
CSBTS GB ICS List 中国国家標準(GB,GB/T規格)
 ICS 85:紙・パルプエ業 分野

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中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
85.060 Y30 GB/T 147-1997 印刷、书写和绘图用原纸尺寸 Writing paper and certain classes printed matter--Untrimmed sizes NEQ ISO 217-1995
85.060 Y30 GB/T 148-1997 印刷、书写和绘图纸幅面尺寸 Writing paper and certain classes printed matter--Trimmed sizes-A and B series NEQ ISO 216:1975
85.060 Y32 GB/T 450-1989 纸和纸板试样的采取 Paper and board - Sampling for testing EQV ISO 186-85
85.060 Y32 GB/T 451.1-1989 纸和纸板尺寸及偏斜度的测定法 Paper and board - Determination of size and deviation NEQ ГOCT 21102-75
85.060 Y32 GB/T 451.2-1989 纸和纸板定量的测定法 Paper and board - Determination of basic weight EQV ISO 536-76
85.060 Y32 GB/T 451.3-1989 纸和纸板厚度的测定法 Paper and board - Determination of thickness EQV ISO 438-80
85.060 Y32 GB/T 452.1-1989 纸和纸板纵横向测定法 Paper and board - Identification of machine and cross direction NEQ ГOCT 7585-74
85.060 Y32 GB/T 452.2-1989 纸和纸板正反面测定法 Paper and board - Wire side and felt side NEQ TAPPI T455-83
85.060 Y32 GB/T 453-1989 纸和纸板抗张强度的测定法 (恒速加荷法) Paper and board - Determination of tensile properties - Contant rate of loading method EQV ISO 1924/1-83
85.060 Y32 GB/T 454-1989 纸耐破度的测定法 Paper - Determination of bursting strength EQV ISO 2758-83
85.060 Y32 GB/T 455.1-1989 纸撕裂度的测定法 Paper - Determination of tearing resistance EQV ISO 1974-85
85.060 Y32 GB/T 455.2-1989 纸板撕裂度的测定法 Paperboard - Determination of tearing resistance EQV ISO 1974-85
85.060 Y32 GB/T 456-1989 纸和纸板平滑度的测定法 (别克法) Paper and board - Determination of smoothness (Bekk method) EQV ISO 5627-84
85.060 Y32 GB/T 457-1989 纸耐折度的测定法 Paper - Determination of folding endurance EQV ISO 5626-78
85.060 Y32 GB/T 458-1989 纸和纸板透气度的测定法 (肖伯尔法) Paper and board - Determination of air permeance (Schopper method) EQV ISO 5636/2-84
85.060 Y32 GB/T 459-1989 纸伸缩性的测定法 Paper - Determination of hygro-instability NEQ ISO 5635-78
85.060 Y32 GB/T 460-1989 纸和纸板施胶度的测定法 (墨水划线法) Paper and board - Determination of the sizing value (ink line method) NEQ ГOCT 8049-62
85.060 Y32 GB/T 461.1-1989 纸和纸板毛细吸液高度的测定法 (克列姆法) Paper and board - Determination of capillary rise - Klemm method NEQ ISO 8787-86
85.060 Y32 GB/T 461.2-1989 纸和纸板表面吸收速度的测定法 Paper and board - Determination of the rate of surface absorbing NEQ ГOCT 12603-67
85.060 Y32 GB/T 461.3-1989 纸和纸板吸收性的测定法 (浸水法) Paper and board - Determination of absorption after immersion in water NEQ ISO 5637-78
85.060 Y32 GB/T 462-1989 纸和纸板水分的测定法 Paper and board - Determination of moisture content EQV ISO 287-78
