- IEC 62016 ed1.0 (2003-12) → Withdrawn
IEC E-Tech 2013-01〜02版【詳細情報は個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Smart getting smarter
Smart devices, getting smarter and smarter, are bound to change the way we deal with our day-to-day environment. As technologies evolve, we will rely more and more on electronic assistance to perform even the most mundane tasks.
- Fuel cells poised to power mobile phones
- Tireless chore boys (autonomous domestic vacuum cleaners)
- Industrial robots: reshaping manufacturing
Watt? No. Think lumen !
For decades, choosing a new or replacement light bulb has been easy:
everyone knew what light would be given by a 60 or 100 watt bulb.
Domestic consumers, faced with the gradual phasing out of the incandescent light bulb
that has lit their environment for well over a century, have some difficulty finding new energy-efficient bulbs that reproduce the same light and feeling.
Their confusion is compounded by the wealth of information now given on lamp packaging.
These days, finding the right bulb means looking at many different parameters.
明るさもそうですが 3年前 競合他社は当初から 室温40℃迄保証しているのに
室温35℃迄しか使用できないLED電球 を
今では "過去販売品は除外"とも断らず 特定豆球2種以外 全品 40℃迄保証 と広報(HP: 使用上の注意)したり、
大手を振って歩くような社会は如何なものかと思いますが。 技術者の誇り、倫理観は雲散霧消したのでしょうか。
企業自身の自浄作用には もう期待できないのでしょうね。
- Smart moves boost sales of electronic toys [安全]
- Placing the barcodes higher
- System: more than the sum of its parts [systems approach]
- Balancing power needs using fuel cells [IEC TC 105]
- IEC, IAF and ILAC increase cooperation
- Promoting safety in the Ex sector [IECEx and UNECE]
- New IECQ website launches
- The way ahead [Frans Vreeswijk : IEC General Secretary]
- Standardization in a nuclear facility
- Standardization for Smart Grids and Electric Mobility [2012 IEC Young Professional Leader]
- Smart Grid software and solutions [2012 IEC Young Professional Leader]
- IECEx-AFSEC seminar in Africa
- Nominations [Technical Committee Chairmen and Members]
- Tackling the energy challenge [Energy consumption will double between now and 2030]
- Raising efficiency [Dr Zhengrong Shi, Founding CEO and Executive Chairman of Suntech Power]
- The future of vehicles - 2013 Fully Networked Car Workshop
- Right caps for the right lamps [Lamp caps and holders must be standardized to ensure lamps designed for the same purpose are interchangeable]
- Databases for graphical symbols[IEC 60417] now in Japanese
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP【新URL】 に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると 当日〜指定期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
・また、最下部の「Subscribe to IEC Just Published」から メルアド登録 すると
毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分(一部追補除外・並び替えた物)などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2013-01-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- IEC/PAS 62825 ed1.0 (2013-01) Methods of measurement and limits for radiated disturbances from plasma display panel TVs in the frequency range 150 kHz to 30 MHz
- Project IEC 60204-31 ed4.0 (2013-01) Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 31: Particular safety and EMC
- IEC 60704-2-14 ed2.0 (2013-01) Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-14: Particular requirements for refrigerators, frozen-food storage cabinets and food freezers
- Project IEC 60695-2-10 ed2.0 (2013-01) Fire hazard testing - Part 2-10: Glowing/hot-wire based test methods - Glow-wire apparatus and common test procedure
- Project IEC 60068-2-57 ed3.0 (2013-01) Environmental testing - Part 2-57: Tests - Test Ff: Vibration - Time-history and sine-beat method
- IEC 61124 ed3.0 (2013-01) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Reliability testing - Compliance tests for constant failure rate and constant failure intensity
- IEC 61193-3 ed1.0 (2013-01) Quality assessment systems - Part 3: Selection and use of sampling plans for printed board and laminate end-product and in-process auditing
- Project IEC 60950-1-am2 ed2.0 (2013-01) Amendment 2 - Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1: General requirements
- IEC 62731 ed1.0 (2013-01) Text-to-speech for television - General requirements
- IEC 61788-16 ed1.0 (2013-01) Superconductivity - Part 16: Electronic characteristic measurements - Power-dependent surface resistance of superconductors at microwave frequencies
- IEC 61788-17 ed1.0 (2013-01) Superconductivity - Part 17: Electronic characteristic measurements - Local critical current density and its distribution in large-area superconducting films
- IEC 61161 ed3.0 (2013-01) Ultrasonics - Power measurement - Radiation force balances and performance requirements
- Project IEC 60839-11-1 ed1.0 (2013-01) Alarm and electronic security systems - Part 11-1: Electronic access control systems - System and components requirements
- IEC 62040-1-am1 ed1.0 (2013-01) Amendment 1 - Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 1: General and safety requirements for UPS
- IEC 61169-26 ed1.0 (2013-01) Radio-frequency connectors - Part 26: Sectional specification for TNCA series RF coaxial connectors
- IEC 61169-42 ed1.0 (2013-01) Radio-frequency connectors - Part 42: Sectional specification for CQN series quick lock RF coaxial connectors
- IEC 62037-5 ed1.0 (2013-01) Passive RF and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement - Part 5: Measurement of passive intermodulation in filters
- IEC 62037-6 ed1.0 (2013-01) Passive RF and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement - Part 6: Measurement of passive intermodulation in antennas
- IEC 60793-1-42 ed3.0 (2013-01) Optical fibres - Part 1-42: Measurement methods and test procedures - Chromatic dispersion
- IEC/TR 61282-10 ed1.0 (2013-01) Fibre optic communication system design guides - Part 10: Characterization of the quality of optical vector-modulated signals with the error vector magnitude
- Project IEC 61300-2-7 ed2.0 (2013-01) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-7: Tests - Bending moment
- IEC 62843 ed1.0 (2013-01) Standard for N times 64 kilobit per second optical fiber interfaces between teleprotection and multiplexer equipment
- IEC 60317-49 ed2.0 (2013-01) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 49: Glass-fibre wound high temperature resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled round copper wire, temperature index 180
- Project IEC 61557-14 ed1.0 (2013-01) Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 14: Equipment for testing the safety of electrical equipment for machinery
- IEC 60934-am2 ed3.0 (2013-01) Amendment 2 - Circuit-breakers for equipment (CBE)
- Project IEC 60255-24 ed2.0 (2013-01) Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 24: Common format for transient data exchange (COMTRADE) for power systems
- IEC 60269-3-am1 ed4.0 (2013-01) Amendment 1 - Low-voltage fuses - Part 3: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by unskilled persons (fuses mainly for household or similar applications) - Examples of standardized systems of fuses A to F
- IEC 60947-2-am2 ed4.0 (2013-01) Amendment 2 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 2: Circuit-breakers
- Project IEC 62056-9-7 ed1.0 (2013-01) Electricity metering data exchange - The DLMS/COSEM suite - Part 9-7: Communication profile for TCP-UDP/IP networks
- IEC 61499-4 ed2.0 (2013-01) Function blocks - Part 4: Rules for compliance profiles
- Project IEC 62264-1 ed2.0 (2013-01) Enterprise system integration - Part 1: Models and terminology
- IEC 61850-5 ed2.0 (2013-01) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 5: Communication requirements for functions and device models
- Project IEC 61970-456 ed1.0 (2013-01) Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 456: Solved power system state profiles
- Project IEC 62325-450 ed1.0 (2013-01) Framework for energy market communications - Part 450: Profile and context modelling rules
- IEC/TR 62809 ed1.0 (2013-01) Summary of requirements and tests to products in the scope of IEC 60601-2-66 [safety of hearing instruments]
- IEC 60601-2-11 ed3.0 (2013-01) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of gamma beam therapy equipment
- IEC 61157-am1 ed2.0 (2013-01) Amendment 1 - Standard means for the reporting of the acoustic output of medical diagnostic
- IEC 62271-207 ed2.0 (2013-01) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 207: Seismic qualification for gas-insulated switchgear assemblies for rated voltages above 52 kV
- IEC 60422 ed4.0 (2013-01) Mineral insulating oils in electrical equipment - Supervision and maintenance guidance
- Project IEC 60243-1 ed3.0 (2013-01) Electric strength of insulating materials - Test methods - Part 1: Tests at power frequencies
- IEC/TS 62344 ed1.0 (2013-01) Design of earth electrode stations for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) links - General guidelines
- Project IEC 61643-312 ed1.0 (2013-01) Components for low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 312: Selection and application principles for gas discharge tubes
- Project IEC 61472 ed3.0 (2013-01) Live working - Minimum approach distances for ac systems in the voltage range 72,5 kV to 800 kV - A method of calculation
- IEC 60974-2 ed3.0 (2013-01) Arc welding equiment - Part 2: Liquid cooling systems
- IEC 60974-7 ed3.0 (2013-01) Arc welding equipment - Part 7: Torches
- IEC 61496-2 ed3.0 (2013-01) Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for equipment using active opto-electronic protective devices (AOPDs)
- Project IEC 62718 ed1.0 (2013-01) Railway applications - Rolling stock - DC supplied electronic ballasts for lighting fluorescent lamps
- Project IEC 62651 ed1.0 (2013-01) Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation important to safety - Thermocouples: Characteristics and test methods
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-2;10 ed1.0 (2013-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-2:2009 (Sixth Ed.) & IEC 60335-2-10:2002 (Fifth Ed.) + A1:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Ed.) (incl. Cor. 1:2002) + A1:2004 + A2:2006 (incl. Cor. 1:2006)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-2 ed4.0 (2013-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-2: 2009 (Sixth Edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition) (incl. Corrigendum 1:2010)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-51 ed5.0 (2013-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335 2 51:2002 (Third Edition) + A1:2008 + A2:2011 in conj. With IEC 60335 1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-68 ed7.0 (2013-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-68:2012 (Fourth Edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-69 ed6.0 (2013-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-69:2012 (Fourth Edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-91 ed2.0 (2013-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-91: 2008 (Third Edition) used in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition) incl. Corrigendum 1:2002 + A1:2004 + A2:2006 incl. Corrigendum 1:2006
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-91 ed3.0 (2013-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-91: 2008 (Third Edition) used in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-96 ed5.0 (2013-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-96:2002 (First Edition) + A1:2003 + A2: 2008 (incl. Corrigendum 1:2003) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-109 ed2.0 (2013-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-109:2010 (First edition) in conj. With IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-26 ed4.0 (2013-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-26:2012 (Third Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1:2005 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 61184 ed2.0 (2013-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61184: 2008 (Third edition) + A1: 2006
- IEC/TRF 61535 ed2.0 (2013-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61535:2009 (First Edition) + A1: 2012
- IEC/TRF 61965 ed2.0 (2013-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61965: 2003 (Second Edition)
- IEC/TRF 62208 ed2.0 (2013-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 62208:2011 (Second Edition)
- IEC/TRF 80601-2-12 ed2.0 (2013-01) This Test Report Form applies to ISO 80601-2-12: 2011 (First edition)
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 15897 ed1.0 (2013-01) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- User interfaces -- Procedures for the registration of cultural elements -
- ISO/IEC 18000-6 ed3.0 (2013-01) Information technology -- Radio frequency identification for item management -- Part 6: Parameters for air interface communications at 860 MHz to 960 MHz General
- ISO/IEC 18000-63 ed1.0 (2013-01) Information technology -- Radio frequency identification for item management -- Part 63: Parameters for air interface communications at 860 MHz to 960 MHz Type C
- ISO/IEC 20944-1 ed1.0 (2013-01) Information technology -- Metadata Registries Interoperability and Bindings (MDR-IB) -- Part 1: Framework, common vocabulary, and common provisions for conformance
- ISO/IEC 20944-2 ed1.0 (2013-01) Information technology -- Metadata Registries Interoperability and Bindings (MDR-IB) -- Part 2: Coding bindings
- ISO/IEC 20944-3 ed1.0 (2013-01) Information technology -- Metadata Registries Interoperability and Bindings (MDR-IB) -- Part 3: API bindings
- ISO/IEC 20944-4 ed1.0 (2013-01) Information technology -- Metadata Registries Interoperability and Bindings (MDR-IB) -- Part 4: Protocol bindings
- ISO/IEC 20944-5 ed1.0 (2013-01) Information technology -- Metadata Registries Interoperability and Bindings (MDR-IB) -- Part 5: Profiles
- ISO/IEC 22536 ed2.0 (2013-01) Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Near Field Communication Interface and Protocol (NFCIP-1) -- RF interface test methods
- ISO/IEC 23000-10 ed1.0 (2013-01) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -- Part 10: Surveillance application format -
【廃版】【代替】情報 (Withdrawn/Replaced publications)
- IEC 60512-9 ed2.0 (1992-05) → IEC 60512-9-1 ed1.0 (2010-03)
- IEC 60099-1 am1 ed3.0 (1999-09) → Withdrawn
- IEC 60099-1 ed3.0 (1991-06) → Withdrawn
- IEC 60099-1 ed3.1 (1999-12) → Withdrawn
- IEC/PAS 61169-42 ed1.0 (2009-04) → IEC 61169-42 ed1.0 (2013-01)
- IEC/PAS 62344 ed1.0 (2007-05) → IEC 62344 ed1.0 (2013-01)
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP【新URL】 に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると 当日〜指定期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
・また、最下部の「Subscribe to IEC Just Published」から メルアド登録 すると
毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分(一部追補除外・並び替えた物)などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2012-12-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- ISO/IEC GUIDE 37 ed3.0 (2012-12) Instructions for use of products by consumers
- Project CISPR 16-2-1-am2 ed2.0 (2012-12) Amendment 2 - Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 2-1: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity - Conducted disturbance
- IEC/TR 62732 ed1.0 (2012-12) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Three-digit code for designation of colour rendering and correlated colour temperature
- IEC/PAS 62814 ed1.0 (2012-12) Dependability of software products containing reusable components - Guidance for functionality and tests
- IEC/TR 62348 ed2.0 (2012-12) Assessment of the impact of the most significant changes in Amendment 1 to IEC 60601-1:2005 and mapping of the clauses of IEC 60601-1:2005 to the previous edition [医療機器]
- IEC 60721-2-2 ed2.0 (2012-12) Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2-2: Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Precipitation and wind
- IEC 61400-4 ed1.0 (2012-12) Wind turbines - Part 4: Design requirements for wind turbine gearboxes
- Project IEC 61730-1-am2 ed1.0 (2012-12) Amendment 2 - Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 1: Requirements for construction
- IEC 62282-6-300 ed2.0 (2012-12) Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-300: Micro fuel cell power systems - Fuel cartridge interchangeability
- IEC 60335-2-8 ed6.0 (2012-12) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for shavers, hair clippers and similar appliances
- IEC 60335-2-41 ed4.0 (2012-12) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-41: Particular requirements for pumps
- Project IEC 60335-2-70-am2 ed2.0 (2012-12) Amendment 2 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-70: Particular requirements for milking machines
- IEC 60335-2-75 ed3.0 (2012-12) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-75: Particular requirements for commercial dispensing appliances and vending machines
- IEC 60745-2-23 ed1.0 (2012-12) Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-23: Particular requirements for die grinders and small rotary tools
- Project IEC 60216-8 ed1.0 (2012-12) Electrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 8: Instructions for calculating thermal endurance characteristics using simplified procedures
- Project IEC 61083-2 ed2.0 (2012-12) Instruments and software used for measurement in high-voltage and high-current tests - Part 2: Requirements for software for tests with impulse voltages and currents
- IEC 62281 ed2.0 (2012-12) Safety of primary and secondary lithium cells and batteries during transport
- IEC 62133 ed2.0 (2012-12) Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications
- IEC 60191-6-22 ed1.0 (2012-12) Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-22: General rules for the preparation of outline drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guide for semiconductor packages Silicon Fine-pitch Ball Grid Array and Silicon Fine-pitch Land Grid Array (S-FBGA and S-FLGA)
- IEC 60679-3 ed3.0 (2012-12) Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality - Part 3: Standard outlines and lead connections
- Project IEC 61643-311 ed2.0 (2012-12) Components for low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 311: Performance requirements and test circuits for gas discharge tubes (GDT)
- IEC 61169-44 ed1.0 (2012-12) Radio-frequency connectors - Part 44: Sectional specification for series SMP push-on radio-frequency coaxial connectors
- IEC 60793-2-50 ed4.0 (2012-12) Optical fibres - Part 2-50: Product specifications - Sectional specification for class B single-mode fibres
- IEC 60794-3-12 ed2.0 (2012-12) Optical fibre cables - Part 3-12: Outdoor cables - Detailed specification for duct and directly buried optical telecommunication cables for use in premises cabling
- IEC 60869-1 ed4.0 (2012-12) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic passive power control devices - Part 1: Generic specification
- IEC 61300-3-4 ed3.0 (2012-12) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-4: Examinations and measurements - Attenuation
- IEC 61753-021-3 ed1.0 (2012-12) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 021-3: Single-mode fibre optic connectors for category U - Uncontrolled environment
- IEC 61753-056-2 ed1.0 (2012-12) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 056-2: Single mode fibre pigtailed style optical fuse for category C - Controlled environment
- IEC 61753-057-2 ed1.0 (2012-12) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 057-2: Single mode fibre plug-receptacle style optical fuse for category C - Controlled environment
- Project IEC 61753-058-2 ed1.0 (2012-12) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 058-2: Single mode fibre pigtailed style optical power limiter for category C - Controlled environment
- Project IEC 61753-059-2 ed1.0 (2012-12) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 059-2: Single-mode fibre plug-receptacle style optical limiter for category C - Controlled environment
- IEC/TR 62221 ed2.0 (2012-12) Optical fibres - Measurement methods - Microbending sensitivity
- IEC 62343-1-3 ed2.0 (2012-12) Dynamic modules - Part 1-3: Performance standards - Dynamic gain tilt equalizer (DGTE)(non-connectorized)
- IEC 61850-10 ed2.0 (2012-12) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 10: Conformance testing
- IEC 61156-5-am1 ed2.0 (2012-12) Amendment 1 - Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications - Part 5: Symmetrical pair/quad cables with transmission characteristics up to 1 000 MHz - Horizontal floor wiring - Sectional specification
- IEC 61156-6-am1 ed3.0 (2012-12) Amendment 1 - Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications - Part 6: Symmetrical pair/quad cables with transmission characteristics up to 1 000 MHz - Work area wiring - Sectional specification
- IEC 61156-7-am1 ed1.0 (2012-12) Amendment 1 - Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications - Part 7: Symmetrical pair cables with transmission characteristics up to 1 200 MHz - Sectional specification for digital and analog communication cables
- IEC 61184 ed3.0 (2012-12) Corrigendum 2【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Bayonet lampholders
- IEC 60127-4-am2 ed3.0 (2012-12) Amendment 2 - Miniature fuses - Part 4: Universal modular fuse-links (UMF) - Through-hole and surface mount types
- IEC 62337 ed2.0 (2012-12) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Commissioning of electrical, instrumentation and control systems in the process industry - Specific phases and milestones
- Project IEC 62683 ed1.0 (2012-12) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Product data and properties for information exchange
- IEC 60034-28 ed2.0 (2012-12) Rotating electrical machines - Part 28: Test methods for determining quantities of equivalent circuit diagrams for three-phase low-voltage cage induction motors
- IEC 60143-2 ed2.0 (2012-12) Series capacitors for power systems - Part 2: Protective equipment for series capacitor banks
- IEC 62271-100-am1 ed2.0 (2012-12) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Amendment 1 - High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 100: Alternating-current circuit-breakers
- IEC/TR 62271-306 ed1.0 (2012-12) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 306: Guide to IEC 62271-100, IEC 62271-1 and other IEC standards related to alternating current circuit-breakers
- IEC 60349-4 ed1.0 (2012-12) Electric traction - Rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles - Part 4: Permanent magnet synchronous electrical machines connected to an electronic converter
- IEC 61924-2 ed1.0 (2012-12) Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Integrated navigation systems - Part 2: Modular structure for INS - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
- Project IEC 62287-2 ed1.0 (2012-12) Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Class B shipborne equipment of the Automatic Identification System (AIS) - Part 2: Self-organising time division multiple access (SOTDMA) techniques
- IEC 62387 ed1.0 (2012-12) Radiation protection instrumentation - Passive integrating dosimetry systems for personal and environmental monitoring of photon and beta radiation
- IEC 62706 ed1.0 (2012-12) Radiation protection instrumentation - Environmental, electromagnetic and mechanical performance requirements
- IEC/IEEE 62582-3 ed1.0 (2012-12) Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Electrical equipment condition monitoring methods - Part 3: Elongation at break
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60269-4 ed2.0 (2012-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60269-4 (Fifth Edition) + A1:2012 see also IEC 60269-1:2006 (Fourth edition) + A1:2009
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-3 ed8.0 (2012-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-3:2002 (Fifth Edition) + A1:2004 +A2:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-17 ed2.0 (2012-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-17:2002 (Second Edition) + A1:2006 + A2:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition) incl. Corrigendum 1:2002 + A1:2004 + A2:2006 incl. Corrigendum 1:2006
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-17 ed3.0 (2012-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-17:2012 (Third Edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-52 ed3.0 (2012-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-52:2002 + A1: 2008 (Third Edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition) incl. Corrigendum 1:2002 + A1:2004 + A2:2006 incl. Corrigendum 1:2006
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-67 ed5.0 (2012-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-67:2012 (Fourth Edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-101 ed5.0 (2012-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-101:2002 (First Edition) + A1: 2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-103 ed4.0 (2012-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-103:2006 (Second Edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-1 ed7.0 (2012-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601 1: 2005 + CORR. 1 (2006) + CORR. 2 (2007) + AM1 (2012) or IEC 60601-1: 2012
- IEC/TRF 61008-1 ed5.0 (2012-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61008-1:2010 (Third Edition) +A1:2012 used in conjunction with IEC 61008-2-1:1990 (First Edition) or IEC 61008-2-2:1990 (First Edition)
- IEC/TRF 61009-1 ed4.0 (2012-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61009-1:2010 (Third Edition) +A1:2012 used in conjunction with IEC 61009-2-1:1991 (First Edition) or IEC 61009-2-2:1991 (First Edition)
- IEC/TRF 61439-6 ed1.0 (2012-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61439-6 (First Edition): 2012
- IEC/TRF 61643-11 ed2.0 (2012-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61643-11: 2011 (First Edition)
- IEC/TRF 80601-2-55 ed1.0 (2012-12) This Test Report Form applies to ISO 80601-2-55:2011 (First Edition) for use with IEC 60601-1: 2005 (Third Edition) + CORR.1 (2005) + CORR. 2 (2007)
- IEC/TRF 80601-2-61 ed1.0 (2012-12) This Test Report Form applies to ISO 80601-2-61:2011 (First Edition) for use with IEC 60601-1: 2005 (Third Edition) + CORR.1 (2005) + CORR. 2 (2007)
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 10373-6-am4 ed1.0 (2012-12) Amendment 4 - Identification cards -- Test methods -- Part 6: Proximity cards - Bit rates of fc/8, fc/4 and fc/2 and frame size from 512 to 4096 bytes
- ISO/IEC 11694-2 ed4.0 (2012-12) Identification cards -- Optical memory cards -- Linear recording method -- Part 2: Dimensions and location of the accessible optical area
- ISO/IEC 13888-2 ed1.0 (2012-12) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Security techniques -- Non-repudiation -- Part 2: Mechanisms using symmetric techniques -
- ISO/IEC 14165-243 ed1.0 (2012-12) Informtion technology - Fibre channel - Part 243: Fibre channel backbone-3 (FC-BB-3)
- ISO/IEC 21118 ed2.0 (2012-12) Information technology -- Office equipment -- Information to be included in specification sheets -- Data projectors
- ISO/IEC 23000-10 ed2.0 (2012-12) Information technology -- Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -- Part 10: Surveillance application format
- ISO/IEC 2382-37 ed1.0 (2012-12) Information technology -- Vocabulary -- Part 37: Biometrics
- ISO/IEC 24769-5 ed1.0 (2012-12) Information technology -- Automatic identification and data capture techniques -- Real time locating systems (RTLS) device conformance test methods -- Part 5: Test methods for chirp spread spectrum (CSS) at 2,4 GHz air interface
- ISO/IEC 24770 ed1.0 (2012-12) Information technology -- Real-time locating system (RTLS) device performance test methods -- Test methods for air interface communication at 2,4 GHz
- ISO/IEC 24791-5 ed1.0 (2012-12) Information technology -- Radio frequency identification (RFID) for item management -- Software system infrastructure -- Part 5: Device interface
- ISO/IEC 24824-1 ed1.0 (2012-12) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Generic applications of ASN.1: Fast infoset -
- ISO/IEC 26551 ed1.0 (2012-12) Software and systems engineering -- Tools and methods for product line requirements engineering
- ISO/IEC 27000 ed2.0 (2012-12) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Information security management systems -- Overview and vocabulary
- ISO/IEC/TR 29106-am1 ed1.0 (2012-12) Amendment 1 - Information technology - Generic cabling - Introduction to the MICE environmental classification
- ISO/IEC 29191 ed1.0 (2012-12) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Requirements for partially anonymous, partially unlinkable authentication.
- ISO/IEC/TR 30102 ed1.0 (2012-12) Information technology -- Distributed Application Platforms and Services (DAPS) -- General technical principles of Service Oriented Architecture
- ISO/IEC 8652 ed3.0 (2012-12) Information technology -- Programming languages -- Ada
- ISO/IEC 8824-1 ed1.0 (2012-12) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation -
- ISO/IEC 8824-2 ed1.0 (2012-12) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Information object specification -
- ISO/IEC 8825-1 ed1.0 (2012-12) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) -
- ISO/IEC 8825-2 ed1.0 (2012-12) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER) -
- ISO/IEC 8825-3 ed1.0 (2012-12) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Encoding Control Notation (ECN) -
- ISO/IEC 8825-4 ed1.0 (2012-12) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- ASN.1 encoding rules: XML Encoding Rules (XER) -
- ISO/IEC 8825-5 ed1.0 (2012-12) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- ASN.1 encoding rules: Mapping W3C XML schema definitions into ASN.1 -
【廃版】【代替】情報 (Withdrawn/Replaced publications)
- IEC 62387-1 ed1.0 (2007-07) → IEC 62387 ed1.0 (2012-12)
- ISO 81400-4 ed1.0 (2005-10) → IEC 61400-4 ed1.0 (2012-12)
- IEC/PAS 61169-44 ed1.0 (2010-04) → IEC 61169-44 ed1.0 (2012-12)
IEC E-Tech 2012-12版[総会(2012-09)総括]【詳細情報は個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- 2012 IEC General Meeting
This edition of e-tech summarizes much of the 2012 IEC General Meeting proceedings in Oslo, Norway, from management meetings to Young Professionals and Industrializing Country workshops, Affiliate Forum and IEC Awards.
Not to forget the extensive photo gallery.
- Making IEC the home of industry
- Ronnie Amit, Frans Vreeswijk address Council
- IEC SMB - Systems approach
- IEC CAB - Regional cooperation high on the agenda
- Lord Kelvin Award - Highest distinction in electrotechnology
- Growing the next generation
- Council Statutory Session
- IEC Thomas A. Edison Award laureates
- Adoption of IEC International Standards
- Affiliate Forum - Raise awareness, increase participation
- Photo gallery
- Council elects next IEC President
- Jacques Regis - A quiet strength
- New IEC executive leadership
- IEC General Secretary addresses ANSI Board of Directors
- Obituary - Giovanni Nozza
- IEC-IEEE Challenge winners' insights
- Upcoming global events
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例えば 2012-11-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- Project IEC 60050-114 ed1.0 (2012-11) International electrotechnical vocabulary - Part 114: Electrochemistry
- Project IEC 60050-395 ed1.0 (2012-11) International electrotechnical vocabulary - Part 395: Nuclear instrumentation: Physical phenomena, basic concepts, instruments, systems, equipment and detectors
- Project IEC 60068-2-55 ed2.0 (2012-11) Environmental testing - Part 2-55: Tests - Tests and guidance - Loose cargo testing including bounce
- Project IEC 60068-2-65 ed2.0 (2012-11) Environmental testing - Part 2-65: Tests - Test Fg: Vibration - Acoustically induced method
- ISO/IEC GUIDE 98-4 ed1.0 (2012-11) Uncertainty of measurement -- Part 4: Role of measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment
- IEC 60079-0 ed6.0 (2012-11) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements
- Project IEC 61587-3 ed2.0 (2012-11) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 - Part 3: Electromagnetic shielding performance tests for cabinets and subracks
- IEC 61400-11 ed3.0 (2012-11) Wind turbines - Part 11: Acoustic noise measurement techniques
- Project IEC 61400-12-2 ed1.0 (2012-11) Wind turbines - Part 12-2: Power performance of electricity producing wind turbines based on nacelle anemometry
- IEC 62488-1 ed1.0 (2012-11) Power line communication systems for power utility applications - Part 1: Planning of analogue and digital power line carrier systems operating over EHV/HV/MV electricity grids
- IEC 61340-4-10 ed1.0 (2012-11) Electrostatics - Part 4-10: Standard test methods for specific applications - Two-point resistance measurement
- IEC/TS 62647-2 ed1.0 (2012-11) Process management for avionics - Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder - Part 2: Mitigation of deleterious effects of tin
- Project IEC 61161 ed3.0 (2012-11) Ultrasonics - Power measurement - Radiation force balances and performance requirements
- Project IEC 62127-2-am1 ed1.0 (2012-11) Amendment 1 - Ultrasonics - Hydrophones - Part 2: Calibration for ultrasonic fields up to 40 MHz
- Project IEC 60704-2-14 ed2.0 (2012-11) Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-14: Particular requirements for refrigerators, frozen-food storage cabinets and food freezers
- IEC 62227-am1 ed1.0 (2012-11) Amendment 1 - Multimedia home server systems - Digital rights permission code
- IEC 62553 ed1.0 (2012-11) Methods of measurement for digital network - Performance characteristics of terrestrial digital multimedia transmission network
- IEC 60268-7 ed3.0 (2012-11) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】う - Sound system equipment - Part 7: eadphones and earphones
- IEC 62061-am1 ed1.0 (2012-11) Amendment 1 - Safety of machinery - Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems
- IEC 60335-2-2-am1 ed6.0 (2012-11) Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for vacuum cleaners and water-suction cleaning appliances
- IEC 60335-2-4-am1 ed6.0 (2012-11) Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for spin extractors
- IEC 60335-2-5 ed6.0 (2012-11) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for dishwashers
- IEC 60335-2-9-am1 ed6.0 (2012-11) Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for grills, toasters and similar portable cooking appliances
- IEC 60335-2-14-am2 ed5.0 (2012-11) Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-14: Particular requirements for kitchen machines
- IEC 60335-2-15 ed6.0 (2012-11) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-15: Particular requirements for appliances for heating liquids
- IEC 60335-2-21 ed6.0 (2012-11) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-21: Particular requirements for storage water heaters
- IEC 60335-2-27-am1 ed5.0 (2012-11) Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-27: Particular requirements for appliances for skin exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation
- IEC 60335-2-31 ed5.0 (2012-11) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-31: Particular requirements for range hoods and other cooking fume extractors
- IEC 60335-2-35 ed5.0 (2012-11) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-35: Particular requirements for instantaneous water heaters
- IEC 60335-2-102-am2 ed1.0 (2012-11) Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-102: Particular requirements for gas, oil and solid-fuel burning appliances having electrical connections
- Project IEC 60512-28-100 ed1.0 (2012-11) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 28-100: Signal integrity tests up to 1 000 MHz on IEC 60603-7 and IEC 61076-3 series connectors - Tests 28a to 28g
- Project IEC 61169-26 ed1.0 (2012-11) Radio-frequency connectors - Part 26: Sectional specification for TNCA series RF coaxial connectors
- IEC 60794-2-31 ed2.0 (2012-11) Optical fibre cables - Part 2-31: Indoor cables - Detailed specification for optical fibre ribbon cables for use in premises cabling
- IEC 61300-2-11 ed2.0 (2012-11) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-11: Tests - Axial compression
- IEC 61300-2-14 ed3.0 (2012-11) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures
- IEC 61300-2-19 ed3.0 (2012-11) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-19: Tests - Damp heat (steady state)
- IEC 61753-022-2 ed2.0 (2012-11) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 022-2: Fibre optic connectors terminated on multimode fibre for category C - Controlled environment
- Project IEC 61753-051-3 ed2.0 (2012-11) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 051-3: Single-mode fibre, plug style fixed attenuator for category U - Uncontrolled environment
- IEC 61753-143-2 ed1.0 (2012-11) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 143-2: Optical passive VIPA-based dispersion compensator of single-mode fibre transmission for category C - Controlled environment
- IEC 62037-2 ed1.0 (2012-11) Passive RF and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement - Part 2: Measurement of passive intermodulation in coaxial cable assemblies
- IEC 61249-2-27 ed1.0 (2012-11) Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-27: Reinforced base materials clad and unclad - Bismaleimide/triazine modified with non-halogenated epoxide woven glass laminate sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad
- IEC 61249-2-30 ed1.0 (2012-11) Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-30: Reinforced base materials clad and unclad - Non-halogenated epoxide modified cyanate ester woven glass laminate of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad
- IEC 61249-2-39 ed1.0 (2012-11) Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-39: Reinforced base materials clad and unclad - High performance epoxide and non-epoxide, woven E-glass laminate sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad for lead-free assembly
- IEC 61249-2-40 ed1.0 (2012-11) Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-40: Reinforced base materials, clad and unclad - High performance, non-halogenated epoxide woven E-glass laminate sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad for lead-free assembly
- Project IEC 60364-7-713 ed2.0 (2012-11) Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-713: Requirements for special installations or locations - Furniture
- IEC 61347-1-am2 ed2.0 (2012-11) Amendment 2 - Lamp controlgear - Part 1: General and safety requirements
- IEC 61439-4 ed1.0 (2012-11) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 4: Particular requirements for assemblies for construction sites (ACS)
- IEC 60519-1 ed4.0 (2012-11) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Safety in electroheating[工業用のはず] installations - Part 1: General requirements
- Project IEC 60848 ed3.0 (2012-11) GRAFCET specification language for sequential function charts
- ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-11 ed1.0 (2012-11) Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Local and metropolitan area networks -- Specific requirements -- Part 11: Wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications
- Project IEC 61131-3 ed3.0 (2012-11) Programmable controllers - Part 3: Programming languages
- IEC 61499-1 ed2.0 (2012-11) Function blocks - Part 1: Architecture
- IEC 61499-2 ed2.0 (2012-11) Function blocks - Part 2: Software tool requirements
- IEC 62382 ed2.0 (2012-11) Control systems in the process industry - Electrical and instrumentation loop check
- IEC/TR 62794 ed1.0 (2012-11) Industrial-process measurement, control and automation - Reference model for representation of production facilities (digital factory)
- IEC 61558-2-14 ed1.0 (2012-11) Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-14: Particular requirements and tests for variable transformers and power supply units incorporating variable transformers
- Project IEC 62271-102-am2 ed1.0 (2012-11) Amendment 2 - High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 102: Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches (Addition of 1100 kV and 1200 kV)
- IEC/TR 80001-2-4 ed1.0 (2012-11) Application of risk management for IT-networks incorporating medical devices - Part 2-4: Application guidance - General implementation guidance for healthcare delivery organizations
- IEC 60601-1 ed3.1 (2012-11) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance
- IEC 60601-1-8-am1 ed2.0 (2012-11) Amendment 1 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-8: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral standard: General requirements, tests and guidance for alarm systems in medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems
- IEC 61674 ed2.0 (2012-11) Medical electrical equipment - Dosimeters with ionization chambers and/or semiconductor detectors as used in X-ray diagnostic imaging
- Project IEC 62497-1-am1 ed1.0 (2012-11) Amendment 1 - Railway applications - Insulation coordination - Part 1: Basic requirements - Clearances and creepage distances for all electrical and electronic equipment
- Project IEC 62671 ed1.0 (2012-11) Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Selection and use of industrial digital devices of limited functionality
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 31029-2-5 ed2.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61029-2-5:1993 (First Edition) + A1:2001 in conjunction with IEC 61029-1:1990 (First Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60227-5 ed4.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60227-5 (Third Edition): 2011 in conjunction with IEC 60227-1 (Third Edition): 2007 and IEC 60227-2 (Second Edition):1997 and A1: 2003
- IEC/TRF 60245-4 ed4.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60245-4 (Third Edition) :2011 in conjunction with IEC 60245-1 (Fourth Edition) :2003 and A1:2007 and IEC 60245-2 (Second Edition) :1994 and A1:1997; A2:1997
- IEC/TRF 60245-6 ed3.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60245-6:1994 (Second Edition) + A1:1997 + A2:2003 for use in conjunction with IEC 60245-1 and IEC 60245 -2
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-7;11 ed4.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335 2 7:2008 (Seventh edition) in conj. With IEC 60335 2 11:2008 (Seventh edition) and IEC 60335 1:2010 (Fifth edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-3 ed6.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-3:2002 (5th Edition) +A1:2004 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (4th Edition) (incl. Corr.1:2002) +A1:2004 +A2:2006 (incl. Corr.1:2006)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-3 ed7.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-3:2002 (Fifth Edition) + A1:2004 +A2:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1: 2001 (Fourth Edition) (incl. Corr.1:2002) +A1:2004+A2:2006 (incl. Corr.1:2006)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-27 ed4.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-27: 2009 (Fifth Edition) used in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-29 ed7.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-29:2002 (Fourth edition) + A1:2004 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2006
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-29 ed8.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-29:2002 (Fourth Edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2009 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition) incl. Corrigendum 1:2002 + A1:2004 + A2:2006 incl. Corrigendum 1:2006
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-31 ed5.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-31: 2002 + A1:2006 + A2:2008 (Fourth Edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-44 ed3.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-44:2002 (Third Edition) + A1:2008 + A2:2011 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-64 ed3.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-64:2008 (Third Edition) +A1 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-65 ed5.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-65:2002 + A1: 2008 + C1:2004 (Second Edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-78 ed4.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-78:2002 (Second Edition) + A1: 2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-79 ed3.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-79 (Third Edition): 2012 used in conjunction with IEC 60335-1 (Fifth Edition): 2010
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-96 ed4.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-96:2002 (First Edition) + A1:2003 + A2: 2008 (incl. Corrigendum 1:2003) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60598-2-1 ed3.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60598-2-1:1979+A1:1987 used in conjunction with IEC 60598-1:2008
- IEC/TRF 60598-2-18 ed3.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60598-2-18 (Second Edition):1993 + A1:2011 used in conjunction with IEC 60598-1 (Seventh Edition):2008
- IEC/TRF 60601-1 ed6.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-1: 2005 + CORR. 1 (2006) + CORR. 2 (2007) New TRF for medical Power supplies done according to clause 8. Special case TRFs
- IEC/TRF 60601-1-8 ed3.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-1-8: 2003 (First Edition) + A1: 2006 in conjunction with IEC 60601-1:1988 (Second Edition) +A1:1991 +A2:1995
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-63 ed1.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-63:2012 (First Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1:2005 (Third edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-65 ed1.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-65:2012 (First Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1:2005 (Third edition)
- IEC/TRF 60745-2-15 ed5.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60745-2-15 (Second Edition):2006 + A1:2009 in conjunction with IEC 60745-1 (Fourth Edition):2006
- IEC/TRF 61000-6-4 ed1.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61000-6-4:2006 (Second Edition) + A1:2010
- IEC/TRF 61029-2-5 ed2.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61029-2-5:1993 (First Edition) + A1:2001 in conjunction with IEC 61029-1:1990 (First Edition)
- IEC/TRF 61347-2-7 ed4.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61347-2-7 (Third Edition):2011 used in conjunction with IEC 61347-1 (Second Edition): 2007 + A1:2010
- IEC/TRF 62196-2 ed1.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 62196-2; (First Edition): 2011 for use in conjunction with IEC 62196-1; (Second Edition): 2011
- IEC/TRF 62304 ed1.0 (2012-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 62304: 2006 (First Edition)
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC/TS 20071-11 ed1.0 (2012-11) Information technology -- User interface component accessibility -- Part 11: Guidance for alternative text for images
- ISO/IEC 9995-2-am1 ed1.0 (2012-11) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Keyboard layouts for text and office systems -- Part 2: Alphanumeric section - Numeric keypad emulation
- ISO/IEC 14496-3 ed1.0 (2012-11) Corrigendum 4【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 3: Audio -
- ISO/IEC 14496-5-am24 ed1.0 (2012-11) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Amendment 24 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 5: Reference software - Reference software for AAC-ELD - Amendment 24 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 5: Reference software -
- ISO/IEC 14776-261 ed1.0 (2012-11) Information technology - Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) - Part 261: SAS protocol layer (SPL)
- ISO/IEC/TR 15443-1 ed2.0 (2012-11) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Security assurance framework -- Part 1: Introduction and concepts
- ISO/IEC/TR 15443-2 ed2.0 (2012-11) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Security assurance framework -- Part 2: Analysis
- ISO/IEC/TR 27015 ed1.0 (2012-11) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Information security management guidelines for financial services
- ISO/IEC 17826 ed1.0 (2012-11) Information technology -- Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI)
- ISO/IEC/TR 20002 ed1.0 (2012-11) Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Managed P2P: Framework
- ISO/IEC 25437 ed3.0 (2012-11) Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- WS-Session -- Web services for application session services
- ISO/IEC/TS 29113 ed1.0 (2012-11) Information technology -- Further interoperability of Fortran with C
【廃版】【代替】情報 (Withdrawn/Replaced publications)
- ISO/IEC CASCO-CONF-1 ed1.0 (2007-10) → ISO/IEC PACK-CA-1 ed2.0 (2012-11)
- IEC 60439-4 ed2.0 (2004-06) → IEC 61439-4 ed1.0 (2012-11)
- IEC 61241-0 ed1.0 (2004-07) → IEC 60079-0 ed6.0 (2011-06)
- IEC 60495 ed2.0 (1993-09) → IEC 62488-1 ed1.0 (2012-11) (partial replacement)
- IEC 60663 ed1.0 (1980-01) → IEC 62488-1 ed1.0 (2012-11) (partial replacement)
- IEC/PAS 62647-2 ed1.0 (2011-06) → IEC 62647-2 ed1.0 (2012-11)
IEC E-Tech 2012-12版【詳細情報は個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Safety and reliability of power supplies
Pumped storage【揚水発電】 key to energy storage
- Marine renewables
- Going with the wind
Helping keep power on [送配電]
- TC work central to hydropower success [水力発電]
Wherever it blows, TC work is essential [風力発電]
- IEC TC 120 for smart grid integration
- Kazakhstan joins IECEE
- Outcome of the IECEx conference in Dubai
- Hazardous substance-free components [IECQ QC 080000]
- Nominations [ACEA (Advisory Committee on Environmental Aspects) : Kiyoshi Saito]
- Obituary: John Larmouth
- Obituary: Pietro Parodi
- Ensuring compatibility [IEC Global Visions interviewed Thomas S. Gross, Chief Operating Officer of Eaton]
- Keeping turbines spinning in the wind
Consolidated standard for safety of LED modules
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP【新URL】 に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると 当日〜指定期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
・また、最下部の「Subscribe to IEC Just Published」から メルアド登録 すると
毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分(一部追補除外・並び替えた物)などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2012-10-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- Pre-release of IEC 62731 Project IEC 62731 ed1.0 text-to-speech for television - General requirements.
