
CSBTS GB ICS List 中国国家標準(GB,GB/T規格)
 ICS 03:社会学、サービス、経営組織及び管理、行政、運輸 分野

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中国語名称を表示する場合は、ブラウザ(IE6等)の エンコード日本語(シフトJIS)とし、 日本語のフォントMS UI Gothic等に指定してください。
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
03.220.20 A24 GB 917.1-2000 公路路线标识规则 命名、编号和编码 Mark rules of highway route naming number and coding  
03.220.20 A24 GB 917.2-2000 公路路线标识规则 国道名称和编号 Mark rules of highway route name and number of national trunk highway  
03.220.60 M83 GB/T 1416-1993 信封 Envelopes  
03.120.30; A41 GB/T 2828-1987 逐批检查计数抽样程序及抽样表 (适用于连续批的检查) Sampling procedures and tables for lot-by-lot inspection by attributes (Apply to inspection of successive lots or batches)  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 2829-1987 周期检查计数抽样程序及抽样表 (适用于生产过程稳定性的检查) Sampling procedures and tables for periodic inspectionby attributes ( Apply to inspection of stability for productive process)  
03.120.30; A41 GB/T 3358.1-1993 统计学术语 第一部分 一般统计术语 Terms for statistics--Part 1: Terms for general statistics NEQ ISO/DIS 3435.1~.3
03.120.30; A22 GB/T 3358.2-1993 统计学术语 第二部分 统计质量控制术语 Terms for statistics--Part 2: Terms for statistical quality control NEQ IOS/DIS 3435.1~.3
03.120.30; A22 GB/T 3358.3-1993 统计学术语 第三部分 试验设计术语 Terms for statistics--Part 3: Terms for experimental design NEQ IOS/DIS 3435.1~.3
03.120.30; A41 GB/T 3359-1982 数据的统计处理和解释 统计容许区间的确定 Statistical interpretation of data--Determination of a statistical tolerance interval NEQ ISO 3207-75
03.120.30; A41 GB/T 3360-1982 数据的统计处理和解释 均值的估计和置信区间 Statistical interpretation of data--Estimation of the mean--Confidence interval NEQ ISO 2602-80
03.120.30; A41 GB/T 3361-1982 数据的统计处理和解释 在成对观测值情形下两个均值的比较 Statistical interpretation of data--Comparison of two means in the case of paired observations NEQ ISO 3301-75
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 4091-2001 常规控制图 Shewhart control charts IDT ISO 8258:1991
03.220.40 R20 GB/T 4099-1983 航海常用名词、术语及其代 (符) 号 Navigation terms and symbols in common use  
03.220.10 C66 GB 4387-1994 工业企业厂内铁路、道路运输安全规程 Safety regulation for railway and road transportation in plants of industrial enterprises  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 4882-2001 数据的统计处理和解释 正态性检验 Statistical interpretation of data Normality tests IDT ISO 5479:1997
03.120.30; A41 GB/T 4885-1985 正态分布完全样本可靠度单侧置信下限 One-sided reliability confidence lower limit (Normal distribution complete sample)  
03.120.30; A41 GB/T 4886-1985 带警戒限的均值控制图 Control charts for arithmetic mean with warning limits  
03.120.30; A41 GB/T 4887-1985 计数型累积和图 Cusum charts for counted/attributes data  
03.120.30; A41 GB/T 4888-1985 故障树名词术语和符号 Terms and symbols of fault tree  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 4891-1985 为估计批 (或过程) 平均质量选择样本大小的方法 Choice of sample size to estimate the average quality of a lot or process  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
03.080.30 A12 GB 5296.1-1997 消费品使用说明 总则 Instructions for use of products of consumer interest--General principles  
03.220.20 P52 GB/T 5655-1985 城市公共交通常用名词术语 Common terms of urban public transport  
03.220.20 R80 GB 5768-1999 道路交通标志和标线 Road traffic signs and markings  
03.220.20 P52 GB/T 5845.1-1986 城市公共交通标志 公共交通总标志 Marks for urban public transport--General mark for public transport  
03.220.20 P52 GB/T 5845.2-1986 城市公共交通标志 公共汽车标志 Marks for urban public transport--Mark for bus  
03.220.20 P52 GB/T 5845.3-1986 城市公共交通标志 无轨电车标志 Marks for urban public transport--Mark for trolleybus  
03.220.20 P52 GB/T 5845.4-1986 城市公共交通标志 快速有轨电车标志 Marks for urban public transport--Mark for light rail rapid transit  
