
(ほとんどalt.fan.dragonlanceとHickmans News Letterから拾ってます)


・Dragons of Fallen Sun(War of Souls I)の表紙(12/2)

Wizards of the Coast Product Catalog

Margaret Weis & Don Perrin authors of scifi and fantasy.




サンクションを背景に馬上の女騎士? おそらく、ミナだと思います

>Wizards of the Coastのほうは、第1章の情景でしょう


・Hickmans Newsletter#25(12/2)


Realms of Dragons : The universe of Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman発売




Sometimes we have a little too much fun during our weekly chat sessions.
This last Tuesday, we made the following Santa List suggestions from our
rather raucous group:

Inflatable Raistlin Doll
Dragon Highlord Barbie (with quick-change armor, Skie sold separately)
G. I. Caramon (The true Ansalon Hero ... G.I. Caramon is there!)
Rockem' Sockem' Raistlin (He doesn't move at all but the opponent explodes
Easy-bake Tika (with Otik Instant Potatoes & neutronic frying pan)
Estes Rocket Fizban (no fins, just a tube)
Sturm fake mustachio kit
Tanis "I'm not really an elf" disguise kit (repackage of the Spock: I'm not
really a vulcan kit)
Tas Sticki-finger gloves
Mount Nevermind Science Center

Dalamar's Ultimate Magic Show in a Box (Amaze your friends ... destroy your
Fizban Feather Pillow Fight Pillows
Little Tykes Kender Lock Picking Kit
Etch-a-sketch Kender Mapper
The Raistlin Herbal Diet Book
Vallenwood Chia Pets
Flint's Dragon Soup for the Soul Book
Plush squeezable talking Bupu
Gully Dwarf Handi-wipes (in TWO different flavors)
Dragonlance-brand paper towels (two strengths: kender and gully dwarf)
Riverwind's Book of Jokes and Giggles (a very cheap present)
Shake-up message Dragonorb ('not clear,' 'try again,' 'soul caputured, start
Daargard Keep Playskool with Banshee sounds (batteries not included)

And the winner is ...



<Sovereign Stone I>


>Sovereign Stoneはトレイシーがメインライターということでしょう



<War of Souls II>


・Hickmans Newsletter#24(12/2)




>詳しくは、Ecomcon 2000へ行ってみてください。参加者とスケジュールがアップされています。キラーブレックファースト2000、セミナーなどが予定されています

・Waise and Hickman didn'd invent it(12/2)


> Waise and Hickman didn't invent it! There was a proffesor named J. R. R.
> Tolkien who invented everuthing before! So, DL socks!



Tolkien borrowed liberally from Wagner's Ring cycle. He undoubtedly
borrowed that from someone before him. Shakespeare produced some great
fantasy tales. No one can beat Homer for heroic fantasy. And then there
are the Arthurian stories with Merlin, a wizard who predated and obviously
influenced Gandalf. We're all links in an ever expanding chain that leads
back to antiquity.
Kind of neat if you think about it.

・Hickmans Newsletter#23(10/27)







War of Souls II:来年にIIとIIIのアウトラインを書く予定



・Hickmans Newsletter#21(10/21)






「英雄の旅、つまり古典的な神話の構造というものには、動機となる事件を配置する年長の人物、良き指導者、予言者が不可欠である。この偉大な老紳士はプラトン(の戯曲)以前からの伝統的な役割を担っている(TRHTracy Raye Hickman))」

>アマゾンドットコムおよびThe Tracy Hickman Home Pageでは予約可能です







The Best of Tales, Vol. 1.




Rise of the Titans

War of Souls, Vol 1.Dragons of a Fallen Sun

Rebels and Tyrants

・Legends of the Lance#6

ドラゴンランスのオンラインニュースレターLegends of the Lance最新号がWizards of the Coastのサイトにアップされています。作家・画家・デザイナーの近況が注目です

Legends of the Lance

・Hickmans Newsletter#20(9/23)

War of Souls三部作 第一部 Dragons of a Fallen Sun 第一章掲載






ワイスは、第三巻では、「戦記」で残酷でシニカルな若者となって登場するまでの5年間に、レイストに何が起こったかを書きたいとのことですが、 他に抱えている仕事が多いので、2、3年は無理だそうです

>ここ2、3年は、ワイス&ヒックマンとしての仕事はWar of SoulsとThe Lord of Sorrowsがある上に、ワイス自身のシリーズ物もあるので無理みたいです

・Hickmans Newsletter#19-SPECIAL EDITION(9/9)

1997年にTSRを買収したWIZARDS OF THE COASTが、HASBROに買収されることを、ニュースレター加入者に速報したものです

Dragonlance as a Parker Bros. Game? AD&D 3rd Edition by Milton Bradley?
Raistlin as a G.I. Joe Special Edition?

