
Falangian Diamond
See Elder Secret of Glorantha by Avalonhill (Read Short Scenario of Dwarf
and Magic Crystal) and Rune Quest Con Compendium #4
Lore Auction (Featuring Sandy Petersen and Nick Brooke)
{以下はRQ Con Compendium #4の抜粋}

There is a prophecy, when all of Falangian Diamonds lost power, that is an
omen of Hero Wars.

Q/Scott Schneider: Before the Home of the Bold (Translator Note: LARP in
Rune Quest Con1), what were the properties of Falangian Diamond?
Nick: I will say that I know nothing.
Sandy: Tragically, I don't remember what kind of power crystal they are.
They are just one of the crystals. I think they might be one of the powered
sensory crystals. Like Detect Ambush or something stupid.
Nick: I think the day when RQ2 changed to RQ3, one of the magical crystals
was dropped out of the game, cause it was too powerful. Every Falangian
Diamond in the world suddenly went (snap fingers), and stopped running. Up
till then they had been items of priceless magical value, worth tens of
thousands of Lunars.
Sandy: It's one of the ones that went away.
Nick: And now they are worthless.
Sandy: Well I think that you can probably still store power in them or
something. But it would be equal to what their power was before. They would
be very weak magical sources.

HW のおかげでインフレ?


