
CSBTS GB ICS List 中国国家標準(GB,GB/T規格)
 ICS 71:化学技術 分野

すべてを網羅しているわけでも、正確さ、最新性を保証するものではありませんので、 規格原本などで確認してください。
中国語名称を表示する場合は、ブラウザ(IE6等)の エンコード日本語(シフトJIS)とし、 日本語のフォントMS UI Gothic等に指定してください。
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.060.40 G11 GB 209-1993 工业用氢氧化钠 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use NEQ ISO 5992-79
71.060.50 G11 GB 210-1992 工业碳酸钠 Sodium carbonate for industrial use NEQ BS 3674-81
71.060.30 G11 GB 320-1993 工业用合成盐酸 Synthetic hydrochloric acid for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 5785-80
71.060.30 G11 GB 337-1984 浓硝酸 Concentrated nitric acid  
71.080.60 G16 GB 338-1992 工业甲醇 Methanol for industrial use NEQ ASTM D1152-84
71.080.90 G17 GB/T 339-2001 工业用合成苯酚 Synthetic phenol for industrial use  
71.100.30 Y44 GB/T 393-1994 日用安全火柴 Daily used safety matches  
71.080.60 X63 GB/T 394.1-1994 工业酒精 Ethanol for industrial use  
71.080.60 X63 GB/T 394.2-1994 酒精通用试验方法 General methods for determination of ethanol  
71.060.30 G11 GB 534-1989 工业硫酸技术条件 Specifications of sulphuric acid for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 2184-77
71.060.50 G21 GB 535-1995 硫酸铵 Ammonium sulphate NEQ ΓOCT 9097-82
71.060.10 G21 GB 536-1988 液体无水氨 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia NEQ ΓOCT 6221-82
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 537-1997 工业十水合四硼酸二钠 Disodium tetraborate decahydrate for industrial use EQV ISO 1916:1972
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 538-1990 工业硼酸 Boric acid for industrial use NEQ ΓOCT 18704-79
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 601-1988 化学试剂 滴定分析(容量分析)用标准溶液的制备 Chemical reagent--Preparations of standard volumetric solutions  
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 602-1988 化学试剂 杂质测定用标准溶液的制备 Chemical reagent--Preparations of stock standard solutions  
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 603-1988 化学试剂 试验方法中所用制剂及制品的制备 Chemical reagent--Preparations of reagent solutions for use in test methods  
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 604-1988 化学试剂 酸碱指示剂pH变色域测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of pH ranges corresponding the colour transition of acid-base indicators  
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 605-1988 化学试剂 色度测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the measurement of colour(in Hazen units) EQV ISO 6353/1-82
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 606-1988 化学试剂 水分测定通用方法(卡尔. 费休法) Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of water (Karl Fischer method) EQV ISO 6353/1-82 GM12
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 607-1977 化学试剂 水分测定法 (乙酰氯法) Chemical reagent--Determination of water content (acetyl chloride method)  
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 608-1988 化学试剂 氮测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of nitrogen  
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 609-1988 化学试剂 总氮量测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of total nitrogen IDT ISO 6353/1-82
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 610.1-1988 化学试剂 砷测定通用方法(砷斑法) Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of arsenic  
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 610.2-1988 化学试剂 砷测定通用方法(二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银法) Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of arsenic (AgDDTC) EQV ISO 6353/1-82 GM11
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 611-1988 化学试剂 密度测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of density NEQ ISO 6353/1-82 GM24
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 613-1988 化学试剂 比旋光度测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of specific optical rotation NEQ ISO 6353/1-82 GM26
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 614-1988 化学试剂 折光率测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of refractive index NEQ ISO 6353/1-82 GM27
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 615-1988 化学试剂 沸程测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of distillation range NEQ ISO 6353/1-82
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 616-1988 化学试剂 沸点测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of boiling point  
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 618-1988 化学试剂 结晶点测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of crystallizing point EQV ISO 6353/1-82 GM25.3
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 619-1988 化学试剂 采样及验收规则 Chemical reagent--Regulations for Sampling and acceptance NEQ ΓOCT 3885-75
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 620-1993 化学试剂 氢氟酸 Chemical reagent - Hydrofluoric acid NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R67
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 621-1993 化学试剂 氢溴酸 Chemical reagent - Hydrobromic acid NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R13
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 622-1989 化学试剂 盐酸 Chemical reagent - Hydrochloric acid NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R13
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 623-1992 化学试剂 高氯酸 Chemical reagent - Perchloric acid NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R21
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 625-1989 化学试剂 硫酸 Chemical reagent - Sulfuric acid NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R37
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 626-1989 化学试剂 硝酸 Chemical reagent - Nitric acid NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R19
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 628-1993 化学试剂 硼酸 Chemical reagent - Boric acid NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R50
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 629-1997 化学试剂 氢氧化钠 Chemical reagent Sodium hydroxide EQV ISO 6353-2:1983
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 631-1989 化学试剂 氨水 Chemical reagent - Ammonia solution (25%) NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R3
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 632-1993 化学试剂 十水合四硼酸钠(四硼酸钠) Chemical reagent - Disodium tetraborate decahydrate NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R61
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 633-1994 化学试剂 亚硝酸钠 Chemical reagent─Sodium nitrite  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 636-1992 化学试剂 硝酸钠 Chemical reagent - Sodium nitrate NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R90
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 637-1988 化学试剂 硫代硫酸钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R36
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 638-1988 化学试剂 氯化亚锡 Chemical reagent--Tin(U) chloride dihydrate NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R38
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 639-1986 化学试剂 无水碳酸钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium carbonate anhydrous EQV ISO 6353/2-83
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 640-1997 化学试剂 碳酸氢钠 Chemical reagent- Sodium hydrogen carbonate EQV ISO 6353-3:1987
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 641-1994 化学试剂 过二硫酸钾(过硫酸钾) Chemical reagent - Potassium peroxydisulfate NEQ ΓOST 4146-74-74
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 642-1999 化学试剂 重铬酸钾 Chemical reagent-Potassium dichromate NEQ ISO 6352-2:1983
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 643-1988 化学试剂 高锰酸钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium permanganate NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R26
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 644-1993 化学试剂 六氰合铁(V)酸钾(铁氰化钾) Chemical reagent - Potassium hexacyanoferrate (V) NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R81
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 645-1994 化学试剂 氯酸钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium chlorate  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 646-1993 化学试剂 氯化钾 Chemical reagent - Potassium chloride NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R77
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 647-1993 化学试剂 硝酸钾 Chemical reagent - Potassium nitrate NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R84
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 648-1993 化学试剂 硫氰酸钾 Chemical reagent - Potassium thiocyanate NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R86
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 649-1999 化学试剂 溴化钾 Chemical reagent-Potassium bromide NEQ ACS《Chemical Reagent》:1993
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 650-1993 化学试剂 溴酸钾 Chemical reagent - Potassium bromate NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R75
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 651-1993 化学试剂 碘酸钾 Chemical reagent - Potassium iodate NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R83
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 652-1988 化学试剂 氯化钡 Chemical reagent--Barium chloride dihydrate NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R6
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 653-1994 化学试剂 硝酸钡 Chemical reagent - Barium nitrate NEQ ACS(86)
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 654-1999 化学试剂 碳酸钡 Chemical reagent-Barium carbonate NEQ ACS《Chemical Reagent》:1993
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 655-1994 化学试剂 过硫酸铵 Chemical reagent - Ammonium persulfate  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 656-1977 化学试剂 重铬酸铵 Chemical reagent--Ammonium dichromate  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 657-1993 化学试剂 四水合钼酸铵(钼酸铵) Chemical reagent - Hexaammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R65
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 658-1988 化学试剂 氯化铵 Chemical reagent--Ammonium chloride NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R5
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 659-1993 化学试剂 硝酸铵 Chemical reagent - Ammonium nitrate NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R44
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 660-1992 化学试剂 硫氰酸铵 Chemical reagent - Ammonium thiocyanate NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R46
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 661-1992 化学试剂 六水合硫酸铁(U)铵 (硫酸亚铁铵) Chemical reagent - Ammonium iron (U) sulfate hexahydrate NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R42
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 664-1993 化学试剂 七水合硫酸亚铁(硫酸亚铁) Chemical reagent - Iron(U) sulfate heptahydrate NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R69
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 665-1988 化学试剂 硫酸铜 Chemical reagent--Copper(U) sulfate pentahydrate NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R9
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 666-1993 化学试剂 七水合硫酸锌(硫酸锌) Chemical reagent - Zine sulfate heptahydrate NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R97
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 667-1995 化学试剂 六水合硝酸锌(硝酸锌) Chemical reagent--Zinc nitrate hexahydrate  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 669-1994 化学试剂 硝酸锶 Chemical reagent?Strontium nitrate NEQ GOST 5429-74
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 670-1986 化学试剂 硝酸银 Chemical reagent - Silver nitrate EQV ISO 6353/2-83
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 671-1998 化学试剂 硫酸镁 Chemical reagent Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate NEQ A.C.S标准(1993)
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 672-1988 化学试剂 氯化镁 Chemical reagent--Magnesium chloride hexahydrate NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R16
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 673-1984 化学试剂 三氧化二砷 Chemical reagent--Arsenic trioxide  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 674-1978 化学试剂 氧化铜 (粉状) Chemical reagent--Powdered copper oxide  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 675-1993 化学试剂 碘 Chemical reagent - Iodine NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R68
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 676-1990 化学试剂 乙酸(冰醋酸) Chemical reagents--Acetic acid NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R1
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 677-1992 化学试剂 乙酸酐 Chemical reagent - Acetic anhydride NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R41
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 678-1990 化学试剂 乙醇(无水乙醇) Chemical reagent--Ethanol NEQ ISO 6353/2-83
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 679-1994 化学试剂 乙醇(95%) Chemical reagent - Ethanol NEQ ACS(87)
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 681-1994 化学试剂 二苯胺 Chemical reagent - Diphenylamine  
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 682-1989 化学试剂 三氯甲烷 Chemicalreagent - Chloroform NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R7
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 683-1993 化学试剂 甲醇 Chemical reagent - Methanol NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R18
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 684-1999 化学试剂 甲苯 Chemical reagent-Toluene NEQ ISO 6353-2:1983
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 685-1993 化学试剂 甲醛溶液 Chemical reagent - Formaldehyde solution NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R63
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 686-1989 化学试剂 丙酮 Chemical reagent - Acetone NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R2
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 687-1994 化学试剂 丙三醇 Chemical reagent - Glycerol NEQ ISO 6353-3-87
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 688-1992 化学试剂 四氯化碳 Chemical reagent - Carbon tetrachloride NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R54
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 689-1998 化学试剂 吡啶 Chemical reagent Pyridine NEQ A.C.S标准(1987)
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 690-1992 化学试剂 苯 Chemical reagent - Benzene NEQ ISO 6353/3-87 R48
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 691-1994 化学试剂 苯胺 Chemical reagent - Aniline  
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 692-1965 化学试剂 乙酰胺 Chemical reagent--Acetamide  
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 693-1996 化学试剂 三水合乙酸钠(乙酸钠) Chemical reagent--Sodium acetate trihydrate  
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 694-1995 化学试剂 无水乙酸钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium acetate anhydrous  
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 695-1994 化学试剂 一水合草酸钾(草酸钾) Chemical reagent - Potassium oxalate monohydrate NEQ ΓOST 5668-78
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 696-1994 化学试剂 脲(尿素) Chemical reagent - Urea  
71.060.50 G12 GB 752-1994 工业氯酸钾 Potassium chlorate for industrial use NEQ ΓOST T2713-74
71.060.10 H62 GB 913-1985 Mercury  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.040.30 G61 GB 1253-1989 工作基准试剂(容量) 氯化钠 Working chemical - Sodium chloride  
71.040.30 G61 GB 1254-1990 工作基准试剂(容量) 草酸钠 Working chemical - Sodium oxalate  
71.040.30 G61 GB 1255-1990 工作基准试剂(容量) 无水碳酸钠 Working chemical -Sodium carbonate anhydrous  
71.040.30 G61 GB 1256-1990 工作基准试剂(容量) 三氧化二砷 Working chemical - Arsenic trioxide  
71.040.30 G61 GB 1257-1989 工作基准试剂(容量) 邻苯二甲酸氢钾 Working chemical - Potassium hydrogen phthalate  
71.040.30 G61 GB 1258-1990 工作基准试剂(容量) 碘酸钾 Working chemical - Potassium iodate  
71.040.30 G61 GB 1259-1989 工作基准试剂(容量) 重铬酸钾 Working chemical - Potassium dichromate  
71.040.30 G61 GB 1260-1990 工作基准试剂(容量) 氧化锌 Working chemical - Zinc oxide  
71.040.30 G61 GB 1261-1977 基准化学试剂(容量) 无水对氨基苯磺酸 Basic chemical reagents(volumetry)--Anhydrous paramino-phenyl-sulfonic acid  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1263-1986 化学试剂 磷酸氢二钠 Chemical reagent--Disodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1264-1997 化学试剂 氟化钠 Chemical reagent Sodium fluoride EQV ISO 6353-3:1987
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1265-1977 化学试剂 溴化钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium bromide  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1266-1986 化学试剂 氯化钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium chloride  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1267-1999 化学试剂 磷酸二氢钠 Chemical reagent-Sodium dihydrogen phosphate,dihydrate NEQ JIS K9009:1985
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1268-1998 化学试剂 硫氰酸钠 Chemical reagent Sodium thiocyanate NEQ A.C.S标准(1987)
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1270-1996 化学试剂 六水合氯化钴(氯化钴) Chemical reagent--Cobalt(U) chloride hexahydrate EQV ISO 6353-3-1987
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1271-1994 化学试剂 二水合氟化钾(氟化钾) Chemical reagent--Potassium fluoride dihydrate  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1272-1988 化学试剂 碘化钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium iodide NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R25
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1273-1988 化学试剂 六氰合铁(U)酸钾(亚铁氰化钾) Chemical reagent--Potassium hexacyanoferrate(U) tri- hydrate  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1274-1993 化学试剂 磷酸二氢钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium dihydrogen phosphate NEQ ISO 6353-3-87 R79
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1275-1994 化学试剂 十二水合硫酸铝钾(硫酸铝钾) Chemical reagent--Aluminium potassium sulfate dodecahydrate  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1276-1999 化学试剂 氟化铵 Chemical reagent-Ammonium fluoride NEQ ACS《Chemical Reagent》:1993
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1277-1994 化学试剂 溴化铵 Chemical reagent--Ammonium bromide NEQ GOST 13275-73
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1278-1994 化学试剂 氟化氢铵 Chemical reagent--Ammonium hydrogen difluoride NEQ JIS K8817-79
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1279-1989 化学试剂 硫酸铁(V)铵 Chemical reagent - Ammonium iron (V) sulfate dodecahydrate NEQ ISO 6353-3-87
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1281-1993 化学试剂 溴 Chemical reagent--Bromine NEQ ISO 6353-3-87 R51
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1282-1996 化学试剂 磷酸 Chemical reagent--Phosphoric acid  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1285-1994 化学试剂 氯化镉 Chemical reagent--Cadmium chloride  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1287-1994 化学试剂 六水合硫酸镍(硫酸镍) Chemical reagent--Nickel sulfate hexahydrate  
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 1289-1994 化学试剂 草酸钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium oxalate  
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 1288-1992 化学试剂 四水合酒石酸钾钠 (酒石酸钾钠) Chemical reagent - Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R27
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1291-1988 化学试剂 邻苯二甲酸氢钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium hydrogen phthalate NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R40
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 1292-1986 化学试剂 乙酸氨 Chemical reagents--Ammonium acetate  
71.040.30 G65 GB/T 1293-1989 化学试剂 1,10-菲罗啉 Chemical reagent - !,10-Phenanthroline  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1294-1993 化学试剂 酒石酸 Chemical reagent--Tartaric acid NEQ ISO 6353-3-87 R93
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1295-1993 化学试剂 DL-丙氨酸 Chemical reagent--DL-Alanine  
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 1296-1992 化学试剂 L-胱氨酸 Chemical reagent - L-Cystine  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1297-1993 化学试剂 无水L-半胱氨酸盐酸盐 Chemical reagent--L-cysteine hydrochloride anhydrous  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1396-1993 化学试剂 硫酸铵 Chemical reagent--Ammonium sulfate NEQ ISO 6353-3-87
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1397-1995 化学试剂 碳酸钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium carbonate EQV ISO 6353/3-87
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 1400-1993 化学试剂 六次甲基四胺 Chemical reagent--Hexamethylene tetramine  
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 1401-1998 化学试剂 乙二胺四乙酸二钠 Chemical reagent (Ethylenedinitrilo) tetraacetic acid,disodium salt dihydrate NEQ ISO 6353/2-1983
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 1587-2000 工业碳酸钾 Potassium carbonate for industrial use NEQ JIS K 1439:1973(88)
71.040.20 H93 GB/T 1597-1979 铱坩埚 Iridium crucible  
71.060.50 G11 GB/T 1606-1998 工业碳酸氢钠 Sodium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use NEQ ΓOCT 2156-76(92)
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 1608-1997 工业高锰酸钾 Potassium permanganate for industrial use EQV JIS K 1436-71(88)
71.060.20 G13 GB/T 1610-1999 工业铬酸酐 Chromic anhydride for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 2548:1977(1992)