- IEC/TR 62635 ed1.0 (2012-10) Guidelines for end-of-life information provided by manufacturers and recyclers and for recyclability rate calculation of electrical and electronic equipment
- IEC 61326-2-1 ed2.0 (2012-10) Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-1: Particular requirements - Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for sensitive test and measurement equipment for EMC unprotected applications
- IEC 61326-2-2 ed2.0 (2012-10) Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for portable test, measuring and monitoring equipment used in low-voltage distribution systems
- IEC 61326-2-5 ed2.0 (2012-10) Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMCw requirements - Part 2-5: Particular requirements - Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for field devices with field bus interfaces according to IEC 61784-1
- IEC 60068-2-78 ed2.0 (2012-10) Environmental testing - Part 2-78: Tests - Test Cab: Damp heat, steady state
- IEC/TS 62622 ed1.0 (2012-10) Nanotechnologies - Description, measurement and dimensional quality parameters of artificial gratings
- Project IEC 61788-16 ed1.0 (2012-10) Superconductivity - Part 16: Electronic characteristic measurements - Power-dependent surface resistance of superconductors at microwave frequencies
- Project IEC 61788-17 ed1.0 (2012-10) Superconductivity - Part 17: Electronic characteristic measurements - Local critical current density and its distribution in large-area superconducting films
- IEC WHITE PAPER GRID INTEGRATION ed1.0 (2012-10) Grid integration of large-capacity Renewable Energy sources and use of large-capacity Electrical Energy Storage
- IEC 61968-1 ed2.0 (2012-10) Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 1: Interface architecture and general recommendations
- Project IEC 61968-11 ed2.0 (2012-10) Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 11: Common information model (CIM) extensions for distribution
- IEC/TR 62351-10 ed1.0 (2012-10) Power systems management and associated information exchange - Data and communications security - Part 10: Security architecture guidelines
- IEC/TR 62357-1 ed1.0 (2012-10) Power systems management and associated information exchange - Part 1: Reference architecture
- IEC 62623 ed1.0 (2012-10) Desktop and notebook computers - Measurement of energy consumption
- IEC 62551 ed1.0 (2012-10) Analysis techniques for dependability - Petri net techniques
- IEC/TS 62644 ed1.0 (2012-10) Professional video storage equipment - Guideline of time code transmission
- IEC 61056-2 ed3.0 (2012-10) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - General purpose lead-acid batteries (valve-regulated types) - Part 2: Dimensions, terminals and marking
- IEC 60335-2-71-am2 ed2.0 (2012-10) Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-71: Particular requirements for electrical heating appliances for breeding and rearing animals
- IEC 60335-2-87-am2 ed2.0 (2012-10) Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-87: Particular requirements for electrical animal-stunning equipment
- IEC 62282-6-100-am1 ed1.0 (2012-10) Amendment 1 Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-100: Micro fuel cell power systems - Safety
- Project IEC 60810-am2 ed3.0 (2012-10) Amendment 2 - Lamps for road vehicles - Performance requirement
- IEC 60335-2-11-am1 ed7.0 (2012-10) Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for tumble dryers
- Project IEC 60335-2-30-am1 ed5.0 (2012-10) Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-30: Particular requirements for room heaters
- IEC 60335-2-86-am2 ed2.0 (2012-10) Amendment 2 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-86: Particular requirements for electric fishing machines
- IEC 61360-2 ed3.0 (2012-10) Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 2: EXPRESS dictionary schema
- IEC 60191-2-am19 ed1.0 (2012-10) Amendment 19 - Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 2: Dimensions
- Project IEC 60191-6-5 ed2.0 (2012-10) Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-5: General rules for the preparation of outline drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guide for fine-pitch ball grid array (FBGA)
- IEC 62276 ed2.0 (2012-10) Single crystal wafers for surface acoustic wave (SAW) device applications - Specifications and measuring methods
- Project IEC 60679-3 ed3.0 (2012-10) Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality - Part 3: Standard outlines and lead connections
- IEC 62358 ed2.0 (2012-10) Ferrite cores - Standard inductance factor for gapped cores and its tolerance
- IEC 62674-1 ed1.0 (2012-10) High frequency inductive components - Part 1: Fixed surface mount inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment
- IEC 60688 ed3.0 (2012-10) Electrical measuring transducers for converting A.C. and D.C. electrical quantities to analogue or digital signals
- IEC 60893-3-4-am1 ed2.0 (2012-10) Amendment 1 - Insulating materials - Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 3-4: Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on phenolic resins
- IEC 62031-am1 ed1.0 (2012-10) Amendment 1 - LED modules for general lighting - Safety specifications
- IEC 61195-am1 ed2.0 (2012-10) Amendment 1 - Double-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety specifications
- IEC 61347-2-9 ed2.0 (2012-10) Lamp controlgear - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for electromagnetic controlgear for discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps)
- Project IEC 61193-3 ed1.0 (2012-10) Quality assessment systems - Part 3: Selection and use of sampling plans for printed boards and laminate end-products and in-process auditing
- IEC 60793-1-54 ed2.0 (2012-10) Optical fibres - Part 1-54: Measurement methods and test procedures - Gamma irradiation
- IEC 60793-2-30 ed3.0 (2012-10) Optical fibres - Part 2-30: Product specifications - Sectional specification for category A3 multimode fibres
- IEC 60794-4-20 ed1.0 (2012-10) Optical fibre cables - Part 4-20: Aerial optical cables along electrical power lines - Family specification for ADSS (All Dielectric Self Supported) optical cables
- IEC 61280-2-2 ed4.0 (2012-10) Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 2-2: Digital systems - Optical eye pattern, waveform and extinction ratio measurement
- IEC 61300-2-46 ed1.0 (2012-10) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-46: Tests - Damp heat, cyclic
- IEC 61753-091-2 ed1.0 (2012-10) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 091-2: Non-connectorized single-mode fibre optic pigtailed circulators for category C - Controlled environments
- IEC 60096-0-1 ed3.0 (2012-10) Radio frequency cables - Part 0-1: Guide to the design of detail specifications - Coaxial cables
- IEC 61196-1-308 ed2.0 (2012-10) Coaxial communication cables - Part 1-308: Mechanical test methods - Test for tensile strength and elongation for copper-clad metals
- IEC 61131-6 ed1.0 (2012-10) Programmable controllers - Part 6: Functional safety
- Project IEC 61499-4 ed2.0 (2012-10) Function blocks - Part 4: Rules for compliance profiles
- Project IEC 60601-2-11 ed3.0 (2012-10) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of gamma beam therapy equipment
- IEC 60601-2-22-am1 ed3.0 (2012-10) Amendment 1 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-22: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of surgical, cosmetic, therapeutic and diagnostic laser equipment
- IEC 60601-2-24 ed2.0 (2012-10) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-24: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infusion pumps and controllers
- IEC 60601-2-66 ed1.0 (2012-10) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-66: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of hearing instruments and hearing instrument systems
- Project IEC 61157-am1 ed2.0 (2012-10) Standard means for the reporting of the acoustic output of medical diagnostic ultrasonic equipment
- Project IEC 62127-1-am1 ed1.0 (2012-10) Ultrasonics - Hydrophones - Part 1: Measurement and characterization of medical ultrasonic fields up to 40 MHz
- Project IEC 60913 ed2.0 (2012-10) Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric traction overhead contact lines
- IEC 61993-2 ed2.0 (2012-10) Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Automatic identification systems (AIS) - Part 2: Class A shipborne equipment of the automatic identification system (AIS) - Operational and performance requirements, methods of test and required test results
- Project IEC 60974-2 ed3.0 (2012-10) Arc welding equipment - Part 2: Liquid cooling systems
- IEC 61850-7-410 ed2.0 (2012-10) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-410: Basic communication structure - Hydroelectric power plants - Communication for monitoring and control
- IEC 60364-5-55-am1 ed2.0 (2012-10) Amendment 1 - Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-55: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Other equipment
- Project IEC 61558-2-26 ed1.0 (2012-10) Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-26: Particular requirements and tests for transformers and power supply units for saving energy and other purposes
- IEC/IEEE 62271-37-082 ed1.0 (2012-10) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 37-082: Standard practice for the measurement of sound pressure levels on alternating current circuit-breakers
- IEC 62271-101 ed2.0 (2012-10) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 101: Synthetic testing
- IEC 62271-110 ed3.0 (2012-10) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 110: Inductive load switching
- Project IEC 62618 ed1.0 (2012-10) Radiation protection instrumentation - Spectroscopy-based alarming Personal Radiation Detectors (SPRD) for the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive material
- IEC 62755 ed1.0 (2012-10) Radiation protection instrumentation - Data format for radiation instruments used in the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive materials
- Project IEC 60987-am1 ed2.0 (2012-10) Amendment 1 - Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Hardware design requirements for computer-based systems
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-3 ed3.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-3:2012 (Sixth edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-9 ed6.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-9:2008 (Sixth edition) in conj. IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-11 ed8.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-11: 2008 (Seventh Edition) used in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-14 ed9.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-14:2006 (Fifth Edition) A1:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-25 ed6.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-25: 2002 (Sixth edition) with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-89 ed5.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-89:2010 A1:2012 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-102 ed3.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335 2-102:2004 (First Edition) :2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60884-2-7 ed1.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60884-2-7:2011 (First Edition) (see also IEC 60884-1:2002 (Third Edition) A1:2006)
- IEC/TRF 60947-4-2 ed3.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60947-4-2 (Third Edition): 2011
- IEC/TRF 60969 ed1.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60969: 1988 (First Edition) A1:1991 A2:2000
- IEC/TRF 61558-2-3 ed2.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61558-2-3:2010; used in conjunction with IEC 61558-1:2005 (Second Edition) A1:2009
- IEC/TRF 61851-1;22 ed1.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61851-1 (Second Edition): 2010 in combination with IEC 61851-22 (First Edition): 2001
- IEC/TRF 62196-1;2 ed1.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 62196-1 (Second Edition): 2011 in combination with IEC 62196-2 (First Edition): 2011
- IEC/TRF 62384 ed2.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 62384: 2006 (First Edition) A1: 2009
- IEC/TRF 62612 ed1.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC/PAS 62612: 2009 (First Edition)
- IEC/TRF 62717 ed1.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC/PAS 62717 (First Edition)
- IEC/TRF 62722-2-1 ed1.0 (2012-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC/PAS 62722-2-1 (First Edition) used in conjunction with IEC/PAS 62722-1
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 9995-7-am1 ed1.0 (2012-10) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Keyboard layouts for text and office systems -- Part 7: Symbols used to represent functions -
- ISO/IEC 10373-1-am1 ed1.0 (2012-10) Amendment 1 - Identification cards -- Test methods -- Part 1: General characteristics -
- ISO/IEC 10373-6-am2 ed1.0 (2012-10) Amendment 2 - Identification cards -- Test methods -- Part 6: Proximity cards - Test methods for electromagnetic disturbance
- ISO/IEC 11693-1 ed1.0 (2012-10) Identification cards -- Optical memory cards -- Part 1: General characteristics
- ISO/IEC 11694-1 ed4.0 (2012-10) Identification cards -- Optical memory cards -- Linear recording method -- Part 1: Physical characteristics
- ISO/IEC/TR 13066-2 ed1.0 (2012-10) Information technology -- Interoperability with Assistive Technology (AT) -- Part 2: Windows accessibility application programming interface (API)
- ISO/IEC 14143-6 ed2.0 (2012-10) Information technology -- Software measurement -- Functional size measurement -- Part 6: Guide for use of ISO/IEC 14143 series and related International Standards
- ISO/IEC 14651-am1 ed1.0 (2012-10) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- International string ordering and comparison -- Method for comparing character strings and description of the common template tailorable ordering
- ISO/IEC 14908-1 ed1.0 (2012-10) Information technology -- Control network protocol -- Part 1: Protocol stack
- ISO/IEC 15938-12 ed2.0 (2012-10) Information technology -- Multimedia content description interface -- Part 12: Query format
- ISO/IEC 23001-7-am1 ed1.0 (2012-10) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- MPEG systems technologies -- Part 7: Common encryption in ISO base media file format files - AES-CBC-128 and key rotation
- ISO/IEC 25021 ed1.0 (2012-10) Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) -- Quality measure elements
- ISO/IEC 25041 ed1.0 (2012-10) Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) -- Evaluation guide for developers, acquirers and independent evaluators
- ISO/IEC 27013 ed1.0 (2012-10) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Guidance on the integrated implementation of ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 20000-1
- ISO/IEC 27037 ed1.0 (2012-10) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Guidelines for identification, collection, acquisition and preservation of digital evidence
- ISO/IEC 40500 ed1.0 (2012-10) Information technology -- W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0
【廃版】【代替】情報 (Withdrawn/Replaced publications)
- IEC 61117 ed1.0 (1992-02) → Withdrawn
- IEC 62139 ed1.0 (2004-07) → Withdrawn
- IEC 62357 ed1.0 (2003-07) → IEC 62357-1 ed1.0 (2012-10)
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP【新URL】 に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると 当日〜指定期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
・また、最下部の「Subscribe to IEC Just Published」から メルアド登録 すると
毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分(一部追補除外・並び替えた物)などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2012-09-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- Pre-release of IEC 61400-4 ed1.0 design requirements for wind turbine gearboxes.
- IEC 60192-2[半導体外形] now available in database format. Contains more than 220 standard sheets covering device outline drawings and the types of semiconductor devices generally mounted in the packages.
- CISPR/TR 31 ed2.0 (2012-09) Database on the characteristics of radio services
- IEC 61000-3-12 ed2.0 (2012-09) Interpretation sheet 1 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-12: Limits - Limits for harmonic currents produced by equipment connected to public low-voltage systems with input current >16 A and
- IEC 62396-2 ed1.0 (2012-09) Process management for avionics - Atmospheric radiation effects - Part 2: Guidelines for single event effects testing for avionics systems
- IEC/TS 62686-1 ed1.0 (2012-09) Process management for avionics - Electronic components for aerospace, defence and high performance (ADHP) applications - Part 1: General requirements for high reliability integrated circuits and discrete semiconductors
- IEC 60079-33 ed1.0 (2012-09) Explosive atmospheres - Part 33: Equipment protection by special protection "s"
- IEC 62075 ed2.0 (2012-09) Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment - Environmentally conscious design
- Project IEC 60721-2-2 ed2.0 (2012-09) Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2-2: Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Precipitation and wind
- IEC/TR 62130 ed1.0 (2012-09) Climatic field data including validation
- IEC/TR 62781 ed1.0 (2012-09) Ultrasonics - Conditioning of water for ultrasonic measurements
- IEC 60404-15 ed1.0 (2012-09) Magnetic materials - Part 15: Methods for the determination of the relative magnetic permeability of feebly magnetic materials
- IEC 61869-2 ed1.0 (2012-09) Instrument transformers - Part 2: Additional requirements for current transformers
- IEC/TS 62758 ed1.0 (2012-09) Calibration of space charge measuring equipment based on the pulsed electro-acoustic (PEA) measurement principle
- IEC 61010-2-032 ed3.0 (2012-09) Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 2-032: Particular requirements for hand-held and hand-manipulated current sensors for electrical test and measurement
- Project IEC 61010-2-201 ed1.0 (2012-09) Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 2-201: Particular requirements for control equipment, excluding functional safety, in the scope of industrial-process measurement, control and automation
- IEC 61094-8 ed1.0 (2012-09) Measurement microphones - Part 8: Methods for determining the free-field sensitivity of working standard microphones by comparison
- Project IEC 61400-4 ed1.0 (2012-09) Wind turbines - Part 4: Design requirements for wind turbine gearboxes
- IEC 62282-5-1 ed2.0 (2012-09) Fuel cell technologies - Part 5-1: Portable fuel cell power systems - Safety
- Project IEC 62040-1-am1 ed1.0 (2012-09) Amendment 1 - Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 1: General and Safety requirements for UPS
- Project IEC 62133 ed2.0 (2012-09) Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications
- IEC 60191-2-DB ed1.0 (2012-09) Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices[半導体外形] - Part 2: Dimensions
- IEC 60749-27-am1 ed2.0 (2012-09) Amendment 1 - Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 27: Electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitivity testing - Machine model (MM)
- IEC 61747-4 ed2.0 (2012-09) Liquid crystal display devices - Part 4: Liquid crystal display modules and cells - Essential ratings and characteristics
- C 62595-2 ed1.0 (2012-09) LCD backlight unit - Part 2: Electro-optical measurement methods of LED backlight unit
- Project IEC 60793-2-50 ed4.0 (2012-09) Optical fibres - Part 2-50: Product specifications - Sectional specification for class B single-mode fibres
- Project IEC 60794-3-12 ed2.0 (2012-09) Optical fibre cables - Part 3-12: Outdoor cables - Detailed specification for duct and directly buried optical telecommunication cables for use in premises cabling
- Project IEC 60869-1 ed4.0 (2012-09) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic passive power control devices - Part 1: Generic specification
- Project IEC 61753-056-2 ed1.0 (2012-09) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 056-2: Single mode fibre pigtailed style optical fuse for category C - Controlled environment
- Project IEC 61753-057-2 ed1.0 (2012-09) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 057-2: Single mode fibre plug-receptacle style optical fuse for category C - Controlled environment
- IEC 61196-1-119 ed1.0 (2012-09) Coaxial communication cables - Part 1-119: Electrical test methods - RF power rating
- IEC 61196-5 ed2.0 (2012-09) Coaxial communication cables - Part 5: Sectional specification for CATV trunk and distribution cables
- IEC 61196-5-1 ed2.0 (2012-09) Coaxial communication cables - Part 5-1: Blank detail specification for CATV trunk and distribution cables
- IEC 61196-8-2 ed1.0 (2012-09) Coaxial communication cables - Part 8-2: Detail specification for 50-047 type semi-flexible cables with solid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation
- IEC 61196-8-3 ed1.0 (2012-09) Coaxial communication cables - Part 8-3: Detail specification for 50-086 type semi-flexible cables with solid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation
- IEC 61196-8-4 ed1.0 (2012-09) Coaxial communication cables - Part 8-4: Detail specification for 50-141 type semi-flexible cables with solid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation
- IEC 61196-8-5 ed1.0 (2012-09) Coaxial communication cables - Part 8-5: Detail specification for 50-250 type semi-flexible cables with solid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation
- IEC 61196-8-6 ed1.0 (2012-09) Coaxial communication cables - Part 8-6: Detail specification for 75-047 type semi-flexible cables with solid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation
- IEC 61196-8-7 ed1.0 (2012-09) Coaxial communication cables - Part 8-7: Detail specification for 75-086 type semi-flexible cables with solid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation
- IEC 61196-8-8 ed1.0 (2012-09) Coaxial communication cables - Part 8-8: Detail specification for 75-141 type semi-flexible cables with solid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation
- IEC 61196-8-9 ed1.0 (2012-09) Coaxial communication cables - Part 8-9: Detail specification for 75-250 type semi-flexible cables with solid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation
- Project IEC 61850-5 ed2.0 (2012-09) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 5: Communication requirements for functions and device models
- Project IEC 61850-10 ed2.0 (2012-09) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 10: Conformance testing
- Project IEC 62488-1 ed1.0 (2012-09) Power line communication systems for power utility applications - Part 1: Planning of analogue and digital power line carrier systems operating over EHV/HV/MV electricity grids
- IEC 62512 ed1.0 (2012-09) Electric clothes washer-dryers for household use - Methods for measuring the performance
- Project IEC 60335-2-75 ed3.0 (2012-09) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-75: Particular requirements for commercial dispensing appliances and vending machines
- Project IEC 60335-2-8 ed6.0 (2012-09) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for shavers, hair clippers and similar appliances
- Project IEC 60335-2-41 ed4.0 (2012-09) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-41: Particular requirements for pumps
- Project IEC 60745-2-23 ed1.0 (2012-09) Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-23: Particular requirements for die grinders and small rotary tools
- IEC 60601-2-63 ed1.0 (2012-09) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-63: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of dental extra-oral X-ray equipment
- IEC 60601-2-65 ed1.0 (2012-09) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-65: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of dental intra-oral X-ray equipment
- Project IEC 61674 ed2.0 (2012-09) Medical electrical equipment - Dosimeters with ionization chambers and/or semiconductor detectors as used in X-ray diagnostic imaging
- Project IEC 60884-1-am2 ed3.0 (2012-09) Amendment 2 - Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 1: General requirements
- Project IEC 60934-am2 ed3.0 (2012-09) Amendment 2 - Circuit breakers for equipment (CBE)
- IEC 60947-5-2-am1 ed3.0 (2012-09) Amendment 1 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-2: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Proximity switches
- IEC 60968 ed2.0 (2012-09) Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services - Safety requirements
- IEC 61199-am1 ed3.0 (2012-09) Amendment 1 - Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety specifications
- IEC 60061-DB-12M ed1.0 (2012-09) Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - 12-month subscription to online database comprising all parts of IEC 60061.
- IEC 60061-1-am48 ed3.0 (2012-09) Amendment 48 - Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 1: Lamp caps
- IEC 60061-2-am45 ed3.0 (2012-09) Amendment 45 - Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 2: Lampholders
- IEC 60061-3-am46 ed3.0 (2012-09) Amendment 46 - Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 3: Gauges
- Project IEC 60143-2 ed2.0 (2012-09) Series capacitors for power systems - Part 2: Protective equipment for series capacitor banks
- Project IEC 60974-7 ed3.0 (2012-09) Arc welding equipment - Part 7: Torches
- IEC 62217 ed2.0 (2012-09) Polymeric HV insulators for indoor and outdoor use - General definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria
- Project IEC 60422 ed4.0 (2012-09) Mineral insulating oils in electrical equipment - Supervision and maintenance guidance
- Project IEC 61558-2-14 ed1.0 (2012-09) Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-14: Particular requirements and test for variable transformers and power supply units incorporating variable transformers
- IEC 62271-100-am1 ed2.0 (2012-09) Amendment 1 - High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 100: Alternating current circuit-breakers
- IEC 62271-105 ed2.0 (2012-09) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 105: Alternating current switch-fuse combinations for rated voltages above 1 kV up to and including 52 kV
- IEC 62271-110 ed3.0 (2012-09) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 110: Inductive load switching
- IEC 62271-111 ed2.0 (2012-09) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 111: Automatic circuit reclosers and fault interrupters for alternating current systems up to 38 kV
- IEC 60034-18-21 ed2.0 (2012-09) Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-21: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Test procedures for wire-wound windings - Thermal evaluation and classification
- Project IEC 60034-28 ed2.0 (2012-09) Rotating electrical machines - Part 28: Test methods for determining quantities of equivalent circuit diagrams for three-phase low-voltage cage induction motors
- Project IEC 60349-4 ed1.0 (2012-09) Electric traction - Rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles - Part 4: Permanent magnet synchronous electrical machines connected to an electronic converter
- IEC 60571 ed3.0 (2012-09) Railway applications - Electronic equipment used on rolling stock
- Project IEC 61924-2 ed1.0 (2012-09) Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Integrated Navigation Systems - Part 2: Modular structure for INS - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
- Project IEC 62387 ed1.0 (2012-09) Radiation protection instrumentation - Passive integrating dosimetry systems for personal and environmental monitoring of photon and beta radiation
- Project IEC 62706 ed1.0 (2012-09) Radiation protection instrumentation - Environmental, electromagnetic and mechanical performance requirements
- IEC/TS 62743 ed1.0 (2012-09) Radiation protection instrumentation - Electronic counting dosemeters for pulsed fields of ionizing radiation
- IEC 62646 ed1.0 (2012-09) Nuclear power plants - Control rooms - Computer based procedures
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60086-4 ed1.0 (2012-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60086-4 (Third Edition): 2007
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-6;25 ed2.0 (2012-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-6:2002 (Fifth Edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2008; IEC 60335-2-25:2010 (Sixth Edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-8 ed5.0 (2012-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-8:2002 + A1: 2005 +A2: 2008 (Fifth Edition) and IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-80 ed5.0 (2012-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-80:2002 (Second edition) + A1:2004 +A2:2008 in conj. With IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-103 ed3.0 (2012-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-103:2006 (Second Edition) and lEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition); incl. A1:2004; and A2 : 2006; C1:2006
- IEC/TRF 60502-1 ed1.0 (2012-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60502-1 (Second Edition): 2004 and A1:2009
- IEC/TRF 60598-2-13 ed3.0 (2012-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60598-2-13(First Edition):2006+A1:2011 used in conjunction with IEC 60598-1(Seventh Edition):2008
- IEC/TRF 80601-2-12 ed1.0 (2012-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 80601-2-12: 2011 (First edition)
- IEC/TRF 80601-2-13 ed1.0 (2012-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 80601-2-13: 2011 (First edition)
- IEC/TRF 80601-2-56 ed1.0 (2012-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 80601-2-56:2009 (First Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1:2005 (Third Edition)
- ISO/IEC/IEEE 31320-1 ed1.0 (2012-09) Information technology -- Modeling Languages -- Part 1: Syntax and Semantics for IDEF0
- ISO/IEC/IEEE 31320-2 ed1.0 (2012-09) Information technology -- Modeling Languages -- Part 2: Syntax and Semantics for IDEF1X97 (IDEFobject)
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC/TR 13066-3 ed1.0 (2012-09) Information technology -- Interoperability with assistive technology (AT) -- Part 3: IAccessible2 accessibility application programming interface (API)
- ISO/IEC 14443-3-am2 ed1.0 (2012-09) Amendment 2 - Identification cards -- Contactless integrated circuit cards -- Proximity cards -- Part 3: Initialization and anticollision - Bit rates of fc/8, fc/4 and fc/2, frame size from 512 bytes to 4 096 bytes and minimum TR0
- ISO/IEC 14443-4-am2 ed1.0 (2012-09) Amendment 2 - Identification cards -- Contactless integrated circuit cards -- Proximity cards -- Part 4: Transmission protocol - Bit rates of fc/8, fc/4 and fc/2, protocol activation of PICC Type A and frame size from 512 bytes to 4 096 bytes
- ISO/IEC/TR 15026-1 ed1.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software assurance -- Part 1: Concepts and vocabulary -
- ISO/IEC 1539-1 ed1.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Programming languages -- Fortran -- Part 1: Base language -
- ISO/IEC/TS 15504-8 ed1.0 (2012-09) Information technology -- Process assessment -- Part 8: An exemplar process assessment model for IT service management
- ISO/IEC/TR 15938-11-am1 ed1.0 (2012-09) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Multimedia content description Interface -- Part 11: MPEG-7 profile schemas - Audiovisual description profile (AVDP) schema
- ISO/IEC 17065 ed1.0 (2012-09) Conformity assessment -- Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services
- ISO/IEC 18051 ed6.0 (2012-09) Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Services for Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (CSTA) Phase III
- ISO/IEC 18052 ed3.0 (2012-09) Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- ASN.1 for Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (CSTA) Phase III
- ISO/IEC 18056 ed5.0 (2012-09) Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- XML Schema Definitions for Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (CSTA) Phase III
- ISO/IEC 19752 ed1.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Method for the determination of toner cartridge yield for monochromatic electrophotographic printers and multi-function devices that contain printer components -
- ISO/IEC 19798 ed1.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Method for the determination of toner cartridge yield for colour printers and multi-function devices that contain printer components -
- ISO/IEC 23000-6 ed2.0 (2012-09) Information technology -- Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -- Part 6: Professional archival application format
- ISO/IEC 23003-1 ed1.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 4【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- MPEG audio technologies -- Part 1: MPEG Surround -
- ISO/IEC 23003-2 ed1.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- MPEG audio technologies -- Part 2: Spatial Audio Object Coding (SAOC) -
- ISO/IEC 23003-3 ed1.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- MPEG audio technologies -- Part 3: Unified speech and audio coding -
- ISO/IEC 23007-1-am1 ed1.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Rich media user interfaces -- Part 1: Widgets - Widget extensions - Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Rich media user interfaces -- Part 1: Widgets -
- ISO/IEC 24711 ed1.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Method for the determination of ink cartridge yield for colour inkjet printers and multi-function devices that contain printer components -
- ISO/IEC/TR 29110-5-1_1 ed1.0 (2012-09) Software engineering -- Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) -- Part 5-1-1: Management and engineering guide: Generic profile group: Entry profile
- ISO/IEC/TR 29181-1 ed1.0 (2012-09) Information technology -- Future Network -- Problem statement and requirements -- Part 1: Overall aspects
- ISO/IEC 8825-2 ed1.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 2【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER) -
- ISO/IEC 9594-2 ed5.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 2【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Models
- ISO/IEC 9594-3 ed1.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 2【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Abstract service definition
- ISO/IEC 9594-5 ed3.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 2【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Protocol specifications
- ISO/IEC 9594-6 ed1.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 2【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Open Systems Interconnection -- The Directory: Selected attribute types -
- ISO/IEC 9594-7 ed3.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Selected object classes
- ISO/IEC 9594-8 ed1.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 2【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Open Systems Interconnection -- The Directory: Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks -
- ISO/IEC 9594-8 ed1.0 (2012-09) Corrigendum 4【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Open Systems Interconnection -- The Directory: Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks -
【廃版】【代替】情報 (Withdrawn/Replaced publications)
- IEC 61282-1 ed1.0 (2000-02) → [Withdrawn]
- IEC 60044-1 am1 ed1.0 (2000-07) → IEC 61869-2 ed1.0 (2012-09) (partial replacement)
- IEC 60044-1 am2 ed1.0 (2002-12) → IEC 61869-2 ed1.0 (2012-09) (partial replacement)
- IEC 60044-1 ed1.0 (1996-12) → IEC 61869-2 ed1.0 (2012-09) (partial replacement)
- IEC 60044-6 ed1.0 (1992-03) → IEC 61869-2 ed1.0 (2012-09) (partial replacement)
- IEC 62396-2 ed1.0 (2008-08) → IEC 62396-2 ed1.0 (2012-09)
- IEC/PAS 62686-1 ed1.0 (2011-04) → IEC 62686-1 ed1.0 (2012-09)
IEC E-Tech 2012-08/09版【詳細情報は個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Message from IEC General Secretary and CEO
- AV[Multimedia] connections between copper and fibre
- IEC endorses four USB specifications
- Omnipresent interrupters [ex. 漏電遮断器]
- Rechargeable power for portable and stationary applications
- Primary batteries: disposable yet irreplaceable
- Developing standards for safer navigation [at sea]
- IEC International Standards: the key to safer shipping
- Heat without fire for manufacturing [electroheating and electromagnetic processing]
- Small but powerful [MEMS (Micro electromechanical systems)]
- An internationally trusted partner [IECEE]
- Global and mobile [IECEx 防爆]
- First IECEx-AFSEC seminar in Africa
- Safer electronics [IECQ, ESD]
- IEC Regional Centres represent the IEC at key events [IEC-LARC and IEC-APRC]
- Smart Grid events
- Building markets and industries
- Young Professionals - 2012 workshop [各国 IEC国内委員会選定 2012 IEC YPs 於 IECオスロ総会10月 ]
- Succession planning for standardization [written by Stephanie McLarty]
- IEC Young Professionals move ahead
- Share your work [Nearly 10 000 experts work in the IEC.]
- 2012 Awards - Recognizing commitment to the IEC
- Welcome to the Bahamas [加盟 164ヶ国]
- Training and IT tools development [IEC Technical Information and Support Services]
- IEC training sessions in Asia
- Latest nominations [SMB SG (Standardization Management Board Strategic Group) 3: Smart Grid]
- Fighting product piracy : brochure[英、仏、韓] are available at www.iec.ch/about/brochures/conformity_assessment
- Cleaner shipping with shore to ship power [HVSC (High Voltage Shore Connection).]
- Consolidated standard for safer medical equipment
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例えば 2012-08-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- Pre-release of IEC 60068-2-78 ed2.0 establishes a test method for determining the ability of components or equipment to withstand transportation, storage and use under conditions of high humidity.