03.220.20 P52 GB/T 5845.5-1986 城市公共交通标志 地下铁道标志 Marks for urban public transport--Mark for subway  
03.220.20 P52 GB/T 5845.6-1986 城市公共交通标志 缆车(索道)标志 Marks for urban public transport--Mark for cable car  
03.220.20 P52 GB/T 5845.7-1986 城市公共交通标志 城市出租汽车标志 Marks for urban public transport--Identification mark for taxi  
03.220.20 P52 GB/T 5845.8-1986 城市公共交通标志 城市轮渡标志 Marks for urban public transport--Mark for urban ferry  
03.220.20 P52 GB/T 5845.9-1986 城市公共交通标志 运行线路图形符号 Marks for urban public transport--Graphic symbols for circulation line  
03.220.20 P52 GB/T 5845.10-1986 城市公共交通标志 禁令和一般标志 Marks for urban public transport--Marks for prohibition and general  
03.220.20 P52 GB/T 5845.11-1986 城市公共交通标志 公共汽车、无轨电车、有轨电车站牌 Marks for urban public transport--Stop board of bus and trollybus and tramcar  
03.220.20 P52 GB/T 5845.12-1986 城市公共交通标志 快速有轨电车站牌 Marks for urban public transport--Stop board for light rail rapid transit  
03.220.20 P52 GB/T 5845.13-1989 城市公共交通标志 公共汽车、无轨电车、有轨电车路牌 Marks for urban public transport - Line number plate of bus, trolley bus and tram NEQ ISO 4030-83
03.220.40 R62 GB 5863-1993 内河助航标志 Aids to navigation on inland waterways  
03.220.40 R62 GB 5864-1993 内河助航标志的主要外形尺寸 The main dimensions of aids to navigation on inland waterways  
03.120.30 A00 GB/T 6378-1986 不合格品率的计量抽样检查程序及图表(适用于连续批的检查) Sampling procedures and charts for inspection by variables for percent nonconforming(Applied to inspection of successive lots or batches) NEQ ISO 3951-81
03.120.30 A21 GB/T 6379-1986 测试方法的精密度 通过实验室间试验确定标准测试方法的重复性和再现性 Precision of test methods--Determination of repeatability and reproducibility for a standard test method by interlaboratory tests NEQ ISO 5725-81
03.120.30; A41 GB/T 6380-1986 数据的统计处理和解释 I 型极值分布样本异常值的判断和处理 Statistical interpretation of data--Detection and handling of outlying observations in the sample of type I extreme value distribution  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 6381-1986 通用控制图 Universal control chart  
03.100.30 J01 GB/T 6419-1986 潜水焊工考试规则 Regulations for the qualification test of diver-welders  
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 6992.2-1997 可信性管理 第2部分: 可信性大纲要素和工作项目 Dependability management-Part 2: Dependability programme elements and tasks IDT IEC 60300-2-1995
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
03.220.30 S04 GB/T 7058-1986 铁路客运服务图形标志 Pictograns used in railway passenger service NEQ UIC 413
03.100 F01 GB/T 7119-1993 评价企业合理用水技术通则 General principles for evaluating the rational utilization of water in enterprises  
03.220.30 S90 GB/T 7179-1997 铁路货运术语 Terminology for railway freight traffic  
03.220.40 R06 GB/T 7187.2-2001 运输船舶燃油消耗量--长江船舶计算方法 Fuel oil consumption of transportation ships--Computation methord for changjiang ships  
03.220.40 R06 GB/T 7187.3-2001 运输船舶燃油消耗量 内河船舶计算方法 Fuel oil consumption for transportation ships--Calculation method for inland ships  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 8051-1987 计数序贯抽样检查程序及表 Sequential sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 8052-1987 单水平和多水平计数连续抽样检查程序及表 Single and multi-level continuous sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 8053-2001 不合格品率的计量标准型一次抽样检验程序及表 Single sampling procedures and tables for inspection having desired operating characteristics by variables for percent nonconforming  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 8054-1995 平均值的计量标准型一次抽样检验程序及抽样表 Single sampling procedures and tables for inspection having desired operating characteristics by variables for mean value  