... and do we need to wonder about ANY company that can't spell skool?

Frankly, it is too early to tell. Calm and thoughtful evaluation is probably
the best course at this point in time. I certainly am not anticipating any
delays in the current release schedule - it is clear that Hasbro is leaving
the current management in place so far as we can tell.

>この件に関してはWizards of the Coastを訪れてみるといいと思います。オフィシャルの情報が入手できます。この中には、WotCのCEO、ピーター・アドキソンがチャットで答えた記録などもあり、必見です

・Hickmans Newsletter#18(9/4)




As part of the TSR 25th Anniversary tour, I will be flying out for a
booksigning appearance this coming September 18th, in Charlotte, North
Carolina. Any of our fine subscribers who are in the area, please come and
visit for a while. I - and others - will be at:

Town Center Plaza
8600 University City


Marc Dotson says:
I'm sure everyone in the gaming industry is eagerly awaiting the arrival of
the 3rd Edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.  My actual expectations for
the new Edition will be a gaming system that will be able to fit every
setting appropriately, and I'm hoping this includes the Dragonlance campaign
setting as well.  I've tried the SAGA system, and have to say that I was
slightly dissapointed.  I wish that Dragonlance would be able to return to
its AD&D roots.  With the 3rd Edition, maybe this will be possible
.  Why was
a new gaming system set up anyway?  For the magic?  Well, isn't there a new
sorceror class?  I know that the Dragonlance line has been cut, but maybe
there will be a revival that will accompany the release of War of Souls,
which I'm sure will drastically change the Fifth Age as well.  Just a few
musing thoughts.

(TRH) I personally would like to see Dragonlance take on new life in 3rd
Edition although the plans of WotC for the time being are to support
Greyhawk as the only AD&D official setting.
I have some rather radical
ideas, however, on how we can have AD&D in Dragonlance and, as the time gets
closer, will discuss them with you all here. As to WHY there is a third
edition ... I'm still trying to figure out why there was a 2nd Edition!

・Hickmans Newsletter#17SPECIAL(8/22)

GENCONthe GENCON(tm) Gaming Convention のレポートです

Sovereign Stone RPGのOnline Game(Mari Telecom)の打ち合わせ。Mari Telecomはトレイシーがワイスの相談役だと思っていたらしく、トレイシーは大いにへこんだそうです

[Hickman's Killers Breakfast]8/6

今回の御題は'Star Warps, Episode II : the Bar-Bar Strikes Out!'。もちろん、アレのパクリです

酔いつぶれたジャージャー、もとい、Bar-Barを回復させるために、Queen I'm-a-Dollar(笑)がjジェダイ・ナイト、もとい、Jethro-knightのOwe-me-oneたちにBar Bar Drinkを探させるという、AD&Dのシナリオです。なぜ、キラーズブレックファーストなのかというと、開始時間が朝八時からで、内容はキャラクターの大半が途中で死んじゃうというブラッディーなストーリーだからです

もちろんポッドレースも用意されています。ある少女は、ポッドの「ボタンを押して」ハイパースペシャルコースに進むことができたそうですが、キャラクタによっては、「フォース」を使ったがために、モーゼが「十戎」で紅海を引き裂いた時の海水をポッドレーススタジアムに引き込んでしまったとのこと(He used the force too hard/フォースとホースを引っかけているってやつですね)


