What a joyfull communication !
among different places, among different ages, among different languages, among different times, ...
Yes, I'm interested in [communication].
(even if it's include of [miss-communication] or [dis-communication])
For instance.
Me and my wife YOKO whisper from an audience's ear to another audience's ear.
Same time. Another text. It's confusion. And.
While only one audience can listen, other people never know what we are talking.
It's a good situation for my performance.
Sometimes my sermon is in ancient Sanskrit language,
so nobody understand.
I say hello and how are you in Japanese language.
French people does not understand. But don't mind. With friendly smile. It's NO PROBLEM.
Often I use my handmade communication tool. But it's offline. NO PROBLEM.
[ZubiZuva] is [poly-rhythm A Cappella ensemble].
Only by 3 men's voice.
3/4 time, 5/4 time, and 7/8 time. We sing same time. It's exciting.
Please GOOGLE by this word [ZubiZuva mp3]. You can listen my songs.
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