GLN 古事記 英文 English

Kojiki The second volume

▲HomudawakenoMikoto − HomudawakenoMikoto(Oujin Tenno)

△Three Imperial princes.
Now, the Emperor interrogated OhoyamamorinoMikoto and OhosazakinoMikoto as follows.
"Which do you love, an older child or a younger child?" (It's because the mind to which it says that's right ruled the world and matched the reason that the Emperor did this question.).
OhoyamamorinoMikoto said.
"I love to the older child and think."
Next OhosazakinoMikoto guessed the mind an emperor asked.
"He grows up already, so he doesn't worry, but a younger child doesn't grow up yet, so a younger child loves this."

The Emperor said as follows.
"A word of Sazakiagi (OhosazakinoMikoto) is as I think."
The Emperor told for duty of Three Imperial princes to be divisible as follows.
"OhoyamamorinoMikoto integrate the class of the mountain and the sea. OhosazakinoMikoto execute the national state affair I'm ruling, and report to me. Succeed to Amatsuhitsugi (Imperial Throne) in Udinowakiiratsuko."
So OhosazakinoMikoto didn't disobey Emperor's word.

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