3/19(金)フリー走行(日本時間12:00-13:00, 15:00-16:00)
3/20(土)フリー走行(日本時間11:00-11:45, 12:15-13:00)、予選(日本時間15:00-、地上波放送25:45-26:30)
Mar.19(Fri.) Practice(11:00-12:00, 14:00-15:00)
Mar.20(Sat.) Practice(10:00-10:45, 11:15-12:00), Qualify(14:00-)
Mar.21(Sun) Race(15:00)
マレーシアGPラップタイム分析 (3/28)
Malaysia GP Laptime Analysis (Mar.28)
Although the 2nd game did not have the predominancy of Ferrari like the opening game, M.Schumacher won taking advantage of BS soft tire. Although Montoya held on to the middle, the chance of victory was lost by wearing the soft tire of Mi out in the second half of a stint. In order to understand this, the average lap time by the tire of the 2nd-3rd stint and two persons' in lap out lap which carries out to win argument are also seen in detail this time.

Constructors Championship

Rank Team Engine Tire Points Best R1 R2
1 Ferrari Ferrari B 33pts 1st 18pts 15pts
2 Williams BMW M 17pts 2nd 9pts 8pts
3 Renault Renault M 14pts 3rd 8pts 6pts
4 BAR Honda M 9pts 3rd 3pts 6pts
5 McLaren Mercedes M 4pt 6th 1pt 3pts
6 Sauber Petronas B 1pt 8th (10th) 1pt
7 Toyota Toyota M 0pt 9th (12th) (9th)
8 Jaguar Ford M 0pt 10th (11th) (10th)
9 Jordan Ford B 0pt 13th (14th) (13th)
10 Minardi Ford B 0pt 14th (r) (14th)

Drivers Championship (Mar.21)

Rank Driver Chs Eg Tire Points Best R1 R2
1 M.Schumacher Fer Fer B 20pts 1st 10pts 10pts
2 R.Barrichello Fer Fer B 13pts 2nd 8pts 5pts
3 J.P.Montoya Wil BMW M 12pts 2nd 4pts 8pts
4 J.Button BAR Hon M 9pts 3rd 3pts 6pts
5 F.Alonso Ren Ren M 8pts 3rd 6pts 2pts
6 J.Trulli Ren Ren M 6pts 5th 2pts 4pts
7 R.Schumacher Wil BMW M 5pts 4th 5pts (r)
8 D.Coulthard McL Mer M 4pt 6th 1pt 3pts
9 F.Massa Sau Pet B 1pt 8th (r) 1pt
10 C.da Matta Toy Toy M 0pt 9th (12th) (9th)
11 T.Sato BAR Hon M 0pt 9th (9th) (15th)
12 G.Fisichella Sau Pet B 0pt 10th (10th) (11th)
13 C.Klien Jag For M 0pt 10th (11th) (10th)
14 O.Panis Toy Toy M 0pt 12th (13th) (12th)
15 G.Pantano Jor For B 0pt 13th (14th) (13th)
16 G.Bruni Min For B 0pt 14th (r) (14th)
17 Z.Baumgartner Min For B 0pt 16th (r) (16th)
18 N.Heidfeld Jor For B 0pt (r) (r) (r)
19 M.Webber Jag For M 0pt (r) (r) (r)
20 K.Raikkonen McL Mer M 0pt (r) (r) (r)



