
CSBTS GB ICS List 中国国家標準(GB,GB/T規格)
 ICS 97:家政、娯楽、スポーツ 分野

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中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
97.220.30 Y56 GB/T 180-1998 乒乓球 Table tennis ball NEQ ITTF T3(1995)
97.140 Y80 GB/T 3326-1997 家具 桌、椅、凳类主要尺寸 Furniture--Main sizes of tables and seats  
97.140 Y81 GB/T 3324-1995 木家具通用技术条件 Wooden furniture--General technical requirments  
97.140 Y81 GB/T 3325-1995 金属家具通用技术条件 Metal furniture--General technical reguirments  
97.140 Y80 GB/T 3327-1997 家具 柜类主要尺寸 Furniture--Main sizes of cabinets  
97.140 Y80 GB/T 3328-1997 家具 床类主要尺寸 Furniture-Main sizes of beds  
97.200.10 A15 GB/T 3557-1994 电影院视听环境技术要求 Specification of audio-visual environment for cinema theatres  
97.040 Y68 GB/T 3606-2001 家用沼气灶 Domestic biogas stove  
97.060 Y62 GB/T 4288-1992 家用电动洗衣机 Household electric washing machines  
97.100 L48 GB/T 4654-1984 碳化硅、锆英砂、陶瓷类红外辐射加热器通用技术条件 The general technical specifications on silicon carbide and zircon ceramic infrared heater  
97.060 K09 GB 4706.2-1996 家用和类似用途电器的安全 电熨斗的特殊要求 Safety of household and similar electrical,appliances--Particular requirements for electric irons IDT IEC 60335-2-3-1986
97.170 K09 GB 4706.15-1996 家用和类似用途电器的安全 皮肤及毛发护理器具的特殊要求 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances--Particular requirements for appliances for skin or hair care IDT IEC 60335-2-23-1986
97.040.20 K09 GB 4706.21-1996 家用和类似用途电器的安全微波炉的特殊要求 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances--Particular requirements for microwave ovens IDT IEC 60335-2-25-1993
97.100 Y63 GB 4706.23-1996 家用和类似用途电器的安全 室内加热器的特殊要求 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances--Particular requirements for room heaters IDT IEC 60335-2-30-1990
97.100.10? K09 GB 4706.31-1995 家用和类似用途电器的安全 桑那浴加热电器的特殊要求 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances--Particular requirements for electric sauna heating appliances IDT IEC 60335-2-53
97.040.40 K09 GB 4706.50-2001 家用和类似用途电器的安全 商用电动洗碗机的特殊要求 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Particular requirements for commercial electric dishwashing machines IDT IEC 60335-2-58:1995
97.030 K09 GB 4706.51-2001 家用和类似用途电器的安全 商用电热食品保温柜的特殊要求 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Particular requirements for commercial electric hot cupboards IDT IEC 60335-2-49:1995
97.040.20 K09 GB 4706.52-2001 家用和类似用途电器的安全 商用电炉灶、烤箱、灶和灶单元的特殊要求 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Particular requirements for commercial electric cooking ranges,ovens,hobs and hob elements IDT IEC 60335-2-36:1993
97.040.60 C53 GB 4804-1984 搪瓷食具容器卫生标准 Hygienic standard for enamel as food containers  
97.140 Y80 GB/T 4893.1-1985 家具表面漆膜耐液测定法 Furniture--Assessment of surface resistance to cold liquids  
97.140 Y80 GB/T 4893.2-1985 家具表面漆膜耐湿热测定法 Furniture--Assessment of surface resistance to wet heat  
97.140 Y80 GB/T 4893.3-1985 家具表面漆膜耐干热测定法 Furniture--Assessment of surface resistance to dry heat  
97.140 Y80 GB/T 4893.4-1985 家具表面漆膜附着力交叉切割测定法 Furniture--Assessment of adhesion of surface coatings--Cross cut  
