GLN 古事記 英文 English

Kojiki The latter volume

▲OhsazakinoMikoto − OhsazakinoMikoto(Nintoku Tenno)

△The Empress IhanohimenoMikoto.
The Emperor heard that the empress went up from Yamashiro and went. So Toriyama in Toneri was dispatched. Poetry of that case's Emperor.
It's Toriyama. Hurry to Yamashiro. Catch up to the Empress. Catch up. Please catch up to my dear wife and meet.

Next he dispatched Kuchiko in Waninowomi and composed poetry.
"Like a big wild boar of Ohoikogahara in the high place of Mimoronoyama, you want me to think."

He composed poetry.
If I do not make your white arm such as the white Japanese radish which a woman of Yamashiro cultivated with a hoe a pillow, please say that you do not know me.

Now, when Kuchikonowomi said this emperor's poem, a great deal of rain was falling. Without avoiding rain, Kuchiko prostrated itself at the entrance of the front in a palace. The empress appeared at the back entrance. Kuchiko prostrated itself at the back entrance. To cross, the empress appeared at the entrance of the front in this time.
Kuchiko scrambled and came, and when kneeling down in the garden, even a lower back was flooded with rainwater. Blue clothes with red string were worn in Womi, but rainwater touched red string, so blue clothes changed to red.
By the way, younger sister's Kuchihime in Kuchikonowomi was serving the empress. Kuchihime composed the following poetry.
"When my elder brother who gives a message to the Empress is being seen in TsutsukinoMiya of Yamashiro, a tear seems to spill over me."

The Empress interrogated Kuchihime about the reason.
"He's Kuchikonowomi of my elder brother."
So three people, KuchikonoWomi, Kuchihime and Nurinomi consulted. They said to an emperor as follows.
"The reason that the empress can be here is as follows. The insect Nurinomi keeps will be insect which crawls sometime, be a shell (cocoon) sometime and be the bird which flies (moth) sometime. In other words, unusual insect which changes to 3 colors. She is here to see this insect. She never has a rebel mind."
The Emperor said as follows.
"In that case I think it's unusual, so I'll go to see, too."
The Emperor went out of the Imperial Palace and entered a house in Nurinomi. Nurinomi has presented 3 kinds of kept insect to the Empress at that time.
The Emperor stood as an entrance of the palace where the Empress is here and composed poetry as follows.
"A woman of Yamashiro is a hoe and the grown Japanese radish isn't refreshing. But you make noise, so I take people like a branch of an overgrown mulberry and have come."

Six of poetry these Emperor and the Empress composed is Henka (tanka written in reply) of Shiduuta.

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