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 1611-1992 工业重铬酸钠 Sodium dichromate for industrial use NEQ JIS K1403-84
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 1613-1993 工业硝酸钡 Barium nitrate for industrial use NEQ гocT 1713-79
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 1614-1999 工业碳酸钡 Barium carbonate for industrial use NEQ JIS K1415:1961(1983)
71.060.50 G17 GB/T 1615-1994 工业二硫化碳 Carbon disulfide for industrial use NEQ JIS K1421-88
71.060.20 G13 GB 1616-1988 工业过氧化氢 Hydrogen peroxide for industrial use NEQ JIS K1463-83
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 1617-1989 工业氯化钡 Barium chloride for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 742-78
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 1618-1995 工业氯酸钠 Sodium chlorate for industrial use EQV 「OCT 12257-77
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 1621-1993 工业氯化铁 Ferric chloride for industrial use NEQ DIN 19602-87
71.080.40 G17 GB/T 1626-1988 工业草酸 Oxalic acid for industrial use NEQ JIS K1357-81
71.080.40 G17 GB/T 1628.1-2000 工业冰乙酸 Glacial acetic acid for industrial use EQV ASTM D 3620:1990
71.080.40 G17 GB/T 1628.2-2000 工业冰乙酸色度的测定--分光光度法 Glacial acetic acid for industrial use--Determination of color--Spectrophotometric method EQV JIS K 1351:1993
71.080.40 G17 GB/T 1628.3-2000 工业冰乙酸含量的测定--滴定法 Glacial acetic acid for industrial use--Determination of acetic acid content--Titrimetric method EQV ISO 753/2:1981
71.080.40 G17 GB/T 1628.4-2000 工业冰乙酸中甲酸含量的测定--碘量法 Glacial acetic acid for industrial use--Determination of formic acid content--Iodometric method EQV ISO 753/3:1983
71.080.40 G17 GB/T 1628.5-2000 工业冰乙酸中甲酸含量的测定--气相色谱法 Glacial acetic acid for industrial use--Determination of formic acid content--Gas chromatographic method EQV JIS K 1351:1993
71.080.40 G17 GB/T 1628.6-2000 工业冰乙酸中乙醛含量的测定--滴定法 Glacial acetic acid for industrial use--Determination of acetaldehyde content--Titrimetric method EQV ISO 753/4:1981
71.080.40 G17 GB/T 1628.7-2000 工业冰乙酸中铁含量的测定--原子吸收光谱法 Glacial acetic acid for industrial use--Determination of iron content--Atomic absorption spectrometric method EQV JIS K1351:1993
71.100 G31 GB/T 1630-1989 环氧树脂命名 Epoxide resins - Designation EQV ISO 3673/1-80
71.100 G32 GB/T 1631-1979 离子交换树脂分类、命名及型号 Classification,designation and types of ion exchange resin  
71.080.90 G56 GB/T 1646-1994 2-萘酚 2-Naphthol NEQ JIS K4129-82
71.100.99 G56 GB/T 1653-1997 邻硝基氯苯 O-Chloronitrobenzene EQV JIS K4103-1982
71.040.50? G71 GB/T 1663-2001 搗Y剂结晶点的测定 Plasticizers-Determination of crytallizing point NEQ ISO 1392:1977
71.040.50 G71 GB/T 1669-2001 搗Y剂加热减量的测定 Plasticizers-Determination of mass loss on heating NEQ JIS K 6751.4:1999
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 1815-1997 苯类产品溴价的测定 Determination for the bromine number of benzole products NEQ ГOCT 2706.11-1974
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 1816-1997 苯类产品中性试验 Test for neutrality of benzole products  
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 1918-1998 工业硝酸钾 Potassium nitrate for industrial use NEQ MIL-P-156(B)-1956
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 1919-2000 工业氢氧化钾 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 9285:1978(95)
71.080.80 B72 GB/T 1926.1-1988 工业糠醛 Technical furfural  
71.080.80 B72 GB/T 1926.2-1988 工业糠醛试验方法 Technical furfural test methods  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.080.15 G15 GB/T 2012-1989 芳烃酸洗试验法 Aromatic hydrocarbons--Test method of acid wash EQV ISO 5274-79
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 2013-1980 苯类产品密度测定法 Mothod for determination density of benzene products  
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 2091-1992 工业磷酸 Phosphoric acid for industrial use NEQ JIS K1449-79
71.080.40 G17 GB/T 2092-1992 工业癸二酸 Sebacic acid for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 15582-70
71.080.40 G17 GB/T 2093-1993 工业甲酸 Formic acid for industrial use NEQ ISO 731/2,4,5-77
71.080.90 G18 GB/T 2279-1989 邻甲酚 o-Cresol NEQ JIS K2439-78
71.080.90 G17 GB/T 2282-2000 焦化轻油类产品馏程的测定 Coking light oil products--Detemination of distillation range  
71.080.15 G18 GB/T 2283-1993 焦化苯 Coking benzole  
71.080.15 G18 GB/T 2284-1993 焦化甲苯 Coking tolouenl  
71.080.15 G18 GB/T 2285-1993 焦化二甲苯 Coking xylene  
71.080 G18 GB/T 2288-1980 焦化产品水分测定方法 Method for the determination of water content of coal --Carbonization products  
71.080 G17 GB/T 2289-1994 焦化粘油类产品取样方法 Viscous oil products of coal carbonization--Sampling NEQ ISO 3170-88
71.080.15 G18 GB/T 2290-1994 煤沥青 Coal tar pitch NEQ GOST 10200-83
71.080.15 G18 GB/T 2291-1980 煤沥青试验室试样的制备方法 Method for preparation of coal tar pitchs specimens  
71.080.15 G18 GB/T 2292-1997 焦化产品甲苯不溶物含量的测定 Coking products--Determination of toluene insoluble content NEQ ASTM D4072-1981(1986)
71.080 G18 GB/T 2295-1980 煤沥青灰分测定方法 Method for determination of coal tar pitch ask content  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 2304-1988 化学试剂 无砷锌 Chemical reagent--Zinc  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 2305-2000 化学试剂 五氧化二磷 Chemical reagent Phosphorus(V)oxide NEQ ISO 6353-3:1987
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 2306-1997 化学试剂 氢氧化钾 Chemical reagent Potassium hydroxide NEQ ISO 6353-2:1983
71.040.40 G15 GB/T 2366-1986 化工产品中水分含量的测定 气相色谱法 Chemical products for industrial use--Determination of water content--Gas chromatographic method  
71.060.50 G12 GB 2367-1990 工业亚硝酸钠 Sodium nitrite for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 19906-85
71.060.10 G13 GB/T 2449-1992 工业硫磺及其试验方法 Sulphur for industrial use and its testing methods NEQ ГOCT 127-76
71.060.20 H65 GB/T 2526-1996 氧化钆 Gadolinium oxide  
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 2590.1-1981 氧化锆、氧化铪中氧化锆和氧化铪含量的测定 (苦杏仁酸重量法) Zirconium and hafnium oxides--Determination of zirconium(hafnium) oxide contents--Mandelic acid gravimetric method  
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 2590.2-1981 氧化锆、氧化铪中铁量的测定 (磺基水杨酸吸光光度法) Zirconium and hafnium oxides--Determination of iron content--Sulfosalicylic acid photometric method  
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 2590.3-1981 氧化锆、氧化铪中硅量的测定 硅钼蓝吸光光度法 Zirconium and hafnium oxides--Determination of silicon content--Silicon-molybdenum blue photometric method  
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 2590.4-1981 氧化锆、氧化铪中铝量的测定 铬天青S-氯化十四烷基吡啶吸光光度法 Zirconium and hafnium oxides--Determination of aluminium content--Chromazurol S-tetradecyl pyridine chloride photometric method  
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 2590.5-1981 氧化锆、氧化铪中钠量的测定 火焰原子吸收分光光度法 Zirconium and hafnium oxides--Determination of sodium content--Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method  
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 2590.6-1981 氧化锆、氧化铪中钛量的测定 (二安替吡啉甲烷吸光光度法) Zirconium and hafnium oxides--Determination of titanium content--Diantipyrymethane photometric method  
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 2590.7-1981 氧化锆、氧化铪中磷量的测定 (锑盐- 抗坏血酸钼蓝吸光光度法) Zirconium and hafnium oxides--Determination of phosphorus content--Ascorbic acid reduced molybdoantimonylphosphoric acid absorption photometric method  
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 2590.8-1981 氧化锆中氧化铪量的测定 (发射光谱法) Zirconium oxide--Determination of hafnium oxide content--Emission spectrophotometric method  
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 2590.9-1981 氧化铪中氧化锆量的测定 (X射线荧光光谱法) Hafnium oxide--Determination of zirconium oxide content--X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method  
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 2590.10-1981 氧化锆中锰量的测定 (高碘酸钾吸光光度法) Zirconium oxides--Determination of manganese oxide content--Potassium periodate photometric method  
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 2590.11-1981 氧化锆中镍量的测定 (α-联呋喃甲酰二肟吸光光度法) Zircoium oxide--Determination of nickel content--2.2'-Furil dioxime absorption photometric method  
71.080.90 G18 GB/T 2599-1997 工业甲酚 Technical cresol  
71.080.90 G18 GB/T 2600-1997 工业二甲酚 Technical xylenol  
71.080.90 G17 GB/T 2601-1981 酚类产品组成的气相色谱测定方法 Products from phenols--Determination of composition--Gas chromatography  
71.080.90 G17 GB/T 2602-1981 酚类产品中间位甲酚含量的尿素测定方法 Products from phenols--Determination of intermediate cresol content by the urea method  
71.080.90 G17 GB/T 2604-1981 邻甲酚组成的气相色谱测定方法 o-Cresol--Determination of composition--Gas chromatography  
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 2899-1996 工业沉淀硫酸钡 Barium sulphate,precipitated for industrial use NEQ ISO 3262-1975
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 2921-1982 化学试剂 气相色谱固定液的分类和命名 Chemical reagents--Classification and nomenclature of liquid stationary phase for gas chromatography  
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 2922-1982 化学试剂 色谱载体比表面积的测定方法 Chemical reagents--Determination of specific surface area of solid supports used in chromatography  
71.060.20 H65 GB/T 2969-1994 氧化钐 Samarium oxide  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.100.40 Y08 GB/T 3042-1992 洗衣粉包装 Washing powder packing  
71.040.40 G10 GB/T 3049-1986 化工产品中铁含量测定的通用方法 邻菲罗啉分光光度法 Chemical products for industrial use--General method for determination of iron content--o-Phenanthroline spectrophotometric method NEQ ISO 6685-82
71.040.40 G10 GB/T 3050-2000 无机化工产品中氯化物含量测定的通用方法 电位滴定法 Inorganic chemical products for industrial use--General method for determination of chloride content--Potentiometric method NEQ ISO 6227:1982
71.040.40 G10 GB/T 3051-2000 无机化工产品中氯化物含量测定的通用方法 汞量法 Inorganic chemical products for industrial use--General method for determination of chloride content--Mercurimetric method NEQ ISO 5790:1979
71.060.20 C38 GB 3053-1993 血压计和血压表 Sphygmomanometer  
71.080 G18 GB/T 3069.1-1986 萘灰分的测定方法 Method for the determination of the ash content of naphthalene NEQ ΓOCT 16106-79
71.080.15 G18 GB/T 3069.2-1986 萘结晶点的测定方法 Method for the determination of the crystallization temperature of naphthalene NEQ ΓOCT 16106-79
71.080 G18 GB/T 3071-1982 沥青焦真比重的测定方法 Method for the determination of the true specific gravity of pitch coke  
71.060.20 H64 GB/T 3135-1982 工业纯氧化铍粉末技术条件 Technical requirements of commercial purity beryllium oxide powder  
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 3143-1982 液体化学产品颜色测定法 (Hazen单位--铂-钴色号) Colour determination method of liquid chemicals (Hazen unit--platinum-cobalt scale)  
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 3144-1982 甲苯中烃类杂质的气相色谱测定法 Toluene--Determination of hydrocarbon impurities--Gas chromatographic method  
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 3145-1982 苯结晶点测定法 Benzene--Determination of crystallizing point  
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 3146-1982 苯类产品馏程测定法 Benzene hydrocarbon products--Determination of distillation range  
71.060.20 G54 GB/T 3185-1992 氧化锌(间接法) Zinc oxide (Indirect method) NEQ JIS K1410-83
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 3208-1982 苯类产品总硫含量的微库仑测定方法 Micro-coulomb method for determining the total sulfur content of benzene-type products  
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 3209-1982 苯类产品蒸发残留量的测定方法 Method for determining the amount of distillation residual of benzene-type products  
71.060.20 H63 GB/T 3283-1987 五氧化二钒 Vanadium pentoxide  
71.080.10 G16 GB/T 3391-1991 工业用乙烯中烃类杂质的测定 气相色谱法 Ethylene for industrial use?Determination of hydrocarbon impurities - Gas chromatographic method NEQ ISO 6379-81
71.080.10 G16 GB/T 3392-1991 工业用丙烯中烃类杂质的测定 气相色谱法 Propylene for industrial use?Determination of hydrocarbon impurities - Gas chromatographic method NEQ ISO 6380-81
71.080.10 G16 GB/T 3393-1993 工业用乙烯、丙烯中微量氢的测定 气相色谱法 Ethylene and propylene for industrial use--Determination of trace of hydrogen--Gas chromatographic method NEQ ASTM 2504-88
71.080.10 G16 GB/T 3394-1993 工业用乙烯、丙烯中微量一氧化碳和二氧化碳的测定 气相色谱法 Ethylene and propylene for industrial use--Determination of traces of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide--Gas chromatographic method NEQ ISO 6381-81
71.080.10 G16 GB/T 3395-1993 工业用乙烯中微量乙炔的测定 气相色谱法 Ethylene for industrial use--Determination of trace acetylene--Gas chromatographic method NEQ ASTM D 2505-88
71.080.10 G16 GB/T 3396-1982 聚合级乙烯、丙烯中微量氧的测定 原电池法 Determination of trace oxygen in polymerization grade ethylene or propylene--Galvanic cell method  
71.060.20 G13 GB/T 3494-1996 直接法氧化锌 Zinc oxide produced by direct method  
71.060.20 H71 GB/T 3501-1983 超细水合二氧化钌粉技术条件 Technical requirements of superfine ruthenium dioxide hydrate powder  
71.060.20 H71 GB/T 3502-1983 超细氧化钯粉技术条件 Technical requirements of super fine palladium oxide powder  
71.060.20 H71 GB/T 3627-1983 五氧化二铌技术条件 Technical requirements of niobium pentaoxide  
71.060.20; H63 GB/T 3629-1983 钽及钽合金板材、带材和箔材 Tantalum and tantalum alloy sheet,strip and foil  
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 3634-1995 工业氢 Industrial hydrogen EQV JIS K 0512-74
71.060.20 G13 GB/T 3637-1993 液体二氧化硫 Liquid sulphur dioxide NEQ гoct 2918-84
71.080.50 G16 GB 3676-1992 工业顺丁烯二酸酐 Maleic anhydride for industrial use NEQ ISO 1390-77
71.080.90 G18 GB/T 3709-1997 工业酚 Technical phenol  
71.080.90 G17 GB/T 3710-1983 工业酚、苯酚结晶点测定方法 Method of determination for crystallizing point of technical phenol and phenic acid  
71.080.90 G17 GB/T 3711-1983 酚类产品中性油及吡啶碱含量测定方法 Method of determination for neutral oils and pyridine bases contents of phenol products  
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 3723-1999 工业用化学产品采样安全通则 Sampling of chemical products for industrial use--Safety in sampling IDT ISO 3165:1976
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 3727-1983 聚合级乙烯、丙烯中微量水的测定 卡尔.费休法 Determination of trace water in polymerization grade ethylene or propylene--Karl Fischer method EQV ISO 6191-81
71.080.70 G17 GB/T 3728-1991 工业乙酸乙酯 Ethyl acetate for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 8981-85
71.080.70 G17 GB/T 3729-1991 工业乙酸丁酯 n-Butyl acetate for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 8981-85
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 3863-1995 工业用氧 Industrial oxygen EQV 「OOT P5583-78
71.060.10 G86 GB/T 3864-1996 Nitrogen EQV ΓOCT 9293-74
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 3914-1983 化学试剂 阳极溶出伏安法通则 Chemical reagents--The general rules of anodic stripping voltammetry  
71.080.15 G16 GB 3915-1998 工业用苯乙烯 Styrene for industrial use EQV ASTM D2827-95
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 3959-1994 工业无水氯化铝 Anhydrous aluminium chloride for industrial use NEQ MIL-A-63471-87
71.080.30 G16 GB/T 3998-1983 粗蒽 Crude anthracene  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.060.30 H21 GB/T 4104-1983 直接法氧化锌白度 (颜色) 检验方法 Leucoscopic method for testing whiteness of zinc oxidemade by direct process  
71.080.15; G17 GB/T 4117-1992 工业二氯甲烷 Methylene chloride for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 9968-86
71.080.15; G17 GB/T 4118-1992 工业三氯甲烷 Trichloromethane for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 20015-74
71.080.15; G17 GB/T 4119-1993 工业四氯化碳 Carbon tetrachloride for industrial use NEQ GOCT 4-84
71.080.15; G15 GB/T 4120.3-1992 工业液体氯代甲烷类产品中酸度的测定 滴定法 Liquid chlorinated methanes for industrial use - Determination of acidity - titrimetry NEQ ISO 1393-77
71.080.20 G15 GB/T 4120.5-1992 工业液体氯代甲烷类产品中微量水分的测定 浊点法 Liquid chlorinated methane for industrial use?Determination of micro-amounts of water - Cloud point method  
71.080.20 G15 GB/T 4120.6-1992 工业液体氯代甲烷类产品的包装、标志、贮存、运输和检验规则 Liquid chlorinated methanes for industrial use--Package, marking, storage, transport and acceptance methods  
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 4147.1-1984 浓硝酸中硝酸含量的试验方法 容量法 Method of test for nitric acid content in concentrated nitric acid--Volumetry NEQ ISO 1980-77
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 4147.2-1984 浓硝酸中亚硝酸含量的试验方法 容量法 Method of test for nitrous acid content in concentrated nitric acid--Volumetry NEQ ISO 1981-77
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 4147.3-1984 浓硝酸中硫酸含量的试验方法 容量法 Method of test for sulfuric acid content in concentrated nitric acid--Volumetry  
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 4147.4-1984 浓硝酸中灼烧残渣含量的试验方法 重量法 Method of test for ignited residue content in concentrated nitric acid--Gravimetry  
71.060.50 H65 GB/T 4148-1993 混合氯化稀土 Rare earth chloride with hexahydrate  
71.060.50 H65 GB/T 4150-1996 纱罩用硝酸钍 Thorium nitrate for gas mantle  
71.060.50 H65 GB/T 4151-1996 硝酸铈 Cerium nitrate  
71.060.20 H65 GB/T 4154-1993 氧化镧 Lanthanum oxide  
71.060.20 H65 GB/T 4155-1992 氧化铈 Cerium oxide  
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 4209-1996 工业硅酸钠 Sodium silicate for industrial use NEQ JIS K 1408-85
71.060.50 H61 GB/T 4293-1984 氟化钠 Sodium fluoride NEQ ΓOCT 2871-75
71.060.40 H61 GB/T 4294-1997 氢氧化铝 Aluminium hydroxide  
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 4348.1-2000 工业用氢氧化钠中氢氧化钠和碳酸钠含量的测定 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use--Determination of sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate content EQV ANSN/AWWA B501:1993
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 4348.2-1984 工业用氢氧化钠中氯化钠含量的测定 汞量法 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use--Determination of sodium chloride content--Mercurimetric method NEQ ISO 981-73
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 4348.3-1984 工业用氢氧化钠中铁含量的测定 邻菲罗啉光度法 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use--Determination of iron content--o-Phenanthroline photometric method  
71.060.20 H13 GB/T 4372.1-2001 直接法氧化锌化学分析方法 Na2EDTA滴定法测定氧化锌量 Methods for chemical analysis of zinc oxide produced by direct process--Determination of zinc oxide content-Na2EDTA titration method  
71.060.20 H13 GB/T 4372.2-2001 直接法氧化锌化学分析方法 原子吸收光谱法测定氧化铅量 Methods for chemical analysis of zinc oxide produced by direct process--Determination of lead oxide content--Atomic absorption spectrometry method  
71.060.20 H13 GB/T 4372.3-2001 直接法氧化锌化学分析方法 原子吸收光谱法测定氧化铜量 Methods for chemical analysis of zinc oxide produced by direct process--Determination of copper oxide content--Atomic absorption spectrometry method  
71.060.20 H13 GB/T 4372.4-2001 直接法氧化锌化学分析方法 原子吸收光谱法测定氧化镉量 Methods for chemical analysis of zinc oxide produced by direct process--Determination of cadmium oxide content--Atomic absorption spectrometry method  
71.060.20 H13 GB/T 4372.5-2001 直接法氧化锌化学分析方法 原子吸收光谱法测定锰量 Methods for chemical analysis of zinc oxide produced by direct process--Determination of zinc oxide manganese content--Atomic absorption spectrometry method  
71.060.20 H13 GB/T 4372.6-2001 直接法氧化锌化学分析方法 金属锌的检验 Methods for chemical analysis of zinc oxide produced by direct process--Methods for chemical analysis of zinc oxide made by direct process--Test of metallic zinc  
71.040.40 H17 GB/T 4373.1-1984 砷化学分析方法 溴酸钾容量法测定砷量 Methods for chemical analysis of arsenic--The potassium bromate volumetric method for the determination of arsenic content  
71.060.10 H17 GB/T 4373.2-1984 砷化学分析方法 孔雀绿光度法测定锑量 Methods for chemical analysis of arsenic--The malachite green photometric method for the determination of antimony content  
71.060.10 H17 GB/T 4373.3-1984 砷化学分析方法 硫酸钡重量法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysis of arsenic--The barium sulphate gravimetric method for the determination of sulphur content  
71.040.40 H17 GB/T 4373.4-1984 砷化学分析方法 二硫代二安替比林基甲烷光度法测定铋量 Methods for chemical analysis of arsenic--The dithiodiantiphryl methane photometric method for the determination of bismuth content  
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 4472-1984 化工产品密度、相对密度测定通则 General rule for determination of density and relative density for chemical products  
71.060.50 G77 GB 4482-1993 净水剂氯化铁 Water clarifying agent--Ferric chloride NEQ DIN 19602-87
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 4553-1993 工业硝酸钠 Sodium nitrate for industrial use NEQ GOCT 828-87
71.080.60 G16 GB 4649-1993 工业用乙二醇 Ethylene glycol for industrial use--Specification NEQ GOCT 19710-83
71.100.01 G57 GB/T 4840.1-1999 对硝基苯胺 p-Nitroaniline EQV JIS K4105:1995
71.100.01 G57 GB/T 4840.2-1999 邻硝基苯胺 o-Nitroaniline NEQ JIS K4105:1995
71.100.01 G57 GB/T 4840.3-1999 间硝基苯胺 m-Nitroaniline NEQ JIS K4105:1995
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 4842-1995 纯氩 Ptire argon  
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 4844.1-1995 工业氦气 Industrial helium  
71.100.20 G86 GB 4844.2-1995 纯氦 Pure helium  
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 4844.3-1995 高纯氦 High purity helium  
71.080.15 B72 GB/T 4895-1991 合成樟脑 Synthetic camphor  
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 4946-1985 气相色谱法术语 Terms of gas chromatography  
71.060.10 G13 GB 4947-1990 工业赤磷 Red phosphorus for industrial use NEQ MIL-P-211C
