GLN ŒΓŽ–‹L ‰p•Ά English

Kojiki The first volume

£IzanaginoKami ₯ IzanaminoKami | ˆΙ–λ“ίŠς_₯ˆΙ–λ“ί”ό_

’Death of IzanaminoKami
Two pillars of god of Izanagi and Izanami bore TorinoihakusunenoKami. An another name is Amenotorifune.

Next, they bore OhgetsuhimenoKami.
Next, they bore HinoyagihayawonoKami. An another name is HinokagabikonoKami. An another name is HinokagutsuchinoKami.

IzanaminoKami has baked vulva and has got ill because she bore a god of this fire.
KanayamabikonoKami was born from the vomit thing.
Next KanayamabimenoKami was born.
HaniyasubikonoKami was born from excrement.
Next HaniyasubimenoKami was born.
MitsuhanomenoKami was born from urine.
Next WakumusubinoKami was born. Young of this god is ToyoukebimenoKami.
IzanaminoKami produced a god of the fire with that, so she died finally.
They're gods of eight pillars all together to ToyoukebimenoKami from AmenotorifunenoKami.

The numerical totals two pillars of god of Izanagi and Izanami bore are 14 islands and 35 pillars of god.
Before IzanaminoKami still died, these bore.
But, she bore not Onogorojima. Hiruko and Ahashima aren't her young.

And IzanaginoMikoto said.
"My dear wife. It may make young of a god of the fire execute your life and death vicariously?"
He passed in the side of the pillow of IzanaminoKami and crawled. He crawled to the side of her foot, went around and cried.
The god was born from his tear at that time. The god is under the tree in a hilltop in the base in Kaguyama. The name is NakisawamenoKami.
Now, IzanaminoKami which died was buried in a mountain in Hiba in a boundary with a country in Idumo and a country in Hahaki.

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