GLN ŒΓŽ–‹L ‰p•Ά English

Kojiki The first volume

£Prolegomenon | ›σ‚Ή‚ď˜

Shin (I), Yasumaro expresses it.
In the first place the roots in confusion crowded, and the phenomenon (form and quality) has not yet appeared.
There were not the material of the universe and the material of the whole creation.
Who knew its shape?

However, when a universe was divided for the first time, three gods (Amenominakanushinokami, Takamimusubinokami and Kamimusubinokami) became a ruler of Takamanohara, and Yin and Yang began. They became ancestor of two deities (Izanaginomikoto and Izanaminomikoto) and the whole creation.
And Izanaginomikoto went in and out of Yominokuni (the nether world) and Ashiharanonakatsukuni (in Japan). When he washed eyes, The sun(Amaterasu-Ohmikami) and the moon (Tsukuyominokami) appeared. When he fluctuated it to seawater and rinsed out the body, various gods emerged.

The origin of the this world wasn't certain, but these made a country with telling of noble gods (old folklore), and we knew an island to have been born.
The origin of the this world was the far-off past. But gods appeared by achievements of Saints. And it's possible to know a situation of people's being born and coming.
One hundred kings (royalty) knew such fact, hung a mirror and threw up a bead, and succeeded to an aspect.
That broke a sword and cut a king snake. In this way, gods and man shine out.

Gods in heaven argued in Amenoyasunokawara. And Ashiwaranonakatsukuni was suppressed.
They argued with Ohkuninushinokami in Obama in Idumo, and ruled countries.
And Hononiniginomikoto came down to a mountain in Takachiho for the first time.
Jimmu Tenno spent long time in Akidushima.

The bear which God performed an incarnation of came from the river. A bear gave a sword judged from the sky to Takakuraji. The human being with the tail shut out the way and welcomed them. A mythical crow (Yatagarasu) led Tenno's party to Yoshino. All members danced a dance dance all together and let they defeated a robber with the signal of the song and follow it.

Sujin Tenno could learn this in a dream, and gods were respected. That is why he is said to be the smart Emperor. Nintoku Tenno let the people make smoke of the cooking, and the people were loved. He is informed it with a wise and virtuous emperor in now.

Seimu Tenno set the border and set Kuninomayatsuko and Agatanushi. He could rule the world in Afumi (Oumi) around here.
Ingyo Tenno corrected the last name and reorganized a family. He could rule the world at far Asuka.

Since putting it in the politics in generation after generation, there are paces and "beauty or ugliness", so it can't be said that it's same as now. But public morals and morality thought back to antiquity, and corrected an obsolete one already. And even in the world now, it's necessary to make the way of the right person going to cease up.

It came in a world in Temmu Tenno ruling Japan at a big shrine in Kiyomohara in Asuka. Before acceding, he put on the qualification. And the time when he should come into action came.
He interpreted the song heard in the dream, and predicted that an imperial task should be inherited. He went to Yokokawa in Nabari in Iga in midnight, and found out that an imperial task should be inherited.

But the chance when he accedes has not come yet. He was quiet at Yoshino, but the number of soldiers of the supporter also became a lot. He advanced majesty towards an east country like a tiger.
Emperor's portable shrine visited and crossed a mountain and a river. Emperor's army behaved itself like thunder. Feudal lords' army advanced like lightning.
A cane and a pike mentioned momentum. The dauntless soldiers mentioned a cloud of dust. Emperor's red flag brightened a weapon, and a thug (army of a Afumi Imperial Court) broke like a tile.
During a short time, the harm was settled naturally.
And he stopped a war immediately and a mind was fun and returned to a capital peacefully. He winds up a flag,, puts a pike back, danced and sang. And he was staying at a capital.

