
CSBTS GB ICS List 中国国家標準(GB,GB/T規格)
 ICS 79:木材工業 分野

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中国語名称を表示する場合は、ブラウザ(IE6等)の エンコード日本語(シフトJIS)とし、 日本語のフォントMS UI Gothic等に指定してください。
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
79.040 B68 GB 142-1995 直接用原木 坑木 Logs for direct--Pit-props  
79.040 B68 GB/T 143.1-1995 锯切用原木树种、主要用途 Ripping logs--Species--Main application  
79.040 B68 GB/T 143.2-1995 针叶树锯切用原木 尺寸、公差、分等 Coniferous ripping logs--Dimensions--Tolerancesand-grade classification  
79.040 B60 GB/T 144-1995 原木检验 Log inspection  
79.040 B69 GB/T 153-1995 针叶树锯材 Coniferous sawn timber  
79.040 B68 GB/T 155-1995 原木缺陷 Defects in logs EQV ISO 4473-1988
79.040 B69 GB 449-1984 锯材材积表 Sawn timber volume table  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
79.020 B68 GB/T 1927-1991 木材物理力学试材采集方法 Method of sample tree collection for physical and mechanical tests of wood NEQ ISO 4471-82
79.010 B68 GB/T 1928-1991 木材物理力学试验方法总则 General requiements for physical and mechnical tests of wood  
79.020 B68 GB/T 1929-1991 木材物理力学试材锯解及试样截取方法 Method of sample logs sawing and test specimens selection for physical and mechanical tests of wood NEQ ISO 3129-75
79.040 B68 GB/T 1930-1991 木材年轮宽度和晚材率测定方法 Method for determination of the annual rings width and latewood rate of wood  
79.010 B68 GB/T 1931-1991 木材含水率测定方法 Method for determination of the moisture content of wood EQV ISO 3130-75
79.010 B68 GB/T 1932-1991 木材干缩性测定方法 Method for determination of the shrinkage of wood  
79.010 B68 GB/T 1933-1991 木材密度测定方法 Method for determination of the density of wood EQV ISO 3131-75
79.010 B68 GB/T 1934.1-1991 木材吸水性测定方法 Method for determination of the water absorption of wood  
79.010 B68 GB/T 1935-1991 木材顺纹抗压强度试验方法 Method of testing in compressive strength parallel to grain of wood NEQ ISO 3787-76
79.010 B68 GB/T 1936.1-1991 木材抗弯强度试验方法 Method of testing in bending strength of wood EQV ISO 3133-75
79.010 B68 GB/T 1936.2-1991 木材抗弯弹性模量测定方法 Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in static bending of wood NEQ ISO 3349-75
79.010 B68 GB/T 1937-1991 木材顺纹抗剪强度试验方法 Method of testing in shearing stength parallel to grain of wood EQV ISO 3347-76
79.010 B68 GB/T 1938-1991 木材顺纹抗拉强度试验方法 Method of testing in tensile strength parallel to grain of wood EQV ISO 3345-75
79.010 B68 GB/T 1939-1991 木材横纹抗压试验方法 Method of testing in compression perpendicular to grain of wood EQV ISO 3132-75
79.010 B68 GB/T 1940-1991 木材冲击韧性试验方法 Method of testing in toughness of wood EQV ISO 3348-75
79.010 B68 GB/T 1941-1991 木材硬度试验方法 Method of testing in hardness of wood EQV ISO 3350-75
79.010 B68 GB/T 1942-1991 木材抗劈力试验方法 Method of testing in cleavage stregth of wood  
79.010 B68 GB/T 1943-1991 木材横纹抗压弹性模量测定方法 Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in compression perpendicular to grain of wood  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
79.040 B67 GB/T 2690-2000 毛竹材 Bamboo timber  
79.040 B68 GB/T 4812-1995 特级原木 Logs of super grade  
79.040 B68 GB/T 4813-1995 阔叶树锯切用原木尺寸、公差、分等 Broad leaves ripping logs-Dimensioms--tolerances and grade classification  
79.040 B68 GB 4814-1984 原木材积表 Log volume table  
79.040 B68 GB 4815-1984 杉原条材积表 Volume table of chinese firtree poles  
79.040 B69 GB/T 4817-1995 阔叶树锯材 Broad leaves sawn timber  
79.040 B69 10 罐道木 Sawn timber for shaft lifting guide  
79.040 B69 GB/T 4822-1999 锯材检验 Swan timber inspection  
79.040 B69 GB/T 4823-1995 锯材缺陷 Defects in sawn timber EQV ISO 1029-1974
79.060.20 B70 GB/T 4897-1992 刨花板 Particle board NEQ ISO 820-75
79.040 B68 GB/T 5039-1999 杉原条 Chinese fir-tree poles  
