
CSBTS GB ICS List 中国国家標準(GB,GB/T規格)
 ICS 67:食品技術 分野

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中国語名称を表示する場合は、ブラウザ(IE6等)の エンコード日本語(シフトJIS)とし、 日本語のフォントMS UI Gothic等に指定してください。
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.180.10 X31 GB 317-1998 白砂糖 White granulated sugar  
67.060 B22 GB 1350-1999 稻谷 Paddy  
67.060 B22 GB 1351-1999 小麦 Wheat  
67.060 B22 GB 1352-1986 大豆 Soybean  
67.060 B22 GB 1353-1999 玉米 Maize  
67.060 X11 GB 1354-1986 大米 Rice  
67.060 X11 GB 1355-1986 小麦粉 Wheat flour  
67.180.10 X31 GB 1445-2000 绵白糖 White soft sugar  
67.060 B33 GB/T 1532-1986 花生果 Peanut in shell  
67.060 X14 GB/T 1533-1986 花生仁 Peanut kernel  
67.060 X14 GB 1534-1986 花生油 Peanut oil  
67.060 X14 GB 1535-1986 大豆油 Soybean oil  
67.060 X14 GB 1536-1986 菜籽油 Rapeseed oil  
67.200 X14 GB 1537-1986 精炼棉籽油 Refined cottonseed oil  
67.220.20 X42 GB 1886-1992 食品添加剂 碳酸钠 Food additive--Sodium carbonate NEQ JSFA 5-86
67.220.20 X42 GB 1887-1998 食品添加剂 碳酸氢钠 Food additive sodium hydrogen carbonate EQV 美国食品药典FCC-1996
67.220.20 X42 GB 1888-1998 食品添加剂 碳酸氢铵 Food additive ammonium bicarbonate NEQ 美国食品药典FCC-1996
67.220.20 X42 GB 1889-1992 食品添加剂 磷酸氢钙 Food additive--Calcium monohydrogen phosphate NEQ FCC 3-81
67.220.20 X42 GB 1890-1989 食品添加剂 六偏磷酸钠 Food additive - Sodium hexametaphosphate  
67.220.20 X42 GB 1891-1996 食品添加剂 硝酸钠 Food additive--Sodium nitrate NEQ FCC-1983(V)
67.220.20 X42 GB 1892-1980 食品添加剂 硫酸钙 Food additive--Calcium sulfate  
67.220.20 X42 GB 1893-1998 食品添加剂 焦亚硫酸钠 Food additive Sodium metabisulphite EQV 日本食品JSFA-VI
67.220.20 X42 GB 1894-1992 食品添加剂 无水亚硫酸钠 Food additive--Anhydrous sodium sulphite NEQ JSFA 5-86
67.220.20 X42 GB 1895-1994 食品添加剂 硫酸铝钾(钾明矾) Food additive--Aluminum potassium sulfate NEQ FCC.3-81
67.220.20 X42 GB 1897-1995 食品添加剂 盐酸 Food additive--Hydrochloric acid  
67.220.20 X42 GB 1898-1996 食品添加剂 沉定碳酸钙 Food additive--Calcium carbonate precipitated EQV JSFA-V1
67.220.20 X42 GB/T 1900-1980 食品添加剂 2,6-二叔丁基对甲酚 (BHT) Food additive--2.6-ditertiary butyl-p-cresol  
67.220.20 X42 GB 1901-1994 食品添加剂 苯甲酸 Food additive--Benzoic acid  
67.220.20 X42 GB 1902-1994 食品添加剂 苯甲酸钠 Food additive--Sodium benzoate  
67.220.20 X42 GB 1903-1996 食品添加剂 冰乙酸(冰醋酸) Food additive--Glacial acetic acid EQV FAO.CXAS-79/92
67.220.20 X42 GB 1904-1989 食品添加剂 羧甲基纤维素钠 Food additive - Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose  
67.220.20 X42 GB 1905-2000 食品添加剂 山梨酸 Food additive--Sorbic acid EQV FCCIV(1996)
67.220.20 X42 GB 1907-1992 食品添加剂 亚硝酸钠 Food additive--Sodium nitrite NEQ JSFA 5-86
67.220.20 X42 GB 1916-1980 食品添加剂 叔丁基-4-羟基茴香醚 Food additive--Tertiary butyl-4-hydroxyl anisole  
67.220.20 X41 GB 1917-1994 食品添加剂 液体二氧化碳(发酵法) Food additive--Liquid carbon dioxide(from alcohol fermentation plant)  
67.220.20 X41 GB 1975-1980 食品添加剂 琼胶 Food additive--Agar  
67.220.20 X41 GB 1976-1980 食品添加剂 海藻酸钠 Food additive--Sodium alga acid  
67.220.20 X42 GB 1986-1989 食品添加剂 单硬脂酸甘油酯 (40%) Food additive - Glycerin monostearate (40%)  
67.220.20 X41 GB 1987-1986 食品添加剂 柠檬酸 Food additive--Citric acid  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.220.20 X41 GB 2023-1980 食品添加剂 乳酸 Food additive--Lactic acid  
67.220.20 X42 GB 2513-1987 食品添加剂 高锰酸钾 Food additive--Potassium permanganate NEQ JIS K1436-71
67.040 C53 GB 2707-1994 猪肉卫生标准 Hygienic standard for pork  
67.040 C53 GB 2708-1994 牛肉、羊肉、兔肉卫生标准 Hygienic standard of beef、mutton and rabbit meat  
67.040 C53 GB 2711-1998 非发酵性豆制品及面筋卫生标准 Hygienic standard for non-fermented bean products and gluten  
67.040 C53 GB 2712-1998 发酵性豆制品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for fermented bean products  
67.040 C53 GB 2713-1996 淀粉类制品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for starch products  
67.040 C53 GB 2714-1996 酱腌菜卫生标准 Hygienic standard for salted vegetables  
67.040;67. C53 GB 2715-1981 粮食卫生标准 Hygienic standard for grains  
C53 GB 2716-1988 食用植物油卫生标准 Hygienic standard of edible vegetable oil  
67.040 C53 GB 2717-1996 酱油卫生标准 Hygienic standard for soy sauce  
67.040 C53 GB 2718-1996 酱卫生标准 Hygienic standard for soybean paste  
67.040 C53 GB 2719-1996 食醋卫生标准 Hygienic standard of vinegar  
67.040 C53 GB 2720-1996 味精卫生标准 Hygienic standard for sodium glutamate  
67.040 C53 GB 2721-1996 食盐卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salt  
C53 GB 2725.1-1994 肉灌肠卫生标准 Hygicnic standard for the sausages  
67.040 C53 GB 2726-1996 酱卤肉类卫生标准 Hygienic standard for cooked meat  
C53 GB 2727-1994 烧烤肉卫生标准 Hygienic standard for the roasted meats  
C53 GB/T 2728-1981 肴肉卫生标准 Hygienic standard for Xiaorou (pork, special processed with salt and nitrite)  
C53 GB 2729-1994 肉松卫生标准 Hygienic Standard of dried meat fiber  
67.040 C53 GB 2730-1981 广式腊肉卫生标准 Hygienic standard of cured meat products of cantonese style  
C53 GB 2731-1988 火腿卫生标准 Hygienic standard of chinese ham  
67.120.20; C53 GB 2732-1988 板鸭(咸鸭)卫生标准 Hygienic standard of dry salted ducks  
C53 GB 2733-1994 海水鱼类卫生标准 Hygienic standard of sea fish  
C53 GB 2735-1994 头足类海产品卫生标准 Hygienic standard of cephalopod  
C53 GB 2736-1994 淡水鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard for fresh water  
C53 GB/T 2739-1981 湟鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard for Huangyu (Gymnocypris Przewalskii"Kessler")  
C53 GB 2740-1994 河虾卫生标准 Hygienic standard for shrimp  
C53 GB 2741-1994 海虾卫生标准 Hygienic standard for sea shrimp  
C53 GB 2742-1994 牡蛎卫生标准 Hygienic standard of oyster  
C53 GB 2743-1994 海蟹卫生标准 Hygienic standard of sea crab  
67.120.30 C53 GB 2744-1996 海水贝类卫生标准 Hygienic standard of sea shellfish  
67.100.10 X16 GB 2746-1999 酸牛乳 Yoghurt  
67.040 C53 GB 2748-1996 蛋卫生标准 Hygienic standard for eggs  
67.040 C53 GB 2749-1996 蛋制品卫生标准 Hygienic standards for egg products  
C53 GB 2757-1981 蒸馏酒及配制酒卫生标准 Hygienic standard for distilled liquor and formulated liquor  
C53 GB 2758-1981 发酵酒卫生标准 Hygienic standard for fermented liquor  
67.160.20 C53 GB 2759.2-1996 碳酸饮料卫生标准 Hygienic standard for carbonated drinks  
67.160.20 C53 GB 2759.1-1996 冷冻饮品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for freezing drinks  
67.220.20 C53 GB 2760-1996 食品添加剂使用卫生标准 Hygienic standards for uses of food additives  
67.040 C53 GB 2761-1981 食品中黄曲霉毒素B1允许量标准 Hygienic standard for tolerances of aflatoxin B1 in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 2762-1994 食品中汞限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of mercury in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 2763-1981 粮食、蔬菜等食品中六六六、滴滴涕残留量标准 Hygienic standards for BHC and DDT residues in grains,vegetables and other foods  
67.120 C53 GB/T 2795-1981 出口冻兔肉六六六、滴滴涕残留量检验方法 Methods of analysis for BHC and DDT residues in export rabbit meat  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.220.20 X42 GB 3149-1992 食品添加剂 磷酸 Food additive--Phosphoric acid NEQ JSFA 5-86
67.220.20 X42 GB 3150-1999 食品添加剂 硫磺 Food additive-Sulphur  
67.220.20 X42 GB 3263-1982 食品添加剂 没食子酸丙酯 Food additive--Propyl gallate  
C53 GB/T 3561-1989 食品包装用原纸卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of papers for food packaging  
67.220.20 X41 GB 3861-1983 食品添加剂 香兰素 Food additive--Vanillin  
67.220.20 X41 GB 3862-1983 食品添加剂 天然薄荷脑 Food additive--Natural menthol  
67.060 X28 GB/T 3865-1983 中式糕点质量检验方法 The quality examination methods of the Chinese pastry  
67.060 X28 GB/T 3866-1983 西式糕点质量检验方法 The quality examination methods of the western pastry  
67.260 X90 GB/T 3943-1983 圆孔和长孔筛片 Perforated plate with round and elongated apertures  
67.220.20 X44 GB 4349-1993 食品添加剂 丁酸乙酯 Food additive--Ethyl butyrate NEQ 美国FCCV
67.220.20 X42 GB 4479.1-1999 食品添加剂 苋菜红 Food additive--Amaranth NEQ 日本食品添加物公定书第6版:1992
67.220.20 X42 GB 4479.2-1996 食品添加剂 苋菜红铝色淀 Food additive--Amaranth aluminum lake EQV JSFA-V1-1994
67.220.20 X42 GB 4480.1-2001 食品添加剂 胭脂红 Food additive Ponceau 4R  
67.220.20 X42 GB 4480.2-2001 食品添加剂 胭脂红铝色淀 Food additive ponceau 4R Alaminum lake  
67.220.20 X42 GB 4481.1-1999 食品添加剂 柠檬黄 Food additive--Tartrazine NEQ 日本食品添加物公定书第6版:1992
67.220.20 X42 GB 4481.2-1999 食品添加剂 柠檬黄铝色淀 Food additive--Tartrazine aluminum lake NEQ 日本食品添加物公定书第6版:1992
67.220.20 X41 GB 4571-1996 食品添加剂 紫胶红色素 Food additive--Lac dye  
67.220.20 X42 GB 4578-1984 食品添加剂 糖精钠 Food additive--Saccharin sodium  
67.040 C53 GB 4788-1994 食品中甲拌磷、杀螟硫磷、倍硫磷最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of phorate, fenitrothion and fenthion in foods  
67.060 C53 GB/T 4790-1984 粮食中二溴乙烷残留量卫生标准及检验方法 The hygienic standard for the residue and analytical method of ethylene dibromide in grains  
67.040 C53 GB 4805-1994 食品罐头内壁环氧酚醛涂料卫生标准 Hygienic standard for epoxy phenolic resin coating for the internal lacquer of food cans  
C53 GB 4806.1-1994 食品用橡胶制品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for foodstuff rubber products  
C53 GB 4806.2-1994 橡胶奶嘴卫生标准 Hygienic standard for rubber nipple  
67.200 E42 GB 4853-1994 食品级白油 Food grade white oil  
67.220.20 X41 GB 4926-1985 食品添加剂 红曲米 Food additive--Red kojic rice  
67.160.10 X62 GB 4927-2001 啤酒 Beer  
67.160.10 X62 GB/T 4928-2001 啤酒分析方法 Method for analysis of beer  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.1-1996 食品卫生检验方法 理化部分 总则 Methods of food hygienic analysis--Physical and chemical section-- General principles  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.2-1985 食品的比重测定方法 Method for determination of specific gravity of foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.3-1985 食品中水分的测定方法 Method for determination of moisture in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.4-1985 食品中灰分的测定方法 Method for determination of ash in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.5-1985 食品中蛋白质的测定方法 Method for determination of protein in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.6-1985 食品中脂肪的测定方法 Method for determination of fat in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.7-1985 食品中还原糖的测定方法 Method for determination of reducing sugar in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.8-1985 食品中蔗糖的测定方法 Method for determination of saccharose in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.9-1985 食品中淀粉的测定方法 Method for determination of starch in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.10-1985 食品中粗纤维的测定方法 Method for determination of crude fiber in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.11-1996 食品中总砷的测定方法 Method for determination of total arsenic in food  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.12-1996 食品中铅的测定方法 Method for determination of lead in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.13-1996 食品中铜的测定方法 Method for determination of copper in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.14-1996 食品中锌的测定方法 Method for determination of zinc in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.15-1996 食品中镉的测定方法 Method for determination of cadmium in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.16-1996 食品中锡的测定方法 Method for determination of tin in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.17-1996 食品中总汞的测定方法 Method for determination of total mercury in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.18-1996 食品中氟的测定方法 Method for determination of fluorine in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.19-1996 食品中六六六、滴滴涕残留量的测定方法 Method for determination of BHC and DDT residues in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.20-1996 食品中有机磷农药残留量的测定方法 Method for defermination of organophosphorus pesticide residues in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.21-1996 粮、油、菜中西维因残留量的测定方法 Method for determination of carbarye (1-naphthyl N-methyl carbamate) residues in cereals,oils and vegetables  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.22-1996 食品中黄曲霉毒素B1的测定方法 Method for determination of aflatoxin B1 in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.23-1996 食品中黄曲霉毒素B1、B2、G1、G2的测定方法 Method for determination of aflatoxins B1,B2,C1,C2 in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.24-1996 食品中黄曲霉毒素M1与B1的测定方法 Method for determination of aflatoxions M1 and B1 in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.25-1996 食品中杂色曲霉素的测定方法 Method for determination of sterigmatocystin in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.26-1996 食品中N-亚硝胺类的测定方法 Method for determination of N-nitrosamines in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.27-1996 食品中苯并(a)芘的测定方法 Method for determination of benzo (a) pyrene in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.28-1996 食品中糖精钠的测定方法 Method for determination of saccharin sodium in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.29-1996 食品中山梨酸、苯甲酸的测定方法 Method for determination of sorbic acid and benzioc acid in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.30-1996 食品中叔丁基羟基茴香醚(BHA)与2,6-二叔丁基对甲酚(BHT)的测定方法 Method for determination of buty lated bydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.32-1996 油脂中没食子酸丙酯(PG)的测定方法 Method for determination of propylgallate in oils and fats  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.33-1996 食品中亚硝酸盐与硝酸盐的测定方法 Method for determination of nitrite and nitrate in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.34-1996 食品中亚硫酸盐的测定方法 Method for determination of sulphite in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.35-1996 食品中合成着色剂的测定方法 Method for determination of synthetic colour in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.36-1996 粮食卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of grain  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.37-1996 食用植物油卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of edible oils  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.38-1996 蔬菜、水果卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of vegetables and fruits  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.39-1996 酱油卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of soybean sauce  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.40-1996 酱卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard for thick sauce made from soya beans flouretc  
