New on 03/28/2002 10:01:06 by H.Ishiguro

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CEN(欧州標準化委員会)の TC(技術委員会)/SC(分科委員会) 一覧
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TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
001   [none]    
009   [none]    
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
010   Passenger, goods and service lifts   Establishment of safety rules for the construction and installation: - of lifts and service lifts; - of escalators and passenger conveyors.
011   [none]    
012   Material, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum and natural gas industries   Standardisation of the materials, equipment and offshore structures used in drilling, production, refining and the transport by pipelines of petroleum and natural gas, excluding on-land supply systems used by the gas supply industry and those aspects of offshore structures covered by IMO requirement (ISO/TC 8). The standardization is to be achieved wherever possible by the adoption of ISO standards
Comments : The stake holders of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries decided to write ≪ GLOBAL STANDARDS to be used LOCALLY WORLDWIDE ≫ mainly because its activity is international. To reach this objective, they decided to adopt as European standards the international standards developed in ISO TC67. The transfer to CEN TC12 would be done through the Vienna Agreement.
013   [none]    
014   [none]    
015   Inland navigation vessels   Standardization in the field of shipbuilding for inland waterway vessels and of inland waterway navigation.
016   [none]    
017   [none]    
018   [none]    
019   Petroleum products, lubricants and related products   Standardization of methods of measurements, sampling and test, terminology and specifications and classifications for petroleum, petroleum products and non-petroleum based fuels, lubricants and hydraulic fluids; specifically the standardization of automotive fuels and biofuels, (fire-resistant) hydraulic fluids and bitumen. Preparation and publication of standards for downstream oil industry covering naturally occurring materials as well as the products derived from processing of these natural materials. The standards include those for characterizing the product quality, for quantity measurement and for operational procedures, e.g. a quality monitoring system for fuels.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
020   [none]    
021   [none]    
022   [none]    
023   Transportable gas cylinders   Standardization of transportable gas cylinders, their fittings, and requirements relating to their design, testing and operation. The scope does not include LPG cylinder covered by CEN/TC 286 or non-refillable cartridges covered by CEN/TC 157. The scope does not include containers for cryogenic gases covered by CEN/TC 268.
024   [none]    
025   [none]    
026   [none]    
027   [none]    
028   [none]    
029   [none]    
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
030   [none]    
031   [none]    
032   [none]    
033   Windows, doors, shutters, building hardware and curtain walling   Definition of functions of doors, windows, shutters, building hardware, and curtain walls and performance levels and classification associated with these functions which characterize the usage including the ability to meet the essential requirements (of the Construction Products Directive), tests requirements and, if necessary, the essential dimensions, terminology, symbols, packaging, marking and labelling.
034   [none]    
035   [none]    
036   [none]    
037   [none]    
038   Durability of wood and wood-based products   Standardization of natural or conferred durability of wood and wood-based products against biological agents and their characteristics associated with exposure.
039   [none]    
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
040   [none]    
041   [none]    
042   [none]    
043   [none]    
044   Household refrigerating appliances   Standardization of household refrigerators, frozen food storage cabinets, food freezers and their combinations with respect to: - performance requirements and related test methods; - requirements and test methods for determination of non-electric safety characteristics; - test methods for the determination of energy consumption.
045   [none]    
046   [none]    
047   Atomizing oil burners and their components - Function - Safety - Testing   Safety times and safety devices for atomizing oil burners including the methods of test and all matters concerning their equipment and their supply systems.
048   Domestic gas-fired water heaters (ガス湯沸し機/家庭用) Preparation of European standards for domestic gas-fired water heaters, I.e. instantaneous water heaters and storage water heaters, excluding central heating boilers derived from these appliances and also excluding appliances combining these two preceding types.
049   Gas cooking appliances (ガス調理器) Gas cooking appliances: terminology, classification, constructional and performance characteristics, test methods and marking.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
050   Lighting columns and spigots   Harmonization of existing standards in the field of lighting poles, especially of connecting dimensions.
051   Cement and building limes   Standardization in the field of definitions and terminology, specifications and methods of test for cements and limes used in building and civil engineering.
052   Safety of toys   Preparation of European Standards within the field of safety of toys on mechanical and physical properties, flammability, chemical properties and graphical symbols.
053   Temporary works equipment   Standardization of temporary works equipment used for maintenance, building, construction work and for temporary structures made of the same equipment. The products and systems are normally intended for repeated use. Standardization of machinery is excluded.
054   Unfired pressure vessels   Preparation of European Standards for the design, materials selection, manufacture, inspection, testing and safety (protection) of unfired metallic pressure vessels for use in satisfying the essentia
safety requirements of EC directives 87/404/EC and 97/23/EC. Excluding cryogenic vessels for industrial gases and LNG (as covered by CEN/TC 268 and CEN/TC 282 respectively). Including horizontal standards applicable to wider pressure equipment issues, such as nomenclature.
055   Dentistry   Standardization of terminology, methods of test and specifications applicable to materials, instruments, appliances and equipment used in all branches of dentistry.
056   [none]    
057   Central heating boilers   To establish a European Standard with regard to constructional requirements and efficiency tests for central heating boilers made from steel or cast iron, based on UECCA/CEFACEF drafts for a CEN code and other documents, also to establish a European standard for oil fired air-heaters
058   Safety and control devices for gas-burners and gas-burning appliances (ガスバーナ用制御機器) Safety and control devices for gas-burning equipment ranging from small domestic appliances to large industrial gas-burners excluding devices for transmission and distribution equipment.
059   [none]    
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
060   [none]    
061   [none]    
062   Independent gas-fired space heaters   Preparation of standards for independent gas-fired space heaters and decorative fuel effect appliances, excluding dedicated LPG appliances.
063   [none]    
064   [none]    
065   [none]    
066   [none]    
067   Ceramic tiles   To establish European Standards concerning terminology, technical characteristics, dimensional characteristics and tolerances, test and control methods, design and installation of ceramic tiles.
068   [none]    
069   Industrial valves   The standardization of valves for all industrial applications and for all types of fluids, including : - steam traps; - valve actuator interface; - safety devices against excessive pressure (safety valves and bursting disks); - control valves (excluding the actuator element and their interface); but excluding: - sanitary valves (as defined by CEN/TC 164/WG 8).
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
070   Manual means of fire fighting equipment   a) The design, manufacture and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers for the protection of buildings and
any other possible applications ;
b) The design, manufacture and maintenance of mobile fire extinguishers for the protection of buildings and
any other possible applications ;
c) The design, and manufacture of fire blankets for all possible applications ;
d) The design, manufacture and maintenance of all manual means for fire fighting for all possible applications with the exception of manual means used by the fire brigades which are covered by the work of TC 192 and means for firefighting covered by TC 191.
071   [none]    
072   Fire detection and fire alarm systems   To prepare standards, harmonized where necessary to meet the essential requirements 'Safety in case of fire' of the Construction Products Directive, in the field of fire detection and fire alarm systems in and around buildings, covering test methods, requirements and recommendations for:
 the combination of components into systems;
 the planning, design and installation of systems for use in and around buildings;
 usage, maintenance and servicing;
 the connections to and control of other fire protection systems;
 the combination with other systems to form integrated systems;
 the combination with fixed firefighting systems;
 the contribution of fire detection and fire alarm systems to fire safety engineering.
073   [none]    
074   Flanges and their joints   Standardization of flanges and their joints in pipelines and piping systems, for all applications excluding hydraulic and pneumatic load transmission. Definition of "nominal pressure" and "nominal size"; - flanges: dimensions and tolerances, selection of materials, technical conditions of delivery; - bolts, screws and nuts: selection of required bolts, screws and nuts, dimensions, technical conditions of delivery, materials; - gaskets: dimensions and tolerances, materials, technical conditions of delivery; - calculation method for flanges design; - determination of P/T ratings.
075   [none]    
076   [none]    
077   [none]    
078   [none]    
079   Respiratory protective devices   To prepare European Standards for respiratory protective devices for use in the work place and for fire fighting and for rescue purposes, where there exists a risk to health from inhaling dusts, fumes, gases, vapors or from oxygen deficiency, as well as European Standards for underwater breathing
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
080   [none]    
081   [none]    
082   [none]    
083   [none]    
084   [none]    
085   Eye protective equipment   Establishment of specifications and test methods relevant to eye and face protectors.
086   [none]    
087   [none]    
088   Thermal insulating materials and products (断熱材) Standardization in the field of thermal insulating materials and products for application in buildings, including insulation for installed equipment and for industrial insulation, covering: terminology and definitions, list of required properties with regard to different applications, methods for the determination of these properties, sampling procedures, conformity criteria, specifications for insulating materials and products, marking and labelling of insulating materials and products.
089   Thermal performance of buildings and building components   Standardization in the field of energy performance of buildings, including particularly energy transfer through building components and thermal insulation of installed equipment in buildings,
- rules for expressing relevant thermal properties and requirements;
- calculation and test methods; - input data, including climatic data;
- effects of moisture.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
090   [none]    
091   [none]    
092   Water meters   Standardization for meters to measure volume flow of cold potable water and heated water enclosed in full conduits, irrespective of technology applied
093   Ladders (はしご) Standardization of portable ladders and attic stairs/loft ladders excluding ladders for special professional use.
094   [none]    
095   [none]    
096   [none]    
097   [none]    
098   Lifting platforms   Preparation of basic calculation and stability criteria, matters of construction, safety, testing and inspection of lifting platforms.