ナビスコ星のアムダラ女王の宮殿。キャラクターたちは変装用の'groucho glasses' (たぶんグルーチョ・マルクスのメガネとヒゲ)を見つける。そしてドロイドの攻撃。一行のなかの一人がピザの宅配を装って、立ち向かうが、ドロイドはピザがお好きとみえて、反対に殺到(笑)。トレイシーは、女性プレイヤーに「何かアクションを起こしますか」と尋ねると、「ずぶぬれになる」との答え。そこで、トレイシーせんせ、ドロイドばかりかキャラクターまでも感電させてしまう。そして、「チン」と鳴って、ピザがこんがり焼きあがる








ドラゴンランスシリーズの著者たちとファンがホテルで写真を撮ったりサインをしたんだそうです。みんなでthe Knights of Solamnia を歌ったそうです。また、トレイシーはWar of Souls:Dragons of Fallen Sunをこの場に持ってきていたんですが、内容を話すことは、今年中は禁止されているそうです

8/7は予定はなし。それでも、ワイスとジェフ・グラッブとWar of Soulsの表紙をどうするか話し合ったそうです

>FIFTH AGEのメインの画家はジェフ・イーズリーですが、評判悪いです

・Hickmans Newsletter#16(8/1)


Raistlin is NOT a woman!


I will be attending the Gencon Gaming Convention this coming week in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. My schedule there is relatively light this year ... I
will be running my Killer Breakfast session at 0800 hrs Friday morning ...
will be doing signings intermittently through the day at Margaret Weis's
booth in the dealer area ... have an official signing in the TSR area at
1700 hrs ... and then a Dragonlance Reception with fans at 1900 hrs.

If you are attending the convention, please drop by and let's meet face to


ワイスと夫の共作Brothers in Arms(Raistlin Chronicles vol2)のサイン会が7/17にロスアンゼルスで行われます

>この件に関するネットニュースのツリーでは、フィンランドのファンがサイン会に行けないことを悔しがっていることに端を発して、ワイスが英語圏以外でのドラゴンランスについて少しコメントしています。ドイツのコンヴェンションに招かれた際には地方のゲームショップのそばの酒場でQ&Aをやった事があるそうです。また、メキシコシティーにファンが多いという記事に対して、ワイスはActually there are probably lots of fans in Mexico City. The Spanish translations have sold really well!


GenConで行われるHICKMANS KILLERS BREAKFAST 1999の概要が発表されました


Each year for that past eight years or so, I have hosted a radical event at
GenCon called Killer Breakfast. Usually held at 8:00 a.m. (and after a night
of partying at GenCon, eight in the morning doesn't leave Gamer's at their
peak performance for a game) ... the rules of this alledged Role Playing
Game are simple.

(1) We take the AD&D Role Playing Rules, quote the line that says:
"Regardless of anything written in this book, whatever rules are determined
by the Dungeon Master take presidence" -- and procede to drive a truck
through them.

(2) Participants are given first-level, pre-generated character sheets. They
fill in their name and are told to not get very attatched to these

(3) The first eight players are called to the table. After the scenario is
explained to them they start the clock -- writing down when their character
'sprang to life.' They are instructed to include SECONDS in their time

(4) These first level characters are then pitted against dragons, wights,
demons, vampires, deathknights, banshees -- basically anything or any
situation which could ... and should ... kill their player characters just
for thinking about them. Generally, these are of the "you are falling down a
five-thousand foot deep chasm with three screaming banshees clinging to you.
You have no weapons except an atomic grenade. The river at the bottom of the
chasm is filled with ravenous ill-tempered, mutated sea-bass. What do you
do?" quality of situation.

(5) If the actions of their characters as described by the player are (A)
incredibly brave or (B) incredibly stupid or (C) incredibly funny AT MY SOLE
DISCRESSION ... then their character lives for one more round.

(6) If not ... then player characters suffer a quick and horrible death.
They player must note the time of death (include seconds); the total elapsed
lifetime (probably IN seconds); and the player gets out of the chair

(7) The moment a chair is vacated, the NEXT player sits down at the table.
He must, when asked by the DM, explain just how his character arrived on the
scene at this particular part of the story. If his explaination is
unsatisfactory (again, at the SOLE discression of the DM) then the character
IMMEDIATELY dies and another player takes his place.

Quick improvisation and creativity is a must.

The body count usually hovers at around 250 after two hours.


