Help: Bookmarks of Quantum Computing


The displayed tree has nodes. Each of the nodes correspond to a bookmark. You can browse bookmarks in the tree. You can also add a homepage as a bookmark into the tree if you have registered as a contributor.


Open a web page (all users)
Double-click a node, and the home page corresponding to the node will open.
Browse bookmarks (all users)
Drag a node and move the tree.
Shown information of a node (all users)
Click a node and highlight it. The title, URL and keywords of the high-lighted node will be displayed.
Search a node with keywords (all users)
Give keywords separated by " ", and press the return key. One of the matched nodes will be high-lighted. You can see another matched node by using arrow buttons near the keyword input box.
Show recently modified contents (all users)
The bookmark of the recently updated contents are displayed with the green border. You can also make a list of the updated bookmarks.
Bookmark a home page (registered contributors)
You can add a new home page into the bookmarks. There are several methods.
Write a note (registered contributors)
Select a node which you have created, write a memo for the selected node, and push the button. Then, the memo will be saved.

Algorithm for tree allocation (reference)

Lamping, John and Rao, Ramana,
"The Hyperbolic Browser: A Focus + Context Technique for Visualizing Large Hierarchies"
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 7(1):33-55, 1996