099   Wallcoverings   To elaborate Ens for wallcoverings in the sense that the term "wallcoverings" is used to cover all forms of flexible webs supplied in roll form for hanging onto walls or ceilings by means of an adhesive; it includes "finished wallcoverings", "wallcoverings for subsequent decoration", "heavy duty wallcoverings" and "textile wallcoverings" and cork wallcoverings in roll and panel form.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
100   [none]    
101   [none]    
102   Sterilizers for medical purposes   Standardization for sterilizers used in the medical field (preference being given to hospital use), and for the accessories. The objective is to ensure satisfactory sterilization and sterile products.
103   [none]    
104   Concrete and related products   CEN/TC 104 deals with the standardization of provisions for concrete and related products, in particular with respect to properties and requirements for: - fresh and hardened concrete; - production and delivery of fresh concrete; - constituent materials of concrete, e.g. mixing water, additions and admixtures; - sheaths for prestressing tendons; - fibres for the use in concrete; - execution of concrete structures; - production and execution of sprayed concrete; - products for the protection and repair of concrete structures. Additionally relevant test methods and provisions for the assessment of conformity for the products and procedures mentioned above are standardized. Not covered by the scope of TC 104 are: - the constituent materials; aggregate (see CEN/TC 154), Pigments (see CEN/TC 298) and Cement (see CEN/TC 51); - the design of concrete structures and components (see CEN/TC 250/SC 2); - prefabricated concrete elements (see CEN/TC 229); - prefabricated autoclave aerated and light weight concrete components (see CEN/TC 177); - special structures such as large dams, pressure vessels for nuclear power stations and offshore structures; - application of special materials and production processes.
105   [none]    
106   Large kitchen appliances using gaseous fuels   To define and to supply the checking procedures of the essential characteristics of the appliances, fed by gas, as shown below: - uncovered burners, - plate covered burners, - ovens, - heating cupboards, - cauldrons, - frying pans, - fat cookers, - grills, - salamanders, - roasters, - steam cookers, - water baths.
107   Pre-fabricated district heating pipe systems   Standardization of prefabricated district heating pipe systems made of rigid PU cellular plastic bonded to a rigid steel pipe and to a PE casing, inclusive of joints, fittings and expansion cushions.
108   Sealing materials and lubricants for gas appliances and gas equipment   Lubricant and sealing materials for domestic appliances and equipment using combustible gases.
109   Central heating boilers using gaseous fuels   All the gas-fired central heating boilers, including the boilers of the condensing type, with or without integrated domestic hot water production, of all types and all nominal inputs, I.e. : - the boilers fitted with atmospheric burners or premixed burners (fan-assisted or not), - the units composed of a boiler body and its fan-assisted burner, constituting an indissociable entity, - the assemblings of a boiler body (according to the requirements prescribed by the CEN/TC 57) and a fan-assisted **burner (according to the requirements prescribed by the CEN/TC 131), but only for the specific characteristics suited to the utilisation of gaseous fuels. Comments: Between TC 131 (“Gas burners using fans”) and TC 109 a discussion is taking place about the border between the scopes of the two TC’s. The question should be solved what the difference is between a fan-assisted burner, a TC109 item, and a forced draught burner, which lies within the scope of TC 131. (See also the comment of the CEN consultant for the GAD on EN 303-3/prA1).
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
110   Heat exchangers   Series produced heat exchangers that utilize any combination of refrigerants, steam, water and air as their working fluid and are used for heating and/or heat recovery for hot sanitary water and/or space heating and/or cooling purposes, when installed in private, public or industrial buildings CEN/TC 110 will also prepare a standard for test methods and acceptance conditions for the thermal, hydraulic and acoustic performance of natural draught wet cooling towers
111   [none]    
112   Wood-based panels   Preparation of standards for wood-based panels and panels of other lignocellulosic materials covering: - terminology; - classification; - requirements; - product specifications; - methods of tests.
113   Heat pumps and air conditioning units   Standardization of testing and requirements for the performance of factory assembled heat pumps, air conditioning units (ducted and non ducted) and liquid chilling packages whether vapour compression or sorption, regardless of energy used, for domestic or commercial purposes excluding industrial processes and also excluding the rational use of gas energy which is within the scope of CEN/TC 299. Also the standardization of rating conditions, performance testing and the presentation of data of refrigerant compressors and condensing units.
114   Safety of machinery   The standardization of general principles for safety of machinery incorporating terminology and methodology.
115   [none]    
116   [none]    
117   [none]    
118   [none]    
119   Swap bodies for combined goods transport   Standardization of swap bodies intended for transport within Europe, including interchange between the different modes of transport. Standardization of the minimum requirements and test methods for lashing points on commercial vehicles,with a gross vehicle mass exceeding 3,5t. And their trailers.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
120   [none]    
121   Welding   Standardization of welding by all processes, as well as allied processes; these standards include terminology, definitions and the symbolic representation of welds on drawings, apparatus and equipment for welding, raw materials (gas, parent and filler metals) welding processes and rules, methods of test and control, design of welded joints, qualification and/or education of welding personnel, as well as safety and health. Excluded: Electrical safety matters related to welding which is the responsibility of CENELEC/TC 26.
Proposed Action(s): Comments : The Chairman and secretariat of CEN/TC 121 have the following remarks to the scope of work:
122   Ergonomics   Standardisation in the field of ergonomics principles and requirements for the design of work systems and work environments, including machinery and personal protective equipment, to promote the health, safety and well-being of the human operator and the effectiveness of the work systems.
123   Lasers and laser related equipment   Standardization in the field of lasers, laser accessories and laser-related equipment.
124   Timber structures   Preparation of standards for the structural use of timber, covering: - test methods for the determination of strength and stiffness for solid timber, glued laminated timber, mechanical joints wood based panel products, timber structures and their components; - solid timber: preferred sizes, strength grading and strength classes system (included glued laminated timber), evaluation of mechanical properties; - glued laminated timber: essential requirements, production
requirements and control, structural full size finger joints; - mechanical fasteners.
125   Masonry   Standardization in the field of masonry units of clay, calcium silicate, dense aggregate concrete, lightweight aggregate concrete, autoclaved aerated concrete, natural stone, manufactured stone, mortar for masonry, ancillary components for masonry and associated test methods.
126   Acoustic properties of building products and of buildings   Standardization in the field of acoustic properties of building elements and of buildings, including: - laboratory methods, expression of results and accuracy; - rating of acoustic properties of elements; - field measurement methods, expression of results and accuracy; - rating of acoustic properties of buildings; - methods for determining the acoustic of buildings from the performance of its elements.
127   Fire safety in buildings   1) To develop standards utilizing relevant existing work where available e.g. in ISO, IEC, CENELEC, CEC and EFTA assessing the fire behaviour of building products, components and elements of construction, 2) To develop standards for classification of products, components and elements of construction, appropriate to the fire risks related to their application, 3) To develop standards for assessing fire hazard and for providing fire safety in buildings.
128   Roof covering products for discontinuous laying and products for wall cladding   Standardization in the area of general and specific requirements and test methods for roof covering products for discontinuous laying and products for wall cladding.
129   Glass in building   Standardization in the field of glass used in building including: - definitions of all types of glass products, basic and processed; - definition of characteristics; - test methods for measurement of characteristics; - calculation methods for characteristics; - requirements e.g. durability; - classifications e.g. anti-bandit glazing; - glazing methods.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
130   Space heating appliances without integral heat sources   To prepare standards for determining the thermal output of space heating appliances (e.g. Radiators, heating panels convectors with or without a fan) without integral heat source in order to provide a common basis for their evaluation; - to define standardized criteria for selecting the samples to be tested in order to determine the output of a family of appliances; - to define dimensional characteristics and admissible tolerances in order to compare the normal production with the tested sample.
131   Gas burners using fans   Preparation of European standards for independent gas burners using fans. NOTE: It is recommended that the standards should also be applied as appropriate to gas burners using fans integrated in appliances.
132   Aluminium and aluminium alloys   Standardization in the field of unwrought, wrought and cast products made from aluminium and aluminium alloys, particularly: - designations; - terms and definitions; - material specifications; - technical conditions of delivery; - dimensions and tolerances; - methods of testing specific to aluminium.
133   Copper and copper alloys   Standardization in the field of unwrought, wrought and cast products made from copper and copper alloys, including: - designations, terminology; - material specifications; - conditions of delivery; - dimensions and tolerances; - methods of testing peculiar to copper alloys.
134   Resilient and textile floor coverings   Standardization of definitions, requirements, classification and test methods and provision of guidance documents and reports for resilient and textile floor coverings and for laminate floor coverings.
135   Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures   Standardization of rules for execution of steel and aluminium structures for building and civil engineering works including rules for inspection and control.
136   Sports, playground and other recreational equipment   Standardization of specific items of sports, playground and other recreational equipment with a special regard to: terminology, requirements for safety, fitness for purpose, test methods, marking, installation and maintenance.
137   Assessment of workplace exposure   Standardization in the field of assessment of exposure to agents at the workplace including the planning and performing of measurement but excluding the establishment of limit values.
138   Non-destructive testing (非破壊検査) Standardization of the terminology, equipment, and general principles of methods for non destructive testing by the following means: - acoustic methods; - ionizing radiations; - liquid penetrant testing; - electrical and magnetic methods; - optical and visual methods; - leak testing; Xray diffraction methods as well as standardization of the principles of qualification and certification of non-destructive testing personnel and methodology for qualification of non destructive testing.
139   Paints and varnishes   Standardization in the field of paints, varnishes and related products. Establishment of methods of test and requirements for coating materials and coatings. Definition of terms.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
140   In vitro diagnostic medical devices   Standardization in the field of in vitro diagnostic medical devices which are reagents, reagent product, calibrators, control materials, kits, instruments, apparatus, equipment, or system, whether used alone or in combination, intended by the manufacturer to be used in vitro for the examination of specimens, including blood and tissue donations, derived from the human body, solely or principally for the purpose of providing information: - concerning a physiological or pathological state or; - concerning a congenital abnormality or; - to determine the safety and compatibility with potential recipients, or; - to monitor therapeutic measures. Specimen receptacles are considered to be in vitro diagnostic medical devices. 'Specimen receptacles' are those devices, whether vacuumtype or not, specifically intended by their manufacturers for the primary containment and preservation of specimens derived from the human body for the purpose of in vitro diagnostic examination. Products for general laboratory use are not in vitro diagnostic medical devices unless such products, in view of their characteristics, are specifically intended by their manufacturer to be used for in vitro diagnostic examination.