Rank Driver Chs Eg Tire Time/Diff./
laps Fastest Lap
1 M.Schumacher Fer Fer B 1h31:07.490 56 1:34.819(6) 52
2 J.P.Montoya Wil BMW M +5.022 56 1:34.223(28) 3
3 J.Button BAR Hon M +11.568 56 1:34.967(28)  
4 R.Barrichello Fer Fer B +13.616 56 1:35.350(7) 1
5 J.Trulli Ren Ren M +37.360 56 1:35.039(12)  
6 D.Coulthard McL Mer M +53.098 56 1:35.852(26)  
7 F.Alonso Ren Ren M +1:07.877 56 1:35.888(7)  
8 F.Massa Sau Pet B +1 lap 55 1:36.570(7)  
9 C.da Matta Toy Toy M +1 lap 55 1:36.544(22)  
10 C.Klien Jag For M +1 lap 55 1:37.031(12)  
11 G.Fisichella Sau Pet B +1 lap 55 1:36.675(54)   
12 O.Panis Toy Toy M +1 lap 55 1:35.951(23)  
13 G.Pantano Jor For B +2 laps 54 1:39.527(41)  
14 G.Bruni Min For B +3 laps 53 1:39.911(11)  
15r T.Sato BAR Hon M +4 laps/engine 52 1:35.679(13)  
16 Z.Baumgartner Min For B +4 laps 52 1:40.123(12)  
r K.Raikkonen McL Mer M transmission 41 1:35.156(12)  
r N.Heidfeld Jor For B transmission 35 1:37.433(15)  
r R.Schumacher Wil BMW M engine 28 1:35.607(10)  
r M.Webber Jag For M spun off 24 1:36.922(9)  

ミヒャエル連勝、バトン初3位 (3/21)

キミ、琢磨が白煙で止まる (3/21)

バトン3位浮上、ラルフのBMWが白煙 (3/21)

フェラーリ意外に苦戦 (3/21)

Michael successive win, Button first podium (Mar.21)
As for Malaysia GP, M.Schumacher won. 2nd place of Montoya was a 5-second difference. Button finished 3rd and it became the first podium in self. 4th Barrichello. Trulli, Coulthard, Alonso, order of Massa. The race was the deployment which is not understood to the last and was very interesting.

Kimi, Taku also smoked (Mar.21)
40th lap, Raikkonen stopped.
53rd lap, Sato also stopped within 8th.

Button 3rd, Ralf's BMW white smoke (Mar.21)
Webber spun out at 24th lap at the last corner. Ralf of the 4th place raised white smoke at the 27th lap, and retired. 
The 2nd pit finished and 1st M.Schumacher, 2nd Montoya, and 3rd Button. Sato changed to two stops and has gone up to the 8th place.

Ferrari is having a close game unexpectedly (Mar.21)
Webber was late at the start. There was no confusion of 1st and 2nd corner. M.Schumacher was 1st place. But Barrichello flinched from by the shower and he was passed by Montoya and Raikkonen. Takuma spun and was the 18th place. Webber was involved with Ralf, was pit in, and was a speeding offense. M.Schumacher were stacking only the fuel for 9 laps. Barrichello was preceded by Trulli and Button in the 1st pit in, and fell to the 6th place.

