GLN 古事記 英文 English

Kojiki The second volume

▲ShikitsuhikotamademinoMikoto − ShikitsuhikotamademinoMikoto(Annei Tenno)

ShikitsuhikotamademinoMikoto stayed on its duty of UkiananoMiya in Katashiha and ruled the world. This Emperor married daughter's Akutohime of elder brother's Agatanushi (Departmental Lord) Hae of Kahamatabime. The name of Young they produced is TokonetsuhikoironenoMikoto. The next is OhyamatohikosukitomonoMikoto. The next is ShikitsuhokonoMikoto.

These Emperor's Young is three pillars all together. OhyamatohikosukitomonoMikoto ruled the world.
ShikitsuhokonoMikoto had 2 pillars of Young. A pillar of Young is a progenitor of Suchinoinagi Nabarinoinagi Minunoinagi in Iga.
WachitsuminoMikoto of another pillar of Young stayed at Miwinomiya in Ahadi. This Miko (King) had two daughters. Two daughters. The name of the elder sister is Haheirone. An another name is OhyamatokuniarehimenoMikoto. The name of the younger sister is Haheirodo.
The age of this Emperor is forty-nine years old. There is an Imperial mausoleum in Mihoto in Unebiyama.

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