85.060 Y32 GB/T 463-1989 纸和纸板灰分的测定 Paper and board - Determination of ash EQV ISO 2144-87
85.060 Y32 GB/T 464.1-1989 纸和纸板的干热加速老化方法 (105±2℃,72h) Paper and boaed - Accelerated aging-dry heat treatment at 105℃ EQV ISO 5630/1-82
85.060 Y40 GB/T 464.2-1993 纸和纸板干热加速老化的方法(120±2℃或150±2℃) Paper and board--Accelerated ageing-Dry heat treatment at 120 or 150℃ EQV ISO 5630/4-86
85.060 Y32 GB/T 465.1-1989 纸和纸板按规定时间浸水后耐破度的测定法 Paper and board - Determination of bursting strength after immersion in water EQV ISO 3689-83
85.060 Y32 GB/T 465.2-1989 纸和纸板按规定时间浸水后抗张强度的测定法 Paper and board - Determination of tensile strength after immersion in water EQV ISO 3781-83
85.040 Y31 GB/T 740-1989 纸浆试样的采取 Pulps - Sampling for testing EQV ISO 7213-81
85.040 Y31 GB/T 741-1989 纸浆分析试样水分的测定 Pulps - Determination of moisture content NEQ ISO 638-78
85.040 Y31 GB/T 742-1989 纸浆灰分的测定 Pulps - Determination of ash EQV ISO 1762-74
85.040 Y31 GB/T 743-1989 纸浆乙醚抽出物的测定 Pulps - Determination of ether solubles NEQ JIS P8009-76
85.040 Y31 GB/T 744-1989 纸浆α-纤维素的测定 Pulps - Determination of α-cellulose NEQ ISO 699-82
85.040 Y31 GB/T 745-1989 纸浆多戊糖的测定法 Pulps - Determination of pentosan content NEQ TAPPI T223-84
85.040 Y31 GB/T 746-1965 漂白化学纸浆木素的测定法 Bleached chemical paper pulp--Determination of lignin
85.040 Y31 GB/T 747-1989 纸浆酸不溶木素的测定 Pulps - Determination of acid-insoluble lignin NEQ TAPPI 2220m-83
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
85.060 Y32 GB/T 1468-1999 描图纸 Tracing paper EQV ISO 9961:1992
85.060 Y32 GB/T 1525-1979 制图纸 Drawing paper
85.060 Y31 GB/T 1538-1979 纸板耐折度的测定法 (肖伯尔式测定仪) Determination of paper board folding strength (Shaw-bel's)
85.060 Y31 GB/T 1539-1989 纸板耐破度的测定法 Paperboard?Determination of bursting strength EQV ISO 2759-83
85.060 Y32 GB/T 1540-1989 纸和纸板吸水性的测定法 (可勃法) Paper and board?Determination of water absorption?Cobb method EQV ISO 535-76
85.060 Y32 GB/T 1541-1989 纸和纸板尘埃度的测定法 Paper and board - Determination of dirt NEQ TAPPI T437 om-85
85.060 Y30 GB/T 1543-1988 纸不透明度测定法 Paper--Determination of opacity (paper backing) NEQ ISO 2471-77
85.060 Y30 GB/T 1545.1-1989 纸、纸板和纸浆水抽提液酸度或碱度的测定法 Paper, borad and pulp?Determination of aciditv or aqueous extracty NEQ Tappi T428-85
85.060 Y30 GB/T 1545.2-1989 纸、纸板和纸浆水抽提液 pH 的测定法 Paper,board and pulp?Determination of pH of aqueous extracts EQV ISO 6588-81
85.040 Y31 GB/T 1546-1989 纸浆卡伯值的测定法 Pulps?Determination of Kappa number EQV ISO 302-81
85.040 Y31 GB/T 1547-1989 纸浆高锰酸钾值的测定法 Pulps?Determination of permanganate number NEQ TAPPI UM251
85.040 Y31 GB/T 1548-1989 纸浆粘度的测定法 Pulps?Determination of viscosity
85.060 Y32 GB/T 1910-1999 新闻纸 Newsprint NEQ JCP A10:1989