67.O40 C53 GB/T 5009.41-1996 食醋卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of vinegar  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.42-1996 食盐卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of table salt  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.43-1996 味精卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of monosodium glutamate  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.44-1996 肉与肉制品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of meat and meat products  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.45-1996 水产品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of fish and other aquatic products  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.46-1996 乳与乳制品卫生标准的分析方法 Method of analysis of hygienic standard of milk and milk products  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.47-1996 蛋与蛋制品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of egg and egg prodcts  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.48-1996 蒸馏酒及配制酒卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of distilled wines and mixed wines  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.49-1996 发酵酒卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of fermented wine  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.50-1996 冷饮食品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of cold drink and foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.51-1996 非发酵性豆制品及面筋卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of nonfermented bean products and gluten  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.52-1996 发酵性豆制品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of fermented bean product  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.53-1996 淀粉类制品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of product made by starch  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.54-1996 酱腌菜卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of picked vegetables  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.55-1996 食糖卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of sugars  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.56-1996 糕点卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of pastry  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.57-1996 茶叶卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of tea  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.58-1996 食品包装用聚乙烯树脂卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of polyethylene resin for food packaging  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.59-1996 食品包装用聚苯乙烯树脂卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of polystyrene resin for food packaging  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.60-1996 食品包装用聚乙烯、聚苯乙烯、聚丙烯成型品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of products of polyethylene, polystyrene and polypropyrene for food packaging  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.61-1996 食品包装用三聚氰胺成型品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of products of tripolycyanamide for food packaging  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.62-1996 陶瓷制食具容器卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of ceramics for food containers  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.63-1996 搪瓷制食具容器卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of enamel for food containers  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.64-1996 食品用橡胶垫片(圈)卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of rubber sheet (ring) for food use  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.65-1996 食品用高压锅密封圈卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of rubber sealing ring for pressure cooker for food use  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.66-1996 橡胶奶嘴卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of nipple of a feeding bottle  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.67-1996 食品包装用聚氯乙烯成型品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of product of polyvinyl chloride for food packaging  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.68-1996 食品容器内壁过氯乙烯涂料卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of perchorovinyl-coating for inner wall of food container  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.69-1996 食品罐头内壁环氧酚醛涂料卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of epoxy phenolic coatings for inner wall of food cans  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.70-1996 食品容器内壁聚酰胺环氧树脂涂料卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of epoxy coating for inner wall of food container  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.71-1996 食品包装用聚丙烯树脂卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of polypropyrene resin for food packaging  
67.040 C53 GB/T 5009.72-1996 铝制食具容器卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of aluminum-wares for food use  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.120.30 B52 GB/T 5055-1997 青鱼、草鱼、鲢、鳙 亲鱼 Parents fish of black carp,grass carp,silver carp and bighead carp  
67.040 C53 GB 5127-1998 食品中敌敌畏、乐果、马拉硫磷、对硫磷最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of dichlorphos,dimethoate,malathion,and parthion in food  
67.220.20 X42 GB 5175-2000 食品添加剂 氢氧化钠 Food additive--Sodium hydroxide EQV FCC IV(1996)
67.100.10 X16 GB 5408.1-1999 巴氏杀菌乳 Pasteurized milk  
67.100.10 X16 GB 5408.2-1999 灭菌乳 Sterilized milk  
67.100.10 X16 GB/T 5409-1985 牛乳检验方法 Analytical methods for milk  
67.100.10 X16 GB 5410-1999 全脂乳粉、脱脂乳粉、全脂加糖乳粉和调味乳粉 Whole milk powder,skimmed milk powder,sweetened whole milk powder and flavoured milk powder  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.1-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 蛋白质的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of protein  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.2-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 乳清蛋白的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of whey protein  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.3-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 脂肪的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of fat EQV IDF 9C:1987
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.4-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 亚油酸的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of linoleic acid content  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.5-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 乳糖、蔗糖和总糖的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of lactose, sucrose and total sugars contents  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.6-1997 婴幼儿配方食品 不溶性膳食纤维的测定 Formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of insoluble dietary fiber  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.7-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 灰分的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of ash  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.8-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 水分的测定 Milk powder and formula foods infant and young children--Determination of the water content IDT IDF 26A:1993
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.9-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 维生素A、D、E的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of vitamin A,D,E content  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.10-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 维生素1K的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of vitamine 1K content  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.11-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 维生素1B的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of vitamin 1B content  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.12-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 维生素2B的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of vitamin 2B content  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.13-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 维生素6B的测定 Milk powder and formula food for infant and young children--Determination of vitamine 6B content  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.14-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 维生素12B的测定 Milk powder and formula food for infant and young children--Determination of vitamin 12B activity  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.15-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 烟酸和烟酰胺的测定 Wilk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of vitamin pp content  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.16-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 叶酸(叶酸盐活性)的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of folic acid(folate activity)  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.17-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 泛酸的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of pantothenic acid  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.18-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 维生素C的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of vitamin C content  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.19-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 游离生物素的测定(微生物法) Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of free biotin content(Microbiolicat method)  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.20-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 胆碱的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of choline  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.21-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 钙、铁、锌、钠、钾、镁、铜和锰的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of calcium,iron zinc,sodium,potassium,magnesium copper and manganese  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.22-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 磷的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of phosphorus  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.23-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 碘的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of iodine content  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.24-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 氯的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of chlorine  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.25-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 肌醇的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of inositol  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.26-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 牛磺酸的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of taurine content  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.27-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 DHA和EPA的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of DHA and EPA contents  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.28-1997 乳粉 滴定酸度的测定 Milk powder--Determination of titratable acidity  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.29-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 溶解性的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for inant and young children--Determination of solubility  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.30-1997 乳与乳粉 杂质度的测定 Milk and milk powder--Determination of impurities  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.31-1997 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 脲酶的定性检验 Milk powder and formula formula foods for infant and young children--Qualitative detection of urease  
67.100.10 X82 GB/T 5413.32-1997 乳粉 硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐的测定 Mild powder--Determination of nitrate and nitrite contents  
67.100.20 X16 GB/T 5414-1985 稀奶油 Cream  
67.100.20 X16 GB 5415-1999 奶油 Butter NEQ CAC/Codex Stan A-1:1971
67.100.20 X16 GB/T 5416-1985 奶油检验方法 Analytical methods for butter  
67.100.10 X16 GB 5417-1999 全脂无糖炼乳和全脂加糖炼乳 Evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk NEQ CAC/Codex Stan A-3,-4:1997
67.100.10 X16 GB/T 5418-1985 全脂加糖炼乳检验方法 Analytical methods for sweetened condensed whole milk  
67.220.20 X38 GB 5461-2000 食用盐 Edible salt NEQ гOCT 13830:1984
67.040 X10 GB/T 5490-1985 粮食、油料及植物油脂检验 一般规则 General rules of inspectiog grain, oilseeds and vegetable oils  
67.040 X10 GB 5491-1985 粮食、油料检验 扦样、分样法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for samplingand sample reduction  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5492-1985 粮食、油料检验 色泽、气味、口味鉴定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for identification of colour,odour and taste  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5493-1985 粮食、油料检验 类型及互混检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of varieties and their mixture  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5494-1985 粮食、油料检验 杂质、不完善粒检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of foreign matter and unsound kernels  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5495-1985 粮食、油料检验 稻谷出糙率检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of unpolished rice yield of paddy  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5496-1985 粮食、油料检验 黄粒米及裂纹粒检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of yellow-coloured rice and cracked kernels  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5497-1985 粮食、油料检验 水分测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of moisture content  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5498-1985 粮食、油料检验 容重测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of test weight  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5499-1985 粮食、油料检验 带壳油料纯仁率检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of pure kernel yield of unhulled oilseeds  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.040 X10 GB/T 5500-1985 粮食、油料检验 甘薯片纯质率检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of purity rate of sweet potato flakes  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5501-1985 粮食、油料检验 鲜薯检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for inspection of fresh sweet potato  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5502-1985 粮食、油料检验 米类加工精度检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of processing degrees of rice and other grainkernels  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5503-1985 粮食、油料检验 碎米检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of broken rice  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5504-1985 粮食、油料检验 小麦粉加工精度检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of processing degree of wheat flour  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5505-1985 粮食、油料检验 灰分测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of ash content  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5506-1985 粮食、油料检验 面筋测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of gluten  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5507-1985 粮食、油料检验 粉类粗细度测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of fineness degree of flours  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5508-1985 粮食、油料检验 粉类含砂量测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of sand content of flours  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5509-1985 粮食、油料检验 粉类磁性金属物测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of magnetic metals content of flours  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5510-1985 粮食、油料检验 脂肪酸值测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of fatty acid value of flours  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5511-1985 粮食、油料检验 粗蛋白质测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of crude protein  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5512-1985 粮食、油料检验 粗脂肪测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of crude fat  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5513-1985 粮食、油料检验 还原糖和非还原糖测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of reduced sugar and non-reduced sugar  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5514-1985 粮食、油料检验 淀粉测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of starch  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5515-1985 粮食、油料检验 粗纤维素测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of grude fibre  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5516-1985 粮食、油料检验 粮食粘度测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of viscosity of grain  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5517-1985 粮食、油料检验 粮食酸度测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of acidity of grain  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5518-1985 粮食、油料检验 粮食比重测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of specific gravity of grain  
67.040 B20 GB/T 5519-1988 粮食和油料千粒重的测定法 Cereals and oilseeds method for determination of the mass of 1000 grains NEQ ISO 520-77
67.040 X10 GB/T 5520-1985 粮食、油料检验 种子发芽试验 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Germination test of seeds  
67.060 B20 GB/T 5521-1989 谷物和谷物产品α-淀粉酶活性的测定 比色法 Method for determination of alpha-amylase activity in cereal and cereal products - Colorimetric method EQV ISO 3983-77
