7/2(金)フリー走行(日本時間18:00-19:00, 21:00-22:00)
7/3(土)フリー走行(日本時間16:00-16:45, 17:15-18:00)、予選(日本時間20:00-、地上波放送25:45-26:30)
Jul.2(Fri.) Practice(11:00-12:00, 14:00-15:00)
Jul.3(Sat.) Practice(9:00-9:45, 10:15-11:00), Qualify(13:00-)
Jul.4(Sun) Race(14:00-)

Constructors Championship

Rank Team Engine Tire Points Best R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
1 Ferrari Ferrari B 158pts 1st 18pts 15pts 18pts 13pts 18pts 6pts 18pts 18pts 18pts 16pts
2 Renault Renault M 79pts 1st 8pts 6pts 8pts 9pts 11pts 10pts 9pts (r) 5pts 13pts
3 BAR Honda M 62pts 2nd 3pts 6pts 10pts 8pts 5pts 8pts 6pts 6pts 6pts 4pts
4 Williams BMW M 37pts 2nd 9pts 8pts 2pts 8pts 3pts 5pts 1pt (dq) (r) 1pt
5 McLaren Mercedes M 22pts 5th 1pt 3pts (r) 1pt (10th) (r) (r) 7pts 5pts 5pts
6 Sauber Petronas B 15pts 4th (10th) 1pt (11th) (9th) 2pts 4pts 3pts 5pts (9th) (12th)
7 Toyota Toyota M 8pts 6th (12th) (9th) (9th) (11th) (13th) 4pts (11th) (dq) 4pts (14th)
8 Jordan Ford B 5pts 7th (14th) (13th) (13th) (r) (r) 2pts (10th) 3pts (r) (16th)
9 Jaguar Ford M 3pts 7th (11th) (10th) 1pt (13th) (12th) (r) 2pts (9th) (r) (9th)
10 Minardi Ford B 1pt 8th (r) (14th) (14th) (15th) (r) (9th) (14th) (10th) 1pt (18th)

Drivers Championship (Jul.4)

Rank Driver Chs Eg Tire Points Best R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
1 M.Schumacher Fer Fer B 90pts 1st 10pts 10pts 10pts 10pts 10pts (r) 10pts 10pts 10pts 10pts
2 R.Barrichello Fer Fer B 68pts 2nd 8pts 5pts 8pts 3pts 8pts 6pts 8pts 8pts 8pts 6pts
3 J.Button BAR Hon M 48pts 2nd 3pts 6pts 6pts 8pts 1pt 8pts 6pts 6pts (r) 4pts
4 J.Trulli Ren Ren M 46pts 1st 2pts 4pts 5pts 4pts 6pts 10pts 5pts (r) 5pts 5pts
5 F.Alonso Ren Ren M 33pts 2nd 6pts 2pts 3pts 5pts 5pts (r) 4pts (r) (r) 8pts
6 J.P.Montoya Wil BMW M 25pts 2nd 4pts 8pts (13th) 6pts (r) 5pts 1pt (dq) (dq) 1pt
7 T.Sato BAR Hon M 14pts 3rd (9th) (15th) 4pts (16th) 4pts (r) (r) (r) 6pts (r)
8 R.Schumacher Wil BMW M 12pts 4th 5pts (r) 2pts 2pts 3pts (10th) (r) (dq) (r) -
9 D.Coulthard McL Mer M 12pts 6th 1pt 3pts (r) (12th) (10th) (r) (r) 3pts 2pts 3pts
10 G.Fisichella Sau Pet B 10pts 4th (10th) (11th) (11th) (9th) 2pts (r) 3pts 5pts (9th) (12th)
11 K.Raikkonen McL Mer M 10pts 5th (r) (r) (r) 1pt (11th) (r) (r) 4pts 3pts 2pts
12 F.Massa Sau Pet B 5pts 5th (r) 1pt (12th) (10th) (9th) 4pts (9th) (r) (r) (13th)
13 O.Panis Toy Toy M 5pts 5th (13th) (12th) (9th) (11th) (r) 1pt (11th) (dq) 4pts (15th)
14 C.da Matta Toy Toy M 3pts 6th (12th) (9th) (10th) (r) (13th) 3pts (r) (dq) (r) (14th)
15 M.Webber Jag For M 3pts 7th (r) (r) 1pt (13th) (12th) (r) 2pts (r) (r) (9th)
16 N.Heidfeld Jor For B 3pts 7th (r) (r) (15th) (r) (r) 2pts (10th) 1pt (r) (16th)
17 T.Glock Jor For B 2pts 7th - - - - - - - 2pts - -
18 Z.Baumgartner Min For B 1pt 8th (r) (16th) (r) (15th) (r) (9th) (15th) (10th) 1pt (r)
19 C.Klien Jag For M 0pt 9th (11th) (10th) (14th) (14th) (r) (r) (12th) (9th) (r) (11th)
20 M.Gene Wil BMW M 0pt 10th - - - - - - - - - (10th)
21 G.Pantano Jor For B 0pt 13th (14th) (13th) (16th) (r) (r) (r) (13th) - (r) (17th)
22 G.Bruni Min For B 0pt 14th (r) (14th) (17th) (r) (r) (r) (14th) (r) (r) (18th)



