GLN 古事記 英文 English

Kojiki The second volume

▲OhtarashihikooshirowakenoMikoto − OhtarashihikooshirowakenoMikoto(Keikou Tenno)

△A question and answer of Kahi.
And YamatotakerunoMikoto went to Kai across Sagamunokuni. He stayed in Sakaworinomiya. He wrote the following Japanese poem.
"I passed Nihibari Tsukuba, and did I sleep in a lot of nights?"
Following his Japanese poem, the old man who lighted a bonfire wrote the following Japanese poem.
"When it counts the days, at night at 9 night, a day is 10 days."
YamatotakerunoMikoto praised the aged people and gave a title of Adumanokuninomiyatsuko.

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