_| ̄|

Qualify SectorTime

grid driver chs. egn. tire 1st 2nd Potential
Sector1 Sector2 Sector3 Sector1 up Sector2 up Sector3 up rk. time up diff.
1 M.Schumacher Fer Fer B 24.124 31.003 38.738 24.064 -0.060 30.607 -0.396 38.403 -0.335 1 1:33.074 -  
2 M.Webber Jag For M 24.310 31.247 38.459 24.393 +0.083 30.850 -0.397 38.472 +0.013 5 1:33.619 -0.096 +0.545
3 R.Barrichello Fer Fer B 24.372 31.189 38.571 24.217 -0.155 30.881 -0.308 38.658 +0.087 6 1:33.669 -0.087 +0.595
4 J.P.Montoya Wil BMW M 24.512 31.722 38.707 24.333 -0.179 31.224 -0.498 38.497 -0.210 8 1:34.054 - +0.980
5 K.Raikkonen McL Mer M 24.157 30.996 38.299 24.409 +0.252 31.355 +0.359 38.400 +0.101 4 1:33.452 - +0.378
6 J.Button BAR Hon M 24.666 31.352 38.510 24.443 -0.223 31.068 -0.284 38.710 +0.200 7 1:34.021 -0.200 +0.947
7 R.Schumacher Wil BMW M 24.526 31.653 38.598 24.240 -0.286 31.306 -0.347 38.689 +0.091 9 1:34.144 -0.091 +1.070
8 J.Trulli Ren Ren M 24.251 31.202 37.811 24.528 +0.277 31.263 +0.061 38.622 +0.811 3 1:33.264 -1.149 +0.190
9 D.Coulthard McL Mer M 24.329 31.584 38.408 24.428 +0.099 31.427 -0.157 38.747 +0.339 10 1:34.164 -0.281 +1.090
10 C.da Matta Toy Toy M 24.846 31.726 39.112 24.626 -0.220 31.416 -0.310 38.875 -0.237 14 1:34.917 - +1.843
11 F.Massa Sau Pet B 24.354 31.502 39.276 24.432 +0.078 31.555 +0.053 39.052 -0.224 13 1:34.908 -0.131 +1.834
12 G.Fisichella Sau Pet B 24.512 31.717 38.648 24.473 -0.039 31.470 -0.247 39.118 +0.470 11 1:34.591 -0.470 +1.517
13 C.Klien Jag For M 24.743 31.566 39.309 24.698 -0.045 31.556 -0.010 38.904 -0.405 15 1:35.158 - +2.084
14 O.Panis Toy Toy M 24.742 31.612 38.893 24.654 -0.088 31.942 +0.330 39.021 +0.128 16 1:35.159 -0.458 +2.085
15 N.Heidfeld Jor For B 24.858 32.070 39.841 24.854 -0.004 31.963 -0.107 39.752 -0.089 17 1:36.569 - +3.495
16 G.Bruni Min For B 25.172 33.107 40.450 25.045 -0.127 32.862 -0.245 40.670 +0.220 18 1:38.357 -0.220 +5.283
17 Z.Baumgartner Min For B 25.292 33.949 40.564 25.320 +0.028 33.002 -0.947 40.950 +0.386 19 1:38.858 -0.414 +5.784
18 F.Alonso Ren Ren M 24.270 30.884 38.039 24.247 -0.023 31.014 +0.130 - - 2 1:33.170 - -
19 T.Sato BAR Hon M 24.492 31.642 38.837 24.504 +0.012 31.283 -0.359 - - 12 1:34.612 - -
20 G.Pantano Jor For B - - - 25.556 - 32.988 - 41.358 - 20 1:39.902 - +6.828
難所セクター3のターン13 (3/20)
Turn 13 of sector 3, the difficult part (Mar.20)
Generally, the 2nd time had more persons to whom a time becomes bad than the 1st qualifying. Especially as for the sector 3, 11 persons were downed and two persons suffered spinout. Sato was coming in 55.787 seconds to the sector 2, and had exceeded No. 8 Trulli and No. 9 Coulthard, if it was to there. Since the spin also of Alonso was carried out in the same place although it became a hopeless feeling when Sato did a spin by turn 13, some were the touch which was saved. 
Trulli also became late for 0.8 seconds from the 1st time with the sector 3. Fisichella failed in the sector 3, and even if he did, he was beaten by a teammate's Massa. He grinned involuntarily.
M.Schumacher which contracted the time by the sector 3 no less than 0.3 seconds has held the seat of overwhelming pole position.


rank driver chs. egn. tire 1st 2nd laps(km) diff. from
rk. time time 1st top
1 M.Schumacher Fer Fer B 4 1:33.865 1:33.074 57(315.951) -0.791  
2 M.Webber Jag For M 5 1:34.016 1:33.715 49(271.607) -0.301 +0.641
3 R.Barrichello Fer Fer B 6 1:34.132 1:33.756 51(282.693) -0.376 +0.682
4 J.P.Montoya Wil BMW M 11 1:34.941 1:34.054 58(321.494) -0.887 +0.980
5 K.Raikkonen McL Mer M 3 1:33.452 1:34.164 42(232.806) +0.712 +1.090
6 J.Button BAR Hon M 8 1:34.528 1:34.221 54(299.322) -0.307 +1.147
7 R.Schumacher Wil BMW M 9 1:34.777 1:34.235 57(315.951) -0.542 +1.161
8 J.Trulli Ren Ren M 2 1:33.264 1:34.413 62(343.666) +1.149 +1.339
9 D.Coulthard McL Mer M 7 1:34.321 1:34.602 42(232.806) +0.281 +1.528
10 C.da Matta Toy Toy M 16 1:35.684 1:34.917 43(238.349) -0.767 +1.843
11 F.Massa Sau Pet B 13 1:35.132 1:35.039 47(260.521) -0.093 +1.965
12 G.Fisichella Sau Pet B 10 1:34.877 1:35.061 58(321.494) -0.184 +1.987
13 C.Klien Jag For M 15 1:35.618 1:35.158 59(327.037) -0.460 +2.084
14 O.Panis Toy Toy M 14 1:35.247 1:35.617 63(349.209) +0.370 +2.543
15 N.Heidfeld Jor For B 17 1:36.769 1:36.569 53(293.779) -0.200 +3.495
16 G.Bruni Min For B 18 1:38.729 1:38.577 55(304.865) -0.152 +5.503
17 Z.Baumgartner Min For B 19 1:39.805 1:39.272 56(310.408) -0.533 +6.198
18 F.Alonso Ren Ren M 1 1:33.193 no time 59(327.037) - -
19 T.Sato BAR Hon M 12 1:34.971 no time 45(249.435) - -
20 G.Pantano Jor For B 20 no time 1:39.902 56(310.408) - +6.828