85.060 Y32 GB/T 1911-1991 拷贝纸 Copying paper
85.060 Y32 GB/T 1912-1989 字典纸 Bible paper
85.060 Y32 GB/T 1914-1993 化学分析滤纸 Chemical analytical filter paper NEQ ASTM E832-81
85.060 Y32 GB/T 2675-1981 地图纸 Paper for drawing land maps
85.060 Y32 GB/T 2676-1981 海图纸 Paper for drawing ocean maps
Y30 GB/T 2677.1-1993 造纸原料分析用试样的采取 Fibrous raw material of sampling for analysis NEQ JIS P8001-76
Y30 GB/T 2677.2-1993 造纸原料水分的测定 Fibrous raw material--Determination of moisture content NEQ JIS P8002-74
Y30 GB/T 2677.3-1993 造纸原料灰分的测定 Fibrous raw material--Determination of ash NEQ TAPPI T211om-85
Y30 GB/T 2677.4-1993 造纸原料水抽出物含量的测定 Fibrous raw material--Determination of water solubility NEQ TAPPI T207om-88
Y30 GB/T 2677.5-1993 造纸原料1%氢氧化钠抽出物含量的测定 Fibrous raw material--Determination of one percent sodium hydroxide solubility NEQ TAPPI T212om-88
Y30 GB/T 2677.6-1994 造纸原料有机溶剂抽出物含量的测定 Fibrous raw material--Determination of solvent extractives NEQ TAPPI T204 om-88
Y30 GB/T 2677.8-1994 造纸原料酸不溶木素含量的测定 Fibrous raw material--Determination of acid-insoluble lignin NEQ TAPPI T222 om-88
Y30 GB/T 2677.9-1994 造纸原料多戊糖含量的测定 Fibrous raw material--Determination of pentosan NEQ TAPPI T223 om-84
Y30 GB/T 2677.10-1995 造纸原料综纤维素含量的测定 Fibrous raw material--Determination of holocellulose
85.040 Y31 GB/T 2678.1-1993 纸浆筛分测定方法 Pulps--Determination of screened components NEQ TAPPI T233om-82
85.040 Y31 GB/T 2678.2-1994 纸浆、纸和纸板水溶性氯化物的测定(硝酸汞法) Paper, board and pulp--Determination of water soluble chlorides(HgNO3 method) NEQ TAPPI T256om-85
85.040 Y30 GB/T 2678.3-1995 纸浆氯耗量(脱木素程度)的测定 Pulp--Determination of chlorine consumption (Degree of delignification) EQV ISO 3260-1982
85.040 Y31 GB/T 2678.4-1994 纸浆和纸零距抗张强度测定法 Pulp and paper--Determination of zero-span tensile properties
85.060 Y30 GB/T 2678.5-1996 纸、纸板和纸浆水溶性氯化物的测定(硝酸银电位滴定法) Paper,board and pulp--Determination of water soluble chlorides (Ag3NO3, method) NEQ ISO 9197-2-1990
85.060 Y30 GB/T 2678.6-1996 纸、纸板和纸浆水溶性硫酸盐的测定(电导滴定法) Paper,board and pulp--Determination of water soluble sulphates (Conductimetric titration method) EQV ISO 9198-1989
85.060 Y32 GB/T 2679.1-1993 纸透明度的测定法 Paper--Determination of transparent NEQ ΓOCT 8874-72
85.060 Y30 GB/T 2679.2-1995 纸和纸板透湿度与折痕透湿度的测定(盘式法) Paper and board--Determination of water vapour transmission rate (Dish method) EQV ISO 2528-1974
85.060 Y30 GB/T 2679.3-1996 纸和纸板挺度的测定 Paper and board--Determination of resiseance bending EQV ISO 2493-1992
85.060 Y31 GB/T 2679.4-1994 纸和纸板粗糙度的测定法(本特生粗糙度法) Paper and board--Determination of the roughness (Bendtsen method) NEQ ISO 8791.2