03.120.30; A41 GB/T 8055-1987 数据的统计处理和解释 Г分布 (皮尔逊V型分布) 的参数估计 Statistical interpretation of data--Parameter estimation for gamma distribution (Pearaon V distribution)  
03.120.30; A41 GB/T 8056-1987 数据的统计处理和解释 指数样本异常值的判断和处理 Statistical interpretation of data--Detection and handling of outlying observations in exponential sample  
03.100 A02 GB/T 8223-1987 价值工程 基本术语和一般工作程序 Value engineering--General terms and work program  
03.220.20 R10 GB/T 8226-1987 公路运输术语 Highway transportation terminology  
03.220.40 R40 GB/T 8487-1987 港口装卸术语 Terms for port cargo handling  
03.220.10 A87 GB/T 8497-1987 联运企业货物运输工作质量评价指标 Evaluation indices of freight traffic quality in through transportation enterprise  
03.220.30 S90 GB/T 8568-1988 铁路行车组织名词术语 Terminology for train operation  
03.220.30 S04 GB/T 9654-1988 铁路编组站改编能力计算方法 (三级三场) Calculated methods of sorting capacity for railway marshalling station (3-stage/3-yard)  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 10111-1988 利用随机数骰子进行随机抽样的方法 Methods for random sampling by utillzing dices of random number  
03.220.30 S61 GB 10493-1989 铁路站内道口信号设备技术条件 Technical specification for crossing signal equipment within the station  
03.220.30 S61 GB 10494-1989 铁路区间道口信号设备技术条件 Technical specification for crossing signal equipment in wayside  
03.220.30 S61 GB/T 10495-1989 铁路信号技术中采用电子元器件时应遵循的主要安全条件 The more important safety conditions to be observed in the use of electronic components in railway signalling techniques  
03.220.40 R20 GB/T 10743-1989 水运商务名词术语 Terminology for water transport commercial  
03.240 M80 GB/T 10756-1998 邮政设备词汇 Postal epuipment vocabulary  
03.220.60 M80 GB/T 10757-1989 邮政通信网术语 Terminology of postal network  
03.220.40 R22 GB/T 11412.1-1989 海上运输船舶安全开航技术要求 总则 Technical requirements for safety of commencing a sea voyage of sea going transport ships - General rules  
03.220.40 R22 GB/T 11412.2-1989 海上运输船舶安全开航技术要求 甲板部 Technical requirements for safety of commencing a sea voyage of sea going transport ships - Deck department  
03.220.40 R22 GB/T 11412.3-1989 海上运输船舶安全开航技术要求 轮机部 Technical requirements for safety of commencing a sea voyage of sea going transport ships - Engineering department  
03.220.40 R15 GB/T 11601-2000 集装箱进出港站检查交接要求 The rule for inspection and exchange of container of port or station for in or out  
03.220.40 R43 GB 11602-1989 集装箱港口装卸作业安全规程 The safe rules for handling in container port NEQ ISO 3874-88
03.120.30; A41 GB/T 11791-1989 正态分布变差系数置信上限 Upper confidence limits of coefficient of variation for normal distribution  
03.220.40 R04 GB/T 12301-1999 船舱内非危险货物产生有害气体的检测方法 Detection methods for harmful gas evolved from non-dangerous cargo in holds  
03.120.30 A29 GB/T 12336-1990 腐蚀数据统计分析标准方法 Standard practice for applying statistics analysis of corrosion data IDT ASTM G16-71
03.100 F04 GB/T 12452-1990 企业水平衡与测试通则 The general principles of water balance and testing in enterprises  
03.100 F20 GB/T 12455-1990 宾馆、饭店合理用电 The rationality of electricity usage in guesthouse and hotel  
03.120.20 A00 GB/T 12707-1991 工业产品质量分等导则 Directives for the grading of industrial product quality  
03.220.30 S90 GB/T 13231-1991 铁路编组站到发线通过能力计算方法 (三级三场) Calculated methods of carrying capacity for receiving and dispatching tracks at railway marshalling station(3-stage/3-yard)  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 13262-1991 不合格品率的计数标准型一次抽样检查程序及抽样表 Single sampling procedures and tables for inspection having desired operating characteristics by attributes for percent nonconforming NEQ JIS Z9002-75
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 13263-1991 跳批计数抽样检查程序 The procedures for skip-lot sampling inspection by attributes EQV ISO/DIS 2859/3-2