97.140 Y80 GB/T 4893.5-1985 家具表面漆膜厚度测定法 Determination of film thickness of surface coatings of furniture  
97.140 Y80 GB/T 4893.6-1985 家具表面漆膜光泽测定法 Furniture--Assessment of gloss value of surface coatings  
97.140 Y80 GB/T 4893.7-1985 家具表面漆膜耐冷热温差测定法 Furniture--Assessment of surface resistance to alternation of heat and cold  
97.140 Y80 GB/T 4893.8-1985 家具表面漆膜耐磨性测定法 Furniture--Assessment of wearability of surface coatings  
97.140 Y80 GB/T 4893.9-1992 家具表面漆膜抗冲击测定法 Furniture - Test for surfaces - Assessment of resistance to impact  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
97.200.50 A12 GB 5296.5-1996 消费品使用说明 玩具使用说明 Instructions for use of products of consumer interest--Instruction for use of toys  
97.040.20 Y68 GB/T 6412-1986 家庭用煤及炉具试验方法 Method for testing household coal and stoves  
97.200.50 Y09 GB 6675-1986 玩具安全 Safety of toys  
97.100 Q82 GB 6932-2001 家用燃气快速热水器 Domestic gas instantaneous water heater  
97.100 K65 GB/T 7287.1-1987 红外辐射加热器尺寸、形状及外观的检测方法 Detecting method for size, shape and exterior of infrared heater  
97.100 K65 GB/T 7287.2-1987 红外辐射加热器表面温度分布测量方法 Measuring method for the surface temperature distribution of infrared heater  
97.100 K65 GB/T 7287.3-1987 红外辐射加热器辐射面和背面温度比测量方法 Measuring method for the radio between radiant surface and rear surface of infrared heater  
97.100 K65 GB/T 7287.4-1987 红外辐射加热器升温时间和降温时间测量方法 Measuring method for temperature rise time and fall time of infrared heater  
97.100 K65 GB/T 7287.5-1987 红外辐射加热器耐冷热交变性能试验方法 Testing method for bearing cold and hot alternation change of infrared heater  
97.100 K65 GB/T 7287.6-1987 红外辐射加热器绝缘电阻测量方法 Measuring method for insulation resistance of infrared heater  
97.100 K65 GB/T 7287.7-1987 红外辐射加热器电?热辐射转换效率测量方法 Measuring method for electric-to-radiant power transfer efficiency of infrared heater  
97.100 K65 GB/T 7287.8-1987 红外辐射加热器功率偏差检测方法 Measuring method for power deviation rate of infrared heater  
97.100 K65 GB/T 7287.9-1987 红外辐射加热器全法向发射率测量方法 Measuring method for normal total emittance of infrared heater  
97.100 K65 GB/T 7287.10-1987 红外辐射加热器光谱法向发射率测量方法 Measuring method for normal spectral emittence of infrared heater  
97.100 K65 GB/T 7287.12-1987 红外辐射加热器振动试验方法 Test method for vibration of infrared heater  
97.100 K65 GB/T 7287.11-1987 红外辐射加热器寿命试验方法 Test method for lifetime of infrared heater  
97.140 C56 GB 7792-1987 学校课桌椅卫生标准 Hygienic standard of chairs and desks for school  
97.040.30 Y61 GB/T 8059.1-1995 家用制冷器具 冷藏箱 Household refrigerating appliances--Refrigerators EQV ISO 7371-1985
97.040.30 Y61 GB/T 8059.2-1995 家用制冷器具 冷藏冷冻箱 Household refrigerating appliances--Refrigerator-freezer EQV ISO 8187-1991
97.040.30 Y61 GB/T 8059.3-1995 家用制冷器具 冷冻箱 Household refrigerating appliances--Freezers EQV ISO 5155-83
97.040.30 Y61 GB/T 8059.4-1993 家用制冷器具 无霜冷藏箱、无霜冷藏冷冻箱、无霜冷冻食品储藏箱和无霜食品冷冻箱 Household refrigerating appliances--Frost-free refrigerators, frost-free refigerator-freezers, frost-free frozen food storage cabinets and frost-free food freezers EQV ISO N418E
(ISO 8561?)
