Gen-yu's Files

Last update: 19-SEP-1999

contents (21-30)

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99/06/13 38KB 30. Viola sororia 'Freckles' (3pics; 38KB)
Escaped plants. I saw them for the first time.
99/06/12 35KB 29. Lizards in connection. (1pic; 35KB)
Japanese Eumeces ("kana-hebi").
99/05/04 40KB 28. Strange dandelion. (7pics; 40KB)
Difference in color bitween fruits of Taraxacum officinale and of T. laevigatum is also shown.
99/04/30 40KB 27. Compsopogon sp. ? (5pics; 40KB)
Another red algae in freshwater aqualium tank. Sporangia are observed.
99/04/27 62KB 26. "London Rocket" in Tokyo. (5pics; 62KB)
Alien plants identified.
99/04/05 64KB 25. Elaters of liverworts. (6pics; 64KB)
The triple helix is obserbed. Pellia endiviaefolia?
99/03/11 25KB 24. Springtail #2 (4pics; 25KB)
They are found on the surface of water in River Tama.
99/03/05 24KB 23. How many legs they have? (2pics; 24KB)
Of course, 6. But in some species, 2 of them are so small...
99/03/03 53KB 22. Galls. (4pics; 53KB)
2 types of galls on Distylium racemosum are shown.
99/02/28 19KB 21. Seed? (2pics; 19KB)
No, it's the floatblast of freshwater bryozoan; Plumatella sp. It was found in the junks floating on the surface of River Tama.

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Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Gen-yu Sasaki . All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.