- IEC 82079-1 ed1.0 (2012-08) Preparation of instructions for use - Structuring, content and presentation - Part 1: General principles and detailed requirements
- Project IEC 60050-131-am2 ed2.0 (2012-08) Amendment 2 - International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 131: Circuit theory
- IEC/TS 62768 ed1.0 (2012-08) Preparation and processing of source definitions for data element types - Guidelines for product committees
- IEC/TS 62771 ed1.0 (2012-08) Information model covering the contents of IEC 81346-1 and IEC 81346-2, IEC 61175, IEC 61666 and IEC 81714-3
- CISPR/TR 30-1 ed1.0 (2012-08) Test method on electromagnetic emissions - Part 1: Electronic control gear for single- and double-capped fluorescent lamps
- CISPR/TR 30-2 ed1.0 (2012-08) Test method on electromagnetic emissions - Part 2: Electronic control gear for discharge lamps excluding fluorescent lamps
- CISPR 32 ed1.0 (2012-08) Corrigendum 2【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment - Emission requirements
- IEC 60950-1-am1 ed2.0 (2012-08) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Amendment 1 - Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1: General requirements
- Project IEC 60068-2-78 ed2.0 (2012-08) Environmental testing - Part 2-78: Tests - Test Cab: Damp heat, steady state
- IEC 60695-11-3 ed1.0 (2012-08) Fire hazard testing - Part 11-3: Test flames - 500 W flames - Apparatus and confirmational test methods
- IEC 62628 ed1.0 (2012-08) Guidance on software aspects of dependability
- IEC/TS 62647-1 ed1.0 (2012-08) Process management for avionics - Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder - Part 1: Preparation for a lead-free control plan
- Project IEC 61850-7-410 ed2.0 (2012-08) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-410: Basic communication structure - Hydroelectric power plants - Communication for monitoring and control
- Project IEC 62623 ed1.0 (2012-08) Desktop and notebook computers - Measurement of energy consumption
- IEC/TS 62654 ed1.0 (2012-08) Network-based energy consumption measurement - Energy saving system - Conceptual model
- Project IEC 61400-11 ed3.0 (2012-08) Wind turbines - Part 11: Acoustic noise measurement techniques
- IEC/TS 62600-100 ed1.0 (2012-08) Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 100: Electricity producing wave energy converters - Power performance assessment
- Project IEC 60335-2-2-am1 ed6.0 (2012-08) Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for vacuum cleaners and water-suction cleaning appliances
- Project IEC 60335-2-4-am1 ed6.0 (2012-08) Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for spin extractors
- Project IEC 60335-2-5 ed6.0 (2012-08) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for dishwashers
- Project IEC 60335-2-9-am1 ed6.0 (2012-08) Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for grills, toasters and similar portable cooking appliances
- Project IEC 60335-2-11-am1 ed7.0 (2012-08) Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for tumble dryers
- Project IEC 60335-2-14-am2 ed5.0 (2012-08) Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-14: Particular requirements for kitchen machines
- Project IEC 60335-2-15 ed6.0 (2012-08) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-15: Particular requirements for appliances for heating liquids
- Project IEC 60335-2-21 ed6.0 (2012-08) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-21: Particular requirements for storage water heaters
- Project IEC 60335-2-27-am1 ed5.0 (2012-08) Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-27: Particular requirements for appliances for skin exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation
- Project IEC 60335-2-31 ed5.0 (2012-08) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-31: Particular requirements for range hoods and other cooking fume extractors
- Project IEC 60335-2-35 ed5.0 (2012-08) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-35: Particular requirements for instantaneous water heaters
- Project IEC 60335-2-102-am2 ed1.0 (2012-08) Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-102: Particular requirements for gas, oil and solid-fuel burning appliances having electrical connections
- IEC/TR 62258-4 ed2.0 (2012-08) Semiconductor die products - Part 4: Questionnaire for die users and suppliers
- Project IEC 62031-am1 ed1.0 (2012-08) Amendment 1 - LED modules for general lighting - Safety specifications
- IEC 62341-6-3 ed1.0 (2012-08) Organic light emitting diode (OLED) displays - Part 6-3: Measuring methods of image quality
- Project IEC 60688 ed3.0 (2012-08) Electrical measuring transducers for converting a.c. electrical quantities to analogue or digital signals
- IEC 60512-99-001 ed1.0 (2012-08) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 99-001: Test schedule for engaging and separating connectors under electrical load - Test 99a: Connectors used in twisted pair communication cabling with remote power
- IEC 60794-1-23 ed1.0 (2012-08) Optical fibre cables - Part 1-23: Generic specification - Basic optical cable test procedures - Cable element test methods
- Project IEC 60794-2-31 ed2.0 (2012-08) Optical fibre cables - Part 2-31: Indoor cables - Detailed specification for optical fibre ribbon cables for use in premises cabling
- Project IEC 60794-4-20 ed1.0 (2012-08) Optical fibre cables - Part 4-20: Aerial optical cables along electrical power lines - Family specification for ADSS (All Dielectric Self Supported) optical cables
- IEC 61300-2-10 ed2.0 (2012-08) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-10: Tests - Crush resistance
- Project IEC 61300-2-11 ed2.0 (2012-08) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-11: Tests - Axial compression
- Project IEC 61300-2-14 ed3.0 (2012-08) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-14: Tests - High optical power
- Project IEC 61300-2-19 ed3.0 (2012-08) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-19: Tests - Damp heat (steady state)
- IEC 61300-3-44 ed1.0 (2012-08) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-44: Examinations and measurements - Fibre optic trancsceiver receptacle endface visual and automated inspection
- Project IEC 61753-022-2 ed2.0 (2012-08) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 022-2: Fibre optic connectors terminated on multimode fibre for category C - Controlled environment
- IEC 61753-061-2 ed1.0 (2012-08) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 061-2: Non-connectorized single-mode fibre optic pigtailed isolators for category C - Controlled environments
- Project IEC 61753-143-2 ed1.0 (2012-08) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 143-2: Optical passive VIPA-based dispersion compensator of single-mode fibre transmission for category C- Controlled environments
- Project IEC 61499-1 ed2.0 (2012-08) Function blocks - Part 1: Architecture
- Project IEC 61499-2 ed2.0 (2012-08) Function blocks - Part 2: Software tool requirements
- Project IEC 62382 ed2.0 (2012-08) Electrical and instrumentation loop check
- IEC 60601-2-44-am1 ed3.0 (2012-08) Amendment 1 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-44: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of X-ray equipment for computed tomography
- Project IEC 61347-1-am2 ed2.0 (2012-08) Amendment 2 - Lamp controlgear - Part 1: General and safety requirements
- IEC 61347-2-8-am1 ed1.0 (2012-08) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Amendment 1 - Lamp controlgear - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for ballasts for fluorescent lamps
- IEC 62697-1 ed1.0 (2012-08) Test methods for quantitative determination of corrosive sulfur compounds in unused and used insulating liquids - Part 1: Test method for quantitative determination of dibenzyldisulfide (DBDS)
- IEC 61587-4 ed1.0 (2012-08) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 series - Part 4: Combination of performance levels for modular cabinets
- IEC 61394 ed1.0 (2012-08) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Overhead lines - Requirements for greases for aluminium, aluminium alloy and steel bare conductors
- IEC 61881-2 ed1.0 (2012-08) Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Capacitors for power electronics - Part 2: Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte
- IEC 61881-3 ed1.0 (2012-08) Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Capacitors for power electronics - Part 3: Electric double-layer capacitors
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-2;69 ed2.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition) IEC 60335-2-2: 2009 (Sixth Edition) IEC 60335-2-69:2002 (Third Edition) +A1:2004 +A2:2007
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-4;7 ed4.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-4:2008 (Fifth Edition) and IEC 60335-2-7:2008 (Sixth Edition) In conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2006+ incl. Corrigenda: 2002 and :2005
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-65;98 ed1.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-65:2002 (Second Edition) incl. A1: 2008 and C1:2004; IEC 60335 2 98:2002 (Second Edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition) incl. Corrigendum 1:2002 + A1:2004 + A2:2006 incl. Corrigendum 1:2006
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-4 ed2.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-4:2008 (Sixth edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth edition) (incl. Corr.1:2002) + A1:2004 (incl. Corr.1:2005) + A2:2006 (incl. Corr.1:2006)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-6 ed4.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-6 2002 (Fifth edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (5th Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-7 ed7.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-7:2008 (Seventh Edition) +A1 :2011 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition) ) incl. Corrigendum 1:2010
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-16 ed5.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-16:2002 (Fifth Edition) + Am.1: 2008 + Am. 2:2011 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001; (Fourth Edition) incl. Cor. 1: 2002 + Cor. 2: 2005 + A1: 2004 + A2: 2006
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-21 ed4.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-21: 2002 (Fifth Edition) (incl. Corr.1:2007) + A1:2004 + A2: 2008 used in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-23 ed6.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-23:2003 (Fifth edition) (incl. corr.2:2008) + A1:2008 + A2:2012 in conjunction with IEC 60335 1:2010 (Fifth edition) and IEC 62233:2005 (First edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-24 ed10.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-24:2010 (Seventh Edition) IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-30 ed7.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-30 (Fifth edition) :2009 used in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-45 ed6.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-45:2002 (Third edition) + A1:2008 + A2: 2011 used in conjunction with IEC 60335 1:2001 (Fourth edition) (incl. Corr.1:2002) + A1:2004 + A2:2006 (incl. Corr. 1:2006)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-76 ed1.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335 2 76:2002 (Second Edition) + A1:2006 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-76 ed2.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335 2 76:2002 (Second Edition) + A1:2006 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-81 ed1.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-81:2002 (Second Edition) + A1:2007 + A2:2011 used in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition) incl. Corrigendum 1:2002 + A1:2004 + A2:2006 incl. Corrigendum 1:2006
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-89 ed4.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-89:2010 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-95 ed1.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-95 (Second Edition): 2002+ A1:2004 +A2:2008 used in conjunction IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition) incl. Corrigendum 1:2002 + A1:2004 + A2:2006 incl. Corrigendum
- IEC/TRF 60400 ed3.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60400 (Seventh Edition): 2008+A1:2011
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-23 ed3.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-23: 2011 (Third Edition) for use with IEC 60601-1: 2005 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-34 ed3.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-34 (Third Edition): 2011
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-57 ed1.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-57: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of non-laser light source equipment intended for therapeutic; diagnostic; monitoring and cosmetic/aesthetic use
- IEC/TRF 60745-2-22 ed1.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60745-2-22 (First Edition): 2011
- IEC/TRF 60929 ed1.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60929:2011 (Fourth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 61439-2 ed2.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61439-2:2011 (Second Edition)
- IEC/TRF 61851-1 ed1.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61851-1 (Second Edition): 2010
- IEC/TRF 61851-22 ed1.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61851-22 (First Edition): 2001
- IEC/TRF 80601-2-60 ed1.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 80601-2-60(First Edition): 2012 for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1: 2005
- IEC/TRF cispr-11 ed2.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to CISPR 11 (Fifth Edition): 2009
- IEC/TRF cispr14-1;2 ed2.0 (2012-08) This Test Report Form applies to CISPR 14-1 (ed. 5) + am1 + am2; CISPR 14-2 (ed. 1) + am1 + am2; IEC 61000-3-2 (ed. 3) + am1 + am2; IEC 61000-3-3 (ed. 2)
IECEx 【防爆】
<-- UL>
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 14496-3 ed1.0 (2012-08) Corrigendum 3【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 3: Audio -
- ISO/IEC/TS 17021-2 ed1.0 (2012-08) Conformity assessment -- Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems -- Part 2: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of environmental management systems
- ISO/IEC 19790 ed2.0 (2012-08) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Security requirements for cryptographic modules
- ISO/IEC 20000-3 ed1.0 (2012-08) Information technology -- Service management -- Part 3: Guidance on scope definition and applicability of ISO/IEC 20000-1
- ISO/IEC/TR 20004 ed1.0 (2012-08) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Refining software vulnerability analysis under
- ISO/IEC/TS 24790 ed1.0 (2012-08) Information technology -- Office equipment -- Measurement of image quality attributes for hardcopy output -- Monochrome text and graphic images
- ISO/IEC/TR 24800-1 ed2.0 (2012-08) Information technology -- JPSearch -- Part 1: System framework and components
- ISO/IEC 24800-3 ed1.0 (2012-08) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- JPSearch -- Part 3: Query format -
- ISO/IEC 29500-1 ed3.0 (2012-08) Information technology -- Document description and processing languages -- Office Open XML File Formats -- Part 1: Fundamentals and Markup Language Reference
- ISO/IEC 29500-2 ed3.0 (2012-08) Information technology -- Document description and processing languages -- Office Open XML File Formats -- Part 2: Open Packaging Conventions
- ISO/IEC 29500-3 ed3.0 (2012-08) Information technology -- Document description and processing languages -- Office Open XML File Formats -- Part 3: Markup Compatibility and Extensibility
- ISO/IEC 29500-4 ed3.0 (2012-08) Information technology -- Document description and processing languages -- Office Open XML File Formats -- Part 4: Transitional Migration Features
- ISO/IEC 9541-1 ed2.0 (2012-08) Information technology -- Font information interchange -- Part 1: Architecture
- ISO/IEC 9541-2 ed2.0 (2012-08) Information technology -- Font information interchange -- Part 2: Interchange format
- ISO/IEC 9541-3 ed2.0 (2012-08) Information technology -- Font information interchange -- Part 3: Glyph shape representation
【廃版】【代替】情報 (Withdrawn/Replaced publications)
- IEC 62079 ed1.0 (2001-02) → IEC 82079-1 ed1.0 (2012-08)
- IEC 60695-11-3 ed2.0 (2004-04) → IEC 60695-11-3 ed1.0 (2012-08)
- CISPR 30 ed1.0 (2001-02) → CISPR 30-1 ed1.0 (2012-08)
- IEC/PAS 62647-1 ed1.0 (2011-06) → IEC 62647-1 ed1.0 (2012-08)
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例えば 2012-07-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- IEC/TS 62239-1 ed1.0 (2012-07) Process management for avionics - Management plan - Part 1: Preparation and maintenance of an electronic components management plan
- CISPR 16-1-4-am1 ed3.0 (2012-07) Amendment 1 - Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-4: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Antennas and test sites for radiated disturbance measurements
- CISPR/TR 16-3-am1 ed3.0 (2012-07) Amendment 1 - Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 3: CISPR technical reports
- IEC/TR 61000-1-6 ed1.0 (2012-07) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 1-6: General - Guide to the assessment of measurement uncertainty
- IEC 62132-8 ed1.0 (2012-07) Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic immunity - Part 8: Measurement of radiated immunity - IC stripline method
- S+ IEC 61326-1 ed2.0 (2012-07) Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 1: General requirements
- IEC 61326-2-3 ed2.0 (2012-07) Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-3: Particular requirements - Test configuration, operational conditions and performance criteria for transducers with integrated or remote signal conditioning
- IEC 61326-2-4 ed2.0 (2012-07) Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-4: Particular requirements - Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for insulation monitoring devices according to IEC 61557-8 and for equipment for insulation fault location according to IEC 61557-9
- IEC 61326-2-6 ed2.0 (2012-07) Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-6: Particular requirements - In vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical equipment
- Project IEC 62551 ed1.0 (2012-07) Analysis techniques for dependability - Petri net techniques
- Project IEC 60079-1 ed7.0 (2012-07) Explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures "d"
- IEC 60079-20-1 ed1.0 (2012-07) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 20-1: Material characteristics for gas and vapour classification - Test methods and data
- IEC/TR 62222 ed2.0 (2012-07) Fire performance of communication cables installed in buildings
- IEC 62585 ed1.0 (2012-07) Electroacoustics - Methods to determine corrections to obtain the free-field response of a sound level meter
- IEC 62575-2 ed1.0 (2012-07) Radio frequency (RF) bulk acoustic wave (BAW) filters of assessed quality - Part 2: Guidelines for the use
- IEC/TS 62592 ed2.0 (2012-07) Encoding guidelines for portable multimedia CE products using MP4 file format with AVC video codec and AAC audio codec
- IEC/TR 62780 ed1.0 (2012-07) Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia e-publishing and e-book - Guidelines for protection against mechanical stress during distribution of e-books in CD and DVD media
- IEC 60294 ed2.0 (2012-07) Measurement of the dimensions of a cylindrical component with axial terminations
- IEC 60301 ed3.0 (2012-07) Preferred diameters of wire terminations of capacitors and resistors
- IEC 60440 ed1.0 (2012-07) Method of measurement of non-linearity in resistors
- IEC 61240 ed2.0 (2012-07) Piezoelectric devices - Preparation of outline drawings of surface-mounted devices (SMD) for frequency control and selection - General rules
- IEC 61169-47 ed1.0 (2012-07) Radio-frequency connectors - Part 47: Sectional specification for radio-frequency coaxial connectors with clamp coupling, typically for use in 75 Ω cable networks (type F-Quick)
- IEC 62037-3 ed1.0 (2012-07) Passive RF and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement - Part 3: Measurement of passive intermodulation in coaxial connectors
- IEC 62037-4 ed1.0 (2012-07) Passive RF and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement - Part 4: Measurement of passive intermodulation in coaxial cables
- IEC 60917-2-5 ed1.0 (2012-07) Modular order for the development of mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices - Part 2-5: Sectional specification - Interface co-ordination dimensions for the 25 mm equipment practice - Cabinet interface dimensions for miscellaneous equipment
- IEC 61788-13 ed2.0 (2012-07) Superconductivity - Part 13: AC loss measurements - Magnetometer methods for hysteresis loss in superconducting multifilamentary composites
- Project IEC 62282-6-100-am1 ed1.0 (2012-07) Amendment 1 - Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-100: Micro fuel cell power systems - Safety
- IEC 62282-6-200 ed2.0 (2012-07) Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-200: Micro fuel cell power systems - Performance test methods
- IEC 60335-2-89-am1 ed2.0 (2012-07) Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-89: Particular requirements for commercial refrigerating appliances with an incorporated or remote refrigerant unit or compressor
- IEC/PAS 60704-2-15 ed1.0 (2012-07) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-15: Particular requirements for household food waste disposers
- IEC 60745-2-3-am2 ed2.0 (2012-07) Amendment 2 - Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for grinders, polishers and disk-type sanders
- IEC 60432-3 ed2.0 (2012-07) Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications - Part 3: Tungsten halogen lamps (non-vehicle)
- IEC 60809-am5 ed2.0 (2012-07) Amendment 5 - Lamps for road vehicles - Dimensional, electrical and luminous requirements
- Project IEC 61347-2-9 ed2.0 (2012-07) Lamp controlgear - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for electromagnetic controlgear for discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps)
- IEC 61549-am3 ed2.0 (2012-07) Amendment 3 - Miscellaneous lamps
- IEC 62035-am2 ed1.0 (2012-07) Amendment 2 - Discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps) - Safety specifications
- Project IEC 61968-1 ed2.0 (2012-07) Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 1: Interface architecture and general recommendations
- IEC 60544-2 ed3.0 (2012-07) Electrical insulating materials - Determination of the effects of ionizing radiation on insulating materials - Part 2: Procedures for irradiation and test
- IEC 60626-3-am1 ed3.0 (2012-07) Amendment 1 - Combined flexible materials for electrical insulation - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials
- IEC 60893-3-1 ed3.0 (2012-07) Insulating materials - Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 3-1: Specifications for individual materials - Types of industrial rigid laminated sheets
- IEC 61643-21-am2 ed1.0 (2012-07) Amendment 2 - Low voltage surge protective devices - Part 21: Surge protective devices connected to telecommunications and signalling networks - Performance requirements and testing methods
- IEC 62477-1 ed1.0 (2012-07) Safety requirements for power electronic converter systems and equipment - Part 1: General
- IEC 60876-1 ed4.0 (2012-07) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic spatial switches - Part 1: Generic specification
- IEC 61300-2-33 ed3.0 (2012-07) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-33: Tests - Assembly and disassembly of fibre optic mechanical splices, fibre management systems and closures
- IEC 61754-26 ed1.0 (2012-07) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 26: Type SF connector family
- IEC 62150-3 ed1.0 (2012-07) Fibre optic active components and devices - Test and measurement procedures - Part 3: Optical power variation induced by mechanical disturbance in optical receptacles and transceiver interfaces
- IEC/TR 62627-04 ed1.0 (2012-07) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Part 04: Example of uncertainty calculation: Measurement of the attenuation of an optical connector
- IEC 60287-3-2 ed2.0 (2012-07) Electric cables - Calculation of the current rating - Part 3-2: Sections on operating conditions - Economic optimization of power cable size
- IEC 60317-0-8 ed1.0 (2012-07) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 0-8: General requirements - Polyester glass fibre wound, resin or varnish impregnated or not impregnated, bare or enamelled rectangular copper wire
- IEC 60317-2 ed4.0 (2012-07) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 2: Solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire, class 130, with a bonding layer
- IEC 60317-48 ed2.0 (2012-07) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 48: Glass-fibre wound resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled round copper wire, temperature index 155
- IEC 60317-49 ed2.0 (2012-07) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 49: Glass-fibre wound high temperature resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled round copper wire, temperature index 180
- IEC 60317-50 ed2.0 (2012-07) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 50: Glass-fibre wound silicone resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled round copper wire, temperature index 200
- IEC 60317-61 ed1.0 (2012-07) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 61: Polyester glass fibre wound, minimum class 180, resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled rectangular copper wire, temperature
- IEC 60317-62 ed1.0 (2012-07) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 62: Polyester glass fibre wound, minimum class 200 resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled rectangular copper wire, temperature index 200
- IEC 60947-4-1-am1 ed3.0 (2012-07) Amendment 1 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 4-1: Contactors and motor-starters - Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters
- IEC 60947-4-2 ed3.0 (2012-07) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 4-2: Contactors and motor-starters - AC semiconductor motor controllers and starters
- Project IEC 61439-4 ed1.0 (2012-07) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 4: Particular requirements for assemblies for construction sites (ACS)
- IEC 61915-2 ed1.0 (2012-07) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Device profiles for networked industrial devices - Part 2: Root device profiles for starters and similar equipment
- IEC 60076-18 ed1.0 (2012-07) Power transformers - Part 18: Measurement of frequency response
- IEC 61987-11 ed1.0 (2012-07) Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 11: List of Properties (LOP) of measuring equipment for electronic data exchange - Generic structures
- IEC 62439-3 ed2.0 (2012-07) Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks - Part 3: Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) and High-availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR)
- IEC 62541-7 ed1.0 (2012-07) OPC unified architecture - Part 7: Profiles
- IEC 62541-9 ed1.0 (2012-07) OPC unified architecture - Part 9: Alarms and conditions
- IEC 62541-10 ed1.0 (2012-07) OPC unified architecture - Part 10: Programs
- IEC/TR 80001-2-1 ed1.0 (2012-07) Application of risk management for IT-networks incorporating medical devices - Part 2-1: Step by step risk management of medical IT-networks - Pratical applications and examples
- IEC/TR 80001-2-2 ed1.0 (2012-07) Application of risk management for IT-networks incorporating medical devices - Part 2-2: Guidance for the disclosure and communication of medical device security needs, risks and controls
- IEC/TR 80001-2-3 ed1.0 (2012-07) Application of risk management for IT-networks incorporating medical devices - Part 2-3: Guidance for wireless networks
- IEC 60728-3-1 ed1.0 (2012-07) Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 3-1: Active wideband equipment for cable networks - Methods of measurement of non-linearity for full digital channel load with DVB-C signals
- IEC 60601-1-am1 ed3.0 (2012-07) Amendment 1 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance
- Project IEC 60601-1-8-am1 ed2.0 (2012-07) Amendment 1 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-8: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral Standard: General requirements, tests and guidance for alarm systems in medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems
- Project IEC 60601-2-24 ed2.0 (2012-07) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-24: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of infusion pumps and controllers
- Project IEC 60601-2-63 ed1.0 (2012-07) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-63: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of dental extra-oral X-ray equipment
- Project IEC 60601-2-65 ed1.0 (2012-07) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-65: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of dental intra-oral X-ray equipment
- Project IEC 60571 ed3.0 (2012-07) Railway applications - Electronic equipment used on rolling stock
- IEC 62616 ed1.0 (2012-07) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Bridge navigational watch alarm system (BNWAS)
- IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1 ed1.0 (2012-07) Utility connections in port - Part 1: High Voltage Shore Connection (HVSC) Systems - General requirements
- Project IEC 62755 ed1.0 (2012-07) Radiation protection instrumentation - Data format for radiation instruments used in the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive materials
- Project IEC/IEEE 62582-3 ed1.0 (2012-07) Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Electrical equipment condition monitoring methods - Part 3: Elongation at break
- Project IEC 62646 ed1.0 (2012-07) Nuclear power plants - Control rooms - Computer based procedures
IECEx 【防爆】
- IECEx 02 ed5.0 (2012-07) 【無償ダウンロード可能】 全38頁
IEC System for Certification to Standards relating to Equipment for use in Explosive Atmospheres (IECEx System)
- IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme covering equipment for use in explosive atmospheres - Rules of Procedure
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
【正誤票】は 【無償ダウンロード可能】のものと エラーになるもの有り。
- ISO/IEC 10373-6-am3 ed1.0 (2012-07) Amendment 3 - Identification cards -- Test methods -- Part 6: Proximity cards - Exchange of additional parameters, block numbering, unmatched AFI and TR2
- ISO/IEC 10967-1 ed2.0 (2012-07) Information technology -- Language independent arithmetic -- Part 1: Integer and floating point arithmetic
- ISO/IEC 14443-2-am2 ed1.0 (2012-07) Amendment 2 - Identification cards -- Contactless integrated circuit cards -- Proximity cards -- Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface - Additional PICC classes
- ISO/IEC 14496-3-am3 ed1.0 (2012-07) Amendment 3 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 3: Audio - Transport of unified speech and audio coding ()
- ISO/IEC 14496-4-am38 ed1.0 (2012-07) Corrigendum 1【正誤票】 - Amendment 38 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 4: Conformance testing - Conformance testing for Multiview Video Coding - Amendment 38 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 4: Conformance testing -
- ISO/IEC 14496-5-am10 ed1.0 (2012-07) Corrigendum 6【正誤票】 - Amendment 10 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 5: Reference software - SSC, DST, ALS and SLS reference software - Amendment 10 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 5: Reference software -
- ISO/IEC 14496-12 ed4.0 (2012-07) Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 12: ISO base media file format
- ISO/IEC 14496-15 ed1.0 (2012-07) Corrigendum 2【正誤票】 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 15: Advanced Video Coding (AVC) file format -
- ISO/IEC 15045-2 ed1.0 (2012-07) Information technology - Home electronic system (HES) gateway - Part 2: Modularity and protocol
- ISO/IEC 15067-3 ed1.0 (2012-07) Information technology - Home electronic system (HES) application model - Part 3: Model of a demand-response energy management system for HES
- ISO/IEC 15444-9 ed1.0 (2012-07) Corrigendum 3【正誤票】 - Information technology -- JPEG 2000 image coding system: Interactivity tools, APIs and protocols -
- ISO/IEC 15444-12 ed4.0 (2012-07) Information technology -- JPEG 2000 image coding system -- Part 12: ISO base media file format
- ISO/IEC 17024 ed2.0 (2012-07) Conformity assessment -- General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons
- ISO/IEC 18000-61 ed1.0 (2012-07) Information technology -- Radio frequency identification for item management -- Part 61: Parameters for air interface communications at 860 MHz to 960 MHz Type A
- ISO/IEC 18000-62 ed1.0 (2012-07) Information technology -- Radio frequency identification for item management -- Part 62: Parameters for air interface communications at 860 MHz to 960 MHz Type B
- ISO/IEC 18000-64 ed1.0 (2012-07) Information technology -- Radio frequency identification for item management -- Part 64: Parameters for air interface communications at 860 MHz to 960 MHz Type D
- ISO/IEC 18012-2 ed1.0 (2012-07) Information technology - Home electronic system (HES) - Guidelines for product interoperability - Part 2: Taxonomy and application interoperability model
- ISO/IEC 18013-3-am1 ed1.0 (2012-07) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Personal identification -- ISO-compliant driving licence -- Part 3: Access control, authentication and integrity validation - Scanning area identifier -- Optional machine readable zone
- ISO/IEC 27032 ed1.0 (2012-07) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Guidelines for cybersecurity
- ISO/IEC 27033-2 ed1.0 (2012-07) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Network security -- Part 2: Guidelines for the design and implementation of network security
- ISO/IEC/TR 29162 ed1.0 (2012-07) Information technology -- Guidelines for using data structures in AIDC media
- ISO/IEC/TR 29186 ed1.0 (2012-07) Information technology -- Office equipment -- Test method of colour gamut mapping algorithm for office colour softcopy and hardcopy
- ISO/IEC 9798-4 ed1.0 (2012-07) Corrigendum 2【正誤票】 - Information technology -- Security techniques -- Entity authentication -- Part 4: Mechanisms using a cryptographic check function -
- ISO/IEC 9899 ed1.0 (2012-07) Corrigendum 1【正誤票】 - Information technology -- Programming languages -- C -
【廃版】【代替】情報 (Withdrawn/Replaced publications)
- IEC 60512-5 ed2.0 (1992-09) → IEC 60512-5-1 ed1.0 (2002-02)
- IEC 60512-6 ed2.0 (1984-08) → IEC 60512-6-1 ed1.0 (2002-02)
- IEC 60512-6 ed2.0 (2012-07) → IEC 60512-6-1 ed1.0 (-1--1)
- IEC 62239 ed2.0 (2008-10) → IEC 62239-1 ed1.0 (2012-07)
- IEC 60440 ed1.0 (1973-01) → IEC 60440 ed1.0 (2012-07)
- IEC/PAS 60092-510 ed1.0 (2009-04) → IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1 ed1.0 (2012-07)
- IEC/PAS 61076-2-108 ed1.0 (2009-06) → IEC 61076-2-101 ed3.0 (2012-07)
- ISO/IEC 15067-3 ed1.0 (2000-10) → ISO/IEC 15067-3 ed1.0 (2012-07)
IEC E-Tech 2012-07版【詳細情報は個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Renewables for buildings
- Cooler and warmer, yet leaner and cleaner
- Heating, cooling and powering the 2012 Olympics
- A smarter way of using heat pumps
- Electroheating for a clean, energy-efficient industry
- TC 27[Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing] : The heat is on!
- Safeguarding the Olympic spirit
- Energy-efficient motors
- Personnel competence is key to safety [IECEx CoPC (Certification of Personnel Competence) Scheme]
- Keeping electronic components cool
- Coordinating Smart Grid roll-out
- Participation and efficiency
- Growing an industry
- IEC-APRC celebrates 10-year anniversary
- Energy-saving electroheating
- Smart ideas for the Smart Grid
- New Belgian member of SG 5 on Ambient Assisted Living
- Consolidated standard for portable heating tools
- Getting to know the IEC
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP【新URL】 に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると 当日〜指定期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
・また、最下部の「Subscribe to IEC Just Published」から メルアド登録 すると
毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分(一部追補除外・並び替えた物)などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2012-06-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
IECEE Test Report Forms
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 14496-22-am2 ed1.0 (2012-06) Amendment 2 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 22: Open Font Format - Additional script and language tags
- ISO/IEC 14496-26 ed1.0 (2012-06) Corrigendum 5 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 26: Audio conformance -
- ISO/IEC 15444-10 ed2.0 (2012-06) Information technology -- JPEG 2000 image coding system: Extensions for three-dimensional data
- ISO/IEC 19770-1 ed2.0 (2012-06) Information technology -- Software asset management -- Part 1: Processes and tiered assessment of conformance
- ISO/IEC 21117 ed2.0 (2012-06) Information technology -- Office equipment -- Copying machines and multi-function devices -- Information to be included in specification sheets and related test methods
- ISO/IEC 24735 ed2.0 (2012-06) Information technology -- Office equipment -- Method for measuring digital copying productivity
【廃版】【代替】情報 (Withdrawn/Replaced publications)
- IEC 60358 ed2.0 (1990-05) → IEC 60358-1 ed1.0 (2012-06)
- IEC 60794-1-2 ed2.0 (2003-05) → IEC 60794-1-22 ed1.0 (2012-06)
- IEC 60034-18-34 ed1.0 (2000-01) → IEC 60034-18-34 ed1.0 (2012-06)
- IEC 62282-3-3 ed1.0 (2007-11) → IEC 62282-3-300 ed1.0 (2012-06)
- IEC 61375-1 ed2.0 (2007-04) → IEC 61375-3-1 ed1.0 (2012-06) (partial replacement)
- IEC 61375-1 ed2.0 (2007-04) → IEC 61375-2-1 ed1.0 (2012-06) (partial replacement)
- IEC 61375-2 ed1.0 (2007-04) → IEC 61375-2-2 ed1.0 (2012-06) (partial replacement)
- IEC 61375-2 ed1.0 (2007-04) → IEC 61375-3-2 ed1.0 (2012-06) (partial replacement)
- IEC 61747-6 ed1.0 (2004-04) → IEC 61747-30-1 ed1.0 (2012-06)
IEC E-Tech 2012-06版【詳細情報は個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Keeping the fun safe
The June edition of e-tech(↓以下) looks at some of the systems now in use in and around the house, at amusement parks and gaming arcades, highlighting the work done by the relevant IEC Technical Committees that are directly involved in developing International Standards for them to ensure they are safe, reliable, smart, energy-efficient and don’t interfere with other equipment
- Reducing hazards in the home : ISO/IEC Guide 51 他
- Standards to swim, paddle and play safely
- No home network without standards : IEC, ISO, ISO/IEC JTC1, ITU
- Online is a game changer for amusement machine
- TC work helps keep households safe
- Keeping intruders at bay : IEC TC 79(Alarm and electronic security systems)
- Environmental aspects changing markets : TC 111(Environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems, -).
- IECEE celebrates WTO ITA 15th anniversary
- Joining forces in the Ex(防爆) sector : IECEx and UNECE,
- Can't do without them : IECQ(品質)
- Energy efficiency and renewable energies high on the COPANT agenda
- Key role of education : ICES,
- Safely developing new economies : Cote DIvoire
- IEC-LARC celebrates its 5-year anniversary : LARC (Latin America Regional Centre)
- Nomination of TC 101(Electrostatics) Chairman
- New member SMB SG 1 on energy efficiency : SG1 (energy efficiency and renewable resources 担当)
- A universal linguist : Chairman of IEC TC 25(Quantities and units) dies
- Testing ensures compatibility from the outset : Electromagnetic interference
- Amendment to major medical standard released : safety and performance of ME (medical electrical)
- Dashboard navigation made easy :
- Faster, more accurate search results : IEC標準他 検索
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP【新URL】 に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると 当日〜指定期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
・また、最下部の「Subscribe to IEC Just Published」から メルアド登録 すると
毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分(一部追補除外・並び替えた物)などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2012-05-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- IECQ 080000 ed3.0 (2012-05) IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ System) - Hazardous Substance Process Management System Requirements (HSPM)
- IEC 60617-DB-12M ed1.0 (2012-05) Graphical symbols for diagrams - 12-month subscription to online database comprising parts 2 to 13 of IEC 60617
Now available also in Japanese オンラインデータベース利用権(12ヶ月) です。
- IEC 62153-4-14 ed1.0 (2012-05) Metallic communication cable test methods - Part 4-14: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Coupling attenuation of cable assemblies (Field conditions) absorbing clamp method
- IEC 60695-4 ed4.0 (2012-05) Fire hazard testing - Part 4: Terminology concerning fire tests for electrotechnical products
- IEC 62396-1 ed1.0 (2012-05) Process management for avionics - Atmospheric radiation effects - Part 1: Accommodation of atmospheric radiation effects via single event effects within avionics electronic equipment
- IEC/TS 62668-1 ed1.0 (2012-05) Process management for avionics - Counterfeit prevention - Part 1: Avoiding the use of counterfeit, fraudulent and recycled electronic components
- Project IEC 62628 ed1.0 (2012-05) Guidance on software aspects of dependability
- IEC 61124 ed3.0 (2012-05) Reliability testing - Compliance tests for constant failure rate and constant failure intensity
- IEC/TS 62607-2-1 ed1.0 (2012-05) Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 2-1: Carbon nanotube materials - Film resistance
- Project IEC 60695-11-3 ed1.0 (2012-05) Fire hazard testing - Part 11-3: Test flames - 500 W flames - Apparatus and confirmational test methods
- Project IEC 61788-13 ed2.0 (2012-05) Superconductivty - Part 13: AC loss measurements - Magnetometer methods for hysteresis loss in superconducting multifilamentary composites
- Project IEC 62282-6-200 ed2.0 (2012-05) Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-200: Micro fuel cell power systems - Performance test methods
- IEC/TS 62727 ed1.0 (2012-05) Photovoltaic systems - Specification for solar trackers
- IEC 60335-2-24-am1 ed7.0 (2012-05) Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-24: Particular requirements for refrigerating appliances, ice-cream appliances and ice-makers
- IEC 60335-2-34 ed5.0 (2012-05) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-34: Particular requirements for motor-compressors
- IEC 61988-2-5 ed1.0 (2012-05) Plasma display panels - Part 2-5: Measuring methods - Acoustic noise
- Project IEC 62341-6-3 ed1.0 (2012-05) Organic light emitting diode (OLED) displays - Part 6-3: Measuring methods of image quality
- IEC 62665 ed1.0 (2012-05) Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia e-publishing and e-books technologies - Texture map for auditory presentation of printed texts
- IEC 60728-13-1 ed1.0 (2012-05) Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 13-1: Bandwidth expansion for broadcast signal over FTTH system
- IEC/TR 61850-90-5 ed1.0 (2012-05) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 90-5: Use of IEC 61850 to transmit synchrophasor information according to IEEE C37.118
- Project IEC 60809-am5 ed2.0 (2012-05) Amendment 5 - Lamps for road vehicles - Dimensional, electrical and luminous requirements
- Project IEC 62035-am2 ed1.0 (2012-05) Amendment 2 - Discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps) - Safety specifications
- IEC 61757-1 ed2.0 (2012-05) Fibre optic sensors - Part 1: Generic specification
- IEC 60794-2-11 ed2.0 (2012-05) Optical fibre cables - Part 2-11: Indoor optical fibre cables - Detailed specification for simplex and duplex cables for use in premises cabling
- IEC 60794-2-21 ed2.0 (2012-05) Optical fibre cables - Part 2-21: Indoor optical fibre cables - Detailed specification for multi-fibre optical distribution cables for use in premises cabling
- IEC/TR 61282-11 ed1.0 (2012-05) Fibre optic communication system design guides - Part 11: Multimode launch conditions
- Project IEC 61300-2-10 ed2.0 (2012-05) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-10: Tests - Crush resistance
- IEC 61300-3-38 ed1.0 (2012-05) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-38: Examinations and measurements - Group delay, chromatic dispersion and phase ripple
- IEC 61754-20-100 ed1.0 (2012-05) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 20-100: Interface standard for LC connectors with protective housings related to IEC 61076-3-106
- IEC 61754-28 ed1.0 (2012-05) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 28: Type LF3 connector family
- Project IEC 62585 ed1.0 (2012-05) Electroacoustics - Methods to determine corrections to obtain the free-field response of a sound level meter
- IEC 60862-2 ed3.0 (2012-05) Surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters of assessed quality - Part 2: Guidelines for the use
- Project IEC 61240 ed2.0 (2012-05) Piezoelectric devices - Preparation of outline drawings of surface-mounted devices (SMD) for frequency control and selection - General rules
- IEC 60717 ed2.0 (2012-05) Method for the determination of the space required by capacitors and resistors with unidirectional terminations
- IEC 60512-16-21 ed1.0 (2012-05) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-21: Mechanical tests on contacts and terminations - Test 16u: Whisker test via the application of external mechanical stresses
- IEC 61076-3-110 ed2.0 (2012-05) Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3-110: Detail specification for shielded, free and fixed connectors for data transmission with frequencies up to 1 000 MHz
- IEC 62037-1 ed1.0 (2012-05) Passive RF and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement - Part 1: General requirements and measuring methods
- Project IEC 62037-3 ed1.0 (2012-05) Passive r.f. and microwave devices, Intermodulation level measurement - Part 3: Measurement of passive intermodulation in coaxial connectors
- Project IEC 62037-4 ed1.0 (2012-05) Passive r.f. and microwave devices, Intermodulation level measurement - Part 4: Measurement of passive intermodulation in coaxial cables
- Project IEC 62217 ed2.0 (2012-05) Polymeric hv insulators for indoor and outdoor use - General definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria
- Project IEC 62697-1 ed1.0 (2012-05) Test method for quantitative determination of corrosive sulfur compounds in unused and used insulating liquids - Part 1: Test method for quantitative determination of dibenzyldisulfide (DBDS)
- IEC 61535-am1 ed1.0 (2012-05) Amendment 1 - Installation couplers intended for permanent connection in fixed installations
- IEC 60269-4-am1 ed5.0 (2012-05) Amendment 1 - Low-voltage fuses - Part 4: Supplementary requirements for fuse-links for the protection of semiconductor devices
- IEC 60317-56 ed1.0 (2012-05) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 56: Solderable fully insulated (FIW) zero-defect polyurethane enamelled round copper wire with nominal conductor diameter 0,040 mm to 1,600 mm, class 180
- IEC 60851-6 ed3.0 (2012-05) Winding wires - Test methods - Part 6: Thermal properties
- IEC 61987-10 ed1.0 (2012-05) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 10: Lists of properties (LOPs) for industrial-process measurement and control for electronic data exchange - Fundamentals
- Project IEC 61987-11 ed1.0 (2012-05) Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 11: List of properties (LOP) for measuring equipment for electronic data exchange - Generic structures
- Project IEC 62541-7 ed1.0 (2012-05) OPC Unified Architecture - Part 7: Profiles
- Project IEC 62541-9 ed1.0 (2012-05) OPC Unified Architecture - Part 9: Alarms and conditions
- Project IEC 62541-10 ed1.0 (2012-05) OPC Unified Architecture - Part 10: Programs
- IEC 60601-2-26 ed3.0 (2012-05) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-26: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of electroencephalographs
- IEC 60601-2-27 ed3.0 (2012-05) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-27: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of electrocardiographic monitoring equipment
- Project IEC 60601-2-44-am1 ed3.0 (2012-05) Amendment 1 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-44: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of X-ray equipment for computed tomography
- Project IEC 61869-2 ed1.0 (2012-05) Instrument transformers - Part 2: Current transformers
- IEC/TR 61869-103 ed1.0 (2012-05) Instrument transformers - The use of instrument transformers for power quality measurement
- IEC 61439-6 ed1.0 (2012-05) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 6: Busbar trunking systems (busways)
- IEC 62271-107 ed2.0 (2012-05) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 107: Alternating current fused circuit-switchers for rated voltages above 1 kV up to and including 52 kV
- Project IEC 61881-2 ed1.0 (2012-05) Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Capacitors for power electronics - Part 2: Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non solid electrolyte
- Project IEC 61881-3 ed1.0 (2012-05) Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Capacitors for power electronics - Part 3: Electric double-layer capacitors
- IEC 61097-4 ed3.0 (2012-05) Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) - Part 4: Inmarsat-C ship earth station and Inmarsat enhanced group call (EGC) equipment - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
- IEC 61097-15 ed1.0 (2012-05) Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) - Part 15: Inmarsat FB500 ship earth station - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60745-2-9 ed2.0 (2012-05) This Test Report Form applies to IEC60745-2-9: 2003 (Second Edition) + A1:2008 used in conjunction with IEC 60745-1: 2006 (Fourth Edition)
IECEx 【防爆】
- IECEx 01 ed6.0 (2012-05) IEC System for Certification to Standards relating to Equipment for use in Explosive Atmospheres (IECEx System)
- Basic Rules - FREE DOWNLOAD 939kB 全30頁
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 10646 ed3.0 (2012-05) Information technology -- Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)
- ISO/IEC 16680 ed1.0 (2012-05) Information technology -- The Open Group Service Integration Maturity Model (OSIMM)
- ISO/IEC 18023-1-am1 ed1.0 (2012-05) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- SEDRIS -- Part 1: Functional specification
- ISO/IEC 18023-3-am1 ed1.0 (2012-05) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- SEDRIS -- Part 3: Transmittal format binary encoding -
- ISO/IEC 18024-4-am1 ed1.0 (2012-05) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- SEDRIS language bindings -- Part 4: C -
- ISO/IEC 9834-1 ed4.0 (2012-05) Information technology -- Procedures for the operation of object identifier registration authorities: General procedures and top arcs of the international object identifier tree
【廃版】【代替】情報 (Withdrawn/Replaced publications)
- IEC 60439-2 am1 ed3.0 (2005-08) → IEC 61439-6 ed1.0 (2012-05)
- IEC 60439-2 ed3.0 (2000-03) → IEC 61439-6 ed1.0 (2012-05)
- IEC 62396-1 ed1.0 (2006-03) → IEC 62396-1 ed1.0 (2012-05)
- IEC 62037 ed1.0 (1999-09) → IEC 62037-1 ed1.0 (2012-05)
- IEC/PAS 61300-3-38 ed1.0 (2007-04) → IEC 61300-3-38 ed1.0 (2012-05)
IEC E-Tech 2012-05版【詳細情報は個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Data or electricity : Storing electrical energy, Cloud computing
- White Paper on EES(Electrical Energy Storage)
- Standardization for cloud computing
- Bringing storage out of storage : http://www.iec.ch/whitepaper/energystorage/白書(全92頁)【無償ダウンロード可能】
- Power on the go - the electric vehicle and its battery
- Electronomics: Reinventing electricity :define as the economics of the global shift to an Electricity Economy
- Storage for portable devices
- Secondary batteries powering our future
- Primary batteries shall not go flat
- One test, one standard, accepted everywhere
- Dubai Conference marks launch of IECEx(防爆) in the Gulf
- Hazards under control : electrical energy storage and data storage systems : IECQ
- Eliminating technical barriers to trade : WTO/TBT
- Convergence of views : SADC (Southern African Development Community)
- High level discussions in Burkina Faso
- 2012 Young Professionals Programme: Looking ahead!
- Get involved - Participate : IEC-APRC (Asia-Pacific Regional Centre)
Obituary - a legacy in the world of semiconductors : past IEC Vice-President , Dr. Ryoiku Togei(東迎良育博士), has died aged 77
立ち上げ(1991)以前の JISが国際標準と独立して審議されるのが当たり前だった1980年当時から 日本に於けるIEC標準化活動普及の中心的指導者としてご活躍。
1999年 IEC総会(京都) 開催にご尽力。 ご冥福を。
Standards for more environmental-friendly products : "Eco-friendly" and "climate neutral"
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP【新URL】 に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると 当日〜指定期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
・また、最下部の「Subscribe to IEC Just Published」から メルアド登録 すると
毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分(一部追補除外・並び替えた物)などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2012-04-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- CISPR 22 ed6.0 (2012-04) Interpretation sheet 3 - Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement
- IEC 61000-4-4 ed3.0 (2012-04) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-4: Testing and measurement techniques - Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test
- S+ IEC 61000-4-4 ed3.0 (2012-04) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-4: Testing and measurement techniques - Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test
- Project IEC 61326-1 ed2.0 (2012-04) Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 1: General requirements
- Project IEC 61326-2-3 ed2.0 (2012-04) Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-3: Particular requirements - Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for transducers with integrated or remote signal conditioning
- Project IEC 61326-2-4 ed2.0 (2012-04) Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-4: Particular requirements - Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for insulation monitoring devices according to IEC 61557-8 and for equipment for insulation fault location according to IEC 61557-9
- Project IEC 61326-2-6 ed2.0 (2012-04) Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-6: Particular requirements - In vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical equipment
- IEC 61982 ed1.0 (2012-04) Secondary batteries (except lithium) for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Performance and endurance tests
- IEC 61988-4-2 ed1.0 (2012-04) Plasma display panels - Part 4-2: Environmental testing methods - Panel strength
- IEC 60335-2-39 ed6.0 (2012-04) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-39: Particular requirements for commercial electric multi-purpose cooking pans
- IEC 61010-2-033 ed1.0 (2012-04) Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-033: Particular requirements for hand-held multimeters and other meters, for domestic and professional use, capable of measuring mains voltage
- Project IEC 60432-3 ed2.0 (2012-04) Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications - Part 3: Tungsten-halogen lamps (non-vehicle)
- IEC 61837-1 ed2.0 (2012-04) Surface mounted piezoelectric devices for frequency control and selection - Standard outlines and terminal lead connections - Part 1: Plastic moulded enclosure outlines
- Project IEC 60728-3-1 ed1.0 (2012-04) Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 3-1: Methods of measurement of non-linearity for full digital channel load with DVB-C signals
- IEC 61291-1 ed3.0 (2012-04) Optical amplifiers - Part 1: Generic specification
- Project IEC 61300-3-44 ed1.0 (2012-04) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-44: Examinations and measurements - Fibre optic trancsceiver receptacle endface visual and automated inspection
- IEC 61754-20 ed2.0 (2012-04) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 20: Type LC connector family
- Project IEC 61754-26 ed1.0 (2012-04) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 26: Type SF connector family
- IEC 61754-29 ed1.0 (2012-04) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 29: Type BLINK connector series
- IEC 61076-2-101 ed3.0 (2012-04) Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-101: Circular connectors - Detail specification for M12 connectors with screw-locking
- IEC 61076-4-116 ed1.0 (2012-04) Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 4-116: Printed board connectors - Detail specification for a high-speed two-part connector with integrated shielding function
- IEC 61182-2-2 ed1.0 (2012-04) Printed board assembly products - Manufacturing description data and transfer methodology - Part 2-2: Sectional requirements for implementation of printed board fabrication data description
- Project IEC 61587-4 ed1.0 (2012-04) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 - Part 4: Combination of performance levels for modular cabinets
- IEC 61008-1-am1 ed3.0 (2012-04) Amendment 1 - Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCBs) - Part 1: General rules
- IEC 61009-1-am1 ed3.0 (2012-04) Amendment 1 - Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBOs) - Part 1: General rules
- Project IEC 61643-21-am2 ed1.0 (2012-04) Amendment 2 - Low voltage surge protective devices - Part 21: Surge protective devices connected to telecommunications and signalling networks - Performance requirements and testing methods
- IEC/TS 61973 ed1.0 (2012-04) High voltage direct current (HVDC) substation audible noise
- IEC 60317-0-7 ed1.0 (2012-04) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 0-7: General requirements - Fully insulated (FIW) zero-defect enamelled round copper wire with nominal conductor diameter of 0,040 mm to 1,600 mm
- Project IEC 60317-0-8 ed1.0 (2012-04) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 0-8: General requirements - Polyester glass fibre wound, resin or varnish impregnated or not impregnated, bare or enamelled rectangular copper wire
- Project IEC 60317-2 ed4.0 (2012-04) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 2: Solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire, class 130, with a bonding layer
- Project IEC 60317-48 ed2.0 (2012-04) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 48: Glass-fibre wound resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled round copper wire, temperature index 155
- Project IEC 60317-49 ed2.0 (2012-04) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 49: Glass-fibre wound high temperature resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled round copper wire, temperature index 180
- Project IEC 60317-50 ed2.0 (2012-04) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 50: Glass-fibre wound silicone resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled round copper wire, temperature index 200
- Project IEC 60317-61 ed1.0 (2012-04) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 61: Polyester glass fibre wound, minimum class 180, resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled rectangular copper wire, temperature index 180
- Project IEC 60317-62 ed1.0 (2012-04) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 62: Polyester glass fibre wound, minimum class 200 resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled rectangular copper wire, temperature index 200
- Project IEC 60076-18 ed1.0 (2012-04) Power transformers - Part 18: Measurement of frequency response
- IEC 62271-207 ed2.0 (2012-04) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 207: Seismic qualification for gas-insulated switchgear assemblies for rated voltages above 52 kV
- IEC 61362 ed2.0 (2012-04) Guide to specification of hydraulic turbine governing systems
- IEC/TR 61804-6 ed1.0 (2012-04) Function blocks (FB) for process control - Electronic device description language (EDDL) - Part 6: Meeting the requirements for integrating fieldbus devices in engineering tools for field devices
- Project IEC 60601-1-am1 ed3.0 (2012-04) Amendment 1 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance
- IEC 60601-2-3 ed3.0 (2012-04) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of short-wave therapy equipment
- IEC 60601-2-6 ed2.0 (2012-04) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of microwave therapy equipment
- Project IEC 60601-2-10 ed2.0 (2012-04) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-10: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of nerve and muscle stimulators
- IEC 61496-1 ed3.0 (2012-04) Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment - Part 1: General requirements and tests
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60335-1 ed13.0 (2012-04) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition) incl. Corrigendum 1:2002 + A1: 2004 + A2:2006 incl. Corrigendum 1:2006
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-36&102 ed2.0 (2012-04) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-36:2002 (Fifth Edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-2-102:2004 (First Edition) +A1:2008 and IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-36 ed4.0 (2012-04) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-36:2002 (Fifth Edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-37 ed8.0 (2012-04) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-37: 2002 (Fifth Edition) ) + A1:2008 + A2:2011 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-38 ed5.0 (2012-04) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-38:2002 (Fifth Edition) + A1:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-39 ed6.0 (2012-04) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-39:2002 (Fifth Edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-54 ed5.0 (2012-04) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-54:2008 (4th Edition) (see also IEC 60335-1:2001 (4th Edition) incl. Corrigendum 1:2002 + A1: 2004 + A2:2006 incl. Corrigendum 1:2006)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-60 ed7.0 (2012-04) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335 2-60:2002 (Third edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-49 ed3.0 (2012-04) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-49: 2011 (Second Edition)
- IEC/TRF 62080 ed1.0 (2012-04) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 62080:2001 (First Edition) + A1:2008
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 2382-36 ed1.0 (2012-04) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Vocabulary -- Part 36: Learning, education and training -
- ISO/IEC 29136 ed1.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- User interfaces -- Accessibility of personal computer hardware
- ISO/IEC 29178 ed1.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- Mobile item identification and management -- Service broker for Mobile AIDC services
- ISO/IEC 19794-9 ed1.0 (2012-04) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Biometric data interchange formats -- Part 9: Vascular image data
- ISO/IEC 29109-5 ed2.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- Conformance testing methodology for biometric data interchange formats defined in ISO/IEC 19794 -- Part 5: Face image data
- ISO/IEC 10373-6-am1 ed1.0 (2012-04) Amendment 1 - Identification cards -- Test methods -- Part 6: Proximity cards - Additional PICC classes
- ISO/IEC 14443-1-am1 ed1.0 (2012-04) Amendment 1 - Identification cards -- Contactless integrated circuit cards -- Proximity cards -- Part 1: Physical characteristics - Additional PICC classes
- ISO/IEC 24789-1 ed1.0 (2012-04) Identification cards -- Card service life -- Part 1: Application profiles and requirements
- ISO/IEC 14496-5-am31 ed1.0 (2012-04) Amendment 31 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 5: Reference software - Reference software for efficient representation of 3D meshes with multiple attributes
- ISO/IEC 14496-10 ed7.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 10: Advanced Video Coding
- ISO/IEC 14496-27-am4 ed1.0 (2012-04) Amendment 4 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 27: 3D Graphics conformance - Conformance for efficient representation of 3D meshes with multiple attributes
- ISO/IEC 14496-28 ed1.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 28: Composite font representation
- ISO/IEC 23000-12-am2 ed1.0 (2012-04) Amendment 2 - Information technology -- Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -- Part 12: Interactive music application format - Compact representation of dynamic volume change and audio equalization
- ISO/IEC 23003-1-am1 ed1.0 (2012-04) Corrigendum 【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Amendment 1 - Information technology -- MPEG audio technologies -- Part 1: MPEG Surround - Conformance testing - Amendment 1 - Information technology -- MPEG audio technologies -- Part 1: MPEG Surround -
- ISO/IEC 19500-1 ed1.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- Object Management Group -- Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) -- Part 1: Interfaces
- ISO/IEC 19500-2 ed2.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- Object Management Group -- Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) -- Part 2: Interoperability
- ISO/IEC 19500-3 ed1.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- Object Management Group -- Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) -- Part 3: Components
- ISO/IEC 19505-1 ed1.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- Object Management Group Unified Modeling Language (OMG UML) -- Part 1: Infrastructure
- ISO/IEC 19505-2 ed1.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- Object Management Group Unified Modeling Language (OMG UML) -- Part 2: Superstructure
- ISO/IEC 19506 ed1.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- Object Management Group Architecture-Driven Modernization (ADM) -- Knowledge Discovery Meta-Model (KDM)
- ISO/IEC 19507 ed1.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- Object Management Group Object Constraint Language (OCL)
- ISO/IEC/TR 12785-3 ed1.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- Learning, education, and training -- Content packaging -- Part 3: Best practice and implementation guide
- ISO/IEC 19788-5 ed1.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- Learning, education and training -- Metadata for learning resources -- Part 5: Educational elements
- ISO/IEC 23009-1 ed1.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) -- Part 1: Media presentation description and segment formats
- ISO/IEC 24800-6 ed1.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- JPSearch -- Part 6: Reference software
- ISO/IEC 30170 ed1.0 (2012-04) Information technology -- Programming languages -- Ruby
【廃版】【代替】情報 (Withdrawn/Replaced publications)
- IEC 61300-3-10 ed2.0 (2006-12) → IEC 61300-3-33 ed2.0 (2012-02)
- IEC 60169-18 ed1.0 (1985-01) → IEC 61169-18 ed1.0 (2011-01)
- IEC 60169-19 ed1.0 (1985-01) → IEC 61169-19 ed1.0 (2011-01)
- IEC 1982-2 ed1.0 (2002-08) → IEC 61982 ed1.0 (2012-04) (partial replacement)
- IEC 61982-1 ed1.0 (2006-09) → IEC 61982 ed1.0 (2012-04) (partial replacement)
- IEC 61982-3 ed1.0 (2001-06) → IEC 61982 ed1.0 (2012-04) (partial replacement)
IEC E-Tech 2012-04版【詳細情報は個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
Flying, driving and navigating safely
- Electrical installations in the maritime environment
- Adoption of xenon and LED lighting
- Modern technology improves vintage car performance
- 50 years ago: First American in orbit
Electric cycles gaining ground worldwide
- Batteries for e-bicycles should last three years on average. While they are still quite expensive, prices are expected to fall sharply in coming years.
