GLN ŒÃŽ–‹L ‰p•¶ English

Kojiki The first volume

£Form of Shinto purification | âSâP

¢Shinto purification
IzanaginoOhkami which escaped from Yominokuni in this way said as follows.
"I have gone to the ugly country where it's also dirty to see. So I'll do a purification."
He went to Ahagihara in Wodo in Tachibana in Himuka in Tsukushi and did a purification.
TsukitatsufunadonoKami was born from the baton he threw away.
Next MichinonagachihanoKami was born from belt he threw away.
Next TokihakashinoKami was born from the scrip (bag) he threw away.
Next WadurahinoushinoKami was born from the vesture he threw away.
Next ChimatanoKami was born from the loincloth he threw away.
Next AkiguhiushinoKami was born from the crown he threw away.
Next OkizakarunoKami was born from a bracelet of the left hand he threw away.
Next OkitsunagisabikonoKami was born.
Next OkitsukahiberanoKami was born.
Next HezakarunoKami was born from a bracelet of the right hand he threw away.
Next HetsunagisabikonoKami was born.
Next HetsukahiberanoKami was born.
When the gods of total of 12 pillars took off the one he put on from FunadonoKami to HetsukahiberanoKami above, they was born.

So IzanaginoOhkami said as follows. "A flow is sudden in upstream rapids. A flow is gentle in downstream rapids." First, when he entered medium shallows, shook a body and laved, YasomagatsuhinoKami was born.
Next OhmagatsuhinoKami was born.
Two pillars of this god is a born god by the dirt when he went to a tainted country.
Next KamunahobinoKami was going to correct the tainting, and born.
Next OhnahobinoKami was born.
Next IdunomenoKami was born.
Next when he washed at the bottom of the water, SokotsuwatatsuminoKami was born.
Next SokotsutsunowonoMikoto was born. When he washed in the water, NakatsuwatatsuminoKami was born.
Next NakatsutsunowonoMikoto was born.
When he washed at a surface of the water, UhatsuwatatsuminoKami was born.
Next UhatsutsunowonoMikoto was born.
The god of an ancestor of Aduminomuraji is 3 pillars of this WatatsuminoKami.
Therefore Aduminomuraji is offsprings of UtsushihiganasakunoMikoto which are young of WatatsuminoKami.
3 pillars of god of SokotsutsunowonoMikoto, NakatsutsunowonoMikoto and UhatsutsunowonoMikoto are 3 pillars of god of Sumiyoshijinja.

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