Rank # Driver Chs Eg Tire Time/Diff./
laps Fastest Lap
1 1 M.Schumacher Fer Fer B 1h30.18.133 70 1:15.377(32)  
2 8 F.Alonso Ren Ren M +8.329 70 1:15.551(34)  
3 2 R.Barrichello Fer Fer B +31.622 70 1:16.035(50)  
4 7 J.Trulli Ren Ren M +32.082 70 1:16.248(15)  
5 9 J.Button BAR Hon M +32.484 70 1:15.971(50)  
6 5 D.Coulthard McL Mer M +35.520 70 1:16.303(11)  
7 6 K.Raikkonen McL Mer M +36.230 70 1:15.791(30)  
8 3 J.P.Montoya Wil BMW M +43.419 70 1:16.140(48)  
9 14 M.Webber Jag For M +52.394 70 1:15.956(53)  
10 4 M.Gene Wil BMW M +58.166 70 1:16.070(56)  
11 15 C.Klien Jag For M +1 lap 69 1:16.852(37)  
12 11 G.Fisichella Sau Pet B +1 lap 69 1:16.699(22)  
13 12 F.Massa Sau Pet B +1 lap 69 1:17.388(23)  
14 16 C.da Matta Toy Toy M +1 lap 69 1:16.937(49)  
15 17 O.Panis Toy Toy M +2 laps 68 1:17.069(53)  
16 18 N.Heidfeld Jor For B +2 laps 68 1:18.627(26)  
17 19 G.Pantano Jor For B +3 laps 67 1:17.641(15)  
18 20 G.Bruni Min For B +4 laps 66 1:18.932(52)  
r 21 Z.Baumgartner Min For B course out 31 1:19.659(13)  
r 10 T.Sato BAR Hon M engine 15 1:16.809(14)  

M・シューマッハ9勝目 (7/4)

M・シューマッハ逆転したが・・・ (7/4)

琢磨リタイヤ1号 (7/4)
Michael 9 odds (Jul.4)
For no less than four stops, Michael protected the top and raised 9 odds this season. Finally as for Alonso, the 2nd place of power was exhausted. As for the 3rd place, Barrichello reverses Trulli at the last corner of the last lap. 5th place Button. MP4-19B of Coulthard and Raikkonen went into the 6th to 7th place at a tolerable pace called delay for 35 seconds. The 8th place of Montoya slid in after the spin of 2 times.

Although the Michael inversion was carried out ...
A pace does not go up Alonso to a left rear tire by the yellowtail star. Michael reversed for the 2nd pit stop. However, 
Michael came to be considered to be the 4th necessity after the 3rd stop. Michael tends to be flown frantically and tends to extend the difference with Alonso.