February of the year (chicken year) when Jupiter lodges at the direction of Pleiades. In a big shrine of Kiyomihara, as for him, it was succeeded to the throne by the Emperor.
The royal road was superior to Huang Ti, and the natural virtue was beyond Zhou.
He got "three kinds of sacred treasures" and commanded nature every direction. The whole area of the distant place was covered with the Tianjin Imperial Throne, too.
He fixed the order of Wu Xing to right mind of the Yin and Yang. He propagated Shinto and recommended good manners and customs. He established superior enlightenment and was spread in a country.
As well as it, as for him, the human intelligence was wide like the sea. He researched ancient times deeply. His mind such as the mirror glistened clearly. And he ascertained predecessors in the family line clearly.

And the Emperor (Tenmu) did an Imperial decree.
"I heard it. The imperial document handed down to various houses and this address are different from the truth already. Much falseness has been added. When not changing the slip this time now, without having several years, true history would fall. This thing is foundation of state administration and is a basis of emperor influence. I think that I record an Imperial document here and check an ancient chronicle together and I reduce a falsehood and make sure of the truth and want to tell in history."

There was Toneri (footman) at that time. The family name is Hieda, the name is Are, age are 28 years old. He was wise. He only had a look and repeated it immediately. he only heard it and he carves it in a mind and does not forget it once.
So I made Are read "Diary of the emperor" and "Late old record" for him by an order of Tenno, and made them memorize.
However, this thing was not yet performed even if the tendency of the times of the Emperor changed.

That's considered variously. Since the Emperor Genmei assumed a throne, her natural virtue was filled in the world. She could consider "A philosophical concept of the three elements of existence: heaven, earth and man" and brought up the people.
She controlled politics in the Imperial Palace, and the benevolent government even reached ahead of the hoof of a horse. And she did an administration at the Imperial Palace, and the subject even reached ahead of the ship. Her influence even spread over every corner in far countries.
Sunlight is very brilliant. The cloud which flows isn't smoke. All these are a good omen.
Intimate relationships between a couple, a good omen of ears also showed. A government clerk is recording such good omen all the time. The tribute paid to the court from such a far-off countries which did not understand that it did not interpret words again which informed it by a smoke signal was it. Therefore, in monthly that is a vacancy, there is not a warehouse. The emperor's fame is higher than Yuwang of Xia, and it's said that emperor's benevolence excels Tang-wang of Yin, too.

By the way, His Majesty the Emperor regretted the error of the ancient chronicle. She did an Imperial edict in Shin Yasumaro on Wado September 18, 4 to straighten the error of last period. Because she said, "you edited the ancient chronicle that Hieda flattered it by an Imperial edict of the Emperor Tenmu, and etiquette recited, and give to me it", he recorded it finely. Because she said, "you edited the ancient chronicle that Hieda-no-Are recited by an Imperial edict of the Emperor Tenmu, and give to me it", he recorded it finely.

But it was the case when being old days, so vocabulary was simple. It's difficult by a kanji to write a word and phrase of sentences and express it. A meaning of this sentence didn't lead to the one which was written and expressed by a letter instruction already any more with old intention. Sentences were the one which wrote a sentence by the Japanized pronunciation of a Chinese character and expressed it lengthily. So something to have that just included and used "the original Chinese and the native Japanese readings of a Chinese character" in one sentence. All something to have that was recorded using "the native Japanese reading" in the word. Something with the not ordinary meaning of the word already has written a notation and makes the meaning clear already. I didn't add footnotes to anything to tend to know the meaning. Kusaka (“ϊ‰Ί) was written with Kusaka (‹θΉζd) about the last name. Anything "‘Ρ" writes with Tarashi (‘½—…Žz) about the name wasn't changed.

It's begun from the beginning of the world that it was being written down often, and it's until the Emperor Suiko's government. It assumed Hiko-Nagisatakeugayafukia-hezunomikoto the first volume from Amenominakanushinokami.
It assumed Ojin Tenno the second volume from Kamuyamatoiharebikono-Sumeramikoto.
It assumed Suiko Tenno the third volume from Nintoku Tenno.
I describe three volumes in total and give it heartily. I am sorry. Respectfully.

Shogoinojo (Senior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) the fifth order of Merit, Oh no Ason Yasumaro, January 28, 712.

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