71.100.20 G09 GB 4962-1985 氢气使用安全技术规程 Technical safety regulation for gaseous hydrogen use  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.100 H11 GB/T 5059.1-1985 钼铁化学分析方法 8-羟基喹啉重量法测定钼量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferromolybdenum--The 8-hydroxyquinoline gravimetric method for the determination of molybdenum NEQ ISO 4173-80
71.100 H11 GB/T 5059.2-1985 钼铁化学分析方法 孔雀绿分光光度法测定锑量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferromolybdenum--The malachite green spectrophotometric method for the determination of antimony content EQV ΓOCT 13151.10-73
71.100 H11 GB/T 5059.3-1985 钼铁化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定铜量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferromolybdenum--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of copper content EQV JIS G1317-82
71.100 H11 GB/T 5059.4-1988 钼铁化学分析方法 极谱法测定锡量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferromolybdenum--The polarographic method for the determination of tin content NEQ ΓOCT 13151.9-82
71.100 H11 GB/T 5059.5-1986 钼铁化学分析方法 重量法测定硅量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferromolybdenum--The gravimetric method for the determination of silicon content EQV JIS G1317-82
71.100 H11 GB/T 5059.6-1986 钼铁化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定磷量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferromolybdenum--The molybdenum blue photometric method for the determina tion of phosphorus content EQV JIS G1317-82
71.100 H11 GB/T 5059.7-1988 钼铁化学分析方法 红外线吸收法测定碳量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferromolybdenum--The infrared absorption method for the determination of carbon content  
71.100 H11 GB/T 5059.9-1988 钼铁化学分析方法 红外线吸收法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferromolybdenum--The infrared absorption mehtod for the determination of sulfur content  
71.100 H11 GB/T 5059.10-1988 钼铁化学分析方法 燃烧碘酸钾滴定法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferromolybdenum--The combustion-potassium iodate titration method for the determination of sulfur content  
71.080 G15 GB/T 5074-1985 焦化产品水分含量的微库仑测定方法 Coking products--Determination of moisture content--Microcoulomb method  
71.060.10 G87 GB/T 5138-1996 工业用液氯 Liquid chlorine for industrial use EQV JIS K 1102-59(88)
71.060.10 G87 GB/T 5139.1-1985 工业用液氯 容量法测定氯含量 Liquid chlorine for industrial use--Determination of chlorine content by gas-volumetric method  
71.060.10 G87 GB/T 5139.2-1985 工业用液氯 重量法测定水分含量 Liquid chlorine for industrial use--Determination of water content by gravimetric method NEQ ISO 2121-72
71.060.10 G87 GB/T 5139.3-1985 工业用液氯 电量法测定水分含量 Liquid chlorine for industrial use--Determination of water content using an electrolytic analyser NEQ ISO 2202-72
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 5173-1995 表面活性剂和洗涤剂 阴离子活性物的测定 直接两相滴定法 Surface active agents and detergents--Determination of anionic-active matter by direct two-phase titration procedure EQV ISO 2271-89
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 5174-1985 洗涤剂中阳离子活性物的测定 直接两相滴定法 Surface active agents--Detergents--Determination of cationic-active matter--Direct two-phase titration procedure IDT ISO 2871-73
71.080.15 G15 GB/T 5177.1-1993 工业烷基苯色泽的测定 Determination of colour for industrial alkylbenzene NEQ ISO 2211-1977
71.080.15 G17 GB/T 5177.2-1985 工业烷基苯中可磺化物含量的测定 Determination of sulphonatable matter content for industrial alkylbenzene  
71.080.15 G17 GB/T 5177.3-1985 工业烷基苯平均相对分子量的测定 气液色谱法 Determination of mean relative molecular mass for industrial alkylbenzene--Gas-liquid chromatographic method  
71.080.15 G17 GB/T 5177.4-1985 工业烷基苯溴指数的测定 电位滴定法 Determination of bromine index for industrial alkylbenzene--Electrometric titration method  
71.080.15 G17 GB/T 5177.5-1993 工业烷基苯 Industrial alkylbenzene  
71.080.10 G17 GB/T 5178-1985 工业直链烷基苯磺酸钠平均相对分子量的测定 气液色谱法 Determination of mean relative molecular mass for technical straight-chain sodium alkylbenzenesulphonates --Gas-liquid chromatographic method EQV ISO 6841-83
71.080 H63 GB/T 5192-1985 合成白钨技术条件 Technical requirements of synthetic scheelite  
71.060.20 H62 GB/T 5236-1985 三硫化二锑 Antimony trisulfide NEQ ГOCT 48.35-72
71.060.20 H65 GB/T 5239-1993 氧化镨 Praseodynium oxide  
71.060.20 H65 GB/T 5240-1992 氧化钕 Neodynium oxide  
71.060.40 H65 GB/T 5241-1985 富铈氢氧化物 Cerium-Concentrate hydrate  
71.040.40 N50 GB/T 5274-1985 气体分析--校准用混合气体的制备--称量法 Gas analysis--Preparation of calibration gas mixtures--Weighing method EQV ISO 6142-81
71.040.40 N50 GB/T 5275-1985 气体分析--校准用混合气体的制备--渗透法 Gas analysis--Preparation of calibration gas mixtures--Permeation method EQV ISO 6349-79
71.100.40 G73 GB/T 5327-1985 表面活性剂名词术语 Surface active agents--Terms IDT ISO 862-84
71.100.40 G73 GB/T 5328-1985 表面活性剂简化分类 Surface active agents--Simplified classification IDT ISO 2131-72
71.060.50 X38 GB 5462-1992 工业盐 Industrial salt  
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 5549-1990 表面活性剂 用拉起液膜法测定表面张力 Surface active agents- -Determination of surface tension by drawing up liquid films NEQ ISO 304-85
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 5550-1998 表面活性剂 分散力测定方法 Surface active agents Determination of dispersing power  
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 5551-1992 表面活性剂 分散剂中钙、镁总含量的测定方法 Surface active agents--Method for determination of total calcium and magnesium content in dispersing agents NEQ ISO 2482-73
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 5553-1985 表面活性剂 纺织助剂 防水剂防水力测定法 静水压测试法 Surface active agents--Textile auxiliaries--Method for determination of water repellency of waterprooting agents--Hydrostatic pressure test EQV ISO 811-81
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 5554-1985 表面活性剂 纺织助剂 防水剂防水力测定法 淋水测试法 Surface active agents--Textile auxiliaries--method for determination of water repellency of waterprooting agents--Spray test EQV AATCC TM 22-74
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 5555-1985 表面活性剂 纺织助剂 耐酸性测定法 Surface active agents--Textile auxiliaries--Method for determination of acid stability IDT TGL 10172-61
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 5556-1985 表面活性剂 纺织助剂 耐碱性测定法 Surface active agents--Textile auxiliaries--Method for determination of alkaline stability NEQ TGL 10171-61
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 5558-1999 表面活性剂 丝光浴用润湿剂的评价 Surface active agents--Evaluation of wetting agents for mercerization NEQ AATCC TM43:1994
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 5559-1993 环氧乙烷型及环氧乙烷- 环氧丙烷嵌段聚合型非离子表面活性剂 浊点的测定 Non-ionic surface active agents obtained from ethylene oxide and ethylene oxide/propylene oxide block copolymers--Determination of cloud point EQV ISO 1065-91
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 5560-1985 表面活性剂 纺织助剂 聚乙二醇型非离子表面活性剂 活性物及聚乙二醇含量的测定法 Surface active agents--Textile auxiliaries--Method for determination of active ingredients and polyethylene glycol contents in non-ionic polyoxyethylene type surface active agents IDT ISO 2268-72
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 5561-1994 表面活性剂 用旋转式粘度计测定粘度和流动性质的方法 Surface active agents--Determination of viscosity and flow properties using a rotational viscometer NEQ ISO 6388-89
71.100.40 E30 GB/T 5816-1995 催化剂和吸附剂表面积测定法 Catalysts and adsorbents--Determination of surface area NEQ ASTM D 3663-92
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 5828-1995 氙气 Xenon  
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 5829-1995 氪气 Krypton  
71.040.40 G87 GB/T 5831-1986 气体中微量氧的测定 比色法 Determination of trace oxygen in the gases--Colorimetric method  
71.040.40 G87 GB/T 5832.1-1986 气体中微量水分的测定 电解法 Determination of trace water in the gases--Electrolytic method  
71.040.40 G87 GB/T 5832.2-1986 气体中微量水分的测定 露点法 Determination of trace water in the gases--Dew point method  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 6009-1992 工业无水硫酸钠 Anhydrous sodium sulphate for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 6318-77
71.080.10 G15 GB/T 6012-1999 工业用丁二烯外观试验 Butadiene for industrial use--Testing of appearance EQV JIS K1533:1980(1985)
71.080.10 G15 GB/T 6014-1999 工业用丁二烯中不挥发残留物质的测定 Butadiene for industrial use--Determination of nonvolatile residues EQV ASTM D1025:1996
71.080.10 G15 GB/T 6015-1999 工业用丁二烯中微量二聚物的测定 气相色谱法 Butadiene for industrial use--Determination of trace dimer--Gas chromatographic method EQV ASTM D2426:1993
71.080.10 G15 GB/T 6017-1999 工业用丁二烯纯度及烃类杂质的测定 气相色谱法 Butadiene for industrial use--Determination of purity and hydrocarbon impurities--Gas chromatographic method EQV ISO 6378:1981
71.080.10 G15 GB/T 6020-1999 工业用丁二烯中特丁基邻苯二酚(TBC)的测定 分光光度法 Butadiene for industrial use--Determination of tert-butyl-catechol(TBC)[4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1,2-benzenediol]--Spectrometric method EQV ISO 6684:1982
71.080.10 G15 GB/T 6021-1999 工业用丁二烯液上气相中氧和氩的测定 气相色谱法 Butadiene for indusdrial use--Determination of oxygen and argon in the gaseous phase above liquid butadiene--Gas chromatographic method EQV ISO 6792:1982
71.080.10 G15 GB/T 6022-1999 工业用丁二烯液上气相中氧的测定 气相色谱法 Butadiene for indusdrial use--Determination of oxygen in the gaseous phase above liquid butadiene--Gas chromatographic method NEQ ISO 6792:1982
71.080.10 G15 GB/T 6023-1999 工业用丁二烯中微量水的测定 卡尔?费休库仑法 Butadiene for industrial use--Determination of trace water--Coulometric Karl Fischer method NEQ ISO 6191:1981
71.080.10 G15 GB/T 6025-1999 工业用丁二烯中微量胺的测定 Butadiene for industrial use--Determination of trace amine  
71.080.80 G17 GB/T 6026-1998 工业丙酮 Acetone for industrial use EQV ASTM D 329-95
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 6027-1998 工业正丁醇 n-Butanol for industrial use EQV ASTM D 304-90
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 6040-1985 化工产品用红外光谱定量分析方法通则 General rules for infrared quantitative analysis for chemical products  
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 6041-1985 化工产品用质谱分析方法通则 General rules for mass spectrometric analysis for chemical products  
71.060.20 G86 GB/T 6052-1993 工业液体二氧化碳 Commerial liquid carbon dioxide  
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 6275-1986 工业用碳酸氢铵 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use  
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 6276.1-1986 工业用碳酸氢铵 总碱度的测定 容量法 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use--Determination of total alkalinity--Volumetric method EQV ISO 2516-73
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 6276.2-1986 工业用碳酸氢铵 氯化物含量的测定 电位滴定法 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use--Determination of chloride content--Potentiometric method NEQ ISO 6227-82
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 6276.3-1986 工业用碳酸氢铵 硫化物含量的测定 目视比浊法 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use--Determination sulphide content -- Visible turbidimetric method  
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 6276.4-1986 工业用碳酸氢铵 硫酸盐含量的测定 目视比浊法 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use--Determination sulphate content -- Visible turbidimetric method  
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 6276.5-1986 工业用碳酸氢铵 灰分含量的测定 重量法 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use--Determination of ash content--Gravimetric method EQV ISO 3420-75
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 6276.6-1986 工业用碳酸氢铵 铁含量的测定 邻菲罗啉分光光度法 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use--Determination of iron content--O-Phenanthroline spectrophotometric method NEQ ISO 6685-82
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 6276.7-1986 工业用碳酸氢铵 砷含量的测定 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银分光光度法 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use--Determination of arsenic content--Silver diethyl dithiocarbamate photometric method EQV ISO 4275-77
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 6276.8-1986 工业用碳酸氢铵 砷含量的测定 砷斑法 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use--Determination of arsenic content--Gutzeit method  
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 6276.9-1986 工业用碳酸氢铵 重金属含量的测定 目视比浊法 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use--Determination of heavy metal content--Visible tarbidimetric method  
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 6283-1986 化工产品中水分含量的测定 卡尔.费休法 (通用方法) Chemical products--Determination of water--Karl fischer method (general method) EQV ISO 760-78
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 6284-1986 化工产品中水分含量测定的通用方法 重量法 Chemical products for industrial use--General method for determination of water content--Gravimetric method NEQ ΓOCT 14870-77
71.040.40 G87 GB/T 6285-1986 气体中微量氧的测定 电化学法 Determination of trace oxygen in gases--Electrochemical method  
71.040.40 G75 GB/T 6286-1986 分子筛堆积密度测定方法 Determination of bulk density for molecular sieve NEQ ASTM D2854-70
71.040.40 G75 GB/T 6287-1986 分子筛静态水吸附测定方法 Determination of static adsorbed water for molecular sieve NEQ ISO 2961-74
71.040.40 G75 GB/T 6288-1986 粒状分子筛粒度测定方法 Determination of particle size for granular molecular sieve  
71.080 G15 GB/T 6324.1-1986 有机化工产品水溶性试验方法 Organic chemical products for industrial use--Standard test method for water miscibility NEQ ISO 6353/1-80
71.080 G15 GB/T 6324.2-1986 挥发性有机液体 水浴上蒸发后干残渣测定的通用方法 Volatile organic liquids--Determination of dry residue after evaporation on a water bath--General method EQV ISO 759-81
71.080 G15 GB/T 6324.3-1993 有机化工产品还原高锰酸钾物质的测定方法 Organic chemical products for industrial use--Test method for the determination of permanganate-reducing substances NEQ ISO 1387-82
71.080 G15 GB/T 6324.4-1986 有机液体产品微量硫的测定 微库仑法 Determination of trace sulphur in products of organic liquid--Micro-coulometry method  
71.080 G15 GB/T 6324.5-1986 有机化工产品中羰基化合物含量的测定 容量法 Organic chemical products for industrial use--Determination of content of carbonyl compounds present--Volumetric method IDT ISO 1388/4-81
71.080 G15 GB/T 6324.6-1986 有机化工产品中微量羰基化合物含量的测定 光度法 Organic chemical products for industrial use--Determination of content of carbonyl compounds present in small amounts--Photometric method IDT ISO 1388/3-81
71.040.40 G15 GB/T 6325-1994 有机化工产品分析术语 Terminology of analysis for organic chemical products  
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 6365-1986 表面活性剂 游离碱度或游离酸度的测定 滴定法 Surface active agents--Determination of free alkalinity or free acidity--Titrimetric method IDT ISO 4314-77
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 6366-1992 表面活性剂 无机硫酸盐含量的测定 滴定法 Surface active agents--Determiation of mineral sulfate content--Titrimetric method NEQ ISO 6844-83
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 6367-1997 表面活性剂 已知钙硬度水的制备 Surface active agents--Preparation of water with known calcium hardness IDT ISO 2174:1990
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 6368-1993 表面活性剂 水溶液pH值的测定 电位法 Surface active agents--Determination of pH of aqueous solutions--Potentiometric method NEQ ISO 4316-77
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 6369-1986 表面活性剂 乳化力的测定 比色法 Surface active agents--Measurement of emulsifying power--Colorimetric method  
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 6370-1996 表面活性剂 阴离子表面活性剂 水中溶解度的测定 Surface active agents--Anionic surface active agents--Determination of solubility in water IDT ISO 6839-1982
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 6371-1995 表面活性剂 纺织助剂 洗涤力的测定 Surface active agents--Textile auxiliaries--Determination of detergency  
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 6372-1986 表面活性剂和洗涤剂 粉状样品分样法 Surface active agents and detergents--Division of powder sample NEQ ISO 607-80
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 6373-1986 表面活性剂 粉状物的表观密度测定法 Surface active agents--Determination of apparent density of a powder EQV ISO 697-81
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 6488-1986 化工产品折光率测定法 Test method for refractive index of chemical products  
71.080.70 G71 GB/T 6489.1-2001 工业用邻苯二甲酸酯类的检验方法 热处理后的色泽测量 Phthalate esters for industrial use-Methods of test-Measurement of colour after heat treatment IDT ISO 1385/U:1977
71.080.70 G71 GB/T 6489.2-2001 工业用邻苯二甲酸酯类的检验方法 酸度的测定 Phthalate esters for industrial use-Methods of test--Determination of acidity IDT ISO 1385/W:1977
71.080.70 G71 GB/T 6489.3-2001 工业用邻苯二甲酸酯类的检验方法 酯含量的测定 p化滴定法 Phthalate esters for industrial use-Methods of test-Determination of ester content-Titrimetric method after saponification IDT ISO 1385/V:1977
71.080.70 G71 GB/T 6489.4-2001 工业用邻苯二甲酸酯类闪点的测定 克利夫兰开口杯法 Phthalate esters for industrial use-Determination of flash point-Cleveland open cup method IDT ISO 2592:1973
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.060.20 H21 GB/T 6521-1986 氧化铝粉末安息角的测定 Aluminium oxide powders--Measurement of the angle of repose EQV ISO 902-76
71.060.20 H21 GB/T 6522-1986 氧化铝粉末松装密度的测定 Aluminium oxide powders--Determination of apparent density EQV ISO 903-76
71.060.20 H21 GB/T 6523-1986 氧化铝粉末有效密度的测定 比重瓶法 Aluminium oxide powders--Determination of effective density--pyknometer method EQV ISO 901-76
71.060.50 G12 GB 6549-1996 氯化钾 Potassium chloride NEQ ΓOCT 4568-90
71.040.20 N64 GB/T 6579-1986 实验室玻璃仪器热冲击试验方法 Laboratory glassware--Methods for thermal shock test IDT ISO 718-82
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.1-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 重量法测定水分 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The gravimetric method for the determination of moisture NEQ ISO 803-76
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.2-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 重量法测定灼烧失量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The gravimetric method for the determination of loss content on ignition NEQ ISO 806-76
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.3-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定二氧化硅量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of silicon dioxide content NEQ ISO 1232-76
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.4-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 邻二氮杂菲光度法测定氧化铁量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The orthophenanthroline photometric method for the determination of ferric oxide content NEQ ISO 805-76
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.5-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 火焰光度法测定氧化钠量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The flame photometric method for the determination of sodium oxide content NEQ ΓOCT 13583.1-70
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.6-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 火焰光度法测定氧化钾量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The flame photometric method for the determination of potassiumoxide content NEQ ΓOCT 13583.1-70
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.7-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 三辛基氧化膦 -硫氰酸盐光度法测定二氧化钛量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The trioctylphosphine oxide-thiocyanate photometric method for the determination of titanium dioxide content NEQ ASTM C573-81
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.8-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 二苯基碳酰二肼光度法测定三氧化二铬量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The diphenyl carbazide photometric method for the determination of chromium sesquioxide content NEQ ASTM C573-81
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.9-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸铅光度法测定氧化铜量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The lead diethyldithiocarbamate photometric method for the determination of cupric oxide content NEQ ASTM C573-81
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.10-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 苯甲酰苯基羟胺萃取光度法测定五氧化二钒量 Methods for the chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The N-benzoyl-N-phenylhydroxylamine extraction photometric method for the determination of vanadic oxide content NEQ JIS G1901-77
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.11-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定一氧化锰量 Methods for the chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of manganous oxide content NEQ ISO 3309-76
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.12-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定氧化锌量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of zinc oxide content NEQ ISO 2069-76
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.13-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定氧化钙量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of calcium oxide content NEQ ISO 2071-76
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.14-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 镧- 茜素络合酮光度法测定氟量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The lanthanum-alizarincomplexone photometric method for the determination of fluorine content  