- Their main current shortcomings are battery life and the limited range offered between recharging cycles, although major improvements are expected soon.
- About 90% of the 30 million electric bikes made in China in 2011 use lead-acid batteries. The production, recycling and disposal of these batteries presents a serious public health issue, and the government has closed hundreds of lead-acid battery factories after a spate of poisoning cases.
Electrical installations in the maritime environment - a dynamic domain
- Standardization for safe global shipping
- Wheeling along quietly, without interference thanks to CISPR [electrified vehicles]
- Taking developing countries onboard [IECEE]
- IEC, ILAC and IAF cooperation bears fruit [IECEE]
- Building on experience - IECEx international conference in Dubai
- Managing electronic components in avionics systems [IECQ]
- Getting to know Frans Vreeswijk [IEC Deputy General Secretary]
- Putting regional standardization in a global context [CANENA]
- Call for inspiration and creativity
- World Standards Day (14 October) on the theme, "Less waste, better results - Standards increase efficiency".
- Down under - very much on top [one of the 15-Member IEC Council Board]
- Superconductivity - removing resistance
- First Chairman of printed circuitry
- Paul Sandell, former Lord Kelvin Award recipient dies
- Tackling copyright© infringements
Drilling deeper but safely offshore
- IEC standards for search and rescue at sea
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例えば 2012-03-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- IEC 62474 ed1.0 (2012-03) Material declaration for products of and for the electrotechnical industry
- Project CISPR 16-1-4-am1 ed3.0 (2012-03) Amendment 1 - Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-4: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Antennas and test sites for radiated disturbance measurements
- Project CISPR 16-1-5-am1 ed1.0 (2012-03) Amendment 1 - Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-5: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Antenna calibration test sites for 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz
- CISPR 32 ed1.0 (2012-03) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment - Emission requirements
- IEC 61000-4-15 ed2.0 (2012-03) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-15: Testing and measurement techniques - Flickermeter - Functional and design specifications
- IEC 61000-4-25-am1 ed1.0 (2012-03) Amendment 1 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-25: Testing and measurement techniques - HEMP immunity test methods for equipment and systems
- IEC 61800-3 ed2.1 (2012-03) Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods
- IEC 62282-2 ed2.0 (2012-03) Fuel cell technologies - Part 2: Fuel cell modules
- IEC 60432-2-am2 ed2.0 (2012-03) Amendment 2 - Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications - Part 2: Tungsten halogen lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes
- IEC 60335-2-3 ed6.0 (2012-03) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for electric irons
- IEC 60704-2-6 ed3.0 (2012-03) Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for tumble dryers
- IEC 60335-2-17 ed3.0 (2012-03) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-17: Particular requirements for blankets, pads, clothing and similar flexible heating appliances
- IEC 60335-2-67 ed4.0 (2012-03) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-67: Particular requirements for floor treatment machines, for commercial use
- IEC 60335-2-68 ed4.0 (2012-03) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-68: Particular requirements for spray extraction machines, for commercial use
- IEC 60335-2-72 ed3.0 (2012-03) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-72: Particular requirements for floor treatment machines with or without traction drive, for commercial use
- Project IEC 60734 ed4.0 (2012-03) Household electrical appliances - Performance - Water for testing
- Project IEC 60745-2-3-am2 ed2.0 (2012-03) Amendment 2 - Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for grinders, polishers and disk-type sanders
- Project IEC 61010-2-091 ed1.0 (2012-03) Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-091: Particular requirements for cabinet x-ray systems
- IEC 62047-5 ed1.0 (2012-03) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 5: RF MEMS switches
- IEC 62047-9 ed1.0 (2012-03) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 9: Wafer to wafer bonding strength measurement for MEMS
- IEC 60404-11-am2 ed1.0 (2012-03) Amendment 2 - Magnetic materials - Part 11: Method of test for the determination of surface insulation resistance of magnetic sheet and strip
- Project IEC 60358-1 ed1.0 (2012-03) Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividers - Part 1: Common clauses
- Project IEC 60512-99-001 ed1.0 (2012-03) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 99-001: Test schedule for engaging and separating connectors under electrical load - Test 99a: Connectors used in twisted pair communication cabling with remote power
- Project IEC 60917-2-5 ed1.0 (2012-03) Modular order for the development of mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices - Part 2-5: Sectional specification - Interface coordination dimensions for the 25 mm equipment practice - Cabinet interface dimensions for miscellaneous equipment
- Project IEC 62037-2 ed1.0 (2012-03) Passive r.f. and microwave devices, Intermodulation level measurement - Part 2: Measurement of passive intermodulation in coaxial assemblies
- Project IEC 62037-5 ed1.0 (2012-03) Passive r.f. and microwave devices, Intermodulation level measurement - Part 5: Measurement of passive intermodulation in filters
- Project IEC 62037-6 ed1.0 (2012-03) Passive r.f. and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement - Part 6: Measurement of passive intermodulation in antennas
- IEC 60811-100 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 100: General
- IEC 60811-201 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 201: General tests - Measurement of insulation thickness
- IEC 60811-202 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 202: General tests - Measurement of thickness of non-metallic sheath
- IEC 60811-203 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 203: General tests - Measurement of overall dimensions
- IEC 60811-301 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 301: Electrical tests - Measurement of the permittivity at 23 °C of filling compounds
- IEC 60811-302 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 302: Electrical tests - Measurement of the d.c. resistivity at 23℃ and 100℃ of filling compounds
- IEC 60811-401 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 401: Miscellaneous tests - Thermal ageing methods - Ageing in an air oven
- IEC 60811-402 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 402: Miscellaneous tests - Water absorption tests
- IEC 60811-403 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 403: Miscellaneous tests - Ozone resistance test on cross-linked compounds
- IEC 60811-404 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 404: Miscellaneous tests - Mineral oil immersion tests for sheaths
- IEC 60811-405 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 405: Miscellaneous tests - Thermal stability test for PVC insulations and PVC sheaths
- IEC 60811-406 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 406: Miscellaneous tests - Resistance to stress cracking of polyethylene and polypropylene compounds
- IEC 60811-407 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 407: Miscellaneous tests - Measurement of mass increase of polyethylene and polypropylene compounds
- IEC 60811-408 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 408: Miscellaneous tests - Long-term stability test of polyethylene and polypropylene compounds
- IEC 60811-409 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 409: Miscellaneous tests - Loss of mass test for thermoplastic insulations and sheaths
- IEC 60811-410 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 410: Miscellaneous tests - Test method for copper-catalyzed oxidative degradation of polyolefin insulated conductors
- IEC 60811-411 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 411: Miscellaneous tests - Low-temperature brittleness of filling compounds
- IEC 60811-412 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 412: Miscellaneous tests - Thermal ageing methods - Ageing in an air bomb
- IEC 60811-501 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 501: Mechanical tests - Tests for determining the mechanical properties of insulating and sheathing compounds
- IEC 60811-502 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 502: Mechanical tests - Shrinkage test for insulations
- IEC 60811-503 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 503: Mechanical tests - Shrinkage test for sheaths
- IEC 60811-504 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 504: Mechanical tests - Bending tests at low temperature for insulation and sheaths
- IEC 60811-505 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 505: Mechanical tests - Elongation at low temperature for insulations and sheaths
- IEC 60811-506 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 506: Mechanical tests - Impact test at low temperature for insulations and sheaths
- IEC 60811-507 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 507: Mechanical tests - Hot set test for cross-linked materials
- IEC 60811-508 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 508: Mechanical tests - Pressure test at high temperature for insulation and sheaths
- IEC 60811-509 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 509: Mechanical tests - Test for resistance of insulations and sheaths to cracking (heat shock test)
- IEC 60811-510 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 510: Mechanical tests - Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - Wrapping test after thermal ageing in air
- IEC 60811-511 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 511: Mechanical tests - Measurement of the melt flow index of polyethylene compounds
- IEC 60811-512 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 512: Mechanical tests - Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - Tensile strength and elongation at break after conditioning at elevated temperature
- IEC 60811-513 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 513: Mechanical tests - Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - Wrapping test after conditioning
- IEC 60811-601 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 601: Physical tests - Measurement of the drop point of filling compounds
- IEC 60811-602 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 602: Physical tests - Separation of oil in filling compounds
- IEC 60811-603 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 603: Physical tests - Measurement of total acid number of filling compounds
- IEC 60811-604 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 604: Physical tests - Measurement of absence of corrosive components in filling compounds
- IEC 60811-605 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 605: Physical tests - Measurement of carbon black and/or mineral filler in polyethylene compounds
- IEC 60811-606 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 606: Physical tests - Methods for determining the density
- IEC 60811-607 ed1.0 (2012-03) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 607: Physical tests - Test for the assessment of carbon black dispersion in polyethylene and polypropylene
- IEC 61300-3-28 ed2.0 (2012-03) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-28: Examinations and measurements - Transient loss
- Project IEC 61300-3-38 ed1.0 (2012-03) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-38: Examinations and measurements - Group delay, chromatic dispersion and phase ripple
- IEC 61755-3-6 ed1.1 (2012-03) Fibre optic connector optical interfaces - Part 3-6: Optical interface - 2,5 mm and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical 8 degrees angled-PC composite ferrule using Cu-Ni-alloy as fibre surrounding material, single mode fibre
- IEC 62149-7 ed1.0 (2012-03) Fibre optic active components and devices - Performance standards - Part 7: 1 310-nm discrete vertical cavity surface emitting laser devices
- IEC 60601-2-16 ed4.0 (2012-03) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-16: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of haemodialysis, haemodiafiltration and haemofiltration equipment
- Project IEC 60601-2-26 ed3.0 (2012-03) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-26: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of electroencephalographs
- IEC 60601-2-33 ed3.0 (2012-03) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-33: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of magnetic resonance equipment for medical diagnosis
- IEC 80601-2-35 ed2.0 (2012-03) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-35: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of heating devices usign blankets, pads or mattresses and intended for heating in medical use
- Project IEC 60309-1-am2 ed4.0 (2012-03) Amendment 2 - Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 1: General requirements
- IEC 60309-2-am2 ed4.0 (2012-03) Amendment 2 - Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 2: Dimensional interchangeability requirements for pin and contact-tube accessories
- IEC 60309-4-am1 ed1.0 (2012-03) Amendment 1 - Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 4: Switched socket-outlets and connectors with or without interlock
- IEC 60838-2-2-am1 ed1.0 (2012-03) Amendment 1 - Miscellaneous lampholders - Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Connectors for LED-modules
- IEC/TR 61850-7-510 ed1.0 (2012-03) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-510: Basic communication structure - Hydroelectric power plants - Modelling concepts and guidelines
- Project IEC 62439-3 ed2.0 (2012-03) Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks - Part 3: Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) and High-availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR)
- IEC/PAS 62734 ed1.0 (2012-03) Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Wireless systems for industrial automation: process control and related applications
- Project IEC 60900 ed3.0 (2012-03) Live working - Hand tools for use up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c.
- Project IEC 60947-4-1-am1 ed3.0 (2012-03) Amendment 1 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 4-1: Contactors and motor-starters - Electromechanical contactors and motor-starter
- Project IEC 60034-18-34 ed1.0 (2012-03) Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-34: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Test procedures for form-wound windings - Evaluation of thermomechanical endurance of insulation systems
- IEC/TS 60034-27-2 ed1.0 (2012-03) Rotating electrical machines - Part 27-2: On-line partial discharge measurements on the stator winding insulation of rotating electrical machines
- IEC/TR 62730 ed1.0 (2012-03) HV polymeric insulators for indoor and outdoor use tracking and erosion testing by wheel test and 5 000h test
- IEC 61181 ed2.1 (2012-03) Mineral oil-filled electrical equipment - Application of dissolved gas analysis (DGA) to factory tests on electrical equipment
- Project IEC 62271-107 ed2.0 (2012-03) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 107: Alternating current fused circuit-switchers for rated voltages above 1 kV up to and including 52 kV
- Project IEC 62729 ed1.0 (2012-03) Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Shipborne equipment for long-range identification and tracking (LRIT) - Performance requirements
- IEC 61892-2 ed2.0 (2012-03) Mobile and fixed offshore units - Electrical installations - Part 2: System design
- IEC 61892-3 ed3.0 (2012-03) Mobile and fixed offshore units - Electrical installations - Part 3: Equipment
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60227-5 ed3.0 (2012-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60227-5 (Third Edition): 2011 in conjunction with IEC 60227-1 (Third Edition): 2007 and IEC 60227-2 (Second Edition):1997 and A1: 2003
- IEC/TRF 60245-4 ed3.0 (2012-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60245-4 (Third Edition) :2011 in conjunction with IEC 60245-1 (Fourth Edition) :2003 and A1:2007 and IEC 60245-2 (Second Edition) :1994 and A1:1997; A2:1997
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-7&11 ed3.0 (2012-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335 2 7:2008 (Seventh edition) in conj. With IEC 60335 2 11:2008 (Seventh edition) and IEC 60335 1:2010 (Fifth edition) and IEC 62233:2005 (First edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-5 ed5.0 (2012-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-5:2002 (Fifth edition) + A1:2005+ A2:2008 IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition) IEC 62233:2005 (First Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-14 ed8.0 (2012-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC IEC 60335-2-14:2006 (Fifth Edition) + A1:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-15 ed8.0 (2012-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-15:2002 (Fifth edition) + A1:2005 + A2:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-42 ed5.0 (2012-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-42:2002 (Fifth edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth edition) and IEC 62233:2005 (First edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-53 ed2.0 (2012-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335 2 53:2011 (Fourth edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335 1:2010 (Fifth edition), and IEC 62233:2005 (First edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-22 ed3.0 (2012-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-22: 2007 (Third Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1: 2005 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-27 ed2.0 (2012-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-27: 2011 (Third Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1:2005 + CORR. 1 (2006) + CORR. 2 (2007)
- IEC/TRF 60745-2-8 ed3.0 (2012-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60745-2-8: 2003 (Second Edition) + A1:2008 used in conjunction with IEC 60745-1:2006 (Fourth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 61000-6-2 ed1.0 (2012-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61000-6-2:2005 (Second Edition)
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 13818-1-am5 ed1.0 (2012-03) Amendment 5 - Information technology -- Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems - Transport of JPEG 2000 Part 1 (ITU-T Rec T.800 ISO/IEC 15444-1) video over ITU-T Rec H.222.0 ISO/IEC 13818-1
- ISO/IEC 13818-4 ed1.0 (2012-03) Corrigendum 3【.ZIPed PDF: 10MB 正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information -- Part 4: Conformance testing -
- ISO/IEC 14443-2-am3 ed1.0 (2012-03) Amendment 3 - Identification cards -- Contactless integrated circuit cards -- Proximity cards -- Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface - Bits rates of fc/8, fc/4 and fc/2
- ISO/IEC 14443-4-am1 ed1.0 (2012-03) Amendment 1 - Identification cards -- Contactless integrated circuit cards -- Proximity cards -- Part 4: Transmission protocol - Exchange of additional parameters
- ISO/IEC 14543-3-10 ed1.0 (2012-03) Information technology - Home electronic system (HES) architecture - Part 3-10: Wireless short-packet (WSP) protocol optimised for energy harvesting - Architecture and lower layer protocols
- ISO/IEC/TS 17022 ed1.0 (2012-03) Conformity assessment -- Requirements and recommendations for content of a third-party audit report on management systems
- ISO/IEC 21000-2-am1 ed1.0 (2012-03) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) -- Part 2: Digital Item Declaration - Presentation of digital item
- ISO/IEC 21000-4 ed1.0 (2012-03) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) -- Part 4: Intellectual Property Management and Protection Components -
- ISO/IEC 23000-9-am1 ed1.0 (2012-03) Corrigendum 2【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可?】 - Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -- Part 9: Digital Multimedia Broadcasting application format - Conformance and reference software - Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -- Part 9: Digital Multimedia Broadcasting application format -
- ISO/IEC 23003-3 ed1.0 (2012-03) Information technology -- MPEG audio technologies -- Part 3: Unified speech and audio coding
- ISO/IEC 26300-am1 ed1.0 (2012-03) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.0 - Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.1
- ISO/IEC 27010 ed1.0 (2012-03) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Information security management for inter-sector and inter-organizational communications
- ISO/IEC/TR 29149 ed1.0 (2012-03) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Best practices for the provision and use of time-stamping services
- ISO/IEC 29167-1 ed1.0 (2012-03) Information technology -- Automatic identification and data capture techniques -- Part 1: Air interface for security services and file management for RFID architecture
- ISO/IEC 29175 ed1.0 (2012-03) Information technology -- Mobile item identification and management -- User data for Mobile AIDC services
- ISO/IEC 29199-2 ed3.0 (2012-03) Information technology -- JPEG XR image coding system -- Part 2: Image coding specification
- ISO/IEC 29199-5 ed2.0 (2012-03) Information technology -- JPEG XR image coding system -- Part 5: Reference software
- ISO/IEC 9798-2 ed1.0 (2012-03) Corrigendum 2【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Security techniques -- Entity authentication -- Part 2: Mechanisms using symmetric encipherment algorithms -
- ISO/IEC 9798-3 ed1.0 (2012-03) Corrigendum 2【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Information technology -- Security techniques -- Entity authentication -- Part 3: Mechanisms using digital signature techniques -
【廃版】【代替】情報 (Withdrawn/Replaced publications)
- IEC 61850-9-1 ed1.0 (2003-05) → IEC 61850-9-2 ed2.0 (2011-09)
IEC E-Tech 2012-03版【詳細情報は個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Sensors everywhere and in everything
- Helping to deal with hazards effectively [Environmental sensors : Fire, Smoke, CO2, Industrial etc. ]
- MEMS now big in consumer electronics [microelectromechanical systems : article by IDG News Service]
- Humanizing the automobile safely with sensors
- Cutting risks in human-robot interaction
- Electrosmog - measuring and setting EMC limits, the work of CISPR
- Creating the big picture [IEC TC 65(Industrial-process measurement, control and automation) set up an ad-hoc group with ISO TC 184(Automation systems and integration)]
- Shocking electronics - Standards define test (electrical) impulses, mostly
- Raising awareness [UNIDO(United Nations Industrial Development Organization) regional workshop in Bangladesh]
- From singing to sensing [sensors : gas detection]
- And the winner is... [HazardEx Lifetime Contribution to the Industry Award]
- Extremely reliable and incredibly safe [IECQ tests and certifies sensors]
- Standards for a Green Society [JISC (Japanese Industrial Standards Committee)]
- The A to Z of drafting IEC publications [New IEC website section provides comprehensive guide for standards developers]
- Better communication [third joint ISO IEC Marketing and Communication Forum]
- IEC welcomes 82nd member [Republic of Moldova]
- Cool new standard for insulating oils
- First publication for marine energy conversion systems
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP【新URL】 に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
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・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
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毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分(一部追補除外・並び替えた物)などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2012-02-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- roject IEC 62648 ed1.0 (2012-02) Graphical symbols for use on equipment - Guidelines for the inclusion of graphical symbols in IEC publications (Proposed horizontal standard)
- Project IEC 60050-351 ed4.0 (2012-02) International electrotechnical vocabulary - Part 351: Control technology
- IEC 62023 ed2.0 (2012-02) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Structuring of technical information and documentation
- Project IEC 82079-1 ed1.0 (2012-02) Preparation of instructions for use - Structuring, content and presentation - Part 1: General principles and detailed requirements (Proposed horizontal standard)
- Project IEC 62153-4-14 ed1.0 (2012-02) Metallic communication cable test methods - Part 4-14: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Coupling attenuation of cable assemblies (field conditions) absorbing clamp method
- IEC 60695-2-13 ed2.0 (2012-02) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Fire hazard testing - Part 2-13: Glowing/hot-wire based test methods - Glow-wire ignition temperature (GWIT) test method for materials
- IEC 60118-15 ed1.0 (2012-02) Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 15: Methods for characterising signal processing in hearing aids with a speech-like signal
- IEC 60645-1 ed3.0 (2012-02) Electroacoustics - Audiometric equipment - Part 1: Equipment for pure-tone audiometry
- Project IEC 60335-2-34 ed5.0 (2012-02) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-34: Particular requirements for motor-compressors
- IEC 60335-2-69 ed4.0 (2012-02) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-69: Particular requirements for wet and dry vacuum cleaners, including power brush, for commercial use
- IEC 60335-2-79 ed3.0 (2012-02) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-79: Particular requirements for high pressure cleaners and steam cleaners
- IEC 60335-2-107 ed1.0 (2012-02) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-107: Particular requirements for robotic battery powered electrical lawnmowers
- IEC 60350-1 ed1.0 (2012-02) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Household electric cooking appliances - Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills - Methods for measuring performance
- IEC 60436-am2 ed3.0 (2012-02) Amendment 2 - Electric dishwashers for household use - Methods for measuring the performance
- IEC 61121 ed4.0 (2012-02) Tumble dryers for household use - Methods for measuring the performance
- Project IEC 60601-2-6 ed2.0 (2012-02) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of microwave therapy equipment
- IEC 60601-2-19 ed2.0 (2012-02) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-19: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infant incubators
- IEC 60601-2-20 ed2.0 (2012-02) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-20: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infant transport incubators
- IEC 60601-2-47 ed2.0 (2012-02) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-47: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of ambulatory electrocardiographic systems
- IEC 80601-2-60 ed1.0 (2012-02) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-60: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of dental equipment
- Project IEC 62396-1 ed1.0 (2012-02) Process management for avionics - Atmospheric radiation effects - Part 1: Accommodation of atmospheric radiation effects via single event effects within avionics electronic equipment
- IEC 62034 ed2.0 (2012-02) Automatic test systems for battery powered emergency escape lighting
- IEC 62639 ed1.0 (2012-02) Fluorescent induction lamps - Performance specification
- IEC/TR 62750 ed1.0 (2012-02) Unified fluorescent lamp dimming standard calculations
- IEC 62282-3-100 ed1.0 (2012-02) Fuel cell technologies - Part 3-100: Stationary fuel cell power systems - Safety
- IEC 61056-1 ed3.0 (2012-02) General purpose lead-acid batteries (valve-regulated types) - Part 1: General requirements, functional characteristics - Methods of test
- IEC 61056-2 ed3.0 (2012-02) General purpose lead-acid batteries (valve-regulated types) - Part 2: Dimensions, terminals and marking
- Project IEC 61982 ed1.0 (2012-02) Secondary batteries (except lithium) for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Performance and endurance tests
- Project IEC 61535-am1 ed1.0 (2012-02) Amendment 1 - Installation couplers intended for permanent connection in fixed installations
- IEC 62561-1 ed1.0 (2012-02) Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 1: Requirements for connection components
- IEC 62561-2 ed1.0 (2012-02) Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 2: Requirements for conductors and earth electrodes
- IEC 62561-3 ed1.0 (2012-02) Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 3: Requirements for isolating spark gaps (ISG)
- IEC 62047-10 ed1.0 (2012-02) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 10: Micro-pillar compression test for MEMS materials
- IEC 62047-13 ed1.0 (2012-02) Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 13: Bend - and shear - type test methods of measuring adhesive strength for MEMS structures
- IEC 62047-14 ed1.0 (2012-02) Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 14: Forming limit measuring method of metallic film materials
- IEC 60669-1 ed3.0 (2012-02) Interpretation sheet 1 - Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements
- IEC 60669-2-1 ed4.0 (2012-02) Interpretation sheet 2 - Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 2-1: Particular requirements - Electronic switches
- IEC 60352-5 ed4.0 (2012-02) Solderless connections - Part 5: Press-in connections - General requirements, test methods and practical guidance
- IEC 60512-1-100 ed3.0 (2012-02) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 1-100: General - Applicable publications
- Project IEC 60794-2-11 ed2.0 (2012-02) Optical fibre cables - Part 2-11: Indoor optical fibre cables - Detailed specification for simplex and duplex cables for use in premises cabling
- Project IEC 60794-2-21 ed2.0 (2012-02) Optical fibre cables - Part 2-21: Indoor optical fibre cables - Detailed specification for multi-fibre optical distribution cables for use in premises cabling
- IEC 61300-3-33 ed2.0 (2012-02) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-33: Examinations and measurements - Withdrawal force from a resilient alignment sleeve using gauge pins
- IEC 61753-087-6 ed1.0 (2012-02) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 087-6: Non-connectorised single-mode bidirectional 1 310 nm upstream and 1 490 nm downstream WWDM devices for category O - Uncontrolled environment
- Project IEC 61754-20-100 ed1.0 (2012-02) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 20-100: Interface standard for LC connectors with protective housings related to IEC 61076-3-106
- Project IEC 61754-28 ed1.0 (2012-02) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 28: Type LF3 connector family
- IEC 61755-3-6-am1 ed1.0 (2012-02) Amendment 1 - Fibre optic connector optical interfaces - Part 3-6: Optical interface - 2,5 mm and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical 8 degrees angled-PC composite ferrule using Cu-Ni-alloy as fibre surrounding material, single mode fibre
- Project IEC 61757-1 ed2.0 (2012-02) Fibre optic sensors - Part 1: Generic specification
- IEC 61196-8 ed1.0 (2012-02) Coaxial communication cables - Part 8: Sectional specification for semi-flexible cables with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) dielectric
- IEC 61196-8-1 ed1.0 (2012-02) Coaxial communication cables - Part 8-1: Blank detail specification for semi-flexible cables with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) dielectric
- Project IEC 62037-1 ed1.0 (2012-02) Passive r.f. and microwave devices, Intermodulation level measurement - Part 1: General requirements and measuring methods
- IEC/TR 60344 ed3.0 (2012-02) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Calculation of d.c. resistance of plain and coated copper conductors of low-frequency cables and wires - Application guide
- IEC 60364-7-709-am1 ed2.0 (2012-02) Amendment 1 - Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-709: Requirements for special installations or locations - Marinas and similar locations
- Project IEC 60371-56 ed1.0 (2012-02) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 56: Solderable fully insulated (FIW) zero-defect polyurethane enamelled round copper wire with nominal conductor diameter 0,040 mm to 1,600 mm, class 180
- Project IEC 60851-6 ed3.0 (2012-02) Winding wires - Test methods - Part 6: Thermal properties
- IEC 60296 ed4.0 (2012-02) Fluids for electrotechnical applications - Unused mineral insulating oils for transformers and switchgear
- IEC 61181-am1 ed2.0 (2012-02) Amendment 1 - Mineral oil-filled electrical equipment - Application of dissolved gas analysis (DGA) to factory tests on electrical equipment
- IEC 60947-3-am1 ed3.0 (2012-02) Amendment 1 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 3: Switches, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination units
- IEC 61439-3 ed1.0 (2012-02) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 3: Distribution boards intended to be operated by ordinary persons (DBO)
- Project IEC 61439-6 ed1.0 (2012-02) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 6: Busbar trunking systems (busways)
- Project IEC 60974-1 ed4.0 (2012-02) Arc welding equipment - Part 1: Welding power sources
- IEC 62337 ed2.0 (2012-02) Commissioning of electrical, instrumentation and control systems in the process industry - Specific phases and milestones
- IEC 62381 ed2.0 (2012-02) Automation systems in the process industry - Factory acceptance test (FAT), site acceptance test (SAT), and site integration test (SIT)
- Project IEC 62439-1-am1 ed1.0 (2012-02) Amendment 1 - Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks - Part 1: General concepts and calculation methods
- IEC 62439-4-am1 ed1.0 (2012-02) Amendment 1 - Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks - Part 4: Cross-network Redundancy Protocol (CRP)
- Project IEC 61375-1 ed3.0 (2012-02) Electronic railway equipment - Train communication network (TCN) - Part 1: General architecture
- Project IEC 61375-2-1 ed1.0 (2012-02) Electronic railway equipment - Train communication network (TCN) - Part 2-1: Wire Train Bus (WTB)
- Project IEC 61375-2-2 ed1.0 (2012-02) Electronic railway equipment - Train communication network (TCN) - Part 2-2: Wire Train Bus conformance testing
- Project IEC 61375-3-1 ed1.0 (2012-02) Electronic railway equipment - Train Communication Network (TCN) - Part 3-1: Multifunction Vehicle Bus (MVB)
- Project IEC 61375-3-2 ed1.0 (2012-02) Electronic railway equipment - Train Communication Network (TCN) - Part 3-2: MVB (Multifunction Vehicle Bus) conformance testing
- Project IEC 61375-3-3 ed1.0 (2012-02) Electronic railway equipment - Train Communication Network (TCN) - Part 3-3: CANopen Consist Network (CCN)
- Project IEC 61097-4 ed3.0 (2012-02) Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) - Part 4: Inmarsat-C ship earth station and Inmarsat enhanced group call (EGC) equipment - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
- Project IEC 61097-15 ed1.0 (2012-02) Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) - Part 15: Inmarsat FB500 ship earth station - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60252-1 ed2.0 (2012-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60252-1:2010 (Second Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-30 ed6.0 (2012-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-30 (Fifth edition) :2009 used in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60598-2-2 ed2.0 (2012-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60598-2-2 (Third Edition): 2011 used in conjunction with IEC 60598-1 (Seventh Edition): 2008
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-45 ed3.0 (2012-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-45: 2011 (Third Edition) for use with IEC 60601-1: 2005 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60670-1 ed2.0 (2012-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60670-1 (First Edition): 2002 + A1:2011
- IEC/TRF 61347-2-3 ed2.0 (2012-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61347-2-3 (Second Edition): 2011 used in conjunction with IEC 61347-1 (Second Edition): 2007 + A1:2010
- IEC/TRF 62109-2 ed1.0 (2012-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 62109-2:2011 (First Edition)
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451-7 ed1.0 (2012-02) Information technology -- Smart transducer interface for sensors and actuators -- Part 7: Transducer to radio frequency identification (RFID) systems communication protocols and Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS) formats
- ISO/IEC 13818-1-am6 ed1.0 (2012-02) Amendment 6 - Information technology -- Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems - Extension to AVC video descriptor and signalling of operation points for MVC
- ISO/IEC 14543-5-3 ed1.0 (2012-02) Information technology - Home electronic system (HES) architecture - Part 5-3: Intelligent grouping and resource sharing for HES Class 2 and Class 3 - Basic application
- ISO/IEC 14543-5-5 ed1.0 (2012-02) Information technology - Home electronic system (HES) architecture - Part 5-5: Intelligent grouping and resource sharing for HES Class 2 and Class 3 - Device type
- ISO/IEC 14543-5-6 ed1.0 (2012-02) Information technology - Home electronic system (HES) architecture - Part 5-6: Intelligent grouping and resource sharing for HES Class 2 and Class 3 - Service type
- ISO/IEC 14543-5-21 ed1.0 (2012-02) Information technology - Home electronic system (HES) architecture - Part 5-21: Intelligent grouping and resource sharing for HES Class 2 and Class 3 - Application profile - AV profile
- ISO/IEC 14763-2 ed1.0 (2012-02) Information technology - Implementation and operation of customer premises cabling - Part 2: Planning and installation
- ISO/IEC 14908-2 ed1.0 (2012-02) Information technology -- Control network protocol -- Part 2: Twisted pair communication
- ISO/IEC 14908-3 ed1.0 (2012-02) Information technology -- Control network protocol -- Part 3: Power line channel specification
- ISO/IEC 14908-4 ed1.0 (2012-02) Information technology -- Control network protocol -- Part 4: IP communication
- ISO/IEC 20000-2 ed2.0 (2012-02) Information technology -- Service management -- Part 2: Guidance on the application of service management systems
- ISO/IEC 23271 ed3.0 (2012-02) Information technology -- Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)
- ISO/IEC 28360 ed2.0 (2012-02) Information technology -- Office equipment -- Determination of chemical emission rates from electronic equipment
【廃版】【代替】情報 (Withdrawn/Replaced publications)
- IEC 61751 ed1.0 (1998-02) → IEC 62572-3 ed1.0 (2011-11) (partial replacement)
- IEC 61751 ed1.0 (1998-02) → IEC 62572-2 ed1.0 (2008-09) (partial replacement)
- IEC 60439-3 am1 ed1.0 (1993-10) → IEC 61439-3 ed1.0 (2012-02)
- IEC 60439-3 am2 ed1.0 (2001-02) → IEC 61439-3 ed1.0 (2012-02)
- IEC 60439-3 ed1.0 (1990-12) → IEC 61439-3 ed1.0 (2012-02)
- IEC 60439-3 ed1.2 (2001-05) → IEC 61439-3 ed1.0 (2012-02)
- IEC 60645-4 ed1.0 (1994-10) → IEC 60645-1 ed3.0 (2012-02)
- IEC 62282-3-1 ed1.0 (2007-04) → IEC 62282-3-100 ed1.0 (2012-02)
- ISO/IEC 14763-1 am1 ed1.0 (2004-05) → ISO/IEC 14763-2 ed1.0 (2012-02)
- ISO/IEC 14763-1 ed1.0 (1999-10) → ISO/IEC 14763-2 ed1.0 (2012-02)
- ISO/IEC 14763-2 ed1.0 (2000-07) → ISO/IEC 14763-2 ed1.0 (2012-02)
- ISO/IEC 18010 am1 ed1.0 (2005-12) → ISO/IEC 14763-2 ed1.0 (2012-02)
- ISO/IEC 18010 ed1.0 (2002-03) → ISO/IEC 14763-2 ed1.0 (2012-02)
IEC E-Tech 2012-01/02版【詳細情報は個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Computing power everywhere [computing, entertainment and home appliances]
- IEC TC 49(フィルタ類用Piezoelectric, dielectric and electrostatic devices) outreach in South East Asia
- Active participation in IEC work [IEC Global Visions]
- Electrical energy efficiency tested and certified [Neww IECEE service]
- Dubai to host IECEx(防爆) conference on safety in Ex field
- LEDs for Ex [IECEx(防爆)]
- Electronic components get smarter too [IECQ(品質)]
- Geoff Alstead, former IEC TC 56(Dependability) Chairman dies
- Nominations of Officers of IEC Committees [SMB SG 1, SMB DMT, PC 118, TC 37 and TC 66.]
- Connecting the Smart Grid [IEC Young Professionals' workshop]
- Communicating the value of standards [Young Professionals' Programme Leaders]
- YP builds up the tidal strait [Young Professional Programme Leaders]
- Challenges for the IEC in Asia-Pacific [Interview with Robert Chua]
- Energy efficiency - Making standards easier to identify [new President of the Singapore NC]
- The networked home [Joint work by the IEC(電気) and its sister organizations ISO(非電気) and ITU(通信)]
- Ever thinner [CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas]
- Wired for the future [HDMI]
- Clean renewable world energy [TC 4: Hydraulic Turbines]
- The future is bright, the future is flat [TC 110: Electronic display devices]
- TC work sustains media expansion and convergence [TC 100: Audio, video and multimedia]
- Enabling the smart home and office [UPnP KNX (ISO/IEC 14543-3) or Echonet (ISO/IEC 14543-4) etc.]