67.040 X10 GB/T 5522-1985 粮食、油料检验 过氧化氢酶活动度测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of hydrogen peroxidase activity  
67.040 X10 GB/T 5523-1985 粮食、油料检验 脂肪酶活动度测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of lipase activity  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 5524-1985 植物油脂检验 扦样、分样法 Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for sampling and sample reduction  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 5525-1985 植物油脂检验 透明度、色泽、气味、滋味鉴定法 Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for identification of transparency,colour,odour and taste  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 5526-1985 植物油脂检验 比重测定法 Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for determination of specific gravity  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 5527-1985 植物油脂检验 折光指数测定法 Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for determination of refractive index  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 5528-1995 植物油脂水分及挥废物含量测定法 Method for determination of moisture and volatile matlen invegetable oil and fat  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 5529-1985 植物油脂检验 杂质测定法 Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for determination of foreign matter  
67.200 X14 GB/T 5530-1998 动植物油脂 酸价和酸度的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils--Determination of acid value and of acidity EQV ISO 660-1983
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 5531-1985 植物油脂检验 加热试验 Inspection of vegetable oils--Heating test  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 5532-1995 植物油碘价测定 Vegetable oils--Determination of iodine value NEQ ISO 3961-1989
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 5533-1985 植物油脂检验 含p量测定法 Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for determination of saponified matter content  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 5534-1995 动植物油脂p化值的测定 Animal and vegetable oils and fats--Determination of saponification value IDT ISO 3657-1988(E)
67.200 X14 GB/T 5535.1-1998 动植物油脂 不p化物测定 第一部分: 乙醚提取法(第一方法) Animal and vegetable fats and oils--Determination of unsaponifiable matter Part 1: Method using diethyl ether extraction (Reference method) EQV ISO 3596-1:1988
67.200 X14 GB/T 5535.2-1998 动植物油脂 不p化物测定 第二部分: 己烷提取快速法 Animal and vegetable fats and oils--Determination of unsaponifiable matter Part 2: Rapid method using hexane extraction EQV ISO 3596-2:1988
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 5536-1985 植物油脂检验 熔点测定法 Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for determination of melting point  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 5537-1985 植物油脂检验 磷脂测定法 Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for determination of phosphatide  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 5538-1995 油脂过氧化值测定 Oils and fats--Determination of peroxide value EQV ISO 3960-1977
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 5539-1985 植物油脂检验 油脂定性试验 Inspection of vegetable oils--Qualitative test of oils  
67.080.10 B31 GB/T 5835-1986 红枣 Dried red jujubes  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.080.20 B39 GB/T 6192-1986 K木耳 Jew's-ear fungus  
67.080 B31 GB/T 6194-1986 水果、蔬菜可溶性糖测定法 Determination of soluble sugar in vegetable and fruit  
67.080 B31 GB/T 6195-1986 水果、蔬菜维生素C含量测定法 (2,6-二氯靛酚滴定法) Determination of vitamin C in vegetables and fruits(2,6-dichloro indophenol titration method)  
67.220.20 X42 GB 6226-1986 食品添加剂 乳酸钙 Food additive--Calcium lactate  
67.220.20 X42 GB 6227.1-1999 食品添加剂 日落黄 Food additive--Sunset yellow NEQ 《日本食品添加物公定书》第6版:1
67.220.20? X42 GB 6227.2-1995 食品添加剂 日落黄铝色淀 Food additive--Sunset yellow aluminum lake  
67.220.20 X41 GB 6772-1986 食品添加剂 冷磨柠檬油 Food additive--Lemon oil,cold pressed NEQ ISO 855-81
67.220.20 X42 GB 6776-1986 食品添加剂 乙酸异戊酯 Food additive--Isoamyl acetate NEQ EOA 110-79
67.220.20 X41 GB 6779-1986 食品添加剂 茉莉浸膏 Food additive--Jasmine concrete  
67.220.20 X41 GB 6780-1986 食品添加剂 桂花浸膏 Food additive--Osmanthus concrete  
67.220.20 X42 GB 6781-1986 食品添加剂 乳酸亚铁 Food additive--Ferrous lactate  
67.220.20 X41 GB 6782-1986 食品添加剂 柠檬酸钠 Food additive--Sodium citrate  
67.220.20 X40 GB 6783-1994 食品添加剂 明胶 Food additive--Gelatine  
67.100.10 X16 GB/T 6914-1986 生鲜牛乳收购标准 Standards for the qualifications of raw and fresh milk received from farms  
67.040 C53 GB 7096-1996 干食用菌卫生标准 Hygienic standard for dried edible fungi  
67.040 C53 GB 7098-1996 食用菌罐头卫生标准 Hygienic standard for canned edible fungi  
67.060 C53 GB 7099-1998 糕点面包卫生标准 Hygienic standard for pastry and bread  
67.040 C53 GB/T 7100-1986 糕点、饼干、面包卫生标准 Hygienic standard for pastry, biscouit and bread  
67.160 C53 GB 7101-1994 固体饮料卫生标准 Hygienic standard of solid drink  
67.200.10 C53 GB 7102.1-1994 食用植物油煎炸过程中的卫生标准 Hygienic standard for edible vegetable oils used in frying food  
67.040 C53 GB/T 7102.2-1994 食用植物油煎炸过程中的极性组分(PC)的测定方法 Method for determination of polar compouds in edible vegetable oils used in frying food  
67.160.10 C53 GB/T 7103-1986 汽酒卫生标准 Hygienic standard for light sparkling wine  
67.120 C53 GB 7104-1994 食品中苯并(a)芘限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of benzo(a) pyrene in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 7105-1986 食品容器过氯乙烯内壁涂料卫生标准 The sanitary specifications of perchloravinyl interior coatings for food container  
67.060 B22 GB/T 7416-2000 啤酒大麦 Malting Barley  
67.060 B20 GB/T 7628-1987 谷物维生素B1测定方法 Method for the determination of vitamin B1 in cereals  
67.060 B20 GB/T 7629-1987 谷物维生素B2测定方法 Method for the determination of vitamin B2 in cereals  
67.060 B20 GB/T 7630-1987 大米、小麦中氧化稀土总量的测定 三溴偶氮胂分光光度法 The tribromoarsenazo photometric method for the determination of rare earth oxide content in rice and wheat  
67.220.10 B36 GB/T 7652-1987 八角 Star anise  
67.220.20 X42 GB 7655.1-1996 食品添加剂 亮蓝 Food additive--Brilliant blue EQV JSFA-V1-1994
67.220.20 X42 GB 7655.2-1996 食品添加剂 亮蓝铝色淀 Food additive--Brilliant blue aluminum lake EQV JSFA-V1-1986
67.220.20 X41 GB 7657-1987 食品添加剂 D葡萄糖酸δ内酯 Food additive--Glucono delta lactone EQV FCC 3-81
67.220.20 X41 GB 7658-1987 食品添加剂 山梨糖醇液 Food additive--D-sorbitol solution  
67.260 B90 GB/T 7682-1987 牛奶分离器型式和基本参数 Types and basic parameters for the milk separator NEQ ΓOCT 18113-1983
67.040 X04 GB 7718-1994 食品标签通用标准 General standard for the labelling of foods NEQ CODEX STAN 1-91
67.120.10 B45 GB/T 7740-1987 出口肠衣 Casings for export  
67.120.10 B45 GB/T 7741-1987 出口盐渍肠衣检验方法 Method of inspection for export salted casings  
67.220.10 X66 GB/T 7900-1987 白胡椒 White pepper IDT ISO 927-80
67.220.10 X66 GB/T 7901-1987 K胡椒 Black pepper IDT ISO 928-80
67.220.20 X42 GB 7912-1987 食品添加剂 桅子黄(粉末、浸膏) Food additive--Gardenia yellow,crocin  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.020 Y20 GB 8058-1987 陶瓷烹调器铅、镉溶出量允许极限和检测方法 Standard permissible limits and testing method for release of lead or cadmium from ceramic cookware EQV ISO 8391/1.2-86
67.080.10 B31 GB/T 8210-1987 出口柑桔鲜果检验方法 Method of inspection for export citrus fruit  
67.060 B22 GB/T 8231-1987 高粱 Sorghum  
67.060 B22 GB/T 8232-1987 粟(谷子) Millet in husk  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 8233-1987 芝麻油 Sesame oil  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 8234-1987 蓖麻籽油 Castor oil  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 8235-1987 亚麻籽油 Linseea oil  
67.220.10 X69 GB/T 8269-1998 柠檬酸 Citric acid NEQ 英国药典BP-93版
67.220.20 X41 GB 8270-1999 食品添加剂 甜菊糖甙 Food additive--Steviosides NEQ 日本食品添加剂协会
67.220.20 X42 GB 8272-1987 食品添加剂 蔗糖脂肪酸酯 Food additive--Sucrose fatty acid ester  
67.220.20 X42 GB 8273-1987 食品添加剂 D-异抗坏血酸钠 Food additive--Sodium D-isoascorbate  
67.220.20 X41 GB 8275-1987 食品添加剂 α-淀粉酶制剂 Food additive--α-Amylase preperation  
67.220.20 X41 GB 8276-1987 食品添加剂 糖化酶制剂 Food additive--Glucoamylase preperation  
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 8302-1987 茶 取样 Tea--Sampling  
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 8303-1987 茶 磨碎试样的制备及其干物质含量测定 Tea--Preparation of ground sample and determination of dry matter content EQV ISO 1572-80
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 8304-1987 茶 水分测定 Tea--Determination of moisture content EQV ISO 1573-80
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 8305-1987 茶 水浸出物测定 Tea--Determination of water extracts content EQV ISO 1574-80
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 8306-1987 茶 总灰分测定 Tea--Determination of total ash content EQV ISO 1575-80
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 8307-1987 茶 水溶性灰分和水不溶性灰分测定 Tea--Determination of water-soluble ash and water-insoluble ash content EQV ISO 1576-75
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 8308-1987 茶 酸不溶性灰分测定 Tea--Determination of acid-insoluble ash content EQV ISO 1577-80
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 8309-1987 茶 水溶性灰分碱度测定 Tea--Determination of alkalinity of water-soluble ash content EQV ISO 1578-75
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 8310-1987 茶 粗纤维测定 Tea--Determination of crude fibre content EQV ISO 3720-81
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 8311-1987 茶 粉末和碎茶含量测定 Tea--Determination of dust and broken tea content  
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 8312-1987 茶 咖啡碱测定 Tea--Determination of caffeine content  
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 8313-1987 茶 茶多酚测定 Tea--Determination of tea polyphenols content  
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 8314-1987 茶 游离氨基酸测定 Tea--Determination of free amino acids content  
67.220.20 X44 GB 8315-1987 食品添加剂 己酸乙酯 Food additive--Ethyl hexanoate EQV FCC 3-81
67.220.20 X44 GB 8317-1987 食品添加剂 乳酸乙酯 Food additive--Ethyl lactate EQV FCC 3-81
67.220.20 X44 GB 8318-1987 食品添加剂 生姜油 (蒸馏) Food additive--Oil of ginger (distilled) NEQ EOA 13
67.220.20 X44 GB 8319-1987 食品添加剂 亚洲薄菏素油 Food additive--Oil of mentha arvensis, partially dementholized  
67.220.20 X40 GB/T 8449-1987 食品添加剂中铅的测定方法 Method for determination of lead in food additives  
67.220.20 X40 GB/T 8450-1987 食品添加剂中砷的测定方法 Method for determination of arsenic in food additives  
67.220.20 X40 GB/T 8451-1987 食品添加剂中重金属限量试验法 Method for limit test of heavy metals in food additives  
67.160.20 X50 GB 8537-1995 饮用天然矿泉水 Drinking natural mineral water  
67.160.20 X50 GB/T 8538-1995 饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 Methods for examination of drinking natural mineral water  
67.040 B31 GB/T 8559-1987 苹果冷藏技术 Apples--Guide to cold storage  
67.060 X11 GB/T 8607-1988 高筋小麦粉 High gluten wheat flour  
67.060 X11 GB/T 8608-1988 低筋小麦粉 Low gluten wheat flour  
67.060 X11 GB/T 8609-1988 发酵业用甘薯片 Sweet potato flakes for fermentation industry  
67.060 X11 GB/T 8610-1988 淀粉业用甘薯片 Sweet potato flakes for starch industry  
67.060 X11 GB/T 8611-1988 油脂业用大豆 Soybean for oil and fat industry  
67.060 X11 GB/T 8612-1988 豆制食品业用大豆 Soybean for soybean industry  
67.060 B22 GB/T 8613-1999 淀粉发酵工业用玉米 Maize for starch fermentation industry  
67.060 X11 GB/T 8614-1988 发酵业用玉米 Maize for fermentation industy  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 8615-1988 浓香花生油 Superfine fragrant peanut oil  
67.220.20 X35 GB/T 8618-2001 制盐工业主要产品取样方法 The sampling methods of the main products in the salt industry  
67.060 X11 GB/T 8622-1988 大豆制品中尿素酶活性测定方法 Method for the determination of urease activity in soya bean products IDT ISO 5506-78
67.260 X91 GB/T 8697-1988 粮食初清筛试验方法 Testing methods for grain pre-cleaning machine NEQ ISO 2395-72
67.220.20 X41 GB 8816-1988 食品添加剂 异构化乳糖液 Food additive--Lactulose liquid  
67.220.20 X41 GB 8817-2001 食品添加剂 焦糖色(亚硫酸铵法、氨法、普通法) Food additive Caramel  
67.220.20 X41 GB 8818-1988 食品添加剂 可可壳色素 Food additive--Cacao pigment  
67.220.20 X42 GB 8820-1988 食品添加剂 葡萄糖酸锌 Food additive--Zinc gluconate  
67.220.20 X42 GB 8821-1988 食品添加剂 β-胡萝卜素 Food additive--β-carotene  
67.220.20 X42 GB 8850-1988 食品添加剂 对羟基苯甲酸乙酯 Food additive--Ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate  
67.220.20 X42 GB 8851-1988 食品添加剂 对羟基苯甲酸丙酯 Food additive--Propyl p-hydroxybenzoate  
67.080.20 X26 GB/T 8853-1988 番茄冷藏技术 Cold storage technique of tomatos NEQ ISO 5524-77
67.080.20 B31 GB/T 8854-1988 蔬菜名称 ㈠ Vegetables--Nomenclature--First list NEQ ISO 1991/1-82
67.080 B31 GB/T 8855-1988 新鲜水果和蔬菜的取样方法 Fresh fruits and vegetables--Sampling EQV ISO 874-80
67.080 B31 GB/T 8856-1988 水果、蔬菜产品粗蛋白质的测定方法 Method for determination of crude protein in fruit and vegetable products NEQ ISO 1871-75
67.080 B31 GB/T 8857-1988 水果、蔬菜产品的总灰分及总灰分和水溶性灰分的碱度测定方法 Method for determination of total ash and of alkalinity of total ash and water-soluble ash in fruit and vegetable products NEQ ISO 5520-81
67.080 B31 GB/T 8858-1988 水果、蔬菜产品中干物质和水分含量的测定方法 Method for determination of dry matter and water content in fruit and vegetable products NEQ ISO 1026-82
67.080.20 X26 GB/T 8867-2001 蒜苔简易气调冷藏技术 Simple controlled atmospheres cold storage technique of garlic bolt  
67.260 X04 GB/T 8872-1988 制粉工业名词术语 Terminology of flour milling industry  
67.040 X04 GB/T 8873-1988 油脂工业名词术语 Terminology of oils and fats industry  
67.040 X90 GB/T 8874-1988 粮油通用技术、设备名词术语 General terms of technology and equipment for grain and oil industry  
67.040 X04 GB/T 8875-1988 碾米工业名词术语 Terminology of rice milling industry  
67.060 X11 GB/T 8883-1988 食用小麦淀粉 Edible wheat starch  
67.060 X11 GB/T 8884-1988 食用马铃薯淀粉 Edible potato starch  
67.060 X11 GB/T 8885-1988 食用玉米淀粉 Edible corn starch  
67.180.20 X11 GB/T 8886-1988 淀粉原料 Raw material of starch  
67.180.20 X11 GB/T 8887-1988 淀粉分类 Classification of starch  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 8935-1988 工业用猪油 Lard for industrial use  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 8937-1988 食用猪油 Edible lard  
67.040 C53 GB 8950-1988 罐头厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of cannery  
67.040 C53 GB 8951-1988 白酒厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of liquor factory  
67.040 C53 GB 8952-1988 啤酒厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of beer factory  
67.040 C53 GB 8953-1988 酱油厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of soy sauce factory  
67.040 C53 GB 8954-1988 食醋厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of vinegar factory  
67.040 C53 GB 8955-1988 食用植物油厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of edible vegetable oils factory  
67.040 C53 GB 8956-1988 蜜饯厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of candied fruit factory  
67.040 C53 GB 8957-1988 糕点厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of pastry factory  
67.220.10 X66 GB/T 8967-2000 谷氨酸钠(99%味精) Monosodium L-glutamate(99% Wei jing) NEQ 日本食添加物公定书94
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 9172-1988 花茶级型坯 Grades of basket-fired green tea for scenting  
67.180.10 X30 GB/T 9289-1988 制糖工业术语 Terminology in sugar industry  
67.120.30 C53 GB 9674-1988 海产食品中多氯联苯限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of polychlorobiphenyls(PCBs) in marine foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 9675-1988 海产食品中多氯联苯的测定方法 Method for determination of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs)in marine foods  
67.100 C53 GB 9676-1988 牛乳及其制品中黄曲霉毒素M1限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of aflatoxin M1 in milk and milk products  
67.040 C53 GB 9677-1998 食品中N-亚硝胺限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of N-nitrosoamines in foods  
67.180 C53 GB 9678.1-1994 糖果卫生标准 Hygienic standard for candy  
67.140.30 C53 GB 9678.2-1994 巧克力卫生标准 Hygienic standard for chocolate  