141   Pressure gauges - Thermometers - Means of measuring and/or recording temperature in the cold chain    
142   Woodworking machines - Safety   Standardization of design and manufacture in the field of safety of machines and tools for the processing of wood and similar materials, destined for processing by the machines and tools, taking account of the European Machinery Directive, and of the purpose for which the machine is intended for use. By extension it also applies to facilities and equipment for the conditioning of wood. Similar materials are wood materials (chip board, fibre board, plywood etc) cork, cane shell, amber, ivory horn and wood substitutes Conditioning means e.g. drying, steaming, impregnation.
143   Machine tools ? Safety   Standardization in the field of safety of machine tools, their accessories and tools designed to form and to machine cold metal both with and without the removal of metal. The above formulated scope describes in a very general kind the scope of CEN/TC 143 “Machine tools - Safety“. More specific scopes for each WG are provided under the title scope of each working group. Since all technical work of this TC is delegated on working group level, such general formulation for the TC is sufficient.
144   Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry   Standardization of tractors, machines and equipment used in the agriculture, horticulture, gardening and forestry. Including the mobile irrigating machines such as reel machines, center pivot and moving lateral types irrigating machines, as far as safety aspects are concerned with respect to the Machinery Directive 98/37/EC.
145   Rubber and plastic machines - Safety   Standardization in the field of safety of machines used for the preparation and processing of rubber and plastics materials.
146   Packaging machines - Safety   Standardization in the field of safety of machines and equipment used to prepare (not including the manufacture of packaging material) fill, close, assembles and packages containers of solids, liquids, powders and gases.
147   Cranes - Safety   Development and maintenance of safety standards for the design, manufacture and information to be provided, for the following products:
1. Cranes (as defined in CEN/TC 147 resolution 99);
2. Equipment for the lifting of persons on/with certain cranes;
3. Power driven winches and hoists, and their supporting structures;
4. Hand-powered lifting machines;
5. Non-fixed load lifting attachments;
6. Manually controlled load manipulating devices. Exceptions are:
 hoisting devices for gymnastic and playing field equipment;
 robotic lifting machinery;
 lifting attachments for the glass industry;
 lifting machinery and attachments for medical use;
 excavators used as cranes;
 cable cranes.
148   Continuous handling equipment and systems - Safety   Standardization in the field of safety of: - continuous handling equipment and systems for unit loads and bulk materials; - equipment and systems for pneumatic handling of bulk materials; - equipment for the storage of bulk materials.
149   Power-operated Warehouse equipment   Standardisation in the field of safety of power-operated warehouse equipment. These are all types of storage and retrieval machines which are restricted to the rails on which they travel in- and
outside the aisles and which store and retrieve as well as take into commission unit loads and/or
long goods such as bar materials. Also included are the transfer equipment used to change
between aisles, the horizontal or vertical carrousels, the mobile storage racks.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
150   Industrial trucks - Safety   Standardization in the field of safety of self-propelled and manually operated industrial trucks (including industrial tractors, variable reach lift trucks, driverless trucks, sack trucks, hand carts and trailers) and their components.’
151   Construction equipment and building material machines - safety   Standardization in the field of safety of machines and equipment used on construction sites as well as for the production and processing of mineral building materials. In exceptional cases glass machinery used outside the building material sector (e.g. laboratory glass machinery) is included.
152   Fairground and amusement part machinery and structures - Safety   Standardization in the field of safety for the design, calculation, manufacture, installation, maintenance, use and operation, xamination and testing of mobile temporary of permanentlyinstalled machinery and structures for public amusement. Excluded are items of machinery already within the scope of other CEN/TCs.
153   Food processing machinery ? Safety and hygiene specification   Standardization in the field of safety of machines used to wash and dress, to prepare, to produce and to process foodstuffs, luxury food, and food concentrates.
154   Aggregates   Standardization in the field of natural and synthetic aggregates, by specifying aggregate performance requirements, sampling and methods of test.
155   Plastic piping systems and ducting systems   Standardization of requirements and test methods for geometrical, chemical, physical and other characteristics of components, joints and systems; - where "Function TC's" exist, standardization of the plastics related requirements and test methods for fitness for purpose of complete systems related to the applicationshall be done in liaison with these "Function TC's"; in such cases are excludedfrom the work of CEN/TC 155 those general requirements for fitness for purpose that are independent of the plastics materials; - where "Function TC's" exist, standardization of the plastics related aspects of Codes of Practice and commissioning rules for specified applications shall be done in liaison with these "Function TC's".The European standards shall be prepared with in view to their use in certification... (see resolution BT 155/1989).
156   Ventilation for buildings   Standardization of terminology, testing and rating methods, dimensioning and fitness for purpose of natural and mechanical ventilation systems and components for buildings subject to human occupancy.’
157   [none]    
158   Head protection   To prepare European standards for all types of protective helmets.
159   Hearing protectors   To prepare European standards related to personal hearing protective equipment to be used when sound exposure is expected to be hazardous to the ear.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
160   Protection against falls from height including working belts   Standardization of requirements for personal protective equipment against falls (systems, subsystems and components), working belts and accessories including definitions of terms and establishment of test methods.
161   Foot and leg protectors   To prepare European standards in the field of protective footwear and leg protectors. Note: leg protectors are defined as an extension of protective footwear.
162   Protective clothing including hand and arm protection and lifejackets   To prepare European Standards (requirements and testing) in the field of clothing to protect against physical and chemical hazards. Hand and arm protectors are included as well as high visibility clothing and clothing against drowning (e.g. lifejackets).
163   Sanitary appliances   To establish standards for the performance requirements and the corresponding test methods for all sanitary appliances to ensure that the appliance, irrespective of the material of which they are made, will give satisfactory performances. To establish physical and hygiene characteristics, to establish standards on connecting dimensions and to establish tests on the material used in manufacturing sanitary appliances. This Committee is responsible for traps where they are an integral part of the appliances.
164   Water supply   To establish standards for the installation and performance requirements of systems, constructions of components used for the water supply from the production facility, including the treatment of the water, to the taps attached or unattached to a sanitary appliance with the view of maintaining the quality of water as stated in Directive 98/83 EEC.
165   Waste Water engineering   Functional standards, standards for performance and installation in the field of waste water engineering for systems and components. Where there is no existing material related TC, product standards for all components of discharge pipes, drain and sewer pipes, pipelines, separators etc. According to the resolutions of BT (for the organization of word in the field of metallic tubes see resolution BT 160/1989). Standards for design, calculation, construction, commissioning operation and maintenance in the field of waste water engineering from the point of view of origin (with the exception of the product standards for sanitary appliances*) up to the point of disposal, including treatment plants. *) Citerns, urinals, kitchen sinks, basins bidets, baths, (including whirlpool baths) and shower trays, see TC 163 Resolution 2 (London), WG 3 and 4.
166   Chimneys   Standardization in the field of chimneys and vents used for conveying the products of combustion from appliances to outside atmosphere and the connecting pieces and ancillaries needed for their construction and operation. Structurally independent chimneys are excluded.
167   Structural bearings   Standardization of structural bearing device used for bridges, stadiums, industrial buildings etc.. Describing the various types and giving the recommendations for design, specifications for materials, manufacture and installation, criteria for acceptance and testing. Excluded, for example, are: connections between piers and columns obtained by reinforced concrete, welded or bolted connections.
168   Chains, ropes, webbing, slings and accessories - Safety   Standardization in terms of safety of: (I) welded round steel link chains and chain slings; (ii) steel wire ropes, their terminations and wire rope slings; (iii) fibre rope slings, flat textile slings and round slings; (iv) hooks and other accessories; used for lifting (lifting includes: raising, lowering and suspending) purposes.
169   Light and lighting   Standardization in the field of vision, photometry and colorimetry, involving natural and man-made radiation over the UV, the visible and the IR regions of the spectrum, and application subjects covering all usages of light, indoors and outdoors, including environmental and aesthetic effects.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
170   Ophthalmic optics   Standardization of products, test methods and instruments used in the field of ophthalmic optics. Industrial eye-protection is excluded. Specific requirements for ophthalmic implants such as intraocular lenses are included in the scope of CEN/TC 170, whereas the general requirements are within the scope of CEN/TC 285.
171   [none]    
172   Pulp, paper and board   Standardization of nomenclature, test methods and specifications in the area of: - fibrous raw materials for pulp manufacture, such as pulpwood; - recovered paper; - pulps; - auxiliary materials specifically intended for paper and board manufacture, such as fillers, pigments and starches and binders; - papers (including paper and board) and in particular printing and administration papers; industrial papers and specialty papers; sanitary papers, packaging papers including corrugated board; products mainly consisting of pulp, paper and board, including coated, impregnated and laminated papers, printed or unprinted, as well as materials for packaging and packaging aids but excluding finished packages
173   [none]    
174   Fruit and vegetable juices - Methods of analysis   Standardization of methods of analysis in the field of fruit and vegetable juices.
Comments: This includes chemical and physical methods and also prospective methods such as isotopic methods.
175   Round and sawn timber   Standardization of round and sawn timber for all uses, including timber prefabricated products and excluding structural aspects.
176   Heat meters   Standardization in the field of heat meters, including requirements for accuracy, construction and testing. The scope includes recommendations for installation, commissioning and operation. All types, sizes and working principles are included.
