GLN 古事記 英文 English

Kojiki The second volume

▲TarashinakatsuhikonoMikoto − TarashinakatsuhikonoSumeramikoto(Chuuai Tenno)

Therefore the Emperor finally drew the koto and played it randomly. It heard the sound of the koto almost no before it passed. Light is added, and, in a moment, the Emperor was dead already.

It was surprised, was afraid and enshrined an emperor in ArakinoMiya (provisional funeral sign). More national Ohnusa was collected. The kind of crimes of Ikihagi Sakahagi Ahanachi Mizoume Kusohe Oyakotahake Umatahake Ushitahake Toritahake Inutahake was enumerated variously and national Ohharahe was done. Takeshiuchinosukune was in the garden where an oracle is received, and asked an oracle of a god. The state informed about by an oracle is same as the other day.
"Approximately, this country is the country where Yuong where it is in your stomach rules possession."
So Takeshiuchinosukune said as follows.
"It is a dreadful thing, our Ohkami. what kind of (a man or a woman) Young is Young which is in the stomach of a god?"
"It's Hikomiko (the boy)."
Takeshiuchinosukune asked an oracle more conversantly.
"I'd like to know the name of Ohkami which just told such thing by an oracle." "This is the mind of AmaterasuOhmikami. 3 pillars of Ohkami of Sokotsutsunowo Nakatsutsunowo Uhatsutsunowo. (At this time, 3 pillars of the Ohkami became clear.) If it did like to ask a western country really now, offer Mitegura to AmatsuKami KunitsuKami YamanoKami every gods in river and a sea. Enshrine my soul on the ship. Put ash of Maki in a gourd. Make many chopsticks and Hirade. Scatter all those over the ocean, float and cross."

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