67.140.10 C53 GB 9679-1988 茶叶卫生标准 Hygienic standard for tea  
67.040 C53 GB 9680-1988 食品容器漆酚涂料卫生标准 Hygienic standard of phenol lacquer for food container  
67.040 C53 GB 9681-1988 食品包装用聚氯乙烯成型品卫生标准 Hygienic standard of products of polyvinyl chloride for food packaging  
67.040 C53 GB 9682-1988 食品罐头内壁脱模涂料卫生标准 Hygienic standard for internal coating of food cans  
67.040 C53 GB 9683-1988 复合食品包装袋卫生标准 Hygienic standard for composite laminated food packaging bag  
67.040 C53 GB 9684-1988 不锈钢食具容器卫生标准 Hygienic standard for stainless steel food containers and table wares  
67.040 C53 GB 9685-1994 食品容器、包装材料用助剂使用卫生标准 Hygienic standard for adjuvants and processing aids in food containers and packaging materials  
67.040 C53 GB 9686-1988 食品容器内壁聚酰胺环氧树脂涂料卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polyamide epoxy resin used as internal coating of food container  
67.040 C53 GB 9687-1988 食品包装用聚乙烯成型品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polyethylene products used as food containers and tablewares  
67.040 C53 GB 9688-1988 食品包装用聚丙烯成型品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polypropyrene products used as food containers and tablewares  
67.040 C53 GB 9689-1988 食品包装用聚苯乙烯成型品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polystyrene products used as food containers and table wares  
67.040 C53 GB 9690-1988 食品包装用三聚氰胺成型品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for melamine products used as food containers and tablewares  
67.040 C53 GB 9691-1988 食品包装用聚乙烯树脂卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polyethylene resin used as food packaging material  
67.040 C53 GB 9692-1988 食品包装用聚苯乙烯树脂卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polystyrene resin used as food packaging material  
67.040 C53 GB 9693-1988 食品包装用聚丙烯树脂卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polypropyrene resin used as food packaging material  
67.120.20 X18 GB/T 9694-1988 皮蛋 Preserved eggs  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.1-1988 肉与肉制品 游离脂肪含量的测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of free fat content NEQ ISO 1444-73
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.2-1988 肉与肉制品 脂肪酸测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of fatty acids IDT ISO 5508-78
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.3-1988 肉与肉制品 铁含量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of iron  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.4-1988 肉与肉制品 总磷含量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of total phosphorus NEQ ISO 2294-74
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.5-1988 肉与肉制品 pH测定 Meat and meat products--Method for measurement of pH IDT ISO 2917-74
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.6-1988 肉制品 胭脂红着色剂测定 Meat products--Method for determination of artificial colour ponceau-4R  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.7-1988 肉与肉制品 总脂肪含量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of total fat content EQV ISO 1443-73
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.8-1988 肉与肉制品 氯化物含量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of chloride content(Reference method) EQV ISO 1841-81
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.9-1988 肉与肉制品 聚磷酸盐测定 Meat and meat products--Method for detection of polyphosphates EQV ISO 5553-80
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.10-1988 肉与肉制品 六六六、滴滴涕残留量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of BHC and DDT  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.11-1988 肉与肉制品 氮含量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of nitrogen content IDT ISO 937-78
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.12-1988 肉与肉制品 水分活度测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of the water activity  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.13-1988 肉与肉制品 钙含量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of calcium  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.14-1988 肉制品 淀粉含量测定 Meat products--Determination of starch content IDT ISO 5554-78
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.15-1988 肉与肉制品 水分含量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of moisture content EQV ISO 1442-73
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.16-1988 肉与肉制品 四环素族抗生素残留量检验 Meat and meat products--Method for the examination of the resldues of tetracyclines  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.17-1988 肉与肉制品 葡糖酸-δ-内酯含量的测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of glucono delta-lactone content IDT ISO 4133-79
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.18-1988 肉与肉制品 灰分测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of ash EQV ISO 936-78
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.19-1988 肉与肉制品 取样方法 Meat and meat products--Sampling NEQ ISO/DIS 3100/1-84
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.20-1990 肉与肉制品 锌含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of zinc  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.21-1990 肉与肉制品 镁含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of magnesium  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.22-1990 肉与肉制品 铜含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of copper  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.23-1990 肉与肉制品 L(-)-羟脯氨酸含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of L (-)-hydroxyprolin content  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.24-1990 肉与肉制品 胆固醇含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of cholesterol  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.25-1990 肉与肉制品 维生素PP含量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of vitamin PP content  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.26-1991 肉与肉制品 维生素A 含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of vitamin A content  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.27-1991 肉与肉制品 维生素B1含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of vitamin B1 content  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.28-1991 肉与肉制品 维生素B2含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of vitamin B2 content  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.29-1991 肉制品 维生素C 含量测定 Meat products - Method for determination of vitamin C content  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.30-1991 肉与肉制品 维生素E 含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of vitamin E content  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9695.31-1991 肉制品、总糖含量测定 Meat products - Method for determination of total sugars content  
67.200.10 X22 GB/T 9696-1988 动物油脂 水分和挥发物含量测定 Animal fats--Method for determination of moisture and volatile matter content EQV ISO 662-80
67.060 B20 GB/T 9822-1988 谷物不溶性膳食纤维测定法 Method for determination of insoluble dietary fiber in cereals  
67.200 X04 GB/T 9823-1988 油料饼粕总含氮量的测定法 Method for determination of total nitrogen content in oilseed residues NEQ ISO 3099-74
67.200 X04 GB/T 9824-1988 油料饼粕总灰分测定法 Method for determination of total ash in oilseed residues EQV ISO 749-77
67.200 X04 GB/T 9825-1988 油料饼粕盐酸不溶性灰分测定法 Method for determination of hydrochloric acid insoluble ash in oilseed residues EQV ISO 735-77
67.060 X04 GB/T 9826-1988 小麦粉破损淀粉测定法 α-淀粉酶法 Method for determination of starch damage in flour--Alpha-amylase method NEQ ISO 520-77
67.080.10 B31 GB/T 9827-1988 香蕉 Banana  
67.080 B08 GB/T 9829-1988 水果和蔬菜 冷库中物理条件 定义和测量 Fruits and vegetables--Physical condition in cold stores--Definitions and measurement NEQ ISO 2169-81
67.080 B08 GB/T 9830-1988 水果和蔬菜 冷藏后的催熟 Fruits and vegetables--Ripening afer cold storage EQV ISO 3659-77
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 9833.1-1988 紧压茶 花砖茶 Brick tea--Hua zhuan tea NEQ ISO 3720-77
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 9833.2-1988 紧压茶 K砖茶 Brick tea--Hei zhuan tea NEQ ISO 3720-77
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 9833.3-1988 紧压茶 茯砖茶 Brick tea--Fu zhuan tea NEQ ISO 3720-77
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 9833.4-1989 紧压茶 康砖茶 Brick tea - Kang zhuan tea  
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 9833.5-1989 紧压茶 沱茶 Brick tea - Tuo tea  
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 9833.6-1989 紧压茶 紧茶 Brick tea - Jin tea  
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 9833.7-1989 紧压茶 金尖茶 Brick tea - Jin jian tea  
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 9833.8-1993 紧压茶 米砖茶 Brick tea--Mi zhuan tea  
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 9833.9-1993 紧压茶 青砖茶 Brick tea--Qing zhuan tea  
67.120.10 X22 GB 9959.1-2001 鲜、冻片猪肉 Fresh and frezen demi carcass pork  
67.120.10 X22 GB 9959.2-2001 分割鲜、冻猪瘦肉 Frozen pork muscle,cuts  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9959.3-1988 分部位分割冻猪肉 Frozen pork, parts  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 9960-1988 鲜、冻四分体带骨牛肉 Fresh and frozen beef, quarters NEQ ΓOCT 12512-77
67.120.10 X22 GB 9961-2001 鲜、冻胴体羊肉 Fresh and frozen mutton, whole carcasses  
67.220.20 X41 GB 9990-1988 食品强化剂 活性钙 Food additive--Calcium of intensifiens  
67.220.20 X41 GB 9993-1988 食品添加剂 高粱红 Food additive--Sorghum pigment  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.120.30 B52 GB/T 10029-2000 团头鲂 Bluntnose black bream  
67.120.30 C53 GB/T 10132-1988 熟制鱼糜灌肠卫生标准 Hygienic standard of ripe minced fish sausage(ripened)  
67.120.30 C53 GB/T 10133-1988 虾酱卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salted shrimp paste  
67.120.30 C53 GB/T 10134-1988 鱼露卫生标准 Hygienic standard of fishgrary  
67.120.30 C53 GB/T 10135-1988 虾油卫生标准 Hygienic standard of shrimp sauce  
67.120.30 C53 GB/T 10136-1988 蟹糊蟹酱卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salted crab paste  
67.120.30 C53 GB/T 10137-1988 蚝油、贻贝油卫生标准 Hygienic standard of oystes and mussel sauce  
67.120.30 C53 GB/T 10138-1988 咸鲳鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salted pomfret  
67.120.30 C53 GB/T 10139-1988 咸鳗鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salted Eel  
67.120.30 C53 GB/T 10140-1988 咸带鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salted belt fish  
67.120.30 C53 GB/T 10141-1988 咸鳓鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salted chinese herring  
67.120.30 C53 GB/T 10142-1988 咸鲅鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salted Spanish mackerel  
67.120.30 C53 GB/T 10143-1988 咸黄鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salted yellowcroaker  
67.120.30 C53 GB/T 10144-1988 干明太鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard of dried therdgrdha icogrdmma  
67.120.30 C53 GB/T 10145-1988 熟制鱼丸(半成品)卫生标准 Hygienic standard of ripe fish ball (semi-product)  
67.200.10 C53 GB 10146-1988 猪油卫生标准 Hygienic standard of lard  
67.120.10 C53 GB 10147-1988 香肠(腊肠)、香肚卫生标准 Hygienic standard of chinese sausages  
67.240 B04 GB/T 10220-1988 感官分析方法总论 Sensory analysis--Methodology--General guidance NEQ ISO 6658-85
67.240 B04 GB/T 10221-1998 感官分析术语 Sensory analysis-Vocabulary IDT ISO 5492-1992(E/F)
67.220.20 X41 GB 10287-1988 食品添加剂 松香甘油酯和氢化松香甘油酯 Food additive--Glycerol ester of rosin and glycerol ester of partially hydrogenated rosin  
67.160.10 X63 GB 10343-1989 食用酒精 Edible alcohol  
67.160.10 X60 GB 10344-1989 饮料酒标签标准 Standard for the labelling of alcoholic beverage  
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 10345.1-1989 白酒试验方法总则 General principles of determination methods for Chinese spirits  
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 10345.2-1989 白酒感官评定方法 Evaluate method of sense of Chinese spirits  
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 10345.3-1989 白酒中酒精度的试验方法 Methods for determination of alcohol in Chinese spirits  
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 10345.4-1989 白酒中总酸的试验方法 Method for determination of total acid in Chinese spirits  
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 10345.5-1989 白酒中总酯的试验方法 Methods for determination of total ester in Chinese spirits  
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 10345.6-1989 白酒中固形物的试验方法 Method for determination of solid in Chinese spirits  
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 10345.7-1989 白酒中乙酸乙酯的试验方法 气相色谱法 Method for determination of ethyl acetate in Chinese spirits(GLC)  
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 10345.8-1989 白酒中己酸乙酯的试验方法(GLC) Method for determination of hexanoic acetate in Chinese spirits  
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 10346-1989 白酒检验规则 General principle of inspection for Chinese spirits NEQ ГOCT 12786-80
67.220.20 X42 GB 10348-1989 食品添加剂 乙酸芳樟酯 Food additive - Linalyl acetate NEQ EOA 31
67.220.20 X41 GB 10351-1989 食品添加剂 桉叶素含量80 %的桉叶油 Food additive--Oil of eucalyptus, 80% cineole content NEQ ISO 3065-74
67.220.20 X42 GB 10354-1989 食品添加剂 苯甲醇 Food additive - Benzyl alcohol NEQ FCC 3-81
67.220.20 X42 GB 10355-1989 食品添加剂 乳化香精 Food additive - Emulsion flavour  
67.200 X04 GB/T 10359-1989 油料饼粕含油量测定法 Determination of oil content in oilseed residues NEQ ISO 736-77
67.200 X04 GB/T 10360-1989 油料饼粕扦样法 Oilseed residues - Sampling EQV ISO 5500-86
67.060 B20 GB/T 10361-1989 谷物降落数值测定法 Cereals--Determination of falling number EQV ISO 3093-82
67.060 B20 GB/T 10362-1989 玉米水分测定法 Method for determination of moisture content in maize EQV ISO 6540-80
67.060 B22 GB/T 10458-1989 荞麦 Buck wheat  
67.060 B23 GB/T 10459-1989 蚕豆 Broad beans  
67.060 B23 GB/T 10460-1989 豌豆 Peas  
67.060 B23 GB/T 10461-1989 小豆 Small beans  
67.060 B23 GB/T 10462-1989 绿豆 Green beans  
67.060 X11 GB/T 10463-1989 玉米粉 Corn flour  
67.200.10; X14 GB 10464-1989 葵花籽油 Sunflower seed oil  
67.080 B30 GB/T 10466-1989 蔬菜、水果形态学和结构学术语(一) Vegetables and fruits - Morphological and structural terminology - Part 1 EQV ISO 1956/1-82
67.080 B30 GB/T 10467-1989 水果和蔬菜产品中挥发性酸度的测定方法 Fruits, vegetables and derived products - Determination of volatile acidity EQV ISO 6632-81
67.080 B30 GB/T 10468-1989 水果和蔬菜产品pH值的测定方法 Fruit and vegetable products - Determination of pH EQV ISO 1842-75
67.080 B30 GB/T 10469-1989 水果、蔬菜粗纤维的测定方法 Method for determination of crude fiber in fruit and vegetable NEQ ISO 5498-81
67.080 B30 GB/T 10470-1989 速冻水果和蔬菜的矿物杂质测定方法 Determination of mineral impurities in quick frozen fruits and vegetables NEQ ISO 762-82
67.080 B30 GB/T 10471-1989 速冻水果蔬菜净重的测定方法 Determination of net weight of quick frozen fruits and vegetables EQV CAC RM34-70
67.080 B30 GB/T 10473-1989 水果和蔬菜产品中盐酸不溶性灰分的测定方法 Fruit and vegetable products - Determination of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid EQV ISO 763-82
67.080.10 B08 GB/T 10547-1989 柑桔储藏 Citrus storage  
67.220.20 X42 GB 10616-1989 食品添加剂 藻酸丙二醇酯 Food additive - Propylene glycol alginate  
67.220.20 X42 GB 10617-1989 食品添加剂 蔗糖脂肪酸酯 (丙二醇法) Food additive - Sucrose fatly acid ester (method of propylene glycol)  
67.220.20 X42 GB 10621-1989 食品添加剂 液体二氧化碳 (石灰窑法和合成氨法) Food additive - Liquid carbon dioxide (from lime - Kiln and ammonia plant off gases) NEQ ΓOCT 8050-76
67.260 X99 GB/T 10644-1989 电热食品烤炉通用技术条件 Electric heating food ovens - General technical conditions  
67.260 X99 GB/T 10645-1989 电热食品烤炉型号编制方法 Electric heating food ovens - Method of draw up model  
67.260 X99 GB/T 10646-1989 电热食品烤炉型式与主要参数 Electric heating food ovens - Types and principal parameters  
67.080.10 B31 GB/T 10650-1989 鲜梨 Fresh pears  
67.080.10 B31 GB/T 10651-1989 鲜苹果 Fresh apple  
67.100.10 X82 GB 10765-1997 婴儿配方乳粉T Infant formula T  
67.100.10 X82 GB 10766-1997 婴儿配方乳粉U、V Infant formula U、V  