97.220 Y55 GB/T 8390-1987 单杠 Horizontai bar NEQ ISO 379-80
97.220 Y55 GB/T 8391-1987 双杠 Parallel bars NEQ ISO 378-80
97.220 Y55 GB/T 8392-1987 高低杠 Uneven bars NEQ JIS S7016
97.220 Y55 GB/T 8393-1987 跳马 Vaulting horse NEQ ISO 381-64
97.220 Y55 GB/T 8394-1987 鞍马 Pommelled horse NEQ ISO 381-64
97.220 Y55 GB/T 8395-1987 吊环 Rings NEQ ISO 380-64
97.220 Y55 GB/T 8397-1987 平衡木 Balancing beam NEQ ISO 382-64
97.200.40 Y57 GB 8408-2000 游艺机和游乐设施安全 Safety of amusement machines and amusement park equipments  
97.020 Y60 GB 8877-1988 家用电器安装、使用、检修安全要求 Safety requirements for the installation and operation and maintenance of household electrical appliances  
97.020 L09 GB 8898-2001 音频、视频及类似电子设备安全要求 Audio,video and similar electronic apparatus--Safety requirements EQV IEC 60065:1998
97.200.50 Y57 GB/T 8973-2000 机动玩具 机芯型号编制方法 Mechanical toys--The type of spare parts of toys-Listion method  
97.220.30 Y56 GB/T 9831-1988 乒乓球拍 Table tennis bat  
97.200.50 Y57 GB 9832-1993 毛绒、布制玩具安全与质量 Safety and quality of sewed plush and cloth toys  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
97.200.20 Y58 GB/T 10159-1995 钢琴 Piano  
97.140 Y80 GB/T 10357.1-1989 家具力学性能试验 桌类强度和耐久性 Test of mechanical properties of furniture - Strength and durability of tables EQV ISO/DIS 8019-86
97.140 Y80 GB/T 10357.2-1989 家具力学性能试验 椅、凳类稳定性 Test of mechanical properties of furniture - Stability of chairs and stools EQV ISO 7174.1-88
97.140 Y80 GB/T 10357.3-1989 家具力学性能试验 椅、凳类强度和耐久性 Test of mechanical properties of furniture - Strength and durability of chairs and stools EQV ISO 7173-88
97.140 Y80 GB/T 10357.4-1989 家具力学性能试验 柜类稳定性 Test of mechanical properties of furniture - Stability of storage units EQV ISO 7171-88
97.140 Y80 GB/T 10357.5-1989 家具力学性能试验 柜类强度和耐久性 Test of mechanical porperties of furniture - Strength and durability of storage units EQV ISO/DIS 7170-86
97.140 Y80 GB/T 10357.6-1992 家具力学性能试验 单层床强度和耐久性 Test of mechanical properties of furniture - Strength and durability of beds  
97.140 Y80 GB/T 10357.7-1995 家具力学性能试验 桌类稳定性 Test of mechanical properties of furniture--Stability of tables NEQ ISO 7172-88
97.040 P33 GB/T 11228-1989 住宅厨房及相关设备基本参数 Coordinating sizes of kitchen in dwellings with furniture and equipment NEQ ISO 3055-85
97.040.50 Y22 GB/T 11416-1989 日用保温容器 Domestic insulated containers EQV JIS S2006-86
97.220.30 Y56 GB/T 11881-1989 羽毛球 Shuttlecocks  
97.100 F04 GB/T 12021.1-1989 家用和类似用途电器电耗(效率)限定值及测试方法 编制通则 The general principles for formulating the limited value and testing method of energy consumption (efficiency)for household and similar electrical appliances  
97.060 F04 GB 12021.4-1989 家用电动洗衣机电耗限定值及测试方法 The limited value and testing method of energy consumption for household electric washing machines  
97.060 F04 GB 12021.5-1989 电熨斗电耗限定值及测试方法 The limited value of energy consumption and method of testing for electrical iron  
97.040.20 F04 GB 12021.6-1989 自动电饭锅效率、保温电耗限定值及测试方法 The limited value and testing method of efficiency and warming energy consumption for automatic rice cookers  
97.200.20 Y58 GB/T 12105-1998 电子琴通用技术条件 General technical requirements of electronic organs  
97.200.20 Y58 GB/T 12106-1989 电子琴的环境试验要求和试验方法 Environmental experimental requirements and experimental methods for electronic organs  