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.15-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 硫氰酸铁光度法测定氯量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The ferric thiocyanate photometric method for the determination of chlorine content  
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.16-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 姜黄素光度法测定三氧化二硼量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The curcumin photometric method for the determination of boron trioxide content NEQ ISO 2865-73
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.17-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定五氧化二磷量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of phosphorus pentoxide content NEQ ISO 2829-73
71.060.20 H12 GB/T 6609.18-1986 氧化铝化学分析方法 N,N-二甲基对苯二胺光度法测定硫酸根量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide--The N,N-dimethyl-P-phenylenediamine photometric method for the determination of sulfate content  
71.060.40 H12 GB/T 6610.1-1986 氢氧化铝化学分析方法 重量法测定水分 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium hydroxide--The gravimetric method for the determination of moisture NEQ ISO 1232-76
71.060.40 H12 GB/T 6610.2-1986 氢氧化铝化学分析方法 重量法测定灼烧失量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium hydroxide--The gravimetric method for the determination of loss content on ignition NEQ ISO 805-76
71.060.40 H12 GB/T 6610.3-1986 氢氧化铝化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定二氧化硅量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium hydroxide--The molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination silicon dioxide content NEQ ΓOCT 13583-70
71.060.40 H12 GB/T 6610.4-1986 氢氧化铝化学分析方法 邻二氮杂菲光度法测定氧化铁量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium hydroxide--The ortho-phenanthroline photometric method for the determination of ferricoxide content NEQ ISO 805-76
71.060.40 H12 GB/T 6610.5-1986 氢氧化铝化学分析方法 火焰光度法测定氧化钠量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium hydroxide--The flame photometric method for the determination of sodium oxide content NEQ ΓOCT 13583-70
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 6678-1986 化工产品采样总则 General principles for sampling chemical products NEQ ASTM E300-83
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 6679-1986 固体化工产品采样通则 General rules for sampling of solid chemical products NEQ ISO/DIS 8213
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 6680-1986 液体化工产品采样通则 General rules for sampling liquid chemical products NEQ BS 5309-76
71.040.40 G86 GB/T 6681-1986 气体化工产品采样通则 General rules for sampling gaseous chemical products NEQ ISO 6712-82
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 6682-1992 分析实验室用水规格和试验方法 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods NEQ ISO 3696-87
71.040.30 G61 GB/T 6684-1986 化学试剂 30%过氧化氢 Chemical reagents--30%Hydrogen peroxide  
71.040.30 G61 GB/T 6685-1986 化学试剂 氯化羟胺 (盐酸羟胺) Chemical reagents--Hydroxylammonium chloride  
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 6699-1998 焦化萘 Coking naphthalene  
71.080 G16 GB/T 6700-1986 工业萘 Technical naphthalene NEQ ΓOCT 16106-70
71.080 G16 GB/T 6701-1986 萘不挥发物的测定方法 Method for the determination of the non-volatile matter of naphthalene NEQ ΓOCT 16106-70
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 6702-2000 萘酸洗比色试验方法 Naphthalene sulphuric acid test NEQ BS 5962:1980(1993)
71.080 G18 GB/T 6705-1989 焦化苯酚 Coking phenol NEQ ГOCT 11311-76
71.080 G17 GB/T 6706-1986 焦化苯酚水分测定 结晶点下降法 Determination of water content of coking phenol by cryoscopic method NEQ JIS K0050-64
71.060.50 G18 GB/T 6708-1994 黄血盐钠 Sodium ferrocyanide NEQ PN-57/C-84063
71.060.50 G10 GB/T 6709-1986 黄血盐钠含量的测定方法 Method of the determination for the content of sodium ferrocyanide NEQ ΓOCT 6816-79
71.060.50 G10 GB/T 6710-1986 黄血盐钠水不溶物的测定方法 Method of the determination for the water insoluble matter content of sodium ferrocyanide NEQ ΓOCT 6816-79
71.060.50 G10 GB/T 6711-1986 黄血盐钠水分的测定方法 Method of the determination for the aqueous content of sodium ferrocyanide  
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 6818-1993 工业辛醇(2-乙基已醇) 2-Ethyl hexanol for industrial use NEQ гoct 26624-85
71.100.20 G16 GB 6819-1996 溶解乙炔 Dissolved acetylene EQV JIS K 1902-92
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 6820-1992 工业合成乙醇 Synthetic ethanol for industrial use NEQ BS 507-85
71.040.30 G61 GB 6851-1986 pH 基准试剂定值通则 pH Basic line--General ruls for certification  
71.040.30 G61 GB 6853-1986 pH 基准试剂 磷酸二氢钾 pH Basic line--Potassium dihydrogen phosphate  
71.040.30 G61 GB 6854-1986 pH 基准试剂 磷酸氢二钠 pH Basic line--Disodium hydrogen phosphate  
71.040.30 G61 GB 6856-1986 pH 基准试剂 四硼酸钠 pH Basic line--Sodium tetraborate decahydrate  
71.040.30 G61 GB 6857-1986 pH 基准试剂 苯二甲酸氢钾 pH Basic line--Potassium hydrogen phthalate  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 7118-1999 工业氯化钾 Industrial potassium chloride  
71.040.40 G15 GB/T 7131-1986 裂解气相色谱法鉴定聚合物 Identification of polymers by pyrolytic gas chromatography NEQ ISO 5475-78
71.040.20 C70 GB 7230-1987 气体检测管装置 Gas detector tube units  
71.040.40 E38 GB/T 7252-2001 变压器油中溶解气体分析和判断导则 Guide to the analysis and the diagnosis of gases dissolved in transformer oil NEQ IEC 60599:1999
71.060.20 H11 GB/T 7315.1-1987 五氧化二钒化学分析方法 高锰酸钾氧化- 硫酸亚铁铵滴定法测定五氧化二钒量 Methods for chemical analysis of vanadium pentoxide--The potassium permanganate oxidation-ammonium ferrous sulfate titrimetric method for the determination of vanadium pentoxide content  
71.060.20 H11 GB/T 7315.2-1987 五氧化二钒化学分析方法 钼蓝分光光度法测定硅量 Methods for chemical analysis of vanadium pentoxide--The molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method for the determination of silicon content  
71.060.20 H11 GB/T 7315.3-1987 五氧化二钒化学分析方法 邻二氮杂菲分光光度法测定铁量 Methods for chamical analysis of vanadium pentixide--The ortho-phenanthroline spectrophotometric method for the determination of iron content  
71.060.20 H11 GB/T 7315.4-1987 五氧化二钒化学分析方法 共沉淀- 萃取钼蓝分光光度法测定磷量 Methods for chemical analysis of vanadium pentoxide--The co-precipitation-extraction molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method for the determination of phos- phorus content  
71.060.20 H11 GB/T 7315.5-1987 五氧化二钒化学分析方法 硫酸钡重量法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysis of vanadium pentoxide--The barium sulphate gravimetric method for the determination of sulphur content  
71.060.20 H11 GB/T 7315.6-1987 五氧化二钒化学分析方法 示波极谱法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysis of vanadium pentoxide--The oscillopolarographic method for the determination of sulphur content  
71.060.20 H11 GB/T 7315.7-1987 五氧化二钒化学分析方法 AgDDTC分光光度法测定砷量 Methods for chemical analysis of vanadium pentoxide--The AgDDTC spectrophotometric method for the determination of arsenic content  
71.060.20 H11 GB/T 7315.8-1987 五氧化二钒化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定氧化钾和氧化钠量 Methods for chemical analysis of vanadium pentoxide--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of sodium oxide and potassium oxide contents  
71.080.15 G56 GB/T 7370-1992 对氨基苯甲醚 P-Anisidine NEQ JIS K4137-84
71.080.20 G17 GB/T 7371-1987 工业用一氟三氯甲烷 (F11) Trichloromonofluoromethane for industrial uses NEQ JIS K1517-82
71.080.20 G17 GB/T 7372-1987 工业用二氟二氯甲烷 (F12) Dichlorodifluoromethane for industrial uses NEQ JIS K1517-82
71.080.20 G17 GB/T 7373-1987 工业用二氟一氯甲烷 (F22) Monochlorodifluoromethane for industrial uses NEQ JIS K1517-82
71.080.20 G15 GB/T 7374-1987 工业用氟代甲烷类中微量水分的测定 重量法 Fluorinated methanes for industrial uses--Determination of micro-amounts of water--Gravimetric method NEQ ISO 5920-83
71.080.20 G15 GB/T 7375-1987 工业用氟代甲烷类纯度的测定 气相色谱法 Fluorinated method for industrial uses--Determination of purity--Gas chromatography NEQ JIS K1517-82
71.080.20 G15 GB/T 7376-1987 工业用氟代甲烷类中微量水分的测定 卡尔.费休法 Fluorinated methanes for industrial uses--Determination of micro-amounts of water--Karl Fischer methed NEQ JIS K1517-82
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 7378-1996 表面活性剂 碱度的测定 滴定法 Surface active agents--Determination of alkalinity--Titrimetric method IDT ISO 4315-1977
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 7379-1987 表面活性剂 浆状物在灌装时表观密度的测定 Surface active agents--Determination of apparent density of pastes on filling IDT ISO 1064-74
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 7380-1995 表面活性剂和洗涤剂 含水量的测定 卡尔 - 费休法 Surface actiue agents and detergents--Determination of water content--Karl Fischer method EQV ISO 4317-91
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 7381-1993 表面活性剂 在硬水中稳定性的测定 Surface active agents--Determination of stability in hard water EQV ISO 1063-74
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 7383-1997 非离子表面活性剂 聚烷氧基化衍生物 羟值的测定 邻苯二甲酸酐法 Non-ionic surface active agents--Polyalkoxylated derivatives--Determination of hydroxyl value--Phthalic anhydride method IDT ISO 4327:1979
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 7384-1996 非离子表面活性剂 聚乙氧基化衍生物 羟值的测定 乙酐法 Non-ionic surface active agents--Polyethoxylated derivatives--Determination of hydroxyl value--Acetic anhydride method IDT ISO 4326-1980
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 7385-1994 非离子型表面活性剂 聚乙氧基化衍生物中氧乙烯基含量的测定 碘量法 Non-ionic Surface active agents--Polyethoxylated derivatives--Iodometric determination of oxyethylene groups EQV ISO 2270-89
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 7445-1995 纯氢、高纯氢和超纯氢 Pure hydrogen, high pruity hydrogen and ultra pure hydrogen EQV JIS K 0512-74
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 7462-1994 表面活性剂 发泡力的测定 改进Ross-Miles法 Surface active agents--Measurement of foaming power--Modified Ross-miles method NEQ ISO 695-75
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 7463-1987 表面活性剂 钙p分散力的测定 酸量滴定法 (改进Schonfeldt法) Surface active agents--Determination of the power to disperse calcium soap--Acidimetric method (Modified Schoenfeldt method) EQV ISO 6387-83
71.080 G15 GB/T 7531-1987 有机化工产品灰分的测定 Determination of ash for organic chemical products NEQ ISO 6353/1-82
71.040.40 G15 GB/T 7532-1987 有机化工产品中重金属含量测定的通用方法 目视限量法 Organic chemical products--Determination of heary metals content--General method--Visual limit test EQV ISO 6553/1-82
71.080 G15 GB/T 7533-1993 有机化工产品结晶点的测定方法 Test method for crystallizing point of organic chemical producs NEQ ISO 1392-77
71.080 G15 GB/T 7534-1987 工业用挥发性有机液体沸程的测定 Volatile organic liquids for industrial use--Determination of boiling range NEQ ISO 918-83
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 7686-1987 化工产品中砷含量测定的通用方法 Chemical products for industrial use--General method for the determination of arsenic EQV ISO 2590-73
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 7698-1987 工业用氢氧化钠中碳酸盐含量的测定 滴定法 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use--Determination of carbonates content--Titrimetric method EQV ISO 3196-75
71.080 G16 GB 7715-1987 工业用乙烯 Ethylene for industrial use--Secification NEQ ΓOCT 25070-81
71.080 G16 GB 7716-1987 工业用丙烯 Propylene for industrial use--Specification NEQ ΓOCT 25043-81
71.080 G17 GB 7717.1-1994 工业用丙烯腈 Acrylonitrile for industrial use--Specifications NEQ ΓOST 11097-86
71.080 G17 GB/T 7717.2-1994 工业用丙烯腈外观的测定 Acrylonitrile for industrial use--Detrmination of appearance NEQ ΓOST 11097-86
71.080 G17 GB/T 7717.3-1987 丙烯腈的含量测定 Acrylonitrile--Determination of acrylonitrile content  
71.080 G17 GB/T 7717.4-1994 工业用丙腈密度的测定 Acrylonitrile for industrial use--Determination of density NEQ ΓOST 11097-86
71.080 G17 GB/T 7717.5-1994 工业用丙烯腈(5%水溶液)pH值的测定 Acrylonitrile for industrial use--Determination of pH value(5% aqueous solution) NEQ ΓOST 11097-86
71.080 G17 GB/T 7717.6-1994 工业用丙烯腈(5%水溶液)滴定值的测定 Acrylonitrile for industrial use--Determination of titration value(5 % aqueous solution)  
71.080 G17 GB/T 7717.7-1994 工业用丙烯腈中水含量的测定 Acrylonitrile for industrial use--Determination of content of water NEQ ΓOST 11097-86
71.080 G17 GB/T 7717.8-1994 工业用丙烯腈中总醛含量的测定 分光光度法 Acrylonitrile for industrial use--Determination of content of total aldehydes--Spectrophotometric method NEQ ΓOST 11097-86
71.080 G17 GB/T 7717.9-1994 工业用丙烯腈中总氰含量的测定 滴定法 Acrylonitrile for industrial use--Determination of content of total cyanides--Titrimetric method NEQ ΓOST 11097-86
71.080 G17 GB/T 7717.10-1994 工业用丙烯腈中过氧化物含量的测定 分光光度法 Acrylonitrile for industrial use--Determination of content of peroxides--Spectrophotometric method NEQ ΓOST 11097-86
71.080 G17 GB/T 7717.11-1994 工业用丙烯腈中铁含量的测定 分光光度法 Acrylonitrile for industrial use--Determination of content of iron--Spectrophotometric method NEQ ΓOST 11097-86
71.080 G17 GB/T 7717.12-1994 工业用丙烯腈中乙腈、丙酮和烯醛含量的测定 气相色谱法 Acrylonitrile for industrial use--Determination of acetonitrile, acetone and acrolein--Gas chromatographic method NEQ ΓOST 11097-86
71.080 G17 GB/T 7717.13-1994 工业用丙烯腈酸度的测定 滴定法 Acrylonitrile for industrial use--Determination of acidity--Titrimetric method NEQ ΓOST 11097-86
71.080 G17 GB/T 7717.14-1994 工业用丙烯腈中铜含量的测定 分光光度法 Acrylonitrile for industrial use--Determination of content of copper--Spectrophotometric method NEQ ΓOST 11097-86
71.080 G17 GB/T 7717.15-1994 工业用丙烯腈中对羟基苯甲醚含量的测定 分光光度法 Acrylonitrile for industrial use--Determination of content of p-hydroxylanisole--Spectrophotometric method NEQ ΓOST 11097-86
71.080 G17 GB/T 7717.16-1994 工业用丙烯腈中氨含量的测定 滴定法 Acrylonitrile for industrial use--Determination of content of ammonia--Titrimetrie method NEQ ΓOST 11097-86
71.010 H10 GB/T 7729-1987 冶金产品化学分析 分光光度法通则 Chemical analysis of metallurgical products--General rule for spectrophotometric methods NEQ ISO 6286
71.060.30 G11 GB 7744-1998 工业氢氟酸 Hydrofluoric acid for industrial use NEQ ΓOCT 2567-89
71.060.30 G14 GB 7746-1997 工业无水氟化氢 Anhydrous hydrogen fluoride for industrial use IDT ΓOCT 14022-1988
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 7814-1987 异丙醇 2-Propanol NEQ ASTM D770-80
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 7815-1995 工业用季戊四醇 Pentaerythritol for industrial use NEQ JIS K 1510-93
71.060.10 G13 GB 7816-1998 工业黄磷 Yellow phosphorus for industrial use EQV ΓOCT 8986-82
71.100.70 C51 GB 7916-1987 化妆品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for cosmetics  
71.100.70 C51 GB/T 7917.1-1987 化妆品卫生化学标准检验方法 汞 Standard methods of hygienic test for cosmetics--Mercury  
71.100.70 C51 GB/T 7917.2-1987 化妆品卫生化学标准检验方法 砷 Standard methods of hygienic test for cosmetics--Arsenic  
71.100.70 C51 GB/T 7917.3-1987 化妆品卫生化学标准检验方法 铅 Standard methods of hygienic test for cosmetics--Lead  
71.100.70 C51 GB/T 7917.4-1987 化妆品卫生化学标准检验方法 甲醇 Standard methods of hygienic test for cosmetics--Methanol  
71.100.70 C51 GB/T 7918.1-1987 化妆品微生物标准检验方法 总则 Standard methods of microbiological examination for cosmetics--General rules  
71.100.70 C51 GB/T 7918.2-1987 化妆品微生物标准检验方法 细菌总数测定 Standard methods of microbiological examination for cosmetics--Standard plate count  
71.100.70 C51 GB/T 7918.3-1987 化妆品微生物标准检验方法 粪大肠菌群 Standard methods of microbiological examination for cosmetics--Fecal coliforms  
71.100.70 C51 GB/T 7918.4-1987 化妆品微生物标准检验方法 绿脓杆菌 Standard methods of microbiological examination for cosmetics--Pseudomonas aeruginosa  
71.100.70 C51 GB/T 7918.5-1987 化妆品微生物标准检验方法 金黄色葡萄球菌 Standard methods of microbiological examination for cosmetics--Staphylococcus aureus  
71.100.70 C51 GB 7919-1987 化妆品安全性评价程序和方法 Procedures and methods of safety evaluation for cosmetics  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 8031-1987 工业电雷管 Electric detonators NEQ JIS K4807-81
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 8033-1987 焦化苯类产品馏程的测定方法 Benzol products of coal carbonization--Determination of boiling range NEQ ISO 4626-80
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 8034-1987 焦化苯类产品铜片腐蚀的测定方法 Benzol products of coal carbonization--Corrosiveness to copper--Copper strip test EQV ISO 2160-72
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 8035-1987 焦化苯类产品酸洗比色的测定方法 Benzol products of coal carbonization--Determination of acid wash test EQV ISO 5274-79
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 8036-1987 焦化苯类产品颜色的测定方法 Benzol products of coal carbonization--Determination of color NEQ ISO 6271-81
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 8037-1987 焦化苯类产品中硫醇的检验方法 Benzol products of coal carbonization--Test for presence of mercap tans EQV ISO 5275-79
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 8038-1987 焦化甲苯中烃类杂质的气相色谱测定方法 Toluene of coal carbonization--Determination of hydrocarbon impurities--Gas chromatographic method NEQ ISO 5279-80
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 8039-1987 焦化苯类产品全硫含量的还原分光光度测定方法 Benzol products of coal carbonization--Determination of total sulphur content--Reduction and spectrophotometric method EQV ISO 5282-82
B72 GB/T 8137-1987 颗粒紫胶 Seed lac--Specification NEQ ISO 55-77
B72 GB/T 8138-1987 紫胶片 Shellac NEQ ISO 56/1.2-79
B72 GB/T 8139-1987 脱蜡紫胶片, 脱色紫胶片和脱色脱蜡紫胶片 Dewaxed shellac, Decolorized shellac and decolorized dewaxed shellac NEQ ISO 56/2-79
B72 GB/T 8140-1987 漂白紫胶 Bleached lac NEQ ISO 57-75
B72 GB/T 8141-1987 军用紫胶片 Shellac used for arms  
B72 GB/T 8142-1987 紫胶产品取样方法 Methods of sampling lac products NEQ ISO 55-77
B72 GB/T 8143-1987 紫胶产品检验方法 Methods of testing lac products  
B72 GB/T 8145-1987 脂松香 Gum rosin  
B72 GB/T 8146-1987 松香试验方法 Test methods of rosin  
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8155-1987 工业用氟化铝试样的制备和贮存 Preparation and storage of test samples of aluminium fluoride for industrial use IDT ISO 1467-78
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8156.1-1987 工业用氟化铝化学分析方法 重量法测定湿存水量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium fluoride for industrial use--The gravimetric method for the determination of moisture content IDT ISO 3393-76
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8156.2-1987 工业用氟化铝化学分析方法 电量法测定水分含量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium fluoride for industrial use--The electrometric method for the determination of water content IDT ISO 3392-76
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8156.3-1987 工业用氟化铝化学分析方法 蒸馏--硝酸钍容量法测定氟量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium fluoride for industrial use--The distillation-thorium nitrate volumetric method for the determination of fluoride content IDT ISO 2362-72
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8156.4-1987 工业用氟化铝化学分析方法 EDTA容量法测定铝量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium fluoride for industrial use--The EDTA volumetric method for the determination of aluminium content IDT ΓOCT 19181-78
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8156.5-1987 工业用氟化铝化学分析方法 火焰发射光度法测定钠量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium fluoride for industrial use--The flame emission photometric method for the determination of sodium content IDT ISO 4279-77
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8156.6-1987 工业用氟化铝化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定硅量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium fluoride for industrial use--The molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of silica content IDT ISO 2369-72
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8156.7-1987 工业用氟化铝化学分析方法 邻二氮杂菲光度法测定铁量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium fluoride for industrial use--The 1,10-phenanthroline photometric method for the determination of iron content IDT ISO 2368-72
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8156.8-1987 工业用氟化铝化学分析方法 硫酸钡重量法测定硫酸根量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium fluoride for industrial use--The barium sulphate gravimetric method for the determination of sulphate content IDT ISO 4280-77
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8156.9-1987 工业用氟化铝化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定磷量 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium fluoride for industrial use--The molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of phosphorus content IDT ISO 5390-79
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8156.10-1987 工业用氟化铝中硫量的测定 X 射线荧光光谱分析法 Aluminium fluoride for industrial use--Determination of sulphur content--X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method IDT ISO 5938-79
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8157-1987 氟化钠试样的制备与贮存 Preparation and storage of test samples of sodium fluoride IDT ISO 3428-76
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8158.1-1987 氟化钠化学分析方法 重量法测定湿存水量 Methods for chemical analysis of sodium fluoride--The gravimetric method for the determination of moisture content IDT ISO 2832-73
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8158.2-1987 氟化钠化学分析方法 蒸馏-硝酸钍容量法测定氟量 Methods for chemical analysis of sodium fluoride--The distillation-nitric thorium volumetric method for the determination of fluorine content IDT ISO 2833-72