Each Killer Breakfast has a theme. Usually this is top secret but this year
I'll let you in on the secret ahead of time ... and ask your help! This
year's theme (don't tell anyone!) is ...


Queen I'm-a-Dollar (I'm-a-dollar, she's-a-dollar, he's-a-dollar,
we're-a-dollar, woundn't you like to be a-dollar, too?) sends Jethro-knight
Owe-me-one in search of heros to recover Bar-Bar after the drunken,
horse-headed trademark -- in a non-side-splitting and completely unfunny
accident -- cloned Outta-kin Sly-talker 4.2 Billion times and has caused an
overpopulation crisis on the Planet Baboo of pre-adolescent kids drooling
after the queen. The heroes must recover Bar-Bar and the Cntrl-Y Droid to
undo the damage.

What can you do to help? You can send your suggestions for scenes,
situations and scenarios (completely deadly and unfair to players) that you
would like enacted at Killer Breakfast directly to me! I'll select those
that look promising and use them at GenCon -- and, of course, report whose
scenarios were used both there and here in the newsletter. I'll even send a
prize to the person who comes up with the most innovative, funny,
entertaining scenario that I use.

What have we used in the past?





We love intricate traps as well (design your own deadly gnomish device).
Remember, being fair to the player is NOT the issue here.





Dragonlance War of Souls I: (FINAL EDITORIAL)
Dragonlance War of Souls II: (DETAILED OUTLINE)
Annotated Dragonlance Chronicles: (ANNOTATIONS COMPLETED)
Untitled Screenplay: (IN REWRITE FOR OPTIONING)




> i was looking through tsr's website and came across this item, does
anyone know
> what it is about, replies

Many of the original DL team have been working on the annotated
Chronicles, adding information about subjects and persons mentioned, as
well as personal recollections and other bits. Also being added are parts
that were cut from the original ms
(たぶんmanuscriptの略) due to length. Jean Black, who was our
original editor, is editor on this project.




今夏発売予定のBrother's in Armsにかんするツリーにワイスが書き込んでいます(6/27付)

>といっても、B I A に直接関わる話題ではなくて、竜槍の英雄たちがどのようにして出会ったかというエピソードの整合性に関する話です。ワイスはこのエピソードを何度か書いていますが、そのつどイメージし直すので、どれが正しいかは問題ではないということです

>ドラゴンランスパネルにおいて、「同じキャラクターを別の観点から語っているだけなんです」といったように、ワイスは個々のエピソードの正典化を嫌うタイプです。"If you like the book--any book--who cares whether it's "canon" or not!"「好きな本が正典なのか偽書なのかなんて、誰が気にするのでしょうか」。このワイスの主張について、いずれ論考を書く予定です



I'll be at Gen Con! We have a booth every year. And with luck we'll have
copies of Brother in Arms (the sequel to Soulforge) to sign.



6月22日付のHICKMANS NEWSLETTER#14が到着しました


  1. 電波望遠鏡から送られてくるデータをダウンロードして地球外文明の可能性を探ろうというSETI(セチ)への参加の呼びかけ

  2. スタートレック:ディープ・スペース・ナインでノーグを演じたエイロン・エイゼンバーグ(ワイス&ヒックマンの大ファン、詳しくは拙訳のドラゴンランスパネルの後半部をお読みください)の仲介で、映画関係者に会って自作のThe Immortals - A Powerful Adventure(1996)の映画化のシナリオについてのアドバイスを受けた

  3. #13でのチャットの続報。4回のうち1回の申込が定員に達した





The Atlas of the Dragonlanceが絶版となっていることについて、トレイシーは、エンサイクロペディアが中止になったうえに、Atlasの原版をTSRがなくしてしまったと答えています





>Don Perrinは12時からです


フロリダ州オーランドで5/28から31まで開催される、Tachy10conにゲスト参加するワイス(Don Perrinも一緒)ですが、今回は、ライターズワークショップを現地日時28日午後1時(日本時間28日深夜3時)から3時までおこないます



'Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman (contributor).'


