TopMa_ho_Ma_ho_Family まほまほファミリー


Our unit has been called [Ma_ho_Ma_ho_Family].


profile of Yoko

She’s YOKO, a poet.

profile of Hideki

He’s Hideki, le marchand de bonheur.

We often act together.

Also sometimes we act avec our infant and our baby.


We whisper poems close to ear from guest to guest.mimimoto / 耳元


One day Yoko and Hideki opened a clinic .
Clients response to some psychological questions,
and we write out a prescription,
then clients go to a [Pharmacy],
and they receive poem s instead of drugs.


Yoko hinden Hideki
poet le marchand de bonheur

Children's information

Ma_ho Tomomichi
girl boy

advent / まほ 降臨


our performance

quala / 殻


relation to

C.R.A.N.E. 2002
in France
C.R.A.N.E. 2002 / Hideki / フランス 遠征 What a joyfull communiation ! / denseikan 2 between Ma_ho & Kyou / 伝声管

Ma_ho_Ma_ho_Family art Festival
[Tezurumozuru] with Korean artists
Ma_ho_Ma_ho_Family's art festival [Wariate] / [わりあて] violacee reflextions / 紫の黙思 uzki / 卯月
in Italy
[2004 calendar]
ZubiZuva / ズビズバ July : ceinture de chastete et pluie / 07月 : 貞操帯と雨と Avenue Yamate, Yoko & Hideki / 山手通り
[Kikan] avec Makime [crosstalk]
kikan / 帰還 Sude_to_Suashi / family / 素手と素足 Avenue Yamate, Yoko & Hideki 2 / 山手通り
duo works by Yoko & Piromochi [kurukuru] photo gallery
avec Piromichi / 伊藤 洋子 & 坂本 弘道 : duo   other photos

Yoko's drawing
uzki / 卯月

Following, except acts as solo, but only Ma_ho_Ma_ho_Family's acts.


performance in Italia.


We take part in [AAC] (also related [MMAC]), international art event.

Go » performance [What a joyfull communication !]


We take part in [MMAC], international art event.

We take part in [AAC], international art event.

Go » performance [Quala]
but sorry, include of written in Japanese.

2001/09/12 Wed

We take part in [MMAC], international art event.

Go » performance [un Homme et une Femme]
but sorry, include of written in Japanese.

2000/03/20 Mon

Notre fils [Tomomichi] was born.

1997/05/18 Sun

Notre fille [Ma_ho] was born.

1996/10/08 Tue

Yoko and Hideki entried in a family register.


Yoko and Hideki started to cohabit.

1995/08/27 Sun

performance [Hazuki].
[Hazuki] means [August] in old Japanese language.
And also [Hazuki] is the name of one of Yoko's poem.
Yoko performed her poem, and
Hideki added sounds.

Yoko and Hideki performed together for the first time.


Yoko and Hideki happend to meet again
in Tokyo.


Yoko and Hideki happend to meet for the first time
in live House when a noise band was performed.

pages written in English

Yoko hinden Hideki
She’s YOKO, a poet. He’s Hideki, le marchand de bonheur.

include of written in Japanese

Top events profile Yoko hinden Hideki
Ma_ho_Ma_ho_Family live & events Yoko & Hideki profile profile

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