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 13264-1991 不合格品率的小批计数抽样检查程序及抽样表 Sampling procedures and tables for inspection of small lots or batches by attributes for percent nonconforming  
03.220.30 S90 GB/T 13317-1991 铁路旅客运输组织术语 Terminology for railway passenger transport  
03.120.10 A02 GB/T 13339-1991 质量成本管理导则 Guide to management of quality related costs  
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 13340-1991 产品质量等级品率的确定和计算方法 Methods for determination and calculation of quality grading rate of products  
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 13341-1991 质量损失率的确定和核算方法 Methods for determination and accounting of quality failure rate  
03.100.20 A10 GB/T 13391-2000 酒家酒店分等定级规定 Classification and granding directives for restaurants and hotels  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 13393-1992 抽样检查导则 Guide for sampling inspection  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 13546-1992 挑选型计数抽样检查程序及抽样表 Rectifying sampling procedures and tables for inspections by attributes NEQ JIS Z9006
03.220.10 A87 GB/T 13562-1992 联运术语 Terminology of combined transport  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 13732-1992 粒度均猿U料抽样检验通则 General rules for sampling inspection of bulk materials with uniform size  
03.220.40; R22 GB 13851.1-1992 内河交通安全标志 总则 Traffic safety signs on inland waterways--General principles  
03.220.40; R22 GB 13851.2-1992 内河交通安全标志 标志 Traffic safety signs on inland waterways--Signs  
03.220.40; R22 GB/T 13851.3-1992 内河交通安全标志配备与安装 Traffic safety signs on inland waterways--Layoff and mounting  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
03.100.50 C76 GB/T 14002-1992 劳动定额术语 Terminology of work quota  
03.220.30 S93 GB/T 14037-1993 铁路货场设备使用能力的计算 Calculation of utilized capacity of freight yard equipment  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 14162-1993 产品质量监督计数抽样程序及抽样表 (适用于每百单位产品不合格数为质量指标) Sampling procedures and tables for product quality audit(Apply to inspection by attributes for nonconformities per hundred units)  
03.100.50 C76 GB/T 14163-1993 工时消耗分类、代号和标准时间构成 Classification of working-hours consumption symbolsand composition of standard time  
03.120.20 A12 GB/T 14237-1993 工业产品保证文件 生产者就其出口产品合格的声明 Manufacturer's declaration of export product conformity with standards EQV ISO、IEC-82
03.200 A16 GB/T 14308-1997 旅游涉外饭店星级的划分及评定 Star-rating standard for tourist hotels  
03.220.10 A87 GB/T 14309-1993 板材成捆运输技术要求 Specification for unit load transport of plate wood  
A87 GB 14371-1993 危险货物运输 爆炸品分级程序 Transport of dangerous goods--Specification on the classification procedure for explosives  
03.220;13. A87 GB 14372-1993 危险货物运输 爆炸品分级试验方法和判据 Transport of dangerous goods--Test method and criteria of classification for explosives  
03.100.20 A13 GB/T 14392-1993 贸易单证样式 Layout key for trade document EQV ISO 6422-1985
03.100.20 A13 GB/T 14393-1993 贸易单证中代码的位置 Location of codes in trade documents NEQ ISO 8440-86
03.120.20 A12 GB/T 14436-1993 工业产品保证文件 总则 General principles of industrial product guarantee documents  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 14437-1997 产品质量监督计数一次抽样检验程序及抽样方案 Single sampling procedures and tables by attributes for product quality audit  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 14438-1993 定限内正态概率的置信下限 Lower confidence limit of normal probability within specified limits  
03.220.10 R04 GB/T 14507-1993 公路、水路货物运输气候环境条件 Climatic environmental conditions existing in the cargo transportation by highway and waterway  