67.100.10 X82 GB 10767-1997 婴幼儿配方粉及婴幼儿补充谷粉通用技术条件 General technical requirements of infant formula,follow-up formula and supplementary foods for infant and young children  
67.100.10 X82 GB 10769-1997 婴幼儿断奶期辅助食品 Formulatod Weaning foods for infants and young children  
67.100.10 X82 GB 10770-1997 婴幼儿断奶期补充食品 Supplementary weaning foods for infants and young children  
67.180.10 X83 GB 10775-1989 婴幼儿辅助食品 苹果泥 Supplementary foods for infants and young children - Apple paste NEQ STAN 73-81
67.080.20 X83 GB 10776-1989 婴幼儿辅助食品 胡萝卜泥 Supplementary foods for infants and young children - Carrot paste NEQ STAN 73-81
67.120 X83 GB 10777-1989 婴幼儿辅助食品 肉泥 Supplementary foods for infants and young children - Meat paste NEQ STAN 73-81
67.120 X16 GB 10778-1989 婴幼儿辅助食品 骨泥 Supplementary foods for infants and young children - Bone paste NEQ STAN 73-81
67.120 X83 GB 10779-1989 婴幼儿辅助食品 鸡肉菜糊 Supplementary foods for infants and young children - Chicken vegetoble paste NEQ STAN 73-81
67.080.20 X83 GB 10780-1989 婴幼儿辅助食品 番茄汁 Supplementary foods for infants and young children - Tomato juice NEQ STAN 73-81
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 10781.1-1989 浓香型白酒 Strong aromatic Chinese spirits  
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 10781.2-1989 清香型白酒 Mild aromatic Chinese spirits  
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 10781.3-1989 米香型白酒 Rice aromatic Chinese spirits  
67.080.10 X24 GB/T 10782-1989 蜜饯产品通则 General rule for the quality of preserved fruit products  
67.220.20 X41 GB 10783-1996 食品添加剂 辣椒红 Food additive--Paprika red  
67.040 X70 GB/T 10784-1989 罐头食品分类 Classification of canned food  
67.040 X70 GB/T 10786-1989 罐头食品的pH测定 Determination of pH of canned food EQV ISO 1842-75
67.040 X70 GB/T 10787-1989 罐头食品中干燥物的测定 Determination of dry matter content in canned food NEQ ISO 751-81
67.040 X70 GB/T 10788-1989 罐头食品中可溶性固形物含量的测定 折光计法 Determination of soluble solids content in canned food - Refractometric method EQV ISO 2173-78
67.160.01 X50 GB 10789-1996 软饮料的分类 Classification of soft drinks  
67.160.20 X51 GB/T 10790-1989 软饮料的检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存 Regulations for acceptance labelling packaging transportation and storage of soft drinks  
67.160.20 X51 GB/T 10791-1989 软饮料原辅材料的要求 Requirements of ingredients for soft drinks  
67.160.20 X51 GB/T 10792-1995 碳酸饮料(汽水) Carbonated drinks(Soda water)  
67.220.20 X69 GB 10794-1989 食品添加剂 L-赖氨酸盐酸盐 Food additive - L-Lysine monohydrochloride  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.040 C53 GB/T 11332-1989 食品用橡胶管卫生检验方法 Hygienic analytrcal method of rubber hose for food use  
67.040 C53 GB 11333-1989 铝制食具容器卫生标准 Hygienic standard for aluminum-wares for food use  
67.080.10 C53 GB 11671-1989 果蔬类罐头食品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for canned fruits and vegetables  
67.040 C53 GB/T 11672-1989 食品中对羟基苯甲酸酯类的测定方法 Method for determination of p-hydroxybenzoic acid esters in foods  
67.160 C53 GB 11673-1989 含乳饮料卫生标准 Hygienic standard for milky beverge  
67.100 C53 GB/T 11674-1989 脱盐乳清粉卫生标准 Hygienic standard of demineralized whey powder  
67.040 C53 GB/T 11675-1989 银耳卫生标准 Hygienic standard of Tremella fuciformis Berk  
67.040 C53 GB 11676-1989 食品容器有机硅防粘涂料卫生标准 Hygienic standard of anticoherent silicone paint for food container  
67.040 C53 GB 11677-1989 水基改性环氧易拉罐内壁涂料卫生标准 Hygienic standard for water soluble epoxy internal coatings of beverage cans  
67.040 C53 GB 11678-1989 食品容器内壁聚四氟乙烯涂料卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polytetrafluorethylene used as inner coating of food containers  
67.040 C53 GB/T 11679-1989 食品容器内壁聚四氟乙烯涂料卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of polytetrafluorethylene - coating for inner wall of food container  
67.040 C53 GB 11680-1989 食品包装用原纸卫生标准 Hygienic standard of paper used for food packaging  
67.040 C53 GB/T 11681-1989 不锈钢食具容器卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of stainless steel food containers and table wares  
67.060 B22 GB/T 11760-1989 米大麦 Hulless barley  
67.200.20 B33 GB/T 11761-1989 芝麻 Sesame seed  
67.200.20 B33 GB/T 11762-1989 油菜籽 Rape seed  
67.200.20 B32 GB/T 11763-1989 棉籽 Cotton seed  
67.200.20 B33 GB/T 11764-1989 葵花籽 Sunflower seed  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 11765-1989 油茶籽油 Oil-tea camellia seed oil  
67.060 B22 GB/T 11766-1989 小米 Millet  
67.160.10 X61 GB 11856-1997 白兰地 Brandy NEQ EEC 1576:1989
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 11857-2000 威士忌 Whisky  
67.160.10 X63 GB/T 11858-2000 俄得克(伏特加) Vodka  
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 11859.1-1989 低度浓香型白酒 Strong aromatic Chinese spirits of low concentration  
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 11859.2-1989 低度清香型白酒 Mild aromatic Chinese spirits of low concentration  
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 11859.3-1989 低度米香型白酒 Rice aromatic Chinese spirits of low concentration  
67.180.10 X24 GB/T 11860-1989 蜜饯食品理化检验方法 Method of physical-chemical inspection for preserved fruit food EQV ISO 1026-82
67.220.20 X41 GB 11958-1989 食品添加剂 肉桂油 Food additive - Oil of cassia NEQ ISO 3216-74
67.220.20 X41 GB 11959-1989 食品添加剂 香叶油 Food additive - Oil of geranium NEQ ISO 4731-78(E)
67.220.20 X41 GB 11960-1989 食品添加剂 留兰香油 Food additive - Oil of spearmint NEQ ISO 3033-88
67.220.20 X41 GB 11961-1989 食品添加剂 广藿香油 Food additive - Oil of patchouli NEQ ISO 3757-78(E)
67.220.20 X42 GB 11962-1989 食品添加剂 丁酸 Food additive - Butyric acid NEQ FCCV-81
67.220.20 X42 GB 11963-1989 食品添加剂 己酸 Food additive - Hexanoic acid NEQ Fcc V-81
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.260 Y99 GB 12073-1989 乳品设备安全卫生 Security and sanitary standard for dairy equipment  
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12086-1989 淀粉灰分测定方法 Method for determination of ash in starches NEQ ISO 3593-81
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12087-1989 淀粉水分测定方法 Method for determination of moisture content in starches NEQ ISO 1666-73
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12088-1989 淀粉总脂肪测定方法 Method for determination of total fat in starches NEQ ISO 3947-77
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12089-1989 淀粉及其衍生物硫酸化灰分测定方法 Method for determination of sulphated ash in starches and derived products NEQ ISO 5809-82
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12090-1989 淀粉及其衍生物酸度测定方法 Method for determination of acidity of starches and derived products  
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12091-1989 淀粉及其衍生物氮含量测定方法 Method for determination of nitrogen content in starches and derived products NEQ ISO 3188-78
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12092-1989 淀粉及其衍生物磷总含量测定方法 Method for determination of total phosphorus content in starches and derived products NEQ ISO 3946-82
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12093-1989 淀粉及其衍生物氯化物含量测定方法 Method for determination of chloride content in starches and derived products NEQ ISO 5810-82
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12094-1989 淀粉及其衍生物二氧化硫含量测定方法 Method for determination of sulfur dioxide content in starches and derived products NEQ ISO 5379-83
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12095-1989 淀粉斑点测定方法 Method for determination of spot of starch  
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12096-1989 淀粉细度测定方法 Method for determination of fineness of starch  
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12097-1989 淀粉白度测定方法 Method for determination of whiteness of starches  
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12098-1989 淀粉粘度测定方法 Method for determination for viscosity of starches  
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12099-1989 淀粉水解产品还原力和葡萄糖当量测定方法 Method for determination of reducing power and dextrose equivalent of starch hydrolysis products NEQ ISO 5377-81
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12100-1989 淀粉水解产品含水量测定方法 Method for determination of water content in starch hydrolysis products NEQ ISO 5381-83
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12101-1989 葡萄糖干燥失重测定方法 Method for determination of loss inmass on drying of dextrose NEQ ISO 1741-80
67.180.20 X04 GB/T 12102-1989 葡萄糖浆干物质测定方法 Method for determination of dry matter of glucose syrups NEQ ISO 1742-80
67.180.20 X10 GB/T 12104-1989 淀粉(包括衍生物和副产品)术语 Vocabulary for starch, including derivatives and by-products NEQ ISO 1227-79
67.060 X28 GB/T 12140-1989 糕点工业术语 Pastry industry terms  
67.160 X50 GB/T 12143.1-1989 软饮料中可溶性固形物的测定方法 折光计法 Determination method for soluble solids content in soft drinks - Refractometric NEQ ISO 2173-78
67.160.20 X50 GB/T 12143.2-1989 果蔬汁饮料中氨基态氮的测定方法 甲醛值法 Determination method for amino nitrogen content in fruit and vegetable juice beverages--Formol number  
67.160.20 X50 GB/T 12143.3-1989 果蔬汁饮料中L-抗坏血酸的测定方法 乙醚萃取法 Determination method for L-ascorbic acid in fruit and vegetable juice beverages - Ethyl ether extraction method  
67.160.20 X50 GB/T 12143.4-1992 碳酸饮料中二氧化碳的测定方法 Method for determination of carbondioxide in carbonated soft drink  
67.160.20 X50 GB/T 12143.5-1992 浓缩果汁中乙醇的测定方法 Method for determination of alcohol in concentrated fruit juices  
67.080 B30 GB/T 12283-1990 水果、蔬菜及制品有机物的分解方法 Fruits, vegetables and derived products - Decomposition method of organic matter EQV ISO 5516-78
67.080 B30 GB/T 12284-1990 水果、蔬菜制品 铜含量的测定 光度法 Fruit and vegetable products - Determination of copper content - Photometric method EQV ISO 3094-74
67.080 B30 GB/T 12285-1990 水果、蔬菜及制品 锌含量的测定 Fruits, vegetables and derived products - Determination of zinc content EQV ISO 6636/2-81
67.080 B30 GB/T 12286-1990 水果、蔬菜及制品 铁含量的测定 1,10菲绕啉光度法 Fruits, vegetables and derived products?Determination of iron content?1,10 phenanthroline photometric method EQV ISO 5517-78
67.080 B30 GB/T 12287-1990 水果、蔬菜制品 锡含量的测定 Fruit and vegetable products?Determination of tin NEQ ISO 2247-74
67.080 B30 GB/T 12288-1990 水果、蔬菜制品 乙醇含量的测定 Fruit and vegetable products - Determination of ethanol EQV ISO 2448-73
67.080 B30 GB/T 12289-1990 水果、蔬菜及制品 苯甲酸含量的测定 Fruits, vegetables and derived products - Determination of benzoic acid content NEQ ISO 5518-78
67.080 B30 GB/T 12290-1990 水果、蔬菜及制品 山梨酸含量的测定 Fruits, vegetables and derived products - Determiantion of sorbic acid content NEQ ISO 5519-78
67.080 B30 GB/T 12291-1990 水果、蔬菜汁 类胡萝卜素全量的测定 Juice of fruits and vegetables - Determination of carotenoid total EQV NFV 76-110-80
67.080 B30 GB/T 12292-1990 水果、蔬菜汁 游离氨基酸含量的测定 Juice of fruits and vegetables - Determination of free amino acid NEQ NFV 76-115-83
67.080 B30 GB/T 12293-1990 水果、蔬菜制品 可滴定酸度的测定 Fruit and vegetable products - Determination of titratable acidity NEQ ISO 750-81
67.080 B30 GB/T 12294-1990 水果、蔬菜制品 矿物杂质含量的测定 Fruit and vegetable products - Determination of mineral impurities NEQ ISO 762-82
67.080 B30 GB/T 12295-1990 水果、蔬菜制品 可溶性固形物含量的测定 折射仪法 Fruit and vegetable products - Determination of soluble solids - Refractometric method NEQ ISO 2173-78
67.080 B30 GB/T 12296-1990 水果、蔬菜制品 水不溶性固形物含量的测定 Fruit and vegetable products - Determination of water-insoluble solids NEQ ISO 751-81
67.060 X11 GB/T 12309-1990 工业玉米淀粉 Industry corn starch  
67.240 B04 GB/T 12310-1990 感官分析方法 成对比较检验 Sensory analysis method - Paired comparison test NEQ ISO 5495-83
67.240 B04 GB/T 12311-1990 感官分析方法 三点检验 Sensory analysis method - Triangular test NEQ ISO 4120-83
67.240 B04 GB/T 12312-1990 感官分析 味觉敏感度的测定 Sensory analysis - Determination of sensitivity of taste EQV ISO 3972-79
67.240 B04 GB/T 12313-1990 感官分析方法 风味剖面检验 Sensory analysis method - Flavour profile test EQV ISO 6564-85
67.240 B04 GB/T 12314-1990 感官分析方法 不能直接感官分析的样品制备准则 Sensory analysis method - Guide lines for the preparation of samples for which direct sensory analysis is not feasible EQV ISO 5497-82
67.240 B04 GB/T 12315-1990 感官分析方法 排序法 Sensory analysis?Methodology?Ranlcing NEQ ISO 8587-88
67.240 B04 GB/T 12316-1990 感官分析方法 "A"-"非A" 检验 Sensory analysis - Methodology - "A"-"notA" test NEQ ISO 8588-87
67.080 C53 GB 16326-1996 坚果食品卫生标准 Hygienic standard of nut  
67.040 C53 GB/T 12388-1990 食物中维生素A和维生素E的测定方法 Method for determination of retinol and tocopherol in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 12389-1990 食物中胡萝卜素的测定方法 Method for determination of carotene in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 12390-1990 食物中硫胺素(维生素B1)的测定方法 Method for determination of thiamine ( vitamin B1 ) in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 12391-1990 食物中核黄素的测定方法 Method for determination of riboflavin in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 12392-1990 蔬菜、水果及其制品中总抗坏血酸的测定方法 荧光法和2,4-二硝基苯肼法 Method for determination of total ascorbic acid in fruits, vegetables and derived products?Fluorometric method and colorimetric method 2.4-dinitrophenylhydrazine  
67.040 C53 GB/T 12393-1990 食物中磷的测定方法 Methods for determination of phosphorus in foods NEQ ISO 3946-82
67.040 C53 GB/T 12394-1990 食物中不溶性膳食纤维的测定方法 Method for determination of insoluble dietary fiber in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 12395-1990 食物中烟酸的测定方法 Method for determination of niacin in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 12396-1990 食物中铁、镁、锰的测定方法 Method for determination of iron, magnesium and manganese in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 12397-1990 食物中钾、钠的测定方法 Method for determination of potassium and sodium in foods NEQ ISO 8070-87
67.040 C53 GB/T 12398-1990 食物中钙的测定方法 Methods for determination of calcium in foods NEQ ISO 6490/2-83
67.040 C53 GB/T 12399-1996 食品中硒的测定 Determination of selenium in foods  
67.040 X04 GB/T 12456-1990 食品中总酸的测定方法 Method for determination of totalacid in foods NEQ ISO 750-81
67.040 X04 GB/T 12457-1990 食品中氯化钠的测定方法 Method for determination of sodium chloride in foods NEQ ISO 1841-81
67.220.20 X42 GB 12487-1990 食品添加剂 乙基麦芽酚 Food additive - Ethyl maltol NEQ FCC V-83
67.220.20 X42 GB 12488-1995 食品添加剂 环已基氨基磺酸钠(甜蜜素) Food additive--Sodium cyclamate  
67.220.20 X42 GB 12489-1990 食品添加剂 吗啉脂肪酸盐果蜡 food additive?Morpholine fatty acid salt fruit wax  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 12516-1990 肉 新鲜度测定 Meat - Determination of fresh degree  
67.180.10 X33 GB/T 12517.1-1990 糖果试验方法 Analytical methods for candies  
67.180.10 X33 GB/T 12517.2-1990 糖果检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存 Inspection, packing, marking, transportation and storing for candies  
67.040 X04 GB/T 12529.1-1990 粮油工业用图形符号、代号 通用部分 Graphic symbols and codes for grain and oil industry - General items  
67.040 X04 GB/T 12529.2-1990 粮油工业用图形符号、代号 碾米工业 Graphic symbols and codes for grain and oil industry--Rice milling  
67.040 X04 GB/T 12529.3-1990 粮油工业用图形符号、代号 制粉工业 Graphic symbols and codes for grain and oil industry - Flour milling  
67.040 X04 GB/T 12529.4-1990 粮油工业用图形符号、代号 油脂工业 Graphic symbols and codes for grain and oil industry - Oil and fat industry  
67.040 X04 GB/T 12529.5-1990 粮油工业用图形符号、代号 仓储工业 Graphic symbols and codes for grain and oil industry - Storing and handling  
67.040 B30 GB/T 12530-1990 食用菌取样方法 Edible fungi--Sampling  
67.040 B30 GB/T 12531-1990 食用菌水分测定 Determination of moisture in edible fungi  
67.040 B30 GB/T 12532-1990 食用菌灰分测定 Determination of ash in edible fungi  
67.040 B30 GB/T 12533-1990 食用菌杂质测定 Determination of micellaneous matter in edible fungi  
67.040 Y24 GB 12651-1990 与食物接触的陶瓷制品铅、镉溶出量允许极限 Standard permissible limits of lead and cadmium release from ceramic ware in contact with food NEQ ISO 6486/2-81
67.200.10 Y41 GB/T 12652-1990 亚洲薄荷素油 Oil of mentha arvensis, Partially dementholized NEQ ISO 3515-87
67.200.10 Y41 GB/T 12653-1990 中国梭゚草油 Oil of lavender, China NEQ ISO 3515-87