Alonso and Sato changed new engine after the qualifying.
Pantano changed the spare car with another engine at 2nd qualifying.

ミヒャエル優勝と王座も見えた (3/20)
Michael may win race and champion (Mar.20)
As for the Malaysia GP qualifying, M.Schumacher gains PP (57th) of great difference by 1:33.074. The road surface of about 50 degrees also showed strength. The season found now that Ferrari & Bridgestone overwhelmed every course. Barrichello is No. 3 by the hard tire. 
Alonso and Takuma spin out at the difficult corner in front of a back straight. Trulli also sank in No. 8. Ferrari is likely to have its own way in the race by Renault who is excellent in a start having stopped being from a front. Although Webber came before Barrichello, probably it will be late at a start. The obstacle was lost although Michael was the place of an omen called the two year continuation start accident.
Montoya and Raikkonen were separated from Michael about 1 second. Is the whereabouts of the title in 2004 already decided? On the day when it snowed in Kanto Japan.

Saturday Practice

rank driver chs. egn. tire 1st 2nd tot. diff. from
rk. time lap time lap lap 1st top
1 M.Schumacher Fer Fer B 1 1:33.391 7 1:33.526 11 18 +0.135  
2 J.P.Montoya Wil BMW M 7 1:34.547 12 1:33.563 8 20 -0.984 +0.037
3 R.Schumacher Wil BMW M 3 1:34.239 8 1:33.973 8 16 -0.266 +0.447
4 J.Trulli Ren Ren M 6 1:34.482 14 1:34.041 12 26 -0.441 +0.515
5 R.Barrichello Fer Fer B 4 1:34.362 9 1:34.061 9 18 -0.301 +0.535
6 J.Button BAR Hon M 9 1:34.839 11 1:34.128 13 24 -0.711 +0.602
7 K.Raikkonen McL Mer M 20 no time 4 1:34.163 10 14 - +0.637
8 D.Coulthard McL Mer M 5 1:34.415 9 1:34.181 10 19 -0.234 +0.655
9 F.Alonso Ren Ren M 2 1:34.175 12 1:34.194 10 22 -0.019 +0.668
10 M.Webber Jag For M 8 1:34.770 5 1:34.381 12 17 -0.389 +0.855
11 O.Panis Toy Toy M 13 1:35.697 10 1:34.929 16 26 -0.768 +1.403
12 F.Massa Sau Pet B 14 1:35.813 10 1:34.943 5 15 -0.870 +1.417
13 C.Klien Jag For M 15 1:36.106 8 1:34.953 15 23 -1.153 +1.427
14 G.Fisichella Sau Pet B 10 1:35.516 9 1:35.036 10 19 -0.480 +1.510
15 T.Sato BAR Hon M 12 1:35.697 16 1:35.144 13 29 -0.553 +1.618
16 C.da Matta Toy Toy M 11 1:35.678 4 1:35.441 15 19 -0.237 +1.915
17 N.Heidfeld Jor For B 16 1:37.194 9 1:36.607 11 20 -0.587 +3.081
18 G.Pantano Jor For B 17 1:38.302 11 1:38.059 12 23 -0.243 +4.533
19 G.Bruni Min For B 19 1:39.209 11 1:38.554 13 24 -0.655 +5.028
20 Z.Baumgartner Min For B 18 1:39.013 13 1:39.893 13 26 +0.880 +6.367
ガスコイン「賭けるならフェラーリ」 (3/19)