97.190 A12 GB/T 13433-1992 产品标准中有关儿童安全的要求 Requirements for child safety in product standards NEQ ISO/IEC Guide 50-87
97.190 Y57 GB 13472-1992 BMX 儿童自行车安全要求 Safety requirements of BMX children bicycles  
97.040.60 Y73 GB 13623-1992 铝压力锅安全及性能要求 Safety and characterstics of aluminium pressure cooker requirement NEQ JIS S2051-85
97.140 Y81 GB/T 13666-1992 图书用品设备产品型号编制方法 Type organization method of production for use with books and information articles  
97.140 Y81 GB/T 13667.1-1992 钢制书架通用技术条件 General specification for steel book shelves  
97.140 Y81 GB/T 13667.2-1992 积层式钢制书架技术条件 Technical specification of stacked steel book shelves  
97.140 Y80 GB/T 13667.3-1992 手动密集书架技术条件 Technical specification of compact hand book shelves  
97.140 Y81 GB/T 13668-1992 钢制书柜、资料柜通用技术条件 Commonly used specification for steel book cabinets and information cabinets  
97.220 F21 GB/T 14429-1993 远动设备及系统 术语 Telecontrol equipment and systems--Glossary NEQ IEC 60870-1-3
97.040.60 Y88 GB/T 14459-1993 贵金属首饰计数抽样检查规则 Sampling inspection rules by attributes for precious metal jewellery  
97.140 Y81 GB/T 14530-1993 图书用品设备 木制目录柜技术条件 Library equipment--Specification of wooden catalog card cabinet  
97.140 Y81 GB/T 14531-1993 图书用品设备 阅览桌椅技术条件 Library equipment--Spcification of reading tables and chairs  
97.220 Y56 GB/T 14625.1-1993 篮球、足球、排球、手球圆度测定方法 Basketball, football, volleyball, handball--The measurement of roundness  
97.220 Y46 GB/T 14625.2-1993 篮球、足球、排球、手球反弹高度测定方法 Basketball, football, volleyball, handball--The measurement of bouncing altitude  
97.220 Y46 GB/T 14625.3-1993 篮球、足球、排球、手球动态耐冲击试验方法 Basketball, football, volleyball, handball--The determination of resistance to shock  
97.220 Y56 GB/T 14625.4-1995 篮球、足球、排球、手球试验方法 试验条件与试样准备 Testing conditions and samples preparation for basketball, football, volleyball and handball  
97.220 Y56 GB/T 14625.5-1995 篮球、足球、排球、手球圆周长、圆周差的测量 Measurement of circumference and its variation for basketball, football, volleyball and handball  
97.220 Y56 GB 14630-1993 猎枪 Shotgun  
97.220 Y56 GB 14631-1993 猎枪底火 Primer  
97.220 Y56 GB 14632-1993 猎枪金属弹壳 Shell case for shotgun  
97.220 Y56 GB/T 14657-1993 民用枪弹术语 Civil cartridge terminology  
97.220 Y56 GB/T 14658-1993 民用枪械术语 Civil firearm terminology  
Y57 GB 14746-1993 儿童自行车安全要求 Safety requirements for bicycles for young children IDT ISO 8098-89
Y57 GB 14747-1993 儿童三轮车安全要求 Safety requirements for tricycles for young children  
Y57 GB 14748-1993 儿童推车安全要求 Safety requirements for perambulators for children  
Y57 GB 14749-1993 婴儿学步车安全要求 Safety requirements for baby walking frames  
97.220.10 G35 GB/T 14833-1993 塑胶跑道 Synthetic--Rubber sports track  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
97.040.60 Y73 GB 15066-1994 不锈钢压力锅 Stainless steel pressure cooker NEQ JIS S2051-85
97.040.60 Y73 GB/T 15067.1-1994 不锈钢餐具 术语 Stainless steel cutlery--Nomenclature IDT ISO 4481-77
97.040.60 Y73 GB/T 15067.2-1994 不锈钢餐具 Stainless steel cutlery NEQ ISO 8442-88
97.140 B70 GB/T 15105.1-1994 模压刨花制品 家具类 Molding articles from wood particle for furniture  
97.040.20 Y71 GB/T 16154-1996 家用炊事 水暖煤炉通用技术条件 General technical specification of domestic cooking-water heating coal stoves  
