売日は、11月15日のようです。プロデューサーは、ペリーが担当しています。

"TWO-DISC DVD + CD COLLECTORS EDITION PACKAGE"という記載がありますので、DVDだけでなく、CDも一緒にリリースされるようです。


LIVE IN HOUSTON 1981 - ESCAPE TOUR DVD + CD Collectors Edition by JOURNEY (Columbia / Legacy C2D 54153) Selections :

  1. Escape
  2. Line Of Fire
  3. Lights
  4. Stay Awhile
  5. Open Arms
  6. Mother, Father
  7. Jonathan Cain Solo
  8. Who's Cryin' Now
  9. Where Were You
  10. Steve Smith Solo
  11. Dead Or Alive
  12. Don't Stop Believin'
  13. Stone In Love
  14. Keep On Runnin'
  15. Neal Schon Solo
  16. Wheel In The Sky
  17. Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'
  18. Anyway You Want It
    CD-only bonus track :
  19. The Party's Over (Hopelessly In Love)

Recorded November 6, 1981, in Houston, TX

Track 3, 16 from album "Infinity (1978)"
Track 17 from album "Evolution (1979)"
Track 2, 4, 9, 18 from album "Departure (1980)"
Track 19 from album "Captured (1981)"
Track 1, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 from album "Escape (1981)"



■またまた、デビッド・パックのソロアルバム"The Secret Of Movin' On"の続報です。掲示板で、きよしさんがお知らせしてくれました。MelodicRockにて、サンプル音源のリンクが貼られていました(7/7付けです。)。1曲だけですが、その1曲がまさにペリーも参加しているという"A Brand New Start"でした。



■デビッド・パックのソロアルバム"The Secret Of Movin' On"の続報です。英語標記の曲目リストが明らかになりました。(英語標記は、Amazon.com 日本語標記は、HMV より) 

  1. The Secret Of Movin' On (Travelin' Light)/ザ・シークレット・オブ・ムーヴィン・オン(トラベリン・ライト)
  2. Vertical Disbelief (That's Not Me)/ヴァーティカル・ディスビリーフ(ザッツ・ノット・ミー)
  3. Biggest Part Of Me/ビッゲスト・パート・オブ・ミー
  4. Tell Her Goodbye/テル・ハー・グッドバイ
  5. A Brand New Start (featuring Steve Perry)/ア・ブランド・ニュー・スタート
  6. You're The Only Woman/愛にときめいて
  7. When Your Love Was Almost Mine/ホエン・ユア・ラブ・ワズ・オールモスト・マイン
  8. Where We Started From/ホエア・ウィ・スターテッド・フロム
  9. Everlasting/エヴァーラスティング
  10. Thing Of U (Song 4 Kaitlyn)/シング・オブ・ユー(ソング・フォー・ケイトリン)
  11. Elizabeth/エリザベス

全11曲です。ペリーファンが注目は、何と言っても5曲目ですね!また、日本盤の発売日については、Amazon.co.jp および HMV ともに、8月10日に変わっていました。


Fan Asylumのスティーヴ・ペリーのページに、ペリーからのメッセージが掲載されていました。2点の内容が掲載されているようです。最も、そのうちのひとつは、この夏のジャーニーのツアーに、自分は参加しないといった内容でしたが....



■デビッド・パックのソロアルバム"The Secret Of Movin' On"の続報ですが、HMVのサイト を見ると、発売日が8月5日になっていました。Amazonでは、日本盤は今日現在8月1日のままになっており、どちらが正しいのかよく分かりませんが....状況がハッキリしませんね....


■ペリーが参加したデビッド・パックのソロアルバム"The Secret Of Movin' On"の発売日は、HMVのサイト によれば6月22日の予定(今日現在もそのままですが)でしたが、掲示板にてnaokiさんが発売延期の情報を提供してくださっていました。Amazonでも調べたところ、日本盤は8月1日、本国盤は8月9日となっていました。



■ペリーが参加したデビッド・パックのソロアルバム"The Secret Of Movin' On"のアルバムジャケットの画像が、HMVのサイトに公開されていました。
Amazonのページも調査してみましたが、まだ"Secret Of Moving On"は出ていませんでした。


■ペリーが参加していたというデビッド・パックのソロアルバム"The Secret Of Movin' On"の発売が明らかになったようです。HMVのサイトによりますと、国内盤は6月22日発売予定となっています。詳細は、こちらをご覧ください。

■新たなコンテンツを追加します。 ファンからの質問に対するペリーの回答 を新規追加しようと思います。これは、Fan Asylumに掲載のファンからの質問に対するペリーの回答を、日本語訳したものです。これから随時訳してみようと思っています。


■もう既にご存知の方もいると思いますが、Fan Asylum にて、期間限定でペリーへの質問メールの受け付けていましたが、ペリーからの回答が早速掲載されています。期間中、約1500通のメールが寄せられたそうです。なお、掲載はごく一部でしたが...。

日本のファンのみなさんも、メールを出された方いらっしゃると思いますが、Fan Asylum に掲載されたという方いらっしゃいますか?(僕は、ちなみにありませんでしたが...)第2弾、第3弾と期待したいものですね。