03.220.20 R04 GB/T 14508-1993 等级公路货物运输机械环境条件 Mechanical environmental conditions existing in the cargo transportation by classed highway  
03.220.40 R04 GB/T 14509-1993 水路货物运输机械环境条件 Mechanical environmental conditions existing in the cargo transportation by waterway  
03.100.40 A13 GB/T 14524-1993 国家级重点新产品试制鉴定计划项目申报表及数据库结构 The declare list and framework of database for trial-producition and appraisal plan of national-level major new products  
03.100.30 F70 GB/T 14570-1993 辐射防护技术人员资格基本要求 Basic qualification requirement for radiation protection personer  
03.220.40 U24 GB/T 14655-1993 滚装船与岸联接的基本规定 General rules for Ro/Ro ship-to-shore connection EQV ISO 6812-83
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 14900-1994 产品质量平均值的计量一次监督抽样检验程序及抽样表 Single sampling procedures and tables for product quality audit by variableg for mean value  
03.220.30 S04 GB/T 15165-1994 铁路车站及枢纽术语 Terminology for railway station and terminal  
03.100.30 J33 GB/T 15169-1994 钢熔化焊手焊工资格考核方法 Approval testing of manual welders--Fusion welding-steel  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 15239-1994 孤立批计数抽样检验程序及抽样表 Sampling procedures and tables for isolated lot inspection by attributes  
03.220.40 A45 GB/T 15315-1994 航海通告编写规范 Specifications for notice to mariners  
03.220.40 R62 GB 15359-1994 中国海区灯船和大型浮标制式 Maritime light vessels and large buoys system, China  
03.120.20 A00 GB/T 15481-2000 检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories IDT ISO/IEC 17025:1999
03.120.20 A00 GB/T 15483.1-1999 利用实验室间比对的能力验证 第1部分:能力验证计划的建立和运作 Proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons--Part 1: Development and operation of proficiency testing schemes IDT ISO/IEC Guide 43-1:1997
03.120.20 A00 GB/T 15483.2-1999 利用实验室间比对的能力验证 第2部分:实验室认可机构对能力验证计划的选择和使用 Proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons--Part 2: Selection and use of proficiency testing schemes by laboratory accreditation bodies IDT ISO/IEC Guide 43-2:1997
B04 GB/T 15549-1995 感官分析 方法学 检测和识别气味方面评价员的入门和培训 Sensory analysis--Methodology--Initiation and training of assessors in the detection and recognition of odours IDT ISO 5496:1992
03.120? L05 GB/T 15647-1995 稳态可用性验证试验方法 Compliance test procedures for steady-state availability IDT IEC 61070-1991
03.080 A16 GB/T 15971-1995 导游服务质量 Quality of tour-guide service  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
03.220.50 V51 GB/T 16177-1996 公共航空运输服务质量标准 Quality standards of public air transport service NEQ ISO 9004-87
03.100.30 A24 GB/T 16295-1996 通用键盘汉字输入技能测试方法 The test method for universal keyboard chinese Character input skill  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 16306-1996 产品质量监督复查程序及抽样方案 Procedures and the plan of sampling for repeat test or inspection in product quality audit  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 16307-1996 计量截尾序贯抽样检验程序及抽样表(适用于标准差已知的情形〕 Sequential sampling plans for inspection by variables for percent nonconforming (known standard deviation) EQV ISO 8423-1991
03.220.20 R80 GB/T 16311-1996 道路交通标线质量要求和检测方法 Quality requirement and test method for road traffic markings  
03.100.30 C05 GB 16408.1-1996 民用航空飞行人员体格检查鉴定标准 Appraisal standard of physical examination for civil aviation aircrew  
03.100.30 C05 GB 16408.2-1996 民用航空空中交通管制员体格检查鉴定标准 Appraisal standard of physical examination for civil aviation air traffic controllers  
03.100.30 C05 GB 16408.3-1996 民用航空招收飞行学生体格检查鉴定标准 Appraisal standard of physical examination for recruitment of civil aviation airman trainees  
03.100.30 C05 GB/T 16408.4-1996 民用航空空中乘务员体格检查鉴定标准 Appraisal standard of physical examination for civil aviation flight attendants  