'by Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman (Photographer), Michael Williiams(Photographer)'





・Hickmans Newsletter#12続報(5/12)

『ドラゴンランス戦記改定最終版』には、『戦記』の編集をしたジーン・ブラックも参加しているとのこと。ANNOTATED EDITIONは最強の布陣で望むプロジェクトのようです。発売は今年11月

Dragonlance Classics: 15th Anniversary Edition はアマゾンで購入可能です。アマゾンの読者レヴューの一人目は、なんとトレイシー・ヒックマン御大だったりして(笑)。今回のエディションはAD&Dのモジュール(DL1-15)をSAGAシステムでも使用可能にしてしまうというハイブリッドな内容。NLのなかでトレイシーは「ヘラクレスの難行」と形容して、デザイナーたちを賞賛しています


夏の炎のラストでレイストリンはクリンを去ってしまいましたが、That is all part of our War of Souls trilogy ... which I could tell you more!
>再登場、あるのかな、というか、再登場させないと、マーガレット・ワイスが激怒しますよね。以前に2人でレイストリンの再登場について長時間話し合った、ということは知っていますが、はたして、登場するのでしょうか。それともワイスが平行して執筆しているレイストリン年代記は、レイストリンがWar of Soulsに登場しない代わりに執筆されているのでしょうか


・Hickmans Newsletter#12(5/11)

AD&Dのモジュール(DL1-15)の合本版、Crassic Editionについてのコメント、デンバーでの高校生の銃乱射事件へのコメント(トレイシー・ヒックマンのHPのセミナーでの論文の考え方に触れたうえで、父親から送られてきた記事を掲載しています)




・Hickmans Newsletter#11(4/22)

ドラゴンランスの一件への読者からのコメントの掲載。膀胱結石の診断を受けたヒックマンが手術を受けたこと。 Immotalsの映画化のためにハリウッドを訪れたことなどが主な内容です


>ソス卿はWar of Soulsの第2部に登場、ゴールドムーンはWar of Soulsにおいては重要なキャラクターになるそうです



>Hickmans Newsletter#9で既に知っていたんですが、アップするの忘れていました(笑)




While I normally confine my responses these days to my newsletter ... but have
obviously read this thread with interest and no small amount of bemusement.

While there are some here who obviously doubt my motives, nevertheless, like
all of you, I'm just making my way through life as best I can.  As Beezie
points out here, I do tend toward the 'Prophet of Doom' side in my evaluations
of the future ('Always be a pessimist: when you're right, you're prepared and
when you're wrong it is always such a pleasant surprise").

Dragonlance has always been dear to me. It was why I suggested the consulting
arrangement with Wot C in the first place. Margaret and I wanted to continue
contributing to the world and the ideas that it represented to us. We are,
however, consultants only which means that WotC pays us to give them advice. It
is advice only, however ... and they are under no obligation to take it. We
have made several proposals to them but for reasons far more global than can be
covered here, those suggestions have not been feasable under their general plan
for salvaging TSR and Dungeons & Dragons brands per se. That doesn't mean that
our suggestions were poor ones nor does it mean that WotC's direction is wrong:
quite the contrary. Our ideas are good and WotCs direction makes sense. Finding
a high ground in the middle where both meet remains a challenge which we
continue to explore.

Actually, I would take issue with one thing Beezie said ... Dragonlance was
originally a very strong game product in its time. That it is not strong in
games now is due to many reasons in my mind, not the least of which is that the
world of games moved on to other things ... including Magic the Gathering.

While WotC was a business acquisition, I can say with confidence that it was
also an act of love for the game and respect for what it was and what it could
be again. Peter Adkison is a devoted gamer and is doing what he believes is
right to move AD&D into the next century. There will, no doubt, be some growing
pains along the way.

As to our being around -- Margaret and I still have many things to get done and
new directions to explore. We have more tales to be told together and new
things we are interested in individually. 'War of Souls 1: Dragons of a Fallen
Sun' is completed and we are moving on to the second book now. We're still
here. So is Dragonlance.

Tracy Hickman

however ... and they are under no obligation to take it. We
have made several proposals to them but for reasons far more global than can be
covered here, those suggestions have not been feasable under their general plan
for salvaging TSR and Dungeons & Dragons brands per se. That doesn't mean that
our suggestions were poor ones nor does it mean that WotC's direction is wrong:
quite the contrary. Our ideas are good and WotCs direction makes sense. Finding
a high ground in the middle where both meet remains a challenge which we
continue to explore.