177   Prefabricated reinforced components of autoclaved aerated concrete or light-weight aggregate concrete with open structure   Standards for prefabricated reinforced components of autoclaved aerated concrete or lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure (expanded clay, pumice, etc.).
178   Paving units and kerbs   Standardization of the performance requirements and their associated methods of test of paving units, kerbs and accessories manufactured from clay, concrete, natural stone or other materials used for the surfacing of footways, roads and other paved areas (dock, industrial, parking) considering their application.
179   Gas-fired air heaters   Gas-fired air heaters for domestic and non-domestic use, intended for installation either with or without air distribution ducts.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
180   Non-domestic gas-fired overhead radiant heaters   Standardization in the field of: (I) non-domestic gas-fired overhead radiant tube heaters; (ii) nondomestic gas-fired overhead radiant luminous heaters, in terms of safety, efficiency and fitness-forpurpose.
181   Dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances   The standardization of the following appliances using liquefied petroleum gas in terms of safety, efficiency and fitness-for-purpose: a) domestic flueless space heaters (excluding catalytic combustion); b) domestic flueless catalytic space heaters; c) barbecues and cooking appliances for use outdoors; d) small non-domestic space heaters; e) appliances operating at vapour pressure; f) refrigerating appliances; g) space heating appliances for use in vehicles and boats. Note: items c) and f) will be the bases for standards for barbecues and refrigerating appliances, respectively, burning other gas families; h) hoses, nozzles, hose connectors and hose assemblies for LPG; I) high and low pressure regulators and change over devices for LPG.
182   Refrigerating systems, safety and environmental requirements   Standardization of requirements in the field of safety and environment for the design, construction, installation, testing, operation, maintenance, repair and disposal of refrigerating systems used for cooling and/or heating.
183   Waste management    
184   Advanced technical ceramics   Standardization in the field of advanced technical ceramics with specific tasks being classification terminology, sampling and test methods. The methods of test are to include physical, chemical, thermal and textural properties for ceramic powder, monolithic ceramics, ceramic composites (including fibres) and ceramic coatings, plus test methods for applications.
185   Threaded and non threaded mechanical fasteners and accessories   Standardization in the field of mechanical fasteners, taking cognizance of the ISO standards prepared by ISO/TC 2. Note: The term "Mechanical fastener" covers all types of products designed to connect mechanically two or more structural parts to form a solid or movable joint or to contribute essentially to establish this function, such as screws, nuts, washers, pins and rivets.
186   Industrial thermoprocessing - Safety   Standardization in the field of safety of equipment for industrial thermoprocessing equipment (for example industrial furnaces or kilns and industrial heating equipment) in the fields such as : Metallurgical and metal working plant; in the fields of:
1. Thermal Production
2. Melting, Pouring
3. Heating
4. Heat Treatment
5. Surface Treatment
6. Coating
7. Joining
8. Surface treatment
Glass making plant;
Ceramic manufacturing plant;
Chemical plant;
Waste incineration equipment
And heated by:
Gaseous fuels;
Liquid fuels;
Mixed fuels;
Electricity. Blast furnaces, converters (in steel plants) , boilers, welding machines and food processing equipment are excluded.
The structure of the series of EN 746 - standards is as follows: EN 746 Part 1 covers all industrial thermoporcessing equipment and is the basis for the other particular standards in the series. References are given to the EN ISO 519 series if the industrial thermoprocessing equipment is heated by electricity (only electrical hazards). For the industrial thermoprocessing equipment which is heated by fuel the EN 746 Part 2 deals with the hazards including the fuel handling system. Part 3 is specialised of this type of industrial thermoprocessing equipment, which uses atmosphere gases. Parts 4 to 8 deal with particular safety requirements for special groups of industrial thermoprocessing processes. The full list of parts of EN 746 is given below: EN 746 Industrial Thermoprocessing Equipment
Part 1: Common Safety Requirements for Industrial Thermoprocessing Equipment
Part 2: Safety Requirements for Combustion and Fuel Handling Systems
Part 3: Safety Requirements for the Generation and Use of Atmosphere gases
Part 4: Particular Safety Requirements for Hot Dip Galvanising Thermoprocessing Equipment
Part 5: Particular Safety Requirements for Salt Bath Thermoprocessing Equipment
Part 6: Particular Safety Requirements for Material Melting, Remelting and Liquid Phase Maintaining Thermoprocessing Equipment
Part 7: Particular Safety Requirements for Vacuum Thermoprocessing Equipment
Part 8: Particular Safety Requirements for Quenching Equipment
187   Refractory products and materials   Classification, methods of test and sampling for refractory products and materials, including shaped and unshaped products and ceramic fibres.
188   Conveyor belts   The preparation of European Standards for methods of test and specifications for conveyor and elevator belting and the preparation of practice codes, recommendations and specifications for the jointing, installation, safety, storage and transport of such belting.
189   Geotextiles and geotextile-related products   Standardization related to geosynthetics; terminology, sampling before testing, identification and marking rules, test methods, requirements related to the intended used.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
190   Foundry technology   Standardization in the field of metallic material castings, their production and their application, e.g. Material specifications, technical condition of delivery, tolerances of dimensions and forms, methods of testing specific for castings, tools, foundry auxiliaries, e.g. patterns, permanent moulds, moulding materials. Note: Excluded from the scope are material specifications written by other TCs.
191   Fixed firefighting systems   Standardization in the field of: - components for fixed firefighting systems; - the design, construction and maintenance of fixed firefighting systems primarily for installation in buildings and other construction works with recommendations for other possible applications e.g. for applications as extinguishing systems for machines and; - components for fixed smoke and heat ventilation systems; - the design, construction and maintenance of fixed smoke and heat ventilation systems for installation in buildings; - fire extinguishing media for use in fixed systems and other firefighting equipment.
192   Fire service equipment   Standardization of equipment and vehicles for rescue and firefighting, excluding personal protective equipment and that covered by CEN/TC 191.
193   Adhesives   Standardization in the field of all adhesives to produce: - standards for vocabulary and
classification; - general standards for characterization (physico-chemical and mechanical test methods); - standards for methods of test for adhesives and performance standards for specific applications including standards with requirements useful for certification purposes. With the exception, for the time being of those dealt with by CEN/TC 67.
194   Utensils in contact with food   Standardization in the field of kitchen, table and household utensils, used in the preparation, cooking, serving and consumption of food and beverage, domestically and in catering
establishments. Standardization of conditions of storage and transportation of catering containers containing prepared foodstuffs.
195   Air filters for general air cleaning   Methods of testing and classification of air filters for general air cleaning.
196   Machines for underground mines - Safety   Standardization in the field of safety of machines for use in the underground mining industry, both coal and other mines (excluding machines specifically for oil and gas extraction) including standardization concerning the essential safety requirements for construction machinery used in underground mining and tunnelling locomotives.
197   Pumps (ポンプ) Standardization in the field of safety and all other aspects of pumps and pumping machinery for liquids including machines using pumps for their principal mode of action.
198   Printing and paper machinery - Safety (印刷機械/安全) Standardization in the field of safety of machinery used for: - printing on paper and similar substrates , for conversion of those and other paper and board products including corrugating, carton/case and box making, bag and sack making and other packaging products; - the manufacture of paper and board from all types of pulp and waste raw material including finishing processes and tissue conversion.
199   [none]    
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
200   Tannery machinery - Safety (革なめし機械/安全) Standardization in the field of safety of machinery used in the leather and fur processing.
201   Leather and imitation leather goods and footwear manufacturing machinery - Safety (皮革・合成皮革) Standardization in the field of safety of machines used in the manufacture of footwear, leather and imitation leather products and other related components as listed.
202   Foundry machinery (鋳造設備)  
203   Cast iron pipes fittings and their joints   Standardization of cast iron pipes, fittings, accessories, and their joints for water supply, drainage and sewerage, gas supply and other application. Valves, pumps and malleable iron parts are excluded.
204   Sterilization of medical devices   Standardization in the field of validation and monitoring of sterilization processes as used in manufacturing of medical devices.
205   Non-active medical devices   Standardization in the field of non-active medical devices with the objective to identify, adopt or adapt ISO or other standards, or if no ISO or other standard exists, to prepare CEN standards relevant to the Medical Device Directive for non-active medical devices. Excludes equipment currently within the scopes of other CEN/TC, but includes (with appropriate liaison with CENELEC) some types of equipment that use electrical power (from battery or mains supply) for functioning.
206   Biocompatibility of medical and dental materials and devices   Standardization of the approach to assessing biocompatibility of medical and dental materials and devices together with standardization of test methods applicable to those materials and devices.
207   Furniture   Standardization in the field of all furniture (including mattresses, excluding transport furniture), considering, where appropriate: - terminology; - safety and health; - test methods and requirements for end products, parts, components, surfaces, surface finishes and furniture hardware; - dimensions. Standards for raw materials are excluded.
208   Elastomeric seals for joints in pipework and pipelines   Standardization of material requirements and test methods for elastomeric seals for joints in pipes for the conveyance of fluids; cold and hot water, waste water, gas, hydrocarbons and other fluids.
209   Zinc and zinc alloys   Standardization in the field of zinc and zinc alloys; such as ingots, flat rolled products for building, casting, secondary zinc, methods of analysis for zinc and zinc alloys, zinc and zinc alloys for other applications, scraps.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
210   GRP tanks and vessels   Standardization of tanks and vessels made of glassfibre reinforced thermosetting resins (GRP) - for storage and processing, - factory made and site built, - non pressurized and pressurized, - for use above or under ground, - with or without linings, - for fluids and solids.