79.120.10 B97 GB/T 5051-2000 刨花铺装机通用技术条件 General technical conditions for the particle forming machine  
79.120 B97 GB/T 5481-1985 远红外木材干燥炉 Far infra red drying oven for the wood  
79.060 B70 GB/T 5849-1999 细木工板 Blockboard EQV ISO 1096:1975
79.010 B60 GB/T 6043-1999 木材pH值测定方法 Method for determination of pH of wood  
79.120.10 B97 GB/T 6197-2000 辊筒式单板干燥机 Veneer roller dryer NEQ JIS B 6547:1991
79.120.10 B97 GB/T 6199-2000 网带式单板干燥机 Veneer net-belt dryer NEQ JIS B 6550:1991
79.120.10 B97 GB/T 6202-2000 宽带式砂光机通用技术条件 General specifications for wide belt sanders  
79.040 B69 GB/T 6491-1999 锯材干燥质量 Drying quality of sawn timber  
79.080 B69 GB/T 7909-1999 造纸木片 Wood chips for the pulp  
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 7911-1999 热固性树脂浸渍纸高压装饰层积板(HPL) Decorative high-pressure laminates(HPL)--Sheets based on thermosetting resins NEQ ISO 4586-1:1987
79.010 B68 GB/T 1934.2-1991 木材湿胀性测定方法 Method for determination of the swelling of wood  
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 9846.1-1988 胶合板 分类 Plywood--Classification NEQ ISO 1096-75
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 9846.2-1988 胶合板 术语和定义 Plywood--Terms and definitions NEQ ISO 2074-72
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 9846.3-1988 胶合板 普通胶合板尺寸和公差技术条件 Plywood--Specification for dimensions and tolerances of plywood for general use NEQ ISO 1097-75
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 9846.4-1988 胶合板 普通胶合板通用技术条件 Plywood--General specification for plywood for general use NEQ ISO 1098-75
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 9846.5-1988 胶合板 普通胶合板外观分等技术条件 Plywood--Specification for classification by appearance of plywood for general use NEQ ISO 2426-74
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 9846.6-1988 胶合板 普通胶合板检验规则 Plywood--Inspection codes for plywood for general use  
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 9846.7-1988 胶合板 普通胶合板标志、包装、运输和贮存 Plywood--Marking, packaging,transportation and storage of plywood for general use  
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 9846.8-1988 胶合板 测试胶合板的抽取方法 Plywood--Sampling of test plywood panels  
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 9846.9-1988 胶合板 试件的锯割 Plywood--cutting of test specimens  
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 9846.10-1988 胶合板 试件尺寸的测量 Plywood--Determination of dimensions of test specimens NEQ ISO 3804-77
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 9846.11-1988 胶合板 含水率的测定 Plywood--Determination of moisture content NEQ ISO 3806-77
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 9846.12-1988 胶合板 胶合强度的测定 Plywood--Determination of glue bond strength  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 10959-1989 带移动工作台木工锯板机 精度 Woodworking machines - Single blade circular sawing machines with travelling talde - Accuracy tests NEQ ISO/DIS 7983-86
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 10960-1989 锯片往复木工锯板机 精度 Woodworking machines - Single blade stroke circudAr sawing machines - Accuracy tests NEQ ISO/DIS 7958-86
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 10961-1989 木工机床操作指示形象化符号 Symbols for indications appearing on woodworking machinery NEQ ISO/R 369-64
79.040 B68 GB/T 11716-1999 小径原木 Logs of small diameter  
79.040 B68 GB/T 11717-1989 造纸用原木 Pulp logs  
79.060.20 B70 GB/T 11718-1999 中密度纤维板 Medium density fibreboard NEQ EMB欧洲中密度纤维板工业标准:95
79.020 B60 GB/T 11917-1989 制材工艺术语 Terms in lumber technology  
79.060.10 G33 GB/T 12024-1989 改性聚丙烯层压板材 Modified polypropylene laminating plates  