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8158.3-1987 氟化钠化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定硅量 Methods for chemical analysis of sodium fluoride--The molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of silica content IDT ISO 3430-76
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8158.4-1987 氟化钠化学分析方法 邻二氮杂菲光度法测定铁量 Methods for chemical analysis of sodium fluoride--The 1,10-phenanthroline spectrophotometric method for the determination of iron content IDT ISO 3429-76
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8158.5-1987 氟化钠化学分析方法 浊度法测定可溶性硫酸盐量 Methods for chemical analysis of sodium fluoride--The turbidimetric method for the determination of soluble sulphates content IDT ISO 3431-76
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8158.6-1987 氟化钠化学分析方法 重量法测定碳酸盐量 Methods for chemical analysis of sodium fluoride--The gravimetric method for the determination of carbonate content IDT ISO 4278-77
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8158.7-1987 氟化钠化学分析方法 中和法测定酸度 Methods for chemical analysis of sodium fluoride--The neutral titration for the determination of acidity IDT ISO 4278-77
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8158.8-1987 氟化钠化学分析方法 重量法测定水不溶物量 Methods for chemical analysis of sodium fluoride--The gravimetric method for the determination of water insoluble matter IDT ISO 2831-73
71.060.50 H12 GB/T 8158.9-1987 氟化钠化学分析方法 浊度法测定氯量 Methods for chemical analysis of sodium fluoride--The turbidimetric method for the determination of chloride content IDT ISO 3566-76
71.060.50 H68 GB/T 8185-1987 氯化钯 Palladium chloride EQV JIS K8154-61
B72 GB/T 8277-1987 桐油 Tung oil  
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 8322-1987 分子吸收光谱法术语 Molecular absorption spectrometry--Terminology NEQ ISO 6286-82
71.100.40 Y43 GB 8372-2001 牙膏 Toothpaste  
71.080.15 G73 GB/T 8447-1995 工业直链烷基苯磺酸 Industrial linear alkylbenzene sulfonic acid  
71.060.20 H21 GB/T 8761-1988 氧化钇、氧化铕粒度分布测定 光透沉降法 Determination of particle size distribution of yttrium oxide and europium oxide by sedimentation and light obscuration method  
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 8762.1-1988 荧光级氧化钇和氧化铕中稀土氧化物总量测定 乙二胺四乙酸二钠容量法 Yttrium oxide and europium oxide of phosphor grade--Determination of total rare earth oxide content--EDTA volumetric method  
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 8762.2-1988 荧光级氧化钇和氧化铕中氧化钙量测定 一氧化二氮- 乙炔火焰原子吸收分光光度法 Yttrium oxide and europium oxide of phosphor grade--Determination of calcium oxide content--N2O-C2H2 flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method NEQ ΓOCT 23862.6-79
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 8762.3-1988 荧光级氧化钇中酸溶性二氧化硅量测定 钼蓝分光光度法 Yttrium oxide of phosphor grade--Determination of acid soluble silicon dioxide--Molybdenum blue photometric method  
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 8762.4-1988 荧光级氧化钇中氧化铁、氧化铅、氧化镍和氧化铜量测定 发射光谱法 Yttrium oxide of phosphor grade--Determination of iron oxide, lead oxide, nickel oxide and copper oxide contents--Emission spectrographic method EQV ΓOCT 23862.4-79
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 8762.5-1988 荧光级氧化钇中微量稀土氧化物测定 化学光谱和直接光谱法 Yttrium oxide of phosphor grade--Determination of trace rare earth oxide contents--Spectrochemical method and direct spectrographic method  
71.060.20 H14 GB/T 8762.6-1988 荧光级氧化铕中氧化铅、氧化镍、氧化铁和氧化铜量测定 发射光谱法 Europium oxide of phosphor grade--Determination of lead oxide, nickel oxide, iron oxide and copper oxide contents--Emission spectrographic method NEQ ΓOCT 23862.5-79
71.040.20 H14 GB/T 8762.7-1988 荧光级氧化铕中氧化铈、氧化镨、氧化钐、氧化钆和氧化镝量测定 化学光谱和直接光谱法 Europium oxide of phosphor grade--Determination of cerium oxide, praseodymium oxide, samarium oxide, gadolinium oxide and dysprosium oxide contents--Spectrochemical method and direct spectrographic method NEQ ΓOCT 23862.7-79
71.040.20 H14 GB/T 8762.8-2000 氧化铕化学分析方法 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定氧化铕中氧化镧、氧化铈、氧化谱、氧化钕、氧化钐、氧化钆、氧化铽、氧化镝、氧化钬、氧化铒、氧化铥、氧化镱、氧化镥和氧化钇量 Europium oxide--Determination of lanthanum oxide,cerium oxide,praseodymium oxide,neodymium oxide,samarium oxide,gadolinium oxide,terbium oxide,dysprosium oxide,holmium oxide,erbium oxide,thulium oxide,ytterbium oxide,lutetium oxide and yttrium oxide cont  
71.040.40 G78 GB/T 8770-1988 分子筛动态水吸附测定方法 Determination of dynamic adsorbed water for molecular sieve  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 8793-1988 中国贵州柏木油 Oil of cedarwood (Cupressus funebris endlicher)--Suizhou China NEQ ISO 4725-86
71.100 G71 GB/T 8826-1988 防老剂RD Antioxidant RD NEQ JIS K6211-79
71.100 G71 GB/T 8827-1988 防老剂甲 Antioxidant A NEQ ISO 1392-77
71.100 G71 GB/T 8828-1988 防老剂4010NA Antioxidant 4010NA NEQ JIS K6211-79
71.100 G71 GB/T 8829-1988 硫化促进剂 NOBS (N-氧二乙撑-2-苯骈噻唑次磺酰胺) Vulcanization accelerator NOBS (N-oxydiethylene-2-benzothiazyl sulfenamide) NEQ JIS K6202-79
71.060.10 G86 GB/T 8979-1996 纯氮 Pure nitrogen  
71.060.10 G86 GB/T 8980-1996 高纯氮 High purity nitrogen  
71.100.20 G87 GB/T 8981-1988 气体中微量氢的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of trace hydrogen in gases--Gas chromatographic method  
71.100.20 G86 GB 8982-1998 医用氧 Oxygen supplies for medicine EQV ΓOCT 5583-78
71.100.20 G86 GB 8983-1998 航空呼吸用氧 Breathing oxygen supplies for arrcraft EQV ISO 2046-1973
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 8984.1-1997 气体中一氧化碳、二氧化碳和碳氢化合物的测定 第1部分: 气体中一氧化碳、二氧化碳和甲烷的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of carbon monoxide,carbon dioxide and hydrocarbon in the gases--Part 1: Determination of carbon monoxide,carbon dioxide and mathane in the gases--Gas chromatographic method  
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 8984.2-1997 气体中一氧化碳、二氧化碳和碳氢化合物的测定 第2部分: 气体中一氧化碳、二氧化碳和碳氢化合物总含量的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of carbon monoxide,carbon dioxide and hydrocarbon in the gases--Part 2:Determination of total content of carbon monoxide、carbon dioxide and hydrocarbon in the gases--Gas chromatographic method  
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 8984.3-1997 气体中一氧化碳、二氧化碳和碳氢化合物的测定 第3部分: 气体中总烃的测定 火焰离子化法 Determination of carbon monoxide carbon dioxide,and hydrocarbon in the gases--Part 3: Determination of total hydrocarbon in the gases--Flame ionization method  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 9008-1988 液相色谱法术语 柱液相色谱法和平面色谱法 Terms of liquid chromatography--Liquid column chromatography and planar chromatography NEQ ASTM E682-79
71.080.80 G17 GB/T 9009-1998 工业甲醛溶液 Formaldehvde solution for industrial use EQV ASTM D 2378-84
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 9015-1998 工业六次甲基四胺(乌洛托品) Hexamethy lenetetramine for industrial use EQV JIS K 1532-78(88)
71.080.20 G17 GB/T 9016-1988 四氟乙烯用二氟一氯甲烷 Difluorochloromethane for tetrafluoroethylene production NEQ ΓOCT 8502-77
71.080.20 G17 GB/T 9017-1988 三氟一氯甲烷 (F13) Trifluorochloromethane  
71.080.40 Y44 GB/T 9103-1988 工业硬脂酸 Industrial stearic acids  
71.080.40 Y44 GB/T 9104.1-1988 工业硬脂酸试验方法 碘值的测定 Test method for industrial stearic acids--Determination of iodine value IDT JIS K3331-86
71.080.40 Y44 GB/T 9104.2-1988 工业硬脂酸试验方法 p化值的测定 Test method for industrial stearic acids--Determination of saponification value EQV JIS K3331-86
71.080.40 Y44 GB/T 9104.3-1988 工业硬脂酸试验方法 酸值的测定 Test method for industrial stearic acids--Determination of acid value EQV JIS K3331-86
71.080.40 Y44 GB/T 9104.4-1988 工业硬脂酸试验方法 色泽的测定 Test method for industrial stearic acids--Determination of colour  
71.080.40 Y44 GB/T 9104.5-1988 工业硬脂酸试验方法 凝固点的测定 Test method for industrial stearic acids--Determination of titer EQV JIS K3331-86
71.080.40 Y44 GB/T 9104.6-1988 工业硬脂酸试验方法 水分的测定 Test method for industrial stearic acids--Determination of water content EQV JIS K3331-86
71.080.40 Y44 GB/T 9104.7-1988 工业硬脂酸试验方法 无机酸的测定 Test method for industrial stearic acids--Determination of inorganic acid  
71.080.40 Y44 GB/T 9104.8-1988 工业硬脂酸试验方法 灰分的测定 Test method for industrial stearic acids--Determination of ash EQV JIS K3331-86
71.080.40 Y44 GB/T 9104.9-1988 工业硬脂酸试验方法 组成的测定 Test method for industrial stearic acids--Determination of components  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 9107-1999 精制棉 Refined cotton  
71.100.30 G89 GB 9108-1995 工业导火索 Safety fuse EQV ΓOCT 3470-80
71.040.40 L04 GB/T 9259-1988 发射光谱分析名词术语 Terminology of emission spectrochemical analysis  
71.100.40 G56 GB/T 9290-1988 表面活性剂 工业乙氧基化脂肪胺分析方法 Surface active agents--Technical ethoxylated fatty amines--Methods of analysis NEQ ISO 6384-81
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 9291-1988 表面活性剂 高温条件下分散染料染聚酯织物用艶剂的抑染作用测试法 Surface active agents--Method of testing of the restraining effect of levelling agents for disperse dyes on dyeing polyester textiles under high temperature conditions NEQ DIN 54290
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 9292-1988 表面活性剂 高温条件下分散染料染聚酯织物用艶剂的移染性测试法 Surface active agents--Method of testing of the migration action of levelling agents for disperse dyes on dyeing polyester textiles under high temperature condition NEQ DIN 54290
71.080.30 G16 GB/T 9567-1997 工业三聚氰胺 Melamine for industrial use EQV JIS K1531:1982(1987)
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9721-1988 化学试剂 分子吸收分光光度法通则(紫外和可见光部分) Chemical reagent--General rules for the molecular absorption spectrophotometry(ultraviolet and visible)  
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9722-1988 化学试剂 气相色谱法通则 Chemical reagent--General rules for the gas chrom atography  
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9723-1988 化学试剂 火焰原子吸收光谱法通则 Chemical reagent--General rules for flame atomic absorption spectrometry NEQ ISO 6353/1-82 GM29
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9724-1988 化学试剂 pH值测定通则 Chemical reagent--General rules for the determination of pH NEQ ISO 6353/1-82 GM31.3
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9725-1988 化学试剂 电位滴定法通则 Chemical reagent--General rules for potentiometric titration EQV ISO 6353/1-82 GM31.2
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9726-1988 化学试剂 还原高锰酸钾物质测定通则 Chemical reagent--General rules for the determination of permanganate-reducing substances EQV ISO 6353/1-82 GM19
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9727-1988 化学试剂 磷酸盐测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of phosphate NEQ ISO 6353/1-82 GM4
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9728-1988 化学试剂 硫酸盐测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of sulphate EQV ISO 6353/1-82 GM3
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9729-1988 化学试剂 氯化物测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of chloride EQV ISO 6353/1-82 GM2
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9730-1988 化学试剂 草酸盐测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of oxalates EQV ISO 6353/1-82 GM22
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9731-1988 化学试剂 硫化合物测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of sulphur compounds NEQ ISO 6353/1-82 GM21
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9732-1988 化学试剂 铵测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of ammonium IDT ISO 6353/1-82
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9733-1988 化学试剂 羰基化合物测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of carbonyl compounds EQV ISO 6353/1-82 GM23
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9734-1988 化学试剂 铝测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of aluminium NEQ ISO 6353/1-82 GM9
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9735-1988 化学试剂 重金属测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of heavy metals EQV ISO 6353/1-82 GM7
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9736-1988 化学试剂 酸度和碱度测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of acidity and alkalinity NEQ ISO 6353/1-82 GM13
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9737-1988 化学试剂 易碳化物质测定通则 Chemical reagent--General rules for the measurement of readily carbonizable substances EQV ISO 6353/1-82 GM18
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9738-1988 化学试剂 水不溶物测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of water insoluble matter EQV ISO 6353/1-82 GM1
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9739-1988 化学试剂 铁测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of iron EQV ISO 6353/1-82 GM8
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9740-1988 化学试剂 蒸发残渣测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of dry residue after evaporation EQV ISO 6353/1-82 GM14
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9741-1988 化学试剂 灼烧残渣测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of residue after ignition EQV ISO 6353/1-82 GM15-1
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 9742-1988 化学试剂 硅酸盐测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of silicate EQV ISO 6353/1-82 GM5
71.100.30 G89 GB 9786-1999 普通导爆索 Common detonating cord  
71.120.30 G93 GB 9842-1988 尿素合成塔 技术条件 Specifications for urea reactor  
71.120.30 G93 GB 9843-1988 尿素高压洗涤器 技术条件 Specifications for H.P urea scrubber  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 9853-1988 化学试剂 无水硫酸钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium sulfate, anhydrous NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R35
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 9854-1988 化学试剂 草酸 Chemical reagent--Oxalic acid dihydrate NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R20
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 9855-1988 化学试剂 柠檬酸 Chemical reagent--Citric acid monohydrate NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R8
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 9856-1988 化学试剂 碳酸钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium carbonate decahydrate NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R31
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 9857-1988 化学试剂 氧化镁 Chemical reagent--Magnesium oxide NEQ ISO 6353/2-83 R17
71.060.50 H65 GB 9968-1996 农用硝酸稀土 Rare earth nitrate for agricultural use  
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 9983-1988 工业三聚磷酸钠 Industrial sodium tripolyphosphate  
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 9984.1-1988 工业三聚磷酸钠 白度的测定 The measurement of whiteness for industrial sodium tripolyphosphate (including foodstuffs)  
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 9984.2-1988 工业三聚磷酸钠 总五氧化二磷含量的测定 磷钼酸喹啉重量法 Sodium tripolyphosphats for industrial use--Determination of total phosphorus pentoxide content--Quinoline phosphomolybdate gravimetric method EQV ISO 3357-75
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 9984.3-1988 工业三聚磷酸钠 离子交换柱色谱法分离测定不同形式的磷酸盐 Sodium tripolyphosphate for industrial use--Separation by ion exchange chromatography and determination of the different phosphate forms NEQ ISO 3358-76
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 9984.4-1988 工业三聚磷酸钠 水不溶物的测定 Sodium tripolyphosphate for industrial use--Determination of insoluble matter in water EQV ISO 850-76
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 9984.5-1988 工业三聚磷酸钠和焦磷酸钠 灼烧损失的测定 Sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium pyrophosphate for industrial use--Determination of loss ignition IDT ISO 853-76
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 9984.6-1988 工业三聚磷酸钠 铁含量的测定 2,2'-联吡啶分光光度法 Determination of iron content in industrial sodium tripolyphosphate--2,2'-Bipyridyl spectrophotometric method IDT ISO/R 852-68
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 9984.7-1988 工业三聚磷酸钠 pH的测定 电位计法 Sodium tripolyphosphate for industrial use--Measurement of pH--Potentiometric method IDT ISO 851-76
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 9984.8-1988 工业三聚磷酸钠 颗粒度的测定 Determination of particle size for industrial sodium tripolyphosphate NEQ JIS K3362-84
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 9984.9-1988 工业三聚磷酸钠 表观密度的测定 给定体积称量法 Industrial sodium tripolyphosphate--Determination of apparent density--Method by measuring the mass of a given volume NEQ ISO 697-81
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 9984.10-1988 工业三聚磷酸钠(包括食品工业用) 氮的氧化物含量的测定3,4-二甲苯酚分光光度法 Sodium tripolyphosphate for industrial use (including foodstuffs)--Determination of oxides of nitrogen content--3,4-Xylenol spectrophotometric method IDT ISO 5375-79
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 9984.11-1988 工业三聚磷酸钠 I型含量的测定 Sodium tripolyphosphate for industrial use--Determination of I type content NEQ ΓOCT13493-77
71.100.40 Y43 GB 9985-2000 手洗餐具用洗涤剂 Detergents for hand dishwashing  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.120.30 G93 GB 10476-1989 尿素高压冷凝器技术条件 Specifications for urea high pressure condenser  
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 10500-2000 工业硫化钠 Sodium sulfide for industrial use NEQ JIS K 1435:1986
71.040 G78 GB/T 10504-1989 3A 分子筛 Molecular sieve 3A  
71.040 G78 GB/T 10505.2-1989 3A分子筛磨耗率测定方法 Determination of abrasion for molecular sieve 3A  
71.040 G78 GB/T 10505.3-1989 3A分子筛静态乙烯和氮气吸附测定方法 Determination of static absorbed ethene and nitrogen for molecular sieve 3A  
71.040 G78 GB/T 10505.4-1989 3A分子筛包装品含水量测定方法 Determination of water content for packaged molecular sieve 3A  
71.100.80 G77 GB/T 10533-2000 水处理剂 聚丙烯酸 Water treatment chemicals--Polyacrylic acid  
71.060 H64 GB/T 10575-1989 无水氯化锂 Lithium chloride anhydrous  
71.060 H64 GB/T 10576-1989 高纯碳酸锂 High purity lithium carbonate  
71.060 H63 GB/T 10577-1989 高纯五氧化二钽 High-pure tantalum pentaoxide  
71.060 H63 GB/T 10578-1989 高纯五氧化二铌 High-pure niobium pentaoxide  
71.120 J76 GB/T 10606.1-1989 空气分离设备术语 基本术语 Terminology of air separation plant?Basic terminology  
71.120 J76 GB/T 10606.2-1989 空气分离设备术语 单元设备 Terminology of air separation plant - Component units  
71.120 J76 GB/T 10606.3-1989 空气分离设备术语 稀有气体提取设备 Terminology of air separation plant - Rare gas recovery equipment  
71.120 J76 GB/T 10606.4-1989 空气分离设备术语 低温液体贮运设备 Terminology of air separation plant - Cryogenic liquid storage and transportation equipment  
71.120 J76 GB/T 10606.5-1989 空气分离设备术语 透平膨胀机 Terminology of air separation plant - Expansion turbine  
71.120 J76 GB/T 10606.6-1989 空气分离设备术语 低温液体泵 Terminology of air separation plant - Cryogenic liquid pump  
71.100.20 J76 GB/T 10607-2001 空气分离设备 产品型号编制方法 Methods for compiling product models of air separation plants  
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 10624-1995 高纯氩 High purity argon  
71.100.20 G87 GB/T 10627-1989 气体分析 标准混合气的制备 静态容积法 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures - Static volumetric methods IDT ISO 6144-81
71.100.20 G87 GB/T 10628-1989 气体分析 标准混合气体组成的测定 比较法 Gas analysis - Determination of composition of calibration gas mixtures - Comparison methods IDT ISO 6143-81
71.100.30 Y88 GB 10631-1989 烟花爆竹安全与质量 Fireworks and firecracker - Requirements of safety and quality  
71.100.30 Y88 GB/T 10632-1989 烟花爆竹计数抽样检查规则 Fireworks and firecrackers - Rules of sampling for inspection by attributes  
71.100.40 G71 GB/T 10661-1996 荧光摧剂VBL Fluorescent whitening agent VBL  
71.080.20 G16 GB 10665-1997 碳化钙(电石) Calcium carbide EQV JIS K1901-1983(1989)
71.060.50 G12 GB/T 10666-1995 次氯酸钙(漂粉精) Calcium hypochlorite NEQ JIS K 1425-90
71.080.50 G17 GB/T 10668-2000 工业乙酸酐 Acetic anhydride for industrial use NEQ JIS K 1352:1993
71.080.80 G17 GB/T 10669-2001 工业用环己酮 Cyclohexanone for industrial use EQV DIN 53247:1997
71.080.20 G15 GB/T 10670-1989 工业用氟代甲烷类中微量水分的测定 电解法 Fluorinated methanes for industrial uses?Determination of micro-amounts of water - Electrolytic method  
71.040.30 G65 GB/T 10704-1989 化学试剂 8-羟基喹啉 Chemical reagent--8-Hydroxyquinoline  
71.040.30 G65 GB/T 10705-1989 化学试剂 5-磺基水杨酸 Chemical reagent--5-Sulfosalicylic acid  
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 10724-1989 化学试剂 无火焰(石墨炉)原子吸收光谱法通则 Chemical reagent - General rules for the flameless(graphite furnace) atomic absorption spectrometry NEQ JIS K121-82
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 10725-1989 化学试剂 电感偶合高频等离子体原子发射光谱法通则 Chemical reagent - General rules for inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry  
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 10726-1989 化学试剂 溶剂萃取 - 原子吸收光谱法测定金属杂质通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of metals by solvent extraction followed by AAS NEQ ISO 6353/1-82
71.040.30 G65 GB/T 10727-1989 化学试剂 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠 (铜试剂) Chemical reagent - Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate trihydrate  
71.040.30 G65 GB/T 10728-1989 化学试剂 百里香酚酞 Chemical reagent - Thymol phthalein  
71.040.30 G65 GB/T 10729-1989 化学试剂 酚酞 Chemical reagent - Phenolphthalien  
71.040.30 G61 GB 10730-1989 第一基准试剂(容量) 邻苯二甲酸氢钾 Primary chemical - Potassium hydrogen phthalate  
71.040.30 G61 GB 10731-1989 第一基准试剂 (容量) 重铬酸钾 Primary chemical - Potassium dichromate  