67.040 C53 GB 12693-1990 乳品厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of dairy factory  
67.040 H82 GB 12694-1990 肉类加工厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of meat packing plant  
67.040 C53 GB 12695-1990 饮料厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of drink factory  
67.040 C53 GB 12696-1990 葡萄酒厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of factory for wine  
67.040 C53 GB 12697-1990 果酒厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of factory for fruit wine  
67.040 C53 GB 12698-1990 黄酒厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of factory for yellow rice wine  
67.040 B30 GB/T 12728-1991 食用菌术语 Terms of edible fungi  
67.220.10 B36 GB/T 12729.1-1991 香辛料和调味品 名称 Spices and condiments - Nomenclature first list NEQ ISO 676-82
67.220.10 B36 GB/T 12729.2-1991 香辛料和调味品 取样方法 Spices and condiments - Sampling NEQ ISO 948-80
67.220.10 B36 GB/T 12729.3-1991 香辛料和调味品 分析用粉末试样的制备 Spices and condiments - Preperation of a ground sample for analysis EQV ISO 2825-81
67.220.10 B36 GB/T 12729.5-1991 香辛料和调味品 外来物含量的测定 Spices and condiments - Determination of extraneous matter content NEQ ISO 927-82
67.220.10 B36 GB/T 12729.6-1991 香辛料和调味品 水分含量的测定 蒸馏法 Spices and condiments - Determination of moisture content - Entrainment method NEQ ISO 939-80
67.220.10 B36 GB/T 12729.7-1991 香辛料和调味品 总灰分的测定 Spices and condiments - Determination of total ash NEQ ISO 928-80
67.220.10 B36 GB/T 12729.8-1991 香辛料和调味品 水不溶性灰分的测定 Spices and condiments - Determination of water--Insoluble ash EQV ISO 929-80
67.220.10 B36 GB/T 12729.9-1991 香辛料和调味品 酸不溶性灰分的测定 Spices and condiments - Determination of acid-insoluble ash EQV ISO 930-80
67.220.10 B36 GB/T 12729.10-1991 香辛料和调味品 醇溶抽提物的测定 Spices and condiments - Determination of ethanol--Soluble extract EQV ISO 940-79
67.220.10 B36 GB/T 12729.11-1991 香辛料和调味品 冷水可溶性抽提物的测定 Spices and condiments - Determination of cold-water soluble extract EQV ISO 941-80
67.220.10 B36 GB/T 12729.12-1991 香辛料和调味品 不挥发性乙醚抽提物的测定 Spices and condiments - Determination of non-volatile ether extract NEQ ISO 1180-80
67.220.10 B36 GB/T 12729.13-1991 香辛料和调味品 污物的测定 Spices and condiments - Determination of filth EQV ISO 1208-82
67.040 B16 GB 12743-1991 大豆种子产地检疫规程 Plant quarantine rules for producing areas of soybean seeds  
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 12766-1991 动物油脂 熔点测定 Animal fats and oils - Determination of melting point  
67.220.10 B36 GB/T 12729.4-1991 香辛料和调味品 磨碎细度的测定 手筛法 Spices and condiments - Determination of degree of fineness of grinding - Hand sieving method NEQ ISO 3588-77
67.080.10 B31 GB/T 12947-1991 鲜柑桔 Fresh citrus  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.220.20 X35 GB/T 13025.1-1991 制盐工业通用试验方法 粒度的测定 General test method in salt industry - Determination of grain size  
67.220.20 X35 GB/T 13025.2-1991 制盐工业通用试验方法 白度的测定 General test method in salt industry - Determination of whiteness  
67.220.20 X35 GB/T 13025.3-1991 制盐工业通用试验方法 水分的测定 General test method in salt industry - Determination of moisture  
67.220.20 X35 GB/T 13025.4-1991 制盐工业通用试验方法 水不溶物的测定 General test method in salt industry - Determination of insoluble matter  
67.220.20 X35 GB/T 13025.5-1991 制盐工业通用试验方法 氯离子的测定 General test method in salt industry - Determination of chloride ion  
67.220.20 X35 GB/T 13025.6-1991 制盐工业通用试验方法 钙和镁离子的测定 General test method in salt industry - Determination of calcium and magnesium ions  
67.220.20 X35 GB/T 13025.7-1999 制盐工业通用试验方法 碘离子的测定 General test method in salt industry--Determination of iodide ion  
67.220.20 X35 GB/T 13025.8-1991 制盐工业通用试验方法 硫酸根离子的测定 General test method in salt industry - Determination of sulfate ion  
67.220.20 X35 GB/T 13025.9-1991 制盐工业通用试验方法 铅离子的测定 (光度法) General test method in salt industry - Determination of lead ion (photometry)  
67.220.20 X35 GB/T 13025.10-1991 制盐工业通用试验方法 亚铁氰化钾的测定 General test method in salt industry - Determination of patassium ferrocyanide  
67.220.20 X35 GB/T 13025.11-1994 制盐工业通用试验方法 氟离子的测定 General test method in salt industry--Determination of fluorine  
67.220.20 X35 GB/T 13025.12-1994 制盐工业通用试验方法 钡离子的测定 General test method in salt industry--Determination of barium ion  
67.220.20 X35 GB/T 13025.13-1994 制盐工业通用试验方法 砷离子的测定 General test method in salt industry--Determination of arsenic ion  
67.080.20 C53 GB 13099-1991 番茄酱罐头卫生标准 Hygienic standard for canned tomato paste  
67.120 C53 GB 13100-1991 肉类罐头食品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for meat can  
67.120 C53 GB/T 13101-1991 西式蒸煮、烟熏火腿卫生标准 Hygienic standard for cooked and smoked ham in package  
67.100 C53 GB/T 13102-1991 食品工业用甜炼乳卫生标准 Hygienic standard of sweetened condensed milk for food industry  
67.200.10 C53 GB/T 13103-1991 色拉油卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salad oil  
67.180 C53 GB 13104-1991 白糖卫生标准 Hygienic standard for white soft sugar  
67.040 C53 GB 13105-1991 食品中硒限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of selenium in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 13106-1991 食品中锌限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of zinc in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 13107-1991 植物性食品中稀土限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of rare earths in plant-foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 13108-1991 植物性食品中稀土的测定方法 Method for determination of rare earths in plant-foods  
67.180.10 C53 GB 13109-1991 蜂蜜中四环素族抗生素残留量卫生标准 Hygienic standard for residue of tetracyclines in honey  
67.180.10 C53 GB/T 13110-1991 蜂蜜中四环素族抗生素残留量的测定方法 Method for determination of tetracyclines residue in honey  
67.060 C53 GB/T 13111-1991 谷物和大豆中赭曲霉毒素A 的测定方法 Method for determination of ochratoxin A in cereal and bean  
67.040 C53 GB/T 13112-1991 食品中环己基氨基磺酸钠的测定方法 Method for determination of sodium cyclamate in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 13113-1991 食品容器及包装材料用聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯成型品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polyethylene terephthalate products used as food containers and packaging materials  
67.040 C53 GB 13114-1991 食品容器及包装材料用聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯树脂卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polyethylene terephthalate resinused as food contalners and packaging materials  
67.040 C53 GB 13115-1991 食品容器及包装材料用不饱和聚酯树脂及其玻璃钢制品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for unsaturated polyester resin and glass fibre reinforced plastics used as food containers and packaging materials  
67.040 C53 GB 13116-1991 食品容器及包装材料用聚碳酸酯树脂卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polycarbonate resin used as foodcontainers and packaging materials  
67.040 C53 GB/T 13117-1991 食品容器及包装材料用不饱和聚酯树脂及其玻璃钢制品卫生标准分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of unat aturated polyester resin and glass fibre reinforced plastics used as food containers and packaging materials  
67.040 C53 GB/T 13118-1991 食品容器及包装材料用聚碳酸酯树脂卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of polycarbonate resin used as food containers and packaging materials  
67.040 C53 GB/T 13119-1991 食品包装用发泡聚苯乙烯成型品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of products of foamed polystyrene for food packaging  
67.040 C53 GB 13120-1996 食品容器及包装材料用聚酯树脂及其成型品中锑的测定方法 Method for determination of antimony in polyester resin and products for food containers and packaging materials  
67.040 C53 GB 13121-1991 陶瓷食具容器卫生标准 Hygienic standard of ceramics for food containers  
67.040 C53 GB 13122-1991 面粉厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of flour milling factory  
67.080.10 X74 GB/T 13207-1991 菠萝罐头 Canned pineapple NEQ CAC Codex stan 42-81
67.080.20 X77 GB/T 13208-1991 芦笋罐头 Canned asparagus  
67.080.20 X77 GB/T 13209-1991 青刀豆罐头 Canned green beans  
67.080.10 X74 GB/T 13210-1991 糖水桔子罐头 Canned mandarin oranges in syrup NEQ CAS Codex stan 68-81
67.080.10 X74 GB/T 13211-1991 糖水洋梨罐头 Canned bartlett pears in syrup NEQ CAS Codex stan 68-81
67.080.10 X77 GB/T 13212-1991 清水荸荠罐头 Canned water chestnuts  
67.120.10 X71 GB/T 13213-1991 火腿猪肉罐头 Canned chopped pork with ham  
67.120.10 X71 GB/T 13214-1991 咸牛肉罐头 Canned corned beef  
67.120.10 X71 GB/T 13215-1991 咸羊肉罐头 Canned corned mutton  
67.260 A28 GB/T 13307-1991 预弯成型金属丝编织方孔网 Industrial pre-crimped wire screens (square opening series) NEQ ISO 4783:3-81
67.060 B22 GB/T 13355-1992 Broomcorn millet (glutinous)  
67.060 B22 GB/T 13356-1992 黍米 Milled glutinous broomcorn millet  
67.060 B22 GB/T 13357-1992 Broomcorn millet (non-glutinous)  
67.060 B22 GB/T 13358-1992 稷米 Milled non-glutinous broomcorn millet  
67.060 B22 GB/T 13359-1992 莜麦 Hulless oats  
67.060 B22 GB/T 13360-1992 莜麦粉 Hulless oate flour  
67.060 B23 GB/T 13382-1992 食用大豆粕 Edible soybean meal  
67.060 B33 GB/T 13383-1992 食用花生饼、粕 Edible peanut cake and meal  
67.040 X08 GB 13432-1992 特殊营养食品标签 Labelling of foods for special nutrient NEQ CAC CODX STAN 146-85
67.220.20 X42 GB 13481-1992 食品添加剂 山梨醇酐单硬脂酸酯(斯潘60) Food additive - Sorbitan monostearate (Span 60) NEQ FCC (V)-81
67.220.20 X42 GB 13482-1992 食品添加剂 山梨醇酐单油酸酯(斯潘80) Food additive - Sorbitan monooleate (Span 80) NEQ FAO/WHO FNP25-82
67.040 X00 GB/T 13494-1992 食品标签编写规定 Rules for drafting food standards  
67.220.20 X41 GB 13509-1992 食品添加剂 木糖醇 Food additive - Xylitol  
67.220.20 X42 GB 13510-1992 食品添加剂 三聚甘油单硬脂酸酯 Food additive - Tripolyglycerol monostearates  
67.120.10 X71 GB/T 13512-1992 清蒸猪肉罐头 Canned steamed pork  
67.120.10 X71 GB/T 13513-1992 原汁猪肉罐头 Canned pork in natural jujce  
67.120.10 X71 GB/T 13514-1992 清蒸牛肉罐头 Canned steamed beef  
67.120.10 X71 GB/T 13515-1992 火腿罐头 Canned ham (boneless, skinless, cooked)  
67.080.10 X74 GB/T 13516-1992 糖水桃罐头 Canned peaches in syrup NEQ CAC Codex stan 14-81
67.080.20 X77 GB/T 13517-1992 青豌豆罐头 Canned green peas NEQ CAC Codex stan 58-81
67.080.20 X77 GB/T 13518-1992 蚕豆罐头 Canned broad beans  
67.200 B35 GB/T 13595-1992 烟叶中拟除虫菊酯杀虫剂残留量的测定方法 A method for the determination of pyrethroids residues in tobacco leaves  
67.080.10 X08 GB/T 13607-1992 苹果、柑桔包装 Packaging or apples and citrus fruit  
67.160.10 X62 GB/T 13662-2000 黄酒 Chinese rice wine  
67.220.20 X42 GB 13736-1992 食品添加剂 山梨酸钾 Food additive--Potassium sorbate NEQ JSFA V-86
67.220.20 X42 GB 13737-1992 食品添加剂 L-苹果酸 Food additive--L-Malic acid NEQ JSFA V-86
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 13738.1-1997 第一套红碎茶 The first set of broken black tea NEQ ISO 3720:1986
67.160.20 X55 GB/T 13738.2-1992 第二套红碎茶 The second set of broken black tea NEQ ISO 3720-86
67.160.20 X55 GB/T 13738.4-1992 第四套红碎茶 The fourth set of broken black tea NEQ ISO 3720-86
67.080.10 B31 GB/T 13867-1992 鲜枇杷果 Fresh loquat fruits  
67.240 B04 GB/T 13868-1992 感官分析 建立感官分析实验室的一般导则 Sensory analysis--General guidance for the design of test rooms EQV ISO 8589-88
67.220.20 X41 GB 13886-1992 食品添加剂 黄原胶 Food additive--Xanthan gum  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.260 W43 GB/T 14014-1992 蚕丝、合成纤维筛网 Silk and synthetic fiber boltting cloth  
67.040 B91 GB/T 14095-1993 农产物料干燥技术 术语 Drying technology of agricultural produces--Terminology  
67.080 X79 GB/T 14151-1999 蘑悶」头 Canned mushroom  
67.220.10 X44 GB/T 14156-1993 食品用香料分类与编码 Classification and code of flavouring substances  
67.060 D10 GB/T 14157-1993 水文地质术语 Hydrogeologic terminology  
67.060 D14 GB/T 14158-1993 区域水文地质工程地质环境地质综合勘查规范(比例尺1:50000) Synthetical survey code for regional hydrogeology, engineering geology and environmental geology  
67.240 B04 GB/T 14195-1993 感官分析 选拔与培训感官分析优选评价员导则 Sensory analysis--General guidance for the selection and training of selected assessors  
67.080.20 X77 GB/T 14215-1993 番茄酱罐头 Canned tomato paste  
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 14456-1993 绿茶 Green tea  
67.260 X99 GB/T 14466-1993 胶体磨通用技术条件 General specification for colloid mill  
67.140.10 X55 GB/T 14487-1993 茶叶感官审评术语 The terms of tea sensory tests  
67.200.20 B33 GB/T 14488.1-1993 油料种籽含油量测定法 Method for determination of oil content in oilseeds NEQ ISO 659-1988
67.200.20 B33 GB/T 14488.2-1993 油料种籽杂质含量测定法 Method for determination of foreign matter in oilseeds NEQ ISO 658-1980
67.200 B33 GB/T 14489.1-1993 油料水分及挥发物含量测定法 Method for determination of moisture and volatile matter content in oilseeds EQV ISO 665-1977
67.200 B33 GB/T 14489.2-1993 油料粗蛋白质的测定法 Method for determination of crude protein in oilseed NEQ ISO 1817
67.200 B33 GB/T 14489.3-1993 油料中油的游离脂肪酸含量测定法 Method for determination of free fatty acids content of oils in oilseeds NEQ AOCS A 65-49
67.060 B22 GB/T 14490-1993 谷物及淀粉糊化特性测定法 粘度仪法 Method for determination of cereal and starch gelatinization properties using a viscograph  
Z19 GB/T 14553-1993 粮食和果蔬质量 有机磷农药的测定 气相色谱法 Cereal, fruit and vegetable quality--Determination of organophosphorus pesticides--Gas chromatography  
67.060 B20 GB/T 14607-1993 小麦粉干面筋测定法 Method for determination of dry gluten in flour NEQ ISO 6645-81
67.060 B20 GB/T 14608-1993 小麦粉湿面筋测定法 Method for determination of wet gluten in flour NEQ ISO 7495-90
67.060 B20 GB/T 14609-1993 谷物中铜、铁、锰、锌、钙、镁的测定法 原子吸收法 Method for determination of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Ca, Mg in cereals by atomic absorption spectrophotometry EQV AACC 40-70
67.060 B20 GB/T 14610-1993 谷物及谷物制品中钙的测定 Method for determination of calcium in cereals and cereal products EQV AACC 40-20
67.060 B20 GB/T 14611-1993 小麦粉面包烘焙品质试验法 直接发酵法 Bread baking quality of wheat flour--Straight dough method NEQ AACC 10-10A(83)
67.060 B20 GB/T 14612-1993 小麦粉面包烘焙品质试验法 中种发酵法 Bread baking quality of wheat flour--Sponge dough method NEQ AACC 10-11(83)
67.060 B20 GB/T 14613-1993 全麦粉发酵时间试验 Wheat-meal fermentation time test NEQ AACC 56-50
67.060 B20 GB/T 14614-1993 小麦粉吸水量和面团揉和性能测定法 粉质仪法 Method for determination of water absorption of wheat flour and rheological properties of doughs using a farinograph IDT ISO 5530-1-1988
67.060 B20 GB/T 14615-1993 面团拉伸性能测定法 拉伸仪法 Method for determination of rheological properties of doughs using an extensograph EQV ISO 5530-2-1988
67.100.10 Z33 GB/T 14674-1993 牛奶中碘-131的分析方法 Analytical method for 131I in milk  
67.080.20 B08 GB/T 14704-1993 结球甘蓝贮藏技术 Round-headed cabbage cold storage technique  
67.220.20 X42 GB 14750-1993 食品添加剂 维生素A Food additive--Vitamin A NEQ FCC(1983版)
67.220.20 X42 GB 14751-1993 食品添加剂 维生素B1(盐酸硫胺) Food additive--Vitamin B1(Thiamine hydrochloride)  
67.220.20 X42 GB 14752-1993 食品添加剂 核黄素(维生素B2) Food additive--Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) NEQ FCCV(1983版)
67.220.20 X42 GB 14753-1993 食品添加剂 维生素B6 (盐酸吡哆醇) Food additive--Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine hydrochloride) NEQ FCCV(1983版)
67.220.20 X42 GB 14754-1993 食品添加剂 维生素C(抗坏血酸) Food additive--Vitamin C(Ascorbic acid)  
67.220.20 X42 GB 14755-1993 食品添加剂 维生素D2(麦角钙化醇) Food additive--Vitamin D2(Ergocalciferol)  
67.220.20 X42 GB 14756-1993 食品添加剂 维生素E(d1-α-醋酸生育酚) Food additive--Vitamin E(d1-α-Tocopheryl acetate) NEQ FCCV(1983版)
67.220.20 X42 GB 14757-1993 食品添加剂 烟酸 Food additive--Nicotinic acid NEQ FCCV(1983版)
67.220.20 X42 GB 14758-1993 食品添加剂 咖啡因 Food additive--Caffeine  
67.220.20 X42 GB 14759-1993 食品添加剂 牛磺酸 Food additive--Taurine  
67.040 X04 GB/T 14769-1993 食品中水分的测定方法 Method for determination of moisture in foods  
67.040 X04 GB/T 14770-1993 食品中灰分的测定方法 Method for determination of ash in foods  
67.040 X04 GB/T 14771-1993 食品中蛋白质的测定方法 Method for determination of protein content in foods NEQ ISO 937-78
67.040 X04 GB/T 14772-1993 食品中粗脂肪的测定方法 Method for determination of crude fat content in foods  
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 14867-1994 凤香型白洒 Feng-flavour Chinese spirits  