- From text to speech for pleasure [digital audiobook]
- Organic LEDs on the move
- IEC Webstore competition winners announced
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP【新URL】 に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
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毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分(一部追補除外・並び替えた物)などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2012-01-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- CISPR 32 ed1.0 (2012-01) Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment - Emission requirements
- Project IEC 61000-4-4 ed3.0 (2012-01) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-4:Testing and measurement techniques - Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test
- Project IEC 61124 ed3.0 (2012-01) Reliability testing - Compliance tests for constant failure rate and constant failure intensity
- IEC 61340-4-4 ed2.0 (2012-01) Electrostatics - Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC)
- IEC 60079-11 ed6.0 (2012-01) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i"
- Project IEC 60695-4 ed4.0 (2012-01) Fire hazard testing - Part 4: Terminology concerning fire tests for electrotechnical products
- IEC 60068-2-21 ed6.0 (2012-01) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Environmental testing - Part 2-21: Tests - Test U: Robustness of terminations and integral mounting devices
- IEC/TR 62732 ed1.0 (2012-01) Three-digit code for designation of colour rendering and correlated colour temperature
- IEC 61747-6-2 ed1.0 (2012-01) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Liquid crystal display devices - Part 6-2: Measuring methods for liquid crystal display modules - Reflective type
- IEC 61988-2-1 ed2.0 (2012-01) Plasma display panels - Part 2-1: Measuring methods - Optical and optoelectrical
- IEC 62341-6-2 ed1.0 (2012-01) Organic light emitting diode (OLED) displays - Part 6-2: Measuring methods of visual quality and ambient performance
- IEC 62560 ed1.0 (2012-01) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 V - Safety specifications
- Project IEC 60512-16-21 ed1.0 (2012-01) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-21: Mechanical tests on contacts and terminations - Test 16u: Whisker test via the application of external mechanical stresses
- Project IEC 61076-3-110 ed2.0 (2012-01) Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3-110: Detail specification for shielded, free and fixed connectors for data transmission with frequencies up to 1000 MHz
- IEC/TR 62721 ed1.0 (2012-01) Reliability of devices used in fibre optic systems - General and guidance
- IEC 60794-1-1 ed3.0 (2012-01) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Optical fibre cables - Part 1-1: Generic specification - General
- IEC 61291-2 ed3.0 (2012-01) Optical amplifiers - Part 2: Digital applications - Performance specification template
- Project IEC 61754-29 ed1.0 (2012-01) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 29: Type BLINK connector series
- IEC 60669-2-6 ed1.0 (2012-01) Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 2-6: Particular requirements - Fireman's switches for exterior and interior signs and luminaires
- Project IEC 61008-1-am1 ed3.0 (2012-01) Amendment 1 - Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCBs) - Part 1: General rules
- Project IEC 61009-1-am1 ed3.0 (2012-01) Amendment 1 - Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBOs) - Part 1: General rules
- IEC 60335-2-51 ed3.2 (2012-01) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-51: Particular requirements for stationary circulation pumps for heating and service water installations
- Project IEC 60335-2-67 ed4.0 (2012-01) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-67: Particular requirements for floor treatment machines for commercial use
- Project IEC 60335-2-24-am1 ed7.0 (2012-01) Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-24: Particular requirements for refrigerating appliances, ice-cream appliances and ice-makers
- Project IEC 60335-2-39 ed6.0 (2012-01) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-39: Particular requirements for commercial electric multi-purpose cooking pans
- IEC 60335-2-44 ed3.2 (2012-01) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-44: Particular requirements for ironers
- IEC 60335-2-66 ed2.2 (2012-01) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-66: Particular requirements for water-bed heaters
- Project IEC 60335-2-68 ed4.0 (2012-01) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-68: Particular requirements for spray extraction machines for commercial use
- Project IEC 60335-2-72 ed3.0 (2012-01) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-72: Particular requirements for floor treatment machines with or without traction drive for commercial use
- IEC 60335-2-81 ed2.2 (2012-01) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-81: Particular requirements for foot warmers and heating mats
- IEC 60335-2-23-am2 ed5.0 (2012-01) Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-23: Particular requirements for appliances for skin or hair care
- ISO/IEC GUIDE 63 ed2.0 (2012-01) Guide to the development and inclusion of safety aspects in International Standards for medical devices
- Project IEC 60601-2-3 ed3.0 (2012-01) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of short-wave therapy equipment
- Project IEC 61010-2-033 ed1.0 (2012-01) Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-033: Particular requirements for hand-held multimeters and other hand-held meters, for domestic and professional use, capable of measuring mains voltage
- IEC 61097-6 ed2.1 (2012-01) Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) - Part 6: Narrowband direct-printing telegraph equipment for the reception of navigational and meteorological warnings and urgent information to ships (NAVTEX)
- IEC 61378-1 ed2.0 (2012-01) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Converter transformers - Part 1: Transformers for industrial applications
- IEC 62271-102-am1 ed1.0 (2012-01) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Amendment 1 - High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 102: Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches
- Project IEC 62271-207 ed2.0 (2012-01) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 207: Seismic qualification for gas-insulated switchgear assemblies for rated voltages above 52 kV
- Project IEC 60317-0-7 ed1.0 (2012-01) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 0-7: General requirements - Fully insulated (FIW) zero-defect enamelled round copper wire with nominal conductor diameter of 0,040 mm to 1,600 mm
- IEC 60297-3-107 ed1.0 (2012-01) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series - Part 3-107: Dimensions of subracks and plug-in units, small form factor
- IEC 62566 ed1.0 (2012-01) Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Development of HDL-programmed integrated circuits for systems performing category A functions
IECEE publications
- IEC/TRF 60269-6 ed1.0 (2012-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60269-6: 2010 (First Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60269 1:2006 (Fourth edition) +A1:2009
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-80&89 ed1.0 (2012-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-80:2002 (Second edition) + A1:2004 +A2:2008 and IEC 60335 2 98:2002 (Second edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2008 for use in conjunction with IEC 60335 1:2001 (Fourth Edition) (incl. Corr.1:2002) + A1:2004 (incl. Corr.1:2005) + A2:2006 (incl. Corr.1:2006)
- IEC/TRF 61386-24 ed1.0 (2012-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61386-24:2004 (First Edition) used in conjunction with IEC 61386-1:2008 (Second Edition)
- IEC/TRF 62109-1 ed1.0 (2012-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 62109-1:2010 (First Edition)
- IEC/TRF 80601-2-58 ed2.0 (2012-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 80601-2-58 (First Edition): 2008 for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1: 2005
- IEC/TRF cispr15 ed3.0 (2012-01) This Test Report Form applies to CISPR 15:2005 (Seventh Edition)+ A1:2006 + A2:2008 in conj. with IEC 61547: 2009 (Second Edition); IEC 61000-3-2:2005 (Third Edition) + A1:2008 + A2:2009 and IEC 61000-3-3:2008 (Second Edition)
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 15504-5 ed2.0 (2012-01) Information technology -- Process assessment -- Part 5: An exemplar software life cycle process assessment model
- ISO/IEC 18047-2 ed1.0 (2012-01) Information technology -- Radio frequency identification device conformance test methods -- Part 2: Test methods for air interface communications below 135 kHz
- ISO/IEC 19795-6 ed1.0 (2012-01) Information technology -- Biometric performance testing and reporting -- Part 6: Testing methodologies for operational evaluation
- ISO/IEC 23001-7 ed1.0 (2012-01) Information technology -- MPEG systems technologies -- Part 7: Common encryption in ISO base media file format files
- ISO/IEC 23007-1-am1 ed1.0 (2012-01) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Rich media user interfaces -- Part 1: Widgets - Widget extensions
- ISO/IEC 29179 ed1.0 (2012-01) Information technology -- Mobile item identification and management -- Mobile AIDC application programming interface
- ISO/IEC 29192-2 ed1.0 (2012-01) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Lightweight cryptography -- Part 2: Block ciphers
- ISO/IEC 7810-am2 ed1.0 (2012-01) Amendment 2 - Identification cards -- Physical characteristics - Opacity
【廃版】【代替】情報 (Withdrawn/Replaced publications)
- IEC 60317-16 ed2.0 (1990-10) → Withdrawn
- IEC 60317-16 am1 ed2.0 (1997-12) → Withdrawn
- IEC 60317-16 am2 ed2.0 (2009-10) → Withdrawn
- IEC 61753-061-3 ed1.0 (2004-05) → Withdrawn
- IEC 61753-091-3 ed1.0 (2004-05) → Withdrawn
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP【新URL】 に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると 当日〜指定期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
・また、最下部の「Subscribe to IEC Just Published」から メルアド登録 すると
毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分(一部追補除外・並び替えた物)などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2011-12-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- IEC 62282-6-100 ed1.0 (2011-12) Corrigendum 1【無償ダウンロード可能】 - Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-100: Micro fuel cell power systems - Safety
- IEC 60598-1 ed7.0 (2011-12) Corrigendum 2【無償ダウンロード可能】 - Luminaires - Part 1: General requirements and tests
- IEC 60598-2-12 ed1.0 (2011-12) Corrigendum 1【無償ダウンロード可能】 - Luminaires - Part 2-12: Particular requirements - Mains socket-outlet mounted nightlights
- IEC 62423 ed2.0 (2011-12) Corrigendum 1【無償ダウンロード可能】 - Type F and type B residual current operated circuit-breakers with and without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses
- IEC/PAS 62722-2-1 ed1.0 (2011-12) Corrigendum 1【無償ダウンロード可能】 - Luminaire performance - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for LED luminaires
- Project IEC 61000-4-25-am1 ed1.0 (2011-12) Amendment 1 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-25: Testing and measurement techniques - HEMP immunity test methods for equipment and systems
- IEC 60493-1 ed2.0 (2011-12) Guide for the statistical analysis of ageing test data - Part 1: Methods based on mean values of normally distributed test results
- Project IEC 62474 ed1.0 (2011-12) Material declaration for products of and for the electrotechnical industry
- IEC 61701 ed2.0 (2011-12) Salt mist corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV) modules
- Project IEC 62282-2 ed2.0 (2011-12) Fuel cell technologies - Part 2: Fuel cell modules
- Project IEC 62282-3-300 ed1.0 (2011-12) Fuel cell technologies - Part 3-300: Stationary fuel cell powersystems - Installation
- IEC/TS 62600-1 ed1.0 (2011-12) Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 1: Terminology
- IEC 60335-2-7-am1 ed7.0 (2011-12) Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for washing machines
- Project IEC 60335-2-17 ed3.0 (2011-12) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-17: Particular requirements for blankets, pads, clothing and similar flexible heating appliances
- Project IEC 60335-2-79 ed3.0 (2011-12) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-79: Particular requirements for high pressure cleaners and steam cleaner
- IEC 60350-1 ed1.0 (2011-12) Household electric cooking appliances - Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills - Methods for measuring performance
- IEC 60350-2 ed1.0 (2011-12) Household electric cooking appliances - Part 2: Hobs - Methods for measuring performance
- IEC 60669-2-1 ed4.0 (2011-12) Interpretation sheet 1 - Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 2-1: Particular requirements - Electronic switches
- IEC 60364-5-55 ed2.0 (2011-12) Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-55: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Other equipment
- IEC 60364-7-714 ed2.0 (2011-12) Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-714: Requirements for special installations or locations - External lighting installations
- IEC 62595-1-2 ed1.0 (2011-12) LCD backlight unit - Part 1-2: Terminology and letter symbols
- IEC 60598-2-13-am1 ed1.0 (2011-12) Amendment 1 - Luminaires - Part 2-13: Particular requirements - Ground recessed luminaires
- IEC 60598-2-18-am1 ed2.0 (2011-12) Amendment 1 - Luminaires - Part 2-18: Particular requirements - Luminaires for swimming pools and similar applications
- IEC 60079-35-2 ed1.0 (2011-12) Explosive atmospheres - Part 35-2: Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp - Performance and other safety-related matters
- IEC 60432-1-am2 ed2.0 (2011-12) Amendment 2 - Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications - Part 1: Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes
- Project IEC 60432-2-am2 ed2.0 (2011-12) Amendment 2 - Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications - Part 2: Tungsten-halogen lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes
- IEC 60364-7-715 ed2.0 (2011-12) Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-715: Requirements for special installations or locations - Extra-low-voltage lighting installations
- IEC 61347-2-2 ed2.0 (2011-12) Lamp controlgear - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic step-down convertors for filament lamps
- IEC 61347-2-7 ed3.0 (2011-12) Lamp controlgear - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for battery supplied electronic controlgear for emergency lighting (self-contained)
- Project IEC 60811-100 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 100: General
- Project IEC 60811-201 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 201: General tests - Measurement of insulation thickness
- Project IEC 60811-202 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 202: General tests - Measurement of thickness of non-metallic sheath
- Project IEC 60811-203 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 203: General tests - Measurement of overall dimensions
- Project IEC 60811-301 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 301: Electrical tests - Measurement of the permittivity at 23 °C of filling compounds
- Project IEC 60811-302 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 302: Electrical tests - Measurement of the d.c. resistivity at 23 °C and 100 °C of filling compounds
- Project IEC 60811-401 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 401: Miscellaneous tests - Thermal ageing methods - Ageing in an air oven
- Project IEC 60811-402 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 402: Miscellaneous tests - Water absorption tests
- Project IEC 60811-403 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 403: Miscellaneous tests - Ozone resistance test on cross-linked compounds
- Project IEC 60811-404 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 404: Miscellaneous tests - Mineral oil immersion tests for sheaths
- Project IEC 60811-405 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 405: Miscellaneous tests - Thermal stability test for PVC insulations and PVC sheaths
- Project IEC 60811-406 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 406: Miscellaneous tests - Resistance to stress cracking of polyethylene and polypropylene compounds
- Project IEC 60811-407 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 407: Miscellaneous tests - Measurement of mass increase of polyethylene and polypropylene compounds
- Project IEC 60811-408 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 408: Miscellaneous tests - Long-term stability test of polyethylene and polypropylene compounds
- Project IEC 60811-409 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 409: Miscellaneous tests - Loss of mass test for thermoplastic insulations and sheaths
- Project IEC 60811-410 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 410: Miscellaneous tests - Test method for copper-catalyzed oxidative degradation of polyolefin insulated conductors
- Project IEC 60811-411 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 411: Miscellaneous tests - Low-temperature brittleness of filling compounds
- Project IEC 60811-412 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 412: Miscellaneous tests - Thermal ageing methods - Ageing in an air bomb
- Project IEC 60811-501 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 501: Mechanical tests - Tests for determining the mechanical properties of insulating and sheathing compounds
- Project IEC 60811-502 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 502: Mechanical tests - Shrinkage test for insulations
- Project IEC 60811-503 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 503: Mechanical tests - Shrinkage test for sheaths
- Project IEC 60811-504 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 504: Mechanical tests - Bending tests at low temperature for insulation and sheaths
- Project IEC 60811-505 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 505: Mechanical tests - Elongation at low temperature for insulations and sheaths
- Project IEC 60811-506 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 506: Mechanical tests - Impact test at low temperature for insulations and sheaths
- Project IEC 60811-507 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 507: Mechanical tests - Hot set test for cross-linked materials
- Project IEC 60811-508 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 508: Mechanical tests - Pressure test at high temperature for insulation and sheaths
- Project IEC 60811-509 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 509: Mechanical tests - Test for resistance of insulations and sheaths to cracking (heat shock test)
- Project IEC 60811-510 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 510: Mechanical tests - Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - Wrapping test after thermal ageing in air
- Project IEC 60811-511 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 511: Mechanical tests - Measurement of the melt flow index of polyethylene compounds
- Project IEC 60811-512 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 512: Mechanical tests - Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - Tensile strength and elongation at break after conditioning at elevated temperature
- Project IEC 60811-513 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 513: Mechanical tests - Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - Wrapping test after conditioning
- Project IEC 60811-601 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 601: Physical tests - Measurement of the drop point of filling compounds
- Project IEC 60811-602 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 602: Physical tests - Separation of oil in filling compounds
- Project IEC 60811-603 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 603: Physical tests - Measurement of total acid number of filling compounds
- Project IEC 60811-604 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 604: Physical tests - Measurement of absence of corrosive components in filling compounds
- Project IEC 60811-605 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 605: Physical tests - Measurement of carbon black and/or mineral filler in polyethylene compounds
- Project IEC 60811-606 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 606: Physical tests - Methods for determining the density
- Project IEC 60811-607 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 607: Physical tests - Test for the assessment of carbon black dispersion in polyethylene and polypropylene
- Project IEC 61300-3-28 ed2.0 (2011-12) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-28: Examinations and measurements - Transient loss
- Project IEC 61754-20 ed2.0 (2011-12) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 20: Type LC connector family
- Project IEC 61755-3-6-am1 ed1.0 (2011-12) Amendment 1 - Fibre optic connector optical interfaces - Part 3-6: Optical interface - 2,5 mm and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical 8 degrees angled-PC composite ferrule using Cu-Ni-alloy as fibre surrounding material, single mode fibre
- IEC 62149-1 ed2.0 (2011-12) Fibre optic active components and devices - Performance standards - Part 1: General and guidance
- IEC/TR 62627-03-02 ed1.0 (2011-12) Fiber optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Part 03-02: Reliability - Report of high power transmission test of specified passive optical components
- IEC/TR 62691 ed1.0 (2011-12) Optical fibre cables - Guide to the installation of optical fibre cables
- IEC 61196-7 ed1.0 (2011-12) Coaxial communication cables - Part 7: Sectional specification for cables for BCT cabling in accordance with ISO/IEC 15018 - Indoor drop cables for systems operating at 5 MHz - 3 000 MHz
- IEC 60384-2 ed4.0 (2011-12) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 2: Sectional specification - Fixed metallized polyethylene terephthalate film dielectric d.c. capacitors
- IEC 60384-13 ed4.0 (2011-12) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 13: Sectional specification - Fixed polypropylene film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors
- IEC 60384-21 ed2.0 (2011-12) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 21: Sectional specification - Fixed surface mount multilayer capacitors of ceramic dielectric, Class 1
- IEC 60384-22 ed2.0 (2011-12) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 22: Sectional specification - Fixed surface mount multilayer capacitors of ceramic dielectric, Class 2
- IEC 60512-27-100 ed1.0 (2011-12) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 27-100: Signal integrity tests up to 500 MHz on 60603-7 series connectors - Tests 27a to 27g
- IEC 60076-21 ed1.0 (2011-12) Power transformers - Part 21: Standard requirements, terminology, and test code for step-voltage regulators
- IEC 60544-5 ed2.0 (2011-12) Electrical insulating materials - Determination of the effects of ionizing radiation - Part 5: Procedures for assessment of ageing in service
- IEC 62059-32-1 ed1.0 (2011-12) Electricity metering equipment - Dependability - Part 32-1: Durability - Testing of the stability of metrological characteristics by applying elevated temperature
- Project IEC 61181-am1 ed2.0 (2011-12) Amendment 1 - Mineral oil-filled electrical equipment - Application of dissolved gas analysis (DGA) to factory tests on electrical equipment
- IEC 61097-6-am1 ed2.0 (2011-12) Amendment 1 - Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) - Part 6: Narrowband direct-printing telegraph equipment for the reception of navigational and meteorological warnings and urgent information to ships (NAVTEX)
- IEC 61577-3 ed2.0 (2011-12) Radiation protection instrumentation - Radon and radon decay product measuring instruments - Part 3: Specific requirements for radon decay product measuring instruments
- IEC 61217 ed2.0 (2011-12) Radiotherapy equipment - Coordinates, movements and scales
- IEC 62439-7 ed1.0 (2011-12) Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks - Part 7: Ring-based Redundancy Protocol (RRP)
- ISO 80601-2-55 ed1.0 (2011-12) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-55: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of respiratory gas monitors
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60238 ed4.0 (2011-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60238 (Eighth Edition): 2004 + A1: 2008 + A2:2011
- IEC/TRF 60252-2 ed2.0 (2011-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60252-2:2010 (Second Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60745-2-19 ed2.0 (2011-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60745 2 19: 2005 (First Edition) + A1:2010 in conjunction with IEC 60745-1: 2006 (Fourth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 61010-2-30 ed1.0 (2011-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61010-2-030: 2010 (First Edition) used in conjunction with IEC 61010-1: 2010 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 61643-11 ed1.0 (2011-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61643-11: 2011 (First Edition)
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 19794-2 ed2.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Biometric data interchange formats -- Part 2: Finger minutiae data
- ISO/IEC 19794-4 ed2.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Biometric data interchange formats -- Part 4: Finger image data
- ISO/IEC 19794-8 ed2.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Biometric data interchange formats -- Part 8: Finger pattern skeletal data
- ISO/IEC 29109-8 ed1.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Conformance testing methodology for biometric data interchange formats defined in ISO/IEC 19794 -- Part 8: Finger pattern skeletal data
- ISO/IEC/TR 20017 ed1.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Radio frequency identification for item management -- Electromagnetic interference impact of ISO/IEC 18000 interrogator emitters on implantable pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators
- ISO/IEC 15415 ed2.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Automatic identification and data capture techniques -- Bar code symbol print quality test specification -- Two-dimensional symbols
- ISO/IEC 23001-4 ed2.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- MPEG systems technologies -- Part 4: Codec configuration representation
- ISO/IEC 11770-5 ed1.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Key management -- Part 5: Group key management
- ISO/IEC 18033-4 ed2.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Encryption algorithms -- Part 4: Stream ciphers
- ISO/IEC 24760-1 ed1.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Security techniques -- A framework for identity management -- Part 1: Terminology and concepts
- ISO/IEC 29100 ed1.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Privacy framework
- ISO/IEC 29128 ed1.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Verification of cryptographic protocols
- ISO/IEC 29150 ed1.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Signcryption
- ISO/IEC/TR 23272 ed3.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) -- Information Derived from Partition IV XML File
- ISO/IEC 9899 ed3.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Programming languages -- C
- ISO/IEC/TR 29166 ed1.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Document description and processing languages -- Guidelines for translation between ISO/IEC 26300 and ISO/IEC 29500 document formats
- ISO/IEC 9075-1 ed4.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Database languages -- SQL -- Part 1: Framework (SQL/Framework)
- ISO/IEC 9075-2 ed4.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Database languages -- SQL -- Part 2: Foundation (SQL/Foundation)
- ISO/IEC 9075-4 ed5.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Database languages -- SQL -- Part 4: Persistent Stored Modules (SQL/PSM)
- ISO/IEC 9075-11 ed3.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Database languages -- SQL -- Part 11: Information and Definition Schemas (SQL/Schemata)
- ISO/IEC 9075-14 ed4.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Database languages -- SQL -- Part 14: XML-Related Specifications (SQL/XML)
- ISO/IEC 14143-1 ed1.0 (2011-12) Corrigendum 1 - Information technology -- Software measurement -- Functional size measurement -- Part 1: Definition of concepts -
- ISO/IEC 15026-3 ed1.0 (2011-12) Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software assurance -- Part 3: System integrity levels
- ISO/IEC 19788-3 ed1.0 (2011-12) Information technology -- Learning, education and training -- Metadata for learning resources -- Part 3: Basic application profile
【廃版】【代替】情報 (Withdrawn/Replaced publications)
- IEC 62013-2 ed2.0 (2005-10) → IEC 60079-35-2 ed1.0 (2011-12)
- IEC 61263 ed1.0 (1994-06) → IEC 61577-3 ed2.0 (2011-12)
- IEC 60317-34 ed2.0 (1997-03) → Withdrawn
- IEC 60317-54 ed1.0 (2001-05) → Withdrawn
- IEC 60350 am1 ed2.0 (2005-05) → IEC 60350-1 ed1.0 (2011-12) (partial replacement)
- IEC 60350 am2 ed2.0 (2008-03) → IEC 60350-1 ed1.0 (2011-12) (partial replacement)
- IEC 60350 am2 ed2.0 (2008-03) → IEC 60350-2 ed1.0 (2011-12) (partial replacement)
- IEC 60350 ed2.0 (1999-04) → IEC 60350-2 ed1.0 (2011-12) (partial replacement)
- IEC 60350 am1 ed2.0 (2005-05) → IEC 60350-2 ed1.0 (2011-12) (partial replacement)
- IEC 60350 ed2.0 (1999-04) → IEC 60350-1 ed1.0 (2011-12) (partial replacement)
- IEC/PAS 62601 ed1.0 (2009-01) → IEC 62601 ed1.0 (2011-12)
IEC E-Tech 2011-12版【詳細情報は個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Message from the IEC General Secretary : General Secretary Ronnie Amit
- Electric future : President, Klaus Wucherer
- Taking the lead, moving ahead : General Secretary and CEO Ronnie Amit
- IEC SMB - Projects, challenges and accomplishments : James Matthews III, IEC-Vice President and Standardization Management Board Chairman
- IEC MSB - Input for the right output : Enno Liess, IEC Vice-President and Market Strategy Board Convenor
- IEC CAB - A systematic approach : Hiromichi Fujisawa, IEC-Vice-President and Conformity Assessment Board Chairman
- Lord Kelvin Award - Highest distinction in electrotechnology
- Go ahead, Get ahead : first Young Professionals Workshop in Seattle,
- IEC Statutory Council Meeting : at the IEC General Meeting in Melbourne.
- 2011 Thomas A. Edison Award laureates : Ken-ichi Sato, [TC 90: Superconductivity] Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd, Japan 他
- Safety in Ex environments [防爆]
- Affiliate Forum - A new leader and a birthday
- Photo gallery : 75th IEC General Meeting in Melboune. Australia
- Enno Liess - Enthusiasm, leadership and know-how : ex IEC Vice-President
- Olivier Gourlay - Finance matters : ex IEC Treasurer
- Pooling resources : IEC-OIML agreement helps reduce costs, time and complexity
- Men of Ex-perience : equipment in hazardous areas [Ex→ 別意 explosive]
- LEDs lead : IECQ,
- 2012 Fully Networked Car : 7-8 March 2012 at the Geneva
- Assessing competition : Dr Tamotsu Nomakuchi, President of AIST and Chair of the Technology Council of JISC
- Linking IEC experts globally : communication platforms beyond traditional instruments to include social networks
- IEC-IEEE Challenge
- Battle of the bulbs : energy-saving light
- Airfield lighting : LED-based
- Ground lighting for the skies : [TC 97]
- LED into the future : [TC 34]
- ISO/IEC JTC 1 plenary meeting : November in California,
- Lighting the way to safety : IEC 62034(FDIS):Automatic test systems for battery powered emergency escape lighting
- Keeping track of changes in power cables standards : [TC 20]
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP【新URL】 に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
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例えば 2011-11-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- ISO/IEC GUIDE 98-3-SP2 ed1.0 (2011-11) Supplement 2 - Uncertainty of measurement -- Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995) - Extension to any number of output quantities
- CISPR 14-1 ed5.2 (2011-11) Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 1: Emission
- IEC 61800-3-am1 ed2.0 (2011-11) Amendment 1 - Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods
- Project IEC 62561-1 ed1.0 (2011-11) Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 1: Requirements for connection components
- Project IEC 62561-2 ed1.0 (2011-11) Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 2: Requirements for conductors and earth electrodes
- Project IEC 62561-3 ed1.0 (2011-11) Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 3: Requirements for isolating spark gaps
- IEC 62561-7 ed1.0 (2011-11) Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 7: Requirements for earthing enchancing compounds
- Project IEC 61360-2 ed3.0 (2011-11) Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 2: EXPRESS dictionary schema
- Project IEC 60645-1 ed3.0 (2011-11) Electroacoustics - Audiometric equipment - Part 1: Equipment for pure-tone audiometry
- IEC 61587-1 ed3.0 (2011-11) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 series - Part 1: Environmental requirements, test set-up and safety aspects for cabinets, racks, subracks and chassis under indoor conditions
- Project IEC 60352-5 ed4.0 (2011-11) Solderless connections - Part 5: Press-in connections - General requirements, test methods and practical guidance
- IEC 62137-3 ed1.0 (2011-11) Electronics assembly technology - Part 3: Selection guidance of environmental and endurance test methods for solder joints
- IEC 60191-2-am18 ed1.0 (2011-11) Amendment 18 - Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 2: Dimensions [半導体パッケージ外形]
- IEC/PAS 60747-17 ed1.0 (2011-11) Semiconductor devices - Discrete devices - Part 17: Magnetic and capacitive coupler for basic and reinforced isolation
- IEC 62604-2 ed1.0 (2011-11) Surface acoustic wave (SAW) and bulk acoustic wave (BAW) duplexers of assessed quality - Part 2: Guideline for the use
- IEC 60512-7-2 ed1.0 (2011-11) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 7-2: Impact tests (free components) - Test 7b: Mechanical strength impact
- IEC 60512-9-2 ed1.0 (2011-11) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 9-2: Endurance tests - Test 9b: Electrical load and temperature
- Project IEC 61056-1 ed3.0 (2011-11) General purpose lead acid batteries (valve-regulated types) - Part 1: General requirements, functional characteristics - Methods of test
- IEC 62040-2 ed2.0 (2011-11) Corrigendum 1【無償ダウンロード可能】 - Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements
- IEC 61747-5-3 ed1.0 (2011-11) Corrigendum 1【無償ダウンロード可能】 - Liquid crystal display devices - Part 5-3: Environmental, endurance and mechanical test methods - Glass strength and reliability
- IEC 61730-1-am1 ed1.0 (2011-11) Amendment 1 - Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 1: Requirements for construction
- IEC 61730-2-am1 ed1.0 (2011-11) Amendment 1 - Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 2: Requirements for testing
- IEC/TS 61400-26-1 ed1.0 (2011-11) Wind turbines - Part 26-1: Time-based availability for wind turbine generating systems
- Project IEC 60335-2-107 ed1.0 (2011-11) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-107: Particular requirements for robotic battery powered electrical lawnmowers
- Project IEC 60335-2-69 ed4.0 (2011-11) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-69: Particular requirements for wet and dry vacuum cleaners, including power brush, for commercial use
- Project IEC 61121 ed4.0 (2011-11) Tumble dryers for household use - Methods for measuring the performance
- IEC 60704-2-4 ed3.0 (2011-11) Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for washing machines and spin extractors
- Project IEC 60601-2-47 ed2.0 (2011-11) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-47: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of ambulatory electrocardiographic systems
- IEC/TR 61289 ed1.0 (2011-11) High frequency surgical equipment - Operation and maintenance
- Project IEC 80601-2-60 ed1.0 (2011-11) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-60: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of dental equipment
- IEC 60598-2-2 ed3.0 (2011-11) Luminaires - Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Recessed luminaires
- IEC 60901-am5 ed2.0 (2011-11) Amendment 5 - Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specifications
- Project IEC 62639 ed1.0 (2011-11) Fluorescent induction lamps - Performance specification
- Project IEC 62439-4-am1 ed1.0 (2011-11) Amendment 1 - Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks - Part 4: Cross-network redundancy protocol (CRP)
- IEC 62601 ed1.0 (2011-11) Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - WIA-PA communication network and communication profile
- IEC/TS 62657-2 ed1.0 (2011-11) Industrial communication networks - Wireless communication network - Part 2: Coexistence management
- Project IEC 60296 ed4.0 (2011-11) Fluids for electrotechnical applications - Unused mineral insulating oils for transformers and switchgear
- IEC 60893-3-2 ed2.1 (2011-11) Insulating materials - Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 3-2: Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on epoxy resins
IEC 62572-3 ed1.0 (2011-11) Fibre optic active components and devices - Reliability standards - Part 3: Laser modules used for telecommunication
- IEC 60793-2 ed7.0 (2011-11) Optical fibres - Part 2: Product specifications - General
- IEC 60874-1 ed6.0 (2011-11) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Connectors for optical fibres and cables - Part 1: Generic specification
- IEC 60874-1-1 ed3.0 (2011-11) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Connectors for optical fibres and cables - Part 1-1: Blank detail specification
- IEC 61274-1 ed3.0 (2011-11) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Adaptors for fibre optic connectors - Part 1: Generic specification
- IEC 61274-1-1 ed3.0 (2011-11) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Adaptors for fibre optic connectors - Part 1-1: Blank detail specification
- IEC 61291-4 ed3.0 (2011-11) Optical amplifiers - Part 4: Multichannel applications - Performance specification template
- IEC 61300-3-39 ed2.0 (2011-11) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-39: Examinations and measurements - Physical contact (PC) optical connector reference plug selection for return loss measurements
- IEC 61314-1 ed4.0 (2011-11) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic fan-outs - Part 1: Generic specification
- IEC 61314-1-1 ed3.0 (2011-11) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic fan-outs - Part 1-1: Blank detail specification
- IEC/TR 62343-6-8 ed1.0 (2011-11) Dynamic modules - Part 6-8: Categorization study of dynamic performance requirements
- IEC/TR 61292-7 ed1.0 (2011-11) Optical amplifiers - Part 7: Four wave mixing effect in optical amplifiers
- Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) - Test methods and requirements
- S+ IEC 60840 ed4.0 (2011-11) Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) - Test methods and requirements
- S+ IEC 62067 ed2.0 (2011-11) Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um = 550 kV) - Test methods and requirements
- IEC 61969-1 ed2.0 (2011-11) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosures - Part 1: Design guidelines
- IEC 61969-2 ed2.0 (2011-11) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosures - Part 2: Coordination dimensions
- IEC 61969-3 ed2.0 (2011-11) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosures - Part 3: Environmental requirements, tests and safety aspects
- IEC 60676 ed3.0 (2011-11) Industrial electroheating equipment - Test methods for direct arc furnaces
- IEC 60754-1 ed3.0 (2011-11) Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables - Part 1: Determination of the halogen acid gas content
- IEC 60754-2 ed2.0 (2011-11) Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables - Part 2: Determination of acidity (by pH measurement) and conductivity
- IEC 61196-1-108 ed2.0 (2011-11) Coaxial communication cables - Part 1-108: Electrical test methods - Test for characteristic impedance, phase and group delay, electrical length and propagation velocity
- IEC 61196-1-304 ed1.0 (2011-11) Coaxial communication cables - Part 1-304: Mechanical test methods - Impact resistance
- Project IEC 61196-8 ed1.0 (2011-11) Coaxial communication cables - Part 8: Sectional specification for semi-flexible cables with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) dielectric
- Project IEC 61196-8-1 ed1.0 (2011-11) Coaxial communication cables - Part 8-1: Blank detail specification for semi-flexible cables with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) dielectric
- Project IEC 60364-7-709-am1 ed2.0 (2011-11) Amendment 1 - Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-709: Requirements for special installations or locations - Marinas and similar locations
- Project IEC 60947-3-am1 ed3.0 (2011-11) Amendment 1 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 3: Switches, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination units
- Project IEC 61439-3 ed1.0 (2011-11) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 3: Distribution boards intended to be operated by ordinary persons (DBO)
- IEC 61558-2-15 ed2.0 (2011-11) Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-15: Particular requirements and tests for isolating transformers for the supply of medical locations
- IEC 62613-2 ed1.0 (2011-11) Plugs, socket-outlets and ship couplers for high-voltage shore connection systems (HVSC-SYSTEMS) - Part 2: Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability requirements for accessories to be used by various types of ships
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-36;102 ed1.0 (2011-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-36:2002 (Fifth Edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-2-102:2004 (First Edition) +A1:2008 and IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-36 ed3.0 (2011-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-36:2002 (Fifth Edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-37 ed7.0 (2011-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-37: 2002 (Fifth Edition) ) + A1:2008 + A2:2011 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-38 ed4.0 (2011-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-38:2002 (Fifth Edition) + A1:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-39 ed5.0 (2011-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-39:2002 (Fifth Edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-47 ed3.0 (2011-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-47 :2002 (Fifth Edition) )+A1:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-48 ed5.0 (2011-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-48:2002 (Fourth Edition) + A1:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60927 ed1.0 (2011-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60927 (Third Edition): 2007
- IEC/TRF 61010-1 ed4.0 (2011-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61010-1 (Third Edition) :2010
- IEC/TRF 80601-2-58 ed1.0 (2011-11) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 80601 2-58 (First Edition): 2008 for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1: 2005
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289 ed1.0 (2011-11) Systems and software engineering -- Content of life-cycle information products (documentation)
- ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148 ed1.0 (2011-11) Systems and software engineering -- Life cycle processes -- Requirements engineering
- ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 ed1.0 (2011-11) Systems and software engineering -- Architecture description
- ISO/IEC/TR 11581-1 ed1.0 (2011-11) Information technology -- User interface icons -- Part 1: Introduction to and overview of icon standards
- ISO/IEC 12785-2 ed1.0 (2011-11) Information technology -- Learning, education, and training -- Content packaging -- Part 2: XML binding
- ISO/IEC/TS 15504-10 ed1.0 (2011-11) Information technology -- Process assessment -- Part 10: Safety extension
- ISO/IEC 16504 ed1.0 (2011-11) Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- MAC and PHY for operation in TV white space
- ISO/IEC 16512-2 ed2.0 (2011-11) Information technology -- Relayed multicast protocol: Specification for simplex group applications
- ISO/IEC 17203 ed1.0 (2011-11) Information technology -- Open Virtualization Format (OVF) specification
- ISO/IEC 18031 ed2.0 (2011-11) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Random bit generation
- ISO/IEC 19757-8 ed1.0 (2011-11) Corrigendum 1 - Information technology -- Document Schema Definition Languages (DSDL) -- Part 8: Document Semantics Renaming Language (DSRL) -
- ISO/IEC 19794-5 ed2.0 (2011-11) Information technology -- Biometric data interchange formats -- Part 5: Face image data
- ISO/IEC 23000-11-am2 ed1.0 (2011-11) Amendment 2 - Information technology -- Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -- Part 11: Stereoscopic video application format - Signalling of additional composition type and profiles
- ISO/IEC 24789-2 ed1.0 (2011-11) Identification cards -- Card service life -- Part 2: Methods of evaluation
- ISO/IEC 26511 ed1.0 (2011-11) Systems and software engineering -- Requirements for managers of user documentation
- ISO/IEC 26515 ed1.0 (2011-11) Systems and software engineering -- Developing user documentation in an agile environment
- ISO/IEC 27007 ed1.0 (2011-11) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Guidelines for information security management systems auditing
- ISO/IEC 27034-1 ed1.0 (2011-11) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Application security -- Part 1: Overview and concepts
- ISO/IEC/TR 29172 ed1.0 (2011-11) Information technology -- Mobile item identification and management -- Reference architecture for Mobile AIDC services
- ISO/IEC 9797-3 ed1.0 (2011-11) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Message Authentication Codes (MACs) -- Part 3: Mechanisms using a universal hash-function
- ISO/IEC 9594-2 ed2.0 (2011-11) TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 3【無償ダウンロード可能】 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Models
- ISO/IEC 9594-2 ed5.0 (2011-11) TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1【無償ダウンロード可能】 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Models
- ISO/IEC 9594-3 ed3.0 (2011-11) TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 3【無償ダウンロード可能】 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Abstract service definition
- ISO/IEC 9594-3 ed5.0 (2011-11) TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1【無償ダウンロード可能】 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Abstract service definition
- ISO/IEC 9594-4 ed4.0 (2011-11) TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 2【無償ダウンロード可能】 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Procedures for distributed operation
- ISO/IEC 9594-4 ed5.0 (2011-11) TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1【無償ダウンロード可能】 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Procedures for distributed operation
- ISO/IEC 9594-5 ed2.0 (2011-11) TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 2【無償ダウンロード可能】 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Protocol specifications
- ISO/IEC 9594-5 ed5.0 (2011-11) TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1【無償ダウンロード可能】 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Protocol specifications
- ISO/IEC 9594-6 ed3.0 (2011-11) TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 3【無償ダウンロード可能】 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Selected attribute types
- ISO/IEC 9594-6 ed4.0 (2011-11) TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1【無償ダウンロード可能】 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Selected attribute types
- ISO/IEC 9594-8 ed3.0 (2011-11) TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 3【無償ダウンロード可能】 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks
- ISO/IEC 9594-8 ed5.0 (2011-11) TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1【無償ダウンロード可能】 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks
- ISO/IEC 9594-9 ed2.0 (2011-11) TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1【無償ダウンロード可能】 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Replication
- ISO/IEC 9594-9 ed3.0 (2011-11) TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1【無償ダウンロード可能】 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Replication
【廃版】【代替】情報 (Withdrawn/Replaced publications)
- IEC 61969-2-1 ed1.0 (2000-01) → IEC 61969-2 ed2.0 (2011-11) (partial replacement)
- IEC 61969-2-2 ed1.0 (2000-01) → IEC 61969-2 ed2.0 (2011-11) (partial replacement)
- IEC 61289-1 ed1.0 (1994-07) → IEC 61289 ed1.0 (2011-11) (partial replacement)
- IEC 61289-2 ed1.0 (1994-09) → IEC 61289 ed1.0 (2011-11) (partial replacement)
- IEC/PAS 62137-3 ed1.0 (2008-11) → IEC 62137-3 ed1.0 (2011-11)
- IEC/PAS 62601 ed1.0 (2009-01) → IEC 62601 ed1.0 (2011-11)
IEC E-Tech 2011-11版【詳細情報は個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Editorial
- Getting quality right ? global engineering
- ISO General meeting
- AFSEC training
- 2012 joint ISO-IEC Sales & Marketing Forum
- Cable, switch and cord certification : IECEE
- IECEx(防爆) certifies trace heating cables
- IECQ certification ensures high quality of components used in fibre optics
- Nominations this month
- Wires expand the use of special cables offshore and under the sea
- Protection against the propagation of fire in buildings
- From copper to optical fibre
- Connecting the world
- Relays in all their forms switch on and off
- Ensuring the safety of ships and fixed offshore units
- Keeping copper in the loop
- Maintaining the signal with fibre optics
- Dynamic moves for customer satisfaction
- Optical fibre publications
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP【新URL】 に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると 当日〜指定期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
・また、最下部の「Subscribe to IEC Just Published」から メルアド登録 すると 毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分(一部追補除外・並び替えた物)などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2011-10-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- IEC 60050-617-am1 ed1.0 (2011-10) Amendement 1 - International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 617: Organization/Market of electricity
- IEC 62023 ed2.0 (2011-10) Structuring of technical information and documentation
- IEC 62027 ed2.0 (2011-10) Preparation of object lists, including parts lists
- IEC 61148 ed2.0 (2011-10) Terminal markings for valve device stacks and assemblies and for power conversion equipment
- IEC/TR 62711 ed1.0 (2011-10) Mnemonics and designations of symbols for measuring relays, instruments and related device
- IEC 80416-3 ed1.1 (2011-10) Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment - Part 3: Guidelines for the application of graphical symbols
- CISPR 16-1-1 ed3.0 (2011-10) Corrigendum 2 - Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-1: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Measuring apparatus
- Project CISPR 32 ed1.0 (2011-10) Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment - Emission requirements
- IEC 60364-4-44 ed2.0 (2011-10) Corrigendum 2 - Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 4-44: Protection for safety - Protection against voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances
- IEC/TR 61000-3-14 ed1.0 (2011-10) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-14: Assessment of emission limits for harmonics, interharmonics, voltage fluctuations and unbalance for the connection of disturbing installations to LV power systems
- IEC/TR 60825-13 ed2.0 (2011-10) Safety of laser products - Part 13: Measurements for classification of laser products
- IEC/TR 60479-4 ed2.0 (2011-10) Effects of current on human beings and livestock - Part 4: Effects of lightning strokes
- Project IEC 62034 ed2.0 (2011-10) Automatic test systems for battery powered emergency escape lighting
- IEC 61937-1-am1 ed2.0 (2011-10) Amendment 1 - Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 1: General
- IEC 61937-2-am1 ed2.0 (2011-10) Amendment 1 - Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 2: Burst-info
- IEC/TR 62712 ed1.0 (2011-10) Professional tape-less camera recorder
- Project IEC 61988-2-1 ed2.0 (2011-10) Plasma display panels - Part 2-1: Measuring methods - Optical and optoelectrical
- Project IEC 62341-6-2 ed1.0 (2011-10) Organic light emitting diode (OLED) displays - Part 6-2: Measuring methods of visual quality and ambient performance
- IEC 61788-15 ed1.0 (2011-10) Superconductivity - Part 15: Electronic characteristic measurements - Intrinsic surface impedance of superconductor films at microwave frequencies
- IEC 62282-3-200 ed1.0 (2011-10) Fuel cell technologies - Part 3-200: Stationary fuel cell power systems - Performance test methods
- IEC 62196-1 ed2.0 (2011-10) Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicle inlets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part 1: General requirements
- IEC 62196-2 ed1.0 (2011-10) Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicle inlets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part 2: Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability requirements for a.c. pin and contact-tube accessories
- IEC 61984 ed2.0 (2011-10) Corrigendum 1 - Connectors - Safety requirements and tests
- Project IEC 60512-1-100 ed3.0 (2011-10) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 1-100: General - Applicable publications
- IEC 60475 ed2.0 (2011-10) Method of sampling insulating liquids
- IEC 60567 ed4.0 (2011-10) Oil-filled electrical equipment - Sampling of gases and analysis of free and dissolved gases - Guidance
- Project IEC 61056-2 ed3.0 (2011-10) General purpose lead-acid batteries (valve-regulated types) - Part 2: Dimensions, terminals and marking
- IEC 62442-1 ed1.0 (2011-10) Energy performance of lamp controlgear - Part 1: Controlgear for fluorescent lamps - Method of measurement to determine the total input power of controlgear circuits and the efficiency of the controlgear
- IEC 62549 ed1.0 (2011-10) Articulated systems and flexible systems for cable guiding
- IEC/TR 62470 ed1.0 (2011-10) Guidance on techniques for the measurement of the coefficient of friction (COF) between cables and ducts
- IEC 60683 ed2.0 (2011-10) Industrial electroheating equipment - Test methods for submerged-arc furnaces
- Project IEC 62337 ed2.0 (2011-10) Commissioning of electrical, instrumentation and control systems in the process industry - Specific phases and milestones
- Project IEC 62381 ed2.0 (2011-10) Automation systems in the process industry - Factory acceptance test (FAT), site acceptance test (SAT), and site integration test (SIT)
- IEC 62541-4 ed1.0 (2011-10) OPC unified architecture - Part 4: Services
- IEC 62541-5 ed1.0 (2011-10) OPC unified architecture - Part 5: Information Model
- IEC 62541-6 ed1.0 (2011-10) OPC unified architecture - Part 6: Mappings
- IEC 62541-8 ed1.0 (2011-10) OPC unified architecture - Part 8: Data Access
- IEC 60601-2-25 ed2.0 (2011-10) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-25: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of electrocardiographs
- Project IEC 60335-2-23-am2 ed5.0 (2011-10) Amendement 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-23: Particular requirements for appliances for skin or hair care
- IEC 60947-8 ed1.2 (2011-10) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 8: Control units for built-in thermal protection (PTC) for rotating electrical machines
- IEC 61915-2 ed1.0 (2011-10) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Device profiles for networked industrial devices - Part 2: Root device profiles for starters and similar equipment
- IEC 62271-200 ed2.0 (2011-10) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 200: AC metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV
- IEC 60865-1 ed3.0 (2011-10) Short-circuit currents - Calculation of effects - Part 1: Definitions and calculation methods
- IEC 61394 ed1.0 (2011-10) Overhead lines - Requirements for greases for aluminium, aluminium alloy and steel bare conductors
- IEC 60534-8-2 ed2.0 (2011-10) Industrial-process control valves - Part 8-2: Noise considerations - Laboratory measurement of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow through control valves
- IEC/TS 62597 ed1.0 (2011-10) Measurement procedures of magnetic field levels generated by electronic and electrical apparatus in the railway environment with respect to human exposure
- Project IEC 62566 ed1.0 (2011-10) Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Development of HDL-programmed integrated circuits for systems performing category A functions
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-6&102 ed1.0 (2011-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-6 :2002 (Fifth edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2008 & IEC 60335-2-102:2004 (First edition) + A1: 2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-15 ed7.0 (2011-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-15:2002 (Fifth edition) + A1:2005 + A2:2008 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60745-2-14 ed3.0 (2011-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60745-2-14:2003 (Second Edition) + A1:2006 + A2:2010 used in conjunction with IEC 60745-1: 2006 (Fourth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 80601-2-35 ed1.0 (2011-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 80601-2-35: 2009
IECEx 【防爆】
- IECEx 01B ed1.0 (2011-10) IEC System for Certification to Standards relating to Equipment for use in Explosive Atmospheres (IECEx System) - Guidance for the use of the IECEx Logo - FREE DOWNLOAD
- IECEx 02A ed2.0 (2011-10) IEC System for Certification to Standards relating to Equipment for use in Explosive Atmospheres (IECEx System) - Guidance for Applicants seeking IECEx Certification under the IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme, IECEx 02 - FREE DOWNLOAD
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 14443-2-am1 ed1.0 (2011-10) Amendment 1 - Identification cards -- Contactless integrated circuit cards -- Proximity cards -- Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface - Limits of electromagnetic disturbance levels parasitically generated by the PICC
- ISO/IEC 14443-3-am1 ed1.0 (2011-10) Amendment 1 - Identification cards -- Contactless integrated circuit cards -- Proximity cards -- Part 3: Initialization and anticollision - Electromagnetic disturbance handling and single-size unique identifier
- ISO/IEC 14496-3 ed1.0 (2011-10) Corrigendum 2 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 3: Audio -
- ISO/IEC 14496-4-am40 ed1.0 (2011-10) Amendment 40 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 4: Conformance testing - ExtendedCore2D conformance
- ISO/IEC 14496-5-am5 ed1.0 (2011-10) Corrigendum 1 - Amendment 5 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 5: Reference software - Reference software extensions for error resilient simple scalable profile - Amendment 5 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 5: Reference software
- ISO/IEC 14496-5-am10 ed1.0 (2011-10) Corrigendum 5 - Amendment 10 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 5: Reference software - SSC, DST, ALS and SLS reference software - Amendment 10 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 5: Reference software -
- ISO/IEC 14496-5-am29 ed1.0 (2011-10) Amendment 29 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 5: Reference software - Reference software for LASeR presentation and modification of structured information (PMSI) tools
- ISO/IEC 14496-15-am1 ed1.0 (2011-10) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 15: Advanced Video Coding (AVC) file format - Sub-track definitions
- ISO/IEC 14496-16 ed4.0 (2011-10) Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 16: Animation Framework eXtension (AFX)
- ISO/IEC 14496-26 ed1.0 (2011-10) Corrigendum 4 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 26: Audio conformance -
- ISO/IEC/TR 14763-2-1 ed1.0 (2011-10) Information technology - Implementation and operation of customer premises cabling - Part 2-1: Planning and installation - Identifiers within administration systems
- ISO/IEC 14776-372 ed1.0 (2011-10) Information technology - Small computer systems interface (SCSI) - Part 372: Enclosure Services - 2 (SES-2)
- ISO/IEC 18013-4 ed1.0 (2011-10) Information technology -- Personal identification -- ISO-compliant driving licence -- Part 4: Test methods
- ISO/IEC 18046-1 ed1.0 (2011-10) Information technology -- Radio frequency identification device performance test methods -- Part 1: Test methods for system performance
- ISO/IEC 24791-2 ed1.0 (2011-10) Information technology -- Radio frequency identification (RFID) for item management -- Software system infrastructure -- Part 2: Data management
- ISO/IEC 29176 ed1.0 (2011-10) Information technology -- Mobile item identification and management -- Consumer privacy-protection protocol for Mobile RFID services
- ISO/IEC 19757-11 ed1.0 (2011-10) Information technology -- Document Schema Definition Languages (DSDL) -- Part 11: Schema association
- ISO/IEC 19794-4 ed1.0 (2011-10) Corrigendum 1 - Information technology -- Biometric data interchange formats -- Part 4: Finger image data -
- ISO/IEC 21000-8-am2 ed1.0 (2011-10) Amendment 2 - Information technology -- Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) -- Part 8: Reference software - Reference software for media value chain ontology (MVCO)
- ISO/IEC 23003-1-am1 ed1.0 (2011-10) Corrigendum 1 - Amendment 1 - Information technology -- MPEG audio technologies -- Part 1: MPEG Surround - Conformance testing - Amendment 1 - Information technology -- MPEG audio technologies -- Part 1: MPEG Surround -
- ISO/IEC 23003-1-am2 ed2.0 (2011-10) Corrigendum 2 - Amendment 2 - Information technology -- MPEG audio technologies -- Part 1: MPEG Surround - Reference software - Amendment 2 - Information technology -- MPEG audio technologies -- Part 1: MPEG Surround -
- ISO/IEC 23005-7 ed1.0 (2011-10) Information technology -- Media context and control -- Part 7: Conformance and reference software
- ISO/IEC/TR 24733 ed1.0 (2011-10) Information technology -- Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces -- Extensions for the programming language C++ to support decimal floating-point arithmetic
- ISO/IEC/TR 24754-2 ed1.0 (2011-10) Information technology -- Document description and processing languages -- Minimum requirements for specifying document rendering systems -- Part 2: Formatting specifications for document rendering systems
- ISO/IEC/TR 27008 ed1.0 (2011-10) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Guidelines for auditors on information security controls
- ISO/IEC/TR 29158 ed1.0 (2011-10) Information technology -- Automatic identification and data capture techniques -- Direct Part Mark (DPM) Quality Guideline
- ISO/IEC 29341-19-10 ed1.0 (2011-10) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 19-10: Solar Protection Blind Device Control Protocol - Two Way Motion Motor Service
【廃版】【代替】情報 (Withdrawn/Replaced publications)
IEC E-Tech 2011-10版【詳細情報は個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Editorial - Energy Generation
- Distinguishing between SMB entities
- IEC work on stage
- Globally engineered - locally competitive
- Representation of IEC Regional Centres at key events
IEC-APRC(Asia-Pacific Regional Centre) and IEC-LARC(Latin America Regional Centre)
- Tangible IEC contributions help EV(Electric Vehicle)s move forward
- Share your work with other readers of e-tech
- Young Professionals' Programme
- Harmonization of safety requirements for batteries is underway
- IECEE developments to meet industry demand
- Kerry McManama plays major role in IECEx development and growth
- Dubai to host major IECEx event
- IECQ certification saves time and costs
- 2011 Awards for commitment to the IEC
- Alpha and omega - before the spreading of the word
- Nominations of Officers of IEC Consultative Committees
- IEC Affiliate Programme provides assistance to developing countries
- IEC supports renewable energies
- Carry-on reading (e-books)
- Standby (-power) for better performance
- Ultrasonics (IEC 61205, Ultrasonics - Dental descaler systems)
- Tiger in the tank - sustainable transport (EVs)
- Risk management - ensuring the safety of patients and medical carers
- H-to-H2O (Fuel cell )
- Cooking and steaming in the kitchen (households' electricity bills)
- Protecting electric installations from the weather and other hazards
- Safe and efficient electric tools
- Moving billions every day with energy-efficient elevators and escalators
- Sensors help control our environment
- Robots at your service!