03.240 M83 GB/T 16606-1996 邮政特快专递封套 Envelopes for express mail service  
03.080.99 A12 GB/T 16759-1997 消费品和有关的服务比较试验 总则 Comparative testing of consumer products and related services--General principles IDT ISO/IEC Guide 46
03.080.30 A12 GB/T 16766-1997 旅游服务基础术语 Basic terms of service in tourism  
03.080 A12 GB/T 16767-1997 游乐园(场)安全和服务质量 Safety and service quality in the amusement park  
03.080.01 A00 GB/T 16784.1-1997 工业产品售后服务 第1部分:总则 After-sale service of industrial products--Part 1:General principle  
03.080.01 A12 GB/T 16784.2-1998 工业产品售后服务 第2部分 维修 After-sale service of industrial products Part 2:Maintain  
03.120.10 A10 GB/T 16868-1997 商品经营质量管理规范 Commodity quality management specification NEQ ISO 9004.2:1994
03.220.40 R24 GB/T 16890.1-1997 水路客运服务质量要求 总则 Requirments on services of passenger transport by water--General rules  
03.220.40 R24 GB/T 16890.2-1997 水路客运服务质量要求 沿海、长江干线客船 Requirments on services of passenger transport by water--Passenger ships sailing in coastal waters and the main routes of the Yangtze river  
03.220.40 R24 GB/T 16890.3-1997 水路客运服务质量要求 远洋、涉外游览客船 Requirments on services of passenger transport by water--Passenger ships sailing in ocean and for overseas visitors  
03.220.40 R24 GB/T 16890.4-1997 水路客运服务质量要求 内河客船 Requirments on services of passenger transport by water--Passenger ships sailing in inland waters  
03.220.40 R24 GB/T 16890.5-1997 水路客运服务质量要求 高速客船 Requirments on services of passenger transport by water--High speed passenger ships  
03.220.40 R24 GB/T 16890.6-1997 水路客运服务质量要求 游览船 Requirments on services of passenger transport by water--Sightseeing cruise ships  
03.220.40 R24 GB/T 16890.7-1997 水路客运服务质量要求 港口客运站 Requirments on services of passenger transport by water--Passenger stations in port  
03.220.40 R09 GB 16993-1997 防止船舶货舱及封闭舱缺氧危险作业安全规程 Safety regulations for working under hazardous condition of the oxygen deficiency in the cargo holds and closed compartments of ships  
03.220.40 R09 GB 16994-1997 油码头安全技术基本要求 Basic requirement for accidents prevention of oil terminals  
03.060 A90 GB 16999-1997 人民币伪钞鉴别仪 Counterfeit RMB--Banknote discriminating device  
03.120.99 A90 GB/T 17000-1997 防伪全息产品通用技术条件 Universal technical requirements of anti-counterfeiting holographic products  
03.100.50 A90 GB/T 17002-1997 防伪印刷产品生产管理规范 Standardization of production management for anti-counterfeiting printing products  
03.100.50 A90 GB/T 17004-1997 防伪技术术语 Anti-counterfeiting technological terminology  
03.240 M83 GB/T 17128.1-1997 邮政特种信封 邮政快件信封 Special postal envelope--Envelopes of domestic express mail  
03.240 M83 GB/T 17128.2-1997 邮政特种信封 国际邮政公事信封 Special postal envelope-international envelope on postal service  
03.220.40 A24 GB/T 17152-1997 运费代码(FCC)--运费和其他费用的统一描述 Freight Costs Code(FCC)--Harmonization of the description of freight costs and other charges EQV UN/ECE No.23:1990
03.100.01 A01 GB/T 17242-1998 投诉处理指南 Guidelines for complaints handling  
03.220.01 R04 GB/T 17271-1998 集装箱运输术语 Terminology for container transport  
03.080.01 A10 GB/T 17372-1998 服务企业等级的划分 总则 Classification of grade of service trades General rules  
03.220.40 R09 GB 17379-1998 散装石油、液体化工产品港口储存通则 General rule for terminals storage of petroleum in bulk and liquid chemicals in bulk  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 17560-1998 数据的统计处理和解释 中位数的估计 Interpretation of statistical data--Estimation of a median EQV ISO 8595:1989
03.100.20 A10 GB/T 17629-1998 电子数据交换的国际商用交换协议样本 Model interchange agreement for the international commercial use of electronic data interchange IDT UN/ECE 国际贸易程序
03.220.40 R06 GB/T 17751-1999 运输船舶能源利用监测评价方法 The survey-evaluating method of energy utilization for transport ships  