67.040 C53 GB 14868-1994 食品中辛硫磷最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of phoxim in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 14869-1994 食品中百菌清最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of chlorothalonil in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 14870-1994 食品中多菌灵最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of carbendazol in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 14871-1994 食品中二氯苯醚菊脂最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of permethrin in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 14872-1994 食品中乙酰甲胺磷最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of acephate in foods  
67.060 C53 GB 14873-1994 稻谷中甲胺磷最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of methamidophos in rice  
67.040 C53 GB 14874-1994 稻谷和棉籽油中甲基对硫磷最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of parathion-methyl in grain and cotton oil  
67.040 C53 GB 14875-1994 食品中辛硫磷农药残留量的测定方 Method for determination of phoxim pesticide residue in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 14876-1994 食品中甲胺磷和乙酰甲胺磷农药残留量的测定方法 Method for determination of methamidophos and acephate pesticide residues in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 14877-1994 食品中氨基甲酸酯类农药残留量的测定方法 Method for determination of carbamate pesticide residues in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 14878-1994 食品中百菌清残留量的测定方法 Method for determination of chlorothalonil residue in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 14879-1994 食品中二氯苯醚菊脂残留量的测定方法 Method for determination of permethrin residue in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 14880-1994 食品营养强化剂使用卫生标准 Hygienic standard for the use of nutritional for tification substances in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 14881-1994 食品企业通用卫生规范 General hygienic regulation for food enterprises  
67.040 C53 GB 14882-1994 食品中放射性物质限制浓度标准 Limited concentrations of radioactive materials in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 14883.1-1994 食品中放射性物质检验 总 Examination of radioactive materials for foods--General principle  
67.040 C53 GB 14883.2-1994 食品中放射性物质检验 氢-3的测定 Examination of radioactive materials for foods--Determination of hydrogen-3  
67.040 C53 GB 14883.3-1994 食品中放射性物质检验 锶-89和锶-90的测定 Examination of radioactive materials for foods--Determination of strontium-89 and strontium-90  
67.040 C53 GB 14883.5-1994 食品中放射性物质检验 钋-210的测定 Examination of radioactive materials for foods--Determination of polonium-210  
67.040 C53 GB 14883.6-1994 食品中放射性物质检验 镭-226和镭-228的测定 Examination of radioactive materials for foods--Determination of radium-226 and radium-228  
67.040 C53 GB 14883.7-1994 食品中放射性物质检验 天然钍和铀的测定 Examination of radioactive materials for foods--Determination of natural thorium and uranium  
67.040 C53 GB 14883.8-1994 食品中放射性物质检验 钚-239、钚-240的测定 Examination of radioactive materials for foods--Determination of plutonium-239, plutonium-240  
67.040 C53 GB 14883.9-1994 食品中放射性物质检验 碘-131的测定 Examination of radioactive materials for foods--Determination of iodine-131  
67.040 C53 GB 14883.10-1994 食品中放射性物质检验 铯-137的测定 Examination of radioctive materials for foods--Determination of cesium-137  
67.040 C53 GB 14883.4-1994 食品中放射性物质检验 钷-147的测定 Examination of radioactive materials for foods--Determination of promethium-147  
67.180.10 C53 GB 14884-1994 蜜饯食品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for preserved fruits  
67.220.20 X42 GB 14888.1-1994 食品添加剂 新红 Food additive--New red  
67.220.20 X42 GB 14888.2-1994 食品添加剂 新红铝色淀 Food additive--New red aluminum lake  
67.220.20 X42 GB 14889-1994 食品添加剂 柠檬酸钾 Food additive--Potassium citrate NEQ FCC/V-81
67.120.20 C53 GB 14891.1-1997 辐射熟畜禽肉类卫生标准 Hygienic standard for irradiated cooked meat of livestock and poultry  
67.040 C53 GB 14891.2-1994 辐照花粉卫生标准 Hygienic standard for irradiated pollen  
67.180.10 C53 GB 14891.3-1997 辐照干果果脯类卫生标准 Hygeinic standard for irradiated dried nuts and preserved fruits  
67.220.10 C53 GB 14891.4-1997 辐照香辛料类卫生标准 Hygienic standard for irradiated dried spice  
67.080.20 C53 GB 14891.5-1997 辐照新鲜水果、蔬菜类卫生标准 Hygienic standard for irradiated fresh fruits and vegetables  
67.120 C53 GB 14891.6-1994 辐照猪肉卫生标准 Hygienic standard for irradiated hog carcass  
67.120 C53 GB 14891.7-1997 辐照冷冻包装畜禽肉类卫生标准 Hygienic standard for irradiated frozen packaged meat of livestock and poultry  
67.060 C53 GB 14891.8-1997 辐照豆类、谷类及其制品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for irradiated beans,grains and their products  
67.060 C53 GB 14891.9-1994 辐照薯干酒卫生标准 Hygienic standard for irradiated sweetpotato wine  
67.040 C53 GB 14928.1-1994 食品中地亚农最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of dizinon in food  
67.040 C53 GB 14928.2-1994 食品中抗蚜威最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of pirimicarb in food  
67.040 C53 GB 14928.3-1994 食品中甲基嘧啶硫磷最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of pirimiphos-methyl in food  
67.040 C53 GB 14928.4-1994 食品中溴氰菊酯最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of deletamethrin in food  
67.040 C53 GB 14928.5-1994 食品中氰戊菊酯最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of fenvalerate in food  
67.200 C53 GB 14928.6-1994 花生仁、食用油(花生油、棉籽油)中涕灭威最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of aldicard in peanut and vegetable oil  
67.060 C53 GB 14928.7-1994 稻谷中呋喃丹最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of carbofuran in rice grains  
67.040 C53 GB 14928.8-1994 稻谷、柑桔中水胺硫磷最大残留限量标 Maximum residue limits of optunul (bay 93820) in rice grains and orange  
67.060 C53 GB 14928.9-1994 稻谷中三环唑最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limit of tricyciazol in grain  
67.040 C53 GB 14928.10-1994 大米、蔬菜、柑桔中喹硫磷最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limit of quinalphes in rice, vegetable and orange  
67.060 C53 GB 14928.11-1994 大米中杀虫环最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limit of evisect (thiocyclam) in rice  
67.060 C53 GB 14928.12-1994 大米中杀虫双最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limit of pesticide--Shachongshuang in rice(hulled)  
67.040 C53 GB/T 14929.1-1994 食品中地亚农(二嗪农)残留量测定方法 Method for determination of diazimon residue in food  
67.040 C53 GB/T 14929.2-1994 花生仁、棉籽油、花生油中涕灭威残留量测定方法 Method for determination of aldicarb residues in peanut,cottonseed oil and peanut oil  
67.080.10 C53 GB/T 14929.3-1994 柑桔中水胺硫磷残留量测定方法 Method for determination of Optunul (Bay 93820) in orange  
67.040 C53 GB/T 14929.4-1994 食品中氯氰菊酯、氰戊菊酯和溴氰菊酯残留量测定方法 Method for determination of cypermethrin, fenvalerate and deltamethrin residues in food  
67.060 C53 GB/T 14929.5-1994 谷物及其制品中脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇的测定方法 Method for determination of deoxynivalenol in cereal and cereal products  
67.040 C53 GB/T 14929.6-1994 大米和柑桔中喹硫磷残留量测定方法 Method for determination of quinalphos residues in rice and orange  
67.060 C53 GB/T 14929.7-1994 大米中杀虫环残留量测定方法 Method for determination of evisect (thiocyclam)residues in rice  
67.060 C53 GB/T 14929.8-1994 大米中杀虫双残留量测定方法 Method for determination of Nereistoxin derivative--Sha chongshuang residues in rice  
67.060 C53 GB/T 14929.9-1994 稻谷中三环唑残留量测定方法 Method for determination of tricyclazole residue in rice  
67.040 C53 GB 14930.1-1994 食品工具、设备用洗涤剂卫生标准 Hygienic standards for detergent for food tools and installations  
67.040 C53 GB 14930.2-1994 食品工具、设备用洗涤消毒剂卫生标准 Hygienic standards for detergent and disinfection for food tools and installations  
67.120 C53 GB/T 14931.1-1994 畜禽肉中土霉素、 四环素、金霉素残留量测定方法 (高效液相色谱法) Method for determination of oxytetracyline tetracyline and chlortetracycline residues in meat(HPLC)  
67.120 C53 GB/T 14931.2-1994 畜禽肉中己烯雌酚的测定方法 Method for determination of diaethylstilbestrol in flesh  
67.060 C53 GB 14932.1-1994 食用豆粕卫生标准 Hygienic standard for edible soybean meal  
67.060 C53 GB/T 14932.2-1994 食用豆粕卫生标准的分析方法 Method for determination of hygienic standard of edible soybean meal  
67.060 C53 GB/T 14933-1994 小麦中T-2毒素的酶联免疫吸附测定方法(ELISA) Method for determination of T-2 toxin in wheat with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)  
67.040 C53 GB 14934-1994 食(饮)具消毒卫生标准 Hygienic standard for disinfection of dinner and drinking set  
67.040 C53 GB 14935-1994 食品中铅限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of lead in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 14936-1994 硅藻土卫生标准 Hygienic standard of diatomaceous earth  
67.040 C53 GB/T 14937-1994 复合食品包装袋中二氨基甲苯测定方法 Method for analysis of diaminomethylbezen of complex for food packaging material  
67.040 C53 GB 14938-1994 食物中毒诊断标准及技术处理总则 General principles of diagnostic criteria and technical management of food poisoning  
67.040 C53 GB 14939-1994 鱼罐头卫生标准 Hygienic standard for canned fish  
67.040 C53 GB/T 14940-1994 食品中丙酸钠、丙酸钙的测定方法 Method for determination of sodium propionate and calcium propionate in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 14941-1994 食品中脱氢乙酸的测定方法 Method for determination of dehydroacetic acid in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 14942-1994 食品容器、包装材料用聚碳酸酯成型品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polycarbonate products used as food containers and packaging materials  
67.040 C53 GB/T 14943-1994 食品容器、包装材料用聚氯乙烯树脂及成型品中残留1,1-二氯乙烷的分析方法 Method for determination of residual ethylidene dichloride in polyvinyl chloride resin and product for food container and packaging material  
67.040 C53 GB 14944-1994 食品包装用聚氯乙烯瓶盖垫片及粒料卫生标准 Hygienic standard for bottle sheet and granular materials of polyvinyl chloride for food packaging  
67.040 C53 GB 14961-1994 食品中铬限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of chromium in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 14962-1994 食品中铬的测定方法 Method for determination of chromium in foods  
67.180.10 C53 GB 14963-1994 蜂蜜卫生标准 Hygienic standard of honey  
67.180.10 C53 GB 14964-1994 赤砂糖卫生标准 Hygienic standard of brown sugar  
67.040 C53 GB/T 14965-1994 食物中氨基酸的测定方法 Method for determination of amino acids in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 14967-1994 胶原蛋白肠衣卫生标准 Hygienic standard for collagen casing  
67.040 C53 GB 14968-1994 食品中草甘膦最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of glyphosate in food NEQ CAC/VOI XIII-ED.2
67.080.10 C53 GB 14969-1994 甘蔗、柑桔中克线丹最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of sebufos in cane and orange  
67.040 C53 GB 14970-1994 食品中噻嗪酮最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of buprofezin in food  
67.040 C53 GB 14971-1994 食品中西维因最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of carbaryl in food  
67.040 C53 GB 14972-1994 食品中粉锈宁最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of triadimefon in food  
67.040 C53 GB/T 14973-1994 食品中粉锈宁残留量的测定方法 Method for determination of triadimefon residues in foods  
67.080.10 C53 GB 14974-1994 苹果和山楂制品中展青霉素限量卫生标准 Hygienic standard for tolerance limits of patulin in apple and hawthorn products  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.140.20 B30 GB/T 15033-1994 生咖啡 嗅觉和肉眼检验以及杂质和缺陷的测定 Green coffee--Olfactory and visual examination and determination of foreign matter and defects EQV ISO 4149-80
67.080.10 B31 GB/T 15034-1994 芒果 贮藏导则 Mangoes--Guide to storage NEQ ISO 6660-80
67.160.10 X62 GB/T 15037-1994 葡萄酒 Wine  
67.160.10 X62 GB/T 15038-1994 葡萄酒、果酒通用试验方法 Analytical methods of wine and fruit-wine  
67.220.20 X41 GB 15044-1994 食品添加剂 卡拉胶 Food additive--Carrageenan  
67.040 X04 GB/T 15053-1994 使用辐射显色薄膜和聚甲基丙烯酸甲脂剂量测量系统测量吸收剂量标准方法 Standard method for using radiochromic film and polymethylmethacrylate dosimetry systems to measure absorbed dose  
67.040 X04 GB/T 15091-1994 食品工业基本术语 Fundamental terms of food industry  
67.180.10 X31 GB/T 15108-1994 原糖 Raw sugar  
67.160.10 X60 GB/T 15109-1994 白酒工业术语 Terminology of Chinese spirits industry  
67.100.20 C53 GB 15196-1994 人造奶油卫生标准 Hygienic standard of margarine  
67.040 C53 GB 15194-1994 食品中敌菌灵等农药最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of anilazine and other pesticides in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 15195-1994 食品中灭幼脲最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of mieyouniao in foods  
67.200.10 C53 GB 15197-1994 精炼食用植物油卫生标准 Hygienic standard of refined oil  
67.040 C53 GB 15198-1994 食品中亚硝酸盐限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of nitrite in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 15199-1994 食品中铜限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of copper in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 15200-1994 食品中铁限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of iron in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 15201-1994 食品中隔限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of cadmium in food  
67.060 C53 GB 15202-1994 面制食品中铝限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of aluminium in flour products  
67.180 C53 GB 15203-1994 淀粉糖卫生标准 Hygienic standard of corn sweetener  
67.040 C53 GB 15204-1994 食品容器、包装材料用偏氯乙烯-氯乙烯共聚树脂卫生标准 Hygienic standard of vinylidene chloride-vinyl chloride copolymer resins for food containers and packaging material  
67.040 C53 GB/T 15205-1994 食品包装用聚酯树脂及其成型品中锗的测定方法 Method for determination of germanium in polyester resin and products for food packing  
67.040 C53 GB/T 15206-1994 食物中胆固醇的测定方法 Method for determination of cholesterol in foods  
67.160.20 X51 GB 15266-2000 运动饮料 Sport drinks  
67.220.20 X42 GB 15358-1994 食品添加剂 DL-酒石酸 Food additive--DL-Tartaric acid  
67.080 B04 GB/T 15401-1994 水果、蔬菜及其制品 亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐含量的测定 Fruits, vegetables and derived products--Determination of nitrite and nitrate content EQV ISO 6635-84
67.080 B04 GB/T 15402-1994 水果、蔬菜及其制品 钠、钾含量的测定 Fruits, vegetables and derived products--Determination of sodium and potassium  
67.060 B04 GB/T 15403-1994 大豆制品甲酚红指数的测定 Determination of cresol red index for soya bean products IDT ISO 5514-1979
67.060? B31 GB/T 15665-1995 豆类 配糖氢氰酸含量的测定 Pulses--Determination of glycosidic hydrocyanic acid NEQ ISO 2164-1975
67.060? B31 GB/T 15666-1995 豆类试验方法 Test methods for the pulses NEQ ISO 605-1977
67.080.20? B31 GB/T 15667-1995 水果、蔬菜及其制品 氯化物含量的测定 Fruits, vegetables and their products--Determination of chloride content EQV ISO 3634-1979
67.080.01? B31 GB/T 15668-1995 水果、蔬菜及其制品 新鲜豌豆和速冻豌豆醇不溶固形物含量的测定 Fruits, vegetables and their products--Determination of alcohol-insoluble solids content in fresh or quick-frozen peas EQV ISO 8129-2:1984【廃版】
67.080.01? B31 GB/T 15669-1995 水果、蔬菜及其制品 新鲜玉米和速冻玉米醇不溶固形物含量的测定 Fruits, vegetables and their products--Determination of alcohol-insoluble solids content in fresh or quick-frozen maize EQV ISO 8129-1:1984【廃版】
67.060? B22 GB/T 15683-1995 稻米直链淀粉含量的测定 Rice--Determination of amyloss content EQV ISO 6647-1987【廃版】
67.060? B22 GB/T 15684-1995 谷物制品脂肪酸值测定法 Method for determination of fatty acid value of cereal products NEQ ISO 7305-1986
67.060? B22 GB/T 15686-1995 高梁中单宁含量的测定 Sorghum--Determination of tainnin content EQV ISO 9648-1988
67.200.10? X14 GB/T 15687-1995 油脂试样制备 Oils and fats--Preparation of test sample EQV ISO 661-1989
67.200.10? X14 GB/T 15688-1995 动植物油脂中不溶性杂质含量的测定 Animal and vegetable oils and fats--Determination of insoluble impurities content EQV ISO 663-1992
67.200.20? X14 GB/T 15689-1995 油籽中油的酸度测定 Determination of acidity of oils in oilseeds EQV ISO 729-1988
67.200.20? X14 GB/T 15690-1995 油籽含油量核磁共振测定法 Determination of oil content in oilseeds by nuclear magnetic resonance method NEQ ISO 5511-1992
67.220.20 X42 GB 15809-1995 食品添加剂 抗坏血酸钙 Food additive--Calcium ascorbate EQV FCC-V-83
67.260 Y68 GB/T 15854-1995 食物搅碎器 Food blenders NEQ JIS C9609-83