- Getting in and out - access versus accessibility (smartcards)
- Providing comprehensive rating information for photovoltaic modules
- Hydropower - small hydro goes full circle
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP【新URL】 に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると 当日〜指定期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
・また、最下部の「Subscribe to IEC Just Published」から メルアド登録 すると 毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分(一部追補除外・並び替えた物)などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2011-09-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- IEC 60050-113 ed1.0 (2011-09) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 113: Physics for electrotechnology
- IEC/TR 61000-3-15 ed1.0 (2011-09) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-15: Limits - Assessment of low frequency electromagnetic immunity and emission requirements for dispersed generation systems in LV network
- IEC 60068-2-83 ed1.0 (2011-09) Environmental testing - Part 2-83: Tests - Test Tf: Solderability testing of electronic components for surface mounting devices (SMD) by the wetting balance method using solder paste
- Project IEC 60079-35-2 ed1.0 (2011-09) Explosive atmospheres - Part 35-2: Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp - Performance and other safety-related matters
- IEC 60695-11-4 ed1.0 (2011-09) Fire hazard testing - Part 11-4: Test flames - 50 W flame - Apparatus and confirmational test method
- Project IEC 62059-32-1 ed1.0 (2011-09) Electricity metering equipment - Dependability - Part 32-1: Durability - Testing of the stability of metrological characteristics by applying elevated temperature
- IEC 60086-3 ed3.0 (2011-09) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Primary batteries - Part 3: Watch batteries
- IEC 62040-3 ed2.0 (2011-09) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 3: Method of specifying the performance and test requirements
- IEC 62047-12 ed1.0 (2011-09) Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 12: Bending fatigue testing method of thin film materials using resonant vibration of MEMS structures
- IEC/TR 62728 ed1.0 (2011-09) Display technologies - LCD, PDP and OLED - Overview and explanation of differences in terminology
- IEC 60335-2-16-am2 ed5.0 (2011-09) Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-16: Particular requirements for food waste disposers
- IEC 60601-2-31 ed2.1 (2011-09) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-31: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source
- Project IEC 60335-2-7-am1 ed7.0 (2011-09) Amendment 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for washing machines
- IEC 60335-2-51-am2 ed3.0 (2011-09) Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-51: Particular requirements for stationary circulation pumps for heating and service water installations
- IEC 60335-2-81-am2 ed2.0 (2011-09) Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-81: Particular requirements for foot warmers and heating mats
- IEC 60335-2-95 ed3.0 (2011-09) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-95: Particular requirements for drives for vertically moving garage doors for residential use
- IEC 60456 ed5.0 (2011-09) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Clothes washing machines for household use - Methods for measuring the performance
- IEC 60704-2-10 ed2.0 (2011-09) Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-10: Particular requirements for electric cooking ranges, ovens, grills, microwave ovens and any combination of these
- IEC 60929 ed4.0 (2011-09) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - AC and/or DC-supplied electronic control gear for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements
- Project IEC 61347-2-2 ed2.0 (2011-09) Lamp controlgear - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic step-down convertors for filament lamps
- IEC 61347-2-3 ed2.0 (2011-09) Corrigendum 1【正誤票:無償ダウンロード可】 - Lamp control gear - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for a.c. and/or d.c. supplied electronic control gear for fluorescent lamps
- Project IEC 61347-2-7 ed3.0 (2011-09) Lamp controlgear - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for battery supplied electronic controlgear for emergency lighting (self-contained)
- IEC 61821 ed2.0 (2011-09) Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes - Maintenance of aeronautical ground lighting constant current series circuits
- IEC 60603-7-am1 ed3.0 (2011-09) Amendment 1 - Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors
- Project IEC 60512-27-100 ed1.0 (2011-09) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 27-100: Signal integrity tests up to 500 MHz on 60603-7 series connectors - Tests 27a to 27g
- IEC 60819-3-3 ed3.0 (2011-09) Non-cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 3: Unfilled aramid (aromatic polyamide) papers
- IEC/PAS 61249-6-3 ed1.0 (2011-09) Specification for finished fabric woven from "E" glass for printed boards
- IEC 60794-1-1 ed3.0 (2011-09) Optical fibre cables - Part 1-1: Generic specification - General
- Project IEC 62439-7 ed1.0 (2011-09) High availability automation networks - Part 7: Ring-based redundancy protocol (RRP)
- IEC 61850-9-2 ed2.0 (2011-09) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 9-2: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) - Sampled values over ISO/IEC 8802-3
- IEC/TS 62351-8 ed1.0 (2011-09) Power systems management and associated information exchange - Data and communications security - Part 8: Role-based access control
- Project IEC 60096-0-1 ed3.0 (2011-09) Radio frequency cables - Part 0-1: Guide to the design of detail specifications - Coaxial cables
- Project IEC 61196-1-308 ed2.0 (2011-09) Coaxial communication cables - Part 1-308: Mechanical test methods - Test for tensile strength and elongation for copper-clad metals
- IEC 60227-5 ed3.0 (2011-09) Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 5: Flexible cables (cords)
- IEC 60227-7-am2 ed1.0 (2011-09) Amendment 2 - Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 7: Flexible cables screened and unscreened with two or more conductors
- IEC 60245-4 ed3.0 (2011-09) Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 4: Cords and flexible cables
- IEC 60245-8-am2 ed1.0 (2011-09) Amendment 2 - Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 8: Cords for applications requiring high flexibility
- IEC 60674-3-1-am1 ed1.0 (2011-09) Amendment 1 - Plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 1: Biaxially oriented polypropylene (PP) film for capacitors
- IEC/IEEE/PAS 63547 ed1.0 (2011-09) Interconnecting distributed resources with electric power systems
- IEC 61386-25 ed1.0 (2011-09) Conduit systems for cable management - Part 25: Particular requirements - Conduit fixing devices
- Project IEC 62613-2 ed1.0 (2011-09) Plugs, socket-outlets and ship couplers for high-voltage shore connection systems (HVSC-systems) - Part 2: Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability requirements for accessories to be used by various types of ships
- IEC 62271-203 ed2.0 (2011-09) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 203: Gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52 kV
- IEC 60297-3-102 ed1.0 (2011-09) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series - Part 3-102: Injector/extractor handle
IECEE 01 ed13.0 (2011-09) IEC System of Conformity Assessment Schemes for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (IECEE) - Basic Rules
- ・This publication governs the corporate and administrative structure of the IEC system of conformity assessment schemes for electrotechnical equipment and components.
- ・This publication has been prepared by the Certification Management Committee and approved by the Conformity Assessment Board.
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-5 ed4.0 (2011-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335 2 5:2002 (Fifth edition) + A1:2005+ A2:2008 IEC 60335 1:2010 (Fifth Edition) IEC 62233:2005 (First Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-21 ed3.0 (2011-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-21: 2002 (Fifth Edition) (incl. Corr.1:2007) + A1:2004 + A2: 2008 used in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-25 ed5.0 (2011-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-25: 2002 (Sixth edition) with IEC 60335 1:2001 (Fourth edition) (incl. Corr.1:2002) + A1:2004 + A2:2006 (incl. Corr. 1:2006)
- IEC/TRF 60598-2-3 ed4.0 (2011-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60598-2-3 (Third Edition): 2002 + A1:2011 used in conjunction with IEC 60598-1 (Seventh Edition): 2008
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-4 ed4.0 (2011-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601 2-4: 2010 (Third Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1 (2005)
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-43 ed2.0 (2011-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-43: 2010 (Second Edition): for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1: 2005 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-46 ed3.0 (2011-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-46: 2010 (Second Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1: 2005 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60730-2-15 ed2.0 (2011-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60730-2-15 (Second Edition): 2008
- IEC/TRF 60921 ed2.0 (2011-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60921 (Second Edition): 2004 + A1: 2006
- IEC/TRF 61010-1 ed3.0 (2011-09) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61010-1 (Third Edition) : 2010
IECEx 【防爆】
- IECEx 60079-0 ed5.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-0 (2007) ed 5.0 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements
- IECEx 60079-0 ed6.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-0 (2011) ed 6.0 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements
- IECEx 60079-0-V4F ed4.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-0 (2004) ed 4.0 - Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 0: General requirements
- IECEx 60079-0-V4G ed4.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-0 (2004) ed 4.0 - Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 0: General requirements
- IECEx 60079-0-V4H ed4.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-0 (2004) ed 4.0 - Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 0: General requirements
- IECEx 60079-0-V4I ed4.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-0 (2004) ed 4.0 - Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 0: General requirements
- IECEx 60079-0-V4J ed4.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-0 (2004) ed 4.0 - Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 0: General requirements
- IECEx 60079-1 ed5.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-1 (2003) ed 5.0 - Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 1: Flameproof enclosures "d"
- IECEx 60079-1 ed6.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-1 (2007) ed 6.0 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures "d"
- IECEx 60079-2 ed5.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-2 (2007) ed 5.0 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 2: Equipment protection by pressurized enclosures "p"
- IECEx 60079-5 ed3.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-5 (2007) ed 3.0 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 5: Equipment protection by powder filling "q"
- IECEx 60079-6 ed3.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-6 (2007) ed 3.0 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 6: Equipment protection by oil immersion "o"
- IECEx 60079-7 ed4.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-7 (2006) ed 4.0 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 7: Equipment protection by increased safety "e"
- IECEx 60079-11-5B1 ed5.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-11 (2006) ed 5.0 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i"
- IECEx 60079-11-5B2 ed5.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-11 (2006) ed 5.0 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i"
- IECEx 60079-13 ed1.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-13 (2010) ed 1.0 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 13: Equipment protection by pressurized room "p"
- IECEx 60079-29-4 ed1.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-29-4 (2009) ed 1.0 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 29-4: Gas detectors - Performance requirements of open path detectors for flammable gases
- IECEx 60079-35-1 ed1.0 (2011-09) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-35-1 (2011) ed 1.0 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 35-1: Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp - General requirements - Construction and testing in relation to the risk of explosion
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 14882 ed3.0 (2011-09) Information technology -- Programming languages -- C++
- ISO/IEC 15897 ed2.0 (2011-09) Information technology -- User interfaces -- Procedures for the registration of cultural elements
- ISO/IEC 15938-6-am4 ed1.0 (2011-09) Amendment 4 - Information technology -- Multimedia content description interface -- Part 6: Reference software - Reference software for video signature tools
- ISO/IEC 15938-7-am6 ed1.0 (2011-09) Amendment 6 - Information technology -- Multimedia content description interface -- Part 7: Conformance testing - Conformance testing for video signature tools
- ISO/IEC/TR 16167 ed2.0 (2011-09) Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Next Generation Corporate Networks (NGCN) -- Emergency calls
- ISO/IEC 16317 ed1.0 (2011-09) Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- proxZzzy for sleeping hosts
- ISO/IEC 19773 ed1.0 (2011-09) Information technology -- Metadata Registries (MDR) modules
- ISO/IEC 19794-9 ed2.0 (2011-09) Information technology -- Biometric data interchange formats -- Part 9: Vascular image data
- ISO/IEC/TR 26927 ed2.0 (2011-09) Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Corporate telecommunication networks -- Mobility for enterprise communications
- ISO/IEC 29109-7 ed1.0 (2011-09) Information technology -- Conformance testing methodology for biometric data interchange formats defined in ISO/IEC 19794 -- Part 7: Signature/sign time series data
- ISO/IEC 29168-1 ed1.0 (2011-09) Information technology -- Open systems interconnection -- Part 1: Object identifier resolution system
- ISO/IEC 29168-2 ed1.0 (2011-09) Information technology -- Open systems interconnection -- Part 2: Procedures for the object identifier resolution system operational agency
- ISO/IEC 29341-1 ed2.0 (2011-09) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 1: UPnP Device Architecture Version 1.0
- ISO/IEC 29341-1-1 ed1.0 (2011-09) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 1-1: UPnP Device Architecture Version 1.1
- ISO/IEC 29341-3-1 ed2.0 (2011-09) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 3-1: Audio Video Device Control Protocol - Audio Video Architecture
- ISO/IEC 29341-4-2 ed2.0 (2011-09) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 4-2: Audio Video Device Control Protocol - Level 2 - Media Renderer Device
- ISO/IEC 29341-4-4 ed2.0 (2011-09) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 4-4: Audio Video Device Control Protocol - Level 2 - Audio Video Data Structures
- ISO/IEC 29341-4-10 ed2.0 (2011-09) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 4-10: Audio Video Device Control Protocol - Level 2 - Audio Video Transport Service
- ISO/IEC 29341-4-11 ed2.0 (2011-09) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 4-11: Audio Video Device Control Protocol - Level 2 - Connection Manager Service
- ISO/IEC 29341-4-13 ed2.0 (2011-09) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 4-13: Audio Video Device Control Protocol - Level 2 - Rendering Control Service
- ISO/IEC 29341-4-14 ed2.0 (2011-09) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 4-14: Audio Video Device Control Protocol - Level 2 - Scheduled Recording Service
- ISO/IEC 29341-14-12 ed1.0 (2011-09) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 14-12: Audio, Video Device Control Protocol - Level 3 - Audio Video Content Directory Service
- ISO/IEC 29341-15-10 ed1.0 (2011-09) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 15-10: Content Synchronization Device Control Protocol - Synchronization Service
- ISO/IEC 29341-17-10 ed1.0 (2011-09) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 17-10: Quality of Service Device Control Protocol - Level 3 - Quality of Service Device Service
IEC E-Tech 2011-08/09版【詳細情報は個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Editorial - Sustainable manufacturing
- Reinforcing IEC links with academia
- The IEC - IEEE 2012 Challenge
- Italian architect wins WSD 2011 poster competition - With confidence!
- The IEC an endorsing partner organization at GridWeek 2011
- IECEE responds to market demand with industrial certification
- Training Iraqi engineers for major oil production project
- Keeping electronics safe
- Energy-efficient and cleaner aluminium
- Globalized standards are here to stay
- The 3D printing(三次元CAD図面→プラ等のプロトタイプモデル) manufacturing revolution
- Banking on the motors(特に 紙幣印刷機 !)
- Nominations of Officers of IEC Technical Committees (ACEA, ACOS, TC 39 and TC 68)
- IEC Affiliate Country Programme welcomes Azerbaijan
- George Devol - Father of industrial robots (died on 11 August 2011 at the age of 99.)
- Manufacturing 2B(B to B) - information exchange
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP【新URL】 に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると 当日〜指定期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
・また、最下部の「Subscribe to IEC Just Published」から メルアド登録 すると 毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分(一部追補除外・並び替えた物)などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2011-08-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- IEC/TS 62564-1 ed2.0 (2011-08) Process management for avionics - Aerospace qualified electronic components (AQEC) - Part 1: Integrated circuits and discrete semiconductors
- IEC 61967-8 ed1.0 (2011-08) Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic emissions - Part 8: Measurement of radiated emissions - IC stripline method
- IEC 60068-3-1 ed2.0 (2011-08) Environmental testing - Part 3-1: Supporting documentation and guidance - Cold and dry heat tests
- IEC 61988-2-4 ed1.0 (2011-08) Plasma display panels - Part 2-4: Measuring methods - Visual quality: Image artifacts
- IEC 60335-2-44-am2 ed3.0 (2011-08) Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-44: Particular requirements for ironers
- IEC 60335-2-66-am2 ed2.0 (2011-08) Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-66: Particular requirements for water-bed heaters
- IEC 61970-301 ed3.0 (2011-08) Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 301: Common information model (CIM) base
- Project IEC 62601 ed1.0 (2011-08) Industrial communication Networks - Fieldbus Specifications - WIA-PA communcation Network and Communication Profile
- IEC/TR 61831 ed2.0 (2011-08) On-line analyser systems - Guide to design and installation
- IEC 60695-6-2 ed1.0 (2011-08) Fire hazard testing - Part 6-2: Smoke obscuration - Summary and relevance of test methods
- IEC 60695-7-2 ed1.0 (2011-08) Fire hazard testing - Part 7-2: Toxicity of fire effluent - Summary and relevance of test methods
- IEC 60695-7-3 ed1.0 (2011-08) Fire hazard testing - Part 7-3: Toxicity of fire effluent - Use and interpretation of test results
- ISO 80601-2-13 ed1.0 (2011-08) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of an anaesthetic workstation
- IEC 60335-2-45-am2 ed3.0 (2011-08) Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-45: Particular requirements for portable heating tools and similar appliances
- Project IEC 62561-7 ed1.0 (2011-08) Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC) - Part 7: Requirements for earthing enhancing compounds
- IEC 61587-2 ed2.0 (2011-08) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 60917 and 60297 - Part 2: Seismic tests for cabinets and racks
- Project IEC 61969-1 ed2.0 (2011-08) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosures - Part 1: Design guidelines
- Project IEC 61969-2 ed2.0 (2011-08) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosures - Part 2: Coordination dimensions
- Project IEC 61969-3 ed2.0 (2011-08) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosures - Part 3: Environmental requirements, tests and safety aspects
- Project IEC 60512-7-2 ed1.0 (2011-08) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 7-2: Impact tests (free components) - Test 7b: Mechanical strength impact
- IEC 62554 ed1.0 (2011-08) Sample preparation for measurement of mercury level in fluorescent lamps
- Project IEC 60598-2-2 ed3.0 (2011-08) Luminaires - Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Recessed luminaires
- IEC 60794-2-10 ed2.0 (2011-08) Optical fibre cables - Part 2-10: Indoor optical fibre cables - Family specification for simplex and duplex cables
- Project IEC 60874-1 ed6.0 (2011-08) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Connectors for optical fibres and cables - Part 1: Generic specification
- Project IEC 60874-1-1 ed3.0 (2011-08) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Connectors for optical fibres and cables - Part 1-1: Blank detail specification
- Project IEC 61274-1 ed3.0 (2011-08) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Adaptors for fibre optic connectors - Part 1: Generic specification
- Project IEC 61274-1-1 ed3.0 (2011-08) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Adaptors for fibre optic connectors - Part 1-1: Blank detail specification
- IEC 61290-4-1 ed1.0 (2011-08) Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 4-1: Gain transient parameters - Two-wavelength method
- Project IEC 61300-3-39 ed2.0 (2011-08) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-39: Examinations and measurements - Physical Contact (PC) optical connector reference plug selection for return loss measurements
- Project IEC 61314-1 ed4.0 (2011-08) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic fan-outs - Part 1: Generic specification
- Project IEC 61314-1-1 ed3.0 (2011-08) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic fan-outs - Part 1-1: Blank detail specification
- Project IEC 61196-1-108 ed2.0 (2011-08) Coaxial communication cables - Part 1-108: Electrical test methods - Test for characteristic impedance, phase and group delay, electrical length and propagation velocity
- Project IEC 61196-1-304 ed1.0 (2011-08) Coaxial communication cables - Part 1-304: Mechanical test methods - Impact resistance
- Project IEC 60475 ed2.0 (2011-08) Method of sampling insulating liquids
- Project IEC 60567 ed4.0 (2011-08) Oil-filled electrical equipment - Sampling of gases and analysis of free and dissolved gases - Guidance
- IEC/TR 62544 ed1.0 (2011-08) High-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems - Application of active filters
- Project IEC 62549 ed1.0 (2011-08) Articulated systems and flexible systems for cable guiding
- IEC 60684-2 ed3.0 (2011-08) Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 2: Methods of test
- Project IEC 60840 ed4.0 (2011-08) Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) - Test methods and requirements
- Project IEC 62067 ed2.0 (2011-08) Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um = 550 kV) - Test methods and requirements
- IEC 62208 ed2.0 (2011-08) Empty enclosures for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - General requirements
- IEC 61439-1 ed2.0 (2011-08) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 1: General rules
- IEC 61439-2 ed2.0 (2011-08) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 2: Power switchgear and controlgear assemblies
- Project IEC 61915-2 ed1.0 (2011-08) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Device profiles for networked industrial devices - Part 2: Root device profiles for starters and similar equipment
- IEC 62271-106 ed1.0 (2011-08) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 106: Alternating current contactors, contactor-based controllers and motor-starters
- Project IEC 61558-2-15 ed2.0 (2011-08) Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-15: Particular requirements and tests for isolating transformers for the supply of medical locations
- IEC 60076-16 ed1.0 (2011-08) Power transformers - Part 16: Transformers for wind turbine applications
- IEC 60076-16 ed1.0 (2011-08) Power transformers - Part 16: Transformers for wind turbine applications
- IEC 60092-353 ed3.0 (2011-08) Electrical installations in ships - Part 353: Power cables for rated voltages 1 kV and 3 kV
- IEC 61513 ed2.0 (2011-08) Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - General requirements for
- IEC/IEEE 62582-1 ed1.0 (2011-08) Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Electrical equipment condition monitoring methods - Part 1: General
- IEC/IEEE 62582-2 ed1.0 (2011-08) Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Electrical equipment condition monitoring methods - Part 2: Indenter modulus
- IEC/IEEE 62582-4 ed1.0 (2011-08) Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Electrical equipment condition monitoring methods - Part 4: Oxidation induction techniques
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 14143-2 ed2.0 (2011-08) Information technology -- Software measurement -- Functional size measurement -- Part 2: Conformity evaluation of software size measurement methods to ISO/IEC 14143-1
- ISO/IEC 14651 ed3.0 (2011-08) Information technology -- International string ordering and comparison -- Method for comparing character strings and description of the common template tailorable ordering
- ISO/IEC 18052 ed2.0 (2011-08) Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Protocol for Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (CSTA) Phase III
- ISO/IEC/TR 24748-2 ed1.0 (2011-08) Systems and software engineering -- Life cycle management -- Part 2: Guide to the application of ISO/IEC 15288 (System life cycle processes)
- ISO/IEC/TR 24748-3 ed1.0 (2011-08) Systems and software engineering -- Life cycle management -- Part 3: Guide to the application of ISO/IEC 12207 (Software life cycle processes)
- ISO/IEC 24753 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology -- Radio frequency identification (RFID) for item management -- Application protocol: encoding and processing rules for sensors and batteries
- ISO/IEC 24754 ed1.0 (2011-08) Corrigendum 1 - Information technology -- Document description and processing languages -- Minimum requirements for specifying document rendering systems -- Part 1: Feature specifications for document rendering systems -
- ISO/IEC 24800-5 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology -- JPSearch -- Part 5: Data interchange format between image repositories
- ISO/IEC 27035 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Information security incident management
- ISO/IEC/TR 29110-1 ed1.0 (2011-08) Software engineering -- Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) -- Part 1: Overview
- ISO/IEC/TR 29110-3 ed1.0 (2011-08) Software engineering -- Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) -- Part 3: Assessment guide
- ISO/IEC 29341-14-3 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 14-3: Audio Video Device Control Protocol - Level 3 - Media Server Device
- ISO/IEC 29341-16-1 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 16-1: Low Power Device Control Protocol - Low Power Architecture
- ISO/IEC 29341-16-10 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 16-10: Low Power Device Control Protocol - Low Power Proxy Service
- ISO/IEC 29341-16-11 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 16-11: Low Power Device Control Protocol - Low Power Service
- ISO/IEC 29341-17-1 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 17-1: Quality of Service Device Control Protocol - Level 3 - Quality of Service Architecture
- ISO/IEC 29341-17-11 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 17-11: Quality of Service Device Control Protocol - Level 3 - Quality of Service Manager Service
- ISO/IEC 29341-17-12 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 17-12: Quality of Service Device Control Protocol - Level 3 - Quality of Service Policy Holder Service
- ISO/IEC 29341-17-13 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 17-13: Quality of Service Device Control Protocol - Level 3 - Quality of Service Device Service - Underlying Technology Interfaces
- ISO/IEC 29341-18-1 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 18-1: Remote Access Device Control Protocol - Remote Access Architecture
- ISO/IEC 29341-18-2 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 18-2: Remote Access Device Control Protocol - Remote Access Client Service
- ISO/IEC 29341-18-3 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 18-3: Remote Access Device Control Protocol - Remote Access Server Device
- ISO/IEC 29341-18-4 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 18-4: Remote Access Device Control Protocol - Remote Access Discovery Agent Device
- ISO/IEC 29341-18-10 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 18-10: Remote Access Device Control Protocol - Remote Access Inbound Connection Configuration Service
- ISO/IEC 29341-18-11 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 18-11: Remote Access Device Control Protocol - Remote Access Discovery Agent Service
- ISO/IEC 29341-18-12 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 18-12: Remote Access Device Control Protocol - Remote Access Discovery Agent Synchronization Service
- ISO/IEC 29341-18-13 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 18-13: Remote Access Device Control Protocol - Remote Access Transport Agent Configuration Service
- ISO/IEC 29341-19-1 ed1.0 (2011-08) Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 19-1: Solar Protection Blind Device Control Protocol - Solar Protection Blind Device
- ISO/IEC 29500-1 ed2.0 (2011-08) Information technology -- Document description and processing languages -- Office Open XML File Formats -- Part 1: Fundamentals and Markup Language Reference
- ISO/IEC 29500-2 ed2.0 (2011-08) Information technology -- Document description and processing languages -- Office Open XML File Formats -- Part 2: Open Packaging Conventions
- ISO/IEC 29500-3 ed2.0 (2011-08) Information technology -- Document description and processing languages -- Office Open XML File Formats -- Part 3: Markup Compatibility and Extensibility
- ISO/IEC 29500-4 ed2.0 (2011-08) Information technology -- Document description and processing languages -- Office Open XML File Formats -- Part 4: Transitional Migration Features
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60384-14 ed4.0 (2011-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60384-14:2005 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60400 ed2.0 (2011-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60400 (Seventh Edition): 2008+A1:2011
- IEC/TRF 60800 ed1.0 (2011-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60800 (Third Edition): 2009
- IEC/TRF 62040-3 ed2.0 (2011-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 62040 3 (Second Edition): 2011
- IEC/TRF CISPR-24 ed2.0 (2011-08) This Test Report Form applies to IEC CISPR 24:2010 (Second Edition)
IECEx 【防爆】
- IECEx 60079-0 ed6.0 (2011-08) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-0 (2011) ed 6.0 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements
- IECEx 60079-11 ed6.0 (2011-08) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-11 (2011) ed 6.0 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i"
- IECEx 60079-15 ed3.0 (2011-08) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-15 (2005) ed 3.0 - Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 15: Construction, test and marking of type of protection "n" electrical apparatus
- IECEx 60079-15 ed4.0 (2011-08) IECEx Test Report for IEC 60079-15 (2010) ed 4.0 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection "n"
- IECEx PART-TEST ed1.0 (2011-08) IECEx Test Report of partial testing - FREE DOWNLOAD
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると 当日〜指定期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
・また、最下部の「Subscribe to IEC Just Published」から メルアド登録 すると 毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分(一部追補除外・並び替えた物)などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2011-07-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- IEC 80416-3-am1 ed1.0 (2011-07) Amendment 1 - Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment - Part 3: Guidelines for the application of graphical symbols
- IEC 61988-1 ed2.0 (2011-07) Plasma display panels - Part 1: Terminology and letter symbols
- CISPR 14-1-am2 ed5.0 (2011-07) Amendment 2 - Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 1: Emission
- IEC 61000-6-3-am1 ed2.0 (2011-07) Interpretation sheet 1 to amendment 1 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-3: Generic standards - Emission standard for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments
- IEC 61000-6-4-am1 ed2.0 (2011-07) Interpretation sheet 1 to amendment 1 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emission standard for industrial environments
- IEC 61326-2-4 ed1.0 (2011-07) Corrigendum 1 - Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-4: Particular requirements - Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for insulation monitoring devices according to IEC 61557-8 and for equipment for insulation fault location according to IEC 61557-9
- IECEx 05A ed1.0 (2011-07) IEC System for Certification to Standards relating to Equipment for use in Explosive Atmospheres (IECExCoPC) - FREE DOWNLOAD
- Project IEC 62541-4 ed1.0 (2011-07) OPC Unified Architecture - Part 4: Services
- Project IEC 62541-5 ed1.0 (2011-07) OPC Unified Architecture - Part 5: Information Model
- Project IEC 62541-6 ed1.0 (2011-07) OPC Unified Architecture - Part 6: Mappings
- Project IEC 62541-8 ed1.0 (2011-07) OPC Unified Architecture - Part 8: Data Access
- Project IEC 62023 ed2.0 (2011-07) Structuring of technical information and documentation
- Project IEC 62027 ed2.0 (2011-07) Preparation of object lists, including parts lists
- IEC 62253 ed1.0 (2011-07) Photovoltaic pumping systems - Design qualification and performance measurements
- Project IEC 62196-1 ed2.0 (2011-07) Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicle inlets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part 1: General requirements
- Project IEC 62196-2 ed1.0 (2011-07) Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicle inlets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part 2: Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability requirements for a.c. pin and contact-tube accessories
- IEC 60749-40 ed1.0 (2011-07) Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 40: Board level drop test method using a strain gauge
- Project IEC 61587-1 ed3.0 (2011-07) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 - Part 1: Climatic, mechanical tests and safety aspects for cabinets, racks, subracks and chassis
- IEC/TS 62610-2 ed1.0 (2011-07) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Thermal management for cabinets in accordance with IEC 60297 and IEC 60917 series - Part 2: Design guide: Method for determination of forced air-cooling structure
- Project IEC 62137-3 ed1.0 (2011-07) Electronics assembly technology - Part 3: Selection guidance of environmental and endurance test methods for solder joints
- IEC/PAS 62647-3 ed1.0 (2011-07) Process management for avionics - Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder - Part 3: Performance testing for systems containing lead-free solder and finishes
- IEC/PAS 62647-21 ed1.0 (2011-07) Process management for avionics - Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder - Part 21: Program management - Systems engineering guidelines for managing the transition to lead-free electronics
- IEC/PAS 62647-22 ed1.0 (2011-07) Process management for avionics - Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder - Part 22: Technical guidelines
- IEC/PAS 62647-23 ed1.0 (2011-07) Process management for avionics - Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder - Part 23: Rework and repair guidance to address the implications of lead-free electronics and mixed assemblies
- IEC 61788-4 ed3.0 (2011-07) Superconductivity - Part 4: Residual resistance ratio measurement - Residual resistance ratio of Nb-Ti composite superconductors
- IEC 61788-6 ed3.0 (2011-07) Superconductivity - Part 6: Mechanical properties measurement - Room temperature tensile test of Cu/Nb-Ti composite superconductors
- IEC 61788-11 ed2.0 (2011-07) Superconductivity - Part 11: Residual resistance ratio measurement - Residual resistance ratio of Nb3Sn composite superconductors
- Project IEC 61788-15 ed1.0 (2011-07) Superconductivity - Part 15: Electronic characteristic measurements - Intrinsic surface impedance of superconductor films at microwave frequencies
- IEC 62047-5 ed1.0 (2011-07) Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 5: RF MEMS switches
- IEC 62047-9 ed1.0 (2011-07) Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 9: Wafer to wafer bonding strength measurement for MEMS
- IEC 62047-10 ed1.0 (2011-07) Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 10: Micro-pillar compression test for MEMS materials
- Project IEC 62604-2 ed1.0 (2011-07) Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) and Bulk Acoustic Wave (BAW) duplexers - Part 2: Guideline for use
- IEC/TS 61994-3 ed2.0 (2011-07) Piezoelectric, dielectric and electrostatic devices and associated materials for frequency control, selection and detection - Glossary - Part 3: Piezoelectric and dielectric oscillators
- IEC 61169-35 ed1.0 (2011-07) Radio-frequency connectors - Part 35: Sectional specification for 2,92 series RF connectors
- Project IEC 61148 ed2.0 (2011-07) Terminal markings for valve device stacks and assemblies and for power conversion equipment
- Project IEC 60754-1 ed3.0 (2011-07) Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables - Part 1: Determination of the halogen acid gas content
- Project IEC 60754-2 ed2.0 (2011-07) Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables - Part 2: Determination of acidity (by pH measurement) and conductivity
- IEC 61747-6-3 ed1.0 (2011-07) Liquid crystal display devices - Part 6-3: Measuring methods for liquid crystal display modules - Motion artifact measurement of active matrix liquid crystal display modules
- IEC 61199 ed3.0 (2011-07) Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety specifications
- Project IEC 62442-1 ed1.0 (2011-07) Energy performance of lamp controlgear - Part 1: Controlgear for fluorescent lamps - Method of measurement to determine the total input power of controlgear circuits and the efficiency of the controlgear
- IEC 61290-4-2 ed1.0 (2011-07) Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 4-2: Gain transient parameters - Broadband source method
- IEC 62496-2-1 ed1.0 (2011-07) Optical circuit boards - Part 2-1: Measurements - Optical attenuation and isolation
- Project IEC 62572-3 ed1.0 (2011-07) Fibre optic active components and devices - Reliability standards - Part 3: Laser modules used for telecommunication
- IEC 60505 ed4.0 (2011-07) Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulation systems
- IEC 60674-3-8 ed1.0 (2011-07) Plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 8: Balanced biaxially oriented polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) films used for electrical insulation
- Project IEC 60227-5 ed3.0 (2011-07) Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 5: Flexible cables (cords)
- Project IEC 60245-4 ed3.0 (2011-07) Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 4: Cords and flexible cables
- IEC 61378-1 ed2.0 (2011-07) Converter transformers - Part 1: Transformers for industrial applications
- Project IEC 61394 ed1.0 (2011-07) Overhead lines - Requirements for greases for aluminium, aluminium alloy and steel bare conductors
- Project IEC 62271-200 ed2.0 (2011-07) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 1: AC metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV
- IEC 62271-204 ed1.0 (2011-07) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 204: Rigid gas-insulated transmission lines for rated voltage above 52 kV
- IEC 61557-13 ed1.0 (2011-07) Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 13: Hand-held and hand-manipulated current clamps and sensors for measurement of leakage currents in electrical distribution systems
- IEC 61869-3 ed1.0 (2011-07) Instrument transformers - Part 3: Additional requirements for inductive voltage transformers
- IEC 61869-5 ed1.0 (2011-07) Instrument transformers - Part 5: Additional requirements for capacitor voltage transformers
- Project IEC 60676 ed3.0 (2011-07) Industrial electroheating equipment - Test methods for direct arc furnaces
- Project IEC 60534-8-2 ed2.0 (2011-07) Industrial-process control valves - Part 8-2: Noise considerations - Laboratory measurement of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow through control valves
- Project IEC 60601-2-25 ed2.0 (2011-07) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-25: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of electrocardiographs
- IEC 62605 ed1.0 (2011-07) Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia e-publishing and e-books - Interchange format for e-dictionaries
- IEC 61850-7-1 ed2.0 (2011-07) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-1: Basic communication structure - Principles and models
- IEC 62516-2 ed1.0 (2011-07) Terrestrial digital multimedia broadcasting (T-DMB) receivers - Part 2: Interactive data services using BIFS
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 10373-9 ed1.0 (2011-07) Identification cards -- Test methods -- Part 9: Optical memory cards -- Holographic recording method
- ISO/IEC 12905 ed1.0 (2011-07) Integrated circuit cards -- Enhanced terminal accessibility using cardholder preference interface
- ISO/IEC 13187 ed1.0 (2011-07) Information technology - Server management command line protocol (SM CLP) specification
- ISO/IEC 15938-12-am2 ed1.0 (2011-07) Amendment 2 - Information technology -- Multimedia content description interface -- Part 12: Query format - Semantic enhancement
- ISO/IEC 15944-1 ed2.0 (2011-07) Information technology -- Business Operational View -- Part 1: Operational aspects of Open-edi for implementation
- ISO/IEC/TR 19075-1 ed1.0 (2011-07) Information technology -- Database languages -- SQL Technical Reports -- Part 1: XQuery Regular Expression Support in SQL
- ISO/IEC 19794-1 ed2.0 (2011-07) Information technology -- Biometric data interchange formats -- Part 1: Framework
- ISO/IEC 23000-11-am1 ed1.0 (2011-07) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -- Part 11: Stereoscopic video application format - Stereoscopic video application format conformance and reference software
- ISO/IEC 23007-3 ed1.0 (2011-07) Information technology -- Rich media user interfaces -- Part 3: Conformance and reference software
- ISO/IEC 29109-9 ed1.0 (2011-07) Information technology -- Conformance testing methodology for biometric data interchange formats defined in ISO/IEC 19794 -- Part 9: Vascular image data
- ISO/IEC/TR 29199-1 ed1.0 (2011-07) Information technology -- JPEG XR image coding system -- Part 1: System architecture
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60127-2-i ed4.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60127-1:2006 with IEC 60127-2:2003 + A1:2003 + A2:2010 Cartridge fuse-links
- IEC/TRF 60127-2-ii ed4.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60127-1:2006 with IEC 60127-2:2003 + A1:2003 + A2:2010 Cartridge fuse-links; homogenous series; minimum rating
- IEC/TRF 60127-2-iii ed4.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60127-1:2006 with IEC 60127-2:2003 + A1:2003 + A2:2010 Cartridge fuse-links; homogenous series; maximum rating
- IEC/TRF 60127-2-iv ed4.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60127-1:2006 with IEC 60127-2:2003 + A1:2003 + A2:2010 Cartridge fuse-links with pigtails
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-7&1 ed2.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335 2 7:2008 (Seventh edition) in conj. With IEC 60335 2 11:2008 (Seventh edition) and IEC 60335 1:2010 (Fifth edition) and IEC 62233:2005 (First edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-1-6 ed5.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-1-6:2010 (Third Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1: 2005 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60838-1 ed2.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60838-1 (Fourth Edition):2004 + A1:2008 + A2:2011
- IEC/TRF 60884-2-3 ed1.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60884-2-3:2006 (Second Edition) with IEC 60884-1:2002 (Third Edition) + A1:2006
- IEC/TRF 61000-6-1 ed1.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61000-6-1:2005 (Second Edition)
- IEC/TRF 61000-6-3 ed1.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61000-6-3:2006 (Second Edition) +A1:2010
- IEC/TRF 61058-2-1 ed2.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61058-2-1 (Second Edition):2010 (see also IEC 61058-1:2000 + A1:2001 + A2:2007)
- IEC/TRF 61184 ed1.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61184 (Third Edition): 2008
- IEC/TRF 61347-2-10 ed3.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61347-2-10 (First Edition):2000+A1:2008 used in conjunction with IEC 61347-1 (Second Edition):2007+A1:2010
- IEC/TRF 61347-2-11 ed3.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61347-2-11:2001 used in conjunction with IEC 61347-1(Second Edition):2007+A1:2010
- IEC/TRF 61347-2-12 ed2.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61347-2-12:2005+A1:2010 used in conjunction with IEC 61347-1 (Second Edition) :2007+A1:2010
- IEC/TRF 61347-2-13 ed3.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61347-2-13:2006 used in conjunction with IEC 61347-1 (Second Edition) : 2007+A1:2010
- IEC/TRF 62366 ed2.0 (2011-07) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 62366: 2007 (First Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1-6: 2010
IEC E-Tech 2011-07版【詳細情報は個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Editorial - from automation to robotic assistance
- How Conformity Assessment helps reduce complexity
- Taming the ocean's energy
- Robotic applications in Ex environments
- Use of robots in electronics assembly lines accelerating fast
- Number of IECEE CB Test Certificates issued has soared
- Robots help deal with hazards, emergencies and disasters
- Robots are revolutionizing healthcare
- Domestic robots challenge remaining household chore strongholds
- Service robots in figures - opportunity for new educational strategy in engineering
- Service robots in education
- Robots provide tranquillity and care
- LVDC(low voltage direct current) - the end of the plugs and sockets dilemma?