97.040.20 Y71 GB/T 16155-1996 家用炊事 水暖煤炉热性能试验方法 Testing method for thermal performance of domestic cooking-water heating coal stoves  
97.040.30 A82 GB/T 16268-1996 家用电冰箱包装 The packaging for household refrigerator  
97.040.20 Q82 GB 16410-1996 家用燃气灶具 Domestic gas appliances EQV JIS S 2103-1991
97.040.20 Q82 GB/T 16411-1996 家用燃气用具的通用试验方法 Universal test methods of gas burning appliances for domesti use EQV JIS S 2093-1991
97.200 M72 GB/T 16518-1996 电子琴音乐性能评价规范 Specification of assessment or musical persormance on eleclronic organ  
97.040.20 A00 GB 16691-1996 便携灶丁烷气灶 Portable butane cooker EQV JIS S 2147-1991
97.040.20 Q82 GB 16914-1997 燃气燃烧器具安全技术通则 General safety technique requirements of gas burning appliances  
97.130 A10 GB/T 17110-1997 商店购物环境与营销设施的要求 Requirement for store's shopping environment and marketing installation  
97.220.30 Y55 GB 17498-1998 健身器材的安全通用要求 Safety of body-building equipment General requirements NEQ EN 957-1:1996
97.040.99 Y68 GB/T 17713-1999 吸油烟机 Range hood EQV IEC 60665:1980,NEQ DIN 44971:1992
97.040.40 C53 GB 17988-2000 食具消毒柜安全和卫生要求 Safety and sanitation requirements for Disinfection tableware cabinet  
97.040.60 Y68 GB 18006.1-1999 一次性可降解餐饮具通用技术条件 General specification for single use and degradable lunch container and drinking set  
97.040.60 Y68 GB/T 18006.2-1999 一次性可降解餐饮具降解性能试验方法 Test method for determining the degradability of single use and degradable lunch container and drinking set  
97.100 Q82 GB 18111-2000 燃气容积式热水器 Gas storage water heater  
97.200.40 Y57 GB 18159-2000 滑行类 游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides coaster category  
97.200.40 Y57 GB 18160-2000 陀螺类 游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides space gyro category  
97.200.40 Y57 GB 18161-2000 飞行塔类 游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides fly tower category  
97.200.40 Y57 GB 18162-2000 赛车类 游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides fairy racing category  
97.200.40 Y57 GB 18163-2000 自控飞机类 游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides astro-fighter category  
97.200.40 Y57 GB 18164-2000 观览车类 游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides wonder wheel category  
97.200.40 Y57 GB 18165-2000 小火车类 游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides fairy train category  
97.200.40 Y57 GB 18166-2000 架空游览车类 游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides monorail category  
97.200.40 Y57 GB 18167-2000 光电打靶类 游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides shooting category  
97.200.40 Y57 GB 18168-2000 水上游乐设施通用技术条件 Specifications of water amusement equipment category  
97.200.40 Y57 GB 18169-2000 碰碰车类 游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides bumper car category  
97.200.40 Y57 GB 18170-2000 电池车类 游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides battery car category  
97.200.40 Y57 GB 18158-2000 转马类 游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides merry go round category  
97.140 Y80 GB 18584-2001 室内装饰装修材料 木家具中有害物质限量 Indoor decorating and refurbishing materials--Limit of harmful substances of wood based furniture  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合

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