Takuma 1st retired man (Jul.4)
As for the start, Alonso protected the top. The 2nd place of Michael. It becomes two persons' match race and does not follow the 3rd place after Trulli. Alonso does not yield the 1st place by the first stint. Couldn't the Michael raise the pace behind Sato after pit out? Sato stopped at 16 rounds.
ルノー「2ストップと3ストップで戦略変更も」 (7/3)

Renault "Strategy variations through the field" (Jul.3)
Pat Symonds (Renault) "I think it is possible we could see a few different strategies in the race. The limited running this weekend has made it more difficult than normal to put a precise figure on the level of tyre degradation, and while we are extremely happy with ours, this may lead to some strategy variations through the field. If people are going for three stops, I think we can probably expect them in around lap 14, followed by a second stop in the late 20s or early 30s, and a final stop in the late 40s. Those opting for two stops will probably pit for the first time around lap 18, and visit the pits for the final time in the early to mid 40s." (Atlas)

* Can Renault raise the victory for the first time in independent participation 21 years locally? In 2003 Malaysia, although Alonso was PP, Raikkonen reversed in the 1st pit. Although Alonso won from PP in Hungary in the same year, it was the favor to which Webber suppressed succession at this time. You have to stop the Michael, in order for Alonso to win by force truly. 
If it was made the Michael, the race of a season qualifying of No. 2 won twice now. In San Marino, Button was reversed in the 1st pit. In the United States, Barrichello was reversed at the time of a safety car end. Then, when it sees, a possibility that Michael will be reversed is high. 
A lead of several seconds is built to Michael and the difference will not be contracted in the second half of a stint, in order for Renault to win. In-lap and the pit-working times are likely to become a battle influenced greatly. Although Simonds has said that it may be the utterance which writes Ferrari to make it disturb. (sio)

Teammate win/lose (Jul.3)
M.Schumacher 9 MSc MSc MSc MSc MSc MSc MSc MSc RB MSc 1 R.Barrichello
J.P.Montoya 7 JPM JPM JPM JPM JPM RSc JPM RSc JPM - 2 R.Schumacher
1 - - - - - - - - - JPM 0 M.Gene
K.Raikkonen 5 KR KR - - DC KR - KR KR DC 2 D.Coulthard
J.Trulli 6 FA JT JT FA JT JT JT JT - FA 3 F.Alonso
J.Button 6 JB JB TS JB TS JB TS JB TS JB 4 T.Sato
G.Fisichella 6 FM FM GF - GF GF - GF GF GF 2 F.Massa
M.Webber 8 MW MW CK MW MW MW MW CK MW MW 2 C.Klien
C.da Matta 4 - CdM OP CdM OP OP OP CdM OP CdM 5 O.Panis
N.Heidfeld 8 NH NH NH GP NH NH NH - NH NH 1 G.Pantano
1 - - - - - - - NH - - 0 T.Glock
G.Bruni 7 - GB GB GB GB ZB GB ZB GB GB 2 Z.Baumgartner



rank # driver chs. egn. tire 1st 2nd laps(km) diff. from
rk. time time 1st top
1 8 F.Alonso Ren Ren M 5 1:13.750 1:13.698 49(216) -0.052  
2 1 M.Schumacher Fer Fer B 2 1:13.541 1:13.971 43(190) +0.430 +0.273
3 5 D.Coulthard McL Mer M 3 1:13.649 1:13.987 33(146) +0.338 +0.289
4 9 J.Button BAR Hon M 6 1:13.772 1:13.995 48(212) +0.223 +0.297
5 7 J.Trulli Ren Ren M 7 1:13.949 1:14.070 41(181) +0.121 +0.372
6 3 J.P.Montoya Wil BMW M 1 1:13.377 1:14.172 38(168) +0.795 +0.474
7 10 T.Sato BAR Hon M 8 1:14.130 1:14.240 61(269) +0.110 +0.542
8 4 M.Gene Wil BMW M 9 1:14.133 1:14.275 65(287) +0.142 +0.577
9 6 K.Raikkonen McL Mer M 4 1:13.736 1:14.346 36(159) +0.610 +0.648
10 2 R.Barrichello Fer Fer B 20 no time 1:14.478 38(168)   +0.780
11 16 C.da Matta Toy Toy M 10 1:14.245 1:14.553 62(273) +0.308 +0.855
12 14 M.Webber Jag For M 14 1:15.205 1:14.798 53(234) -0.407 +1.100
13 15 C.Klien Jag For M 13 1:15.205 1:15.065 73(322) -0.140 +1.367
14 17 O.Panis Toy Toy M 11 1:14.540 1:15.130 57(251) +0.590 +1.432
15 11 G.Fisichella Sau Pet B 15 1:15.793 1:16.177 40(176) +0.384 +2.479
16 12 F.Massa Sau Pet B 12 1:14.627 1:16.200 49(216) +1.573 +2.502
17 18 N.Heidfeld Jor For B 17 1:16.366 1:16.807 61(269) +0.441 +3.109
18 19 G.Pantano Jor For B 16 1:15.913 1:17.462 59(260) +1.549 +3.764
19 20 G.Bruni Min For B 18 1:18.070 1:17.913 52(229) -0.157 +4.215
20 21 Z.Baumgartner Min For B 19 1:18.108 1:18.247 60(265) +0.139 +4.549