・トレイシーのニュースレター#10/FLASH NEWS到着(4/4)



Well, it seems that people DO read our little newsletter! After my last
email to you listing my perceptions and concerns about the state of
Dragonlance game product, there appears to have been something of an
electronic flurry of communiques across various parts of the net. Chat rooms
have been abuzz and newsgroups hopping over the supposed 'demise' of
Dragonlance games.

I even got a call from David Wise, the Brand Manager for TSR  Campaign
Worlds. I promised him that I would forward to you his comments on what I
said (quoted again below) as they may be of considerable interest to you.

The original of the following was sent to
dragonlance@mpgn.com and I was
subsiquently copied.

<<< BEGIN QUOTE >>>==============================

Greetings Loremasters,

I'm a bit overdue getting on this list, but now seems to be a good time to
jump in. (Actually, I'm waiting for some sort of "approval" before I can
join the list.) But a recent post by Tracy Hickman, on his website, has
stirred up some controversy, and I'm the guy who can clarify.

Tracy said:

>>Not so encouraging, however, is the news from Wizards of the Coast
>regarding the future of Dragonlance in games -- at least from where I
>sit. The original plan which Margaret and I have been pushing was to
>move Dragonlance from a world split between Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
>and the Saga system, toward more of a hybrid, melding the systems and
>getting Dragonlance back to its D&D roots. However, that plan has been
>circumvented by Wizards of the Coast's global planning which appears to
>be killing ALL Dragonlance game product in the near future and leaving
>the world of Krynn to stand on its novels alone. I've seen the figures
>and, from a business standpoint, they make sense. Dragonlance game
>product is at the bottom of the sales barrel over there.<<

Tracy's statement is basically correct, but it doesn't explain the whole
situation, so allow me:

We expected the SAGA system to breathe new life into the DL campaign world,
but we were wrong. SAGA is a cool gaming system (we think so, anyway), but
it wasn't a cure-all for DL's sagging sales. In fact, we came to realize
that DL was so intertwined with AD&D that converting to a new system had
the opposite effect that we had hoped for. That's why recent and upcoming
DL products have been designed for *both* AD&D and SAGA systems. We want to
make DL friendly to both systems so you don't have to choose--in any event,
the story is the thing when you're talking DL.

Unfortunately, Tracy is correct when he tells you that DL game sales have
been slumping. Some releases are profitable, but others are not, simply
because we aren't selling quite enough units. But we're not looking to kill
the line; rather, we're trying to decide how to get more people interested
in DL RPGs. (If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them! Be sure to copy
me when you post such thoughts to the list: <
This is
going to result in some gaps in the game schedule, again in the near term,
but DL is far from going away.

Here's what we're planning for the short term: We're creating a line of
"Reader's Companions," which will sit on the book store shelves next to the
novels. I like to compare them to the "Tolkien Reader," which sits next to
*The Lord of the Rings* but isn't a novel. RCs will expand upon the novels
with essays and short stories about the novel settings and characters,
adding breadth to the world of Krynn and the stories that lie outside the
plots of the novels. You know how Indiana Jones movies are set against the
background of WWII? Using a comparative analogy, DL novels are like the big
stories of WWII--D-Day, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, etc.--while RCs are
the Indiana Jones stories, which the history books never recorded. Then, at
the back of each RC, we'll include some solo gaming material. The idea is
to create a link between the world of Krynn and the world of gaming for
people who don't necessarily play RPGs.

We have some other plans for DL RPGs as well, but they're still on the
drawing board and I can't go into detail about them. In essense, we're
working toward a new kind of RPG that will have wider appeal and require a
lot less time to play unless you want to turn it into a full-fledged
campaign. Furthermore, with the impending release of the *War of Souls*
books, next year, we anticipate a convenient launch point for any new
plans. In any event, we think that the important thing for DL is to provide
source materials, which the DM can use regardless of the operative game
system. Tracy, in his consulting capacity, is helping us figure out the
whole equation--he's a master of creative concepts.