■ 掲示板にて、まりりんさんがお知らせしてくださいました。PerryvilleListening Room のページに、ペリーの新たなレア音源がアップされたとのことです。"Let Go"という曲だそうです。僕も早速聴いてみましたが、良い曲ですよ~♪



■ 掲示板にて、まりりんさんより、Walk Of Fame関連の続報を、いろいろ提供していただきましたので、トップページでも取り上げたいと思います。

1. まず、Perryvilleに、Walk Of Fameの特集ページが作られています。その特集ページに、セレモニーでペリーがスピーチした内容が紹介されていたり、写真が掲載されているサイトのリンク先などが紹介されていました。

  • ペリーがスピーチした内容に関しては、こちらです。
  • 写真が掲載されているリンク先が書かれているページが、こちらです。(ビデオクリップもあるようです。)

2. また、セレモニーでペリーがスピーチした内容の音声が、Arrowfm.com で聴けるそうです。こちらをクリックしてください。




Fan Asylum に、ペリーからのメッセージが掲載されています。原文は、下記の通りです。また、期間限定(1月24日~2月1日まで)で、質問のメールを受け付けています。みなさん、ふるってメールを出してみましょう。アドレスは、下の方に書かれています。まりりんさん、お知らせ有難うございました!!!

Well, here we are again. The yearly ritual known as the "BIRTHDAY."  This year I can't believe I'm, "45" .... AGAIN....!!  

I'd like to thank EVERYONE who sent well wishes to me for my birthday, and EVERYONE who showed up at the Walk of Fame presentation last Friday the 21st. What a magic feeling it was to see you all again.

Seeing the guys in the band was a celebration just like the old days when music was what it was all about. When we were taking pictures in front of the star, Jon Cain was on my right. I said to him, "Do you know what that is down there on that side walk? That's some great songs. Congratulations Jon." Ross Valory was our cello of bass players. It's was fun watching him clowning again. It was really great to see Steve Smith and Aynsley Dunbar after all these years. What perfect drummers these guys were for the music of Journey. I told them both congratulations and that they both busted their asses for this. I told Neal congats' when we were standing there together making fun of "Heckle and Jeckle," or known to their fans as, Mark and Brian from KLOS.

Oh, and by the way, after M&B's on the AIR complete violation of my privacy and still never getting my number, I'd like to make one thing very clear. I thought about this award ceremony for a long time. For the longest time I thought it would be best that I not go, do to our re-break-up in May of 98. I knew it was going to be my decision and my decision ALONE and that no one could sway me into going or not going! After I decided to attend, on the morning of Jan. 20th I headed north to L.A. As I got closer, I turned on KLOS and heard M&B and what they were up to. I QUICKLY turned them OFF so I would still want to attend our event. I'm so glad I went. It was a real thrill to hear all those fans sing "Na Na's" and "Don't Stop Believin'" AND THEN, they sang Happy Birthday to me. Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!!

On Saturday the 22nd I went back to take another look at the star for my birthday and for all my departed relatives. As I was watching people looking at the star, I saw two girls hand their camera to a friend and then they quickly laid down on the sidewalk one on each side of the star. I jumped out of my hiding spot and asked, "Can I lay down, too?"  At first they were shocked I was there, and then we took this picture. I took some more pix with a few more fans then figured I better hit the road back. It was a nice birthday.

Thanks for all the donations this year on behalf of my birthday!

I really want to thank ALL the fans all over the world that made the Hollywood Walk of Fame Star possible.......... It really belongs to you.

Thanks for making me a part of it.

This e-mail address will ONLY be up from January 24th to February 1st to ask me questions. Sometime after that I'll answer as many as I can. The address is SPquestions@fanasylum.com (see below)

All the very best to you and yours,

Steve Perry    
January 24, 2005

***Steve will not be personally responding to emailed questions. We will post his responses here at a future date.


■ Walk Of Fame の続報です。Steve Perry On-Lineにも、その模様の写真(もちろん、ペリー中心の写真です)がたくさん掲載されています。こちらをクリックしてください。




Happy 56th Birthday Steve Perry !


■それから、前日21日に行われたWalk Of Fameに、何とペリーも来たそうです!!今回掲載した写真も、その模様の写真なんですが、以前より髪が伸びて、幾分ふっくらとした感じですね。

上記は、出席者全員の写真です。左から、ジョナサン・ケイン(Key)、ジョージ・ティックナー(G)、スティーヴ・ペリー(Vo)、エインズレー・ダンバー(Dr)、ニール・ショーン(G)、ロバート・フライシュマン(Vo)、ロス・ヴァロリー(B)、スティーヴ・オージェリー(Vo)、スティーヴ・スミス(Dr)、ディーン・カストロノヴァ(Dr) です。(グレッグ・ローリー(Key)は欠席のようです。) こんな写真は、なかなか見られるものではありませんね。(Yahoo! Newsより)


まりりんさん、のんさん 情報有難うございました!



Thank You Very Much !




■今月22日には、56歳の誕生日を迎えるペリーですが、Perryville にて、バースデイメッセージを書きこめるページが設置されています。アドレスはこちらになります。僕も、早速書きこんできました。みなさんも、ぜひどうぞ。


A Happy New Year !!!




過去のニュース インデックス

Steve Perry Support Page

E_Mail : k-ichihashi@mug.biglobe.ne.jp