ルノーがアロンソで20年ぶり地元PP (7/3)
Renault got Alonso's PP in local since 1984 (Jul.3)
In the qualifying, Alonso got his 3rd PP by 1:13.698. Renault got it local France for the first time since 1984 by Tambay. 
2nd M.Schumacher missed at the sector 3.
3rd Coulthard jumped in by MP4-19B.
4th Button, 5th Trulli, 6th Montoya.
7th Takuma Sato was late at sector 2. 

Saturday Practice

rank # driver chs. egn. tire 1st 2nd tot. diff. from
rk. time lap time lap lap 1st top
1 6 K.Raikkonen McL Mer M 20 no time 1 1:14.513 18 19    
2 9 J.Button BAR Hon M 10 1:16.304 15 1:14.568 14 29 -1.736 +0.055
3 1 M.Schumacher Fer Fer B 1 1:14.944 12 1:14.571 14 26 -0.373 +0.058
4 10 T.Sato BAR Hon M 12 1:16.569 16 1:14.711 18 34 -1.858 +0.198
5 2 R.Barrichello Fer Fer B 6 1:15.500 14 1:14.817 12 26 -0.683 +0.304
6 17 O.Panis Toy Toy M 5 1:15.478 14 1:14.883 23 37 -0.595 +0.370
7 16 C.da Matta Toy Toy M 11 1:16.384 17 1:14.885 22 39 -1.499 +0.372
8 5 D.Coulthard McL Mer M 2 1:15.402 11 1:14.977 7 18 -0.425 +0.464
9 7 J.Trulli Ren Ren M 3 1:15.423 11 1:15.033 12 23 -0.390 +0.520
10 8 F.Alonso Ren Ren M 4 1:15.434 15 1:15.096 15 30 -0.338 +0.583
11 4 M.Gene Wil BMW M 13 1:16.608 18 1:15.179 10 28 -1.429 +0.666
12 14 M.Webber Jag For M 8 1:15.977 8 1:15.350 24 32 -0.627 +0.837
13 15 C.Klien Jag For M 15 1:16.669 27 1:15.449 22 49 -1.220 +0.936
14 12 F.Massa Sau Pet B 14 1:16.619 14 1:16.062 19 33 -0.557 +1.549
15 11 G.Fisichella Sau Pet B 9 1:15.910 11 1:16.161 9 20 +0.251 +1.648
16 21 Z.Baumgartner Min For B 18 1:17.731 14 1:16.861 15 29 -0.870 +2.348
17 19 G.Pantano Jor For B 17 1:17.399 19 1:17.104 12 31 -0.295 +2.591
18 18 N.Heidfeld Jor For B 19 1:17.846 16 1:17.162 15 31 -0.684 +2.649
19 20 G.Bruni Min For B 16 1:17.174 15 1:19.401 8 23 +2.227 +4.888
20 3 J.P.Montoya Wil BMW M 7 1:15.529 16 1:21.458 8 24 +5.929 +6.945
ライコネンMP4-19Bでトップ (7/3)
Raikkonen topped by MP4-19B (Jul.3)
At Saturday practice, 1st half, M.Schumacher was the only driver who entered 1:14 secs. Coulthard was 2nd. 
2nd half, Raikkonen topped by 1:14.513. McLaren showed speed by supplied MP4-19B. However, there was little number of times of a run lap as usual two persons, and there is uneasiness in reliability. 
Although BAR was not much put into the top 10 but being changed on the level of 1:16 seconds, finally they jumped into 2nd or 4th in the qualifying simulation. Toyota also maintains good condition by 6th and 7th. Although Renault's long run is good, the speed from one does not come out.