03.080 A12 GB/T 17775-1999 旅游区(点)质量等级的划分与评定 Standard of rating for quality of tourist attractions  
03.220.40 R55 GB 17868-1999 加压舱消防安全技术要求 Technical requirements of fire safety in compression chambers NEQ ANSI/NFPA99:1996
03.220.40 R54 GB 17869-1999 潜水员水下用电安全操作规程 Operating rules for diver's safe use of electricity under water  
03.220.40 R53 GB/T 17870-1999 减压病加压治疗技术要求 Technical requirements of recompression therapy for decompression sickness  
03.220.40 R53 GB/T 17871-1999 氮氧饱和或空气饱和-空气巡回潜水减压程序 Decompression procedures for nitrox or air saturation-air excursion diving NEQ NOAA《潜水手册》
03.100.20 A10 GB 17924-1999 原产地域产品通用要求 General requirements for products of designations of origin and geographical indications  
03.120.30 A41 GB/T 17989-2000 控制图 通则和导引 Control chart-General guide and introduction IDT ISO 7870:1993
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
03.220.01 R09 GB/T 18026-2000 纸品装卸、储运安全要求 Safety requirements for paper products handling and storage  
03.220.50 V52 GB/T 18041-2000 民用航空货物运输术语 Civil aviation cargo transpotation terminology  
03.220.40 R22 GB 18093-2000 航海日志 Deck log book  
03.100.20 A10 GB/T 18106-2000 零售业态分类 Classification of types of operation in retail business  
03.100.20 A10 GB/T 18126-2000 国际贸易付款条款的缩略语--PAYTERMS Payterms--Abberviations for terms of payment of international trade EQV UN/ECE
03.220.40 R09 GB 18180-2000 液化气船舶安全作业要求 Requirements for the safe operation of liquefied gas tanker  
03.220.20 R16 GB/T 18189-2000 摩托车维修业开业条件 Requirements for industry of motorcycle maintenance and repair being managed  
03.220.20 R04 GB/T 18225-2000 水路客运术语 Terminology for passenger transport by water  
03.100.20 A10 GB 18265-2000 危险化学品经营企业开业条件和技术要求 Operation conditions and technical requirements for enterprises handling dangerous chemicals business  
03.200 Y56 GB/T 18266.1-2000 体育场所等级的划分 第一部分:保龄球馆星级的划分及评定 Ranking standard for gymnasium and playground--Part 1: Star-rating standard for bowling playground  
03.220.20 R87 GB/T 18277-2000 公路收费制式 Highway toll collection mode  
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 18305-2001 质量体系 汽车供方质量体系要求 Quality system--Quality system requirements for automotive suppliers IDT ISO/TS 16949:1999
03.120.20 A00 GB/T 18346-2001 各类检查机构能力的通用要求 General criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection IDT ISO/IEC 17020:1998
03.100.10 A01 GB/T 18353-2001 棉花加工企业基本技术条件 Basic technical condition of cotton processing enterprise  
03.220.50 V50 GB/T 18360-2001 公共航空运输服务质量评定 Evaluation of public air transportation service quality  
03.220.20 R87 GB/T 18367-2001 公路收费方式 Highway toll collection manner  
03.100.20 A10 GB/T 18389-2001 农业机械营销企业 开业条件 等级划分及市场行为要求 Running conditions classification of grade and code of marketing conduct for agricultural machinery circulation enterprises  
03.220.40 R09 GB 18434-2001 油船油码头安全作业规程 Safety operation rules for oil tankers and terminals  
03.220.40 R21 GB 18436-2001 轮机日志和车钟记录簿 Engine log book and record book of engine order telegraph  
03.220.20 R16 GB 18565-2001 营运车辆综合性能要求和检验方法 Multiple performance requirement and detecting methods for commercial vehicles  
03.220.20 R06 GB/T 18566-2001 运输车辆能源利用检测评价方法 Inspection and evaluation method of energy utilization for commercial vehicle  
中国標準分類 規格番号 規格名称(中国語) Top規格名称(英語) 国際整合
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19000-2000 质量管理体系 基础和术语 Quality management systems--Fundamentals and vocabulary IDT ISO 9000:2000
