Guidance. ご案内

At the Kazuno preservation-of-cultural-properties association, we have opened this homepage as part of that enterprise. Please give us understanding support of you of looking. このホームページは、鹿角市文化財保護協会の事業の一環として開設しております。 ご覧の皆様のご理解ご支援をお願い致します。

Communicating with the people of the virtual country "JOMON world" of the Jomon period, in order to promote the "Jomon Archaeological Sites in Hokkaido, Northern Tohoku, and other regions" world heritage registration, this site is established in order to let you know widely about the ruins of Jomon, such as Oyu Stone Circles.
 このサイトは、「北海道・北東北を中心とした縄文遺跡群」世界遺産登録を推進するために、縄文時代の仮想国「JOMON world」の人たちと交信しながら、大湯環状列石などの縄文遺跡について、広く知っていただくためのものです。

It communicates with the people of JOMONworld in the website of the Internet in questions-and-answers form using "Doban-kun(space-time communication instrument)."
 「どばんくん(時空通信機)」を用いて、インターネットのWebサイトにあるJOMON worldの人たちと、質疑応答形式で通信します。

This site is inviting the question about questions and answers widely from a juvenile student to an average citizen.

Please lend your power.

In addition, the printing sentence of this site is described in a Roman alphabet, Japanese, and English.

We want Japanese and a foreigner to know the ruins of Jomon.

GLN Communication to JOMON times(縄文時代との通信)