Let's study at overseas graduate school
It's very popular studying at graduate schools among businessmen and women. However,@unfortunately, at the moment, there is no graduate schools with correspondence course in Japan.
It's a regret for them, who wish to enhance their current work capability and performance, or to@aim for new directions in their current career and professional development in accordance with progress of society.

As one of the six big reformation, Mr.Tadao Ishikawa, former president of the Keio University, submitted recommendation of establishment of graduate schools with correspondence course as education reformation to prime minister Ryutaro Hashimoto.

I am an engineer working at heavy electrical machinery manufacturer in Tokyo. I have been engaged in overseas construction works such as high voltage substations in Iraq, electrical power supply system for subway in Singapore, electrical facilities for textile plant in Algeria and so on, for 20 years. During the period, I have been interested in development economics because my works deeply related with world economic changes. That's why I wish to study more economics.

At the graduation ceremonies in Keio university, I came across my friend in Vienna who works at UNIDO, one of organ in the United Nations. She graduated graduate school in USA through correspondence course. I sent an e-mail to her requesting to introduce some graduate schools in correspondence course. She recommended me to study at MSC in development finance at University of London as a best school of economics in the world where majority of economics in Nobel Prize winner studied .
I submitted an application form with supporting documents, a copy of passport, an official certified transcript of Keio University grade/marks and an essay. On November, fortunately, I succeeded to join distance learning course of the university.

For your reference, I would like to introduce overseas graduate schools. It's very different from Japanese graduate school system. As far as I know, there are some universities where they can get Ph.D. through correspondence course. Among them London University is very unique, it was founded in 1836 and is one of Britain's top three universities together with Oxford and Cambridge. The university's distance learning programs(correspondence course) has more than a hundred years experience.
As eligibility, it is normally required to have ability of proficiency in English language. In case of University of London, it is requested equivalent to IELTS level 6.0(the British Counsel'sInternational English Language Testing Service) equivalent to approximately TOEFL 550`600. Regarding schooling, there are some universities where they can get degree without attending school. Following information are example of University of London.
The study materials are not only text books, but video cassette lectures, audio cassette exercises and computer software. Student queries on academic or administrative matters can be directed to the student help line by telephone, fax, electronic mail or letter post. The examination will be carried out world-wide from September to November, in case of Japan they can sit for examinations at Tokyo, Kyoto and Sapporo. Students who fail are given only one opportunity to resit.Besides the examination, the students shall submit about 2,500 words essay or exercise, there are two assignments to complete for each examination.

Obtaining a Master's degree under having occupation by correspondence in English is not an easy task. It requires a lot of efforts and patience. However, in my experience in study in Keio University, I think that study with working is one of delightful intelligent games and bring many useful things to my works.

I emphasize again study at graduated school with distance learning offers development opportunities without interrupting individuals' careers. I look forward to welcoming you join to me.

Reference: A panphlet of University of London
Dec.1997 Y.Noguchi

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