Gascoyne "Better to bet Ferrari" (Mar.19)
Mike Gascoyne (Toyota) "Certainly, the Bridgestone tyres seem to work very well on the second, third and fourth lap, while we've got good first lap performance on the Michelin and then quite a big drop-off. Raikkonen's time is obviously good, but maybe McLaren has done a bit of a PR run to try and quieten things down, I don't know. Between Ferrari, Williams and Renault, I think it's difficult to say. It's not clear cut. But you certainly be brave to lay money against Ferrari."


Friday Practice

rank driver chs. egn. tire Morning Afternoon tot. Diff. from
rk. time lap time lap lap Morn. top
1 K.Raikkonen McL Mer M 6 1:36.314 5 1:34.395 17 22 -1.919  
2 R.Schumacher Wil BMW M 5 1:36.229 11 1:34.693 24 35 -1.536 +0.298
3 M.Webber Jag For M 7 1:36.478 6 1:35.054 20 26 -1.424 +0.659
4 M.Schumacher Fer Fer B 1 1:34.437 11 1:35.094 22 33 +0.657 +0.699
5 J.P.Montoya Wil BMW M 8 1:36.606 9 1:35.100 23 32 -1.506 +0.705
6 J.Trulli Ren Ren M 13 1:37.816 10 1:35.115 20 30 -2.701 +0.720
7 F.Massa Sau Pet B 24 1:42.718 5 1:35.288 21 26 -7.430 +0.893
8 F.Alonso Ren Ren M 10 1:37.119 13 1:35.300 20 33 -1.819 +0.905
9 D.Coulthard McL Mer M 11 1:37.438 4 1:35.301 13 17 -2.137 +0.906
10 R.Barrichello Fer Fer B 2 1:35.380 8 1:35.373 19 27 -0.007 +0.978
11 J.Button BAR Hon M 9 1:37.018 5 1:35.407 19 24 -1.611 +1.012
12 O.Panis Toy Toy M 12 1:37.590 12 1:35.524 19 31 -2.066 +1.129
13 R.Zonta Toy Toy M 4 1:36.147 21 1:35.850 27 48 -0.297 +1.455
14 C.Klien Jag For M 17 1:38.554 11 1:35.996 19 30 -2.558 +1.601
15 T.Sato BAR Hon M 15 1:38.023 6 1:36.292 6 12 -1.731 +1.897
16 G.Fisichella Sau Pet B 14 1:37.995 5 1:36.353 28 33 -1.642 +1.958
17 A.Davidson BAR Hon M 3 1:35.970 21 1:36.708 5 26 +0.738 +2.313
18 B.Wirdheim Jag For M 16 1:38.086 18 1:36.883 21 39 -1.203 +2.488
19 C.da Matta Toy Toy M 18 1:38.734 11 1:36.907 7 18 -1.827 +2.512
20 N.Heidfeld Jor For B 20 1:38.831 8 1:37.725 19 27 -1.106 +3.330
21 G.Bruni Min For B 22 1:41.149 6 1:37.818 19 25 -3.331 +3.423
22 Z.Baumgartner Min For B 23 1:42.556 14 1:38.588 10 24 -3.968 +4.193
23 T.Glock Jor For B 19 1:38.788 18 1:38.796 27 45 +0.008 +4.401
24 G.Pantano Jor For B 21 1:39.860 14 1:39.324 16 30 -0.536 +4.929
25 B.Leinders Min For B 25 1:43.424 15 1:41.485 23 38 -1.939 +7.090
午後にタイムが上がらなかったフェラーリ (3/19)
Ferrari which times did not go up at an afternoon (Mar.19)
M.Schumacher marked 1:34.437 on the morning, the Malaysia GP first day practice stoods on a top, and it was thought whether to have become red all with No. 2 Barrichello again. However, a time did not go up the Ferrari vigor in the afternoon which temperature went up. Raikkonen which was the result terrible at the opening game stood on the top by 1:34.395 which breaked the time of M.Schumacher. A qualifying may go into the level of 1:33 seconds.
フェラーリウィリアムズ (3/18)
Ferrari vs Williams (Mar.18)
Michael Schumacher
"There were stints when Williams was quicker and also consistent. So if they get the tyres right I wouldn't be surprised if they outperformed Renault. In Australia they didn't get the tyres right but they could do at this track."
Rubens Barrichello
"There's nowhere in Europe you can get a track with that sort of temperature so Valencia, I guess, was the closest one. We had something like 25 degrees on the asphalt whereas here you can have more than 40. Fastest in Valencia didn't meant it was faster here or good here."
Juan Pablo Montoya "We're on the right track but it's a shame we're not quicker or as quick as we wanted to be. It might take some time to find more pace, but we should be stronger here."
Ralf Schumacher "We tested but we were a bit short of time. For Bahrain we expect something but for here it is basically the same package."
開幕2戦連続1-2の例 (3/18)