71.040.30 G61 GB 10732-1989 第一基准试剂 (容量) 氯化钾 Primary chemical - Potassium chloride  
71.040.30 G61 GB 10733-1989 第一基准试剂 (容量) 氯化钠 Primary chemical - Sodium chloride  
71.040.30 G61 GB 10734-1989 第一基准试剂 (容量) 乙二胺四乙酸二钠 Primary chemical - Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt  
71.040.30 G61 GB 10735-1989 第一基准试剂 (容量) 无水碳酸钠 Primary chemical - Sodium carbonate,anhydrous  
71.040.30 G61 GB 10736-1989 工作基准试剂 (容量) 氯化钾 Working chemical - Potassium chloride  
71.040.30 G61 GB 10737-1989 工作基准试剂 (容量) 称量电位滴定法通则 Working chemical - General rules for the potentiometric weight titration  
71.040.30 G61 GB 10738-1989 工作基准试剂 (容量) 称量滴定法通则 Working chemical - General rules for the weight titration  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.1-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 酸碱滴定法测定碳酸锂量 Lithium carbonate - Determination of lithium carbonate content - Acid-alkali titrimetric method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.2-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 酸碱滴定法测定氢氧化锂量 Lithium hydroxide monohydrate - Determination of lithium hydroxide content - Acid-alkali titrimetric method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.3-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 电位滴定法测定氯化锂量 Lithium chloride - Determination of lithium chloride content - Potentiometric method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.4-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定钠和钾量 Lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide monohydrate and lithium chloride - Determination of sodium and potassium contents - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.5-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定钙量 Lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide monohydrate and lithium chloride - Determination of calcium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.6-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定镁量 Lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide monohydrate and lithium chloride - Determination of magnesium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.7-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 邻二氮杂菲分光光度法测定铁量 Lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide monohydrate and lithium chloride - Determination of iron content - 1,10-phenanthroline spectrophotometric method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.8-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 钼蓝分光光度法测定硅量 Lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide monohydrate and lithium chloride - Determination of silicon content - Molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.9-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 还原滴定法测定硫化物量 Lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide monohydrate and lithium chloride - Determination of sulphide content - Reduction titrimetric method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.10-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 汞量法测定氯化物量 Lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide monohydrate - Ditermination of chloride content - Mercurimetric method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.11-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 重量法测定酸不溶物量 Lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide monohydrate and lithium chloride - Determination of acid-insolubles - Gravimetric method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.12-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 吸收滴定法测定二氧化碳量 Lithium hydroxide monohydrate - Determination of carbon dioxide content - Absorption titrimetric method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.13-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 铬天青S-溴化十六烷基吡啶分光光度法测定铝量 Lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide monohydrate?Determination of aluminum content - Chromazurol S-cetylpyridine bromide spectrophotometric method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.14-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 钼蓝分光光度法测定砷量 Lithium carbonate - Determination of arsenic content - Molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.15-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 离子选择电极法测定氟量 Lithium carbonate - Determination of fluoride content - Ion selective electrode method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.16-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 火焰原子发射光谱法测定钠和钾量 Lithium carbonate - Determination of sodium and potassium contents - Flame atomic emission spectrometric method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.17-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 共沉淀火焰原子吸收光谱法测定铁和铅量 Lithium carbonate - Determination of iron and lead contents - Coprecipitation-flame atomic absorption spectrometric method  
71.060 H14 GB/T 11064.18-1989 碳酸锂、单水氢氧化锂、氯化锂化学分析方法 离子交换火焰原子吸收光谱法测定钙、镁、铜、锌、镍、锰、镉量 Lithium carbonate - Ditermination of calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, nickel, manganese and cadmium contents - Ion exchange-flame atomic absorption spectrometric method  
71.060.50 H21 GB/T 11068-1989 砷化镓外延层载流子浓度电容-电压测量方法 Gallium arsenide epitaxial layer - Determination of carrier concentration - Voltage-capacitance method EQV DIN 50439-82
71.060.20 H66 GB/T 11069-1989 高纯二氧化锗 High purity germanium dioxide  
71.060.50 H64 GB/T 11075-1989 工业碳酸锂 Lithium carbonate technical grade  
71.080.15 E30 GB/T 11138-1994 工业芳烃铜片腐蚀试验法 Industrial aromatic hydrocarbons--Test method of copper corrosion NEQ ASTM D849-88
71.080 G15 GB/T 11141-1989 轻质烯烃中微量硫的测定 氧化微库仑法 Light olefins for industrial use - Determination of traces of sulfur - Oxidative microcoulometric method  
71.040.20 N53 GB/T 11165-1989 实验室pH计 Laboratory pH meter  
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 11198.1-1989 工业硫酸 硫酸含量的测定和发烟硫酸中游离三氧化硫含量的计算 滴定法 Sulphuric acid for industrial use - Determination of sulphuric acid content and calculation of free sulphur trioxide content of oleum - Titrimetric method NEQ ISO 910-77
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 11198.2-1989 工业硫酸 灰分的测定 重量法 Sulphuric acid for industrial use - Determination of ash - Gravimetric method NEQ ISO 913-77
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 11198.3-1989 工业硫酸 铁含量的测定 邻菲罗啉分光光度法 Sulphuric acid for industrial use - Determination of iron content - o-Phenanthroline spectrophotometric method NEQ ISO 6685-82
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 11198.4-1989 工业硫酸 铁含量的测定 原子吸收分光光度法 Sulphuric acid for industrial use - Determination of iron content - Atomic absorption spectroscopy NEQ BS 3903-77
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 11198.5-1989 工业硫酸 砷含量的测定 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银光度法 Sulphuric acid for industrial use - Determination of arsenic content - Silver diethyldithiocarbamate photometric method NEQ ISO 5792-78
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 11198.6-1989 工业硫酸 砷含量的测定 古蔡法 Sulphuric acid for industrial use - Determination of arsenic content - Gutreit method  
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 11198.7-1989 工业硫酸 铅含量的测定 双硫腙光度法 Sulphuric acid for industrial use - Determination of lead content - Dithizone photometric method EQV ISO 2717-73
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 11198.8-1989 工业硫酸 铅含量的测定 原子吸收分光光度法 Sulphuric acid for industrial use - Determination of lead content - Atomic absorption spectroscopy NEQ BS 3903-77
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 11198.9-1989 工业硫酸 汞含量的测定 双硫腙光度法 Sulphuric acid for industrial use - Determination of mercury content - Dithizone photometric method NEQ ISO 5992-79
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 11198.10-1989 工业硫酸 汞含量的测定 冷原子吸收分光光度法 Sulphuric acid for industrial use - Determination of mercury content - Flameless atomic absorption spectremetric method NEQ ISO 5992-79
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 11198.11-1989 工业硫酸 氮氧化物测定 2.4-二甲苯酚分光光度法 Sulphuric acid for industrial?Determination of oxides of nitrogen--2,4-xylenol spectrophotometric method IDT ISO 2363-72
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 11198.12-1989 工业硫酸 二氧化硫含量的测定 碘量法 Sulphuric acid for industrial use--Determination of sulphur dioxide content--Iodometric method NEQ JIS K1322-80
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 11198.13-1989 工业硫酸 氯含量的测定 电位滴定法 Sulphuric acid for industrial use - Determination of chlorine content--Potentiometric method NEQ ISO 2877-74
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 11198.14-1989 工业硫酸 透明度的测定 Sulphuric acid for industrial use - Determination of transparency NEQ ГOCT 2184-77
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 11198.15-1989 工业硫酸 色度的测定 Sulphuric acid for industrial use - Determination of colourity  
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 11199-1989 离子交换膜法氢氧化钠 Membrane process sodium hydroxide  
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 11200.1-1989 离子交换膜法氢氧化钠中氯酸钠含量的测定 邻 -联甲苯胺分光光度法 Membrane process sodium hydroxide-Determination of sodium chlorate content--o-Tolidine spectrometric method  
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 11200.2-1989 离子交换膜法氢氧化钠中三氧化二铝含量的测定 分光光度法 Membrane process sodium hydroxide--Determination of aluminium oxide content-Spectrometric method NEQ ISO 6353/1-82
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 11200.3-1989 离子交换膜法氢氧化钠中钙含量的测定 火焰原子吸收法 Membrane process sodium hydroxide--Determination of calcium contents--Flame atomic absorption method NEQ ISO 3697-76
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 11212-1989 化纤用氢氧化钠 Sodium hydroxide for chemical fiber use NEQ BS 4130-84
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 11213.1-1989 化纤用氢氧化钠含量的测定方法(甲法) Sodium hydroxide for chemical fiber?Determination method of mass fraction IDT ISO 979-74
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 11213.2-1989 化纤用氢氧化钠中氯化钠含量的测定 分光光度法 Sodium hydroxide for chemical fiber use?Determination of sodium chloride content - Spectrometric method IDT ISO 3197-75
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 11213.3-1989 化纤用氢氧化钠中钙含量的测定 EDTA络合滴定法 Sodium hydroxide for chemical fiber use?Determination of the calcium mass fraction?EDTA complexometric method NEQ ISO/DIS 986-85
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 11213.4-1989 化纤用氢氧化钠中硅含量的测定 还原硅钼酸盐分光光度法 Sodium hydroxide for chemical fiber use - Determination of silicon mass fraction - Reduced molybdo silicate spectrometric method NEQ ISO/DIS 984-85
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 11213.5-1989 化纤用氢氧化钠中硫酸盐含量的测定 硫酸钡重量法(甲法) Sodium hydroxide for chemical fiber use?Determination of sulphate mass fraction?Barium sulphate gravimetric method EQV ISO 982-76
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 11213.6-1989 化纤用氢氧化钠中硫酸盐含量的测定 比浊法(乙法) Sodium hydroxide for chemical fiber use?Determination of sulphate mass fraction?Turbidimetric method EQV ISO 6353/1-82
71.060.40 G11 GB/T 11213.7-1989 化纤用氢氧化钠中铜含量的测定 分光光度法 Sodium hydroxido for chemical fiber use?Determination of copper mass fraction?Spectrometric method IDT BS 4130-67
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 11275-1995 表面活性剂和肥p 含水量的测定 共沸蒸馏法 Surface active agents and soaps--Determination of water content--Azeotropic distillation method EQV ISO 4318-89
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 11276-1989 阳离子表面活性剂(氢氯化物和氢溴化物)临界胶束浓度的测定 反离子活度测量法 Cationic surface active agents (hydrochlorides and hydrobromides) - Determination of critical micellization concentration - Method by measurement of counter ion activity IDT ISO 6840-82
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 11277-1989 表面活性剂 非离子表面活性剂 浊点指数(水数)的测定 容量法 Surface active agents - Non-ionic surface active agents - Determination of cloud point index (water number) - Volumetric method IDT ISO 4320-77
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 11278-1989 阴离子和非离子表面活性剂 临界胶束浓度的测定 圆圆环测定表面张力法 Anionic and non-ionic active agents - Determination of the critical micellization concentration - Method by measuring surface tension with ring NEQ ISO 4311-79
71.080 G71 GB/T 11405-1989 工业邻苯二甲酸二丁酯 Dibutylphthalate for industrial use NEQ BS 573-73
71.080 G71 GB/T 11406-2001 工业邻苯二甲酸二辛酯 Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate for industrial use NEQ コ国BASF公司标准
71.040.20 Y22 GB/T 11414-1989 实验室玻璃仪器 瓶 Laboratory glassware--Bottles NEQ ISO 4796-77
71.040.20 Y22 GB/T 11415-1989 实验室烧结(多孔)过滤器 孔径、分级和牌号 Laboratory sintered (fritted) filters - Porosity grading, classification and designation NEQ ISO 4793-80
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 11424-1989 山苍子油 Oil of litsea cubeba [Litsea cubeba (lour.)pers.] NEQ ISO 3214-74
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 11425-1989 肉桂油 Oil of cassia (cinnamomum cassia nees) NEQ ISO 3216-74
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 11538-1989 精油毛细管柱气相色谱分析通用法 Essential oils - Analysis by gas chromatography on capillary columns?General method EQV ISO 7609-85
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 11539-1989 单离及合成香料填充柱气相色谱分析通用法 Isolate and synthetic aromatics?Analysis by gas chromatography on packed columns - General method NEQ ISO 7359-85
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 11540-1989 单离及合成香料相对密度的测定 Isolate and synthetic aroma chemicals - Determination of relative density EQV ISO 279-81
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 11543-1989 表面活性剂 中、高粘度乳液的特性测试及其乳化能力的评定方法 Surface active agents?The identification of emulsions of moderate to high viscosity and the method of evaluation of their capability of emulsifying NEQ NF 773-48
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 11983-1989 表面活性剂 润湿力的测定 浸没法 Surface active agents - Determination of wetting power by immersion EQV ISO 8022-84
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 11985-1989 表面活性剂 界面张力的测定 滴体积法 Surface active agents - Determination of interfacial tension - Drop volume method IDT ISO 9101-87
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 11986-1989 表面活性剂 粉体和颗粒休止角的测量 Surface active agents - Powders and Granules - Measurement of the angle of repose IDT ISO 4324-77
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 11987-1989 表面活性剂 工业烷烃磺酸盐 总烷烃磺酸盐含量的测定 Surface active agent - Technical alkane sulphonates - Determination of total alkane sulphonates content EQV ISO 6122-78
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 11988-1989 表面活性剂 工业烷烃磺酸盐 烷烃单磺酸盐平均相对分子量及含量的测定 Surface active agent--Technical alkane sulfonates--Determination of mean relative molecular mass and content of alkane monosulfonates EQV ISO 6845-82
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 11989-1989 阴离子表面活性剂 石油醚溶解物含量的测定 Anionic surface active agents - Determination of soluble matter content in light petroleum NEQ ISO 894-77
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.060 G87 GB 12022-1989 工业六氟化硫 Sulphur hexafluoride for industrial use NEQ IEC 60376A-73
71.100.40 G71 GB/T 12028-1989 洗涤剂用羧甲基纤维素钠 Sodium carboxymethylcellulose for detergents  
71.100.40 G71 GB/T 12029.1-1989 洗涤剂用羧甲基纤维素钠水分及挥发物的测定 Determination of moisture and volatile content of sodium carboxymethylcellulose for detergents EQV ASTM D1439-83
71.100.40 G71 GB/T 12029.2-1989 洗涤剂用羧甲基纤维素钠粘度的测定 Determination of viscosity of sodium carboxymethylcellulose for detergents NEQ ASTM D1439-83
71.100.40 G71 GB/T 12029.3-1989 洗涤剂用羧甲基纤维素钠 pH 值的测定(电位法) Determination of pH of sodium carboxymethylcellulose for detergents (Potentiometric method)  
71.100.40 G71 GB/T 12029.4-1989 洗涤剂用羧甲基纤维素钠醚化度的测定 Determination of degree of etherification of sodium carboxymethylcellulose for detergents IDT ASTM D1439-83
71.100.40 G71 GB/T 12029.5-1989 洗涤剂用羧甲基纤维素钠纯度的测定 Determination of purity of sodium carboxymethylcellulose for detergents EQV ASTM D1439-83
71.100.40 G71 GB/T 12029.6-1989 洗涤剂用羧甲基纤维素钠的筛分试验 Test sieving of sodium carboxymethylcellulose for detergents  
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 12030-1989 粉状洗涤剂颗粒度的测定 Determination of particle size of powdered detergents NEQ JIS K3362-84
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 12031-1989 洗涤剂中总五氧化二磷含量的测定 磷钼酸喹啉重量法 Determination of total phosphorus pentoxide content in detergents - Quinoline phosphomolybdate gravimetric method EQV ISO 4313-76
71.060.20 H65 GB/T 12144-2000 氧化铽 Terbium oxide  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 12435-1990 工业用K索今 Hexogen for industrial use  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 12436-1990 炸药作功能力试验 铅铸法 Explosive - Determination of power-lead block method  
71.100.30 G89 GB 12437-2000 工业粉状铵梯炸药 Industrial powdery explosives contained ammonium nitrate and trinitrotoluene  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 12438-1990 工业粉状铵梯炸药试验方法 Test method for industrial powdery explosives contained ammonium nitrate and trinitrotoluene  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 12439-1990 震源导爆索 Seismic detonating cord  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 12440-1990 炸药猛度试验 铅柱压缩法 Explosive - Determination of brisance - Lead cylinder compression test  
71.100 G13 GB/T 12495-1990 活性炭型号命名法 Nomenclature for activated carbon type  
71.040.20 N50 GB/T 12519-1990 分析仪器通用技术条件 General specification of analytical instruments  
71.100.45 E30 GB/T 12577-1990 冷冻机油絮凝点测定法 Refrigerator oils - Determination of floc point NEQ DIN 51351-82
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 12589-1990 化学试剂 乙酸乙酯 Chemical reagent - Ethyl acetate NEQ ISO 6353/3-87
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 12590-1990 化学试剂 正丁醇 Chemical reagent - n-Butanol NEQ ISO 6353/3-87
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 12591-1990 化学试剂 乙醚 Chemical reagent - Diethyl ether NEQ ISO 6353/3-87
71.040.30 G65 GB/T 12592-1990 化学试剂 溴酚蓝 Chemical reagent - Bromophenol Blue  
71.040.30 G61 GB 12593-1990 工作基准试剂(容量) 乙二胺四乙酸二钠 Working chemical - Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt  
71.040.30 G61 GB 12594-1990 工作基准试剂(容量) 溴酸钾 Working chemical - Potassium bromate  
71.040.30 G61 GB 12595-1990 工作基准试剂(容量) 硝酸银 Working chemical - Silver nitrate  
71.040.30 G61 GB 12596-1990 工作基准试剂(容量) 碳酸钙 Working chemical - Calcium carbonate  
71.040.30 G61 GB 12597-1990 工作基准试剂(容量) 苯甲酸 Working chemical - Benzoic acid  
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 12684.1-1990 工业硼酸 硼酸含量的测定 Boric acid for industrial use - Determination of boric acid content EQV ISO 1914-72
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 12684.2-1990 工业硼酸 水不溶物含量的测定 Boric acid for industrial use - Determination of insoluble substance content in water  
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 12684.3-1990 工业硼酸 硫酸盐含量的测定 还原滴定法 Boric acid for industrial use - Determination of sulphate content by reduction and titrimetry IDT ISO 1918-72
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 12684.4-1990 工业硼酸 硫酸盐含量的测定 目视比浊法 Boric acid for industrial use - Determination of sulphate content by visual turbidimetry  
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 12684.5-1990 工业硼酸 氯化物含量的测定 Boric acid for industrial use - Determination of chloride content  
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 12684.6-1990 工业硼酸 铁含量的测定 Boric acid for industrial use - Determination of iron content  
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 12684.7-1990 工业硼酸 氨含量的测定 Boric acid for industrial use - Determination of ammonia content  
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 12684.8-1990 工业硼酸 重金属含量的测定 Boric acid for industrial use - Determination of heavy metal content NEQ ГOCT 19704-78
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 12684.9-1990 工业硼酸 锰含量的测定 Boric acid for industrial use - Determination of manganese content IDT ISO 2214-72
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 12684.10-1990 工业硼酸 铬含量的测定 Boric acid for industrial use - Determination of chromium content IDT ISO 3119-76
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 12684.11-1990 工业硼酸 钴含量的测定 Boric acid for industrial use - Determination of cobalt content IDT ISO 5932-80
71.080.15 G15 GB/T 12688.1-1998 工业用苯乙烯纯度的测定 毛细管气相色谱法 Styrene for industrial use--Determination of purity--Capillary gas chromatography EQV ASTM D5135-95
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 12688.2-1990 工业用苯乙烯纯度的测定 结晶点法 Styrene for industrial use - Determination of purity - Crystallizing point method NEQ ASTM D3799-84
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 12688.3-1990 工业用苯乙烯中聚合物含量的测定 光度法 Styrene for industrial use - Determination of content of polymer - Photometric method NEQ ASTM D2121-84