Friday Practice

rank # driver chs. egn. tire Morning Afternoon tot. Diff. from
rk. time lap time lap lap Morn. top
1 16 C.da Matta Toy Toy M 10 1:26.757 5 1:15.518 12 17 -11.239  
2 7 J.Trulli Ren Ren M 18 1:39.392 4 1:16.206 9 13 -23.186 +0.688
3 35 A.Davidson BAR Hon M 9 1:26.552 17 1:16.231 17 34 -10.321 +0.713
4 9 J.Button BAR Hon M 12 1:28.317 5 1:16.397 8 13 -11.920 +0.879
5 1 M.Schumacher Fer Fer B 2 1:15.713 4 1:16.397 7 11 +0.684 +0.879
6 8 F.Alonso Ren Ren M - no time 3 1:16.454 10 13   +0.936
7 5 D.Coulthard McL Mer M - no time 1 1:16.464 8 9   +0.946
8 14 M.Webber Jag For M - no time 1 1:16.745 14 15   +1.227
9 6 K.Raikkonen McL Mer M - no time 1 1:16.794 10 11   +1.276
10 2 R.Barrichello Fer Fer B 1 1:15.487 4 1:17.094 5 9 +1.607 +1.576
11 17 O.Panis Toy Toy M 11 1:27.449 4 1:17.303 10 14 -10.146 +1.785
12 11 G.Fisichella Sau Pet B - no time 1 1:17.324 13 14   +1.806
13 3 J.P.Montoya Wil BMW M - no time 3 1:17.556 5 8   +2.038
14 4 M.Gene Wil BMW M 3 1:19.348 14 1:17.688 17 31 -1.660 +2.170
15 38 R.Zonta Toy Toy M 13 1:29.085 18 1:17.735 15 33 -11.350 +2.217
16 15 C.Klien Jag For M 14 1:29.626 8 1:17.936 10 18 -11.690 +2.418
17 10 T.Sato BAR Hon M 16 1:30.092 10 1:17.967 11 21 -12.125 +2.449
18 12 F.Massa Sau Pet B - no time 3 1:18.614 7 10   +3.096
19 19 G.Pantano Jor For B 5 1:19.466 12 1:18.711 10 22 -0.755 +3.193
20 37 B.Wirdheim Jag For M 17 1:30.204 17 1:19.179 16 33 -11.025 +3.661
21 18 N.Heidfeld Jor For B 6 1:20.531 12 1:19.270 12 24 -1.261 +3.752
22 20 G.Bruni Min For B 7 1:21.248 13 1:19.349 10 23 -1.899 +3.831
23 39 T.Glock Jor For B 4 1:19.428 17 1:19.490 25 42 +0.062 +3.972
24 21 Z.Baumgartner Min For B 15 1:29.877 12 1:19.636 13 25 -10.241 +4.118
25 40 B.Leinders Min For B 8 1:22.267 11 1:19.914 16 27 -2.353 +4.396
雨で各チーム走れず (7/2)
Teams only a few can run with rain (Jul.2)
In the morning of the Friday practice, it is the time which Barrichello and Michael took out before rain came, and was 1-2. However, they run only 4 laps. Montoya crashed by the turn 6 of a high-speed chicane. 
Da Matta topped in dry-wet-dry session in the afternoon. Selection of race tires is postponed till daytime 12:00 on Saturday.
フランスGPとルノー (7/1)



Renault won France GP
1906 Renault AK F.Szisz
1979 Renault RS10 J.P.Jabouille
1981 Renault RE30 A.Prost
1982 Renault RE30B R.Arnouox
1983 Renault RE40 A.Prost
1991 Williams Renault FW14 N.Mansell
1992 Williams Renault FW14B N.Mansell
1993 Williams Renault FW15C A.Prost
1995 Benetton Renault B195 M.Schumacher
1996 Williams Renault FW18 D.Hill


France GP and Renault (Jul.1)
France GP is proud of the oldest history in F1 all races. First of all, the birthplace of a car race was France. The first full-scale car race in the world was Paris-Bordeaux-Paris circumference race in 1895.

And the first Grand Prix race in the world was France GP in 1906, and Renault's F. Szisz (Hungary) won the victory. This was pride for Renault.

And as for Renault who returned by the turbo, Jabouille won in France GP in 1979 73 years after. Renault won by Prost and Arnoux in 1981-83 three victories in a row. French drivers won France GP by the France vehicle.

The dignity of France GP has what is not measured and found for  French and Renault. Renault is expected to local France GP by the considerable decision.