39 The Height of Heike Prosperity

(an omission)
The Hougen Rebellion changed society overnight. Up untill that time the wealthy Fujiwara family had held sbsolute political power. But in the face if a rebellion, it became plain that the Fujiwara had no means to suppress it. Political power fell into the hands of the warriors such as Taira no Kiyomori and Minamoto no Yoshitomo, who ended the conflict by shedding their ownn blood. Thus the Heike (Taira) clan and Genji (Minamoto) clan succeeded in replacing the Fujiwara.

But two clans holding equal power brought instability, as the country was not big enough for both of them. The clans entered into a fierce competition, and the Heiji Rebellion was the result, with the Genji (Minamoto) clan suffering complete defeat.

Of course, some Genji warriors such as Minamoto no Yorimasa still remained, but he was overpowered by the Heike. For all apparent purposes, the direct Genji descendants were eradicated at this time. Thus the two clans co-existed for only three years, between the times of the Hougen and Heiji Rebellions. After that the prosperity of the Heike was such that no one could pose any threat to them.

Taira no Kiyomori advanced in court like the rising sun. In the 1st year of Eiryaku era (1160), at age forty-three, he was given the Third Rank, Major, for his military prowess, and became a Consultant. At age forty-five he became Provisional Middle Counsellor; at fory-six he received Second Rank, Minor; at forty-eight he was appointed Provisional Major Counsellor and Minister of Militaly Affairs; at forty-nine he was promoted to Minister of Interior; and finally at fifty , he was appointed Chancellor, with the First Rank, Minor. After the Heiji rebellion, the wind was at his back. He attained the highest rank possible as an imperial subject.
(an omission)

But then, twenty years had passed since the Heiji Rebellion. The ensuing Heike prosperity, although it displeased many people, was a result of merit as well as destiny on the part of Taira no Kiyomori and his heir Shigemori. Their success therefore could not be viewed as entirely wrong. But the subsequent arbitrary use of political and military power and disrespect of the court, which expanded into such crimes as house arrest of the retired sovereign or banishiment of the Imperial Regent, was inexcusable. The Heike were now completely out of control.

Next year, in the 2nd month of the 4th year of Jishou era (1180), Emperor Takakura abdicated the throne at age twenty, even though he was healthly. His son Emperor Antoku, then only three years old, ascended in his place. According to The Tale of the Heike (Heike Monogatari).
"The abdication took place because Kiyomori could do whatever he pleased."
And further:
" - efery man of sensibility drenched his sleeve."
Clearly the abdiation was forced by Taira no Kiyomori. He must atone for his crime of improper behavior as the emperor's subject. Who would rise up and make him pay ?
39 平家の全盛
 保元の乱は、世の中の状態を一変させました。それまでは殆ど絶対の優位に立って、 権力を握り、栄華を究めていたものは、藤原氏でした。一たび保元の乱が起こると、藤 原氏では、鎮定する方法も無い事が明瞭になりました。権力は、当然身を挺し、血を流 して、紛乱を平定した者の手に握られるのです。それは誰か。平清盛と、源義朝とです 。源平両氏が、藤原氏に代わって、時代を担う者として現れたのです。ところが両氏と 云うのでは、落ち着きにくい。両雄並び立たずと云う言葉がありますが、両氏は競争の 位置にあって、お互いに負けまいとする。その争いが平治の乱となって、源氏は完全に 敗れました。もっとも頼政などは残っているものの、それは頭を下げて平家の下につい ているだけで、平家と競争し得る源氏の主流は、一応全滅の形となりました。それ故、 源平並び立ったのは、保元から平治までの三年間。平治以後は、平家の全盛時代、之と 競争し得る者は、何処にも無くなりました。
 さあ、清盛の出世は日の出の勢いです。永暦元年、清盛四十三歳、戦功によって正三 位をたまわり、参議となり、四十五歳の時には権中納言、四十六歳で従二位、四十八歳 では権大納言、兵部卿、四十九歳で内大臣、五十歳で従一位太政大臣。平治の乱より後 、順風に帆をあげて、遂に位、人臣を極めたのです。
 平治の乱を鎮めて後二十年、平家一門の栄華は、目にあまるものがあったとは云え、 これまでのところは、清盛や重盛の実力と運命とによるものであって、一概に悪事とは 云えませんが、権力に物を云わせて増長し、我侭が募ったあげく、遂に法皇の幽閉、関 白の流罪とまで発展してくれば、平家は全く邪道に落ちたものと云わねばなりません。
 あくれば治承四年二月、高倉天皇は御歳二十歳、御病気と云うでも無かったのに、御 譲位になり、安徳天皇御位をおつぎになりました。御年僅かに三歳。平家物語に、
と述べているのを見ましても、この御譲位が、清盛の強制によって行われた事は、明ら かであります。清盛は、その臣道にはずれた罪を問われなければならぬ。そりでは奮起 して之を問う人は、一体誰でありましょうか。