Gen-yu's Files

Last update: 19-SEP-1999

contents (1-10)

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24KB 10. "Pedicellaria" of sea urchin. (2pics; 24KB)
Special kind of spine around sea urchin. They are released in bad condition.
98/12/05 104KB 9. Veronica anagalis-aquatica (3pics; 104KB)
This is alien plant in Japan. I found them in Saitama prefecture in 1997.
11KB 8. Eggs of a gecko. (1pic; 11KB)
They are found in a tubing duct for the heater. Very small!
15KB 7. A strange creature in a flower of golden rot. (2pics; 15KB)
This is a kind of mite. They have only 2 pairs of legs.
27KB 6. The conidia of mold. (3pics; 27kB)
Alternaria sp. "Conidium(a)" is the spore(s) generated not by reduction division.
31KB 5. A kind of water flea. (7pics; 31KB)
Identified as Shizopera sp. by an expert. They were found in my aqualium tank.
150KB 4. Too many tubes! (7pics; 150KB)
In general, a pollen grain have only one pollen tube. But...
39KB 3. Dero sp. (4pics; 39KB)
An worm in water. This picture shows its tail end.
48KB 2. The breakdown of an ciliata. (4pics; 48KB)
Pictures are taken by a video printer.
51KB 1. Coleochaete sp. (2pics; 51KB)
They are beliebed to be an ancestor of land plants. I found them in my aqualium tank!

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Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Gen-yu Sasaki . All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.