Roses are red, Violets are blue. Sugar is sweet, And so are you. ばらは あかい すみれは あおい おさとうは あまい あなたも すてき Poems for Yumiko's family
Your sky-blue eyes,
Watching her passion.
Strong family ties,
Across the blue ocean.When you search through Google,
Your key word is "passion".
After eating a cup noodle,
You will take action.Look at you, Sophia,
The show's gonna start, my dear.
Walk to me, Serena,
Down the shining aisle of the arena.A Poem for Mr. O
Mr.O, what are you doing?
For Matta you are working.
I wanna say "Hi",
Coz we're from Neyagawa High.日本の七五調(俳句・短歌・標語)のように、韻を踏んだ詩(マザーグース)は、とても口ずさみやすいです。ぜひ、みなさんも声に出して読んでみてくださいね。(赤と青がそれぞれ韻を踏んでいます)
さて、最後に・・・次の詩はビートルズが"Dear Prudence" で作った替え唄です。ビートルズの替え唄もシンプルです。
The sun is up,
The sky is blue.
It's beautiful
And so are you.