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 12448-1990 木工机床 型号编制方法 Woodworking machines - Technical classification of woodworking machines and auxiliary machines for woodworking  
79.020 J04 GB/T 12471-1990 木制件 公差与配合 Limits and fits for products of wood and wooden materials  
79.020 J04 GB/T 12472-1990 木制件表面粗糙度 参数及其数值 Surface roughness - Parameters and their values for wooden pieces NEQ ГOCT 7016-82
79.120.10 J65 GB 12557-2000 木工机床 安全通则 Woodworking machines--Safety code NEQ PR EN 691:1992
79.060.20 B70 GB/T 12626.1-1990 硬质纤维板 术语和分类 Hard fibreboard - Terms and classfication NEQ ISO 818-75
79.060.20 B70 GB/T 12626.2-1990 硬质纤维板 技术要求 Hard fibreboard - Technical requirement NEQ ISO 2695-76
79.060.20 B70 GB/T 12626.3-1990 硬质纤维板 试件取样及测量 Hard fibreboard - Samping and measurement of test pieces NEQ ISO 766-72
79.060.20 B70 GB/T 12626.4-1990 硬质纤维板 检验规则 Hard fibreboard - Test code  
79.060.20 B70 GB/T 12626.5-1990 硬质纤维板 产品的标志、包装、运输和贮存 Hard fibreboard - Marking, packaing, transportation and reservation of the products  
79.060.20 B70 GB/T 12626.6-1990 硬质纤维板 含水率的测定 Hard fibreboard - Determination of moisture content IDT ISO 9425-89
79.060.20 B70 GB/T 12626.7-1990 硬质纤维板 密度的测定 Hard fibreboard - Determination of density IDT ISO 9427-89
79.060.20 B70 GB/T 12626.8-1990 硬质纤维板 吸水率的测定 Hard fibreboard - Determination of water absorption IDT ISO 769-72
79.060.20 B70 GB/T 12626.9-1990 硬质纤维板 静曲强度的测定 Hard fibreboard - Defermination of bending strength NEQ ISO/DIS 9429-87
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 13009-1991 热带阔叶树材普通胶合板 General use plywood of tropical broadleaved species  
79.060.20 B70 GB/T 13010-1991 刨切单板 Sliced veneer  
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 13123-1991 竹编胶合板 Bamboo-mat plywood  
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 13124-1991 竹编胶合板试验方法 Methods of testing bamboo-mat plywood  
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 13568-1992 细木工带锯机 精度 Woodworking machines table bandsawing machines - Accuracy tests  
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 13569-1992 木工平刨床 精度 Woodworking machines?Surface planing machines with cutterblock for one side dressing?Accuracy tests  
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 13570-1992 单轴木工铣床 精度 Woodworking machines - Single spindle moulding machines - Accuracy tests  
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 13571-1992 立式单轴木工钻床 精度 Woodworking machines - Single spindle boring machines - Accuracy tests  
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 13572-1992 二、三、四面木工刨床 精度 Woodworking machines - Planing machines for two, three or four-side dressing - Accuracy test  
79.120.20 J65 GB/T 13573-1992 木工圆锯片 Circular saw blades for woodworking  
79.010 B60 GB/T 13942.1-1992 木材天然耐久性试验方法 木材天然耐腐性实验室试验方法 Method for laboratory test of natural decay resistance of woods  
79.010 B60 GB/T 13942.2-1992 木材天然耐久性试验方法 木材天然耐久性野外试验方法 Method for field test of natural durability of wood  
79.010 B60 GB/T 14017-1992 木材横纹抗拉强度试验方法 Method of testing in tensile strength perpendicular to grain of wood EQV ISO 3346-1975
79.010 B60 GB/T 14018-1992 木材握钉力试验方法 Method of testing nail holding power of wood  
79.010 B60 GB/T 14019-1992 木材防腐术语 Glossary of terms used in wood preservation  
79.020 C72 GB 14192-1993 木材采伐运输安全通则 Safety code of practice for logging operations  
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 14303-1993 万能木工圆锯机 精度 Woodworking machines--Single blade universal circular saw bench with or without travelling table--Accuracy tests NEQ ISO 7008-1983