211   Acoustics (音響) Standardization in the field of acoustics, including methods of measuring acoustical phenomena, the generation, transmission and reception of sound, all aspects of the effects of sound on man and his environment, and methods of noise reduction. Excluded: acoustical performance
requirements and measurement methods for building components and buildings; acoustical performance requirements for hearing protectors.
212   Fireworks    
213   [none]    
214   Textile machinery and machinery for dry-cleaning and industrial laundry (洗濯) Standardization in the fields of safety of : - machinery used to transform natural and man-made fibres into textile products; - machinery used for industrial laundering (including ironing) and drycleaning.
Comments : As stated above CEN/TC 214 holds responsibility for standardization work in the field of textile machinery in general as well as for machinery for dry cleaning and industrial laundry machinery. However, since neither dry cleaning nor industrial laundry machinery are in anyway related to textile machinery, or for that matter have any logical, historical, market or end user connection to above, it is suggested, that a separate TC should be established for dry cleaning and industrial laundry machinery.
A respective proposal will be submitted to TC members next year.
215   Respiratory and anaesthetic equipment   Standardization in the field of anaesthetic and respiratory equipment, in particular: - anaesthetic machines; -lung ventilators; - medical gas supply systems and related components; - medical breathing systems; - anaesthetic gas scavenging systems; - related monitoring equipment; - tracheal tubes and related equipment. Excludes equipment currently within the scopes of other CEN/TC, but includes (with appropriate liaison with CENELEC) electrically powered equipment.
216   Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics   "Standardization of the terminology, requirements, test methods including potential efficacy under in-use conditions, recommendations for use and labelling in the whole field of chemical disinfection and antiseptics. Areas of activity include agriculture (but not crop protection chemicals), domestic service, food hygiene and other industrial fields, institutional, medical and veterinary applications." NOTE: Title and scope of CEN/TC 216 standards shall clearly express that standardization is limited to chemical disinfectant and antiseptic products and not disinfection in general. Comments: The testing of antiseptics, a part of the scope, is actually underdeveloped in practice and needs a lot of research. It may be a longer term objective than originally estimated. As the primary object of CEN standards consists of facilitating the trade, TC 216 focused its efforts on tests measuring the antimicrobial activity of products claimed as disinfectants and on their requirements. The work is further complicated by the diversity of micro-organisms which needs different procedures. CEN/TC 216 has resolved to conduct round tests for all test procedures developed by the technical committee. Unfortunately, because of lack of funds, all the needed tests have not yet been performed. It has been necessary to make priorities among the tests.
217   Surfaces for sports areas   Standardization of surfaces, together with their supporting layers, insofar as they affect the performance of the surface, for indoor and outdoor sports use.
218   Rubber and plastic hoses and hose assemblies   Preparation of European standards for rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies for all applications, including methods of test, taking account of work already carried out by ISO, European trade associations and national standard bodies (with the exception of fire-fighting hoses).
219   Cathodic protection   Standardization in the field of external and internal cathodic protection of buried or immersed structures of metallic materials (e.g. pipes for the transport of gas, water and fuels; off-shore constructions; ships; fuel storage tanks; telecommunications and electric cables etc). Reinforced concrete buildings, structures, foundations, pipelines etc). The influence of coatings and/or stray currents (AC and DC) on the performance of cathodic protection systems. The anodic protection of internal surfaces of structural components.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
220   Tin and tin alloys   Standardization of composition, general performance requirements, sampling and test methods in the field of ingot tin, pewter and pewterware and low melting point castings, as well as methods of analysis including spectrometry of ingot tin and pewter.’
221   Shop fabricated metallic tanks and equipment for storage tanks and for service stations (ガソリンスタンド) Standardization of shop fabricated metallic tanks for the storage of liquids as well as equipment (including the dispensers) for all kind of storage tanks and for service stations. The standardization may include performance requirements and product descriptions together with necessary test methods and requirements concerning the evaluation of conformity.
222   Feather and down as filling material for any article, as well as finished articles filled with feather and down   Preparation of standards for feather and down for use as filling material for any article covering: - terms and definitions; - specifications for performance and quality levels; - preparation of sampling methods; - preparation of testing methods. Preparation of standards for finished articles of bedding when filled with feathers and down. Preparation of standards for other finished articles filled with feathers and down, where the performance and specification of the finished article is dependent on both the feather and down filling and the textile fabric (E.G. certain items of clothing). Such standards no to conflict with work of other TCs.
223   Soil improvers and growing media   Standardization of two types of material used in agriculture, horticulture, gardening and landscaping. 1) Soil improvers, that is materials, which may have been composted or otherwise processed, added to soil mainly to improve its physical condition without causing harmful effects.
2) Growing media, that is materials in which plants are grown. Lime products and materials used solely as plant nutrients are excluded.
224   Machine-readable cards, related device interfaces and operations   Organization, co-ordination and monitoring of the development of standards (including testing standards) for cards, related device interfaces and operations with special emphasis on interindustry standardization and on Integrated Circuits Cards, and without restriction to payment cards or bank cards.
225   Bar coding   Standardization of bar code symbologies, of data element architecture therefore, of the necessary test specifications and of technical features for the harmonization of cross-sector applications. Establishment of an appropriate system of registration authorities, and of means to ensure the necessary maintenance of standards.
226   Road equipment   To prepare specifications for safety, traffic control and other road equipment in the following fields : a) Safety fences and barriers, including guard rails, safety fences, crash barriers, crash absorbers and bridge parapets; b) Horizontal signs including road studs and road markings; c) Vertical signs including signs, cones and marker posts; d) Traffic lights including signals, traffic control and danger lamps; e) Street lighting, performance requirements only; f) Other equipment including bollards, anti-glare screens and noise protection devices.
227   Road materials   To prepare specifications, test methods, compliance criteria for materials for construction and maintenance of roads, airfields and other trafficked areas.
228   Heating systems in buildings   Standardization of functional requirements for all types of heating systems in buildings, including domestic hot water production. The work includes: - General performance requirements for heating systems, considered as a whole and taking into account work already being done in other CEN/TCs; - General requirements for design of heating systems; - Requirements for installation and commissioning, including tests on the heating system as a whole; - Requirements for preparation of instructions for operation and maintenance; - Methods for calculation of design heat loads, as basis for sizing of heat emitters and heat generators; - Methods for calculation of energy requirements of heating systems, including energy economy and environmental impact, as basis for supporting energy performance criteria and/or energy labelling of heating systems; - Cooperation with other CEN/TCs responsible for related systems and products in order to establish a common terminology and a common set of technical parameters.
229   Precast concrete products   Standardization of precast concrete products (plain, prestressed, or reinforced or composite steel/concrete) covering terminology, performance criteria, preferred shapes and dimensions, tolerances, relevant physical properties special test methods, special features due to transport, erection and connections, not duplicating the work of other TCs, referring however, to concrete material properties covered by TC 104, properties for reinforcing steel covered by ECISS/TC 19, all general design and structural aspects covered by the Eurocodes, particularly Eurocode 2, and excluding products covered by other technical committees (including TC 125, 128, 164, 165, 177 and 178).
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
230   Water analysis   Standardization in the area of water analysis including: - definition of terms; - sampling of water; - measurement; - reporting. Excluded are the limits of acceptability for water quality.
231   Mechanical vibration and shock (機械的振動・衝撃) Standardization in the field of mechanical vibration and shock, including: - methods for measuring and evaluating mechanical vibration and shock; - methods for assessing human exposure to mechanical vibration and shock in any kind of environment; - description of the effects caused by human exposure to mechanical vibration and shock and guidelines for the reduction of these effects; - methods for evaluating the effects of mechanical vibration and shock on structures; - methods for reducing by machine design, risks resulting from human exposure to mechanical vibration and shock; - methods for measuring and assessing the vibration and shock reduction characteristics of:- personal protective equipment (e.g. antivibration gloves), - vibration isolators (e.g. resilient materials) and suspension systems (e.g. seats).
232   Compressor - Safety (圧縮機/安全) Standardization in the field of safety for compressors and vacuum pumps, portable and stationary, for all compressible gases. This work does not apply to sealed motor compressors used in refrigerating and heat pump systems in which the refrigerant is evaporated and condensed in a closed circuit. (Covered by CEN/TC 182)
233   Biotechnology   Standardization in the field of biotechnology, particularly in relation to food, pharmaceuticals and agriculture, to support the development of the industry as well as to provide a safety framework for workers, consumers and environment with four main tasks: - biotechnological research, development and analysis in laboratories; - performance criteria for equipment used in biotechnology, especially as regards the problems of cleanability, sterilizability and leaktightness; - large scale production operations; - release into the environment of genetically modified
234   Gas supply (ガス供給) I) Standardization of functional requirements in the field of gas supply; II) Determination and coordination of the gas supply aspects in the technical work dealt with by other CEN/TCs and any other bodies, whether or not reporting to the Sector Forum Gas; III) To act as a focus for technical issues in the field of gas supply.
235   Gas pressure regulators and associated shut-off devices for use in gas transmission and distribution (ガス調圧機・遮断器) Standardization of the requirements for the construction, performance, testing and marking of gas pressure regulators and associated safety shut-off/relief devices for use in gas transmission and distribution for pressures up to 100 bar. Proposed Action(s): with resolution CEN/TC 235 N. 4/1999 the CEN/TC has approved its new title and scope as follows (both have already been considered from this point in this revision of the draft Business Plan, BP):
 title: Gas pressure regulators and associated safety devices for use in gas
transmission and distribution;
 scope: Standardisation of the requirements for the construction, performance, testing and marking of gas pressure regulators and associated safety devices for use in gas transmission and distribution for pressures up to 100 bar.