In the meantime, we've shifted the responsibility for world development
from the Games Department to the Books Department, where DL has flourished
throughout the years. You're going to see a few light DL gaming schedules
in the near future, but the ultimate goal is to create a game line for the
long term, not to kill it. ("Kill DL? Are you crazy?") Also, we're going to
continue to support DL through our upcoming, newly designed website as well
as through our various periodicals. In short, the escalating rumors of DL's
demise are much exaggerated.  :-)

In the past, a decrease in the number of products in a line was a sure sign
that TSR was going to discontinue it--the number of products released for a
line used to reflect the relative amount of sales the line was generating.
That was because each line was evaluated separately and considered to be an
independent revenue stream--it "flied or died" alone. These days, however,
TSR takes a longer and wider view of its lines and the future, and cutbacks
in a given line are no sure indication of the company's plans for it.
Rather, there's a larger strategy at work, looking at all the lines and
developing a place for each of them in an overall scheme. In the near term,
we need to solidify the foundation of our company--the AD&D game itself--so
*all* campaign worlds are taking a back seat to that strategy for the time

I've been with TSR since 1990 (my very first project was "Oak Lords!"), so
I can say with authority that WotC's acquistion of TSR was just what the
doctor ordered: We've diagnosed the problems and now we're working on the
cures. Believe it our not, we love all our lines as passionately as you do,
but we have to pursue a sound business strategy or there will certainly be
no DL or anything else for anyone. A little nasty medicine now will bring
robust health in the long term.

We're in this game for the campaign, not just the adventure. Please bear
with us while we rebuild the world. Thanks!

David Wise
Brand Manager--DUNGEONS & DRAGONS(R) Campaign Worlds

<<< END QUOTE >>>==============================

Well, there you have it. Essentially as I read the above-- and please
someone tell me if I'm wrong  -- Dragonlance gaming in the AD&D and SAGA
setting is being phased out. Control of Dragonlance is being transferred (or
has already been transferred) from games division into the book division.
New slated product is primarily book division oriented. There ARE products
currently being contemplated for gaming in Dragonlance's future but their
nature has not yet been determined. Helping find that new direction for
games in DL is part of what I am currently consulting with the company
about. Dragonlance games are far from dead: they are apparently sleeping.
However, I'm not Prince Charming and I don't think that Dragonlance's future
can wake it with a simple kiss. It's going to take vision and the commitment
of many people to make it happen.

>ドラゴンランスのゲームプロジェクトは存続することはわかりましたが、それがどのようなものなのか、ワイス&ヒックマンのプランによるAD&D/SAGA両用システム(ドラゴンランスパネルまたはNewsletter#9を参照してください)で使えるものなのか、よくわかりません。唯一はっきりしているのは、Dragonlance Reader Companionを出すということでしょうか
>Readers CompanionはThe Odyssey of Gilthanasという副題で1999年6月発売予定です

・トレイシーせんせ、War of SoulsのうわさのHPを訪れる(4/4)(#9から)

ファンからのタレコミに、ついにトレイシーせんせもWar of Soulsを訪れました。「ワイスと私のコメントを引用しているだけ」との感想


・ダラマール、War of Souls第二部中盤に登場(4/4)(#9から)

We know EXACTLY where Dalamar is at the moment -- which is smack in
the middle of Book II of WoS: Dragons of a Phantom Moon. By the way, this
second title was suggested to the DL group long in advance of the current
Star Wars hoopla. I still like the title.




Not so encouraging, however, is the news from Wizards of the Coast regarding
the future of Dragonlance in games -- at least from where I sit. The
original plan which Margaret and I have been pushing was to move Dragonlance
from a world split between Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and the Saga system,
toward more of a hybrid, melding the systems and getting Dragonlance back to
its D&D roots. However, that plan has been circumvented by Wizards of the
Coast's global planning which appears to be killing ALL Dragonlance game
product in the near future and leaving the world of Krynn to stand on its
novels alone. I've seen the figures and, from a business standpoint, they
make sense. Dragonlance game product is at the bottom of the sales barrel
over there.

The conference which I was anticipating has not yet been arranged. I am
hoping to hear back from WotC on the subject soon. I have a phone meeting
scheduled tomorrow with Peter Adkison so perhaps we will have better answers