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 12688.4-1990 工业用苯乙烯中过氧化物含量的测定 滴定法 Styrene for industrial use - Determination of content of peroxides - Titrimetric method NEQ ASTM D2340-87
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 12688.5-1990 工业用苯乙烯中总醛含量的测定 滴定法 Styrene for industrial use - Determination of content of total aldehydes - Titrimetric method NEQ ASTM D2119-87
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 12688.6-1990 工业用苯乙烯中微量硫的测定 氧化微库仑法 Styrene for industrial use - Determination of trace sulfur - Oxidative micro-coulometric method NEQ ASTM D3961-85
71.080.15 G16 GB/T 12688.8-1998 工业用苯乙烯中阻聚剂(对-特丁基邻苯二酚)含量的测定 分光光度法 Styrene for industrial use--Determination of content of inhibitor(p-tert-butylcatechol)--Spectophotometric method IDT ASTM D 4590-95a
71.080 G15 GB/T 12701-1990 工业用乙烯-丙烯中微量甲醇的测定 气相色谱法 Ethylene and propylene for industrial use - Determination of trace of methanol - Gas chromatographic method NEQ ISO 8174-86
71.080.10 G15 GB/T 12702-1999 工业用丁二烯中特丁基邻苯二酚(TBC)的测定 高效液相色谱法 Butadiene for industrial use--Determination of tert-butyl-catechol(TBC)-High performance liquid chromatographic method EQV ISO 8176:1986
71.080.70 G15 GB/T 12717-1991 工业乙酸酯类试验方法 Test method of acetates for industrial use NEQ ISO 1386-83
71.040.40 G10 GB/T 12737-1991 化工产品中痕量硫酸盐测定的通用方法 还原滴定法 Chemical products for industrial use - General method for determination of traces of sulfate by reduction and titrimetry EQV ISO 6228-80
71.120 G95 GB/T 12783-2000 橡胶塑料机械产品型号编制方法 Editorial nominating method for the model designation of rubber and plastics machinery  
B72 GB/T 12901-1991 脂松节油 Gum turpentine  
B72 GB/T 12902-1991 松节油分析方法 Analytical methods of turpentine  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.080.15 G17 GB/T 13097-1991 工业环氧氯丙烷 Epichlorohydrin for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 12844-74
71.080.15 G17 GB/T 13098-1991 工业环氧乙烷 Ethylene oxide for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 7568-73
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 13171-1997 洗衣粉 Laundry powders  
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 13173.1-1991 洗涤剂样品分样方法 Method of sample division for detergents EQV ISO 607-80
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 13173.2-2000 洗涤剂中总活性物含量的测定 Determination of total active matter content in detergents  
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 13173.3-1991 洗涤剂中非离子表面活性剂含量的测定 (离子交换法) Determination of nonionic surface active agents in detergents - Ion exchange method NEQ JIS K3362-84
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 13173.4-1991 洗涤剂中各种磷酸盐的分离测定 (离子交换柱色谱法) Separation and determination of different forms of phosphate in detergents ion exchange column chromato-graphy NEQ ISO 3358-76
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 13173.5-1991 洗涤剂中甲苯磺酸盐含量的测定 Determination of toluenesulfonate content in detergents  
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 13173.6-1991 洗涤剂发泡力的测定 (Ross-Miles法) Determination of foaming power for synthetic detergents - Ross-Miles method NEQ ASTM D1173-80
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 13173.7-1993 肥p和洗涤剂中EDTA(螯合剂)含量的测定 滴定法 Soaps and detergents--Determination of EDTA (chelating agent)contend Titrimetric method NEQ ISO 4325-90
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 13174-1991 衣料用洗涤剂去污力的测定 Determination of detergency for laundry detergents  
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 13175-1991 粉状洗涤剂表观密度的测定 (给定体积称量法) Dtermination of apparent density of powdered detergeent - Method by measuring the mass of a given volume EQV ISO 697-81
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 13176.1-1991 洗衣粉白度的测定 Measurement of whiteness for powdered detergents  
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 13176.2-1991 洗衣粉中水分及挥发物含量的测定 (烘箱法) Determination of moisture and volatile matter contentin washing powders - Oven method  
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 13176.3-1991 洗衣粉中活性氧含量的测定 (滴定法) Washing powders - Determination of active oxygen content - Titrimetric method  
71.080.60 Y43 GB/T 13206-1991 甘油 Glycerines NEQ BS 2623-79
71.080.60 Y43 GB/T 13216.1-1991 甘油试验方法 桶装甘油取样方法 Test methods for glycerines - Method of sampling for glycerines in drums NEQ ISO 2096-72
71.080.60 Y43 GB/T 13216.2-1991 甘油试验方法 透明度的测定 Test methods for glycerines - Determination of transparent  
71.080.60 Y43 GB/T 13216.3-1991 甘油试验方法 气味的测定 Test methods for glycerines - Determination of odour  
71.080.60 Y43 GB/T 13216.4-1991 甘油试验方法 色泽的测定 (Hazen单位 铂-钴色度) Test methods for glycerines - Determination of color (Hazen unit-platinum-cobalt scale) NEQ ISO 2211-73
71.080.60 Y43 GB/T 13216.5-1991 甘油试验方法 20℃时密度的测定 Test methods for glycerines - Determination of density at 20℃ NEQ ISO 2099-72
71.080.60 Y43 GB/T 13216.6-1991 甘油试验方法 甘油含量的测定 Test methods for glycerines - Determination of glycerol content  
71.080.60 Y43 GB/T 13216.7-1991 甘油试验方法 氯化物的限量试验 Test methods for glycerines - Limit test for chloride  
71.080.60 Y43 GB/T 13216.8-1991 甘油试验方法 硫酸化灰分的测定 (重量法) Test methods for glycerines - Determination of sulphated ash - Gravimetric method NEQ ISO 1616-76
71.080.60 Y43 GB/T 13216.9-1991 甘油试验方法 酸度或碱度的测定 (滴定法) Test methods for glycerines - Determination of acidity or alkalinity - Titrimetric method NEQ ISO 1615-76
71.080.60 Y43 GB/T 13216.10-1991 甘油试验方法 p化当量的测定 Test methods for glycerines - Determination of saponification equivalent NEQ BS 5711/21-79
71.080.60 Y43 GB/T 13216.11-1991 甘油试验方法 砷的限量试验 Test methods for glycerines - Limit test for arsenic  
71.080.60 Y43 GB/T 13216.12-1991 甘油试验方法 重金属的限量试验 Test methods for glycerines - Limit test for heavy metal  
71.080.60 Y43 GB/T 13216.13-1991 甘油试验方法 还原性物质的试验 Test methods for glycerines - Test of reducing substances  
71.060.20 H65 GB/T 13219-1991 氧化钪 Scandium oxide  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 13224-1991 工业导爆索试验方法 Test methods for industrial detonating cord NEQ MIL C17124C-66
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 13225-1991 工业雷管延期时间测定方法 Determination of delay time of industrial detonator  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 13226-1991 工业雷管铅板试验方法 Lead plate test for industrial detonator  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 13227-1991 工业雷管浸水试验方法 Water-dipping test of industrial detonator  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 13228-1991 工业炸药爆速测定方法 Industrical explosive - Determination of detonation velocity  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 13229-1991 胶质硝化甘油炸药 Gelatinous nitroglycerine explosive  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 13230-1991 工业火雷管 Plain detonators  
71.080 G17 GB 13254-1991 工业己内酰胺 Caprolactam for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 7850-86
71.080 G17 GB/T 13255.1-1991 工业己内酰胺 50% 水溶液色度的测定 分光光度法 Caprolactam for industrial use - Determination of colourity of 50% aqueous caprolactam solution - Spectrometric method NEQ ISO 8112-84
71.080 G17 GB/T 13255.2-1991 工业己内酰胺 结晶点的测定 Caprolactam for industrial use?Determination of crystallizing point NEQ ISO 7060-82
71.080 G17 GB/T 13255.3-1991 工业己内酰胺 高锰酸钾吸收值的测定 分光光度法 Caprolactam for industrial use - Determination of permanganate absorbance - Spectrometric method NEQ ISO 8660-88
71.080 G17 GB/T 13255.4-1991 工业己内酰胺 挥发性碱含量的测定 蒸馏后滴定法 Caprolactam for industrial use - Determination of volatile bases content - Titrimetric method after distilla tion NEQ ISO 8661-88
71.080 G17 GB/T 13255.5-1991 工业己内酰胺 290nm 波长处吸光度的测定 Caprolactam for industrial use - Determination of absorbance at a wavelength of 290nm NEQ ISO 7059-82
71.080 G17 GB/T 13255.6-1991 工业己内酰胺 酸度或碱度的测定 Caprolactam for industrial use - Determination of acidity or alkalinity NEQ ГOCT 26743.5-85
71.080 G17 GB/T 13255.7-1991 工业己内酰胺 铁含量的测定 Caprolactam for industrial use - Determination of iron content EQV ГOCT 26743.4-85
71.080 G17 GB/T 13255.8-1991 工业己内酰胺 环己酮肟含量的测定 Caprolactam for industrial use - Determination of cyclohexanone oxime content NEQ ГOCT 26743.6-85
71.080 G16 GB/T 13289-1991 工业用乙烯液态和气态采样法 Ethylene for industrial use - Sampling in the liquid and the gaseous phase NEQ ISO 7382-86
71.080 G16 GB/T 13290-1991 工业用丙烯和丁二烯液态采样法 Propylene and butadiene for industrial use - Sampling in the liquid phase NEQ ISO 8563-87
71.080 G16 GB 13291-1991 工业用丁二烯 Butadiene for industrial use - Specification NEQ JIS K1533-85
71.080.10 G73 GB/T 13529-1992 乙氧基化烷基硫酸钠 Sodium ethoxylated alkyl sulfate  
71.080.10 G73 GB/T 13530.1-1992 乙氧基化烷基硫酸钠 总活性物含量的测定 Sodium ethoxylated alkyl sulfate?Determination of total active matter content EQV ISO 6842-89
71.080.10 G73 GB/T 13530.2-1992 乙氧基化烷基硫酸钠 未硫酸化物含量的测定 Sodium ethoxylated alkyl sulfate?Determination of unsulfated matter content NEQ ISO 8799-88
71.080.10 G73 GB/T 13530.3-1992 乙氧基化烷基硫酸钠 平均相对分子量的测定 Sodium ethoxylated alkyl sulfate - Determination of the mean relative molecular mass NEQ ISO 6843-88
71.100.70 Y42 GB/T 13531.1-2000 化妆品通用检验方法 pH值的测定 General methods on determination of cosmetics--Determination of pH  
71.100.70 Y42 GB/T 13531.2-1992 化妆品通用试验方法 色泽三刺激值和色差△E*的测定 General methods on determination of cosmetrics - Determination of colour tristimulus values and colour difference △E*  
71.100 Y42 GB/T 13531.3-1995 化妆品通用检验方法 浊度的测定 Generel methods on determination of cosmetries--Determination of cloudiness  
71.100.70 Y42 GB/T 13531.4-1995 化妆品通用检验方法 相对密度的测定 Generel methods on determination of cosmetrics--Determination relative density  
71.100 Y42 GB/T 13531.5-1995 化妆品通用检验方法 乙醚萃取法测定香水、古龙水和花露水中的香精 Generel methods on determination of cosmetrics--Determination of essence in perfume, cologne and toilet water by ether extraction with ethyl ether  
71.100.20 G09 GB 13548-1992 光气及光气化产品生产装置安全评价通则 General principle of safety assessment for phosgene and its products plant  
71.060.30 G11 GB/T 13549-1992 工业氯磺酸 Chlorsulphonic acid for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 2124-87
71.100.40 G75 GB/T 13550-1992 5A分子筛及其试验方法 Molecular sieve 5A and its determination  
71.120 Q76 GB/T 13554-1992 高效空气过滤器 High efficiency particulate air filter  
71.060.20 H65 GB/T 13558-1992 氧化镝 Dysprosium oxide  
71.120 G95 GB/T 13577-1992 开放式炼胶机炼塑机 Mill for rubber and plastics  
71.120 G95 GB/T 13578-1992 橡胶塑料压延机 Rubber and plactics calender  
71.120 G95 GB/T 13579-1992 轮胎定型硫化机 Tyre shaping and curing press  
71.100.20 C78 GB 13591-1992 溶解乙炔充装规定 Rules for the filling of dissolved acetylene  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 13648-1992 化学试剂 氨基酸测定通则 Chemical reagent - General rules for the determination of amino acids  
71.080.10 G32 GB/T 13658-1992 多亚甲基多苯基异氰酸脂 Polymethylene polyphenylene isocyanate  
71.120 J77 GB/T 13756-1992 三足式离心机型式和基本参数 Three-column centrifuge--Types and basic parameters  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 13889-1992 油气井用电雷管通用技术条件 General requirements of electric detonators for oil and gas well  
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 13892-1992 表面活性剂 碘值的测定 Surface active agents--Determination of iodine value NEQ ISO 3961-89
71.080.70 G32 GB/T 13941-1992 二苯基甲烷4,4'-二异氰酸酯 Diphenylmethane 4,4'-diisocyanate  
71.040.20 N04 GB/T 13966-1992 分析仪器术语 Analytical instrument--Vocabulary  
71.040.20 N53 GB/T 13971-1992 紫外线气体分析器技术条件 Specification of ultra-violet gas analyzers  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
B72 GB/T 14020-1992 氢化松香 Hydrogenated rosin  
B72 GB/T 14021-1992 马来松香 Maleated rosin  
71.080.60 B72 GB/T 14022.1-1992 工业糠醇 Technical furfurylalcohol  
71.080.60 B72 GB/T 14022.2-1992 工业糠醇试验方法 Technical furfurylalcohol test methods  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 14305-1993 化学试剂 环己烷 Chemical reagent--Cyclohexane NEQ ISO 6353/2-83
71.080.15 G18 GB/T 14326-1993 苯中二硫化碳含量的测定方法 Determination of carbon disulfide content in benzene  
71.080.15 G18 GB/T 14327-1993 苯中噻吩含量的测定方法 Determination of thiophene content in benzene  
71.100.70 Y40 GB/T 14448-1993 气雾剂产品的分类及术语 Classification and terms of aerosol products NEQ ASTM D 3064
71.100.70 Y40 GB/T 14449-1993 气雾剂产品测试方法 Test method for aerosol products NEQ ASTM D 3074
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14454.2-1993 香料 香气评定法 Aromatics--Method for valuation of odor  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14454.3-1993 香料 色泽检定法 Aromatics--Method for determination of colour  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14454.4-1993 香料 折光指数的测定 Aromatics--Determination of refractive index NEQ ISO 280-76
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14454.5-1993 香料 旋光度的测定 Aromatics--Determination of optical rotation NEQ ISO 592-81
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14454.6-1993 香料 蒸发后残留物含量的评估 Aromatics--Quantitative evaluation of residue on evaporation NEQ ISO 4715-78
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14454.7-1993 香料 冻点的测定 Aromatics--Determination of freezing point NEQ ISO 1041-73
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14454.8-1993 香料 桉叶素含量的测定 邻甲酚冻点法 Aromatics--Determination of cineol content--o-Cresol freezing point method NEQ ISO 1202-81(E)
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14454.9-1993 香料 黄樟油素含量的测定 冻点法 Aromatics--Determination of safrole content--Freezing point method  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14454.10-1993 香料 闪点的测定 闭口杯法 Aromatics--Determination of flash point--Closed cup method  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14454.11-1993 香料 含酚量的测定 Aromatics--Determination of phenol content EQV ISO 1272
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14454.12-1993 香料 微量氯测定法 Aromatics--Method for determination of trace chlorinated compounds  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14454.13-1993 香料 羰基化合物含量的测定 中性亚硫酸钠法 Aromatics--Determination of carbonyl compounds content--Neutral sodium sulfite method  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14454.14-1993 香料 标准溶液、试液和指示液的制备 Aromatics--Preparation of standard solution, test solution and indicator solution  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14454.15-1993 黄樟油 黄樟素和异黄樟素含量的测定 填充柱气相色谱法 Oil of sassafras--Determination of safrole and isosafrole content--Gas chromatographic method on packed columns NEQ ISO 7355-85(E)
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14454.16-1993 香料 羰值和羰基化合物含量的测定 盐酸羟胺法 Aromatics--Determination of carbonyl value and carbonyl compounds content--Hydroxylammonium chloride method  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14454.17-1993 香料 羰值和羰基化合物含量的测定 游离羟胺法 Aromatics--Determination of carbonyl value and carbonyl compounds content--Free hydroxylamine method  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14455.1-1993 精油 命名原则 Essential oils--Principles of nomenclature NEQ ISO 3218-76(E)
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14455.2-1993 精油 取样方法 Essential oils--Sampling IDT ISO 212-73
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14455.3-1993 精油 乙醇中溶混度的评估 Essential oils--Evaluation of miscibility in ethanol EQV ISO 875-81
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14455.4-1993 精油 相对密度的测定 Essential oils--Determination of relative density EQV ISO 279-1981
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14455.5-1993 精油 酸值的测定 Essential oils--Determination of acid value EQV ISO 1242-73
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14455.6-1993 精油 酯值的测定 Essential oils--Determination of ester value EQV ISO 709-80
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14455.7-1993 精油 乙酰化后酯值的测定和游离醇与总醇含量的评估 Essential oils--Determination of ester value after acetylation and evaluation of free alcohols and total alcohols content EQV ISO 1241-80
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14455.8-1993 精油 (含叔醇) 乙酰化后酯值的测定和游离醇含量的评估 Essential oils(containing tertiary alcohols)--Estimation of free alcohols content by determination of ester value after acetylation EQV ISO 3794-76
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14455.9-1993 精油 填充柱气相色谱分析 通用法 Essential oils--Analysis by gas Chromatography on packed columns--General method EQV ISO 7359-85
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14455.10-1993 精油 含难以p化酯类的精油酯值的测定 Essential oils--Determination of ester value of oils containing difficult-to-saponify esters NEQ ISO 7660-83(E)
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14457.1-1993 单离及合成香料 乙醇中溶解度测定法 Isolate and synthetic aroma chemicals--Method for determination of solubility in ethanol  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14457.2-1993 单离及合成香料 沸程测定法 Isolate and synthetic aroma chemicals--Method for determination of distillation range  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14457.3-1993 单离及合成香料 熔点测定法 Isolate and synthetic aroma chemicals--Method for determination of melting point  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14457.4-1993 单离及合成香料 酸值或含酸量的测定 Isolate and synthetic aroma chemicals--Determination of acid value of acid content  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14457.5-1993 单离及合成香料 含酯量的测定 Isolate and synthetic aroma chemicals--Determination of ester content  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14457.6-1993 单离及合成香料 伯醇或仲醇含量的测定 乙酰化法 Isolate and synthetic aroma chemicals--Determination of primary or secondary alcohols content by acetylation  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14457.7-1993 单离及合成香料 伯醇或仲醇含量的测定 乙酐吡啶法 Isolate and synthetic aroma chemicals--Determination of primary or secondary alcohols content by acetic anhydride-pyridine method  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14457.8-1993 单离及合成香料 叔醇含量的测定 氯乙酰-二甲基苯胺法 Isolate and synthetic aroma chemicals--Determination of tertiary content by acetyl chloride-dimethyl aniline method  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 14458-1993 香花浸膏检验方法 Method for inspection of flower concrete  
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 14491-2001 工业用环氧丙烷 Propylene oxide for industrial use NEQ ГOCT 23001:1988
71.100.30 G89 GB 14493-1993 工业炸药包装 Package of industrial explosive  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 14494-1993 叠氮化铅 - 三硝基间苯二酚铅共沉淀起爆药 lead azide and lead trinitroresorcinate coprecipitation primary explosives  
71.080.10 C65 GB 14544-1993 氯乙烯安全技术规程 Regulation of technical safety for vinyl chloride  
71.080.60 G16 GB/T 14571.1-1993 工业用乙二醇酸度的测定 滴定法 Ethylene glycol for industrial use--Determination of acidity--Titrimetric method NEQ ISO 2887-73
71.080.60 G16 GB/T 14571.2-1993 工业用乙二醇中二乙二醇和三乙二醇含量的测定 气相色谱法 Monoethylene glycol for industrial use--Determination of diethylene glycol and triethylene glycol--Gas chromatographic method NEQ ASTM E 611-77(87)
71.080.60 G16 GB/T 14571.3-1993 工业用乙二醇中醛含量的测定 分光光度法 Ethylene glycol for industrial use--Determination of content of total aldehydes present--Spectrophotometric method NEQ гoct 11096-86
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 14599-1993 高纯氧 purity oxygen  
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 14600-1993 电子工业用气体 氧化亚氮 Gases for electronic industry--Nitrous oxide  
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 14601-1993 电子工业用气体 高纯氨 Gases for electronic industry--High purity ammonia  
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 14602-1993 电子工业用气体 氯化氢 Gases for electronic industry--Hydrogen chloride  
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 14603-1993 电子工业用气体 三氟化硼 Gases for electronic industry--Boron trifluoride  
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 14604-1993 电子工业用气体 氧 Gases for electronic industry--Oxygen  
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 14605-1993 氧气中微量氩、氮和氪的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of trace argon, nitrogen and krypton in oxygen--Gas chromatographic method  
71.040 G04 GB/T 14666-1993 分析化学术语 Terms for analytical chemistry  
71.080 G15 GB/T 14827-1993 有机化工产品酸度、碱度的测定方法 容量法 Organic chemical products for industrial use--Test method for the determination of acidity and alkalinity--Volumetric method NEQ ISO 1393-77
71.040.40 G86 GB/T 14850-1993 气体分析词汇 Gas analysis--Vocabulary EQV ISO 7504-84
71.100.20 G87 GB/T 14851-1993 电子工业用气体 磷化氢 Gas for electronic industry--Phosphine NEQ SEMIC3 STD.6-88
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 14852-1993 气体中微量氧的测定 黄磷发光法 Determination of trace oxygen in gases--Phosphor chemiluminescence method  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.080.30 G17 GB/T 15045-1994 脂肪烷基二甲基叔胺 Fatty alkyl dimethyl tertiary amines  
71.100.40 G73 GB/T 15046-1994 脂肪酰二乙醇胺 Fatty diethanol amide  
71.100.60 Y41 GB/T 15068-1994 八角茴香油 Oil of star anise  
71.060.20 L90 GB/T 15154-1994 电子陶瓷用氧化铝粉体材料 Alumina powders for use in electron ceramics  
G17 GB/T 15243-1994 焦化粘油类产品密度测定方法 Viscous oil products of coal carbonization--Determination of density NEQ ASTM B390-80
71.040.30 G60 GB 15346-1994 化学试剂 包装及标志 Chemical reagent--Packaging and marking  
