GLN 古事記 英文 English

Kojiki The latter volume

▲OhsazakinoMikoto − OhsazakinoMikoto(Nintoku Tenno)

△Empress's jealousy and Yatanowakiiratsume.
The Empress was preparing Toyonoakari (Ninamesai. The Harvest Festival.) after this event. To adopt Mitsunagashiha (vegetable leaf), she went to Kinokuni. Meanwhile the Emperor married Yatanowakiiratsume.
It was while the Empress loaded a lot of Mitsunagashiha onto a ship, and returned. Yoboro (laborer) of Kojima in Kibinokuni dispatched to Mohitorinotsukasa (government office) was when returned to his country. He came across a ship of Kurabitome which missed the ship of the Empress in Nanihanoohwatari.
Yoboro said as follows.
"The Emperor married Yatanowakiiratsume these days. Two people are also playing in the evening at noon. The empress doesn't hear this thing, so they are playing comfortably."
Kurabitome where this talk was heard caught up to empress's ship immediately. She said talk of Yoboro to the Empress conversantly.
So the Empress was blamed and scolded very much. She threw all Mitsunagashiha put on the ship away to a sea. Therefore it calls the place and say Mitsunosaki.

The Empress pulled a ship by a rope, avoided and didn't go to the Imperial Palace. She sailed up Horie, and went up to Yamashiro with a runway in Yodogawa. At this time, she composed the following poetry.
"When I go back, and go on Yamashironokaha, Sashibunoki grows. A holy camellia of a wide leaf grows under the forest. My Ohkimi is this brilliant, wide and comfortable."

She has arrived at an entrance of Narayama concerning Yamashiro just as it is. She composed the following poetry.
"When I sailed up Yamashironokaha, it passed Nzra. It passed Yamato. The country I'd like to see is Kadurakinotakamiya. That's around my house."

She returned to Yamashiro. For a while, she entered a house of Nurinomi of Karahito in Tsutsuki.

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