GLN 古事記 英文 English

Kojiki The second volume

▲OhyamatotarashihikokuraoshihitonoMikoto − OhyamatotarashihikokuraoshihitonoMikoto(Kauan Tenno)

OhyamatotarashihikokuraoshihitonoMikoto stayed on its duty of Akitsushima-noMiya in Kadurakinomuro and ruled the world.
This Emperor married MehioshikahimenoMikoto.
The name of born Young is OhkibimorosusuminoMikoto. The next is OhoyamatonekohikofutoninoMikoto (two pillars). OhoyamatonekohikofutoninoMikoto ruled the world.

The age of this Emperor is one hundred and twenty-three years old. There is an Imperial mausoleum around Tamadenowoka.

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