The example of the opening 2 game 1-2 continuation (Mar.18)
If Ferrari is 1-2 in Malaysia, it is the opening 2 game 1-2 continuation. There are five times in the past.

1952 (Ferrari)
1953 (Ferrari)
1981 (Williams)
1992 (Williams)
1998 (McLaren)

If it extracts from the opening 2 game continuation qualifying 1-2 to race 1-2, only 1952 and 1998.

Ferrari in 1952 was the six game 1-2 continuation from opening, and the 2nd place only of the final game (the 7th game) was other teams.

Only for 1981, it is that the drivers title was taken by other team among five upper examples.

In constructors title after 1958, the team of the opening 2 game 1-2 continuation has gained three examples of 1981, 92, and 98.
セパン (3/17)



Sepang (Mar.17)
It is likely to be rainy and that is not right, either. As for it, the race in 2001 began sudden to rain on the way. The place where a Michelin wants to aim at a comeback at high temperature. There are many high-speed corners and they tend to be influenced of the amount of fuel loading.

Sector 1
The low-speed section which lasts to the second corner from the first corner is a place with much accident. Michael caused the minor collision to the 1st round for two consecutive years. Takuma Sato has clashed against Fisichella, a teammate, from behind in 2002. A time difference so seldom comes here.

Sector 2
There are many high-speed corners and the revolution performance of each machine can be held. Williams of 2002 was quick although Ferrari of 2003 was quick. It can judge whether Bridgestone is strong also at a high-speed corner.

Sector 3
Although there were two straights, it was Renault that was quick in 2003. A point is an medium-low-speed corner in front of a back straight. If a machine is set good here, straight initial velocity will be raised.
Pit Stops
Stops Qualifying Important Divide Equally
2 Stops 14-21-21 18-19-19
3 Stops 11-15-15-15 14-14-14-14

Fuel Effect: 0.4 seconds per 10kg, 0.11 seconds per 1 lap


2003 Fastest Times
Session Total Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3
1st Qualify M.Schumacher 1:34.980 M.Schumacher 24.435 M.Schumacher 31.509 M.Schumacher 39.036
Final Qualify  Alonso 1:37.044 Coulthard 24.869 M.Schumacher 32.507 Trulli 39.527
Fastest Lap M.Schumacher 1:36.412 Raikkonen 24.804 M.Schumacher 32.178 Barrichello 39.089

Michael makes Sector 2 elated.


Past 5 years
Year Win PP FL
1999 Irvine M.Schumacher M.Schumacher
2000 M.Schumacher M.Schumacher Hakkinen
2001 M.Schumacher M.Schumacher Hakkinen
2002 R.Schumacher M.Schumacher Montoya
2003 Raikkonen Alonso M.Schumacher

Michael had accident for 2 consecutive years, is he prudent this year?
