November , 1999

November 16, 1999

An information offer with site carrying out the popularity vote of 100
Rock stars was taken. If it clicks on this, it can go for vote contents.
It is site called "100 Greatest Men In Music".

Everyone of Steve Perry Fan in the world, Let's vote for Steve Perry.

Steve Perry makes a good fight at present with the fourth prize on November 16.

November 1, 1999

It can listen to the sample sound source of the album "First Big Picnic" of Laid Law that a guest participated Steve Perry. Click on this ( And, a recording tune is as mentioned in the following.

1.Send My Baby Home        6.Shine On Me
2.Burnin'                 7.Give It Time
3.Sweet Leanna            8.Stoned
4.Wastin' My Home           9.Just Might Do Me In
5.Rock And Roll Hoochie Koo   10.Catfish Stew

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