Gen-yu's Files

Last update: 19-SEP-1999

contents (11-20)

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72KB 20. Audouinella sp., a kind of freshwater red algae. (6pics; 72KB)
Aqualium hobbiests are hate them very much! Pictures of Sporangia are available.
8KB 19. "The double helix" (1pic; 8KB)
Microphoto of the DNA?????
34KB 18. Cuticle of human hair. (3pics; 34KB)
Observed by SUMP method.
32KB 17. Strange branching. (3pics; 32KB)
The "false ramification" of cyanobacteria (Scytonema).
67KB 16. Buddings from zoospores of Oedogonium sp. (6pics; 67KB)
They were floating on the surface of water.
98/11/23 47KB 15. Springtails. (4pics; 47KB)
They are jumping on the surface of water in my aqualium tank. (probablly Sminthuridinae)
98/11/16 32KB 14. A leech in my aqualium tank. (4pics; 32KB)
Glossifonia lata? A close up picture of the head is available. 3 pairs of eyes.
36KB 13. Cross section of stems of water plants. (5pics; 36KB)
This is Rotala. Pictures of Ambulia, Potamogeton, Hygrophyla are also available.
50KB 12. Chroococcus sp. ? (3pics; 50KB)
They looks like the two cells stage of some animal.
65KB 11. Observation of spermatozoon in liverworts. (5pics; 65KB)
The species is Marchantia polymorpha. Spores and Elaters are also shown.

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Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Gen-yu Sasaki . All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.