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 14384-1993 木工机床 通用技术条件 Woodworking machines--General specifications  
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 14385-1993 单面木工压刨床 精度 Woodworking machines--Thickness planing machines with rotary cutterblock for one side dressing--Accuracy tests NEQ ISO 7568-86
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 14386-1993 木工平压两用刨床 精度 Woodworking machines--Surface planing and thicknessing machines--Accuracy tests NEQ ISO 7570-86
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 14387-1993 纵剖木工圆锯机 精度 Woodworking machines--Ripping circular saws--Accuracy tests NEQ ISO 7008-83
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 14388-1993 木工硬质合金圆锯片 Tungsten carbide tipped circular saw blade for woodworking NEQ ISO/TC 29
79.120.10 B97 GB/T 14712-1993 单层热压机 Single-opening press  
79.120.10 B97 GB/T 14713-1993 旋切机通用技术条件 General technical conditions for the veneer lathe  
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 14897.1-1994 木工刀具 基本术语 General terminology of tools for woodworking NEQ ISO 3855
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 14897.2-1994 木工刀具术语 锯 Tools for woodworking--Saw blades--Terminology NEQ ISO 7294-83
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 14897.3-1994 木工刀具术语 铣刀 Tools for woodworking--Milling cutters--Terminology NEQ ISO 3855-77
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 14897.4-1994 木工刀具术语 钻头 Tools for woodworking--Drill--Terminology  
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 14897.5-1994 木工刀具术语 方凿钻 Tools for woodworking--Square chisel drill--Terminology  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
79.010 B71 GB/T 15035-1994 木材干燥术语 Terminology in wood drying  
79.080 B69 GB/T 15036.1-2001 实木地板 技术条件 Solid wood flooring--Technical condition  
79.080 B69 GB/T 15036.2-2001 实木地板 检验和试验方法 Solid wood flooring--Examination and test methods  
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 15102-1994 浸渍胶膜纸饰面人造板 Surface decorated wood-based panels with paper impregnated thermosetting resins  
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 15104-1994 装饰单板贴面人造板 Decorative veneered wood-based panel NEQ JIS A5909-83
79.040 B68 GB/T 15106-1994 刨切单板用原木 Log of sliced veneer  
79.120.10 G04 GB/T 15337-1994 原子吸收光谱分析法通则 General rules for atomic absorption spectrometric analysis  
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 15376-1994 普通木工车床 精度 Woodworking machines--Turning lathes--Accuracy tests  
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 15377-1994 木工机床术语 木工刨床 Woodworking machines--Planing machines--Terminology  
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 15378-1994 木工机床术语 木工锯机 Woodworking machines--Sawing machines--Terminology  
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 15379-1994 木工机床术语 基本术语 Terminology for woodworking machines--Basic terminology  
79.040 B60 GB/T 15777-1995 木材顺纹抗压弹性模量测定方法 Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in compressive parallel to grain of wood  
79.040 B68 GB/T 15779-1995 旋切单板用原木 Log of peeled veneer  
79.120.10 B90 GB/T 15784-1995 制材机械型号编制方法 Programming method for converted timber machine  
79.120.10 B97 GB/T 15785-1995 旋切机刀片通用技术条件 General rules of knives for veneer lathe  
79.040 B60 GB/T 15787-1995 原木检验术语 Terms in log inspection  
79.120.10 C68 GB 16272-1996 木材加工圆锯机安全技术要求 Safety technical requirements for woodworking circular saw bench  
79.120.10 B97 GB/T 16485-1996 制材机械通用技术条件 General technical conditions for lumber machine  
