ほ Ho

◇Hougaku:Ooyu-kanjou-resseki wa, dono hougaku wo miteirunodesuka? 大湯環状列石は、どの方角を向いているのですか? Which direction has Stone Circle of Oyu turned to?
◇Hokkaidou-Kitatouhoku wo chuushin to shita joumon-isekigun towa? 「北海道・北東北を中心とした縄文遺跡群」ってなあに? About Jomon Archaeological Sites in Hokkaido, Northern Tohoku, and other regions.
◇Hottatebashira-tatemono towa? 掘立柱建物ってなあに? About hottatebashira-building.
◇Hottatebashira-tatemono no shuuri wa? 掘立柱建物の修理は? Repair of a hottatebashira-building?
◇Hottatebashira-tatemono wa, dare ga tatetandesuka. 掘建柱建物は、誰が建てたんですか? Who built this hottatebashira-building?

GLN Communication to JOMON times(縄文時代との通信)