Knowledge management


It is said that last 10 years in 1990 years was lost time in Japan.

Since Windows95 appeared, new business which combined with management engineering and IT(information technology) was introduced to Japan from USA one after another.

For that time, Japan keeps being busy with the treatment for the bubble collapse in such cases as the bank disgraceful affair, the disgraceful affair of the police managing staff.


Though an electronic product was one of the favorite Japanese technology, USA completed IT as a system which made the most of management engineering.

It is the field which we couldn't forecast.


Knowledge management is one of the management engineering which developed in West in 1900 years and it developed rapidly combined with IT which has been developing same time.


Japanese knowledge management academic meeting is established in Japan in 1998.

No standardized definition of knowledge management. There are 14 example in the definition collection of Japanese knowledge management academic meeting.

One of sample is as follow:

Systematic knowledge creation is to turn the knowledge which a member in the organization created is embodied in the whole of the organization in the product, the service and the business system.

Systematic knowledge creation is the key of Japanese pattern innovation.

In other words, it not so much sharing with knowledge as a creation of the knowledge, and I agree with this definition.


A system building step is as follows:

(1) Classify the collection of the documented knowledge, document the knowledge, systematize it, then, make electronic data.

(2)Make the system which accumulate, control by one system, easy reference, circulation, sharing and creation of every document that building of the data base.

Many computer manufacturer sells various support systems.


(3)Text mining

It is meaningless if it can't obtain necessary data soon even if many data are collected all the way.

The system is that does a general idea reference in addition to the usual key word reference and the whole passage reference.

It is named with the image of excavating a precious metal from the mine.


(4)XML (Extensible Markup Language)

The language which an Internet standard tool such as web browser can be used for.

There are advantage of that the unification of fragmentary knowledge, sharing with knowledge of plural system.


(5)PDF (Portable Document Format)

A document including not only a textbook but also a photograph, the illustration, and so on can be put together in compact size.

Therefore, it is suitable for document distribution in wide range.


(6)EIP (Enterprise Information Portal)

A thing unifies the information which it is necessary for staffs in such cases as document and electronic mail, the schedule, the internet information and to indicate the information on web browser.

If they set up in advance they doesn't need to go to take information by themselves because it deliver the information automatically.


The progress of IT is marvelous, and a new system and a new word are created suddenly from the computer manufacturer in every three months.

But, the secret of a success is whether how we understand a problem before the computer, and how appreciate true nature and whether it is developed.


Though IT is indispensable to building of knowledge management system, the most important things are the existence of the knowledge, the wisdom, creative themselves.


We ourselves build up the system, and the computer is only effective means.


July 2, 2000 Y.Noguchi