236   Non industrial manually operated shut-off valves for gas and particular combinations valves-other products (ガス遮断器・手動) Standardization of the requirements for fitness for purpose (for design, performance, testing, marking, packing, instructions for installation and use) of manually operated shut-off valves for domestic and commercial not directly buried installations inside or outside of buildings, and other particular types of valves strictly combined to particular products or component considered as a whole (e.g. safety flexible metallic hose assemblies and connection valves for domestic gas appliances).
237   Gas meters (ガスメータ) Standardization of the requirements for the construction, performance and safety of gas meters, including diaphragm, rotary displacement, turbine and electronic gas meters, and all associated conversion devices .
238   Test gases, test pressures and categories of appliances   Standardization of test gases, test pressures and categories of gas appliances as a reference standard to serve as the basis for the elaboration of standards for gas appliances.
239   Rescue systems   To define standards for emergency medical vehicles and their medical devices in the interests of providing safe and comfortable transport and pre- ospital treatment for patients.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
240   Thermal spraying and thermally sprayed coating (塗装?) Standardization of definitions, acceptance test and quality control for thermal spraying equipment, specifications for spraying materials and sprayed coatings, including technical requirements, health and safety aspects, testing and testing procedures, basic rules for training and minimum requirements for operators.
241   Gypsum and gypsum based products   To prepare European standards for gypsum plasters, gypsum units, gypsum based and ancillary
products as well as for design and application of the products : Definitions ; ? Performance requirements ; - specifications ; - test methods.
242   Safety requirements for passenger transportation by rope (人搬送用索道/安全) Safety standards for the construction and operation of aerial ropeways, funicular ropeways and surface lifts for passenger transportation.
243   Cleanroom technology   Standardization and classification of controlled environment spaces and fixing of criteria for controlling contamination in such spaces. Guidance on the design, taking into account sources of contamination: air, liquids, materials, equipment and personnel as well as their interactions. Guidance on biocontamination control is included, as are provisions for the control of molecular contamination. Methods of aseptic processing are excluded, as are methods of cleaning and disinfection except with particular reference to inert surfaces in cleanrooms. The field of competence of the committee embraces all aspects of cleanroom technology, including the classification of controlled environments, the achievement of contamination control in such environments and the design, construction and operation of cleanroom technology.
244   [none]    
245   Leisure accommodation vehicles   Standardization in the field of habitation requirements applicable to leisure accomodations
(caravans, motor caravans, leisure homes) with regard to the health and the safety. Terminology. Specifications, tests and methods of tests. Inspection, procedures and certification. Standardization in the field of habitation requirements applicable to leisure accommodation vehicles (caravans, motor caravans, caravan holiday homes) with regard to health and safety. Terminology, requirements and test methods. Inspection, procedures and certification. Aspects pertaining to use as road vehicles are not covered”.
246   Natural stones   Definitions, requirements and test methods for natural stones relating to rough blocks, slabs, semifinished and finished products intended for use in building and for monuments with the exception of items in the field of work covered by other Technical Committees.
247   Controls for mechanical building services   Standardization of building automation and building management for residential and nonresidential buildings. These standards include the definitions, requirements, functionality and test methods of building automation products and systems for automatic control of building services installations and the primary integration measures including application interfaces, systems and services to ensure an efficient technical, commercial and infrastructural building management. Excluded from this scope are areas of building automation, which are under the responsibility of other CEN/CENELEC TC’s.
248   Textiles and textile products   Standardization of the following aspects of textiles, textile products and textile components of products: 1) test methods; 2) terms and definitions; 3) specifications, and if necessary classifications, in terms of their expected behaviour, in particular where required by other CEN Technical Committees or the CEC or EFTA. 4) Equipment relevant for the testing and use of textiles.
249   Plastics   Standardization of terminology, test methods and specifications in the field of plastics and plasticsbased
materials, semi-finished products and products (thermoplastics, thermosets, cellular plastics, degradable plastics, thermoplastics elastomers, composites and reinforcement products for plastics) as well as plastics recycling. Rubber is excluded. Specific end-product related items are also excluded if they are covered by the scope of an existing product TC.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
250   Structural Eurocodes   Standardization of structural design rules for building and civil engineering works taking into account the relationship between design rules and the assumptions to be made for materials, execution and control.
251   Health Informatics   Standardization in the field of Health Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to achieve compatibility and interoperability between independent systems and to enable modularity. This includes requirements on health information structure to support clinical and administrative procedures, technical methods to support interoperable systems as well as requirements regarding safety, security and quality.
252   Child use and care articles   Standardization of horizontal requirements of any product designed or obviously intended to safely ensure and facilitate seating, bathing, changing and general body care, feeding, sleeping, transportation and protection for young children. Standardization of all products related to child use and care for which no other Technical Committee exists.
253   Self adhesive tapes   The standardization of test methods for self adhesive tapes. At a subsequent stage the establishment of specifications for self adhesive tapes for general use could be undertaken. Tapes for the medical and pharmaceutical industries are outside the scope of this committee, as are tapes for the electrical industry which are covered by CENELEC.
254   Flexible sheets for waterproofing   Preparation of European Standards on factory made flexible sheets for waterproofing for use in building construction and civil engineering.
255   Hand held, non-electronic power tools - Safety (手持ち非電動用具/安全) 1) Standardization in the field of safety of non-electric hand-held power tools which can be both in one generic standard for aspects common to several types of tools, and standards for specific types of tools;
2) Co-ordination with CLC/TC 61F, CEN/TCs 65, 142, 144, 211,213, 151, 196 etc. for the purpose of ensuring the highest possible consistency in common safety measures;
3) Utilization of the work carried out in PNEUROP and other European Sector Committees or organizations;
4) Consideration of how B1-Standards for eg. The measurement of noise and vibration, and dust suppression, should be achieved in the field of responsibility and with the aid of the CEN committees established for the purpose;
5) Standardization of vocabulary, symbols, and pictograms related to safety of hand-held tools. Comments : The most important liaisons are with CLC/TC 61F on Electrically driven tools, CEN/TC 211 on Noise and CEN/TC 213 on Vibration.
256   Railway applications (鉄道) Standardization of all applications (except electrical and electronic subjects), in the field of railways, including urban transport, specifically intended for vehicles and fixed installations.
257   Symbols and information provided with medical devices and nomenclature for regulatory data exchange   Standardization of labelling requirements and symbols used in labelling in the field of medical devices and in SC 1 standardization of the identification, coding, nomenclature and data sets for medical devices to facilitate regulatory data exchange.
258   Clinical investigations   Standardization in the field of clinical investigation plans and of survey of the literature. Revision of the standard on clinical investigations.
259   [none]    
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
260   Fertilizers and liming materials   Harmonization of denominations, specifications, marking, methods of test (physical and/or chemical) and safety conditions, related to fertilizers and Liming materials. Work on items covered by EEC directives currently existing should only be undertaken at the invitation of the Commission.
261   Packaging   CEN/TC 261 is responsible for the elaboration of standards dealing with terminology, dimensions, capacities, marking, test methods, performance requirements and environmental aspects in the field of packaging and unit loads. The field covers primary, secondary and transports packaging and unit loads, whatever the materials, shapes, contents or distribution system used.
262   Metallic and other inorganic coatings   Standardization in the field of metallic and other inorganic coatings, for corrosion protection of metals and for decorative and engineering purposes. Comments: The field of competence of CEN/TC 262 extends to the:
 development of specifications, test methods, performance standards, vocabularies and product standards for metallic and other inorganic coatings used for protective, decorative and engineering purposes;
 development of product standards where the metallic or other inorganic coating is a major component of the product and for which no more appropriate competence exists in CEN;
 management, until completion, of those work items that belonged to the Working Groups 1, 2 and 3 of the pre-1998 CEN/TC 262, which had a wider scope and was called Protection of metallic materials against corrosion’ (these work items have been incorporated into the current
TC structure in Working Groups 9, 10 and 11).
The field of competence excludes:
 thermally sprayed coatings (CEN/TC 240);
 paints or other organic coatings (CEN/TC 139).
Close liaison exists with ISO/TC 107, Metallic and other inorganic coatings’.
For more details concerning the current structure of CEN/TC 262, see section on CEN/TC
structure and resources.
263   Secure storage of cash, valuables and data media   Standardization in the field of physical security of products which provide secure storage of cash, valuables and data media in terms of resistance to burglary and resistance to fire and also including high security locks.
264   Air quality   Standardization of methods for air quality characterization of emissions, ambient air, indoor air, gases in and from the ground and deposition, in particular measurement methods for air pollutants (for example particles, gases, odours, micro organisms) and methods for the determination of the efficiency of gas cleaning systems. Excluded are:
- the determination of limit values for air pollutants;
- - workplaces and clean rooms;
- - radioactive substances.
265   Site built metallic tanks for the storage of liquids   Standardization of materials, design, fabrication, erection, and testing requirements for site built, vertical, cylindrical, flat bottomed, above ground, welded, metallic tanks for the storage of liquids, in various sizes and capacities, with internal gas pressure approximating to atmospheric pressure
266   Thermoplastic static tanks   Standardization on thermoplastic static tanks for the storage of liquids other than drinking water.
Field of competence TC 266 restricts its standardization activities to establishing the requirements and test methods for non-pressurised and static thermoplastics tanks for use in the storage of oils, fuels and other liquids. It further ensures that duplication of effort is avoided by adequate liaison with other committees concerned with tanks and storage of liquids.