79.060.10 B70 GB/T 17656-1999 混凝土模板用胶合板 Plywood for concrete form NEQ JAS 516:1992
79.060.01 B70 GB/T 17657-1999 人造板及饰面人造板理化性能试验方法 Test methods of evaluating the properties of wood-based panels and surface decorated wood-based panels IDT ISO,EN,DIN,JAS等
79.040 B69 GB/T 17658-1999 阻燃木材燃烧性能试验 火传播试验方法 The test of burning behaviour for flame retardant treated wood--Method of test for fire propagation NEQ BS 476 part 6:1989
79.040 B68 GB/T 17659.1-1999 原木锯材批量检查抽样、判定方法 第1部分:原木批量检查抽样、判定方法 Sampling and judging methods for lot inspection of logs and sawn timbers--Part 1: Sampling and judging methods for lot inspection of logs  
79.040 B68 GB/T 17659.2-1999 原木锯材批量检查抽样、判定方法 第2部分:锯材批量检查抽样、判定方法 Sampling and judging methods for lot inspection of logs and sawn timbers--Part 2: Sampling and judging methods for lot inspection of sawn timbers  
79.010 B60 GB/T 17660-1999 木材缓冲容量测定方法 Method for determination the buffering capacity of wood NEQ 美国Mantsanto公司No.142实验室
79.120.01 B97 GB/T 17661-1999 锯材干燥设备性能检测方法 Detection method of drying equipments performance of sawn timber  
79.040 B68 GB/T 17662-1999 原木缺陷术语符号 Symbol of logs defect terms  
79.010 B60 GB/T 17663-1999 主要商品木材树种代号 Code name of the main commercial timber  
79.020 B72 GB/T 17666-1999 K荆树栲胶单宁快速测定方法 Quick test method for determination of tannin in wattle bark extracts  
79.040 B69 GB/T 18000-1999 木材缺陷图谱 Illustrative plats of defects in wood NEQ ISO 1029:1974
79.120 B97 GB/T 18002-1999 中密度纤维板生产线验收通则 Acceptance generality of the medium density fibreboard production line  
79.120.01 B97 GB/T 18003-1999 人造板机械设备型号编制方法 Programming method for the types of wood-based panel machinery  
79.120.01 B97 GB/T 18004-1999 辊式砂光机通用技术条件 General rules for roler sanders  
79.060.10 B70 GB 18101-2000 难燃胶合板 Difficult-flammability plywood  
79.080 B70 GB/T 18102-2000 浸渍纸层压木质地板 Laminate floor covering  
79.080 B70 GB/T 18103-2000 实木复合地板 Parquet  
79.040 B69 GB/T 18107-2000 红木 Red woods  
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 18222-2000 木工机床 宽带磨光机 术语 Woodworking machines--Wide belt sanding machines Nomenclature EQV ISO 9415:1989
79.120.10 J65 GB/T 18223-2000 木工机床 升降台 术语 Woodworking machines--Lifting tables and stages--Nomenclature EQV ISO 9617:1989
79.060.01 B70 GB/T 18259-2000 人造板及其表面装饰术语 Wood-based panel and its surface decoration--Terms  
79.010 B71 GB/T 18260-2000 木材防腐剂 对白蚁毒效实验室试验方法 Laboratory test methods for wood preservatives of determining the protective effectiveness of preservatives against termits NEQ DIN EN 117:1981
79.010 B71 GB/T 18261-2000 防霉剂防治木材霉菌及蓝变菌的试验方法 Testing methods for anti-mould chemicals in controlling mould and blue stain fungi on wood  
79.120.10 B97 GB/T 18262-2000 人造板机械 通用技术条件 General specifications for wood-based panel machinery  
79.120.10 B97 GB/T 18263-2000 人造板机械 热压机术语 Wood-based panel machines-Hot presses for flat surfaces-Terminology  
79.120.10 B97 GB/T 18264-2000 刨花板生产线验收通则 Acceptance generality of the particle board production line  
79.040 B60 GB/T 18513-2001 中国主要进口木材名称 Names of Chinese main imported woods  
79.120.01 B97 GB/T 18514-2001 人造板机械安全通则 Safety code for wood-based panel machinery  
79.120.01 B97 GB/T 18515-2001 旋切机结构安全 The veneer lathe safety for construction EQV JIS B6608:1983
79.060.01 B70 GB 18580-2001 室内装饰装修材料 人造板及其制品中甲醛释放限量 Indoor decorating and refurbishing materials--Limit of formal dehyde emission of wood based panels and finishing products NEQ EN 312-1-1997
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合

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