NCC Standards interactive house
http://infostore.saiglobal.com/ncc-house/index.html があります。
NCC : National Construction Code
- 上図のような住宅配置図の 例えば Bathroom の部分をクリックすると
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- [絵] の下に なんと言うことでしょう
- AS 5200.000-2006, Technical specification for plumbing and drainage products - Procedures for certification of plumbing and drainage products
- AS/NZS 3500.1:2003, Plumbing and drainage - Water services
- AS/NZS 3500.2:2003, Plumbing and drainage - Sanitary plumbing and drainage
- AS/NZS 3500.5:2000, National Plumbing and Drainage - Domestic installations
- AS/NZS 4020:2005, Testing of products for use in contact with drinking water
- MP 78-1999, Manual for the assessment of risks of plumbing products
- の様に関連標準一覧(個別説明へのリンク有り)が表示されます。左側メニューにも 浴室関連標準一覧などがあります。
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- どの様な標準が存在するか知る上で非常に有効なツールと思いますので、お試しあれ!。
SAI Global Limited の 全体説明HP(日本語有り)
注 : IPアドレス から アクセスしている地域を判別し 自動的に 日本語表示にしている模様。 英語で見たい方は 右上 言語切替 を。
なお、 AS/NZS等は 国内では (財)日本規格協会(JSA) 等が扱っています。
JSAライブラリー(東京/赤坂見附 JSA本部1F) に在庫があれば 無償閲覧(コピー、貸出 不可)、購入可能です。
オーストラリア/ニュージーランド標準(AS/NZS) を扱う SAI Global Limited の HP に 太陽エネルギー利用関連の
AS/NZS紹介パンフ (PDF 無償ダウンロード可(全11頁)) が掲載されています。
- SAI Global Limited の HP(日本語有り)
- Free Standards Guide - Solar Panels
- This guide provides information on Standards, Certification Schemes and other industry specific information that may be of interest to manufacturers, importers, installers and suppliers of solar panels.
- ・Solar Panels for Hot Water Systems and Heat Pumps
- Manufacturing and Certificatio
- AS/NZS 2712:2007 Solar and heat pump water heaters - Design and construction
- AS 4552-2005Gas fired water heaters for hot water supply and/or central heating.
- AS/NZS 2535.1:2007 Test methods for solar collectors - Thermal performance of glazed liquid heating
- AS 4777.2-2005 Grid connection of energy systems via inverters - Inverter requirements.
- Installation
- AS/NZS 5033:2005 Installation of photovoltaic (PV) arrays.
- ・Solar Heating for Swimming Pools
- Manufacturing
- AS 2369.1-1990 Materials for solar collectors for swimming pool heating - Rubber materials
- Installation
- AS 3634-1989 Solar heating systems for swimming pools
- ・Solar Panels for Other Uses
- ・SAI Global Product Certification Schemes
- WaterMark Scheme
- Unlisted Product Certification
- CE Programs
- Electrical Type Test
- IECEE CB Scheme
- Gas Safety Certification Scheme
- ・Online Resources
- 関連団体等へのリンク
- ・Solar Panel Regulators
- 関連官公庁等へのリンク
- ・Building Regulators
- 関連官公庁等へのリンク
- ・Industry Bodies
- ・Customer Service Contacts
- 等 関連情報紹介 リンク多数有り
オーストラリア/ニュージーランド標準(AS/NZS) を扱う SAI Global Limited の HP に 労働安全(OHS) 及び 幅広い 関連の
AS/NZS紹介パンフ (PDF 無償ダウンロード可(全38頁)) が掲載されています。
- Free Standards Guide - Occupational Health and Safety
- This guide provides information on Standards, Certification schemes and other industry specific information that can be used by organizations to manage areas relating to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
including risk management, slip hazards, evacuation of buildings, safety and ergonomics.
- ・Introduction
- ・OHS Management Certification
- AS/NZS 4801:2001 Occupational health and safety management systems - Specification with guidance for use.
- AS/NZS 4804:2001 Occupational health and safety management systems - General guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques.
- HB 211-2001 Occupational health and safety management systems - A guide to AS 4801 for small business.
- SR OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems - Requirements.
- SR OHSAS 18002:2008 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems - Guidelines for the Implementation of OHSAS 18001:2007.
- ・OHS Online Training & Awareness
- ・Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
- AS/NZS 14000 Set (CD):2005 Environmental Management Standards Set on CD.
- ・Risk Management
- AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk management - Principles and guidelines
- HB 158-2010 Delivering assurance based on ISO 31000-2009 - Risk management - Principles and guidelines
- HB 327-2010 Communicating and consulting about risk (Companion to AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009)
- ・Quality Management
- AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 Quality management systems - Requirements.
- HB 90 Series
- ・Planning for Emergencies
- AS 3745-2010 Planning for emergencies in facilities
- AS 4083-2010 Planning for emergencies - Health care facilities
- ・Alarms and Warning Systems
- ・Closed Circuit Television Systems
- AS 4806.1-2006〜.4-2008 Closed circuit television (CCTV)シリーズ
- ・Intruder Alarms
- AS/NZS 2201 Intruder alarm systems Series
- ・Automatic Fire Detection and Emergency Intercommunication
- AS 1670.x-2004 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems - System design, installation and commissioning
- AS 4428 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems Series.
