Gen-yu's Files

Last update: 20-AUG-2000

contents (41-50)

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2000/05/02 21KB 50. "Confetto" in the moss. Eggs of water bears.(3pics; 21KB)
2000/04/04 45KB 49. This is a male one.(Hydra sp.)(4pics; 45KB)
2000/03/28 41KB 48. A cocoon (Rhodinia fugax fugax)(4pics; 41KB)
2000/02/18 23KB47. Collotheca sp. (Rotifer)(5pics; 23KB)
2000/02/13 26KB46. Rotifer "X." A rotifer unidentified. genus Atrocus?(4pics; 26KB)
2000/01/12 42KB 45. Sun animalcules. They eat Stentor.(5pics; 42KB)
2000/01/01 12KB 44. Stentor. This picture shows a contracted form of them.(4pics; 18KB)
99/12/30 30KB 43. Water net. A kind of green algae. (4pics; 52KB)
99/11/30 116KB 42. Tentacles of freshwater jellyfish. (6pics; 116KB)
99/11/28 31KB 41. Brine Shrimp! (6pics; 31KB)

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Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Gen-yu Sasaki . All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.