
         The Taiwan shinkansen and I  




 I retired from the company, which worked for 35 years some in September in the retirement age.I was going to proceed a way of international contribution.

However it decided to business trip to Taiwan high-speed railway system construction, though it was not passed even one month.

My job is the important duty of the electrical coordination manager for 70km section, which contains 3 places of 161kV substations in center of Taiwan.

It will be passed two months soon from I joined into the big project of the Taiwan Shinkansen.

I become understand something just a little compare with the first status which I could not understand any phenomena.

As Taiwanese celebrate the Chinese New Year in end of January, it dose not have special meaning in end of December, though they are very busy for preparation new year in Japan.

We have a usual schedule tightly in Taiwan. Though the Tasichung city is ranked No.3 city of Taiwan equivalent to the Nagoya City in Japan, it can be said that there are higher layer buildings than Nagoya.

Road width is wide beyond Nagoya and respectable though it is said that Goto Shinpei realized the city planning which couldn't be realized in Tokyo.

Elevator operation ladies work having high proud, young ladies in the office who are all talented women respect elders and show warm attention to them.

Also it is popular old Japanese song, there are row in front of movie theater. I feel the character, which treasures person-to-person contact, lost in Japan and as though I were somewhat slipped in the time.

The anti-Japan emotion of China and South Korea is greatly being reported so that it may be represented by Yasukuni Shrine problem.

On the other hand it is true that there were many Japanese contributed to local development with high passion.

Taiwanese evaluate highly such act and have good impression to Japan.

I must solve the matter that I cannot understand Chinese at all. There are a few people who can speak English as same as Japan.

English and Chinese are official language as international project. Western speak English Taiwanese speak Chinese accordingly.

I heard many bad rumors before came to Taiwan such as high-speed railway can not run due to the ground subsidence and a signal couldn't be used in the standard difference.

As for finish works as well, the excellent all exposed piping, which isn't seen nowadays in Japan.

I think it is inevitable there is something discrepancy because Japan got contract after finish of civil works by European and also project started in European standards.

can say that progress of the project is very smooth because the delivery of the vehicles has already been finished, and test running is already recorded 315km/h.

I would like to do my best with the aim of the completion.

December 20, 2005 Noguchi Yuichiro at Taichung city.