85.060 Y30 GB/T 2679.5-1995 纸和纸板耐折度的测定(MIT耐折度仪法) Paper and board--Determination of folding endurance (MIT tester) EQV ISO 5626-1978
85.040 Y30 GB/T 2679.6-1996 瓦楞原纸平压强度的测定 Corrugating medium--Determination of the flat crush resistance after laboratory fluting EQV ISO 7263-1985
85.060 Y30 GB/T 2679.7-1981 纸板戳穿强度的测定法 Paper board--Determination of piercing strength
85.060 Y30 GB/T 2679.8-1995 纸和纸板环压强度的测定 Paper and board--Determination of compressive strength--Ring crush method EQV ISO/DIS 12192
85.060 Y30 GB/T 2679.9-1993 纸和纸板粗糙度测定法(印刷表面法) Paper and board--Determination of roughness(Print-surf method) NEQ ISO 8791-4-92
85.060 Y30 GB/T 2679.10-1993 纸和纸板短矩压缩强度的测定法 paper and board--Compressive strength--Short span test EQV ISO 9895-89
85.060 Y30 GB/T 2679.11-1993 纸和纸板中无机填料和无机涂料的定性分析 电子显微镜/X射线能谱法 Paper and board--Qualitative analysis of mineral filler and mineral coating--SEM/EDAX method NEQ TAPPI T 421
85.060 Y30 GB/T 2679.12-1993 纸和纸板中无机填料和无机涂料的定性分析 化学法 Paper and board--Qualitative analysis of mineral filler and mineral coating--Chemical method NEQ TAPPI T421om-83
85.060 Y30 GB/T 2679.13-1996 纸和纸板透气度的测定(中等范围) 本特生法 Paper and board--Determination of air permeance (medium range)--Bendtsen method EQV ISO 5636-3-1992
85.060 Y30 GB/T 2679.14-1996 过滤纸和纸板最大孔径的测定 Filter paper and filterboard-Determination of maximum pore diameter NEQ BS 6410-1991
85.060 Y30 GB/T 2679.15-1997 纸和纸板印刷表面强度的测定(电动加速法) Paper and board--Determination of printing surface strength--Accelerating speed method (electric model) EQV ISO 3783:1980
85.060 Y30 GB/T 2679.16-1997 纸和纸板印刷表面强度的测定(摆或弹簧加速法) Paper and board--Determination of printing surface strength--Accelerating speed method (pendulum or spring model) EQV ISO 3782:1980
85.060 Y30 GB/T 2679.17-1997 瓦楞纸板边压强度的测定(边缘补强法) Corrugated fibreboard--Determination of edgewise crush resistance(Edge reinforced method) EQV ISO/CD 13821-1996
85.040 Y31 GB/T 3148-1982 漂白亚硫酸盐苇浆 Bleached sulphite reedpulp
85.040 Y31 GB/T 3332-1982 浆料打浆度的测定法 (肖伯尔-瑞格勒法) Determination of beating degree for pulps (Schopper-Riegler method)
85.060 Y32 GB/T 3333-1999 电缆纸工频击穿电压试验方法 Cable paper--Determination of electrical strength at powerfrequence NEQ IEC 60554-2:1977
85.060 Y32 GB/T 3334-1999 电缆纸介质损耗角正切(tgδ)试验方法(电桥法) Method of test for dissipation factor (tgδ) of cable paper at power frequence (Schering bridge method) NEQ IEC 60554-2:1977
85.060 Y30 GB/T 4687-1984 纸、纸板、纸浆的术语 第一部分 Paper,board,pulp terms(I) NEQ ISO 4046-78
85.060 Y30 GB/T 4688-1984 纸与纸板纤维组成测定方法 Determination of fiber constituent for paper and board