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 15347-1994 化学试剂 抗坏血酸 Chemical reagent--L-Ascorbic acid EQV ISO 6353-3-87
71.040.30 G65 GB/T 15348-1994 化学试剂 甲酚红 Chemical reagent--Cresol red  
71.040.30 G65 GB/T 15349-1994 化学试剂 溴甲酚绿 Chemical reagent--Bromocresol green  
71.040.30 G65 GB/T 15350-1994 化学试剂 间甲酚紫 Chemical reagent--m-Cresol purple  
71.040.30 G65 GB/T 15351-1994 化学试剂 苯酚红 Chemical reagent--Phenol red  
71.040.30 G65 GB/T 15352-1994 化学试剂 溴百里香酚蓝 Chemical reagent--Bromothymol blue  
71.040.30 G65 GB/T 15353-1994 化学试剂 百里香酚蓝 Chemical reagent--Thymol blue  
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 15354-1994 化学试剂 磷酸三丁酯 Chemical reagent--Tributyl phosphate  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 15355-1994 化学试剂 六水合氯化镍(氯化镍) Chemical reagent--Nickel chloride hexahydrate  
71.040.30 G60 GB/T 15356-1994 化学试剂 核苷酸测定通则 Chemical reagent--General rules for the determination of nucleotides  
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 15357-1994 表面活性剂和洗涤剂 旋转粘度计测定液体产品的粘度 Surface active agents and detergents--Determination of viscosity of liquid products using a rotational viscometer NEQ ISO 6388-89
71.040.20 N64 GB/T 15723-1995 实验室玻璃仪器 干燥器 Laboratory glassware--Desiccator  
71.040.20 N64 GB/T 15724.1-1995 实验室玻璃仪器 烧杯 Laboratory glassware--Beaker NEQ ISO 3819-1985
71.040.20 N64 GB/T 15724.2-1995 实验室玻璃仪器 锥形烧杯 Laboratory glassware--Conical beaker NEQ JIS R3105
71.040.20 N64 GB/T 15725.2-1995 实验室玻璃仪器 凯氏烧瓶 Laboratory glassware-Kjeldahl flask NEQ ΓOCT 10394
71.040.20 N64 GB/T 15725.3-1995 实验室玻璃仪器 广口烧瓶 Laboratory glassware-Flask(wide neck)  
71.040.20 N64 GB/T 15725.4-1995 实验室玻璃仪器 双口、三口球形圆底烧瓶 Laboratory glassware--Flask(multiple neck) EQV ISO 1773-1976
71.040.20 N64 GB/T 15725.5-1995 实验室玻璃仪器 蒸馏烧瓶和分馏烧瓶 Laboratory glassware--Distilling flask EQV ISO 1773-1976
71.040.20 N64 GB/T 15725.6-1995 实验室玻璃仪器 磨口烧瓶 Laboratory glassware--Ground flasks EQV ISO 1773-1976
71.040.20 N64 GB/T 15726-1995 玻璃仪器内应力检验方法 Glassware--stress examination methods  
71.040.20 N64 GB/T 15727-1995 实验室仪器玻璃热冲击试验方法((棒状法) Methods for thermal shock test of laboratory apparatus glass (stick method)  
71.040.20 N64 GB/T 15728-1995 玻璃耐沸腾盐酸浸蚀性的重量试验方法和分级 Glass--Resistance to attack by a boiling bydrochloric acid--gravimetric method of test and classification  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 15813-1995 烟花爆竹成型药剂 样品分离和粉碎 Formed composition for fireworks--Separating and crushing  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 15814.1-1995 烟花爆竹药剂 成分定性测定 Qualitative determination of the constituent of Reagent  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 15814.2-1995 烟花爆竹药剂 密度测定 Reagent of fireworks and firecracker--Measurement of density  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 15814.3-1995 烟花爆竹药剂 热相容性试验 差热分析或差示扫描热量热法 Reagent of fireworks and firecrackers--Thermal compatibility test--Method of DTA and DSC  
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 15815-1995 衣料洗涤剂性能比较试验 循环洗涤白棉对照布法 Comparative test of performance for laundry detergents--Cycle of washing unsoiled cotton control cloth procedure  
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 15816-1995 洗涤剂和肥p中总二氧化硅含量的测定 重量法 Determination of total silica content in detergents and soaps--Gravimetric method NEQ ISO 8215-1985
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 15817-1995 洗涤剂中无机硫酸盐含量的测定 重量法 Determination of mineral sulfate content in detergents--Gravimetric method NEQ ISO 8214-1985
71.100.40 G73 GB/T 15818-1995 阴离子和非离子表面活性剂 生物降解度试验方法 Testing method for biodegradability of anionic and nonionic surfactants EQV JIS K3363-1990
71.060.50 G77 GB 15892-1995 水处理剂 聚合氯化铝 Water treatment chemicals--Poly aluminium chloride NEQ JIS K1475-78
71.040.30 C63 GB/T 15894-1995 化学试剂 石油醚 Chemical reagent--Petroleum ether EQV ISO 6353/3-87 R73
71.040.30 C63 GB/T 15895-1995 化学试剂 1,2-二氯乙烷 Chemical reagent--1,2-Dichloroethane  
71.040.30 C63 GB/T 15896-1995 化学试剂 甲酸 Chemical reagent--Formic acid  
71.040.30 C62 GB/T 15897-1995 化学试剂 碳酸钙 Chemical reagent--Calcium carbonate EQV ISO 6353/3-87 R53
71.040.30 C62 GB/T 15898-1995 化学试剂 六水合硝(酸钴) Chemical reagent--Cobalt nitrate hexahydrate  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 15899-1995 化学试剂 一水合硫酸锰(硫酸锰) Chemical reagent--Manganese sulfate monohydrate  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 15900-1995 化学试剂 偏重亚硫酸钠(焦亚硫酸钠) Chemical reagent--Sodium pyrosulfite  
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 15901-1995 化学试剂 二水合氯化铜(氯化铜) Chemical reagent--Copper (U) chloride dihydrate  
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 15909-1995 电子工业用气体 硅烷(SiH4) Gas for electronic industry--Silane  
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 15916-1995 表面活性剂 螯合剂含量的测定 滴定法 Surface active agents--Determination of chelating agent content--Titrimetric method EQV ISO 4325-1990
71.100.40 G73 GB/T 15963-1995 十二烷基硫酸钠 Sodium lauryl sulfate  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.13-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 氯化铵量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of ammonium chloride content  
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 16451-1996 天然脂肪醇 Natural fatty alcohols  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16478.1-1996 硝酸钍化学分析方法 水溶解试验 Method for chemical analysis of thorium nitrate--Insoluble substance in water  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16478.2-1996 硝酸钍化学分析方法 钍量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of thorium nitrate--Determination of thorium content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16478.3-1996 硝酸钍化学分析方法 硫量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of thorium nitrate--Determination of sulphate content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16478.4-1996 硝酸钍化学分析方法 磷量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis fo thorium nitrate--Determination of phosphorus content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16478.5-1996 硝酸钍化学分析方法 氯量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of thorium nitrate--Determination of chlorine content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16478.6-1996 硝酸钍化学分析方法 铁量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of thorium nitrate--Determination of iron content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16478.7-1996 硝酸钍化学分析方法 钛量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of thorium nitrate--Determination of titanium content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16478.8-1996 硝酸钍化学分析方法 硅量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of thorium nitrate--Determination of silicon content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16478.9-1996 硝酸钍化学分析方法 铀量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of thorium nitrate--Determination of uranium content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16478.10-1996 硝酸钍化学分析方法 稀土总量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of thorium nitrate--Determination of total rare earth content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16478.11-1996 硝酸钍化学分析方法 铅量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of thorium nitrate--Determination of lead content  
71.060.50 H65 GB/T 16479-1996 碳酸稀土 Rare earth carbonate  
71.120 H14 GB/T 16480.3-1996 金属钇及氧化钇化学分析方法 氟量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of yttrium and yttrium oxide--Determination of fluorine content  
71.060.20 H65 GB/T 16482-1996 荧光级氧化钇铕 Yttrium-europium oxide-Phosphor grad  
71.100.01 G09 GB 16483-2000 化学品安全技术说明书 编写规定 General rules for preparation of chemical safety data sheet(CSDS) EQV ISO 11014-1:1994
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.1-1996 氧化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 氧化铈量的测定 Method for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of cerium oxide content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.2-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 氧化铕量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of europium oxide content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.3-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 氧化镧、氧化铈、氧化镨、氧化钕、氧化钐、氧化铕和氧化钇量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of lanthanum oxide,cerium oxide,praseodymium oxide,neodymiium oxide,samarium oxide,europium oxide and yttrium content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.4-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 氧化钍量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of thorium oxide content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.5-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 氯化稀土中氧化钡量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of barium oxide content in rare earth chloride  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.6-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 氧化钙量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of calcium oxide content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.7-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 氧化镁量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of magnesizcm oxide content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.8-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 氧化钠量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of sodium oxide content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.9-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 氧化镍量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of nichel oxide conten  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.10-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 氧化锰量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of manganese oxide content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.11-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 氧化铅量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of lead oxide content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.12-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 硫酸根量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of sulphate radicle content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.14-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 磷酸根量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of phosphorus radicle content  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.15-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 碳酸稀土中氯量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of chlorine content in rare earth carbonate  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.16-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 氯化稀土中水不溶物量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of water insoluble matter content in rare earth chloride  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.17-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 碳酸稀土中水分量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of water content in rare earth carbonate  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.18-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 碳酸稀土灼减量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and of rare earth carbonate carbonate--Determination of ignition loss content of rare earth carbonate  
71.060.50 H14 GB/T 16484.19-1996 氯化稀土、碳酸稀土化学分析方法 氧化稀土总量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth chloride and carbonate--Determination of total rare earth oxide contents  
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 16493-1996 化学试剂 二水合柠檬酸三钠(柠檬酸三钠) Chemical reagent--Trisodium citrate dihydrate  
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 16494-1996 化学试剂 二甲苯 Chemical reagent--Xylene  
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 16495-1996 化学试剂 2,2'-联吡啶 Chemical reagent 2,2'-Bipyridyl NEQ ISO 6353-3-1987 R49
71.040.30 G62 GB/T 16496-1996 化学试剂 硫酸钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium sulfate  
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 16497-1996 表面活性剂 油包水乳液稳定性试验方法 第1部分:油包水乳液贮藏稳定性的测定 烘箱法 Surface active agents--Test method for stability of water-in-oil emulsion--Part 1: Determination of storage stability of water-in-oil emulsion--Oven method EQV ASTM D3707-1989
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 16498-1996 表面活性剂 油包水乳液稳定性试验方法 第2部分: 油包水乳液贮藏稳定性的测定 低温至室温循环法 Surface active agents--Test method for stability of water-in-oil emulsion--Part 2: Determination of storage stability of water-in-oil emulsion--Low to ambient temperature cycling method EQV ASTM D 3709-1989
71.040.40 Q41 GB/T 16555.1-1996 碳化硅耐火材料化学分析方法 吸收重量法测定碳化硅量 Chemical analysis for silicon carbide refractories--Determination of silicon carbide--Absorb gravimetric method NEQ DIN 51075-1982
71.040.40 Q41 GB/T 16555.5-1996 碳化硅耐火材料化学分析方法 邻二氮杂菲光度法测定三氧化二铁量 Chemical analysis for silicon carbide refractories--Determination of ferric oxide--0-phenanthroline photometric method NEQ JIS R6124-1987
71.040.40 Q41 GB/T 16555.6-1996 碳化硅耐火材料化学分析方法 测定二氧化硅量? Chemical analysis for silicon carbide refractories--Determination of silicon dioxide NEQ STAS 9281/5-1974
71.080.60 G32 GB/T 16576-1996 三羟基聚醚多元醇 Tri-hydroxy polyether polyols  
71.080.60 G32 GB/T 16577-1996 四羟基醚多元醇 Tetra-hydroxy polyether polyols  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 16625-1996 地震堪探电雷管 Seismograph electric blasting cap  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 16626-1996 紫胶造粒K索今 Shellac granulated hexogen  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 16627-1996 二硝基重氮酚 Diazodinitrophenol  
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 16628-1996 K?D复盐起爆药 K?D double salt primary explosive  
71.040.40 G04 GB/T 16631-1996 柱液相色谱分析法通则 General rules for analytical methods of liquid column chromatography  
71.100.80 G76 GB/T 16632-1996 水处理剂阻垢性能的测定 碳酸钙沉积法 Determination of scale inhibition performance of water treatment agents--Calcium carbonate precipitation method  
71.040.40 G76 GB/T 16633-1996 工业循环冷却水中二氧化硅含量的测定 分光光度法 Industrial circulating cooling water Determination of silica--Spectrophotometric method NEQ ASTM D 859-1980
71.040.40 G76 GB/T 16634-1996 工业循环冷却水用磷锌预膜液中锌含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of zinc for phosphous-zinc prefilming fluid--Atomic absorption spectrometric method NEQ ISO 8288-86
71.040.40 G76 GB/T 16635-1996 工业循环冷却水用磷锌预膜液中钙含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of calcium for phosphorus-zinc prefilming fluid--Atomic absorption spectrometric method NEQ ISO 7980-1986
71.060.50 H65 GB/T 16661-1996 碳酸铈 Cerium carbonate  
71.040.20 F54 GB/T 16699-1996 放射免疫分析试剂盒的基本要求 Principal requirements for radioimmunoassay kits  
71.100.40 Y43 GB/T 16801-1997 织物调理剂抗静电性能的测定 Determination of antistatic performance for fabric conditioners  
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 16942-1997 电子工业用气体 氢 Gases for electronic industry--Hydrogen EQV SEMI C3.19:1993
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 16943-1997 电子工业用气体 氦 Gases for electronic industry--Helium IDT SEMI C3.20:1992(95版)
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 16944-1997 电子工业用气体 氮 Gases for electronic industry--Nitrogen IDT SEMI C3.28:1992(95版)
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 16945-1997 电子工业用气体 氩 Gases for electronic industry--Argon EQV SEMI C3.46:1993(95版)
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 16983-1997 化学试剂 二氯甲烷 Chemical reagent--Dichloromethane EQV ISO 6353-3:1987
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 17041-1997 表面活性剂 乙氧基化醇和烷基酚硫酸盐 活性物质总含量的测定 Surface active agents--Sulfated ethoxylated alcohols and alkylphenols--Determination of total active matter content IDT ISO 6842:1989
71.100.80 G77 GB 17514-1998 水处理剂 聚丙烯酰胺 Water treatment chemicals--Polyacrylamide NEQ 荷兰氰胺公司实物分析
71.060.01 G10 GB/T 17518-1998 化工产品中硅含量测定的通用方法 还原硅钼酸盐分光光度法 General method for determination of silicon content of chemical products--Reducted molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method IDT ISO 6382:1981
71.040.30 G63 GB/T 17521-1998 化学试剂 N,N-二甲基甲酰胺 Chemical reagent N,N-Dimethylformamide EQV ISO 6353-3-1987
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 17529.1-1998 工业丙烯酸 Acrylic acid for industrial use EQV ASTM D 4416-89
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 17529.2-1998 工业丙烯酸甲酯 Methyl Acrylate for industrial use EQV ASTM D 4709-93
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 17529.3-1998 工业丙烯酸乙酯 Ethyl acrylate for industrial use EQV ASTM D 3548-93
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 17529.4-1998 工业丙烯酸正丁酯 n-buthyl Acrylate for industrial use EQV ASTM D 3547-91
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 17529.5-1998 工业丙烯酸2-乙基己酯 2-ethylhexyl acrylate for industrial use EQV ASTM 3541-91
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 17530.1-1998 工业丙烯酸纯度的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of purity of industrial use acrylic acid by gas chromatography EQV YSTM 4290-01(1989)
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 17530.2-1998 工业丙烯酸酯纯度的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of purity of industrial use acrylate esters by gas chromatography EQV ASTM D 3362-93
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 17530.3-1998 工业丙烯酸及酯色度的测定 Acrylic acid and acrylate esters for industrial use-Determination of color EQV ASTM D 1209-93
71.080.60 G17 GB/T 17530.4-1998 工业丙烯酸酯酸度的测定 Acrylate esters for industrial use-Determination of acidity EQV ASTM D 1613-91
71.080 G17 GB/T 17530.5-1998 工业丙烯酸及酯中阻聚剂的测定 Acrylic acid and Acrylate esters for industrial use-Determination of monomethyl ether of Hydroquinone EQV ASTM D 3125-93
71.100.30 G89 GB/T 17582-1998 工业炸药分类和命名规则 Classification and rules of nomenclature for industrial explosives  
71.100.30 G89 GB 17583-1998 多孔粒状铵油炸药 Ammonium nitrate fuel oil explosive  
71.080.15 G17 GB 17602-1998 工业己烷 Commercial hexanes EQV ASTM D1836-91(1994)
71.100.40 G71 GB/T 17752-1999 汽车燃油节能添加剂试验评定方法 Test and evaluation methods on fuel-saving additives of auto-fuel  
71.100.40 G71 GB/T 17753-1999 汽车发动机润滑油节能添加剂试验评定方法 Test and evaluation methods on fuel-saving additives of Auto-Engine oil  
71.040.10 N64 GB/T 17764-1999 玻璃浮计式密度计的结构和校准原则 Principles of construction and adjustment of glass Hydrometers NEQ ISO 387:1977
71.080.10 G15 GB/T 17828-1999 工业用丁二烯中过氧化物含量的测定 滴定法 Butadiene for industrial use--Determination of peroxides--Titrimetric method IDT ASTM D5799:1995
71.100.40 C73 GB/T 17829-1999 聚乙氧基化脂肪醇 Polyethoxylated fatty alcohols  
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 17830-1999 聚乙氧基化非离子表面活性剂中聚乙二醇含量的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of polyethylene glycol in polyethoxylated nonionic surfactants by HPLC  
71.100.40 G72 GB/T 17831-1999 非离子表面活性剂 硫酸化灰分的测定(重量法) Non-ionic surface active agents--Determination of sulfated ash--Gravimetric method NEQ ISO 4322:1977
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 17873-1999 纯氖 Pure neon  
71.100.20 G86 GB/T 17874-1999 电子工业用气体 三氯化硼 Gases for electronic industry--Boron trichloride  
71.100 G17 GB/T 17931-1999 瓶级聚酯切片 Bottle grade polyester chip  
71.100 G17 GB/T 17932-1999 膜级聚酯切片 Film grade polyester chip  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
71.100.30 G89 GB 18094-2000 水胶炸药 Water gel explosive  
71.100.30 G89 GB 18095-2000 乳化炸药 Emulsion explosive  
71.100.30 G89 GB 18096-2000 煤矿许用电雷管可燃气安全度试验方法 Test method of safety of permissible electric-detonator in inflammable gas  
71.100.30 G89 GB 18097-2000 煤矿许用炸药可燃气安全度试验方法及判定 Test method and ajudgment of safety of permissible explosive in inflammable gas  
71.100.30 G89 GB 18098-2000 工业炸药爆炸后有毒气体含量的测定 Determination of the toxic gases formed by detonation of industrial explosives  
71.100.80 G76 GB/T 18175-2000 水处理剂缓蚀性能的测定 旋转挂片法 Determination of corrosion inhibition performance of water treatment agents--Rotation specimen method NEQ ASTM G 31:1995
71.040.01 N53 GB/T 18403.1-2001 气体分析器性能表示 第1部分: 总则 Expression of performance of gas analyzers Part 1: General EQV IEC 61207-1:1994
71.100.99 G25 GB 18416-2001 家用卫生杀虫用品 盘式蚊香 Domestic sanitary insecticide Mosquito coil incense  
71.100.99 G25 GB 18417-2001 家用卫生杀虫用品 电热片蚊香 Domestic sanitary insecticide Electrothermal mosquito tablet incense  
71.100.99 G25 GB 18418-2001 家用卫生杀虫用品 电热液体蚊香 Domestic sanitary insecticide Electrothermal mosquito liquid incense  
71.100.99 G25 GB 18419-2001 家用卫生杀虫用品 杀虫气雾剂 Domestic sanitary insecticide Spray insecticide  
71.100.20 G89 GB 18450-2001 民用K火药 Black powder forcivil use  
71.080.15 G15 GB/T 18589-2001 焦化产品蒸馏试验的气压补正方法 Correction of atmospheric pressure for distillation test of products of coal carbonization NEQ ASTM D850:1993
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合

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