267   Industrial piping and pipelines   Standardization of rules constituting a design and manufacturing code comprising the choice of materials, design, fabrication, installation, inspection and testing of industrial piping and pipeline, including the choice of safety systems. The meaning of "industrial piping" is the following: Pipes or pipe networks located on the premises of an industrial site. The meaning of "pipelines" is the following: Pipes or pipe networks located outside premises of an industrial site.The following are excluded from the scope of CEN/TC 267: - Pipelines for waste water, and piping for waste water, the latter being directly evacuated via the sewer system outside of industrial premises and/or in the environment (dealt within CEN/TC 165); - Pipelines for gaseous fuels (that is to say any fuel that is in gaseous state at a temperature of 15 °C and at a pressure of 1 bar (dealt with in CEN/TC 234); - Piping and pipelines for water for human comsumption (dealt with in CEN/TC 164). Pipelines for petroleum and natural gas industries (dealt with in CEN/TC 12)
268   Cryogenic vessels   “Standardization in the field of insulated, (under vacuum or not) vessels for the storage and/or transportation of refrigerated liquefied gases (so called “cryogenic vessels”) listed in ADR, class 2, items N 3°A, 3°O, 3°F and 3°TC or UN Recommendation Transport of Dangerous Goods", revision 10, chapter (t). Concerned are the vessel design, and their safety equipments, the compatibility of the gases and materials, the insulation performance, the operational requirements and equipment (accessories). This scope excluded equipment covered by CEN/TC 265 and CEN/TC 282.
269   Shell and water tubes boilers   Standardization of rules for the design, manufacture, materials, equipment and testing of shell boilers and water-tube boilers.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
270   Internal combustion engines (内燃機関) Standardization in the field of reciprocating and rotary displacement internal combustion engines used as prime movers on machinery, taking into account the relationship between the engine and driven machinery, and the environment. The highest priority is given to safety provisions for engines arising out of the essential safety requirements of EC Directives. (Excluded: reciprocating and rotary displacement internal combustion engines to propel road vehicles and aircrafts).
271   Surface treatment equipment - Safety (表面処理機/安全) Standardization in the field of safety for the design and construction of machinery and installations used for the application of organic coatings (paints, varnishes and similar products) including pretreatment plants, coating equipment, compound feed equipment, coating plants and varnish dryers, but excluding equipment used e.g. in foundries, in thermoprocessing plants, etc.already covered by existing CEN/TC's.
272   [none]    
273   [none]    
274   Aircraft ground support equipment (空港設備) Standardization in the field of safety, function and performance requirements applicable to - Ground support equipment for passenger, baggage and cargo handling - Equipment for aircraft ground handling and servicing - Airport facilities in respect of above.
275   Food analysis - Horizontal methods   Additives, residues and contaminants in food (included mycotoxins). Where it is necessary methods of sampling and statistical aspects shall be included.
276   Surface active agents   Standardization of classification, terminology, sampling, physical, chemical or other test methods, specifications, etc., of surface active agents and mixtures containing one or more surface active agents with or without other conventional components of soap and detergent formulations
277   [none]    
278   Road transport and traffic telematics   Standardization in the field of telematics to be applied to road traffic and transport, including those elements that need technical harmonization for intermodal operation in the case of other means of transport. It shall support a.o. :- vehicle, container, swap body and goods wagon identification; - communication between vehicles and road infrastructure; - communication between vehicles; - vehicle man machine interfacing as far as telematics is concerned; - traffic and parking management; - user fee collection; - public transport management; - user information. For information : Road Transport and Traffic Telematics is defined as a group of services utilising information technology and telecommunications, in vehicles and infrastructure, to improve (mainly) road transportation from the points of view of safety, efficiency, comfort and environment. The standardisation work of CEN/TC 278 is restricted to application of telematics for Road Transport and Traffic only. The work does for instance not cover waterborne or rail transport nor does it cover non-telematics issues such as in-vehicle systems, road-markings etc.
279   Value management - Value analysis, functional analysis   Preparation of standards on value management, value analysis and functional analysis. Comments : Value Management consists in exploiting for the benefit of company management and of management of company resources the general principles and the organizational concepts contained in the Functional Analysis and Value Analysis methods which up until now have essentially been applied to products and projects.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
280   Offshore containers   Standardization of the design, fabrication, testing, inspection and marking of containers and associated lifting sets used in the offshore oil and gas industry.
281   Appliance, solid fuels and firestarters for barbecuing   Standardization for barbecues burning solid fuels, single use barbecues burning solid fuels, solid fuels for use in barbecue appliances and firelighters for igniting solid fuels for barbecuing.
282   Iinstallation and equipment for LNG (液化天然ガス用設備) Standardization in the field of plant and equipment used for production, transportation, transfer, storage and regassification of LNG. Drafting of product standards specific to LNG when such standards are not included in the programme of work of another TC. Coordination of questions concerning LNG in the technical work of TC dealing with cryogenic equipment. Standardization begins at the inlet to the liquefaction plant and ends at the outlet from the regassification plant.
283   Applications in jewellery and associated products   Standardization of precious metals used in jewellery and associated products. This includes the terminology and main characteristics of products manufacture using precious metals. Standardization of methods of analysis and sampling related to the nickel content in piercing posts assemblies and nickel release of consumer items which are in direct and prolonged contact with the skin.
284   Greenhouses   Standardization in the field of permanent and non- ermanent greenhouses. To co-ordinate work in relation to greenhouses in other functional and material related CEN/TCs, and to establish the appropriate liaisons.
285   Non-active surgical implants   To standardize non-active surgical implants, including implant materials but not including dental implants and ophthalmic implants and, where appropriate, associated instrumentation to satisfy at least the essential requirements of the European Directive on Medical Devices, taking into account the work of CEN, CENELEC and ISO Technical Committees.
286   Liquefied petroleum gas equipment and accessories   Standardisation of all pressure equipment and transport pressure equipment for liquefied petroleum gas, including associated accessories. Scope to include design, manufacture, inspection and testing and operational requirements, but excluding pipelines and cartridges of 1 litre and below.
287   [none]    
288   Execution of special geotechnical works   Standardization of the execution procedures for special geotechnical works (including the testing and control methods of the procedures) and of the required material properties.
289   Leather   Standardization of terminology, sampling, test methods, requirements and characteristics to any intended end use in the field of raw hides and skins, tanned hides and skins and finished leather, with the typical shape given by the animal or part of it.
Note: Are not included footwear and their components as covered by CEN/TC 309.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
290   Dimensional and geometrical product specification and verification   Standardization in the field of macro and micro- eometry specification including dimensional and geometrical tolerancing, surface properties and the related verification principles, measuring equipment and calibration requirements.
Comments: Geometrical product specifications (GPS) is an Internationally accepted concept (see CEN/CR (ISO 14638) covering all different requirements ? Indicated on a technical drawing ? To the geometry of industrial workpieces (e.g. size, distance, radius, angle, form, orientation, location, round-out, surface roughness, surface waviness, surface defects, edges etc.) and all related verification principles, measuring instruments and their calibration. This can be expressed more simple as all requirements specifying the micro and macro geometry of a product (workpiece) with associated requirements for verification and calibration of related measuring instruments.
NOTE Geometry (geometrical characteristics, geometrical properties) ? To be understood in an extended sense covering:
 the expression of functional requirements of a workpiece in terms of geometrical descriptions including the size (e.g. Diameters), distances, angles surface texture, form, orientation, location, etc.;
 the limitation of permissible deviations of this geometry for production purposes. CEN/CR ISO 14638, ?Geometrical product specifications (GPS) ? Masterplan“ defines the
291   [none]    
292   Characterization of waste   Standardization of procedures to determine the characteristics of waste and waste behaviour, especially leaching properties and standardization of subsequent terminology. Excluded from this scope are:
- radioactive waste;
- exhaust gases;
- waste water;
- explosives;
- animal carcasses.
Also excluded from the scope of this TC are:
- the setting of limit values;
- the setting of specifications for products and processes.
293   Technical aids for disabled persons   To produce standards for technical aids for disabled persons.
294   Communication systems for meters and remote reading of meters   Standardization of communication systems with meters and remote reading of meters for all kind of fluids and energies distributed by network and suitable also for household meters. Cooperation in a joint working group with CENELEC for communication systems with meters and remote reading of meters of electrical energy.
295   Residential solid fuel burning appliances   Standardization in the field of residential heating and cooking appliances burning solid fuels: to include solid mineral fuel burning appliances, wood- burning appliances and multifuel appliances. The standardization to cover appliance construction, performance, (e.g. efficiency and emissions), safety and commissioning requirements, together with their associated test methods and installation and operating instructions. The standardization of test fuels and test methods for the assessment of the suitability of fuels for the various appliance types.
296   Tanks for transport of dangerous goods   Standardization of design, construction, inspection and testing of metallic tanks intended for transport of dangerous goods of a capacity of more than 450 l. It shall cover tanks of road tankers, tanks of rail-tank-wagons and tanks intended for multimodal transport. "Tank" means the shell and all relevant equipments.
297   Free-standing industrial chimneys   Standardization in the field of free-standing chimneys for industrial and utility applications including terminology, performance requirements, safety aspects, design as far as not covered by the Eurocodes, construction and maintenance of the shell, lining and accessories. A chimney may also be considered as free-standing, if it is guyed or supported or if it stands on an other structure. All flue gas ducts to the chimney are outside the scope. Note: "Utility applications" can include schools, hospitals, assembly rooms, theatres, swimming pools, prisons etc.
298   Pigments and extenders   Standardization in the field of pigments, dyestuffs and extenders. Implementation of existing standards and drawing up of additional standards relating to terminology, general test methods, test methods related to the intended application and specifications for pigments, dyestuffs and extenders. Work related to the application of the above groups of products in textiles is excluded.
299   Gas-fired sorption appliances and domestic gas-fired washing and drying appliances   Standardization of the requirements for the construction, safety, rational use of energy, marking and testing of gas-fired sorption (absorption and adsorption) appliances and domestic washing appliances and drying appliances
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
300   Sea-going vessels and marine technology   Standardization of design, construction, structural elements, outfitting parts, equipment, methods and technology, and marine environmental matters, used in shipbuilding and operation of seagoing vessels, ship-to-shore interfaces and all offshore and other marine structures subject to IMO requirements. The standardization is to be achieved wherever possible by the adoption of ISO standards.