85.060 L64 GB/T 4873-1985 信息处理用连续格式纸 尺寸和输送孔 Continuous forms used for information processing--Sizes and feed holes NEQ ISO 2784-74
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
85.060 Y30 GB/T 5032-1985 纸、纸板和纸浆 表示性能的单位 Paper,board and pulps--Units for expressing properties IDT ISO 5651-78
A82 GB/T 5034-1985 出口产品包装用瓦楞纸板 Corrugated fibreboard for export products
85.040 Y31 GB/T 5399-1985 纸浆浓度的测定 快速法 Pulp--Determination of stock concentration--Rapid method NEQ ISO 4119-78
85.040 Y31 GB/T 5400-1998 纸浆铜价的测定 Pulp--Method for determination of copper number
85.040 Y31 GB/T 5401-1985 纸浆碱溶解度的测定 Pulp--Determination of alkali solubility EQV ISO 692-82
85.060 Y30 GB/T 5402-1985 纸和纸板透气度的测定 葛尔莱法 Paper and board--Determination of air permeance--Gurley method EQV ISO/DIS 5636.5-83
85.060 Y30 GB/T 5405-1985 纸施胶度的测定 液体渗透法 Testing method of sizing for paper--Liquid permeance method
85.060 Y30 GB/T 5406-1985 纸透油度的测定 Testing method of oil permeance for paper
85.060 Y31 GB/T 6544-1999 包装材料 瓦楞纸板 Packing material--Corrugated fibreboard NEQ JIS Z1516:1997
85.080 Y31 GB/T 6545-1998 瓦楞纸板 耐破强度的测定法 Corrugated board--Determination of bursting strength EQV ISO 2759:1983
85.080 Y31 GB/T 6546-1998 瓦楞纸板 边压强度的测定法 Corrugated fibreboard--Determination of edgewise crush resistance IDT ISO 3070-1987
85.080 Y31 GB/T 6547-1998 瓦楞纸板 厚度的测定方法 Corrugated fiberboard--Determination of thickness EQV ISO 3034:1991
85.080 Y31 GB/T 6548-1998 瓦楞纸板粘合强度的测定法 Corrugated fibreboard-Determination of pyl adhesive strength EQV JIS Z0402:1988
85.060 Y32 GB/T 7968-1996 纸袋纸 Bag paper
85.060 Y32 GB 7970-1999 通讯电缆纸 Communication cable paper NEQ IEC 60554-3-1:1979
85.060 Y32 GB/T 7972-1987 打孔电报纸 Telegraph cable paper for punchig NEQ ΓOCT 1371-70
85.060 Y30 GB/T 7973-1987 纸浆、纸及纸板 漫反射因数测定法(漫射/垂直法) Paper, board and pulps--Measurement of diffuse reflectance factor (Diff/o-geometry) NEQ ISO 2469-77
85.060 Y30 GB/T 7974-1987 纸及纸板 白度测定法 (漫射/垂直法) Paper and board--Measurement of brightness (Diff/o-geometry) NEQ ISO 2470-77
85.060 Y30 GB/T 7975-1987 纸及纸板 颜色测定法 (漫射/垂直法) Paper and board--Measurement of colour(Diff/o-geometry)
85.060 Y30 GB/T 7977-1987 纸浆、纸和纸板 水抽提液电导率的测定 Paper, board and pulp--Determination of the electrical conductivity for the water extract NEQ ISO 554/2-76
85.040 Y30 GB/T 7978-1987 纸浆 酸不溶灰分的测定 Pulps--Determination of acid-insoluble ash EQV ISO 776-82
85.040 Y30 GB/T 7979-1987 纸浆 二氯甲烷抽提物的测定法 Pulps--Determination of dichloromethane soluble matter EQV ISO 624-74
85.060 Y32 GB/T 8938-1988 打字纸 Typing-paper
85.080 Y39 GB 8939-1999 卫生巾(含卫生护垫) Sanitary absorbent pads
85.060 Y30 GB/T 8940.1-1988 纸和纸板白度测定法 45/0定向反射法 Paper and board--Measurement of brightness (45/0) NEQ TAPPI T452 os-83