- WTO delegates visit IEC Central Office
- Ubiquitous sensors - versatility in a smart world
- AFSEC(the African Electrotechnical Standardization Commission) capacity building event for Africa
- Nominations of Officers of IEC National Committees (Swiss, Czech)
- Nominations of Officers of IEC Technical Committees (IEC TC 28, IEC TC 31, EC TC 76)
- 40 years with the IEC (Ms.Denise Duret, retired)
- Automation driving growth in China
- Measuring and controlling data at a distance
- Coping with the need for increased energy
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると 当日〜指定期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
・また、最下部の「Subscribe to IEC Just Published」から メルアド登録 すると 毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分(一部追補除外・並び替えた物)などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2011-06-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- IEC/TS 61994-2 ed2.0 (2011-06) Piezoelectric, dielectric and electrostatic devices and associated materials for frequency control, selection and detection - Glossary - Part 2: Piezoelectric and dielectric filters
- CISPR 16-4-2 ed2.0 (2011-06) Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Measurement instrumentation uncertainty
- CISPR 17 ed2.0 (2011-06) Methods of measurement of the suppression characteristics of passive EMC filtering devices
- CISPR 24 ed2.0 (2011-06) Corrigendum 1 - Information technology equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement
- IEC 61204-3 ed2.0 (2011-06) Low voltage power supplies, d.c. output - Part 3: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
- IEC 60079-0 ed6.0 (2011-06) Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements
- IEC 60079-11 ed6.0 (2011-06) Explosive atmospheres - Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i"
- Project IEC 60695-11-4 ed1.0 (2011-06) Fire hazard testing - Part 11-4: Test flames - 50 W flame - Apparatus and confirmational test method
- IEC/PAS 62647-1 ed1.0 (2011-06) Process management for avionics - Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder - Part 1: Lead-free management
- IEC/PAS 62647-2 ed1.0 (2011-06) Process management for avionics - Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder - Part 2: Mitigation of the deleterious effects of tin
- IEC 61747-5-2 ed1.0 (2011-06) Liquid crystal display devices - Part 5-2: Environmental, endurance and mechanical test methods - Visual inspection of active matrix colour liquid crystal display modules
- IEC 61747-6-2 ed1.0 (2011-06) Liquid crystal display devices - Part 6-2: Measuring methods for liquid crystal display modules - Reflective type
- IEC 61709 ed2.0 (2011-06) Electric components - Reliability - Reference conditions for failure rates and stress models for conversion
- IEC/TR 62368-2 ed1.0 (2011-06) Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment - Part 2: Explanatory information related to IEC 62368-1
- IEC 60268-16 ed4.0 (2011-06) Sound system equipment - Part 16: Objective rating of speech intelligibility by speech transmission index
- ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559 ed1.0 (2011-06) Information technology - Microprocessor Systems - Floating-Point arithmetic
- IEC 60191-6-12 ed2.0 (2011-06) Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-12: General rules for the preparation of outline drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guidelines for fine-pitch land grid array (FLGA)
- IEC 60749-7 ed2.0 (2011-06) Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 7: Internal moisture content measurement and the analysis of other residual gases
- Project IEC 60068-2-83 ed1.0 (2011-06) Environmental testing - Part 2-83: Tests - Test Tf: Solderability testing of electronic components for surface mounting devices (SMD) by the wetting balance method using solder paste
- IEC 62047-7 ed1.0 (2011-06) Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 7: MEMS BAW filter and duplexer for radio frequency control and selection
- IEC 60512-9-3 ed2.0 (2011-06) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 9-3: Endurance tests - Test 9c: Mechanical operation (engaging and separating) with electrical load
- IEC 61076-2 ed2.0 (2011-06) Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2: Sectional specification for circular connectors
- IEC 61076-2-001 ed2.0 (2011-06) Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-001: Circular connectors - Blank detail specification
- IEC 61076-2-106 ed1.0 (2011-06) Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-106: Circular connectors - Detail specification for connectors M 16 x 0,75 with screw-locking and degree of protection IP40 or IP65/67
- IEC 62109-2 ed1.0 (2011-06) Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems - Part 2: Particular requirements for inverters
- Project IEC 62282-3-200 ed1.0 (2011-06) Fuel cell technologies - Part 3-200: Stationary fuel cell power systems - Performance test methods
- IEC 61960 ed2.0 (2011-06) Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Secondary lithium cells and batteries for portable applications
- IEC 61300-3-46 ed1.0 (2011-06) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-46: Measurement - Bore diameter for guide pin in MT ferrules
- IEC/PAS 62722-1 ed1.0 (2011-06) Luminaire performance - Part 1: General requirements
- IEC/PAS 62722-2-1 ed1.0 (2011-06) Luminaire performance - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for LED luminaires
- IEC 62386-209 ed1.0 (2011-06) Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 209: Particular requirements for control gear - Colour control (device type 8)
- IEC 62561-5 ed1.0 (2011-06) Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 5: Requirements for earth electrode inspection housings and earth electrode seals
- IEC 62561-6 ed1.0 (2011-06) Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 6: Requirements for lightning strike counters (LSC)
- IEC 61850-8-1 ed2.0 (2011-06) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 8-1: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) - Mappings to MMS (ISO 9506-1 and ISO 9506-2) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3
- Project IEC 61970-301 ed3.0 (2011-06) Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 301: Common information model (CIM) base
- IEC 62634 ed1.0 (2011-06) Radio data system (RDS) - Receiver products and characteristics - Methods of measurement
- Project IEC 61386-25 ed1.0 (2011-06) Conduit systems for cable management - Part 25: Particular requirements - Conduit fixing devices
- IEC 60684-3-205 ed1.0 (2011-06) Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 205: Heat-shrinkable chlorinated polyolefin sleeving, flame retarded, nominal shrink ratio 1,7:1 and 2:1
- IEC 60684-3-247 ed1.0 (2011-06) Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 247: Heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving, dual wall, not flame retarded, thick and medium wall
- IEC 60684-3-271 ed3.0 (2011-06) Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 271: Heat-shrinkable elastomer sleevings, flame retarded, fluid resistant, shrink ratio 2:1
- IEC 60851-5-am1 ed4.0 (2011-06) Amendment 1 - Winding wires - Test methods - Part 5: Electrical properties
- Project IEC 60076-16 ed1.0 (2011-06) Power transformers - Part 16: Transformers for wind turbine applications
- Project IEC 62208 ed2.0 (2011-06) Empty enclosures for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - General requirements
- IEC 62271-103 ed1.0 (2011-06) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 103: Switches for rated voltages above 1 kV up to and including 52 kV
- Project IEC 62271-203 ed2.0 (2011-06) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 203: Gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52 kV
- IEC 62290-2 ed1.0 (2011-06) Railway applications - Urban guided transport management and command/control systems - Part 2: Functional requirements specification
- IEC 62621 ed1.0 (2011-06) Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric traction - Specific requirements for composite insulators used for overhead contact line systems
- IEC 61162-450 ed1.0 (2011-06) Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 450: Multiple talkers and multiple listeners - Ethernet interconnection
- IEC 62613-1 ed1.0 (2011-06) Plugs, socket-outlets and ship couplers for high-voltage shore connection systems (HVSC-Systems) - Part 1: General requirements
- Project IEC/IEEE 62582-1 ed1.0 (2011-06) Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Electrical equipment condition monitoring methods - Part 1: General
- Project IEC/IEEE 62582-2 ed1.0 (2011-06) Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Electrical equipment condition monitoring methods - Part 2: Indenter modulus
- Project IEC/IEEE 62582-4 ed1.0 (2011-06) Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Electrical equipment condition monitoring methods - Part 4: Oxidation induction techniques
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 10995 ed2.0 (2011-06) Information technology -- Digitally recorded media for information interchange and storage -- Test method for the estimation of the archival lifetime of optical media
- ISO/IEC 19756 ed1.0 (2011-06) Information technology -- Topic Maps -- Constraint Language (TMCL)
- ISO/IEC 19788-2 ed1.0 (2011-06) Information technology -- Learning, education and training -- Metadata for learning resources -- Part 2: Dublin Core elements
- ISO/IEC 23006-2 ed1.0 (2011-06) Information technology -- MPEG extensible middleware (MXM) -- Part 2: MXM API
- ISO/IEC 24745 ed1.0 (2011-06) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Biometric information protection
- ISO/IEC 24800-2 ed1.0 (2011-06) Information technology -- JPSearch -- Part 2: Registration, identification and management of schema and ontology
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60335-1 ed11.0 (2011-06) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition) incl. Corrigendum 1:2002 + A1: 2004 + A2:2006 incl. Corrigendum 1:2006
- IEC/TRF 60335-1 ed12.0 (2011-06) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-1:2010 (5th Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-1-2 ed4.0 (2011-06) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-1-2: 2007 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-1-3 ed3.0 (2011-06) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-1-3:2008 (Second Edition) for use with IEC 60601-1: 2005 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-1-10 ed1.0 (2011-06) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-1-10: 2007; First Edition for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1: 2005; Third Edition
- IEC/TRF 60601-1-11 ed2.0 (2011-06) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-1-11 (First Edition): 2010
- IEC/TRF 61347-2-1 ed2.0 (2011-06) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61347-2-1 (First Edition): 2000+A1:2005 used in conjunction with IEC 61347-1 (Second Edition) :2007+A1:2010
- IEC/TRF 61347-2-2 ed4.0 (2011-06) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61347-2-2 (First Edition): 2000+ A1: 2005+A2:2006 used in conjunction with IEC 61347-1 (Second Edition): 2007+A1:2010
- IEC/TRF 61347-2-7 ed3.0 (2011-06) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61347-2-7(Second Edition):2006 used in conjunction with IEC 61347-1(Second Edition):2007+A1:2010
- IEC/TRF 61347-2-8 ed3.0 (2011-06) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61347-2-8:2000+A1:2006 used in conjunction with IEC 61347-1 (Second Edition) :2007+A1:2010
- IEC/TRF 61347-2-9 ed3.0 (2011-06) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61347-2-9:2000+A1:2003+A2:2006 used in conjunction with IEC 61347-1 (ed.2) :2007 + A1:2010
- IEC/TRF 62471-2 ed1.0 (2011-06) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 62471-2:2009 (First Edition)
IEC E-Tech 2011-06版【詳細情報は個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Editorial - offices and buildings
- COPANT - the growing importance of Latin America
- Focusing on efficiency - workshop in Chile
- How Hitachi drives business efficiency and sustainability
- European and Asian perspectives on standards for intelligent homes
- IECEE to propose new Conformity Assessment service to certify energy efficiency
- Chinese Testing Laboratory promotes the IECEx System at major event
- IECQ makes commercial and office environments safer
- Energy-efficient commercial buildings
- Reducing energy use through smart technology in intelligent buildings
- Sensors and transducers track and transmit intelligence
- High-performance schools - a building philosophy
- Halt! Who goes there?
- The importance of being involved in the IEC - a global success story
- IEC invited to talk at major standardization event in Central Asia
- Appointment of new Affiliate Leader
- Korean maritime students confirm standardization knowledge
- Helping harness solar power
- Moving people around while saving energy in commercial buildings
- IEC Webstore adds new functionality
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると 当日〜指定期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
・また、最下部の「Subscribe to IEC Just Published」から メルアド登録 すると 毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分([一部追補除外・並び替えた物]などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2011-05-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- IEC/TR 61000-2-5 ed2.0 (2011-05) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2-5: Environment - Description and classification of electromagnetic environments
- IEC 61000-3-12 ed2.0 (2011-05) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-12: Limits - Limits for harmonic currents produced by equipment connected to public low-voltage systems with input current >16 A and ≦ 75 A per phase
- IEC 61000-4-16 ed1.2 (2011-05) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-16: Testing and measurement techniques - Test for immunity to conducted, common mode disturbances in the frequency range 0 Hz to 150 kHz
- Project IEC 61967-8 ed1.0 (2011-05) Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic emissions - Part 8: Measurement of radiated emissions - IC stripline method
- Project IEC 60068-3-1 ed2.0 (2011-05) Environmental testing - Part 3-1: Supporting documentation and guidance - Cold and dry heat tests
- IEC 61010-1 ed3.0 (2011-05) Corrigendum 1 - Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 1: General requirements
- IEC 61010-2-030 ed1.0 (2011-05) Corrigendum 1 - Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-030: Particular requirements for testing and measuring circuits
- IEC 62232 ed1.0 (2011-05) Determination of RF field strength and SAR in the vicinity of radiocommunication base stations for the purpose of evaluating human exposure
- IEC/TR 62669 ed1.0 (2011-05) Case studies supporting IEC 62232 - Determination of RF field strength and SAR in the vicinity of radiocommunication base stations for the purpose of evaluating human exposure
- Project IEC 60695-6-2 ed1.0 (2011-05) Fire hazard testing - Part 6-2: Smoke obscuration - Summary and relevance of test methods
- Project IEC 60695-7-2 ed1.0 (2011-05) Fire hazard testing - Part 7-2: Toxicity of fire effluent - Summary and relevance of test methods
- Project IEC 60695-7-3 ed1.0 (2011-05) Fire hazard testing - Part 7-3: Toxicity of fire effluent - Use and interpretation of test results
- IEC 60079-35-1 ed1.0 (2011-05) Explosive atmospheres - Part 35-1: Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp - General requirements - Construction and testing in relation to the risk of explosion
- IEC 61951-2 ed3.0 (2011-05) Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Portable sealed rechargeable single cells - Part 2: Nickel-metal hydride
- Project IEC 62554 ed1.0 (2011-05) Sample preparation for measurement of mercury level in fluorescent lamps
- Project IEC 62047-10 ed1.0 (2011-05) Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 10: Micro-pillar compression test for MEMS materials
- IEC 62258-2 ed2.0 (2011-05) Semiconductor die products - Part 2: Exchange data formats
- IEC 60749-30-am1 ed1.0 (2011-05) Amendment 1 - Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 30: Preconditioning of non-hermetic surface mount devices prior to reliability testing
- Project IEC 61587-2 ed2.0 (2011-05) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 60917 and 60297 - Part 2: Seismic tests for cabinets and racks
- IEC 61837-2 ed2.0 (2011-05) Surface mounted piezoelectric devices for frequency control and selection - Standard outlines and terminal lead connections - Part 2: Ceramic enclosures
- IEC 60512-26-100 ed1.1 (2011-05) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 26-100: Measurement setup, test and reference arrangements and measurements for connectors according to IEC 60603-7 - Tests 26a to 26g
- Project IEC 60512-9-2 ed1.0 (2011-05) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 9-2: Endurance tests - Test 9b: Electrical load and temperature
- IEC 62129-2 ed1.0 (2011-05) Calibration of wavelength/optical frequency measurement instruments - Part 2: Michelson interferometer single wavelength meters
- IEC/TR 62048 ed2.0 (2011-05) Optical fibres - Reliability - Power law theory
- Project IEC 60794-2-10 ed2.0 (2011-05) Optical fibre cables - Part 2-10: Indoor optical fibre cables - Family specification for simplex and duplex cables
- IEC 61300-3-45 ed1.0 (2011-05) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-45: Examinations and measurements - Attenuation of random mated multi-fibre connectors
- IEC 60335-2-37-am2 ed5.0 (2011-05) Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-37: Particular requirements for commercial electric doughnut fryers and deep fat fryers
- IEC 60906-2 ed3.0 (2011-05) IEC system of plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 2: Plugs and socket-outlets 15 A 125 V a.c. and 20 A 125 V a.c.
- IEC 60929 ed4.0 (2011-05) AC and/or DC-supplied electronic control gear for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements
- IEC 61347-2-3 ed2.0 (2011-05) Lamp control gear - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for a.c. and/or d.c. supplied electronic control gear for fluorescent lamps
- IEC 61812-1 ed2.0 (2011-05) Time relays for industrial and residential use - Part 1: Requirements and tests
- Project IEC 61439-1 ed2.0 (2011-05) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 1: General rules
- Project IEC 61439-2 ed2.0 (2011-05) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 2: Power switchgear and controlgear assemblies
- IEC 60947-4-2 ed3.0 (2011-05) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 4-2: Contactors and motor-starters - AC semiconductor motor controllers and starters
- Project IEC 62271-106 ed1.0 (2011-05) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 106: Alternating current contactors, contactor-based controllers and motor-starters
- Project IEC 62271-204 ed1.0 (2011-05) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 204: Rigid gas-insulated transmission lines for rated voltage above 52 kV
- IEC 60601-2-34 ed3.0 (2011-05) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-34: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of invasive blood pressure monitoring equipment
- ISO 80601-2-12 ed1.0 (2011-05) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-12: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of critical care ventilators
- IEC 60034-16-1 ed2.0 (2011-05) Rotating electrical machines - Part 16-1: Excitation systems for synchronous machines - Definitions
- IEC 60974-12 ed3.0 (2011-05) Arc welding equipment - Part 12: Coupling devices for welding cables
- IEC 60974-13 ed1.0 (2011-05) Arc welding equipment - Part 13: Welding clamp
- IEC 61307 ed3.0 (2011-05) Industrial microwave heating installations - Test methods for the determination of power output
- IEC 61534-1 ed2.0 (2011-05) Powertrack systems - Part 1: General requirements
- IEC 62520 ed1.0 (2011-05) Railway applications - Electric traction - Short-primary type linear induction motors (LIM) fed by power converters
- IEC 60092-509 ed1.0 (2011-05) Electrical installations in ships - Part 509: Operation of electrical installations
- Project IEC 61513 ed2.0 (2011-05) Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - General requirements for systems
- Project IEC 61850-9-2 ed2.0 (2011-05) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 9-2: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) - Sampled values over ISO/IEC 8802-3
- IEC 61691-1-1 ed2.0 (2011-05) Behavioural languages - Part 1-1: VHDL Language Reference Manual
- IEC 62530 ed2.0 (2011-05) SystemVerilog - Unified Hardware Design, Specification, and Verification Language
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC/IEEE 26512 ed1.0 (2011-05) Systems and software engineering - Requirements for acquirers and suppliers of user documentation
- ISO/IEC 19784-2 ed1.0 (2011-05) Corrigendum 1 - Information technology - Biometric application programming interface - Part 2: Biometric archive function provider interface
- ISO/IEC 24727-4 ed1.0 (2011-05) Corrigendum 1 - Identification cards - Integrated circuit card programming interfaces - Part 4: Application programming interface (API) administration
- ISO/IEC 27005 ed2.0 (2011-05) Information technology - Security techniques - Information security risk management
- ISO/IEC 9797-2 ed2.0 (2011-05) Information technology - Security techniques - Message Authentication Codes (MACs) - Part 2: Mechanisms using a dedicated hash-function
- ISO/IEC 29110-2 ed1.0 (2011-05) Software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 2: Framework and taxonomy
- ISO/IEC 29110-4-1 ed1.0 (2011-05) Software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 4-1: Profile specifications: Generic profile group
- ISO/IEC/TR 29110-5-1_2 ed1.0 (2011-05) Software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 5-1-2: Management and engineering guide: Generic profile group: Basic profile
- ISO/IEC 23000-9-am1 ed1.0 (2011-05) Corrigendum 1 to Amendment 1 - Information technology - Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) - Part 9: Digital Multimedia Broadcasting application format - Conformance and reference software
- ISO/IEC 13818-4 ed1.0 (2011-05) Corrigendum 2 - Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information - Part 4: Conformance testing
- ISO/IEC 14496-5-am28 ed1.0 (2011-05) Amendment 28 - Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects - Part 5: Reference software - Reference software for laser adaptation tools
- ISO/IEC 14496-12 ed1.0 (2011-05) Corrigendum 4 - Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects - Part 12: ISO base media file format
- ISO/IEC 14496-15 ed2.0 (2011-05) Corrigendum 1 - Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects - Part 15: Advanced Video Coding (AVC) file format
- ISO/IEC 14496-25 ed2.0 (2011-05) Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects - Part 25: 3D Graphics Compression Model
- ISO/IEC 14496-26 ed1.0 (2011-05) Corrigendum 3 - Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects - Part 26: Audio conformance
- ISO/IEC 15444-12 ed1.0 (2011-05) Corrigendum 4 - Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system - Part 12: ISO base media file format
- ISO/IEC 23005-6 ed1.0 (2011-05) Information technology - Media context and control - Part 6: Common types and tools
- ISO/IEC 23006-1 ed1.0 (2011-05) Information technology - MPEG extensible middleware (MXM) - Part 1: MXM architecture and technologies
- ISO/IEC 16262 ed3.0 (2011-05) Information technology - Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces - ECMAScript language specification
- ISO/IEC 18042-4-am1 ed1.0 (2011-05) Amendment 1 - Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - Spatial Reference Model (SRM) language bindings - Part 4: C
- ISO/IEC 12862 ed2.0 (2011-05) Information technology - 120 mm (8,54 Gbytes per side) and 80 mm (2,66 Gbytes per side) DVD recordable disk for dual layer (DVD-R for DL)
- ISO/IEC 13066-1 ed1.0 (2011-05) Information technology - Interoperability with assistive technology (AT) - Part 1: Requirements and recommendations for interoperability
- ISO/IEC 29103 ed1.0 (2011-05) Information technology - Office equipment - Colour photo test pages for measurement of ink cartridge yield for colour photo printing
- ISO/IEC/TR 24763 ed1.0 (2011-05) Information technology - Learning, education and training - Conceptual Reference Model for Competency Information and Related Objects
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 61238-1 ed1.0 (2011-05) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61238 1:2003 (Second Edition)
- IEC/TRF 61242 ed2.0 (2011-05) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61242:1995+A1:2008
- IEC 60925 am1 ed1.0 (1996-05) → IEC 61347-2-3 ed2.0 (2011-05)
- IEC 60925 am2 ed1.0 (2001-02) → IEC 61347-2-3 ed2.0 (2011-05)
- IEC 60925 ed1.0 (1989-06) → IEC 61347-2-3 ed2.0 (2011-05)
- IEC 61347-2-4 ed1.0 (2000-10) → IEC 61347-2-3 ed2.0 (2011-05)
- IEC 61347-2-5 ed1.0 (2010-07) → IEC 61347-2-3 ed2.0 (2011-05)
- IEC 61347-2-6 ed1.0 (2010-07) → IEC 61347-2-3 ed2.0 (2011-05)
- IEC 60601-2-12 ed2.0 (2001-10) → ISO 80601-2-12 ed1.0 (2011-04)
- IEC 62013-1 ed2.0 (2005-10) → IEC 60079-35-1 ed1.0 (2011-05)
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると 当日〜指定期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
・また、最下部の「Subscribe to IEC Just Published」から メルアド登録 すると 毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分([一部追補除外・並び替えた物]などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
例えば 2011-04-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
- IEC 60050-113 ed1.0 (2011-04) International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 113: Physics for electrotechnology
- IEC 60118-13 ed3.0 (2011-04) Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 13: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
- IEC/TS 62433-1 ed1.0 (2011-04) EMC IC modelling - Part 1: General modelling framework
- IEC/PAS 62282-6-150 ed1.0 (2011-04) Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-150: Micro fuel cell power systems - Safety - Water reactive (UN Devision 4.3) compounds in indirect PEM fuel cells
- Project IEC 61788-4 ed3.0 (2011-04) Superconductivity - Part 4: Residual resistance ratio measurement - Residual resistance ratio of Nb-Ti composite superconductors
- IEC 61937-10 ed1.0 (2011-04) Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 - Part 10: Non-linear PCM bitstreams according to the MPEG-4 audio lossless coding (ALS) format
- IEC 62087-BD ed3.0 (2011-04) Methods of measurement for the power consumption of audio, video and related equipment
- IEC 62574 ed1.0 (2011-04) Audio, video and multimedia systems - General channel assignment of multichannel audio
- IEC 60728-6 ed3.0 (2011-04) Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 6: Optical equipment
- IEC/TR 61156-1-3 ed1.0 (2011-04) Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications - Part 1-3: Electrical transmission parameters for modelling cable assemblies using symmetrical pair/quad cables
- IEC 60749-21 ed2.0 (2011-04) Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 21: Solderability
- IEC 60749-29 ed2.0 (2011-04) Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 29: Latch-up test
- IEC 60512-8-2 ed1.0 (2011-04) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 8-2: Static load tests (fixed connectors) - Test 8b: Static load, axial
- IEC 60512-8-3 ed1.0 (2011-04) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 8-3: Static load tests (fixed connectors) - Test 8c: Robustness of actuating lever
- Project IEC 60512-9-3 ed2.0 (2011-04) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 9-3: Endurance tests - Test 9c: Mechanical operation (engaging/separating) with electrical load
- IEC 60512-9-4 ed1.0 (2011-04) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 9-4: Endurance tests - Test 9d: Durability of contact retention system and seals (maintenance, ageing)
- IEC 60512-17-2 ed1.0 (2011-04) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 17-2: Cable clamping tests - Test 17b: Cable clamp resistance to cable rotation
- IEC 60603-7-1 ed3.0 (2011-04) Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-1: Detail specification for 8-way, shielded, free and fixed connectors
- Project IEC 61076-2 ed2.0 (2011-04) Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2: Sectional specification for circular connectors
- Project IEC 61076-2-001 ed2.0 (2011-04) Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-001: Circular connectors - Blank detail specification
- Project IEC 61076-2-106 ed1.0 (2011-04) Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-106: Circular connectors - Detail specification for connectors M 16 x 0,75 with screw-locking and degree of protection IP40 or IP65/67
- IEC 60793-1-44 ed2.0 (2011-04) Optical fibres - Part 1-44: Measurement methods and test procedures - Cut-off wavelength
- IEC 61753-141-2 ed1.0 (2011-04) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 141-2: Fibre optic passive chromatic dispersion compensator using single-mode dispersion compensating fibre for category C - Controlled environments
- Project IEC 62496-2-1 ed1.0 (2011-04) Optical circuit boards - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-1: Measurements - Optical attenuation and isolation
- IEC/TR 62627-03-01 ed1.0 (2011-04) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Part 03-01: Reliability - Design of an acceptance test for fibre pistoning failure of connectors during temperature and humidity cycling: demarcation analysis
- IEC/PAS 62717 ed1.0 (2011-04) LED modules for general lighting - Performance requirements
- IEC/TR 62696 ed1.0 (2011-04) Luminaires - Application of the IK code IEC 62262
- IEC 62386-210 ed1.0 (2011-04) Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 210: Particular requirements for control gear - Sequencer (device type 9)
- Project IEC 61199 ed3.0 (2011-04) Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety specifications
- IEC 60335-2-53 ed4.0 (2011-04) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-53: Particular requirements for sauna heating appliances and infrared cabins
- IEC 60335-1 ed5.0 (2011-04) Corrigendum 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General requirements
- IEC 60601-1-11 ed1.0 (2011-04) Corrigendum 1 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-11: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral Standard: Requirements for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems used in the home healthcare environment
- Project IEC 61557-13 ed1.0 (2011-04) Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 v a.c. and 1 500 v d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 13: Hand-held and hand-manipulated current clamps and sensors for measurement of leakage currents in electrical distribution systems
- IEC 61784-3-18 ed1.0 (2011-04) Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-18: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for CPF 18
- IEC 61850-4 ed2.0 (2011-04) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 4: System and project management
- IEC/TS 61934 ed2.0 (2011-04) Electrical insulating materials and systems - Electrical measurement of partial discharges (PD) under short rise time and repetitive voltage impulses
- IEC 62631-1 ed1.0 (2011-04) Dielectric and resistive properties of solid insulating materials - Part 1: General
- Project IEC 60684-3-205 ed1.0 (2011-04) Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 205: Heat-shrinkable chlorinated polyolefin sleeving, flame retarded, nominal shrink ratio 1,7:1 and 2:1
- Project IEC 60684-3-247 ed1.0 (2011-04) Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 247: Heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving, dual wall, not flame retarded, thick and medium wall
- Project IEC 60684-3-271 ed3.0 (2011-04) Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 271: Heat-shrinkable elastomer sleevings, flame retarded, fluid resistant, shrink ratio 2:1
- IEC 60076-1 ed3.0 (2011-04) Power transformers - Part 1: General
- IEC 61954 ed2.0 (2011-04) Static var compensators (SVC) - Testing of thyristor valves
- Project IEC 62621 ed1.0 (2011-04) Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric traction - Specific requirements for composite insulators used for overhead contact line systems
- Project IEC 61993-2 ed2.0 (2011-04) Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) - Part 2: Class A shipborne equipment of the universal automatic identification system (AIS) - Operational and performance requirements, methods of test and required test results
- IEC 62495 ed1.0 (2011-04) Nuclear instrumentation - Portable X-ray fluorescence analysis equipment utilizing a miniature X-ray tube
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 80079-34 ed1.0 (2011-04) Explosive atmospheres - Part 34: Application of quality systems for equipment manufacture
- ISO/IEC 13818-1 ed2.0 (2011-04) Corrigendum 3 - Information technology -- Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems - Corrections concerning VBV buffer size, semantics of splice_type and removal rate from transport buffer for ITU-T H.264 ISO/IEC 14496-10 advanced video coding
- ISO/IEC 13818-1-am3 ed1.0 (2011-04) Corrigendum 1 - Amendment 3 - Information technology -- Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems - Transport of scalable video over Rec. ITU-T H.222.0 ISO/IEC 13818-1 - Amendment 3 - Information technology -- Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems -
- ISO/IEC 14443-3 ed2.0 (2011-04) Identification cards -- Contactless integrated circuit cards -- Proximity cards -- Part 3: Initialization and anticollision
- ISO/IEC 20000-1 ed2.0 (2011-04) Information technology - Service management - Part 1: Service management system requirements
- ISO/IEC 13249-3 ed4.0 (2011-04) Information technology -- Database languages -- SQL multimedia and application packages -- Part 3: Spatial
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60269-2 ed2.0 (2011-04) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60269-2 (Fourth edition): 2010 see also IEC 60269 - 1:2006 (fourth edition) +A1:2009
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-1 ed4.0 (2011-04) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-1:2009 (First edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1: 2005 (Third edition)
- IEC/TRF 60730-2-6 ed2.0 (2011-04) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60730 2-6 (Second Edition): 2007
- IEC/TRF 62493 ed1.0 (2011-04) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 62493(ed.1):2009
- IEC/TRF 62560 ed1.0 (2011-04) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 62560:2011 (1st Edition)
IEC E-Tech 2011-04版【新URL 詳細情報は 個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Electrified transport : EV (electric vehicle)
- EVs depend on modernization of the grid
- CANENA focusing on the future : Council for the Harmonization of Electrotechnical Standards of the Nations of the Americas
- 2011 nominations for the Lord Kelvin Award open
- Global relevance : latest IEC Global Visions interview, Keith Nosbush, Chairman and President of Rockwell Automation
- Centenary celebrations for the IEC National Committee of the Netherlands
- IECEE keeps engines running with safety and performance certification of batteries
- IECEx(防爆) Schemes help reduce risks
- United Nations endorses IEC with a regulatory framework for Ex areas : UNECC, IECEx
- IECQ helps make travelling safer
- EVs key to sustainable individual transportation
- Curbing driver distraction : reduce driver distraction.
- Electric vehicles: The first 50 years of early trials and triumphs
- Power on the go - the electric vehicle and its battery
- How far will it go? : 電気自動車の航続距離
- Water and heat : Fuel cells
- Nominations : TC 33, TC 46, TC 79, TC 94, TC 97, Sector Board 4
- Plug them in and move them on! : International Standards for EV charging.
- IEC TC 9(for railways) holds 50th meeting in China
- Updating Smart Grid methodology
- Performance and reliability testing for EV propulsion
- Send it to a friend : IEC Webstore
- From breadcrumbs to IEC NC pages
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
・「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると 当日〜指定期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
・上記URLの右上メニューから 各種検索、簡易番号検索(Quick access by ref. number : 例「24765」Enter) も出来ます。
・また、最下部の「Subscribe to IEC Just Published」から メルアド登録 すると 毎月初めに 前月一ヶ月発行分をまとめたメルマガが送付され、以下の部分([一部追補除外・並び替えた物]などは 読む必要が無くなりますので 是非ご利用下さい。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
例えば 2011-03-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
- ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765 ed1.0 (2011-03) Systems and software engineering -- Vocabulary
- IEC/TS 61994-4-2 ed2.0 (2011-03) Piezoelectric, dielectric and electrostatic devices and associated materials for frequency control, selection and detection - Glossary - Part 4-2: Piezoelectric and dielectric materials - Piezoelectric ceramics
- Project IEC 61204-3 ed2.0 (2011-03) Low voltage power supplies, d.c. output - Part 3: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
- Project CISPR 16-4-2 ed2.0 (2011-03) Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Measurement instrumentation uncertainty
- Project CISPR 17 ed2.0 (2011-03) Methods of measurement of the suppression characteristics of passive EMC filtering devices
- Project IEC 60079-0 ed6.0 (2011-03) Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements
- Project IEC 60079-11 ed6.0 (2011-03) Explosive atmospheres - Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i"
- Project IEC 60079-35-1 ed1.0 (2011-03) Explosive atmospheres - Part 35-1: Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp - General requirements - Construction and testing in relation to the risk of explosion
- IEC 60825-4-am2 ed2.0 (2011-03) Amendment 2 - Safety of laser products - Part 4: Laser guards
- IEC 62571 ed1.0 (2011-03) Digital audiobook file format and player requirements
- Project IEC 62605 ed1.0 (2011-03) Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia e-publishing and e-books - Interchange format for e-dictionaries
- IEC 62637-1 ed1.0 (2011-03) Battery charging interface for smallhand held multimedia devices - Part 1: 2mm barrel interface
- IEC 62637-2 ed1.0 (2011-03) Battery charging interface for small handheld multimedia devices - Part 2: 2 mm barrel type interface conformance testing
- IEC/PAS 62565-2-1 ed1.0 (2011-03) Nanomanufacturing - Material specifications - Part 2-1: Single-wall carbon nanotubes - Blank detail specification
- Project IEC 60749-7 ed2.0 (2011-03) Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 7: Internal moisture content measurement and the analysis of other residual gases
- IEC 60749-23 ed1.1 (2011-03) Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 23: High temperature operating life
- Project IEC 62047-7 ed1.0 (2011-03) Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 7: MEMS BAW filter and duplexer for radio frequency control and selection
- IEC 62047-8 ed1.0 (2011-03) Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 8: Strip bending test method for tensile property measurement of thin films
- Project IEC 62047-12 ed1.0 (2011-03) Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 12: Bending fatigue testing method of thin film materials using resonant vibration of MEMS structures
- IEC 60679-6 ed1.0 (2011-03) Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality - Part 6: Phase jitter measurement method for quartz crystal oscillators and SAW oscillators - Application guidelines
- IEC 60086-5 ed3.0 (2011-03) Primary batteries - Part 5: Safety of batteries with aqueous electrolyte
- IEC 62040-3 ed2.0 (2011-03) Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 3: Method of specifying the performance and test requirements
- Project IEC 61747-5-2 ed1.0 (2011-03) Liquid crystal display devices - Part 5-2: Environmental, endurance and mechanical test methods - Visual inspection of active matrix colour liquid crystal display modules
- IEC 61167 ed2.0 (2011-03) Metal halide lamps - Performance specification
- IEC/TS 62504 ed1.0 (2011-03) General lighting - LEDs and LED modules - Terms and definitions
- IEC 62384 ed1.1 (2011-03) DC or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED modules - Performance requirements
- IEC/PAS 62707-1 ed1.0 (2011-03) LED - Binning - Part 1: General requirements and white grid
- Project IEC 62386-209 ed1.0 (2011-03) Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 209: Particular requirements for control gear - Colour control (device type 8)
- IEC 60793-2-10 ed4.0 (2011-03) Optical fibres - Part 2-10: Product specifications - Sectional specification for category A1 multimode fibres
- IEC 61300-1 ed3.0 (2011-03) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 1: General and guidance
- Project IEC 62129-2 ed1.0 (2011-03) Calibration of wavelength/optical frequency measurement instruments - Part 2: Michelson interferometer single wavelength meters
- IEC 62343-2 ed1.0 (2011-03) Dynamic modules - Part 2: Reliability qualification
- IEC 60512-26-100-am1 ed1.0 (2011-03) Amendment 1 - Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 26-100: Measurement setup, test and reference arrangements and measurements for connectors according to IEC 60603-7 - Tests 26a to 26g
- Project IEC 61850-7-1 ed2.0 (2011-03) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-1: Basic communication structure - Principles and models
- IEC/TS 61968-2 ed2.0 (2011-03) Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 2: Glossary
- IEC 60364-5-54 ed3.0 (2011-03) Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-54: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Earthing arrangements and protective conductors
- IEC 60364-7-718 ed1.0 (2011-03) Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-718: Requirements for special installations or locations - Communal facilities and workplaces
- Project IEC 60505 ed4.0 (2011-03) Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulation systems
- IEC/TS 62332-1 ed2.0 (2011-03) Electrical insulation systems (EIS) - Thermal evaluation of combined liquid and solid components - Part 1: General requirements
- IEC 60670-24 ed2.0 (2011-03) Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 24: Particular requirements for enclosures for housing protective devices and other power dissipating electrical equipment
- IEC 61643-11 ed1.0 (2011-03) Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 11: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power systems - Requirements and test methods
- Project IEC 62561-5 ed1.0 (2011-03) Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 5: Requirements for earth electrode inspection housings and earth electrode seals
- Project IEC 62561-6 ed1.0 (2011-03) Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 6: Requirements for lightning strike counters (LSC)
- Project IEC 60335-2-37-am2 ed5.0 (2011-03) Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-37: Particular requirements for commercial electric deep fat fryers
- IEC 60745-2-22 ed1.0 (2011-03) Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-22: Particular requirements for cut-off machines
- IEC/TS 62558 ed1.0 (2011-03) Ultrasonics - Real-time pulse-echo scanners - Phantom with cylindrical, artificial cysts in tissue-mimicking material and method for evaluation and periodic testing of 3D-distributions of void-detectability ratio (VDR)
- IEC 60601-2-27 ed3.0 (2011-03) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-27: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of electrocardiographic monitoring equipment
- Project IEC 60601-2-31-am1 ed2.0 (2011-03) Amendment 1 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-31: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source
- IEC/TR 62543 ed1.0 (2011-03) High-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission using voltage sourced converters (VSC)
- Project IEC 62613-1 ed1.0 (2011-03) Plugs, socket-outlets and ship couplers for high-voltage shore connection systems (HVSC-systems) - Part 1: General requirements
- Project IEC 61869-3 ed1.0 (2011-03) Instrument transformers - Part 3: Additional requirements for inductive voltage transformers
- Project IEC 61869-5 ed1.0 (2011-03) Instrument transformers - Part 5: Additional requirements for capacitor voltage transformers
- IEC 60947-1 ed5.1 (2011-03) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 1: General rules
- IEC 60534-2-1 ed2.0 (2011-03) Industrial-process control valves - Part 2-1: Flow capacity - Sizing equations for fluid flow under installed conditions
- IEC/TR 62267-2 ed1.0 (2011-03) Railway applications - Automated urban guided transport (AUGT) - Safety requirements - Part 2: Hazard analysis at top system level
- IEC 62598 ed1.0 (2011-03) Nuclear instrumentation - Constructional requirements and classification of radiometric gauges
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 10373-8 ed1.0 (2011-03) Identification cards -- Test methods -- Part 8: USB-ICC
- ISO/IEC 18046-2 ed1.0 (2011-03) Information technology -- Radio frequency identification device performance test methods -- Part 2: Test methods for interrogator performance
- ISO/IEC 24724 ed2.0 (2011-03) Information technology -- Automatic identification and data capture techniques -- GS1 DataBar bar code symbology specification
- ISO/IEC 24727-5 ed1.0 (2011-03) Identification cards -- Integrated circuit card programming interfaces -- Part 5: Testing procedures
- ISO/IEC 15444-9-am4 ed1.0 (2011-03) Amendment 4 - Information technology -- JPEG 2000 image coding system: Interactivity tools, APIs and protocols - JPIP server and client profiles
- ISO/IEC 10646 ed2.0 (2011-03) Information technology -- Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)
- ISO/IEC 19761 ed2.0 (2011-03) Software engineering -- COSMIC: a functional size measurement method
- ISO/IEC 23005-1 ed1.0 (2011-03) Information technology -- Media context and control -- Part 1: Architecture
- ISO/IEC 25010 ed1.0 (2011-03) Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) -- System and software quality models
- ISO/IEC 27031 ed1.0 (2011-03) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Guidelines for information and communication technology readiness for business continuity
- ISO/IEC 9797-1 ed2.0 (2011-03) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Message Authentication Codes (MACs) -- Part 1: Mechanisms using a block cipher
- ISO/IEC 29109-5 ed1.0 (2011-03) Information technology -- Conformance testing methodology for biometric data interchange formats defined in ISO/IEC 19794 -- Part 5: Face image data
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-42 ed4.0 (2011-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335 2 42:2002 (Fifth edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335 1:2010 (Fifth edition) and IEC 62233:2005 (First edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-80 ed4.0 (2011-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-80:2002 (Second edition) + A1:2004 +A2:2008 in conj. With IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2006
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-101 ed4.0 (2011-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-101:2002 (First Edition) + A1: 2008; IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition) + A1:2004 + A2 :2006
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-109 ed1.0 (2011-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335 2 109:2010 (First edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335 1:2001 (Fourth edition) incl. Corrigendum 1:2002 + A1:2004 + A2:2006 incl. Corrigendum 1:2006 and/or IEC 62233:2005 (First edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-19 ed3.0 (2011-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-19: 2009 (Second Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1:2005 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-20 ed3.0 (2011-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-20: 2009 (Second Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1:2005 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-21 ed3.0 (2011-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-21:2009 (Second Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1:2005 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-29 ed3.0 (2011-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-29:2008 (Third Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1:2005 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-38 ed3.0 (2011-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-38:1996 (First Edition) + A1: 1999 for use with IEC 60601:1988 + A1:91 + A2:95
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-50 ed3.0 (2011-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-50: 2009 (Second Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1:2005 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60691 ed4.0 (2011-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60691:2002 (Third Edition) + A1: 2006 + A2: 2010
- IEC/TRF 60745-2-5 ed4.0 (2011-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60745-2-5: 2010 (Fifth Edition) used in conjunction with IEC 60745-1:2006 (Fourth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60947-4-3 ed1.0 (2011-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60947-4-3 (First Edition) :1999 + A1 : 2006
- IEC/TRF 61010-1 ed2.0 (2011-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61010-1 (Third Edition) :2010
- IEC/TRF 61058-2-5 ed2.0 (2011-03) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61058 2-5:2010 (Second Edition) used in conjunction with IEC 61058-1:2000 + A1:2001+ A2:2007 (Third Edition)
IEC E-Tech 2011-03版【新URL 詳細情報は 個別HTML化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Medical devices: technology versus safety
- SMB decision to reduce CDV voting time
- IEC Global Visions
- Risk management in medical equipment
- Reducing Ex risk in health care
- IECQ: Safety connecting medical devices
- Technology - a life-saving difference
- Risk management in health care
- 1st joint ISO/IEC adoption workshop
- 2010 Thomas A. Edison Award
- Appointments of IEC NC Officers
- Expert named as President
- Consultative and TC Committee nominations
- Obituary
- Health matters, standards too
- Ultrasonics for therapy and diagnostics
- Essential keystrokes
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると その期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
例えば 2011-02-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
- IEC/TR 62687 ed1.0 (2011-02) Graphical symbols for use on equipment - Terminology
- IECEx BUL ed4.0 (2011-02) IECEx Bulletin [防爆]
- IEC 62115 ed1.2 (2011-02) Electric toys - Safety
- IEC 60300-3-12 ed2.0 (2011-02) Dependability management - Part 3-12: Application guide - Integrated logistic support
- IEC/TR 62131-1 ed1.0 (2011-02) Environmental conditions - Vibration and shock of electrotechnical equipment - Part 1: Process for validation of dynamic data
- IEC/TR 62131-2 ed1.0 (2011-02) Environmental conditions - Vibration and shock of electrotechnical equipment - Part 2: Equipment transported in fixed wing jet aircraft
- IEC/TR 62131-3 ed1.0 (2011-02) Environmental conditions - Vibration and shock of electrotechnical equipment - Part 3: Equipment transported in rail vehicles
- IEC/TR 62131-4 ed1.0 (2011-02) Environmental conditions - Vibration and shock of electrotechnical equipment - Part 4: Equipment transported in road vehicles
- Project IEC 62232 ed1.0 (2011-02) Determination of RF field strength and SAR in the vicinity of radiocommunication base stations for the purpose of evaluating human exposure
- Project IEC 61000-3-12 ed2.0 (2011-02) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-12: Limits - Limits for harmonic currents produced by equipment connected to public low-voltage systems with input current >16 A and ≦ 75 A per phase
- IEC/TS 62441 ed2.0 (2011-02) Safeguards againts accidentally caused candle flame ignition for audio/video, communication and information technology equipment
- Project IEC 61747-6-2 ed1.0 (2011-02) Liquid crystal display devices - Part 6-2: Measuring methods for liquid crystal display modules - Reflective type
- Project IEC 60268-16 ed4.0 (2011-02) Sound system equipment - Part 16: Objective rating of speech intelligibility by speech transmission index
- Project IEC 62634 ed1.0 (2011-02) Radio data system (RDS) - Receiver products and characteristics - Methods of measurement
- Project IEC 62258-2 ed2.0 (2011-02) Semiconductor die products - Part 2: Exchange data formats
- IEC 60904-5 ed2.0 (2011-02) Photovoltaic devices - Part 5: Determination of the equivalent cell temperature (ECT) of photovoltaic (PV) devices by the open-circuit voltage method
- IEC 60086-1 ed11.0 (2011-02) Primary batteries - Part 1: General
- IEC 60086-2 ed12.0 (2011-02) Primary batteries - Part 2: Physical and electrical specifications
- Project IEC 61960 ed2.0 (2011-02) Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Secondary lithium cells and batteries for portable applications
- Project IEC 60704-2-10 ed2.0 (2011-02) Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-10: Particular requirements for electric cooking ranges, ovens, grills, microwave ovens and any combination of these
- IEC/TS 60318-7 ed1.0 (2011-02) Electroacoustics - Simulators of human head and ear - Part 7: Head and torso simulator for acoustic measurement of hearing aids
- IEC 60745-2-3 ed2.1 (2011-02) Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for grinders, polishers and disk-type sanders
- IEC 62264-5 ed1.0 (2011-02) Enterprise-control system integration - Part 5: Business to manufacturing transactions
- IEC 60601-2-23 ed3.0 (2011-02) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-23: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of transcutaneous partial pressure monitoring equipment
- Project IEC 60601-2-34 ed3.0 (2011-02) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-34: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of invasive blood pressure monitoring equipment
- IEC 60601-2-45 ed3.0 (2011-02) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-45: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of mammographic X-ray equipment and mammomagraphic stereotactic devices
- IEC 60601-2-49 ed2.0 (2011-02) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-49: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of multifunction patient monitoring equipment
- IEC 60731 ed3.0 (2011-02) Medical electrical equipment - Dosimeters with ionization chambers as used in radiotherapy
- Project IEC 60929 ed4.0 (2011-02) AC and/or DC-supplied electronic control gear for tubular fluorescent lamps -Performance requirements
- IEC 62560 ed1.0 (2011-02) Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 V - Safety specifications
- IEC 60662 ed2.0 (2011-02) High-pressure sodium vapour lamps - Performance specifications
- IEC 60884-2-7 ed1.0 (2011-02) Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for cord extension sets
- IEC 60352-8 ed1.0 (2011-02) Solderless connections - Part 8: Compression mount connections - General requirements, test methods and practical guidance
- IEC 60130-9 ed4.0 (2011-02) Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz - Part 9: Circular connectors for radio and associated sound equipment
- IEC 61169-41 ed1.0 (2011-02) Radio-frequency connectors - Part 41: Sectional specification for CQA series quick lock R.F. coaxial connectors
- IEC 62246-1 ed2.0 (2011-02) Reed switches - Part 1: Generic specification
- IEC 61810-2 ed2.0 (2011-02) Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 2: Reliability
- IEC 61810-2-1 ed1.0 (2011-02) Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 2-1: Reliability - Procedure for the verification of B10
- Project IEC 61812-1 ed2.0 (2011-02) Time relays for industrial and residential use - Part 1: Requirements and tests
- Project IEC 61300-3-45 ed1.0 (2011-02) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-45: Examinations and measurements - Attenuation of random mated multi-fibre connectors
- IEC/TR 62343-6-1 ed1.0 (2011-02) Dynamic modules - Part 6-1: Dynamic channel equalizers
- IEC 62642-6 ed1.0 (2011-02) Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 6: Power supplies
- IEC/TS 62642-7 ed1.0 (2011-02) Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 7: Application guidelines
- IEC 62642-8 ed1.0 (2011-02) Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 8: Security fog device/systems
- Project IEC 61850-8-1 ed2.0 (2011-02) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 8-1: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) - Mappings to MMS (ISO 9506-1 and ISO 9506-2) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3
- Project IEC 60974-12 ed3.0 (2011-02) Arc welding equipment - Part 12: Coupling devices for welding cables
- Project IEC 60974-13 ed1.0 (2011-02) Arc welding equipment - Part 13: Welding clamp
- IEC 60317-3 ed3.1 (2011-02) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 3: Polyester enamelled round copper wire,
- Project IEC 60947-4-2 ed3.0 (2011-02) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 4-2: Contactors and motor-starters - AC semiconductor motor controllers and starters
- Project IEC 62271-103 ed1.0 (2011-02) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 103: Switches for rated voltages above 1 kV up to and including 52 kV
- IEC 60076-2 ed3.0 (2011-02) Power transformers - Part 2: Temperature rise for liquid-immersed transformers
- Project IEC 62109-2 ed1.0 (2011-02) Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems - Part 2: Particular requirements for inverters
- Project IEC 62290-2 ed1.0 (2011-02) Railway applications - Urban guided transport management and command/control systems - Part 2: Functional requirements specification
- Project IEC 62520 ed1.0 (2011-02) Railway applications - Electric traction - Short-primary type linear induction motors (LIM) fed by power converters
- Project IEC 61162-450 ed1.0 (2011-02) Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 450: Multiple talkers and multiple listeners - Ethernet interconnection
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC/TR 14165-372 ed1.0 (2011-02) Information technology - Part 372: Fibre channel methodologies for interconnects-2 (FC-MI-2)
- ISO/IEC 14496-5-am27 ed1.0 (2011-02) Amendment 27 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 5: Reference software - Scalable complexity 3D mesh coding reference software
- ISO/IEC 15026-2 ed1.0 (2011-02) Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software assurance -- Part 2: Assurance case
- ISO/IEC 15938-12-am1 ed1.0 (2011-02) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Multimedia content description interface -- Part 12: Query format - Reference software and flat metadata output
- ISO/IEC 18033-1-am1 ed1.0 (2011-02) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Security techniques -- Encryption algorithms -- Part 1: General -
- ISO/IEC 19784-4 ed1.0 (2011-02) Information technology -- Biometric application programming interface -- Part 4: Biometric sensor function provider interface
- ISO/IEC 19795-5 ed1.0 (2011-02) Information technology -- Biometric performance testing and reporting -- Part 5: Access control scenario and grading scheme
- ISO/IEC 24775 ed2.0 (2011-02) Information technology - Storage management
- ISO/IEC 24793-1 ed1.0 (2011-02) Information technology -- Mobile multicast communications: Framework
- ISO/IEC 24793-2 ed1.0 (2011-02) Information technology -- Mobile multicast communications: Protocol over native IP multicast networks
- ISO/IEC 25040 ed1.0 (2011-02) Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) -- Evaluation process
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60335-4 ed1.0 (2011-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-4:2008 (Sixth edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth edition) (incl. Corr.1:2002) + A1:2004 (incl. Corr.1:2005) + A2:2006 (incl. Corr.1:2006)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-4;7 ed3.0 (2011-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-4:2008 (Fifth Edition) and IEC 60335-2-7:2008 (Sixth Edition) In conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition) + A1:2004 + A2:2006+ incl.