- ・Protection Against Fire
- AS 2419.1-2005 Fire hydrant installations - System design, installation and commissioning
- AS 2444-2001 Portable fire extinguishers and fire blankets - Selection and location
- ・・・・・
- ・Lighting Levels
- AS/NZS 1680 Interior lighting Series.
- ・・・・・
- ・Air Quality
- AS 1668.2 -2002 The use of ventilation and airconditioning in buildings - Ventilation design for indoor air contaminant control.
- ・Slip Resistance
- AS/NZS 4586:2004 Slip resistance classification of new pedestrian surface materials
- ・・・・・
- ・Recording Workplace Injuries
- AS 1885.1-1990 Measurement of occupational health and safety performance - Describing and reporting occupational injuries and diseases (known as the National Standard for workplace injury and disease recording)
- ・・・・・
- ・Ergonomics
- HB 59-1994 Ergonomics - The human factor - A practical approach to work systems design.
- ・Office Environments
- AS 3590.x-199x Screen-based workstations シリーズ
- ・・・・・
- ・Hot and Cold Environments
- ・Safety Signs
- ・Workplace Safety Signs
- AS 1319-1994 Safety signs for the occupational environment
- AS 2700-2011 Colour standards for general purposes.
- ・・・・・
- ・Emergency Escape Lighting
- AS 2293.1-2005 Emergency escape lighting and exit signs for buildings - System design, installation and operation
- ・・・・・
- ・Symbols for Pipelines, Conduits and Ducts
- AS 1345-1995 Identification of the contents of pipes, conduits and ducts.
- ・Symbols for Equipment and Machinery
- AS 60417 Graphical symbols for use on equipment Series.
- AS/NZS 3000:2007 Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules).
- AS/NZS 1102 Graphical symbols for electrotechnical documentation Series.
- AS 4024.1202-2006 Safety of machinery - General principles - Technical principles.
- AS 60417.1-2004 Graphical symbols for use on equipment - Overview and application.
- ・Road Safety (including Off-Street Parking) Signs
- AS 1742 Manual of uniform traffic control devices Series.
- ・Public Information Symbols
- AS 2156.1-2001 Walking tracks - Classification and signage.
- AS 1428.1-2009 Design for access and mobility - General requirements for access - New building work
- ・Markings for Warehouses and Distribution Centres
- ・Personal Protective Equipment
- ・Hearing Protectors
- AS/NZS 1270:2002 Acoustics - Hearing protectors.
- AS/NZS 1269 Occupational noise management Series.
- ・Respirators and Masks
- ・Eye and Face Protectors
- ・Head Protection (Helmets)
- ・Personal Flotation Devices (Life Jackets)
- ・Protective Clothing
- AS/NZS 4501.2:2006 Occupational protective clothing - General requirements.
- AS/NZS 4501.1:2008 Occupational protective clothing - Guidelines on the selection, use, care and maintenance of protective clothing.
- AS/NZS 1957:1998 Textiles - Care labelling
- AS 5804 High-voltage live working Series.
- AS/NZS 4399:1996 Sun protective clothing - Evaluation and classification.
- ・・・・・
- ・Protective Gloves
- ・Footwear
- ・Electrical Equipment
- AS/NZS 3820:1998 Essential safety requirements for electrical equipment
- AS/NZS 3000:2007 Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules).
- HB 13-2007 Electrical equipment for hazardous areas.
- ・・・・・
- 【以下、タイトルのみ ご紹介】
- ・Testing and Tagging
- ・Household Electrical Equipment
- ・Lighting
- ・Circuit-breakers
- ・Safety Switches (Residual Current Devices)
- ・Medical Equipment
- ・Storage Containers
- ・Hospital (Theatre) Textiles
- ・Medical Electrical Equipment
- ・Construction and Plant Equipment
- ・Chainsaws
- ・Power Tools
- ・Conveyors
- ・Cranes and Scissor Lifts
- ・Earth-Moving and Agricultural Machinery
- ・Industrial Trucks
- ・Machinery Safety
- ・Machinery Design
- ・Risk Assessment
- ・Operating Machinery
- ・Radiation Exposed Environments
- ・Infrared Radiation
- ・Ionizing Radiation
- ・Non-Ionizing Radiation
- ・Electromagnetic Radiation
- ・Ultraviolet Radiation
- ・Handling Dangerous Goods
- ・Waste Management
- ・Food Management
- ・Amusement Devices
- ・Lifts and Escalators
- ・Scaffolding
- ・Temporary Edge Protection Systems
- ・Demolition
- ・Asbestos Removal
- ・Gas Cylinders, Pipelines and Reticulation Systems
- ・Pressure Equipment
- ・Occupational Diving
- ・Confined Spaces and Storage Areas
- ・Laboratories and Cleanrooms
- ・SAI Global Certification Schemes
- ・Product Certification
- ・Management Systems Certification
- ・Compliance, Ethics, Risk Management and Governance Solutions
- ・Environment, Health & Safety Software
- ・Global Legislative, Regulatory and Compliance & Ethics News
- ・Occupational Health & Safety Online Training & Awareness Programs
- ・Online Resources
- ・Regulators
- ・Useful Websites
- ・Customer Service Contacts