85.040 Y30 GB/T 8940.2-1988 纸浆白度测定法 Pulps--Measurement of brightness NEQ ISO 3688-77
85.060 Y30 GB/T 8941.1-1988 纸和纸板镜面光泽度测定法 20°角测定法 Paper and board--Measurement of specular gloss (20°) NEQ TAPPI T653os-76
85.060 Y30 GB/T 8941.2-1988 纸和纸板镜面光泽度测定法 45°角测定法 Paper and board--Measurement of specular gloss (45°) NEQ ISO 2676-75
85.060 Y30 GB/T 8941.3-1988 纸和纸板镜面光泽度测定法 75°角测定法 Paper and board--Measurement of specular gloss (75°) NEQ TAPPI T480cm-85
85.060 Y30 GB/T 8942-1988 纸柔软度的测定法 Paper--Determination of softness NEQ TAPPI T498cm-80
Y30 GB/T 8943.1-1988 纸浆、纸和纸板铜含量的测定法 Paper, board and pulp--Determination of copper content EQV ISO 778-82
Y30 GB/T 8943.2-1988 纸浆、纸和纸板铁含量的测定法 Paper, board and pulp--Determination of iron content EQV ISO 779-82
Y30 GB/T 8943.3-1988 纸浆、纸和纸板锰含量的测定法 Pulp, paper and board--Determination of manganese EQV ISO 1830-82
Y30 GB/T 8943.4-1988 纸浆、纸和纸板钙、镁含量的测定法 Pulps paper and board--Determination of calcium and magnesium NEQ ISO 777-82
85.040 Y30 GB/T 8944.1-1988 纸浆 成批销售质量的测定法 第一部分: 浆板浆包 Pulps--Determination of saleable mass in lots--Part 1: Pulp baled in sheet form EQV ISO 801/1-79
85.040 Y30 GB/T 8944.2-1988 纸浆 成批销售质量的测定法 第二部分: 浆块 (急骤干燥浆) 浆包 Pulps--Determination of saleable mass in lots--Part 2: Pulps (such as flash-dried pulp) baled in slabs EQV ISO 801/2-79
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
85.060 Y32 GB/T 10335-1995 铜版纸 Art paper
85.010 Y30 GB/T 10336-1989 造纸纤维长度测定法 Determination of fiber length for paper making NEQ TAPPI T232cm-85
85.010 Y30 GB/T 10337-1989 造纸原料和纸浆中酸溶木素的测定法 Raw material and pulp - Determination of acid-soluble lignin EQV TAPPI UM250
85.040 Y31 GB/T 10338-1989 纸浆羧基含量测定法 Pulps - Determination of carboxyl content
85.060 Y32 GB/T 10339-1989 纸和纸浆的光散射和光吸收系数测定法 Testing method of light scattering and absorption coefficient for paper and pulps EQV ISO/DP 9416
85.060 Y32 GB/T 10340-1989 纸和纸板过滤速度测定法 Paper and board - Determination of filtering rate NEQ BS 6410-84
85.060 Y30 GB/T 10342-1989 纸张的包装和标志 Paper - Package and mark NEQ ГOCT 1641-75
85.060 Y30 GB/T 10739-1989 纸浆、纸和纸板试样处理与试验的标准大气 Paper board and pulps - Conditioning of samples and testing atmosp heres EQV ISO 187-84
85.040 Y31 GB/T 10740-1989 纸浆尘埃度的测定法 Pulp - Determination of dirt NEQ TAPPI T213 om-85
85.040 Y31 GB/T 10741-1989 纸浆苯醇抽出物的测定法 Pulps - Determination of alcohol-benzene solubles NEQ TAPPI T204 os-76
85.010 Y30 GB/T 10742-1989 造纸原料果胶含量的测定 Raw fiber material - Determination of pectin content
85.010 Y30 GB/T 12032-1989 纸和纸板印刷光泽度印样的制备 Paper and board - Preparation of a offset print for test gloss NEQ ISO 3762-79