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-24 ed8.0 (2011-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-24:2010 (Seventh Edition) IEC 60335-1:2001(Fourth Edition) incl. Corr. 1:2002 + A1:2004 + A2:2006 (incl. Corr.1:2006)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-24 ed9.0 (2011-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-24:2010 (Seventh Edition) IEC 60335-1:2010 (Fifth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-72 ed4.0 (2011-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-72:2002 (2nd Edition) +A1:2005 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (4th Edition) (incl. Corrigendum 1:2002) +A1:2004 +A2:2006 (incl. Corrigendum 1:2006) and IEC 62233:2005 (First Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-89 ed3.0 (2011-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-89:2010 in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition) + incl. corrigendum 1:2002 + A1:2004 + A2:2006 incl. corrigendum 1:2006
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-44 ed3.0 (2011-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-44: 2009 (Third Edition) + Corrigendum 1: May 2010 for use with IEC 60601-1: 2005 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 61049 ed1.0 (2011-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61049 (First Edition):1991
- IEC/TRF 61439-2 ed1.0 (2011-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61439-2 (First Edition): 2009
- IEC/TRF 61770 ed2.0 (2011-02) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61770:2008 (Second Edition)
IEC E-Tech 2011-01/02版【新URL 詳細は 個別PDF化】 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- Around the house wirelessly
- High-tech trade at the WEF
- Load control - smart appliances make the home greener
- A giant step for EVs
- IECEE tests essential in reducing risks
- IECEx(防爆) ExTAG Chairman and Baseefa leader honoured
- IECQ ensures electronic component certification
- Getting ahead with Leading Young Professionals
- Canadian entrepreneur
- Mexican household safety expert
- Standards make the world go round
- Obituary (2件)
- Nominations - Officers of IEC Boards and Committees
- Holding energy vampires at bay
- Power supplies and chargers
- IEC TC 100 leads the way in multimedia e-publishing
- High voltage, safer electrical power installations
- Vacuuming - dust-free success in SC 59F
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択すると その期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
例えば 2011-01-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
- IEC 60050-802 ed1.0 (2011-01) International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 802: Ultrasonics
- IEC 61000-4-21 ed2.0 (2011-01) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-21: Testing and measurement techniques - Reverberation chamber test methods
- Project IEC 60118-13 ed3.0 (2011-01) Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 13: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
- IEC 62489-2 ed1.0 (2011-01) Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency induction loop systems for assisted hearing - Part 2: Methods of calculating and measuring the low-frequency magnetic field emissions from the loop for assessing conformity with guidelines on limits for human exposure
- Project IEC 60749-21 ed2.0 (2011-01) Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 21: Solderability
- IEC 60749-23-am1 ed1.0 (2011-01) Amendment 1 - Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 23: High temperature operating life
- Project IEC 60749-29 ed2.0 (2011-01) Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 29: Latch-up test
- IEC/PAS 61189-3-913 ed1.0 (2011-01) Test methods for electrical materials, printed boards and other interconnection structures and assemblies - Part 3-913: Test methods for interconnection structures (printed boards) - Electronic circuit board for high-brightness LEDs
- IEC/PAS 62326-20 ed1.0 (2011-01) Printed boards - Part 20: Electronic circuit board for high-brightness LEDs
- IEC 61853-1 ed1.0 (2011-01) Photovoltaic (PV) module performance testing and energy rating - Part 1: Irradiance and temperature performance measurements and power rating
- IEC 60191-6-17 ed1.0 (2011-01) Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 6-17: General rules for the preparation of outline drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guide for stacked packages - Fine-pitch ball grid array and fine-pitch land grid array (P-PFBGA and P-PFLGA)
- IEC 60747-14-4 ed1.0 (2011-01) Semiconductor devices - Discrete devices - Part 14-4: Semiconductor accelerometers
- Project IEC/ISO 80079-34 ed1.0 (2011-01) Explosive atmospheres - Part 34: Application of quality systems for equipment manufacture
- IEC 60086-3 ed3.0 (2011-01) Primary batteries - Part 3: Watch batteries
- Project IEC 61951-2 ed3.0 (2011-01) Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non acid electrolytes - Portable sealed rechargeable single cells - Part 2: Nickel-metal hydride
- IEC 62684 ed1.0 (2011-01) Interoperability specifications of common external power supply (EPS) for use with data-enabled mobile telephones
- IEC 62301 ed2.0 (2011-01) Household electrical appliances - Measurement of standby power
- Project IEC 60335-2-53 ed4.0 (2011-01) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-53: Particular requirements for sauna heating appliances and infrared cabins
- IEC 60099-8 ed1.0 (2011-01) Surge arresters - Part 8: Metal-oxide surge arresters with external series gap (EGLA) for overhead transmission and distribution lines of a.c. systems above 1 kV
- IEC/TR 60146-1-2 ed4.0 (2011-01) Semiconductor converters - General requirements and line commutated converters - Part 1-2: Application guide
- Project IEC 60906-2 ed3.0 (2011-01) IEC system of plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 2: Plugs and socket-outlets 15 A 125 V a.c. and 20 A 125 V a.c.
- IEC 60825-1 ed2.0 (2011-01) Interpretation sheet 2 - Safety of laser products - Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements
- Project IEC 60793-1-44 ed2.0 (2011-01) Optical fibres - Part 1-44: Measurement methods and test procedures - Cut-off wavelength
- Project IEC 61753-141-2 ed1.0 (2011-01) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 141-2: Fibre optic passive chromatic dispersion compensator using single-mode dispersion compensating fibre for category C - Controlled environments
- IEC 62496-2-2 ed1.0 (2011-01) Optical circuit boards - Part 2-2: Measurements - Dimensions of optical circuit boards
- IEC 62496-3 ed1.0 (2011-01) Optical circuit boards - Part 3: Performance standards - General and guidance
- IEC 62496-4 ed1.0 (2011-01) Optical circuit boards - Part 4: Interface standards - General and guidance
- IEC/TR 62343-6-5 ed1.0 (2011-01) Dynamic modules - Part 6-5: Investigation of operating mechanical shock and vibration tests for dynamic modules
- IEC/TR 62343-6-6 ed1.0 (2011-01) Dynamic modules - Part 6-6: Failure mode effect analysis for optical units of dynamic modules
- IEC 61169-18 ed1.0 (2011-01) Radio-frequency connectors - Part 18: Sectional specification - Radio frequency coaxial connectors of type SSMA
- IEC 61169-19 ed1.0 (2011-01) Radio-frequency connectors - Part 19: Sectional specification - Radio frequency coaxial connectors of type SSMB
- Project IEC 61850-4 ed2.0 (2011-01) Communication networks and systems for power utilility automation - Part 4: System and project management
- IEC 60704-2-13 ed2.0 (2011-01) Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for range hoods
- IEC 62532 ed1.0 (2011-01) Fluorescent induction lamps - Safety specifications
- Project IEC 61347-2-3 ed2.0 (2011-01) Lamp controlgear - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for a.c. and/or d.c. supplied electronic controlgear for fluorescent lamps
- IEC 60519-6 ed3.0 (2011-01) Safety in electroheat installations - Part 6: Specifications for safety in industrial microwave heating equipment
- IEC 60335-2-103 ed2.1 (2011-01) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-103: Particular requirements for drives for gates, doors and windows
- IEC/TR 60664-2-1 ed2.0 (2011-01) Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems - Part 2-1: Application guide - Explanation of the application of the IEC 60664 series, dimensioning examples and dielectric testing
- Project IEC 62631-1 ed1.0 (2011-01) Dielectric and resistive properties of solid insulating materials - Part 1: General
- IEC 62640 ed1.0 (2011-01) Residual current devices with or without overcurrent protection for socket-outlets for household and similar uses
- IEC 61558-2-12 ed2.0 (2011-01) Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combination thereof - Part 2-12: Particular requirements and tests for constant voltage transformers and power supply units for constant voltage
- Project IEC 60076-1 ed3.0 (2011-01) Power transformers - Part 1: General
- Project IEC 61534-1 ed2.0 (2011-01) Powertrack systems - Part 1: General requirements
- IEC 62271-SER ed1.0 (2011-01) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - ALL PARTS
- IEC 62271-206 ed1.0 (2011-01) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 206: Voltage presence indicating systems for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV
- Project IEC 60601-2-27 ed3.0 (2011-01) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-27: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of electrocardiographic monitoring equipment
- IEC 60601-2-57 ed1.0 (2011-01) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-57: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of non-laser light source equipment intended for therapeutic, diagnostic, monitoring and cosmetic/aesthetic use
- Project IEC 60092-509 ed1.0 (2011-01) Electrical installations in ships - Operation of electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements
- Project IEC 62495 ed1.0 (2011-01) Nuclear instrumentation - Portable X-ray fluorescence analysis equipment utilizing a miniature X-ray tube
- IEC 61966-12-1 ed1.0 (2011-01) Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 12-1: Metadata for identification of colour gamut (Gamut ID)
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 10373-6 ed2.0 (2011-01) Identification cards -- Test methods -- Part 6: Proximity cards
- ISO/IEC/TR 18047-6 ed3.0 (2011-01) Information technology -- Radio frequency identification device conformance test methods -- Part 6: Test methods for air interface communications at 860 MHz to 960 MHz
- ISO/IEC 14496-27-am2 ed1.0 (2011-01) Amendment 2 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 27: 3D Graphics conformance - Scalable complexity 3D mesh coding conformance
- ISO/IEC 15444-1-am3 ed1.0 (2011-01) Amendment 3 - Information technology -- JPEG 2000 image coding system: Core coding system - Profiles for broadcast applications
- ISO/IEC 23000-5 ed2.0 (2011-01) Information technology -- Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -- Part 5: Media streaming application format
- ISO/IEC 23006-3 ed1.0 (2011-01) Information technology -- MPEG extensible middleware (MXM) -- Part 3: MXM reference software
- ISO/IEC 19788-1 ed1.0 (2011-01) Information technology -- Learning, education and training -- Metadata for learning resources -- Part 1: Framework
- ISO/IEC 19795-7 ed1.0 (2011-01) Information technology -- Biometric performance testing and reporting -- Part 7: Testing of on-card biometric comparison algorithms
- ISO/IEC 24709-3 ed1.0 (2011-01) Information technology -- Conformance testing for the biometric application programming interface (BioAPI) -- Part 3: Test assertions for BioAPI frameworks
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF cispr-13 ed1.0 (2011-01) This Test Report Form applies to CISPR 13:2001 (Fourth Edition) + A1:2003
- IEC/TRF cispr-20 ed1.0 (2011-01) This Test Report Form applies to CISPR 20:2006 (Sixth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-94 ed1.0 (2011-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335 2 94:2008 (Third edition) IEC 60335 1:2001 (Fourth edition) (incl. Corr.1:2002) + A1:2004 (incl. Corr.1:2005) + A2:2006 (incl. Corr.1:2006) IEC 62233:2005 (First edition)
- IEC/TRF 60730-2-5 ed2.0 (2011-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60730 2-5:2000 + A1:2004 + A2:2008 (used in conjunction with IEC 60730-1:1999 + A1:2003 + A2:2007)
- IEC/TRF 60825-2 ed3.0 (2011-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60825-2:2004 (Third Edition) + Amd 1:2006 + Amd 2 : 2010 for use with IEC 60825-1: 2007
- IEC/TRF 61008-1 ed4.0 (2011-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61008-1:2010 (Third Edition)
- IEC/TRF 61558-2-5 ed2.0 (2011-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 61558-2-5:2010 (Second Edition) Used in conjunction with IEC 61558-1:2005 (Second Edition ) + A1:2009
- IEC/TRF 62040-3 ed1.0 (2011-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 62040-3 (First Edition): 1999
- IEC/TRF 80601-2-30 ed1.0 (2011-01) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 80601-2-30: 2009 (First Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1:2005
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択し、その期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
例えば 2010-12-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
- CISPR 16-1-4 ed3.0 (2010-12) Corrigendum 1 - Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-4: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Antennas and test sites for radiated disturbance measurements
- IEC 61000-6-3-am1 ed2.0 (2010-12) Amendment 1 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-3: Generic standards - Emission standard for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments
- IEC 61000-6-4-am1 ed2.0 (2010-12) Amendment 1 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emission standard for industrial environments
- IEC 60825-2 ed3.2 (2010-12) Safety of laser products - Part 2: Safety of optical fibre communication systems (OFCS)
- Project IEC 60079-35-1 ed1.0 (2010-12) Explosive atmospheres - Part 35-1: Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp - General requirements - Construction and testing in relation to the risk of explosion
- Project IEC 60364-7-718 ed1.0 (2010-12) Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-718: Requirements for special installations or locations - Communal facilities and workplaces
- IEC 60068-2-5 ed2.0 (2010-12) Corrigendum 1 - Environmental testing - Part 2-5: Tests - Test Sa: Simulated solar radiation at ground level and guidance for solar radiation testing
- IEC 62305-1 ed2.0 (2010-12) Protection against lightning - Part 1: General principles
- IEC 62305-2 ed2.0 (2010-12) Protection against lightning - Part 2: Risk management
- IEC 62305-3 ed2.0 (2010-12) Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard
- IEC 62305-4 ed2.0 (2010-12) Protection against lightning - Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures
- IEC 62660-1 ed1.0 (2010-12) Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Part 1: Performance testing
- IEC 62660-2 ed1.0 (2010-12) Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Part 2: Reliability and abuse testing
- IEC 62509 ed1.0 (2010-12) Battery charge controllers for photovoltaic systems - Performance and functioning
- IEC 60747-7 ed3.0 (2010-12) Semiconductor devices - Discrete devices - Part 7: Bipolar transistors
- IEC 60747-8 ed3.0 (2010-12) Semiconductor devices - Discrete devices - Part 8: Field-effect transistors
- IEC 60747-15 ed2.0 (2010-12) Semiconductor devices - Discrete devices - Part 15: Isolated power semiconductor devices
- Project IEC 62047-8 ed1.0 (2010-12) Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 8: Strip bending test method for tensile property measurement of thin films
- IEC 61300-2-6 ed2.0 (2010-12) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures
- IEC 61300-3-22 ed2.0 (2010-12) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-22: Examinations and measurements - Ferrule compression force
- IEC 61753-086-6 ed1.0 (2010-12) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 086-6: Non-connectorized single-mode bidirectional 1 490 / 1 550 nm downstream and 1 310 nm upstream WWDM devices for category O - Uncontrolled environment
- IEC 61753-087-2 ed1.0 (2010-12) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 087-2: Non-connectorized single-mode bidirectional 1 310 nm upstream and 1 490 nm downstream WWDM devices for category C - Controlled environment
- IEC 62148-2 ed2.0 (2010-12) Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 2: SFF 10-pin transceivers
- IEC 62150-2 ed2.0 (2010-12) Fibre optic active components and devices - Test and measurement procedures - Part 2: ATM-PON transceivers
- Project IEC 61810-2 ed2.0 (2010-12) Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 2: Reliability
- Project IEC 61810-2-1 ed1.0 (2010-12) Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 2-1: Reliability - Procedure for the verification of B10 values
- IEC 60252-2 ed2.0 (2010-12) AC motor capacitors - Part 2: Motor start capacitors
- Project IEC 60662 ed2.0 (2010-12) High-pressure sodium vapour lamps - Performance specifications
- IEC 60684-3-283 ed1.0 (2010-12) Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 283: Heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving for bus-bar insulation
- IEC 60212 ed3.0 (2010-12) Standard conditions for use prior to and during the testing of solid electrical insulating materials
- IEC 62026-7 ed1.0 (2010-12) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Controller-device interfaces (CDIs) - Part 7: CompoNet
- Project IEC 60364-5-54 ed3.0 (2010-12) Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-54: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Earthing arrangements and protective conductors
- IEC 60502-4 ed3.0 (2010-12) Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) - Part 4: Test requirements on accessories for cables with rated voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV)
- IEC 62455 ed2.0 (2010-12) Internet protocol (IP) and transport stream (TS) based service access (TA1)
- IEC 60728-3 ed4.0 (2010-12) Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 3: Active wideband equipment for cable networks
- IEC 61850-7-3 ed2.0 (2010-12) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-3: Basic communication structure - Common data classes
- IEC 62642-2-3 ed1.0 (2010-12) Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-3: Intrusion detectors - Microwave detectors
- IEC 62642-2-4 ed1.0 (2010-12) Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-4: Intrusion detectors - Combined passive infrared / Microwave detectors
- IEC 62642-2-5 ed1.0 (2010-12) Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-5: Intrusion detectors - Combined passive infrared / Ultrasonic detectors
- IEC 62642-2-6 ed1.0 (2010-12) Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-6: Intrusion detectors - Opening contacts (magnetic)
- Project IEC 61784-3-18 ed1.0 (2010-12) Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-18: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for CPF 18
- IEC/TR 62685 ed1.0 (2010-12) Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Assessment guideline for safety devices using IEC 61784-3 functional safety communication profiles (FSCPs)
- Project IEC 60745-2-22 ed1.0 (2010-12) Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-22: Particular requirements for cut-off
- IEC 60601-2-4 ed3.0 (2010-12) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of cardiac defibrillators
- Project IEC 60601-2-23 ed3.0 (2010-12) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-23: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of transcutaneous partial pressure monitoring equipment
- IEC 60601-2-46 ed2.0 (2010-12) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-46: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of operating tables
- Project IEC 60601-2-49 ed2.0 (2010-12) Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-49: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of multifunction patient monitoring equipment
- Project IEC 60731 ed3.0 (2010-12) Medical electrical equipment - Dosimeters with ionization chambers as used in radiotherapy
- Project IEC 62598 ed1.0 (2010-12) Nuclear instrumentation - Constructional requirements and classification of radiometric gauges
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC 11581-10 ed1.0 (2010-12) Information technology -- User interface icons -- Part 10: Framework and general guidance
- ISO/IEC 13888-2 ed2.0 (2010-12) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Non-repudiation -- Part 2: Mechanisms using symmetric techniques
- ISO/IEC 18033-3 ed2.0 (2010-12) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Encryption algorithms -- Part 3: Block ciphers
- ISO/IEC 27033-3 ed1.0 (2010-12) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Network security -- Part 3: Reference networking scenarios -- Threats, design techniques and control issues
- ISO/IEC 9796-2 ed3.0 (2010-12) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Digital signature schemes giving message recovery -- Part 2: Integer factorization based mechanisms
- ISO/IEC/TR 24725-3 ed1.0 (2010-12) Information technology for learning, education and training -- Supportive technology and specific integration -- Part 3: Platform and Media Taxonomy (PMT)
- ISO/IEC 29109-10 ed1.0 (2010-12) Information technology -- Conformance testing methodology for biometric data interchange formats defined in ISO/IEC 19794 -- Part 10: Hand geometry silhouette data
- ISO/IEC 14957 ed2.0 (2010-12) Information technology -- Representation of data element values -- Notation of the format
- ISO/IEC 14496-10 ed6.0 (2010-12) Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 10: Advanced Video Coding
- ISO/IEC 14496-11-am7 ed1.0 (2010-12) Amendment 7 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 11: Scene description and application engine - ExtendedCore2D profile
- ISO/IEC 24727-6 ed1.0 (2010-12) Identification cards -- Integrated circuit card programming interfaces -- Part 6: Registration authority procedures for the authentication protocols for interoperability
- ISO/IEC 24787 ed1.0 (2010-12) Information technology -- Identification cards -- On-card biometric comparison
- ISO/IEC 29183 ed1.0 (2010-12) Information technology -- Office equipment -- Method for measuring digital copying productivity of a single one-sided original
IECEE Test Report Forms
- IEC/TRF 60601-1 ed5.0 (2010-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-1-11 (First Edition): 2010
- IEC/TRF 60745-2-3 ed3.0 (2010-12) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60745 2-3:2006 (2nd edition) + A1: 2010 to be used in conjunction with IEC 60745-1: 2006 Fourth Edition
IEC E-Tech 2010-12版 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- - EDITORIAL Warm, getting warmer : At the Cancün COP16 talks in Mexico, leading multinationals called on governments to work closer together in building a low-carbon economy.
- - G20 summit in Korea Adding the "how" to the energy challenge : The IEC was given the opportunity to present its smart electrification strategy at the November 2010 G20 ministerial summit meeting in South Korea.
- - COP16 Call for standards
- - Many IECEE NCBs signed multilateral agreement
- - Focus on safety in hazardous areas : IECEx personnel certification is essential
- - IECQ and VDE at electronica 2010 : Promoting electronic components certification
- - A World of opportunity : Hydro energy around the globe
- - Winds of change : A breath of air fuels(訳註:風力発電etc.) the power supplies
- - Backpacking it : Portable hydropower (訳註:超小型水力発電etc.)
- - Strategy and dialogue : Seven years as Chairman of SMB(IECのStandardization Management Board)
- - Challenges ahead : On being Chairman of SMB
- - Electro-industry leaders : US National Electrical Manufacturers' Association honours IEC individuals
- - African coordination : IEC presence at UPDEA and ARSO General Assemblies
- - Harmonizing the approach Strengthening accessibility
- - Harnessing the sun's energy : Photovoltaic systems (TC82)
- - Clean energy : IEC TC 45 prepares for nuclear power plant renaissance
- - Lowering energy loss : High voltage power transmission (TC115)
- - Rechargeable fuel cells : Storing energy for when it's needed (TC105)
- - Safe, efficient electricity supply : New pre-release International Standards available as FDIS(*) editions
Electrical installations and protection against electric shock (IEC 60364-7-718 FDIS)
(* 訳註:各国が修正無しの賛否のみ投票する最終案 原則そのまま正式標準に。 IEC対応国内委員会関係者なら既にお持ちのはず)
IEC E-Tech 2010-11版 が公開されています。
下記のような IECの動向紹介 があります。
- - Accessibility : Standards make the world accessible for all
- - From here to there : Building on the strengths of the IEC
- - Reach out downunder : GM(IEC総会) 2011 Melbourne, Australia
- - Even better connected : The IEC at GridWeek : Smart Grid events
- - Cleaner transport : International cooperation to reduce CO2 emissions with EV initiative
- - Managing driver distraction : Call for abstracts - Geneva Motor Show
- - Core competencies : 2010 IEC GENERAL MEETING
- - Promoting safety and performance for PV industry : IECEE present at world's largest solar energy conference and exhibition
- - Safety for custom-designed Ex items and assemblies : IECEx certification now includes Unit Verification
- - Electronics: a key role in accessibility issues : Safety and reliability through IECQ certification
- - Building up Conformity Assessment : Sweden's Gösta Fredriksson: one of three 2010 IEC Lord Kelvin Award laureates
- - Accessibility - everybody's business : Imagine...
- - New appointment in Korea : From liquid crystals and semiconductors to digitized clothes sizing
- - Getting acquainted : National Committee Secretaries get a special welcome at the IEC
- - My 3rd life : Jerry Dennis on his standardization career
- - From conflict to consensus : When industry irons out national differences
- - IEC standards : Ensuring accessibility
- - Meeting 2.1 : The format of TC/SC meetings
- - Engineering customer impact : Listening to your IEC "customers" can give your company a competitive advantage in the real world
- - Strategically important : Standards - Necessary evil or strategic advantage
IEC本部 IEC Papers on Smart Energy
White Paper Coping with the Energy Challenge
The IEC's role from 2010 to 2030 Smart electrification - The key to energy efficiency
PDF 3MB 全39頁 無償ダウンロード可能が掲載されています
IEC 広報誌 Just Published の HP に 最新発行分 が掲載されています。
「Browse by main subjects」で 「Past month / Past two weeks / Past week / Past day」
から選択し、その期間内発行分 が 分野別に リストアップ されます。
注 : Project IEC 6xxxx : 各国による Yes/No のみの 最終投票案(可決されれば 内容変更無し で正式規格になる)
例えば 2010-10-01〜E 発行分では、下記等があります。
- IEC 60050-445 ed2.0 (2010-10) International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 445: Time relays
- IEC/TS 62666 ed1.0 (2010-10) Guidelines for the inclusion of documentation aspects in product standards
- CISPR 16-SER ed1.0 (2010-10) Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - ALL PARTS
- CISPR 16-1-1 ed3.0 (2010-10) Corrigendum 1 - Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-1: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Measuring apparatus
- IEC 61000-4-22 ed1.0 (2010-10) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-22: Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated emissions and immunity measurements in fully anechoic rooms (FARs)
- IEC/TR 62433-2-1 ed1.0 (2010-10) EMC IC modelling - Part 2-1: Theory of black box modelling for conducted emission
- IEC 80001-1 ed1.0 (2010-10) Application of risk management for IT-networks incorporating medical devices - Part 1: Roles, responsibilities and activities
- IEC/TR 62678 ed1.0 (2010-10) Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment activities and considerations related to accessibility and usability - FREE DOWNLOAD 全44頁
- IEC 62502 ed1.0 (2010-10) Analysis techniques for dependability - Event tree analysis (ETA)
- IEC GUIDE 117 ed1.0 (2010-10) Electrotechnical equipment - Temperatures of touchable hot surfaces
- IEC 60079-13 ed1.0 (2010-10) Explosive atmospheres - Part 13: Equipment protection by pressurized room "p"
- IEC 60695-2-12 ed2.0 (2010-10) Fire hazard testing - Part 2-12: Glowing/hot-wire based test methods - Glow-wire flammability index (GWFI) test method for materials
- IEC 60695-2-13 ed2.0 (2010-10) Fire hazard testing - Part 2-13: Glowing/hot-wire based test methods - Glow-wire ignition temperature (GWIT) test method for materials
- Project IEC 62532 ed1.0 (2010-10) Fluorescent induction lamps - Safety specifications
- IEC 60335-2-103-am1 ed2.0 (2010-10) Amendement 1 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-103: Particular requirements for drives for gates, doors and windows
- Project IEC 61966-12-1 ed1.0 (2010-10) Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 12-1: Metadata for identification of colour gamut (Gamut ID)
- IEC 62642-2-2 ed1.0 (2010-10) Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-2: Intrusion detectors - Passive infrared detectors
- Project IEC 62642-2-3 ed1.0 (2010-10) Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-3: Intrusion detectors - Microwave detectors
- Project IEC 62642-2-4 ed1.0 (2010-10) Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-4: Intrusion detectors - Combined passive infrared / Microwave detectors
- Project IEC 62642-2-5 ed1.0 (2010-10) Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-5: Intrusion detectors - Combined passive infrared / Ultrasonic detectors
- Project IEC 62642-2-6 ed1.0 (2010-10) Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-6: Intrusion detectors - Opening contacts (magnetic)
- IEC 62642-3 ed1.0 (2010-10) Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 3: Control and indicating equipment
- C 62642-4 ed1.0 (2010-10) Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 4: Warning devices
- IEC 62642-5-3 ed1.0 (2010-10) Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 5-3: Interconnections - Requirements for equipment using radio frequency techniques
- IEC 62359 ed2.0 (2010-10) Ultrasonics - Field characterization - Test methods for the determination of thermal and mechanical indices related to medical diagnostic ultrasonic fields
- Project IEC 62489-2 ed1.0 (2010-10) Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency induction loop systems for assisted hearing - Part 2: Methods of calculating and measuring the low-frequency magnetic field emissions from the loop for assessing conformity with guidelines on limits for human exposure
- IEC 60122-3 ed4.0 (2010-10) Quartz crystal units of assessed quality - Part 3: Standard outlines and lead connections
- IEC 60444-11 ed1.0 (2010-10) Measrurement of quartz crystal unit parameters - Part 11: Standard method for the determination of the load resonance frequency fL and the effective load capacitance CLeff using automatic network analyzer techniques and error correction
- Project IEC 60747-14-4 ed1.0 (2010-10) Semiconductor devices - Discrete devices - Part 14-4: Semiconductor accelerometers
- IEC 60749-15 ed2.0 (2010-10) Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 15: Resistance to soldering temperature for through-hole mounted devices
- IEC 60749-34 ed2.0 (2010-10) Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 34: Power cycling
- IEC 61169-14 ed1.0 (2010-10) Radio-frequency connectors - Part 14: R.F. coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor 12 mm with screw coupling - Characteristic impedance 75 ohms (Type 3,5/12)
- IEC 61935-1 ed3.0 (2010-10) Corrigendum 1 - Specification for the testing of balanced and coaxial information technology cabling - Part 1: Installed balanced cabling as specified in ISO/IEC 11801 and related standards
- IEC 61400-1-am1 ed3.0 (2010-10) Amendment 1 - Wind turbines - Part 1: Design requirements
- IEC 62006 ed1.0 (2010-10) Hydraulic machines - Acceptance tests of small hydroelectric installations
- Project IEC 62509 ed1.0 (2010-10) Battery charge controllers for photovoltaic systems - Performance and functioning
- IEC 61300-2-9 ed2.0 (2010-10) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-9: Tests - Shock
- IEC 61300-2-47 ed3.0 (2010-10) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-47: Tests - Thermal shocks
- Project IEC 62496-2-2 ed1.0 (2010-10) Optical circuit boards - Part 2-2: Measurements - Dimensions of optical circuit boards
- Project IEC 62496-3 ed1.0 (2010-10) Optical circuit boards - Part 3: Performance standards - General and guidance
- Project IEC 62496-4 ed1.0 (2010-10) Optical circuit boards - Part 4: Interface standards - General and guidance
- Project IEC 62640 ed1.0 (2010-10) Residual current devices with or without overcurrent protection for socket-outlets for household and similar uses
- IEC 61236 ed2.0 (2010-10) Live working - Saddles, stick clamps and their accessories
- IEC 60349-1 ed2.0 (2010-10) Electric traction - Rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles - Part 1: Machines other than electronic converter-fed alternating current motors
- IEC 60349-2 ed3.0 (2010-10) Electric traction - Rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles - Part 2: Electronic converter-fed alternating current motors
- IEC 60034-18-32 ed1.0 (2010-10) Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-32: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Test procedures for form-wound windings - Evaluation by electrical endurance
- Project IEC 60076-2 ed3.0 (2010-10) Power transformers - Part 2: Temperature rise for liquid-immersed transformers
- Project IEC 60099-8 ed1.0 (2010-10) Surge arresters - Part 8: Metal-oxide surge arresters with external series gap (EGLA) for overhead transmission and distribution lines of a.c. systems above 1 kV
- Project IEC 61643-11 ed1.0 (2010-10) Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 11: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power systems - Requirements and test methods
- IEC/TR 61439-0 ed1.0 (2010-10) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 0: Guide to specifying assemblies
- Project IEC 62271-206 ed1.0 (2010-10) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 206: Voltage presence indicating systems
情報技術(ISO/IEC JTC1)関係
- ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-15-4 ed1.0 (2010-10) Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Local and metropolitan area networks -- Specific requirements
- ISO/IEC 10118-2 ed3.0 (2010-10) Information technology -- Security techniques -- Hash-functions -- Part 2: Hash-functions using an n-bit block cipher
- ISO/IEC 14496-1-am1 ed1.0 (2010-10) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 1: Systems - Usage of LASeR in MPEG-4 systems and Registration Authority for MPEG-4 descriptors
- ISO/IEC 14496-3-am2 ed1.0 (2010-10) Amendment 2 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 3: Audio - ALS simple profile and transport of SAOC
- ISO/IEC 14776-121 ed1.0 (2010-10) Information technology - Small computer system interface (SCSI) - Part 121: Passive interconnect perfomance (PIP)
- ISO/IEC 1539-1 ed3.0 (2010-10) Information technology -- Programming languages -- Fortran -- Part 1: Base language
- ISO/IEC 15444-3-am1 ed1.0 (2010-10) Amendment 1 - Information technology -- JPEG 2000 image coding system: Motion JPEG 2000 - Additional profiles for archiving applications
- ISO/IEC 15938-3-am4 ed1.0 (2010-10) Amendment 4 - Information technology -- Multimedia content description interface -- Part 3: Visual - Video signature tools
- ISO/IEC 23003-2 ed1.0 (2010-10) Information technology -- MPEG audio technologies -- Part 2: Spatial Audio Object Coding (SAOC)
- ISO/IEC 29199-3 ed1.0 (2010-10) Information technology -- JPEG XR image coding system -- Part 3: Motion JPEG XR
IECEE Test Report Forms関係
- IEC/TRF 60065 ed8.0 (2010-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60065:2001 (Seventh Edition) + A1:2005 + A2:2010
- IEC/TRF 60335-1 ed10.0 (2010-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-1:2010 (5th Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60335-1 ed9.0 (2010-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition) incl. Corrigendum 1:2002 + A1: 2004 + A2:2006 incl. Corrigendum 1:2006
- IEC/TRF 60335-2-13 ed4.0 (2010-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60335-2-13:2009 (Sixth Edition) in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2001 (Fourth Edition) incl. Corrigendum 1:2002 + A1: 2004 + A2:2006 incl. Corrigendum 1:2006
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-28 ed3.0 (2010-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-28:2010 (Second Edition) for use in conjunction with IEC 60601-1: 2005 (Third edition)
- IEC/TRF 60601-2-54 ed1.0 (2010-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60601-2-54 (1st Edition): 2009
- IEC/TRF 60730-1 ed4.0 (2010-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60730-1:2010 (Fourth Edition)
- IEC/TRF 60745-2-17 ed3.0 (2010-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60745-2-17 (Third Edition): 2010 to be used in conjunction with the Fourth Edition of IEC 60745-1:2006
- IEC/TRF 60939-2 ed3.0 (2010-10) This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60939-2:2005 (Second Edition) used in conjunction with IEC 60939-1:2010 (Third Edition)
IEC/TR 62678 (PDF 1'021 kB) Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment activities and considerations related to accessibility and usability
- オーディオ、ビデオ、マルチメディア関連システム、機器の アクセシビリティ、ユーザビリティ
に関する技術報告書(無償ダウンロード) です。
- 1 Scope
- This Technical Report (TR) provides information on accessibility and usability terms,
activities, completed and ongoing standards, technical reports, projects, and specifies user
needs that may or may not apply to audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment.
Comments about demographics and public policies are included. A checklist of accessibility
and usability considerations is also included. Industry experts may or may not apply this
information when they evaluate opportunities to integrate support for accessibility and
usability in their work.