301   Electrically propelled road vehicles   Standardization in the field of road vehicles, totally or partially propelled by electric motor(s): - of the functional characteristics due to their electric drive, related to the safety of the vehicles and their relevant components and systems; - of the methods for measuring the performances due to their electric drive; - of the interface of the vehicles to the electric supply (in close cooperation with CENELEC).
1)The scope of CEN/TC301 applies to the international categories of vehicles M1, M2, M3, N1, N2, N3 as specified below according to the directive 92/53/EEC (amending the directive 70/156/EEC) and to tricycles in the meaning of Directive 92/61/EEC. It also applies to trolleybuses except trolleybus aspects already covered by other international or European standardization bodies.
2)Performance is used in its general sense of vehicle and systems behaviour. For example: speed, consumption, emissions etc.
Category M: motor vehicles having at least four wheels and used for carriage of passengers.
Category M1: vehicles used for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat.
Category M2: vehicles used for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat, and having a maximum weight not exceeding 5 metric tons.
Category M3: vehicles used for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat, and having a maximum weight exceeding 5 metric tons.
Category N: motor vehicles having at least four wheels and used for the carriage of goods.
Category N1: vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum weight not exceeding 3,5 metric tons.
Category N2: vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum weight exceeding 3,5 but not exceeding 12 metric tons.
Category N3: vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum weight exceeding 12 metric tons.
302   Milk and milk products ? Methods of sampling and analysis   Standardization in the field of methods of sampling and analysis in the field of milk and milk products.
303   Floor screeds and in-situ floorings in buildings   Standardization of floor screeds and in-situ floorings produced in situ on compressible layers, on separating layers or directly bonded to the load-bearing substrate.
304   Information and communications technologies(ICT) - European localization requirements   Standardization in the field of Information and Communications Technologies, to ensure that European localization requirements can be satisfied. Localization in this context means the provision of software and hardware support adapted to local linguistic and cultural needs in Europe.
305   Potentially explosive atmospheres ? Explosion prevention and protection (爆発性気体?) Proposed Action(s) BT to approve the new scope as follows: Standardisation in the field of explosion prevention and protection. Drawing up of standards relating to test methods for determining the flammability characteristics of substances, equipment and protective systems for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, equipment and systems for explosion prevention and protection and terminology and methodology in the field of potentially explosive atmospheres.
306   Lead and lead alloys   Standardization of lead and lead alloys as unwrought products, semi-finished or finished products and oxides (with the exception of pigments). Terminology and classification of lead and lead alloys, new and used materials; recovered from products and processes.
307   Oilseeds, vegetable and animal fats and oils and their by-products ? Methods of sampling and analysis   Standardization of methods of sampling and analysis in the fields of oilseeds, vegetable and animal fats and oils and their by-products. This includes physical, physical-chemical and biochemical methods.
308   Characterization of sludges   Standardization of the methods for characterizing and classifying sludges and products from storm water handling, night soil, urban waste water collection systems, waste water treatment plants for urban and similar industrial waters (as defined in EC directive 91/271), water supply treatment plants, water distribution systems, but excluding hazardous sludges from industry. Included are the sampling methods, physical, chemical and biological analyses required for characterizing these sludges with a view to facilitating decisions on the choice of the treatment procedures and of the utilization and disposal. Included is the drafting of good practice documents in the production; utilization and disposal of sludges. The scope of the TC considers all sludges that may have similar environmental and/or health impact.
309   Footwear   Preparation of European Standards on: Test methods, terminology and minimum performance requirements for components for footwear, - Test methods and terminology for whole shoes, -
Environmental aspects of footwear, excluding those tems already covered by other CEN Technical Committees, in particular footwear for professional use
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
310   Advanced manufacturing technologies (高度製造技術?) Standardization activities in the field of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies to ensure the availability of the standards required by industry, for the integration of elements of AMT systems. Standards are required in areas such as Enterprise modelling and system architecture, Communication, Data, Information processing, Control equipment, Human aspects, Mechanical aspects and System operational aspects.
311   [none]    
312   Thermal solar systems and components   Preparation of European Standards to cover terminology, general requirements, characteristics, test methods, conformity evaluation and labelling of thermal solar systems and components.
313   Centrifuges - Safety resuirements 【休止】(遠心分離機/安全)  
314   [none]    
315   Spectator facilities   General: Standards for architectural design and performance requirements for spectator facilities
for sports and multipurpose venues (indoor and outdoor), in order to ensure safety, comfort of and visibility for the spectators. Permanent indoor venues such as theatres, cinemas, opera houses, lecture halls, etc. are excluded. Specific: a) Standards for layout criteria including spacing, access and egress, sight lines, positioning of separation fences and barriers; b) Standards for products by performance requirements for permanent, demountable, movable and telescopic stands.
316   Medical devices utilizing tissues? 【休止?】  
317   Derivates from coal pyrolysis   Standardization of terminology, classification, methods of tests and guidelines for the use of crude tar and crude benzole, coal tar derived chemicals, coal tar based oils, coal tar and pitch based binders and related products, coal tar and pitch based products for roofing, coating and paints
318   Hydrometry   The standardization of methods and instrumentation relating to techniques for hydrometric determinations including: -
a) velocity, stream flow, level, load transport, erosion, sedimentation, and ice phenomena; in open channels, reservoirs, lakes and seas;
b) precipitation, snow cover and evapotranspirration;
c) infiltration
d) groundwater, soil moisture and soil frost;
e) standards for data exchange.
319   Maintenance   Standardization in the field of maintenance as far as generic standards which are generally applicable are concerned
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
320   Transportation services   Standardization of quality and performance criteria for services undertaken in the transport chain.
321   Explosives for civil uses   Standardization of explosives substances and articles, including safety requirements, terminology, categorization and test methods. Pyrotechnic articles and ammunition are excluded and explosives intended for use by the armed forces ot the police are also excluded
322   Equipment of making and shaping of metals ? Safety requirements (安全/金属加工?) Standardisation in the field of safety of equipment for making of iron, steel and non-ferrous metals and their shaping by rolling, forging and extruding as semi-finished or finished products; excluding - equipments for coal and ore preparation, - industrial thermoprocessing equipment (covered by CEN/TC 186) - foundry machinery (covered by CEN/TC 202) - surface treatment equipment (covered by CEN/TC 271), - wire drawing machinery.
323   Raised access floors    
324   [none]    
325   Prevention of crime by urban planning and building design   Preparation of European standards on urban planning and building design to provide methods of assessment and performance requirements for the prevention of crime in residential areas at new and existing housing including local activities in order to ensure safety and comfort and to minimize fear of violence. Standards on building products and security devices are excluded. The standards will include their area of application, the corresponding security strategy, security levels, building layout, application of construction elements roads and paths and crime preventive lighting.
326   Gas supply for Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV) (天然ガス自動車用給ガス機) Preparation of European standards for safety equirements for natural gas vehicle filling stations and vehicle fuel systems. The scope also will cover requirements for operational aspects of NGV fuelling and maintenance facilities.
Comments : The upcoming standards are structured into the different refuelling technologies, based on function, size, and operation. CEN TC 326 is strongly involved in the European concept to create a sustainable infrastructure for natural gas vehicles.
327   Animal feeding stuffs - Methods of sampling and analysis    
328   Standard measuring system for cleaning performance   Standardization in the field of measurement of the quality of professional cleaning
329   Tourism services   Standardization of terminology and specification of facilities and services including tourism related
recreational activities offered by the tourism industry, which can be used in information and
reservation systems to provide consumers with criteria for making decisions.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
330   Qualification of construction enterprises   To draft European standards (Ens) for the harmonization of criteria and procedures to be used by qualification bodies for the qualification of construction enterprises.
331   Postal services   The standardization of various aspects of the measurement of quality of service, hybrid mail (automatic) identification and tracing of mail items, apertures in letter boxes, receptacles, address data, and forms in order to increase the interoperability of postal networks and to improve the quality of service.
332   Laboratory equipment   Standardization of laboratory equipment except the following exclusions:
- Electrical safety and electromagnetic compatability;
- Basic laboratory furniture;
- Apparatus and equipment exclusively intended for biotechnological or in vivo and in vitro diagnostic use for medical applications
Field of competence: To develop standards with respect to principles and to materials of construction, dimensions and performance of equipment and nonelectrical safety of laboratory equipment. Terms and definitions related to the equipment. Testing of requirements specified in the standards. Exclusions from scope: Safety standardization of electrically powered equipment is performed by IEC/TC 66 and CENELEC/SR 66. EMC is done by IEC and CENELEC too. Close co-operation is existing on the national levels.
333   Cycles    
334   Irrigation techniques (灌漑技術) Standardization of irrigation systems and equipment by elaboration of performance requirements, characteristics, test methods,… The scope excludes safety aspects with respect to the Machinery Directive 98/37/EC.
Comments: CEN/TC 334 requests to establish a liaison with CEN/TC 144 "Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry" and stresses the importance of co-operating with CEN/TC144 on safety aspects for irrigation machines.
335   [none]    
336   Bituminous binders   Standardization of test methods, methods of sampling, terminology, classification and specifications for bituminous binders. Main field of competence: standardization of petroleum refined bitumens, modified bitumens, bitumen emulsions, petroleum fluxed bitumens and petroleum cut-back bitumens, used for paving and other industrial applications.
337   [none]    
338   [none]    
339   [none]    
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
340   [none]    
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
SS 124 Industrial fans (工業用ファン)  
SS 133 Information processing in automation (自動化情報処理)  

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