85.060 Y31 GB/T 12033-1989 造纸原料和纸浆中糖类组分的气相色谱法测定 Determination of carbohydrate composition in raw materials and pulps by gas chromatography NEQ TAPPI T249om-85
85.080 Y32 GB/T 12655-1998 卷烟纸 Cigarette paper
85.060 Y30 GB/T 12658-1990 纸浆、纸和纸板中钾、钠含量的测定 Paper, board and pulp - Determination of potassium and sodium content NEQ TappiT 266pm
85.040 Y31 GB/T 12659-1990 纸浆实验室打浆 约克罗磨法 Pulps - Laboratory beating - Jokro mill method IDT ISO 5264/3-79
85.040 Y31 GB/T 12660-1990 纸浆滤水性能测 "加拿大标准"游离度法 Pulps - Determination of drainability - "Canadian standard " freeness method NEQ ISO 5267/2-80
85.060 Y32 GB/T 12661-1990 纸和纸板菌落总数的测定法 Paper and board - Determination of microbiological properties--Total bacterial count NEQ ISO 8784/1-87
85.060 Y32 GB/T 12909-1991 纸和纸板弯曲挺度的测定法 (共振法) Paper and board - Determination of bending stiffness - Resonance method NEQ ISO 5629-83
85.060 Y32 GB/T 12910-1991 纸和纸板二氧化钛含量的测定法 Paper and board - Determination of titanium dioxide EQV ISO 5647-89
85.060 Y32 GB/T 12911-1991 纸和纸板油墨吸收性的测定法 Paper and board - Determination of the ink absorbency
85.060 Y32 GB/T 12912-1991 化学分析滤纸分离性能的测定法 Determination of separating capacity for chemical analysis filter paper
85.060 Y32 GB/T 12914-1991 纸和纸板抗张强度的测定法 (恒速拉伸法) Paper and board?Determination of tensile properties - Constant rate of elongation method EQV ISO 1924/2-85
85.060 Y32 GB/T 13023-1991 瓦楞原纸 Corrugating medium NEQ JIS P3904-85
85.060 Y32 GB/T 13024-1991 箱纸板 Linerboard NEQ JIS P3902-85
85.040 Y31 GB/T 13505-1992 高纯度绝缘木浆 Pure insulating pulp NEQ ГOCT 5186-74
85.040 Y31 GB/T 13506-1992 漂白亚硫酸盐木浆 Bleached sulfite pulp
85.040 Y31 GB/T 13507-1992 本色亚硫酸盐木浆 Unbleached sulfite pulp
85.060 Y32 GB/T 13528-1992 纸和纸板表面pH值的测定法 Paper and board - Determination of surface pH NEQ TAPPI T529om-82
85.080 L64 GB/T 13918-1992 办公机器用非连续格式纸尺寸系列 Sizes of format paper used by office machine in non-continuous forms
85.060 C84 GB/T 14656-1993 阻燃纸和纸板燃烧性能试验方法 Test method for burning behaviour of flame-retardant paper and board
85.060 Y32 GB/T 17003.1-1997 安全防伪纸 第一部分: 证券 证件用纸 Security paper Part 1: debenture paper--Credential paper
85.010 C56 GB/T 17227-1998 中小学生教科书卫生标准 Health standard of textbook for elementary and secondary school student
85.010 Y30 GB/T 18402-2001 纸浆滤水性能的测定(滤水时间法) Pulps-Determination of drainability (drainge time method) NEQ TAPPI T221om:1993
85.080 Y33 GB 18585-2001 室内装饰装修材料 壁纸中有害物质限量 Indoor decorating and refurbishing materials--Limit of harmful substances of wallpapers NEQ EN 12149:1997
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