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19000.2-1998 质量管理和质量保证标准 第2部分: GB/T 19001、GB/T 19002和GB/T 19003实施通用指南 Quality management and quality assurance standards--Part 2: Generic guidelines for the application of GB/T 19001、GB/T 19002 and GB/T 19003 IDT ISO 9000-2:1997
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19000.3-2001 质量管理和质量保证标准 第3部分: GB/T 19001在计算机软件开发、供应、安装和维护中的使用指南 Quality management and quality assurance standards--Part 3: Guidelines for the application of GB/T 19001 to the development,supply,installation and maintenance of computer software IDT ISO 9000-3:1997
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19000.4-1995 质量管理和质量保证标准 第4部分:可信性大纲管理指南 Quality management and quality assurance standards--Part 4:Cuide to dependability programme management IDT ISO 9000-4-1988
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19001-2000 质量管理体系 要求 Quality management systems--Requirements IDT ISO 9001:2000
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19004-2000 质量管理体系 业绩改进指南 Quality management systems--Guidelines for performance improvements IDT ISO 9004:2000
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19004.2-1994 质量管理和质量体系要素 第2部分: 服务指南 Quality management and quality system elements--Part 2: Guidelines for services IDT ISO 9004-2-91
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19004.3-1994 质量管理和质量体系要素 第3部分: 流程性材料指南 Quality management and quality system elements--Guidelines for processed materials IDT ISO 9004-3-93
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19004.4-1994 质量管理和质量体系要素 第4部分: 质量改进指南 Quality management and quality system elements--Guidelines for quality improvement IDT ISO 9004-4-93
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19015-1996 质量管理 质量计划指南 Quality management--Guidelines for quality plans IDT ISO 10005-1995
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19016-2000 质量管理 项目管理质量指南 Quality management--Guidelines to quality in project management IDT ISO 10006:1997
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19017-1997 质量管理 技术状态管理指南 Quality management--Guidelines for configuration management IDT ISO 10007:1995
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19021.1-1993 质量体系审核指南 审核 Guidelines for auditing quality systems--Part 1: Auditing IDT ISO 10011.1-90
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19021.2-1993 质量体系审核指南 质量体系审核员的评定准则 Guidelines for auditing quality systems--Part 2: Qualification criteria for quality systems auditors IDT ISO 10011.2-91
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19021.3-1993 质量体系审核指南 审核工作管理 Guidelines for auditing quality systems--Part 3: Management of audit programmes IDT ISO 10011.3-91
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19022.1-1994 测量设备的质量保证要求 第一部分: 测量设备的计量确认体系 Quality assurance requirements for measuring equipment Part1: Metrological confirmation system for measuring equipment IDT ISO 10012-1-92
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19022.2-2000 测量设备的质量保证 第2部分: 测量过程控制指南 Quality assurance for measuring equipment--Part 2: Guidelines for control of measurement processes IDT ISO 10012-2:1997
03.120 A00 GB/T 19023-1996 质量手册编制指南 Guidelines for developing quality manuals IDT ISO 10013-1995
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19024-2000 质量经济性管理指南 Guidelines for managing the economics of quality IDT ISO/TR 10014:1998
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19025-2001 质量管理 培训指南 Quality management--Guidelines for training IDT ISO 10015:1999
03.120.10 A00 GB/T 19027-2001 GB/T 19001-1994的统计技术指南 Guidance on statistical techniques for GB/T 19001:1994 IDT ISO/TR 10017:1999
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