40 Minamoto no Yorimasa

Taira no Kiyomori grew arrogant and placed Retired Emperor Go-Shirakawa under house arrest. He also exiled the Imperial Regent. Emperor Takatura, in grief, abdicated the throne to his infant son Emperor Antoku (r. 1180-1183).

The one who resolved to punish the Heike was the second prince of the Retired Emperor, by the name of Pince Mochihiko. His chief-of-staff was Minamoto no Yorimasa of the Third Rank (1104-1180), who devised a secret plan for an uprising.

Originally Minamoto no Yorimasa, a Genji warrior, sided with the Heike during the Hougen and Heiji Rebellions. For this reason he remained in the capital while the rest of the Genji house was banished. However, in comparison to the spectacular fortunes of the Heike, Minamoto no Yorimasa was forced to live in obscurity. During the reign of Emperor Nijou (r. 1158-1165) he was given the task of guarding the imperial palace, but he was to remain only in the imperial garden; he was not allowed in the courtiers' hall. Discouraged, he composed a poem:
"Unknown to others -
the guardian who watches
at Palace Mountain,
ever hidden behind trees
as he gazes at the moon."

The Emperor heard of it, and gave him the privilege of attending at the courtiers' hall. In the 12th month of the 2nd year of Jishou (1178), Taira no Kiyomori personally had him promoted to the Third Rank, Minor. This might have been because of sympathy for the unfortunate man, or his own guilty conscience. Taira no Kiyomori stated the reason for the recommendation: "He is already over seventy years old, and his health is failing. This is a pathetic end for the man."
The promotion surprised everyone and it was generally felt to be very unusual. (an omission)

On the 9th day of the 4th month in the 4th year of Jishou era (1180), the Prince ordered an uprising against the Heike. This command must now be relayed under cover to the Genji and other warriors who were scattered in the various province of Japan.

Minamoto no Yoshimori was the tenth and youngest son of Minamoto no Tameyoshi; he was a younger brother of Minamoto no Tametomo, who was the young hero with bow and arrows in the Heiji Rebellion. Now appointed as the Prince's Archivist (secretary), he changed his name to Minamoto no Yukiie, and left for the eastern provinces to relay the Prince's commamd.
(Rest omitted)
40 源三位頼政
 平清盛、増長のあまりに後白河法皇を幽閉し奉り、関白を流罪に処し、高倉天皇も之 を御歎きになって、御位を安徳天皇に御譲りになるや、この我侭を許さず、平家を討伐 しようと思い立ち給うたのは、法皇の第二皇子高倉宮以仁王であり、その参謀長として 、極秘のうちに計画を立てたのは、源三位頼政でありました。頼政は、保元の乱にも、 平治の乱にも、平家と行動を共にした為に、源氏の中にはこの一家だけが、残っていた のですが、一方の平家が、栄達めざましいのに引きかえ、頼政はまことに不遇でありま した。二条天皇の御代に、頼政は御所の警衛をうけたまわって、お勤めしていましたが 、御所の中とは云うものの、ただお庭先きにお勤めしているだけで、御殿の上へ昇る事 は許されなかったのを悲しんで、歌をよみました。
 人知れぬ大内山の山守は 木隠れてのみ月を見るかな
 天皇之を聞しめし、昇殿をお許しになりました。治承二年十二月、さすがの清盛も、 頼政の不遇に同情もし、おのれ一家の繁栄に気も咎めたのでしょう、特に推薦して、頼 政を従三位にのぼせました。それは本人すでに七十歳を越え、この頃病気にかかってい るので、このままで一生を終わらせるのは、いかにも気の毒でありますからと、強く推 薦したので、世間では非常に驚き、「第一の珍事」と云った程でした。(中略)
 治承四年(西暦一一八〇年)四月九日、平家を討伐せよとの令旨(りょうじ)は下さ れました。之を秘密に諸国の源氏その他有力なる武士に伝達する為には、為義の末子、 従って八郎為朝の弟に当たる十郎義盛を宮の蔵人(秘書官)に任命し、名を行家と改め て令旨をふところにして東国へ向かわせられました。(以下略)