About Clay tablet? どばんくん(土版君)とは?

325 Oyu Stone Circles excavated articles including "Clay tablet" were appointed to Akita designated cultural assets (archaeology document) on March 4, 2011.

The front sides are 1:mouth, 2:eye, 3:right breast, 4:left breast, and 5:midline. The back side is a 3+3:both ears. The back side is a 3+3:car ear.

We the JOMON navigator parties want to make various articles (for example, the space-time communication instrument of a china, the Cookie of sweets, etc.), to sell or present with it, and to advertize Oyu Stone Circles widely.
 私達JOMONナビゲーター隊は、いろいろな品物 ‐ 例えば、陶器の時空通信機やクッキーなど ‐ を作り、それを販売したり、贈答したりして、大湯環状列石について、広くPRしたいと思っています。


GLN Communication to JOMON times(縄文時代との通信)