67.220.20 X41 GB 15961-1995 食品添加剂 红曲红 Food additive--Monascus color  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.040 X04 GB/T 16285-1996 食品中葡萄糖的测定方法 酶-比色法和酶--电极法 Method for determination of glucose in food--Enzyme--colorimetric method and enzyme-electrode method  
67.040 X04 GB/T 16286-1996 食品中蔗糖的测定方法 酶-比色法 Method for determination of sucrose in food Enzyme-colorimetric method  
67.040 X04 GB/T 16287-1996 食品中淀粉的测定方法 酶-比色法 Method for determination of starch in food Enzyme-colorimetric method  
67.160.10 X61 GB/T 16289-1996 豉香型白酒 Chi--fiavour Chinese spirits  
67.240 B04 GB/T 16290-1996 感官分析 方法学 使用标度评价食品 Sensory analysis--Methodology--Evaluation of food products by methods using scales IDT ISO 4121-1987(E)
67.240 B04 GB/T 16291-1996 感官分析 专家的选拔、培训和管理导则 Sensory analysis general--Guidance for the selection, training and monitoring of experts IDT ISO 8586-2-1994(E)
67.220.20 X42 GB 16313-1996 食品添加剂 抗坏血酸钠 Food additive--Sodium ascorbate EQV FCC V-1983
67.220.20 X42 GB 16314-1996 食品添加剂 L--抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯 Food additive--L-ascorbyl palmitate EQV FCC V-1983
67.040 C53 GB 16319-1996 食品中敌百虫最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of trichlorfon in foods  
67.040 C53 GB 16320-1996 食品中亚胺硫磷最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of phosmet in foods  
67.160.20 C53 GB 16321-1996 乳酸菌饮料卫生标准 Hygienic standard for yoghurt beverage  
67.160.20 C53 GB 16322-1996 植物蛋白饮料卫生标准 Hygienic standards of vegetable protein drinking  
67.040 C53 GB 16323-1996 食品中阿特拉津最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of atrazine in food  
67.120.30 C53 GB 16324-1996 海水贝类干制品卫生标准 Hygienic standards of dried sea-shellfish product  
67.080 C53 GB 16325-1996 干果食品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for dried fruits  
67.120.10 C53 GB 16327-1996 肉干、肉脯卫生标准 Hygienic standard of roast dried meat product  
67.120.30 C53 GB 16328-1996 烤鱼片卫生标准 Hygienic standard of roasted fish fillet  
67.060 C53 GB 16329-1996 小麦、面粉、玉米及玉米粉中脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇限量标准 Tolerance limits for deoxynivalenol in wheat, wheat flour, corn and corn flour  
67.160.20 C53 GB 16330-1996 饮用天然矿泉水厂卫生标准 Hygienic specifications of factory for drinking natural mineral water  
67.040 C53 GB 16331-1996 食品包装材料用尼龙6树脂卫生标准 Hygienic standard of nylon 6 resins for food packaging material  
67.040 C53 GB 16332-1996 食品包装材料用尼龙成型品卫生标准 Hygienic standard of products of nylon for food packaging material  
67.040 C53 GB 16333-1996 双甲脒等农药在食品中的最大残留限量 Maximum residue limits of amitraz and other pesticides in food NEQ CAC CX/PR2-1992
67.040 C53 GB 16334-1996 γ辐照装置食品加工实用剂量学导则 Practical guide of dosimetry in a gamma irradiation facility for food processing  
67.040 C53 GB/T 16335-1996 食品中亚胺硫磷残留量的测定方法 Method for determination of phosmet residues in food  
67.040 C53 GB/T 16336-1996 食品中阿特拉津残留量的测定 Determination of atrazine residue in food  
67.060 C53 GB/T 16337-1996 大豆及谷物中氟磺胺草醚残留量的测定 Determination of fomesaten residues in soya and cereals  
67.060 C53 GB/T 16338-1996 粮食中绿麦隆残留量的测定 Determination of chlorotoluron residue in cereals  
67.060 C53 GB/T 16339-1996 大米中禾大壮残留量的测定 Determination of molinate residue in rice  
67.040 C53 GB/T 16340-1996 食品中灭幼脲残留量的测定 Determination of mieyouniao residues in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 16341-1996 食品中五氯硝基苯残留量的测定 Determination of quintozene residues in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 16342-1996 食品中锑的测定 Determination of antimony in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 16343-1996 食品中镍的测定 Determination of nickel in foods  
67.160.20 C53 GB/T 16345-1996 饮料中乙酰磺胺酸钾(安赛蜜)的测定 Determination of acesulfame K in bererage  
67.040 C53 GB/T 16346-1996 食品中诱惑红的测定 Determination of allura red in foods  
67.160.20 C53 GB/T 16347-1996 乳酸菌饮料中乳酸菌的微生物学检验 Microbiological examination of lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt beverage  
67.040 C53 GB 16565-1996 油炸小食品类卫生标准 Hygienic standard for fried food  
67.260 B91 GB/T 16714-1996 连续式粮食干燥机 Continuous-flow grain dryer  
67.080.01 B31 GB/T 16715.1-1996 瓜菜作物种子 瓜类 Seeds of gourd and vegetable--Melon crop  
67.080.01 B31 GB 16715.2-1999 瓜菜作物种子 白菜类 Seeds of gourd and vegetable--Chinese cabbage group  
67.080.01 B31 GB 16715.3-1999 瓜菜作物种子 茄果类 Seeds of gourd and vegetable--Solanaceous vegetables  
67.080.01 B31 GB 16715.4-1999 瓜菜作物种子 甘蓝类 Seeds of gourd and vegetable--Cole vegetables  
67.080.01 B31 GB 16715.5-1999 瓜菜作物种子 叶菜类 Seeds of gourd and vegetable--Leaf vegetables  
67.040 X83 GB 16740-1997 保健(功能)食品通用标准 General standard for health (functional) foods  
67.160.20 X51 GB/T 16771-1997 橙、柑、桔汁及其饮料中果汁含量的测定 Determination of juice content in orange,mandarine,tangerine juice and their drinks  
67.020 Y90 GB 16798-1997 食品机械安全卫生 Requirements of safety and sanitation for food machinery  
67.240 B04 GB/T 16860-1997 感官分析方法 质地剖面检验 Sensory analysis methodology--Texture profile IDT ISO 11036:1994
67.240 B04 GB/T 16861-1997 感官分析 通过多元分析方法鉴定和选择用于建立感官剖面的描述词 Sensory analysis--Identification and selection of descriptors for establishing a sensory profile by a multidimensional approach IDT ISO 11035:1994
67.080.01 B31 GB/T 16862-1997 鲜食葡萄冷藏技术 Table grape--Guide to cold storage NEQ ISO 2168:1974
67.120.10 X22 GB 16869-2000 鲜、冻禽产品 Fresh and frozen poultry product  
67.080.20 X26 GB/T 16870-1997 芦笋冷藏技术 Asparagus cold storage technique NEQ ISO 4186:1980
67.120.30 B52 GB/T 16871-1997 梭鱼亲鱼和鱼种 Mullet standard for parent fish and fingerling  
67.120.30 B52 GB/T 16872-1997 栉孔扇贝苗种 Seedling of farrer's scallop  
67.120.30 B52 GB/T 16873-1997 散鳞镜鲤 Scattered mirror carp  
67.120.30 B52 GB/T 16874-1997 方正银鲫 Fangzheng crucian carp  
67.120.30 B52 GB/T 16875-1997 兴国红鲤 The red carp of xingguo  
67.120.30 T61 GB/T 16877-1997 拖拉机禁用与报废 Prohibition and scrapping for tractors  
67.120.30 X20 GB/T 16919-1997 食用螺旋藻粉 Food grade spirulina powder  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.040 X08 GB/T 17109-1997 粮食销售包装 Consumer pack of grain  
67.220.20 X42 GB 17203-1998 食品添加剂 柠檬酸钙 Food additive--Calcium citrate EQV 美国药典(ups)23版-89
67.160.10 X60 GB/T 17204-1998 饮料酒分类 Classification of alcoholic beverages EQV OIV-1996
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 17236-1998 生猪屠宰操作规程 The operating procedures of pig-slaughtering  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 17238-1998 鲜、冻分割牛肉 Fresh and frozen beef,cuts  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 17239-1998 鲜、冻兔肉 Fresh and frozen rabbit meat  
67.080 B31 GB/T 17240-1998 辣根贮藏技术 Horseradish cold storage technique  
67.060 B22 GB/T 17320-1998 专用小麦品种品质 Wheat varieties for specsific end-uses  
67.240 B04 GB/T 17321-1998 感官分析方法 二、三点检验 Sensory analysis method--Duo--trio test IDT ISO 10399:1991(E)
67.040 C53 GB/T 17328-1998 食品中稳杀得、精稳杀得残留量的测定 Analysis method of the fluazifop-butyl and its acid in food  
67.040 C53 GB/T 17329-1998 食品中双甲脒残留量的测定 Determination of amitraz residues in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 17330-1998 食品中甲基异柳磷残留量的测定 Method for determination of isofenphos-methyl residues in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 17331-1998 食品中有机磷和氨基甲酸酯类农药多残留的测定 Method for determination of organophosphorus and carbamate pesticide residues in food  
67.040 C53 GB/T 17332-1998 食品中有机氯和拟除虫菊酯类农药多残留的测定 Method for determination of organochlorines and pyrethroid pesticide residues in food  
67.040 C53 GB/T 17333-1998 食品中除虫脲残留量的测定 Determination of diflubenzuron residues in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 17334-1998 食品中游离棉酚的测定 Determination of gossypal in food  
67.040 C53 GB/T 17335-1998 食品中栀子黄的测定 Method for determination of crocin in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 17336-1998 食品中红曲色素的测定 Method for determination of monascas colours in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 17337-1998 食品中锗的测定 Determination of germanium in foods  
67.040 C53 GB/T 17338-1998 食品包装用苯乙烯--丙烯腈共聚物和橡胶改性的丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯树脂及其成型品中残留丙烯腈单体的测定 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of residual acrylonitrile monomer in styrene--acrylonitrile copolymers and rubber--modified acrylonitrile--butadiene--styrene resins and its products for food packaging--Headspace gas chromatography  
67.200 X14 GB/T 17374-1998 食用植物油销售包装 Sales package of edible vegetable oil  
67.200 X14 GB/T 17375-1998 动植物油脂 灰分测定法 Animal and vegetable fats and oils Methods for determination of ash EQV ISO 6884:1985
67.200 X14 GB/T 17376-1998 动植物油脂 脂肪酸甲酯制备 Animal and vegetable fats and oils Preparation of methyl esters of fatty acids EQV ISO 5509:1978
67.200 X14 GB/T 17377-1998 动植物油脂 脂肪酸甲酯的气相色谱分析 Animal and vegetable fats and oils Analysis by gas chromatography of methyl esters of fatty acids EQV ISO 5508:1990
67.180.10 C53 GB 17399-1998 胶姆糖卫生标准 Hygienic standard for chewing gum  
67.040 C53 GB 17400-1998 方便面卫生标准 Hygienic standard for instant noodle  
67.060 C53 GB 17401-1998 膨化食品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for extruded food  
67.200 C53 GB 17402-1998 食用氢化油卫生标准 Hygienic standard for edible hydrogenated oil  
67.040 C53 GB 17403-1998 巧克力厂卫生规范 Code of hygienic practice for chocolate factory  
67.040 C53 GB 17404-1998 膨化食品良好生产规范 Good manufacturing practice of puffed food  
67.040 C53 GB 17405-1998 保健食品良好生产规范 Good manufacture practice on health food  
67.020 C53 GB/T 17406-1998 食品中植酸的测定 Method for the determination of phytic acid in foods  
67.020 C53 GB/T 17407-1998 食品中维生素B6的测定 Method for the determination of vitamin B6 in foods  
67.060 C53 GB/T 17408-1998 大米中稻瘟灵残留量的测定 Method for the determination of isoprothiolane residues in rice  
67.080.10 B31 GB/T 17479-1998 杏冷藏 Apricots--Guide to cold storage NEQ ISO 2826-1974
67.220.20 X42 GB 17511.1-1998 食品添加剂 诱惑红 Food additive Fancy(Allura) red EQV 日本食品添加剂公定书
67.220.20 X42 GB 17511.2-1998 食品添加剂 诱惑红铝色淀 Food additive Fancy(Allura) red aluminum lake EQV 日本食品添加剂公定书
67.220.20 X42 GB 17512.1-1998 食品添加剂 赤藓红 Food additive Erythrosine EQV 日本食品添加剂公定书
67.220.20 X42 GB 17512.2-1998 食品添加剂 赤藓红铝色淀 Food additive Erythrosine aluminum lake EQV 日本食品添加剂公定书
67.220.10 X14 GB/T 17527-1998 胡椒精油含量测定方法 Determination method of pepper essential oils content  
67.220.10 X14 GB/T 17528-1998 胡椒碱含量的测定 分光光度法 Determination of piperine content--Spectrophotometric method EQV ISO 5564:1982
67.200 X14 GB/T 17756-1999 色拉油通用技术条件 General technical requiremints of salad oil  
67.200 X14 GB/T 17757-1999 高级烹调油通用技术条件 General technical requirements of high grade cooking oil  
67.220.20 X42 GB/T 17779-1999 食品添加剂 L-苏糖 酸钙 Food additive--Calcium L-threonate  
67.220.20 X42 GB 17787-1999 食品添加剂 左旋肉碱 Food additive--levocarnitine NEQ 美国药典1995年第23版
67.060 B22 GB/T 17890-1999 饲料用玉米 Maize for feedstuffs  
67.060 B22 GB/T 17892-1999 优质小麦 强筋小麦 High quality wheat--Strong gluten wheat  
67.060 B22 GB/T 17893-1999 优质小麦 弱筋小麦 High quality wheat--Weak gluten wheat  
67.160.10 X62 GB 17946-2000 绍兴酒(绍兴黄酒) Shaoxing rice wine  
67.060 B22 GB/T 17891-1999 优质稻谷 High quality paddy  
67.120.10 X22 GB/T 17996-1999 生猪屠宰产品品质检验规程 Code for product quality inspection for pig in slaughtering  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
67.140.20 B30 GB/T 18007-1999 咖啡及其制品 术语 Coffee and its products--Vocabulary EQV ISO 3509:1989
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 18008-1999 棕榈油 Palm oil EQV CAC Codex stan.125:1981
67.200.10 X14 GB/T 18009-1999 棕榈仁油 Palm kernel oil EQV CAC Codex stan.126:1981
67.080.10 B33 GB/T 18010-1999 腰果仁 规格 Cashew kernels--Specification EQV ISO 6477:1988
67.220.20 X11 GB/T 18104-2000 魔芋精粉 Konjak refined powder  
67.040 X10 GB/T 18105-2000 米类加工精度异色相差分染色检验法(IDS法) Method for determination of the processing degree of rice and other grain kernels using iso-color-phase differential staining(IDS)  
67.120.30 B51 GB/T 18108-2000 鲜海水鱼 Fresh marine fish  
67.120.30 B51 GB/T 18109-2000 冻海水鱼 Frozen marine fish  
67.060 B23 GB 18133-2000 马铃薯脱毒种薯 Certified seed potatoes  
67.220 X66 GB 18186-2000 酿造酱油 Fermented soy sauce  
67.220 X66 GB 18187-2000 酿造食醋 Fermented vinegar  
67.160.10 X61 GB 18356-2001 茅台酒(贵州茅台酒) MouTai liquor (Kweichow MouTai liquor)  
67.120.10 X22 GB 18357-2001 宣威火腿 XuanWei ham  
67.120.10 X22 GB 18393-2001 牛羊屠宰产品品质检验规程 Code for product quality inspection for cattle or sheep in slaughtering  
67.120.10 X22 GB 18394-2001 畜禽肉水分限量 Permitted level of moisture in meat of livestock and poultry  
67.080 B09 GB 18406.1-2001 农产品安全质量 无公害蔬菜安全要求 Safety and quality for agricultural product safety demand for non-environmental pollution vegetable  
67.120.01 B09 GB 18406.3-2001 农产品安全质量 无公害畜禽肉产品安全要求 Safety qualification for agricultural product safety requirements for animal meat products  
67.080 B09 GB/T 18407.1-2001 农产品质量安全 无公害蔬菜产地环境要求 Safety and quality for agricultural product environmental demand for non-environmental pollution vegetable place of product  
67.120.01 B09 GB/T 18407.3-2001 农产品安全质量 无公害畜禽产地环境要求 Safety qualification for agricultural product The requirement for environment of safety animals  
67.060 X04 GB/T 18415-2001 小麦粉中过氧化苯甲酰的测定方法 Methods of determination for benzoyl peroxide in wheat flour  
67.080.20 B31 GB/T 18518-2001 黄瓜 贮藏和冷藏运输 Cucumbers-storage and refrigerated transport EQV ISO 7560:1995
67.050 X04 GB/T 18524-2001 食品辐照通用技术要求 The codex general technical requirement for food irradiation NEQ CAC/RCP 19:1979
67.050 X04 GB/T 18525.1-2001 豆类辐照杀虫工艺 Code of good irradiation practice for insect disinfestation of dried pulses NEQ ICGFI
67.050 X04 GB/T 18525.2-2001 谷类制品辐照杀虫工艺 Code of good irradiation practice for insect disinfestation of cereal grains products NEQ ICGFI
67.050 X04 GB/T 18525.3-2001 红枣辐照杀虫工艺 Code of good irradiation practice for insect disinfestation of dried red jujubes NEQ ICGFI
67.050 X04 GB/T 18525.4-2001 枸杞干葡萄干辐照杀虫工艺 Code of good irradiation practice for insect disinfestation of the fruit of chinese wolfberry and raisins NEQ ICGFI
67.050 X04 GB/T 18525.5-2001 干香辐照杀虫防霉工艺 Code of good irradiation practice for the control of moulds and insect disinfestation in desiccated xianggu mushroom NEQ ICGFI
67.050 X04 GB/T 18525.6-2001 桂园干辐照杀虫防霉工艺 Code of good irradiation practice for insect disinfestation and control mildew in dried longan NEQ ICGFI
67.050 X04 GB/T 18525.7-2001 空心莲辐照杀虫工艺 Code of good irradiation practice for the insect disinfestation in dried lotus seed NEQ ICGFI
67.050 X04 GB/T 18526.1-2001 速溶茶辐照杀菌工艺 Code of good irradiation practice for the control microflora in tea extract powder NEQ ICGFI
67.050 X04 GB/T 18526.2-2001 花粉辐照杀菌工艺 Code of good irradiation practice for the control of microorganism in pollen  
67.050 X04 GB/T 18526.3-2001 脱水蔬菜辐照杀菌工艺 Code of good irradiation practice for control of pathogens and other microflora in dehydrated vegetables NEQ ICGFI
67.050 X04 GB/T 18526.4-2001 香料和调味品辐照杀菌工艺 Code of good irradiation practice for the control of pathogens and other microflora in spice and seasoning NEQ ICGFI
67.050 X04 GB/T 18526.5-2001 熟畜禽肉类辐照杀菌工艺 Code of good irradiation practice for cooked meat of livestock and poultry(To control microflora and/or extend shelf-life)  
67.050 X04 GB/T 18526.6-2001 糟制肉食品辐照杀菌工艺 Code of good irradiation practice for control of micr of ora in pickled meat products with distillers grain  
67.050 X04 GB/T 18526.7-2001 冷却包装分割猪肉辐照杀菌工艺 Code of good irradiation practice for chilled packaged pork cuts (To control pathogens and/or extend shelf-life) NEQ ICGFI
67.050 X04 GB/T 18527.1-2001 苹果辐照保鲜工艺 Code of good irradiation practice for apples  
67.050 X04 GB/T 18527.2-2001 大蒜辐照抑制发芽工艺 Code of good irradiation practice for sprout inhibition of garlic NEQ ICGFI
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